List of PAL region serial code event Pokémon distributions in Generation VI

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Reason: Missing images of the serial code card for GameStop 2014 Charizard, Harry Hoopa (German), Descartes Xerneas and Yveltal (Smyths Toys Superstores, Hyper Japan 2016, Japan Expo, and Salón del Cómic de Barcelona), and Helen Volcanion (Dutch, Spanish, and German)

This is a reverse-chronological list of event Pokémon distributions that were given away via serial codes to PAL region Pokémon games in Generation VI. At some locations most of these Pokémon were also available at Nintendo Zones. For Pokémon distributions that can be of either gender, the Pokémon's gender is fixed when the Wonder Card is obtained.

List of event Pokémon

Nebel Volcanion

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Volcanion was distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was included on preordered tickets for Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel. Tickets could be preordered from from November 8 to 23, 2016. The serial codes could be used to obtain Volcanion from November 8 to December 15, 2016 on a Japanese, PAL, or Taiwanese region system.

#0721 Volcanion Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 70 0721Volcanion.png
FireIC XY.png WaterIC XY.png
Ability: Water Absorb
Held item: Rage Candy Bar Rage Candy Bar
ID: 04166
OT: ネーベル
Met: Pokémon Movie 16 (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon Wishing Ribbon
Steam Eruption
Water Special
Fire Special
Hydro Pump
Water Special
Ice Status
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code Japanese, PAL, and Taiwanese online November 8 to December 15, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the 2016 Pokémon Movie type text in the language of the receiving game.

ボルケニオン プレゼント
ことしの えいがの しゅやくポケモン
ばくねつの ボルケニオンを プレゼント!
スチームバーストで ぶっとばせ!

ボルケニオン プレゼント
てくれて ありがとう!
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Helen Volcanion

Australian serial code card

This Volcanion was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at various locations in select countries. The serial codes could be used to obtain Volcanion from October 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017.

#0721 Volcanion Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 70 0721Volcanion.png
FireIC XY.png WaterIC XY.png
Ability: Water Absorb
Held item: Assault Vest Assault Vest
ID: 10016
OT: Helen
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Steam Eruption
Water Special
Fire Special
Hydro Pump
Water Special
Normal Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online October 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

It's Mythical Volcanion!
The Mythical Pokémon Volcanion
uses fire and water to launch explosive
shock waves and scalding steam.
It's capable of gouging a mountain
right out of the landscape!

Wonder Card
It's Mythical Volcanion!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Das Mysteriöse Volcanion!
Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Volcanion
nutzt Feuer und Wasser, um explosive
Schockwellen und siedend heißen
Wasserdampf auszustoßen. Mit seiner
Kraft kann es Berge versetzen!

Das Mysteriöse Volcanion!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡El Pokémon singular Volcanion!
El Pokémon singular Volcanion usa agua
y fuego para lanzar ondas de choque
explosivas y vapor a altísima temperatura.
¡Es capaz de hacer desaparecer del mapa
una montaña entera!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡El Pokémon singular Volcanion!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Volcanion, le Pokémon fabuleux !
Volcanion, le Pokémon fabuleux,
est capable de combiner eau et feu
pour générer des ondes de vapeur
destructrices ! Ces explosions sont assez
puissantes pour raser des montagnes !

Carte Miracle
Volcanion, le Pokémon fabuleux !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Il Pokémon misterioso Volcanion!
Questo Pokémon padroneggia sia il fuoco
che l'acqua ed è in grado di generare
onde d urto e vapori incandescenti così
potenti da spazzare via una montagna!

Scheda Segreta
Il Pokémon misterioso Volcanion!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!

Serial code locations and dates

On location
Country Location Dates
Australia EB Games Expo, located at Sydney Showground September 30 to October 2, 2016
EB Games stores October 10 to 31, 2016
Austria Müller and Toys "R" Us stores October 1 to November 23, 2016
Belgium GameForce 2016, located at Nekkerhal in Mechelen October 1 to 2, 2016
Broze, DreamLand, and Fun stores October 10 to November 30, 2016
FACTS, which was held at the Flanders Expo October 22 to 23, 2016
MCM Comic Con Belgium 2016, located at the Brussels Expo in Brussels November 5 to 6, 2016
Denmark GameStop stores October 1 to November 23, 2016
Finland GameStop, Konsolinet, and Viihdepysäkki stores October 1 to November 23, 2016
Germany Expert, Media Markt, MediMax, Müller, Obletter, Saturn, and Toys "R" Us stores October 1 to November 23, 2016
Italy Gamelife, Gamepeople, and GameStop stores October 1 to November 23, 2016
16Games, GAMEUP, and OPENGAMES stores October 5 to November 23, 2016
Milan Games Week 2016 October 14 to 16, 2016
Norway GameStop stores and Neo Tokyo October 1 to November 23, 2016
Poland Game Over stores October 10, 2016 until supplies ran out
Powerplay stores October 12, 2016 until supplies ran out
Portugal GamingReplay stores October 31, 2016 until supplies ran out
Spain Nintendo Zones at GAME stores October 1 to November 23, 2016
Blade Center, Carrefour, Media Markt, and On Digital stores October 1 to November 23, 2016
Sweden GameStop, Spel & Sånt, and Webhallen stores October 1 to November 23, 2016
United Kingdom GAME stores October 1 to November 23, 2016
Netherlands Firstlook Festival 2016, located at Jaarbeurs in Utrecht October 7 to 9, 2016
Bart Smit, Intertoys, and ToysXL stores October 10 to November 30, 2016
Hungary Game Park, KonzolGame, Konzolok szervize, Konzol Stúdió, Konzolvilág, PlatinumShop, Smartshop, Videogame Galaxis, and Videojátékbolt stores October 10 to 24, 2016
New Zealand EB Games stores October 10 to 31, 2016
France Paris Games Week October 27 to 31, 2016
Micromania stores October 31, 2016 until supplies ran out
Russia Respublica stores November 1 to 12, 2016
Meet Nintendo Guardians in various cities. November 5 and 12, 2016
Greece Public Athens Metro Mall November 26, 2016

Country Location Dates
Norway Send a email to with the subject "Volcanion" October 1 to November 23, 2016 October 1 to November 23, 2016
Finland and stores October 1 to November 23, 2016
Players had to pre-order Pokémon Sun, Pokémon Moon, Pokémon Sun: Fan Edition, or Pokémon Moon: Fan Edition from October 1 to November 23, 2016
Italy October 5 to November 23, 2016
Poland HDmarket's Facebook page October 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, and 18, 2016
The first 100 players to comment on the post on Electronic Dreams's Facebook page. October 10, 2016
Games4You's Facebook page October 10, 13, 22, and 26, 2016
Players who commented on the post on MENAGO's Facebook page. The comment had to include the name of the Pokémon and its type. October 10, 2016
Send an email to October 11, 2016 until supplies ran out
Powerplay's Facebook page October 12, 14, 18, and 23, 2016
The first 50 players to comment on the post on Nintendo Poland's Facebook page about what Role-playing game from Nintendo is their favorite. October 13, 2016
Gameone's Facebook page October 13, 2016
The first 25 players to comment on the post on Nintendo Poland's Facebook page about what Platform game from Nintendo is their favorite. October 16, 2016
Hungary Nintendo Hungary's website October 11, 13, 18, and 24, 2016
Czech Republic and Slovakia The first 20 players to comment on the post on Nintendo of the Czech Republic and Slovakia's Facebook page. The comment had to list at least two Alolan form Pokémon. October 14, 2016
Nintendo of the Czech Republic and Slovakia's Facebook page. October 15, 2016
Players who commented on the post on Nintendo of the Czech Republic and Slovakia's Facebook page about what they are looking forward to the most in Pokémon Sun and Moon. A total of five players were chosen. October 24, 2016
Portugal GamingReplay's Facebook page October 31, 2016 until supplies run out
Russia Send an email to November 14 to 24, 2016

N's Darmanitan

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Darmanitan was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Unova Classic competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from August 26 to 28, 2016. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on September 6, 2016. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on September 6, 2016 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Darmanitan from September 6 to October 24, 2016. It is based on N's Darmanitan from Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 and has 30 IVs in every stat.

#0555 Darmanitan
Standard Mode
Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 35 0555Darmanitan.png
FireIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Zen Mode
Held item: None
ID: 00002
Met: the Unova region (fateful encounter)
Nature: Calm
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Normal Physical
Belly Drum
Normal Status
Flare Blitz
Fire Physical
Hammer Arm
Fighting Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
ORAS serial code all online September 6 to October 24, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

Unova Classic Gift
Thank you for participating in the
Unova Classic Online Competition!
It's N's Darmanitan!
N is a Trainer from the Unova region.

