From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
- If you were looking for the CD single, see Exciting Pokémon Relay (single).
The subject of this article has no official English name. The name currently in use is a fan translation of the Japanese name.
Pokémon Hara Hara Relay Exciting Pokémon Relay
Pikachu Records single
Exciting Pokémon Relay (Japanese: ポケモンはらはらリレー Pokémon Hara Hara Relay) is the eighth Japanese ending theme of the original series. It debuted in EP142, replacing Meowth's Party. It was replaced by Exciting² Pokémon Relay in EP152. It returned in EP163, replacing Takeshi's Paradise. It was later replaced by To My Best Friend in EP173.
Ending animation: TV ED 8A
The two versions of this song each tell a story of a Pokémon with a problem, which is ultimately resolved after a long series of unlikely events involving other Pokémon. The first and slower version of the song is about a Pichu that's in a bad mood. It angrily shocks a Meowth so that its skeleton is revealed. A passing Cubone mistakes the shocked Meowth for another Cubone and shakes its club as a greeting. Inspired by Cubone's moves, a Marill starts to sing, which causes a group of Bellossom to start dancing. The dancing Bellossom cheer up the depressed Pichu who becomes cheerful again.
TV size
ポケモンはらはらリレー! ごきげんななめのピチュー みんなはらはら ごきげんななめのピチュー とてもしんぱい なにがあったかしらないけれど こまったもんだのだいもんだい!
ピチューがおこりだすと でんきビリビリながれだす でんきビリビリながれだすと そばにいたニャースがしびれちゃう そばにいたニャースがしびれちゃうと ガイコツま~るみえ
ガイコツま~るみえだと カラカラがなかまとまちがえる カラカラがなかまとまちがえると ホネをふってあいずする ホネをふってあいずすると マリルがおもわずうたいだす
マリルがおもわずうたいだすと たのしいリズムがうまれる たのしいリズムがうまれると キレイハナがおどりだす キレイハナがおどりだせば (キレイハナがおどりだせば?) ピチューのごきげん ハイ もとどおり!
Exciting Pokémon Relay! Pichu's in a bad mood And it makes everyone nervous Pichu's in a bad mood And that's concerning No one knows what happened But it's a problem, a big problem!
When Pichu gets angry It releases a burst of electricity When Pichu released a burst of electricity The Meowth beside Pichu gets shocked When the Meowth beside Pichu gets shocked Meowth's skeleton shines through
When Meowth's skeleton shines through Cubone thinks it is one of his friends When Cubone thinks it is one of his friends It waves its bone around as a signal When Cubone waves its bone around as a signal Marill suddenly begins to sing
When Marill suddenly begins to sing A fun rhythm is born When a fun rhythm is born Bellossom begins to dance When Bellossom begins to dance (When Bellossom begins to dance?) Yes, Pichu is once again in a good mood
Full version
ポケモンはらはらリレー! ごきげんななめのピチュー みんなはらはら ごきげんななめのピチュー とてもしんぱい 何があったか知らないけれど 困ったもんだの大問題!
ピチューが怒りだすと 電気ビリビリ流れだす 電気ビリビリ流れだすと そばにいたニャースがしびれちゃう そばにいたニャースがしびれちゃうと ガイコツま~るみえ
ガイコツま~るみえだと カラカラが仲間とまちがえる カラカラが仲間とまちがえると ホネを振って合図する ホネを振って合図すると マリルが思わず歌いだす
マリルが思わず歌いだすと 楽しいリズムがうまれる 楽しいリズムがうまれると キレイハナが踊りだす キレイハナが踊りだせば (キレイハナが踊りだせば?) ピチューのごきげん ハイ 元通り!
いまにも泣きそなトゲピー みんなはらはら いまにも泣きそなトゲピー とてもしんぱい 何があったか今度も知らないけれど 困ったもんだの大問題2!
トゲピーが泣きだすと 涙で小さな海ができる 涙で小さな海ができると ギャラドス喜び泳ぎ回る ギャラドス喜び泳ぎ回ると 大きな波がザザザザザブン
大きな波がザザザザザブンだと ピカチュウ波乗りくるくるターン ピカチュウ波乗りくるくるターンすると 見ていたみんなが大拍手 見ていたみんなが大拍手すると コダックかんちがいして思わず歌いだす
コダック思わず歌いだすと とぼけたリズムがうまれる とぼけたリズムがうまれると ヤドキングが踊りだす ヤドキングが踊りだせば (ヤドキングが踊りだせば?) トゲピーの泣き顔 ホラ 笑い顔!
ピチューが楽しく歌いだすと みんなが楽しく踊りだす みんなが楽しく踊りだすと おやつの時間を忘れちゃう おやつの時間を忘れちゃうと? (おやつの時間を忘れちゃうと?) ピチューのごきげん あら またななめ?
Exciting Pokémon Relay! Pichu's in a bad mood and it makes everyone nervous Pichu's in a bad mood and that's concerning No one knows what happened But it's a problem, a big problem!
