Dragonair is a long, serpentine reptilianPokémon with sky blue scales and a white underside. It has a rounded snout, oval purple eyes, and a small, white horn on its forehead. On each side of its head is a small, stylized wing, which is white and curves into a swirl at the base. Three blue, crystal orbs adorn its body: one on its neck and two on its tail.
Dragonair emits a gentle aura that gives it a mystical appearance. As seen in Pikachu's Rescue Adventure, it can make its wings grow larger in order to fly, but otherwise moves through the air unaided. Dragonair hosts a large amount of energy within its body, which it can discharge through the crystals on its neck and tail. This causes its body to brighten and give off a different aura that changes the weather in its vicinity. As a result, Dragonair has been referred as a "divine Pokémon" since ancient times by agricultural peoples. Dragonair is a rare Pokémon that inhabits pristine seas and lakes. The lakes Dragonair lives in are usually filled with offerings from people in gratitude. It is said that a person who sees a Dragonair at the start of a year will be healthy for the whole year. As mentioned in Pokémon Sleep, Dragonair is known to channel power and change the weather even while it sleeps.[1]
They say that if it emits an aura from its whole body, the weather will begin to change instantly. (Pokémon Red, Silver, or Crystal inserted) Its crystalline orbs appear to give this Pokémon the power to freely control the weather. (Pokémon Blue, Gold, or Yellow inserted)
Dragonair stores an enormous amount of energy inside its body. It is said to alter weather conditions in its vicinity by discharging energy from the crystals on its neck and tail.
A Dragonair stores an enormous amount of energy inside its body. It is said to alter the weather around it by loosing energy from the crystals on its neck and tail.
Dragonair stores an enormous amount of energy inside its body. It is said to alter weather conditions in its vicinity by discharging energy from the crystals on its neck and tail.
Dragonair is said to gather power in the orbs on its tail and control the weather, sometimes even in its sleep. Be careful—the weather around this Pokémon can change instantly.
Dragonair debuted in the banned episodeEP035, as a Dratini the warden of the Safari Zone, Kaiser, was protecting. Over the 30 years since Kaiser last saw the elusive Dragon type, it evolved into Dragonair. It also now has a child Dratini.
In On Olden Pond, a Dragonair lived in a lake that Mr. Saridakis planned to build a luxury resort on. Dragonair was discovered to have saved Mr. Saridakis in the past. A second, present-day rescue led to him cancelling his plans for the lake.
Dragonair, the Dragon Pokémon. A Legendary Pokémon that can freely make it rain or snow. It's said to be able to fly, even though it doesn't have wings.
Lance owns two Dragonair, one of which he caught previously, the other stolen and brainwashed. The latter was sought by Yellow for surfing, as it was offered as a prize in a surfing contest in Breath of the Dragonair Part 1, the former first appeared in Extricated from Exeggutor. Multiple other Dragonair also make up the Dragon-type army together with his multiple Aerodactyl, together they were used to attack the mainlands of Kanto. They first appeared in Playing Horsea.
Clair's Dragonair appeared in Debonaire Dragonair, where it was seen being used to battle Ryu's Seadra and win. It later cam with its Trainer to the Dragon's Den, where it battled and was defeated by Suicune.
In Crystal Orb of Rainfall, Shu meets a Dragonair named Ryuko in the body of a human. He helps her find the blue orb she lost that used to be on her neck.
Later, in GDZ66, Shu catches a Dragonair of his own.
A Dragonair appeared in Good-Bye, Pikachu?!, where it evolved from a Dratini. It managed to take out all of Giovanni's Pokémon. Dragonair then evolved into a Dragonite when Clefairy pulled its tail.
According to the radio drama The Birth of Mewtwo, Dragonair was scientifically registered by a Pokémon discovery ship 1001 about 200 nautical miles away from the open sea of Seafoam Islands.
In Blackthorn City, a woman is willing to trade her RhydonGS or DodrioCHGSS for a female Dragonair. This makes Dragonair the only Pokémon able to be male or female that must be a specific gender for an in-game trade.
In Pokémon Yellow, Dragonair's catch rate was changed from 45 to 27, making it the hardest Pokémon to catch in the Kanto Safari Zone. In the later games, the catch rate was changed back to 45.
Dragonair and its evolutionary relatives share their category with Horsea, its evolved forms, Salamence, and Kalosian Goodra. They are all known as the Dragon Pokémon.
Dragonair appears to be based on sea serpents or ryu, traditional Japanese dragons or Chinese dragons who bring good luck. It also resembles a snake, its tail even resembling that of a rattlesnake. The wings on its head resemble those on the sandals and hat of the Greek god Hermes, and its long, snakelike body may be a reference to the snakes on his scepter.
Dragonair may also be based on the imugi, a proto-dragon that resembles a snake and lives in water or caves, much like Dragonair. After an imugi lives a thousand years, a jewel (called a Yeouiju) will fall from the sky. If the imugi catches it, it will become a true dragon. The jewels on Dragonair's neck and tail might also be a reference to Chinese dragons' associations with pearls, specifically, the flaming pearl often placed under dragon's chin which symbolizes prosperity, power, immortality, thunder, and grants wishes.
Name origin
Dragonair may be a combination of dragon and air, debonair, or lair (traditional home of a dragon).
Hakuryū may be derived from 白竜 hakuryū (white dragon).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.