Wonder Card
Unova Classic Gift
This is a gift from the
Pokémon Global Link!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Danke, dass du am Online-Turnier
„Einall-Klassiker“ teilgenommen hast!
Als Belohnung erhältst du ein Flampivian,
wie es N, ein Trainer aus der Einall-Region,

Ein Geschenk vom Pokémon Global Link!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
Regalo Clásicos de Teselia
¡Gracias por participar en el Torneo en
Línea Clásicos de Teselia!
¡Aquí tienes un Darmanitan como el de N,
el famoso Entrenador de Teselia!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Regalo Clásicos de Teselia
¡Has conseguido un regalo en Pokémon Global
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un cadeau d'Unys !
Merci d'avoir participé à la Compétition
Internet : Unys Classique !
Pour vous remercier, voici le Darumacho
de N, un célèbre Dresseur d'Unys.

Carte Miracle
Un cadeau d'Unys !
Vous avez reçu un cadeau du Pokémon
Global Link ! Allez le récupérer dans le jeu
auprès de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Una vecchia gloria di Unima
Grazie per aver partecipato alla
Gara Online Classici di Unima!
Ecco a te il Darmanitan di N,
il famoso Allenatore della regione di Unima!

Scheda Segreta
Una vecchia gloria di Unima
Ecco un regalo dal Pokémon Global Link!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina nel
Centro Pokémon!

Happy Meal Meowth

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Meowth was distributed to players who inserted the common serial code HAPPY from August 20, 2016 to February 28, 2017. It was distributed to promote Pokémon toys being given away in Happy Meals at McDonald's restaurants in select countries.

#0052 Meowth Blue pentagon VI.png/
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 20 0052Meowth.png
NormalIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Pickup
Held item: None
ID: 08196
OT: Happy
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Happy Hour
Normal Status
Normal Status
Dark Physical
Fake Out
Normal Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online August 20, 2016 to February 28, 2017
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

Wow! It's a Meowth!
The notorious Meowth is here!
This special Meowth knows the move
Happy Hour, which doubles the
prize money you receive after a battle.

Wonder Card
Wow! It's a Meowth!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Wow! Ein Mauzi!
Das berühmt-berüchtigte Mauzi ist da!
Dieses besondere Mauzi beherrscht die Attacke
Goldene Zeiten, durch die das nach einem Kampf
erhaltene Preisgeld verdoppelt wird.

Wow! Ein Mauzi!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Hala! ¡Es un Meowth!
¡Ya está aquí el archiconocido Meowth!
Este Meowth especial conoce el movimiento Paga
Extra, que aumenta al doble la cantidad de dinero
recibida como recompensa al ganar un combate.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Hala! ¡Es un Meowth!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Wouah ! C'est un Miaouss !
Le célèbre Miaouss débarque !
Ce Miaouss spécial connaît la capacité
Étrennes, qui double la quantité d'argent
obtenue après un combat.

Carte Miracle
Wouah ! C'est un Miaouss !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Un ricchissimo Meowth!
Questo Meowth speciale conosce la mossa
Cuccagna, che raddoppia la ricompensa
ottenuta alla fine della lotta!

Scheda Segreta
Un ricchissimo Meowth!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!

Cynthia's Garchomp

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Garchomp was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Sinnoh Classic competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from July 22 to 24, 2016. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on August 2, 2016. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on August 2, 2016 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Garchomp from August 2 to September 29, 2016. It is based on Cynthia's Garchomp from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl and has 31 IVs in three random stats.

#0445 Garchomp Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 66 0445Garchomp.png
DragonIC XY.png GroundIC XY.png
Ability: Sand Veil
Held item: Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry
ID: 07226
OT: Camilla
Met: Pokémon League (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Dragon Rush
Dragon Physical
Ground Physical
Brick Break
Fighting Physical
Giga Impact
Normal Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
ORAS serial code all online August 2 to September 29, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

Sinnoh Classic Gift
Thank you for participating in the
Sinnoh Classic Online Competition!
It's Cynthia's Garchomp!
Cynthia is the Sinnoh Pokémon
League Champion.

Wonder Card
Sinnoh Classic Gift
This is a gift from the
Pokémon Global Link!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Danke, dass du am Online-Turnier
„Sinnoh-Klassiker“ teilgenommen hast!
Als Belohnung erhältst du ein Knakrack,
wie es Cynthia als Champ der
Sinnoh-Region benutzt.

Ein Geschenk vom Pokémon Global Link!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
Regalo Clásicos de Sinnoh
¡Gracias por participar en el Torneo en
Línea Clásicos de Sinnoh!
¡Aquí tienes un Garchomp como el de Cintia,
la Campeona de Sinnoh!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Regalo Clásicos de Sinnoh
¡Has conseguido un regalo en Pokémon Global
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un cadeau de Sinnoh !
Merci d'avoir participé à la Compétition
Internet : Sinnoh Classique !
Pour vous remercier, voici le Carchacrok
de Cynthia, le Maître de Sinnoh.

Carte Miracle
Un cadeau de Sinnoh !
Vous avez reçu un cadeau du Pokémon
Global Link ! Allez le récupérer dans le jeu
auprès de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Una vecchia gloria di Sinnoh
Grazie per aver partecipato alla
Gara Online Classici di Sinnoh!
Ecco a te il Garchomp di Camilla,
la Campionessa della regione di Sinnoh!

Scheda Segreta
Una vecchia gloria di Sinnoh
Ecco un regalo dal Pokémon Global Link!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina nel
Centro Pokémon!

Play! Pokémon 2016 Mewtwo

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Shiny Mewtwo was distributed to players who inserted a serial code. To receive a serial code, players had to earn at least one video game Play! Point during the 2016 season. The serial codes were emailed to qualifying players starting on July 26, 2016. The serial codes could be used to obtain Mewtwo from July 26 to August 21, 2016. It was distributed to thank players who participated in Play! Pokémon events.

#0150 Mewtwo Blue pentagon VI.pngShinyVIStar.png 
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 100 HOME150 s.png
PsychicIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Unnerve
Held item: Mewtwonite Y Mewtwonite Y
ID: 07266
OT: Play! 2016
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Event Ribbon Event Ribbon
Psychic Special
Psychic Special
Normal Status
Aura Sphere
Fighting Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online July 26 to August 21, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Download type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

So, this is my power...
And now you know Mewtwo's purpose...
which is helping you become
a Pokémon Champion!

Wonder Card
So, this is my power...
Thank you for receiving this distribution!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Das sind also meine Kräfte…
Und jetzt kennst du Mewtus Aufgabe...
Es ist erschaffen worden, um dir zu helfen,
ein Pokémon-Champ zu werden!

Das sind also meine Kräfte…
Danke für den Download!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
Conque este es mi poder…
Ahora ya conoces el propósito de Mewtwo:
¡ayudarte a convertirte en un Campeón Pokémon!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Conque este es mi poder…
¡Gracias por realizar esta descarga!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Tels sont mes pouvoirs…
Maintenant, vous connaissez la destinée
de Mewtwo : vous aider à devenir
un Maître Pokémon !

Carte Miracle
Tels sont mes pouvoirs…
Merci de votre téléchargement !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
È dunque questo il mio potere…
Ora sai perché è stato creato Mewtwo:
per aiutarti a diventare un Campione
o una Campionessa Pokémon!

Scheda Segreta
È dunque questo il mio potere…
Grazie per aver effettuato il download!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina
nel Centro Pokémon!

Nintendo Hong Kong Mewtwo

This Shiny Mewtwo was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at the 2016 Pokémon Video Game National Championships in Hong Kong and Taiwan. In Taiwan, the serial codes were given away] at the Taipei City Mall on June 11, 2016. In Hong Kong, the serial codes were given away at an undisclosed location on July 3, 2016.

The serial codes were also given away to players who sent an email to from June 15 to 22, 2016. The serial codes were sent out from June 23 to July 14, 2016.

The serial codes could be used to obtain Mewtwo from June 9 to July 14, 2016 on a Japanese, PAL, or Taiwanese region system. The serial codes were originally scheduled to expire on June 18, 2016, but were extended until July 24, 2016

In Hong Kong, the 2016 Pokémon Video Game National Championships were going to be located at iSQUARE on June 9, 2016. However, it was later postponed for unspecified reasons.

#0150 Mewtwo Blue pentagon VI.pngShinyVIStar.png 
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 100 HOME150 s.png
PsychicIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Unnerve
Held item: Mewtwonite Y Mewtwonite Y
ID: 06096
OT: Nintendo HK
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Psychic Special
Psychic Special
Normal Status
Aura Sphere
Fighting Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code Japanese, PAL, and Taiwanese online June 9 to July 24, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the 2016 Pokémon Video Game Championships event participation type text in the language of the receiving game.

First HKTW National Championships!
To celebrate the 2016 Pokémon
Video Game National Championships
to be held in Hong Kong and Taiwan,
Shiny Mewtwo is presented to you!

Wonder Card
First HKTW National Championships!
Thank you for participating in a 2016
Pokémon Video Game Championships event!
Please pick up your gift from
the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.

Whitney's Miltank

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Miltank was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Johto Classic competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from May 27 to May 29, 2016. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on June 7, 2016. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on June 7, 2016 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Miltank from June 7 to July 31, 2016. It is based on Whitney's Miltank from Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. It has 31 IVs in three random stats.