When Pichu gets angry It releases a burst of electricity When Pichu released a burst of electricity The Meowth beside Pichu gets shocked When the Meowth beside Pichu gets shocked Meowth's skeleton shines through
When Meowth's skeleton shines through Cubone thinks it is one of his friends When Cubone thinks it is one of his friends It waves its bone around as a signal When Cubone waves its bone around as a signal Marill suddenly begins to sing
When Marill suddenly begins to sing A fun rhythm is born When a fun rhythm is born Bellossom begins to dance When Bellossom begins to dance (When Bellossom begins to dance?) Yes, Pichu is once again in a good mood
Now, there's a sad, crying Togepi and it makes everyone nervous Now, there's a sad, crying Togepi and that's concerning No one knows what happened But it's a problem, big problem no. 2
When Togepi starts crying It produces a little sea of tears When it produces a little sea of tears Gyarados merrily swims around When Gyarados merrily swim around It make really, really, really big waves
When Gyarados makes really, really, really big waves Pikachu takes a board and goes surfing When Pikachu takes a board and goes surfing Everyone who looks bursts wildly into applause When everyone who looks bursts wildly into applause A Psyduck confusedly thinks they are begging it to sing
When Psyduck confusedly thinks they are begging it to sing A silly rhythm is born When a silly rhythm is born Slowking begins to dance When Slowking begins to dance (When Slowking begins to dance?) Look, Togepi's no longer crying, but smiling!
Pichu is singing happily Everyone dances happily When everyone was dancing happily They all forget they have to stop for snacks When they all forget they have to stop for snacks (When they all forget they have to stop for snacks?) Oh dear, is Pichu in a bad mood again?
Ending animation: TV ED 8B
Pokémon Hara Hara Hara Hara Relay Exciting² Pokémon Relay
愛河里花子 Rikako Aikawa
戸田昭吾 Akihito Toda
たなか ひろかず Hirokazu Tanaka
たなか ひろかず Hirokazu Tanaka
Pikachu Records single
From EP152 to EP156, a different version of the song with a faster tempo beat and different lyrics was used as the ending. This version is called Exciting² Pokémon Relay (Hard Version) (Japanese: ポケモンはらはら²リレー(むずかし版) Pokémon Hara Hara² Relay (Muzukashi Ban)). In a similar way, the 2001 Whiteberry version of Aim to Be a Pokémon Master is a remix of song first heard in 1997 with Rica Matsumoto as the artist.
In this version, a Ditto is incapable of transforming. This causes the Pokémon Mimicry Association to look for a new mascot. They eventually pick a Sudowoodo as their new mascot. The Sudowoodo celebrates its promotion by launching some fireworks which accidentally knock a passing Ledyba out of the sky. The Ledyba falls towards an Electabuzz in the middle of a baseball game who mistakes it for a baseball and catches it. Thinking Electabuzz caught a real baseball, the Meowth that's acting as umpire shouts to end the inning. Ditto, who was watching the entire thing is so confused that it unintentionally manages to transform.
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へんしんできないメタモン みんなはらはらはらはら へんしんできないメタモン とてもしんぱい へんしんできないメタモン みんなはらはらはらはら へんしんできないメタモン とてもしんぱい 何でそうなっちゃったのかこんども知らないけれど 困ったもんだの大問題4!
メタモンがへんしんできなくなると ポケモンモノマネ大会の優勝候補がいなくなる ポケモンモノマネ大会の優勝候補がいなくなると がんばったウソッキーがなんと初優勝! がんばったウソッキーがなんと初優勝すると お祝いの花火がドドーンと打ち上がる
お祝いの花火がドドーンと打ち上がると 飛んでいたレディバがびっくりして気絶する 飛んでいたレディバがびっくりして気絶すると 地面に向かってクルクルヒューンと落ちてくる 地面に向かってクルクルヒューンと落ちてくると 野球をしてたエレブーが思わずナイスキャッチ!
エレブー思わずナイスキャッチすると だれもが野球のボールをとったとまちがえる だれもが野球のボールをとったとまちがえると 審判やってたニャースが「チェーンジ!」って叫ぶ! ニャースが「チェーンジ!」って叫べば (ニャースが「チェーンジ!」って叫べば?) あわててメタモン あら へ~んしん!
Exciting Pokémon exciting relay! (Hard Version!)
Ditto can't transform and it makes everyone very nervous Ditto can't transform and that's concerning Ditto can't transform and it makes everyone very nervous Ditto can't transform and that's concerning No one knows how this even happened But it's a problem, Big Problem no. 4!
As Ditto can't transform The Pokémon mimicry convention no longer has a champion As the Pokémon mimicry convention no longer has a champion The persistent Sudowoodo somehow wins for the first time! As the persistent Sudowoodo somehow wins for the first time! It celebrates by launching fireworks with a bang
As it celebrates by launching fireworks with a bang A passing Ledyba faints from shock As a passing Ledyba faints from shock and It falls, spiraling downward to the ground As it falls and spiral downward to the ground A baseball-playing Electabuzz unintentionally makes a nice catch!
