Lake Valor

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Lake Valor リッシこ
Risshi Lake
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
File:Lake Valor.jpg
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: South end of Route 214
Region: Sinnoh
Generations: IV

Location of Lake Valor in Sinnoh.
Pokémon world locations
File:Lake Azelf.png
Azelf in Valor Cavern
File:Lake Valor dry.jpg
A dried-up Lake Valor. Note the numerous Magikarp flailing.

Lake Valor (Japanese: リッシこ Risshi Lake) is a location in the region of Sinnoh. Here, Team Galactic's Commander Saturn is battled for the first time. Within the cave in the center of the lake resides the legendary Pokémon Azelf.

During the events of Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, Team Galactic used a Galactic Bomb to dry up the lake. The resulting earthquake was felt in Canalave City, located at the opposite end of Sinnoh. After Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina has been captured or defeated at Mt. Coronet, the lake will appear rejuvenated.


Item Location Games

Template:Itlistbod Template:Itlistbod


style="background: #FFFFAA;" style="background: #5ED0FF;" style="background: #003366; color: #FFFF99;" style="background: #ACC9E6;"
Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
All times

054 Psyduck D P Pt Grass 35-36 20%

054 Psyduck D P Pt Grass 38-39 15%

055 Golduck D P Pt Grass 40-41 15%

397 Staravia D P Pt Grass 38-40 35%

400 Bibarel D P Pt Grass 34-36 45%

400 Bibarel D P Pt Grass 39-41 35%

433 Chingling D P Pt Grass 35-36 10%

397 Staravia D P Pt Grass 34-36 25%

397 Staravia D P Pt Grass 34-36 25%

397 Staravia D P Pt Grass 34-36 5%

164 Noctowl D P Pt Grass 34-36 20%
Surfing and Fishing

054 Psyduck D P Pt Surfing 20-30 90%

055 Golduck D P Pt Surfing 20-40 10%

129 Magikarp D P Pt Old Rod 3-15 100%

129 Magikarp D P Pt Good Rod 10-25 65%

118 Goldeen D P Pt Good Rod 10-25 35%

130 Gyarados D P Pt Super Rod 30-55 65%

119 Seaking D P Pt Super Rod 30-55 35%
Special Pokémon

202 Wobbuffet D P Pt Poké Radar 35,36,39,40 22%

108 Lickitung D P Pt Swarms 34-36 40%

338 Solrock D P Pt Dongle
35,40,41 8%

337 Lunatone D P Pt Dongle
35,40,41 8%

482 Azelf D P Pt Valor Cavern 50 Only One

A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Diamond and Pearl

Psychic Unknown
Held item:
Azelf Lv.50
Psychic Special
Normal Special
Future Sight
Psychic Special
Nasty Plot
Dark Status


Psychic Unknown
Held item:
Azelf Lv.50
Normal Special
Normal Special
Future Sight
Psychic Special
Nasty Plot
Dark Status


Diamond and Pearl

Trainer Pokémon
Galactic Grunt
Galactic Grunt
Reward: $1320
Glameow Glameow Lv.33
No item
Croagunk Croagunk Lv.33
No item
Galactic Grunt
Galactic Grunt
Reward: $1440
Golbat Golbat Lv.32
No item
Croagunk Croagunk Lv.36
No item
Galactic Grunt
Galactic Grunt
Reward: $1240
Croagunk Croagunk Lv.34
No item
Dustox Dustox Lv.31
No item
Beautifly Beautifly Lv.31
No item


Trainer Pokémon
Galactic Grunt
Galactic Grunt
Reward: $1400
Glameow Glameow Lv.35
No item
Murkrow Murkrow Lv.35
No item
Galactic Grunt
Galactic Grunt
Reward: $1480
Golbat Golbat Lv.37
No item
Galactic Grunt
Galactic Grunt
Reward: $1320
Croagunk Croagunk Lv.33
No item
Houndour Houndour Lv.33
No item
Stunky Stunky Lv.33
No item
Glameow Glameow Lv.33
No item

In the anime

Lake Valor in the anime

Lake Valor was the location of the most recent Wallace Cup tournament. Like the games, the Hotel Grand Lake and Seven Stars Restaurant were located nearby, and Ash, Dawn, Brock, and May all battled at the restaurant.

In The Needs of the Three!, it was explained that Lake Valor, and indeed all three of Sinnoh's lakes, are the entrances to another world where the Lake Trio lives, and they do not actually live in the lakes themselves.

In the same episode, Pokémon Hunter J dropped the Galactic Bomb, bringing out Azelf from its home and drawing out Mesprit and Uxie when their comrade was captured. She was challenged by Gary, who was working with Professor Rowan, but Saturn's Toxicroak quickly beat his Umbreon and Electivire.

Lake Valor will host the upcoming Sinnoh Grand Festival.