#0241 Miltank Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 20 0241Miltank.png
NormalIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Scrappy
Held item: None
ID: 05276
OT: Bianka
Met: the Johto region (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Rock Physical
Normal Status
Normal Physical
Milk Drink
Normal Status
Games Method Region Location Duration
ORAS serial code all online June 7 to July 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

Johto Classic Miltank
Thank you for participating in the
Johto Classic Online Competition!
It's Whitney's Miltank!
Whitney is the Gym Leader of Johto's
Goldenrod City Gym.

Wonder Card
Johto Classic Miltank
This is a gift from the
Pokémon Global Link!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Danke, dass du am Online-Turnier
„Johto-Klassiker“ teilgenommen hast!
Als Belohnung erhältst du ein Miltank,
wie es Bianka als Arenaleiterin der
Dukatia-Arena in Johto benutzt.

Ein Geschenk vom Pokémon Global Link!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
Clásicos de Johto: Miltank
¡Gracias por participar en el Torneo en Línea
Clásicos de Johto!
Aquí tienes un Miltank como el de Blanca, la Líder
del Gimnasio de Ciudad Trigal en Johto.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Clásicos de Johto: Miltank
¡Has conseguido un regalo en Pokémon Global
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Johto Classique : Écrémeuh
Merci d'avoir participé à la Compétition
Internet : Johto Classique !
Pour vous remercier, voici l'Écrémeuh
de Blanche, la Championne
de Doublonville, à Johto.

Carte Miracle
Johto Classique : Écrémeuh
Vous avez reçu un cadeau du Pokémon
Global Link ! Allez le récupérer dans le jeu
auprès de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Un Miltank classico!
Grazie per aver partecipato alla Gara Online
Classici di Johto.
In regalo per te un Miltank che ricorda quello
di Chiara, la Capopalestra di Fiordoropoli!

Scheda Segreta
Un Miltank classico!
Ecco un regalo dal Pokémon Global Link!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina nel
Centro Pokémon!

Descartes Pokémon

German Xerneas and Yveltal serial code card

These Shiny Pokémon were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at various locations in select countries. The serial codes could be used to obtain Yveltal from May 5 to December 31, 2016 and the serial codes could be used to obtain Xerneas from May 13 to December 31, 2016.


#0716 Xerneas Blue pentagon VI.pngShinyVIStar.png 
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 100 HOME716 s.png
FairyIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Fairy Aura
Held item: None
ID: 05026
OT: Cartesio
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Fairy Status
Fairy Special
Grass Status
Focus Blast
Fighting Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online May 13 to December 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

Wow! It's a Shiny Xerneas!
This is a hard-to-find Pokémon!
You'll be the envy of your friends
with this Shiny Xerneas.

Wonder Card
Wow! It's a Shiny Xerneas!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Wow! Ein Schillerndes Xerneas!
Dieses Pokémon ist schwer zu finden!
Deine Freunde werden dich um dieses
Schillernde Xerneas beneiden.

Wow! Ein Schillerndes Xerneas!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Hala! ¡Es Xerneas variocolor!
¡Este Pokémon es muy difícil de encontrar!
Con este Xerneas variocolor, serás la envidia de
tus amigos.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Hala! ¡Es Xerneas variocolor!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Wouah ! Un Xerneas chromatique !
Voilà un Pokémon bien dur à trouver !
Suscitez l'envie de tous vos amis
grâce à ce Xerneas chromatique !

Carte Miracle
Wouah ! Un Xerneas chromatique !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Un Xerneas cromatico!
Un Pokémon che non si incontra tutti i giorni!
Con questo Xerneas cromatico potrai creare
la squadra che tutti i tuoi amici vorrebbero avere!

Scheda Segreta
Un Xerneas cromatico!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!


#0717 Yveltal Blue pentagon VI.pngShinyVIStar.png 
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 100 HOME717 s.png
DarkIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Dark Aura
Held item: None
ID: 05026
OT: Cartesio
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Oblivion Wing
Flying Special
Sucker Punch
Dark Physical
Dark Pulse
Dark Special
Foul Play
Dark Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online May 5 to December 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

Wow! It’s a Shiny Yveltal!
This is a hard-to-find Pokémon!
You'll be the envy of your friends
with this Shiny Yveltal.

Wonder Card
Wow! It’s a Shiny Yveltal!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Wow! Ein Schillerndes Yveltal!
Dieses Pokémon ist schwer zu finden!
Deine Freunde werden dich um dieses
Schillernde Yveltal beneiden.

Wow! Ein Schillerndes Yveltal!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Hala! ¡Es Yveltal variocolor!
¡Este Pokémon es muy difícil de encontrar!
Con este Yveltal variocolor, serás la envidia de tus

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Hala! ¡Es Yveltal variocolor!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Wouah ! Un Yveltal chromatique !
Voilà un Pokémon bien dur à trouver !
Suscitez l'envie de tous vos amis
grâce à cet Yveltal chromatique !

Carte Miracle
Wouah ! Un Yveltal chromatique !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Un Yveltal cromatico!
Un Pokémon che non si incontra tutti i giorni!
Con questo Yveltal cromatico potrai creare
la squadra che tutti i tuoi amici vorrebbero avere!

Scheda Segreta
Un Yveltal cromatico!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!

Serial code locations and dates

On location
Country Location Dates
Yveltal Xerneas
Spain Salón del Cómic de Barcelona May 5 to 8, 2016
Issue 289 of the Official Nintendo Magazine September 16, 2016 until supplies ran out
Issue 290 of the Official Nintendo Magazine October 14, 2016 until supplies ran out
Denmark GameStop stores July 18 to September 30, 2016 May 13 to July 17, 2016
Finland GameStop stores July 18 to September 30, 2016 May 13 to July 17, 2016
Ireland Smyths Toys Superstores August 17 to September 15, 2016 July 19 to August 16, 2016
Norway GameStop stores July 18 to September 30, 2016 May 13 to July 17, 2016
Retrospillmessen May 14 to 15, 2016
Sweden GameStop stores July 18 to September 30, 2016 May 13 to July 17, 2016
Spel & Sånt stores May 20 to July 17, 2016
Russia StreetPass meeting, located at the Nevsky Centre in Saint Petersburg May 14, 2016
Portugal El Corte Inglés in Lisbon May 28, 2016
El Corte Inglés in Gaia May 29, 2016
Fnac stores August 17, 2016 until supplies ran out August 23, 2016 until supplies ran out
France Japan Expo July 7 to 10, 2016
United Kingdom Hyper Japan 2016 July 15 to 17, 2016
Smyths Toys Superstores August 17 to October 16, 2016 July 19 to August 16, 2016
Germany Gamescom 2016 August 17 to 21, 2016
Austria Pokémon Kids Tour 2016 September 3 to 4, 2016
Hungary Nintendo booth at the PlayIT Show November 26, 2016

Country Method Date
Russia Send an email to May 16 to July 10, 2016
Poland Magazine CD-Action's website May 19, 2016 until supplies ran out
Players who ordered from MENAGO and then sent their order information to September 26, 2016 until supplies ran out
HDmarket's Facebook page September 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and October 3, 2016
Portugal GamingReplay's Facebook page June 8, 2016 until supplies ran out (Xerneas only)
Hungary Players who correctly answered the question, which asked what region was debuting in Pokémon Sun and Moon, on Nintendo Hungary's Facebook page were entered into a raffle for one of 18 serial codes, nine for each Pokémon. The winners were announced on July 26, 2016. July 25, 2016
Players who named three members of Team Skull on Nintendo Hungary's Facebook were entered into a raffle for one of 20 serial codes, ten for each Pokémon. The winners were announced on November 11, 2016. November 10, 2016

Lance's Dragonite

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Dragonite was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Kanto Classic competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from March 4 to 6, 2016. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on March 15, 2016. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on March 15, 2016 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Dragonite from March 15 to April 27, 2016. It is based on Lance's Dragonite from Pokémon Red and Blue. Additionally, it has 31 IVs in HP, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense.

#0149 Dragonite Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 62 0149Dragonite.png
DragonIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Inner Focus
Held item: None
ID: 03046
OT: Lance
Met: Pokémon League (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Psychic Status
Normal Physical
Psychic Status
Hyper Beam
Normal Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
ORAS serial code all online March 15 to April 27, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

Kanto Classic Gift
Thank you for participating in the
Kanto Classic Online Competition!
Here is a Dragonite like the one used
by Lance as part of Kanto's Elite Four!

Wonder Card
Kanto Classic Gift
This is a gift from the
Pokémon Global Link!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Danke, dass du am Online-Turnier
„Kanto-Klassiker“ teilgenommen hast!
Als Belohnung erhältst du ein Dragoran,
wie es Siegfried als Mitglied der Top Vier
in Kanto benutzt.

Ein Geschenk vom Pokémon Global Link!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
Regalo Clásicos de Kanto
¡Gracias por participar en el Torneo en Línea
Clásicos de Kanto!
Aquí tienes un Dragonite igual al que usaba
Lance como miembro del Alto Mando.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Regalo Clásicos de Kanto
¡Has conseguido un regalo en Pokémon Global
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un classique de Kanto !
Merci d'avoir participé à la Compétition
Internet : Kanto Classique !
Voici un Dracolosse similaire à celui que
Peter utilisait quand il faisait partie
du Conseil 4 de Kanto !