As Electabuzz unintentionally makes a nice catch Everyone really thinks it caught a baseball As everyone thought that it caught a baseball The umpire Meowth yells, "Change!" As Meowth yelled, "Change!" (As Meowth yelled, "Change!") The confused Ditto trans~forms!
Full version
まいごのまいごのチコリータ みんなはらはらはらはら まいごのまいごのチコリータ とてもしんぱい まいごのまいごのチコリータ みんなはらはらはらはら まいごのまいごのチコリータ とてもしんぱい 何でそうなっちゃったのか知らないけれど 困ったもんだの大問題3!
チコリータがまいごになって見あたらないと みんなが大きな声で名前呼ぶ みんなが大きな声で名前呼ぶと 眠っていたカビゴンがめずらしく目を覚ます 眠っていたカビゴンがめずらしく目を覚ますと みんなのオベントあっという間にごちそうさま?
みんなのオベントあっという間にごちそうさましちゃうと オコリザルが名前の通りに怒りだす オコリザルが名前の通りに怒りだすと マンガみたいに頭から湯気もくもく マンガみたいに頭から湯気もくもく出ると ウパーが思わず「火事だー」っておおさわぎ!
ウパーが思わず「火事だー」っておおさわぎすると 火を消すためにみんなで池の水を全部くみあげちゃう 火を消すためにみんなで池の水を全部くみあげちゃうと コイキングがびっくりして高~く跳ねあがる コイキングが高~く跳ねあがれば (コイキングが高~く跳ねあがれば?) まいごのチコリータ あっ みーつけた!
へんしんできないメタモン みんなはらはらはらはら へんしんできないメタモン とてもしんぱい へんしんできないメタモン みんなはらはらはらはら へんしんできないメタモン とてもしんぱい 何でそうなっちゃったのかこんども知らないけれど 困ったもんだの大問題4!
メタモンがへんしんできなくなると ポケモンモノマネ大会の優勝候補がいなくなる ポケモンモノマネ大会の優勝候補がいなくなると がんばったウソッキーがなんと初優勝! がんばったウソッキーがなんと初優勝すると お祝いの花火がドドーンと打ち上がる
お祝いの花火がドドーンと打ち上がると 飛んでいたレディバがびっくりして気絶する 飛んでいたレディバがびっくりして気絶すると 地面に向かってクルクルヒューンと落ちてくる 地面に向かってクルクルヒューンと落ちてくると 野球をしてたエレブーが思わずナイスキャッチ!
エレブー思わずナイスキャッチすると だれもが野球のボールをとったとまちがえる だれもが野球のボールをとったとまちがえると 審判やってたニャースが「チェーンジ!」って叫ぶ! ニャースが「チェーンジ!」って叫べば (ニャースが「チェーンジ!」って叫べば?)} あわててメタモン あら へ~んしん!
Exciting Pokémon exciting relay! (Hard Version!)
The lost Chikorita has gone missing and it makes everyone very nervous The lost Chikorita has gone missing and that's concerning The lost Chikorita has gone missing and it makes everyone very nervous The lost Chikorita has gone missing and that's concerning No one knows what happened But it's a problem, Big Problem no. 3!
When the lost Chikorita had gone missing Everyone calls out its name with a loud voice As everyone is calling out its name with a loud voice The sleeping Snorlax, in a rare moment, got up As the sleeping Snorlax finally got up It snatched their meals in the blink of an eye?
As it snatched their meals in the blink of an eye Primeape goes bananas As Primeape had gone bananas Smoke fumes around his head just like in the comics As smoke fumes around his head just like in the comics Wooper begins screaming, "Fire!"
As Wooper began screaming, "Fire!" Everyone emptied the lake to put the fire out As everyone emptied the lake to put out the fire Magikarp jumped hi~gh in shock When Magikarp jumped hi~gh in shock? (When Magikarp jumped hi~gh in shock?) Hey, the lost Chikorita has finally been found
Ditto can't transform and it makes everyone very nervous Ditto can't transform and that's concerning Ditto can't transform and it makes everyone very nervous Ditto can't transform and that's concerning No one knows how this even happened But it's a problem, Big Problem no. 4!
As Ditto can't transform The Pokémon mimicry convention no longer has a champion As the Pokémon mimicry convention no longer has a champion The persistent Sudowoodo somehow wins for the first time! As the persistent Sudowoodo somehow wins for the first time! It celebrates by launching fireworks with a bang
As it celebrates by launching fireworks with a bang A passing Ledyba faints from shock As a passing Ledyba faints from shock and It falls, spiraling downward to the ground As it falls and spiral downward to the ground A baseball-playing Electabuzz unintentionally makes a nice catch!
As Electabuzz unintentionally makes a nice catch Everyone really thinks it caught a baseball As everyone thought that it caught a baseball The umpire Meowth yells, "Change!" As Meowth yelled, "Change!" (As Meowth yelled, "Change!"?) The confused Ditto trans~forms!