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Carvanha (Pokémon)
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
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Carvanha is a fish Pokémon with a body covered in tiny, sharp denticles. The top half of its spherical body is blue, while the bottom half is red with a yellow, four-pointed star below its mouth. It has two yellow dorsal fins above its eyes that resemble shark fins, and a matching pelvic fin on its belly. Its pectoral fins are also yellow. The caudal fin is composed of two red spines with a thin yellow membrane stretched between them.
It has powerful jaws and razor-sharp teeth that are able to chew through solid steel, rip up boat hulls, and rip wooden boats to pieces. As a result, sailors avoid getting their boats dented by it at all costs. Carvanha has been responsible for the destruction of many boats that come into contact with it. They mercilessly swarm any intruder and prey that invades their territory, but they become timid when alone. It only attacks when in a group of five or more, becoming instantly vicious. Carvanha is drawn towards the scent of blood. It lives in rivers that course through jungles, as well as temperate regions. Each Carvanha school has its own territory. It competes with Basculin for food.
Carvanha, the Savage Pokémon. Carvanha has powerful jaws and razor-sharp teeth able to chew through solid steel. Carvanha will form packs and attack any invaders in its territory.
Carvanha's strongly developed jaws and its sharply pointed fangs pack the destructive power to rip out boat hulls. Many boats have been attacked and sunk by this Pokémon.
If anything invades Carvanha's territory, it will swarm and tear at the intruder with its pointed fangs. On its own, however, this Pokémon turns suddenly timid.
Carvanha attack ships in swarms, making them sink. Although it is said to be a very vicious Pokémon, it timidly flees as soon as it finds itself alone.
Carvanha's strongly developed jaws and its sharply pointed fangs pack the destructive power to rip out boat hulls. Many boats have been attacked and sunk by this Pokémon.
If anything invades Carvanha's territory, it will swarm and tear at the intruder with its pointed fangs. On its own, however, this Pokémon turns suddenly timid.
Carvanha's evolutionary line may be considered a counterpart of Numel's evolutionary line. Both of them are dual-type Pokémon, both lines have identical base stat totals per evolutionary stage, both of their final evolutions are used by Team Aqua Leader Archie and Team Magma Leader Maxie, respectively, and both of their final evolutions can Mega Evolve.
Carvanha may be a combination of carve or carnivore and piranha. It may also involve Carcharodon carcharias (scientific name of the great white shark).
Kibanha may be a combination of 牙 kiba (fang) and piranha.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.