Carte Miracle
Un classique de Kanto !
Vous avez reçu un cadeau du Pokémon
Global Link ! Allez le récupérer dans le jeu
auprès de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Una vecchia gloria di Kanto
Grazie per aver partecipato alla
Gara Online Classici di Kanto!
In regalo per te un Dragonite che
ricorda quello di Lance quando era
uno dei Superquattro di Kanto!

Scheda Segreta
Una vecchia gloria di Kanto
Ecco un regalo dal Pokémon Global Link!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina nel
Centro Pokémon!

Aldora legendary birds

European serial code card

These legendary birds were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at various locations in select countries. Each serial code is randomly set to receive a single legendary bird. The serial codes could be used to obtain the legendary birds from March 11 to September 30, 2016. They were distributed to celebrate the Pokémon 20th Anniversary.


#0144 Articuno Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 70 0144Articuno.png
IceIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Snow Cloak
Held item: None
ID: 03116
OT: Aldora
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Ice Special
Ice Beam
Ice Special
Ice Status
Psychic Status
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online March 11 to September 30, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

Wow! It's Articuno!
This Articuno has a Hidden Ability
for you to discover. You can add it to
your party and let it lead you to a
much-hailed victory!

Wonder Card
Wow! It's Articuno!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Wow! Ein Arktos!
Dieses Arktos hat eine versteckte Fähigkeit.
Nimm es in dein Team auf, damit es für dich
Siege hagelt!

Wow! Ein Arktos!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Vaya! ¡Es Articuno!
Este Articuno posee una habilidad oculta que te
tocará descubrir. Añádelo a tu equipo y deja a tus
rivales tiritando.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Vaya! ¡Es Articuno!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Ouah ! C'est Artikodin !
Artikodin dévoile son talent secret
spécialement pour l'occasion.
Ajoutez-le à votre équipe pour
glacer le sang de vos adversaires !

Carte Miracle
Ouah ! C'est Artikodin !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Il glaciale Articuno!
Scopri l'abilità speciale di questo Articuno!
Aggiungila alla tua squadra e
assicurati una vittoria raggelante!

Scheda Segreta
Il glaciale Articuno!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!


#0145 Zapdos Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 70 0145Zapdos.png
ElectricIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Static
Held item: None
ID: 03116
OT: Aldora
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Electric Special
Thunder Shock
Electric Special
Rain Dance
Water Status
Psychic Status
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online March 11 to September 30, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

Wow! It's Zapdos!
This Zapdos has a Hidden Ability
for you to discover. You can add it to
your party and let it open the way to
a shocking victory!

Wonder Card
Wow! It's Zapdos!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Wow! Ein Zapdos!
Dieses Zapdos hat eine versteckte Fähigkeit.
Nimm es in dein Team auf, damit es dich in
elektrisierenden Kämpfen zum Sieg führt!

Wow! Ein Zapdos!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Vaya! ¡Es Zapdos!
Este Zapdos posee una habilidad oculta que te
tocará descubrir. Añádelo a tu equipo y álzate con
la victoria en combates electrizantes.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Vaya! ¡Es Zapdos!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Ouah ! C'est Électhor !
Électhor dévoile son talent secret
spécialement pour l'occasion.
Ajoutez-le à votre équipe
pour électriser vos adversaires !

Carte Miracle
Ouah ! C'est Électhor !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Il fulminante Zapdos!
Scopri l'abilità speciale di questo Zapdos!
Aggiungila alla tua squadra e
assicurati una vittoria elettrizzante!

Scheda Segreta
Il fulminante Zapdos!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!


#0146 Moltres Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 70 0146Moltres.png
FireIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Flame Body
Held item: None
ID: 03116
OT: Aldora
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Sky Attack
Flying Physical
Heat Wave
Fire Special
Sunny Day
Fire Status
Normal Status
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online March 11 to September 30, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

Wow! It's Moltres!
This Moltres has a Hidden Ability
for you to discover. You can add it to
your party and let it lead you to
a blazing victory!

Wonder Card
Wow! It's Moltres!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Wow! Ein Lavados!
Dieses Lavados hat eine versteckte Fähigkeit.
Nimm es in dein Team auf, damit es dich in
heißen Kämpfen zum Sieg führt!

Wow! Ein Lavados!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Vaya! ¡Es Moltres!
Este Moltres posee una habilidad oculta que te
tocará descubrir. Añádelo a tu equipo y álzate con
la victoria en combates al rojo vivo.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Vaya! ¡Es Moltres!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Ouah ! C'est Sulfura !
Sulfura dévoile son talent secret
spécialement pour l'occasion.
Ajoutez-le à votre équipe
pour consumer vos adversaires !

Carte Miracle
Ouah ! C'est Sulfura !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
L'ardente Moltres!
Scopri l'abilità speciale di questo Moltres!
Aggiungila alla tua squadra e
assicurati una vittoria infuocata!

Scheda Segreta
L'ardente Moltres!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!

Serial code locations and dates

In addition to the locations listed below, the serial codes were also given away inside the Pokémon Trainer Club newsletter, which was sent out starting on May 3, 2016. Each email contained one code for each of the three legendary birds, for the region corresponding to the country that email address's Pokémon Trainer Club account was registered to.

On location
Country Location Dates
Italy StreetPass area at VideoGameShow + Cartoomics in Milan March 11 to 13, 2016
16Games, Gamelife, Gamepeople, GameStop, GAMEUP, and OPENGAMES stores April 1 to 30, 2016
Belgium Made in Asia, which was held at the Brussels expo, Heysel Plateau March 12 to 13, 2016
FACTS, which was held at the Flanders Expo April 2 to 3, 2016
Spain Issue 283 of the Official Nintendo Magazine March 15, 2016 until supplies ran out
Carrefour, El Corte Inglés, Eroski, Fnac, GAME, Media Markt, and Toys "R" Us stores April 3, 2016 until supplies ran out
Denmark GameStop stores March 18 to April 11, 2016
Finland GameStop stores March 18 to April 11, 2016
Norway GameStop stores March 18 to April 11, 2016
Poland Electronic Dreams March 18, 2016 until supplies ran out
Sweden GameStop stores March 18 to April 11, 2016
Hungary Nintendo booth at the PlayIT Show-Győr March 19, 2016
Game Park, GameShop, KonzolGame, Konzolok szervize, Konzol Stúdió, Konzolvilág, PlatinumShop, Smartshop, Videogame Galaxis, and Videojátékbolt stores March 21, 2016 until supplies ran out
Ireland Smyths Toys Superstores March 22 to April 11, 2016
United Kingdom Smyths Toys Superstores March 22 to April 11, 2016
Netherlands Tomocon April 9 to 10, 2016
Norway Retrospillmessen May 14 to 15, 2016

Country Contest Dates
Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia Correctly answer one of five quiz questions on March 18 to 19, 2016
Players had to send a picture of personally created artwork featuring the legendary birds to March 18, 2016 until supplies ran out
Players had to write a poem about the legendary birds on March 21, 2016 until supplies ran out
Czech Republic Scavenger hunt on the Nintendo of the Czech Republic website March 18 to 21, 2016; March 21 to 22, 2016; March 22 to 24, 2016; March 24 to 30, 2016; March 30, 2016; March 31, 2016
Russia Send an email to March 21 to April 30, 2016
Hungary Nintendo Hungary's website March 23 to 30, 2016; March 30, 2016
Poland The first 50 players to comment on the post on Electronic Dreams's Facebook page. March 18 and 21, 2016
Nintendo Poland's Facebook page March 22, 2016
The first 100 players to send an email to that included a picture of a Nintendo 3DS with the Nintendo Poland Facebook post in the background. March 23, 2016 until supplies ran out
The first 50 players to send an email to that included a picture of a Nintendo 3DS surrounded by Easter decorations. March 29, 2016 until supplies ran out
Players who send an email to that explained what Wii U or Nintendo 3DS game they are looking forward to the most. A total of 60 winners were chosen. April 4, 2016 until supplies ran out
MENAGO's Facebook page September 29 and 30, 2016
Portugal GamingReplay's Facebook page April 4, 2016 until supplies ran out

Pokémon 20th Anniversary Mythical Pokémon

These Pokémon were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at various locations in select countries. These Pokémon were distributed to celebrate the Pokémon 20th Anniversary.

The serial codes for Mew could be used from January 27 to May 31, 2016, the serial codes for Darkrai could be used from May 1 to August 31, 2016, the serial codes for Arceus could be used from July 30 to November 30, 2016, and the serial codes for Genesect could be used from November 1, 2016 to February 28, 2017.

These Pokémon were also available to players who inserted a common serial code. The common serial code for Mew was MEW2016, the common serial code for Darkrai was DARKRAI2016, the common serial code for Arceus was ARCEUS2016, and the common serial code for Genesect was GENESECT2016. The serial code for Mew could be used from June 7 to 30, 2016, the serial code for Darkrai could be used from September 1 to 30, 2016, the serial code for Arceus could be used from December 1 to 31, 2016, and the serial code for Genesect could be used from February 1 to 28, 2017. The distribution for Mew was accidentally made available from June 1 to 2, 2016.