  • At each of Sinnoh's lakes, a TM can be found containing a powerful move of a different elemental type. Lake Valor's TM is Template:Type2.
  • For some reason, the damage caused by Team Galactic's bomb is fixed when later returning to capture Azelf. Also, there appears to be the dried-up remains of a river that would flow into the lake on the northwest side that vanishes when the lake is restored.
  • When the bomb is set off here, it is powerful enough to be felt on the opposite end of the region, in Canalave City. Despite this, the Magikarp living in the lake are unharmed and no damage is visible to the land, besides the obvious drying up of the water.

Name origin

Valor means "courage". This is fitting, as Azelf is the Willpower Pokémon.

In other languages

  • Spanish: Lago Valor
  • Italian: Lago Valore
  • German: See der Kühnheit
  • Polish: Jezioro Waleczności
  • Chinese: 立志湖
  • French: Lac Courage

Twinleaf TownSandgem TownJubilife CityOreburgh CityFloaroma TownEterna CityHearthome City
Solaceon TownVeilstone CityPastoria CityCelestic TownCanalave CitySnowpoint CitySunyshore City
Pokémon LeagueFight AreaSurvival AreaResort Area
Lake Verity (Lakefront) • Oreburgh GateOreburgh MineOreburgh Mining MuseumGlobal Terminal/Global Wonder Station
Ravaged PathFloaroma MeadowValley WindworksEterna ForestOld ChateauUnderground/Grand Underground
Wayward CaveMount CoronetAmity SquareLost TowerHallowed TowerSolaceon RuinsManiac TunnelLake Valor (Lakefront)
Great MarshPokémon MansionTrophy GardenFuego IronworksIron IslandLake Acuity (Lakefront) • Spear PillarVictory Road
Pal Park/Ramanas ParkContest HallBattle ZoneBattle ParkBattle Tower/Battle FrontierStark MountainSnowpoint Temple
Spring PathSendoff SpringTurnback CaveFullmoon IslandNewmoon IslandSeabreak PathFlower ParadiseHall of Origin
Access to
Distortion World
See also

Game locations of Legendary and Mythical Pokémon
Kanto Seafoam IslandsPower PlantVictory RoadCerulean Cave
Route 10Route 25Pewter CityRoaming Pokémon
Sevii Islands Mt. EmberNavel RockBirth Island
Johto Ilex ForestBell TowerWhirl IslandsMt. Silver Cave
Burned TowerEmbedded TowerRoaming Pokémon
Hoenn Desert RuinsIsland CaveAncient TombCave of OriginMarine Cave
Terra CaveSky PillarSouthern IslandSea MauvilleScorched Slab
Pathless PlainNameless CavernFabled CaveGnarled Den
Trackless ForestCrescent IsleSkyRoaming Pokémon
Sinnoh Acuity CavernValor CavernSpear PillarTurnback Cave
Rock Peak RuinsIceberg RuinsIron RuinsSnowpoint Temple
Stark MountainNewmoon IslandFlower ParadiseHall of Origin
Ramanas ParkFloaroma TownRoaming Pokémon
Unova Guidance ChamberTrial ChamberRumination FieldN's CastleAbundant Shrine
Giant ChasmDragonspiral TowerLiberty GardenRoute 11Route 13Route 22
Route 23Celestial TowerNacrene CityUnderground RuinsTwist Mountain
DreamyardMarvelous BridgeReversal MountainCoastal BiomeRoaming Pokémon
Kalos Sea Spirit's DenTeam Flare Secret HQTerminus Cave
Unknown DungeonRoaming Pokémon
Alola Route 16Altar of the SunneAltar of the MooneMount LanakilaMahalo Trail
Ruins of ConflictRuins of LifeRuins of AbundanceRuins of Hope
Aether ParadiseAncient Poni PathLake of the SunneLake of the Moone
Ten Carat HillResolution Cave
Galar Tower summitBattle TowerMaster DojoCrown ShrineMax Lair
Rock Peak RuinsIceberg RuinsIron RuinsSplit-Decision RuinsGiant's Bed
Frigid SeaLakeside CaveBallimere LakeFreezingtonRoaming Pokémon
Hisui Seaside HollowTemple of SinnohAcuity CavernValor CavernVerity Cavern
Lava Dome SanctumMoonview ArenaSnowpoint TempleTurnback CaveBonechill Wastes
Cobalt CoastlandsRamanas IslandScarlet BogCoronet HighlandsFloaro Gardens
Paldea Grasswither ShrineIcerend ShrineGroundblight ShrineFirescourge Shrine
Poco PathArea ZeroArea Zero UnderdepthsGlaseado Mountain
South Province (Area One)Asado DesertWest Province (Area One)East Province (Area Three)
Casseroya LakeNorth Paldean SeaSouth Province (Area Four)North Province (Area Two)
Alfornada CavernGreat Crater of PaldeaTagtree ThicketEast Province (Area One)
South Province (Area Five)Dalizapa PassagePokémon LeagueSocarrat Trail
Kitakami Paradise BarrensWistful FieldsOni MountainDreaded DenLoyalty Plaza
Other Faraway IslandDistortion WorldSinjoh RuinsUltra Space Wilds
This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.