The Pokémon League is located on a grassy hill that can be accessed from Mesagoza without meeting any requirements. However, the player is not allowed to enter the League building itself with fewer than eight Gym Badges. A Pokémon Center stands outside the League building.
After acquiring a Solgaleo Treat from Snacksworth, Solgaleo will spawn on the rooftop as a static encounter. If defeated, it can be battled again after the game has been rebooted, provided that over one hour has passed in Nintendo Switch's internal clock since its defeat. It is coded to never be Shiny.
Paldea's Pokémon League is where Trainers who have earned eight Gyms Badges come to take on the Champion Assessment. Those who pass it are granted the Champion Rank, making them official Champions.
Entrance room
The entrance room is where Rika conducts an interview with the player as the first part of the Champion Assessment. Once Rika has declared that the player has passed, they can enter the next room.
Elite Four room
The second part of the Champion Assessment is the Elite Test, where the player must battle and defeat the Elite Four in a set order. Unlike previous Leagues, the Elite Four are faced in only one room. The Elite Test takes place in a square room surrounded with blue tiles, with the main battlefield in its center. Each time a member of the Elite Four is defeated, they will call out for the next member to arrive and the player's Tera Orb is recharged. After all four members have been defeated, the player's team is fully healed and they're given access to the rooftop.
On the rooftop of the Pokémon League building, the player conducts the third and final part of the Champion Assessment by battling against Top Champion Geeta. Defeating her makes the player a Champion.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here. Probability weight indicates the likelihood that a Pokémon will spawn at a certain point in this location relative to others that can spawn there. A higher probability weight generally indicates that a Pokémon is more likely to spawn. Pokémon with the highest or lowest level requirements may not spawn in every possible location within this area. A bolded level range replaces the Pokémon's non-bolded level range after the player has completed The Way Home.
There is only one valid Flower biome spawner in this area, which can make it more difficult to find specific Pokémon that only spawn in that biome.
The Pokémon League of Paldea was introduced as a Stadium card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game as Pokémon League Headquarters during the English Scarlet & Violet Series (the Japanese Scarlet & Violet Era). It was first released in the Japanese Ruler of the Black Flame expansion and the English Obsidian Flames expansion, with artwork by Oswaldo KATO. It increases the Energy costs of attacks used by Basic Pokémon in play by one.
This is the only Pokémon League that cannot be rematched, as well as the only Pokémon League in which the Elite Four are all battled in the same room. Instead, the Elite Four and Champion can be rebattled through other means:
Geeta and Hassel can be rebattled as a part of the Academy Ace Tournament. However, Hassel battles in his capacity as an Instructor rather than as an Elite Four member.
Larry can be rebattled once in his capacity as a Gym Leader.
In The Indigo Disk, all five can be rebattled in the League Club Room, although Larry battles as a Gym Leader and Hassel as an Instructor.
During the Champion Assessment, the Elite Four wear black gloves with a print of the Pokémon League's insignia on the right glove; Larry and Hassel are not seen wearing these gloves outside of the Champion Assessment, while Rika and Poppy both wear their gloves at all times throughout the game.
This Pokémon League's logo, as well as its building when seen from above, resembles a compass with a diagonal arrow.
In The Indigo Disk, a conversation between Geeta and Hassel reveals that the Elite Test room has a bell that alerts the members of the Elite Four when to arrive. However, it is broken, and as the repair crew that Geeta hired is too busy to fix it, the Elite Four must call out for the next member instead.