Serial code locations and dates

On location
Country Location Dates
Mew Darkrai Arceus Genesect
Australia EB Games stores February 1 to 24, 2016 May 1 to 24, 2016 August 1 to 24, 2016 November 1 to 24, 2016
Austria GameStop stores February 4 to 24, 2016 May 2 to 24, 2016 August 1 to 24, 2016 November 2 to 24, 2016
Belgium Nintendo Zones at Game Mania stores February 1 to 24, 2016 May 2 to 24, 2016 August 1 to 24, 2016 November 1 to 24, 2016
Cora and Fnac stores February 1 to 24, 2016 May 2 to 24, 2016
Smartoys stores
Denmark BR-Legetøj stores February 22 to April 30, 2016 May 18 to July 31, 2016 August 17 to October 31, 2016 November 15, 2016 to January 31, 2017
Finland BR-Lelut stores February 22 to April 30, 2016 May 18 to July 31, 2016 August 17 to October 31, 2016 November 15, 2016 to January 31, 2017
France Micromania stores February 26 to March 31, 2016 May 2 to 15, 2016 August 1 to 28, 2016 November 1 to 22, 2016
Germany GameStop stores February 3 to 24, 2016 May 2 to 24, 2016 August 1 to 24, 2016 November 1 to 24, 2016
Toys "R" Us stores August 1, 2016 until supplies ran out
Hungary Budapest Barcraft eSport Bar January 31, 2016
GameShop, Konzolvilág, PlatinumShop, and VideojátékBolt stores February 3, 2016 until supplies ran out May 3, 2016 until supplies ran out August 1 to 24, 2016
Konzol Stúdió November 4, 2016 until supplies ran out
Game Park and Konzolok Szervize stores
576 KByte, GamerZ, KonzolGame, Smartshop, and VideoGame Galaxis stores
Italy GameStop stores February 1 to 24, 2016 May 1 to 24, 2016 August 1 to 24, 2016 November 1 to 24, 2016
Netherlands Nintendo Zones at Game Mania stores February 1 to 24, 2016 May 1 to 24, 2016 August 1 to 24, 2016 November 1 to 24, 2016
New Zealand EB Games stores February 3 to 24, 2016 May 1 to 24, 2016 August 1 to 24, 2016
Norway BR-Leker stores February 22 to April 30, 2016 May 18 to July 31, 2016 August 17 to October 31, 2016 November 15, 2016 to January 31, 2017
Retrospillmessen May 14 to 15, 2016
Poland Game Over February 9, 2016 until supplies ran out May 1 to 24, 2016 July 27, 2016 until supplies ran out November 8, 2016 until supplies ran out
Powerplay stores July 28, 2016 until supplies ran out November 1, 2016 until supplies ran out
Vimagco stores August 2, 2016 until supplies ran out
4Console, BEST PLAY, Electronic Dreams, Gameone, Games4you, Gamted, HDmarket, Komputronik, Konsoleigry, LOVEGAME, Mad Games, Maginarium, Menago, ULTiMA, and X-Console stores
Portugal Nintendo Zones at Fnac stores February 1 to 24, 2016 May 1 to 24, 2016 August 1 to 24, 2016 November 1 to 24, 2016
Russia Respublica stores February 1, 2016 until supplies ran out May 1 to 24, 2016 August 1 to 12, 2016 November 1 to 12, 2016
Meet Nintendo Guardians in various cities. August 6 and 13, 2016 November 5 and 12, 2016
Spain Nintendo Zones at GAME stores February 1 to 24, 2016 May 1 to 24, 2016 August 1 to 24, 2016 November 1 to 24, 2016
Sweden BR-Leksaker stores February 22 to April 30, 2016 May 18 to July 31, 2016 August 17 to October 31, 2016 November 15, 2016 to January 31, 2017
South Africa BT Games stores February 15 to March 31, 2016 May 3, 2016 until supplies ran out August 5, 2016 until supplies ran out
GAME ARENA stores March 18, 2016
Switzerland GameStop stores February 4 to 24, 2016 May 2 to 24, 2016 August 1 to 24, 2016 November 2 to 24, 2016
United Kingdom GAME stores February 1 to 28, 2016 May 1 to 24, 2016 August 1 to 24, 2016 November 1 to 24, 2016

Country Location Dates
Poland HDmarket's Facebook page October 31, November 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, and 10, 2016
Powerplay's Facebook page November 1 and 3, 2016
Send an email to November 2, 2016 until supplies ran out
HDmarket's Facebook page posted the serial codes with one or two numbers missing. To get the missing numbers players had to solve a puzzle. November 2, 2016
The first 10 players who liked and shared the post on HDmarket's Facebook page and then posted the picture in the comments section. November 3, 2016
The first 20 players who posted a picture of personally created artwork featuring an Alola first partner Pokémon alongside a Pokémon game on HDmarket's Facebook page. November 5, 2016
Players who liked Electronic Dreams on Facebook and sent them a message. November 8, 2016 until supplies ran out
The first 25 players to comment on the post on Nintendo Poland's Facebook page about what Wii U game is the most interesting. November 22, 2016
Hungary Nintendo Hungary's website November 3, 7, and 28, 2016
Russia Send an email to November 14 to 24, 2016

Country Location Dates
Poland Players who sent a message to LOVEGAME on Facebook. July 28, 2016 until supplies ran out
HDmarket's Facebook page August 1, 3, 4, and 5, 2016
Send an email to August 1, 2016 until supplies ran out
The first 200 players to comment on the post on Nintendo Poland's Facebook page about what new Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Moon they like the most and why. August 2, 2016
Gameone's Facebook page August 2, 2016
The first 20 players to comment on the post on Nintendo Poland's Facebook page. The comment must be something nice about Nintendo. August 3, 2016
Games4You's Facebook page August 3 and 20, 2016
Maginarium's Facebook page August 4, 2016
The first 10 players to comment on the post on Nintendo Poland's Facebook page about what Pokémon game is their favorite. August 4, 2016
Players who commented on the post on Electronic Dreams's Facebook page. August 4, 2016 until supplies ran out
August 16, 2016 until supplies ran out
Send an email to August 4, 2016 until supplies ran out
Players who commented on the post on Nintendo Poland's Facebook page about what game they want to see on the Nintendo NX. August 5, 2016
Hungary Nintendo Hungary's website August 1, 4, and 17, 2016
Russia Send an email to August 15 to 24, 2016

Country Location Dates
Czech Republic and Slovakia The first 15 players to comment on the post on Nintendo of the Czech Republic and Slovakia's Facebook page. May 2, 2016
Poland HDmarket's Facebook page posted the serial codes with one or two numbers missing. To get the missing numbers players had to solve a puzzle. May 2, 4, and 5, 2016
The first 40 players that correctly state at least two game titles that should be replaced, however the games had to feature Darkrai. Players had to send their answer to May 4, 2016
The first 10 players to share the post on HDmarket's Facebook page, take a screenshot of it, and then send the screenshot to SKLEP@HDMARKET.PL with the subject "DARKRAI". May 5, 2016
The first 50 players who either liked, commented, or shared the post on Electronic Dreams's Facebook page. May 5, 2016
The first 20 players to comment on the post on Nintendo Poland's Facebook page. May 9, 2016
The first 30 players to comment on the post on Nintendo Poland's Facebook page about what first partner Pokémon from Pokémon Sun and Moon was their favorite and why it is their favorite. May 10, 2016
The first 100 players to comment on the post on Nintendo Poland's Facebook page about what Pokémon is the most Polish and why. Players also had to include an image depicting the Pokémon. May 16, 2016
Magazine CD-Action's website May 17, 2016 until supplies ran out
The first 15 players to post the comment "Chce Darkraia" on Game Over Kraków's Facebook page. Players also had to send them a private message. July 28, 2016
Russia Send an email to May 16 to 24, 2016
Hungary Nintendo Hungary's website May 18, 2016; June 21, 2016

Country Location Dates
Poland Players who purchased Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby, or Alpha Sapphire from February 2 to May 31, 2016
Nintendo Poland's Facebook page February 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 22, 24, and 26, 2016
The first 30 players who sent a message to HDmarket on Facebook. February 3, 2016
The first five players to comment on the post on HDmarket's Facebook page. February 5, 2016
Players who linked a post from BlogNintendo to their Facebook or Twitter accounts and then sent a screenshot to February 8, 2016
HDmarket's Facebook page posted the serial codes with one number missing. To get the missing number players had to convert the binary number. February 12, 2016
HDmarket's Facebook page posted the serial codes ASCII code. To get the serial code players had to convert the code into text. February 16, 2016
The ten most interesting comments about what Pokémon players want to be the most. Players had to send their responses to February 18, 2016
The 20 most interesting comments about what game in the Pokémon series is their favorite and why. Players had to send their responses to February 19, 2016
HDmarket's Facebook page February 22, 2016
The 20 most interesting comments about what features should return in a new series of Pokémon games. Players had to send their responses to February 23, 2016
The 15 most interesting comments about what players where looking forward to the most in the Nintendo Direct on February 26, 2016. Players had to send their responses to February 24, 2016
Czech Republic and Slovakia Nintendo of the Czech Republic and Slovakia's Facebook page February 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, 2016
Send a picture of personally created artwork featuring Mew to February 5 to 29, 2016
Russia Send an email to February 4 to 24, 2016
Hungary Nintendo Hungary's Facebook page February 8, 15, 15, 19, 20, and 20, 2016
South Africa Email February 10, 2016 until supplies ran out


Australian Genesect serial code card
Genesect serial code card from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden
#0649 Genesect
Normal Genesect
Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 100 0649Genesect.png
BugIC XY.png SteelIC XY.png
Ability: Download
Held item: None
ID: 11016
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Techno Blast
Normal Special
Magnet Bomb
Steel Physical
Solar Beam
Grass Special
Signal Beam
Bug Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online November 1, 2016 to February 28, 2017
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

The Mythical Pokémon Genesect
To celebrate 20 years of Pokémon,
you have received Genesect!
Genesect, which can change the type
of its Techno Blast move using Drives,
was originally distributed to
Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2.

Wonder Card
The Mythical Pokémon Genesect
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Genesect
Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Pokémon erhältst
du das Mysteriöse Pokémon Genesect!
Genesect, das via Modul den Typ seiner
Attacke Techblaster ändern kann, war
ursprünglich per Verteilung in Pokémon
Schwarz 2 und Pokémon Weiß 2 erhältlich.

Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Genesect
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
El Pokémon singular Genesect
¡Aquí tienes al Pokémon singular Genesect
para celebrar los veinte años de Pokémon!
Este Pokémon, que cambia el tipo de su
movimiento Tecno Shock usando cartuchos,
se distribuyó en su día en Pokémon Negro 2
y Pokémon Blanco 2.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
El Pokémon singular Genesect
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Genesect, le Pokémon fabuleux
Pour célébrer 20 ans de Pokémon,
recevez Genesect, le Pokémon fabuleux !
Ce Pokémon capable de changer le type
de son attaque Techno Buster fut
distribué dans Pokémon Version Noire 2
et Pokémon Version Blanche 2.

Carte Miracle
Genesect, le Pokémon fabuleux
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Il Pokémon misterioso Genesect
Per celebrare 20 anni di Pokémon,
ecco il Pokémon misterioso Genesect!
Il tipo della sua mossa Tecnobotto
cambia in base al modulo utilizzato!
Genesect è apparso per la prima volta
in Pokémon Versioni Nera 2 e Bianca 2.

Scheda Segreta
Il Pokémon misterioso Genesect
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!


Australian Arceus serial code card
Australian Arceus serial code card back
Arceus serial code card from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden
#0493 Arceus Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 100 0493Arceus.png
NormalIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Multitype
Held item: None
ID: 08016
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Normal Special
Normal Status
Hyper Beam
Normal Special
Perish Song
Normal Status
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online July 30 to November 30, 2016
XYORAS serial code PAL online December 1 to 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

The Mythical Pokémon Arceus
To celebrate 20 years of Pokémon,
you have received Arceus!
With a special flute, Arceus could first
be encountered in the Hall of Origin of
Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl.

Wonder Card
The Mythical Pokémon Arceus
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Arceus
Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Pokémon erhältst
du das Mysteriöse Pokémon Arceus!
Ursprünglich konnte man ihm mithilfe einer
speziellen Flöte in der Halle des Beginns
von Pokémon Diamant und Pokémon Perl

Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Arceus
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
El Pokémon singular Arceus
¡Aquí tienes al Pokémon singular Arceus
para celebrar los veinte años de Pokémon!
Este Pokémon podía encontrarse por
primera vez en la Sala del Origen de
Pokémon Diamante y Pokémon Perla
usando una flauta especial.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
El Pokémon singular Arceus
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Arceus, le Pokémon fabuleux
Pour célébrer 20 ans de Pokémon,
recevez Arceus, le Pokémon fabuleux !
Il était possible de rencontrer Arceus
dans la Salle Originelle grâce à una flûte
spéciale dans Pokémon Version Diamant
et Pokémon Version Perle.

Carte Miracle
Arceus, le Pokémon fabuleux
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Il Pokémon misterioso Arceus
Per celebrare 20 anni di Pokémon,
ecco il Pokémon misterioso Arceus!
Questo Pokémon poteva essere incontrato
solo in Pokémon Diamante e Perla,
accedendo alla Spazio Origine
grazie a un flauto speciale.

Scheda Segreta
Il Pokémon misterioso Arceus
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!


Australian Darkrai serial code card
Australian Darkrai serial code card back
Darkrai serial code card from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden
Darkrai serial code card from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia
#0491 Darkrai Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 100 0491Darkrai.png
DarkIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Bad Dreams
Held item: Enigma Berry Enigma Berry
ID: 05016
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Dark Void
Dark Status
Ominous Wind
Ghost Special
Ghost Status
Feint Attack
Dark Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online May 1 to August 31, 2016
XYORAS serial code PAL online September 1 to 30, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

The Mythical Pokémon Darkrai
To celebrate 20 years of Pokémon,
you have received Darkrai!
Darkrai could originally be brought
into Pokémon Diamond and
Pokémon Pearl by first obtaining it in
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia.

Wonder Card
The Mythical Pokémon Darkrai
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Darkrai
Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Pokémon erhältst
du das Mysteriöse Pokémon Darkai!
Ursprünglich konnte es nach dem Erhalt
in Pokémon Ranger: Finsternis über Almia
auf Pokémon Diamant und Pokémon Perl
übertragen werden.

Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Darkrai
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
El Pokémon singular Darkrai
¡Aquí tienes al Pokémon singular Darkrai
para celebrar los veinte años de Pokémon!
Este Pokémon podía transferirse a Pokémon
Diamante y Pokémon Perla tras haberlo
encontrado en el juego Pokémon Ranger:
Sombras de Almia.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
El Pokémon singular Darkrai
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Darkrai, le Pokémon fabuleux
Pour célébrer 20 ans de Pokémon,
recevez Darkrai, le Pokémon fabuleux !
Pour obtenir Darkrai, il fallit d'abord
le rencontrer dans Pokémon Ranger : Nuit
sur Almia, puis le transférer dans Pokémon
Version Diamant ou Pokémon Version Perle.

Carte Miracle
Darkrai, le Pokémon fabuleux
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Il Pokémon misterioso Darkrai
Per celebrare 20 anni di Pokémon,
ecco il Pokémon misterioso Darkrai!
Questo Pokémon poteva essere
trasferito in Pokémon Diamante e Perla
dopo averlo incontrato
in Pokémon Ranger: Ombre su Almia.

Scheda Segreta
Il Pokémon misterioso Darkrai
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!


Australian Mew serial code card
Australian Mew serial code card back
Mew serial code card from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden
Mew serial code card from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia
#0151 Mew Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 100 0151Mew.png
PsychicIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Synchronize
Held item: None
ID: 02016
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Normal Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online January 27 to May 31, 2016
XYORAS serial code PAL online June 1 to 2, 2016
June 7 to 30, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

The Mythical Pokémon Mew
To celebrate 20 years of Pokémon,
you have received Mew!
Mew, the first Mythical Pokémon
discovered, was originally distributed
to Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue.

Wonder Card
The Mythical Pokémon Mew
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Mew
Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Pokémon erhältst
du das Mysteriöse Pokémon Mew!
Mew ist das erste Mysteriöse Pokémon,
das entedeckt wurde, und war ursprünglich
per Verteilung in Pokémon Rot und
Pokémon Blau erhältlich!

Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Mew
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
El Pokémon singular Mew
¡Aquí tienes al Pokémon singular Mew para
celebrar los veinte años de Pokémon!
Distribuido en su día en Pokémon Rojo y
Pokémon Azul, Mew fue el primer Pokémon
singular que se descubrió.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
El Pokémon singular Mew
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Mew, le Pokémon fabuleux
Pour célébrer 20 ans de Pokémon,
recevez Mew, le Pokémon fabuleux !
Mew est le tout premier Pokémon fabuleux
jamais découvert et fut initialement
distribué dans Pokémon Version Rouge
et Pokémon Version Bleue.

Carte Miracle
Mew, le Pokémon fabuleux
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Il Pokémon misterioso Mew
Per celebrare 20 anni di Pokémon,
ecco il Pokémon misterioso Mew!
Mew è il primo Pokémon
misterioso in assoluto!
È stato reso disponibile per la prima
volta in Pokémon Rosso e Blu.

Scheda Segreta
Il Pokémon misterioso Mew
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!

Jade Infernape

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Infernape was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that were given away through Antavo. The serial codes were given away from January 28 to February 4, 2016 or until codes ran out. This was linked from Nintendo Hong Kong's Facebook and Weibo pages on January 28, 2016 at 6:30 pm HKT.

The serial codes could be used to obtain Infernape from January 28 to February 29, 2016 on a Japanese, PAL, or Taiwanese region system. It was distributed to celebrate the Chinese New Year, with 2016 being the Year of the Fire Monkey.

#0392 Infernape Blue pentagon VI.png/
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 88 0392Infernape.png
FireIC XY.png FightingIC XY.png
Ability: Iron Fist
Held item: Nugget Nugget
ID: 01286
OT: Jade
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Fire Blast
Fire Special
Close Combat
Fighting Physical
Fire Punch
Fire Physical
Focus Punch
Fighting Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code Japanese, PAL, and Taiwanese online January 28 to February 29, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

Year of Monkey Present "Infernape"
Happy Lunar New Year! This Infernape
with a hidden ability is especially strong
in punching moves!
Let's use the two punching moves that
"Infernape" knows as soon as it joins you!

Wonder Card
Year of Monkey Present "Infernape"
Thank you for receiving this distribution!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.

PGL Delibird

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Delibird was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Festive Feud competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from December 11 to 13, 2015. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on December 18, 2015. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on December 25, 2015 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Delibird from December 25, 2015 to February 29, 2016.

#0225 Delibird Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 10 0225Delibird.png
IceIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Vital Spirit
Held item: Relic Gold Relic Gold
ID: 12255
Met: the PGL (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Special Ribbon Special Ribbon
Normal Physical
Happy Hour
Normal Status
Games Method Region Location Duration
ORAS serial code all online December 25, 2015 to February 29, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

Festive Feud Gift
Thanks for playing! Delibird has delivered
a holiday gift for your participation in
the Festive Feud Online Competition!

Wonder Card
Festive Feud Gift
This is a gift from the
Pokémon Global Link!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Danke, dass du dabei warst!
Als Belohnung für deine Teilnahme am
Online-Turnier Festliche Fehde hat Botogel
ein Geschenk für dich abgegeben!

Ein Geschenk vom Pokémon Global Link!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
Regalo de la Confrontación Festiva
¡Gracias por jugar! ¡Delibird te ha traído
un regalo para celebrar tu participación
en el Torneo en Linea Confrontación Festiva!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Regalo de la Confrontación Festiva
¡Has conseguido un regalo en Pokémon Global
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un cadeau pour les fêtes !
Merci d'avoir participé à la Compétition
Internet : Affrontement Festif !
Pour vous remercier, Cadoizo
vous a livré un cadeau !

Carte Miracle
Un cadeau pour les fêtes !
Vous avez reçu un cadeau du Pokémon
Global Link ! Allez le récupérer dans le jeu
auprès de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Un regalo per la Baruffa Festiva!
Grazie per aver partecipato alla
Gara Online Baruffa Festiva.
Ecco un regalo de parte di Delibird!

Scheda Segreta
Un regalo per la Baruffa Festiva!
Ecco un regalo dal Pokémon Global Link!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina nel
Centro Pokémon!

Nintendo Hong Kong Jirachi

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Shiny Jirachi was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at the Mikiki X Pika Fever event, which was located at the Mikki shopping mall in San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong from December 11, 2015 to January 3, 2016. The first 1,000 players who attended the event on December 12, 2015 at 3:00 pm received a serial code. The serial codes were also given away through Woobox from December 23 to 25, 2015 or until codes ran out. This was linked from Nintendo Hong Kong's Facebook and Weibo pages on December 23, 2015 at 6:30 pm HKT.

The serial codes could be used to obtain Jirachi from December 12, 2015 to January 31, 2016 on a Japanese, PAL, or Taiwanese region system. It was distributed to celebrate Christmas.

#0385 Jirachi Blue pentagon VI.pngShinyVIStar.png 
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 25 HOME385 s.png
SteelIC XY.png PsychicIC XY.png
Ability: Serene Grace
Held item: Star Piece Star Piece
ID: 12015
OT: Nintendo HK
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Normal Status
Psychic Special
Normal Special
Happy Hour
Normal Status
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code Japanese, PAL, and Taiwanese online December 12, 2015 to January 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

Christmas Present "Shiny Jirachi"
Receive a shiny Jirachi equipped
with a special move "Happy Hour"!
Wish you a Merry Christmas !

Wonder Card
Christmas Present "Shiny Jirachi"
Thank you for receiving this distribution!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.

Sly Zoroark

This Zoroark was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at participating GAME stores in the United Kingdom from November 6 to 26, 2015. The serial codes could be used to obtain Zoroark from November 6, 2015 to January 7, 2016. It was distributed to promote the release of the BREAKthrough Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion.

It was also distributed via Nintendo Zones at participating Game Mania stores in Belgium and the Netherlands from December 11, 2015 to January 3, 2016.

In Germany, serial codes were announced to be given away at participating GameStop stores from November 26 to December 28, 2015. However, GameStop Germany stated that they had not been informed about the distribution, and the details on the official Pokémon website were subsequently silently removed.

#0571 Zoroark Blue pentagon VI.png/
Ultra Ball summary IV.png Level 50 0571Zoroark.png
DarkIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Illusion
Held item: None
ID: 11065
OT: Sly
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Sludge Bomb
Poison Special
Dark Pulse
Dark Special
Fire Special
Sucker Punch
Dark Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online November 6, 2015 to January 7, 2016
XYORAS Nintendo Zone PAL Belgium and the Netherlands December 11, 2015 to January 3, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

It's a Zoroark full of tricks!
Time to take Zoroark's Illusion Ability
to the next level! This battle-ready
Zoroark features moves commonly used
by popular competitive Pokémon.
It will keep your opponents guessing
your next move!

Wonder Card
It's a Zoroark full of tricks!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Ein Zoroark voller Überraschungen!
Stifte mit Zoroarks Fähigkeit Trugbild
jede Menge Verwirrung!
Dieses kampfbereite Zoroark beherrscht
Attacken, die sich in der Wettkampfszene
großer Beliebtheit erfreuen und deine
Gegner im Dunkeln tappen lassen werden!

Ein Zoroark voller Überraschungen!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Un Zoroark astuto como él solo!
¡Hora de exprimir al máximo la habilidad
Ilusión de Zoroark! Este Pokémon está
listo para el combate y conoce movimientos
de uso habitual en la alta competición.
¡Tus rivales se las verán y desearán
para anticiparse a tus movimientos!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Un Zoroark astuto como él solo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Zoroark rusé fait sa loi !
Il est temps de profiter pleinement du
talent Illusion de Zoroark ! Ce Pokémon
prêt pour le combat dispose de capacités
souvent utilisées en compétition.
Votre adversaire aura bien du mal
à prédire votre prochaine attaque !

Carte Miracle
Un Zoroark rusé fait sa loi !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Ecco Zoroark, l'illusionista!
Sbalordisci gli avversari con Zoroark
e la sua abilità Illusione! Questo Pokémon
è pronto per la lotta con mosse di solito
usate dai Pokémon più competitivi.
Sarà arduo per i tuoi avversari prevedere
la tua mossa successiva!

Scheda Segreta
Ecco Zoroark, l'illusionista!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!

Harry Hoopa

Italian serial code card
Australian serial code card
Dutch serial code card

This Hoopa was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at various locations in select countries. The serial codes could be used to obtain Hoopa from October 10, 2015 to April 15, 2016. The serial codes were originally scheduled to expire on January 10, 2016, but were extended until April 15, 2016. It was also distributed to players via Nintendo Zones at participating stores in select countries.

It was also distributed to players who inserted the common serial code HOOPA2016 from April 6 to April 30, 2016.

#0720 Hoopa
Hoopa Confined
Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 50 0720Hoopa.png
PsychicIC XY.png GhostIC XY.png
Ability: Magician
Held item: Focus Sash Focus Sash
ID: 10235
OT: Harry
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Hyperspace Hole
Psychic Special
Psychic Special
Ghost Physical
Nasty Plot
Dark Status
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online October 10, 2015 to April 15, 2016
XYORAS Nintendo Zone PAL Portugal November 11, 2015 to January 10, 2016
XYORAS Nintendo Zone PAL Belgium November 12, 2015 to January 10, 2016
XYORAS Nintendo Zone PAL Denmark and Sweden December 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016
XYORAS serial code PAL online April 6 to 30, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

Wow! It's a Hoopa!
The Mythical Pokémon Hoopa is here!
This Hoopa knows the move
Hyperspace Hole, a new and powerful
move that only Hoopa can learn.

Wonder Card
Wow! It's a Hoopa!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Wow! Ein Hoopa!
Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Hoopa ist da!
Mit Diemensionsloch beherrscht es eine
neue und mächtige Attacke, die nur Hoopa
erlernen kann!

Wow! Ein Hoopa!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Hala, es Hoopa!
¡Ya está aquí el Pokémon singular Hoopa!
Este Hoopa conoce Paso Dimensional,
un nuevo y potente movimiento que solo
Hoopa puede aprender.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Hala, es Hoopa!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Ouah ! C'est Hoopa !
Hoopa, le Pokémon fabuleux, débarque !
Ce Hoopa connaît TrouDimensionnel,
une nouvelle capacité surpuissante
qui lui est propre !

Carte Miracle
Ouah ! C'est Hoopa !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Arriva Hoopa!
Ecco finalmente il Pokémon misterioso
Hoopa, con una nuova potentissima
mossa che solo lui può imparare:

Scheda Segreta
Arriva Hoopa!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!

Serial code locations and dates

On location
Country Location Dates
Netherlands Firstlook Festival October 10 to 11, 2015
Bart Smit and Intertoys stores November 11, 2015 until supplies ran out
Game Mania stores November 14 to December 11, 2015
Austria GameStop stores October 16, 2015 until supplies ran out
Germany GameStop stores October 16 to November 7, 2015
Switzerland GameStop stores October 16, 2015 until supplies ran out
Italy Milan Games Week October 23 to 25, 2015
GameStop stores October 27 to November 12, 2015
United Kingdom GAME stores October 23 to November 5, 2015
France Micromania stores November 2 to 22, 2015
Belgium DreamLand stores November 11, 2015 until supplies ran out
Game Mania stores November 14 to December 11, 2015
Russia Level Up Day November 22, 2015
Denmark GameStop stores December 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016
Finland GameStop stores December 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016
Norway GameStop stores and Neo Tokyo December 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016
Sweden GameStop stores December 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016
Spain Nintendo Zones at GAME stores December 4, 2015 to January 29, 2016
Alcampo, Blade Center, Canal Ocio, Carrefour, El Corte Inglés, Eroski, Fnac, Game Over, Gamestore, Hipercor, Hobbymania, Media Markt, MXGame, and Toys "R" Us stores December 4, 2015 until supplies ran out
South Africa BT Games stores December 10, 2015 until supplies ran out
Australia Big W, EB Games, and JB Hi-Fi stores January 18 to 29, 2016
New Zealand EB Games and JB Hi-Fi stores January 18 to 29, 2016

Country Location Dates
Russia Send an email to November 24 to December 27, 2015

Nintendo Zone locations and dates

Country Location Dates
Portugal Fnac stores November 11, 2015 to January 10, 2016
Belgium Fnac stores November 12, 2015 to January 10, 2016
Denmark Webhallen stores December 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016
Sweden Webhallen stores December 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016

Nintendo Hong Kong Rayquaza

This Shiny Rayquaza was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away through Woobox on two separate occasions. The serial codes were first given away starting on September 11, 2015 until codes ran out. They were given away for a second time starting on September 24, 2015 until codes ran out. Both giveaways were linked from Nintendo Hong Kong's Facebook page.

The serial codes could be used to obtain Rayquaza from September 11 to October 31, 2015 on a Japanese, PAL, or Taiwanese region system. It was distributed to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

#0384 Rayquaza Blue pentagon VI.pngShinyVIStar.png 
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 70 HOME384 s.png
DragonIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Air Lock
Held item: None
ID: 09115
OT: Nintendo HK
Met: an event site (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Event Ribbon Event Ribbon
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Special
Dragon Dance
Dragon Status
Electric Special
Extreme Speed
Normal Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code Japanese, PAL, and Taiwanese online September 11 to October 31, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

A special shiny Rayquaza!
A rare shiny Rayquaza will be
given to you as a gift!

Wonder Card
A special shiny Rayquaza!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.

PGL Pikachu

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Pikachu was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Pikachu Cup competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from August 21 to 23, 2015. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on September 1, 2015. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on September 1, 2015 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Pikachu from September 1 to October 29, 2015.

The first three moves this Pikachu knows are the three Egg Moves most commonly found on Pikachu during both the Juniors Division and the Masters Division tournaments (including Volt Tackle, which is similar due to being learned only via breeding). Additionally, Pikachu has two 31 IVs in two randomly chosen stats.

#0025 Pikachu Blue pentagon VI.png/
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 10 0025Pikachu.png
ElectricIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Lightning Rod
Held item: Light Ball Light Ball
ID: 08215
Met: the PGL (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Fake Out
Normal Physical
Normal Status
Volt Tackle
Electric Physical
Normal Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
ORAS serial code all online September 1 to October 29, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

The Pikachu Cup Is a Go!
To commemorate Pikachu being one
of the top three most often used
Pokémon in the tournament, here is
a special Pikachu for you! Aim to be
number one in the world with it!

Wonder Card
The Pikachu Cup Is a Go!
This is a gift from the
Pokémon Global Link!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Da Pikachu bei diesem Turnier eines der
drei am häufigsten eingesetzten Pokémon
war, erhältst du zur Feier des Tages ein
besonderes Pikachu! Versuche, mit ihm
der allerbeste Trainer der Welt zu werden!

Ein Geschenk vom Pokémon Global Link!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡La Copa Pikachu está en marcha!
Para conmemorar que Pikachu es uno de los
tres Pokémon más utilizados en el torneo,
¡aquí tienes un Pikachu especial!
¡Úsalo para abrirte camino hasta el primer
puesto de la clasificación mundial!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡La Copa Pikachu está en marcha!
¡Has conseguido un regalo en Pokémon Global
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
C'est parti pour la Coupe Pikachu !
Pour fêter la présence de Pikachu parmi
les trois Pokémon les plus populaires du
tournoi, voici un Pikachu spécial !
Remportez toutes les victoires en sa
compagnie !

Carte Miracle
C'est parti pour la Coupe Pikachu !
Vous avez reçu un cadeau du Pokémon
Global Link ! Allez le récupérer dans le jeu
auprès de la livreuse d’un Centre Pokémon !
Scintille della Coppa Pikachu!
In onore di Pikachu, uno dei tre
Pokemon più scelti in questa gara,
ecco un Pikachu speciale per te.
Mettilo in squadra e conquista le
classifiche mondiali insieme a lui!

Scheda Segreta
Scintille della Coppa Pikachu!
Ecco un regalo dal Pokémon Global Link!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina nel
Centro Pokémon!

Galileo Rayquaza

Australian serial code card
Australian serial code card back

This Shiny Rayquaza was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at various locations in select countries. In Australia and New Zealand, the serial codes were given away at participating EB Games stores from August 10 to 31, 2015. In the United Kingdom, the serial codes were given away at participating Smyths Toys Superstores from August 24 to September 20, 2015. In Germany, the serial codes were given away at participating Müller stores from August 31 to September 28, 2015. In France, the serial codes were given away at Paris Games Week from October 28 to November 1, 2015. The serial codes could be used to obtain Rayquaza from August 10, 2015 to January 27, 2016. It was distributed to promote the release of the Shiny Rayquaza-EX Box and the Ancient Origins Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion.

#0384 Rayquaza Blue pentagon VI.pngShinyVIStar.png 
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 70 HOME384 s.png
DragonIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Air Lock
Held item: Dragon Fang Dragon Fang
ID: 08055
OT: Galilée
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Dragon Ascent
Flying Physical
Dragon Claw
Dragon Physical
Extreme Speed
Normal Physical
Dragon Dance
Dragon Status
Games Method Region Location Duration
ORAS serial code PAL online August 10, 2015 to January 27, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

Shiny Rayquaza with Dragon Ascent!
Soar into battle with the mighty
Shiny Rayquaza! This Shiny Rayquaza is
not only rare, it is also amazingly
powerful. Shiny Rayquaza knows the
Dragon Ascent move, allowing it to Mega Evolve!

Wonder Card
Shiny Rayquaza with Dragon Ascent!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
German serial code card
Ein Schillerndes Rayquaza!
Stürze dich mit mächtigen Schillernden
Rayquaza in den Kampf! Dieses Exemplar
ist nicht nur selten, sondern auch extrem
stark. Es beherrscht außerdem die Attacke
Zenitstürmer, die es ihm ermöglicht,
eine Mega-Entwicklung durchzuführen!

Ein Schillerndes Rayquaza!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Asciende con Rayquaza variocolor!
¡Surca el cielo hacia el combate con
un poderoso Rayquaza variocolor! Este
Pokémon no solo es raro, sino también
sumamente fuerte. ¡Además, conoce el
movimiento Ascenso Draco, que le permite

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Asciende con Rayquaza variocolor!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Rayquaza chromatique !
Envolez-vous au combat avec un
Rayquaza chromatique surpuissant !
En plus d'être rare, il connaît la
capacité Draco Ascension, qui lui permet
de méga-évoluer. Rien ne l'arrêtera !

Carte Miracle
Un Rayquaza chromatique !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Un Rayquaza cromatico stellare!
Domina le lotte con uno stratosferico
Rayquaza cromatico!
Questo Pokémon non è solo molto raro,
ma anche straordinariamente forte.
Inoltre, conosce già Ascesa del Drago, la
mossa che gli consente di megaevolversi!

Scheda Segreta
Un Rayquaza cromatico stellare!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!

Shigeki Morimoto's Pokémon

German serial code card
Italian serial code card

These Pokémon were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at various locations in Europe. In Germany, the serial codes were given away at Gamescom 2015 in Cologne, Germany from August 5 to 9, 2015. In Switzerland, the serial codes were given away at participating Softridge stores starting on October 12, 2015 until supplies ran out. In Italy, the serial codes were given away at Milan Games Week 2015 in Milan, Italy from October 23 to 25, 2015.

Each serial code card had two serial codes for two different Pokémon; code 1 could be used to obtain Sableye or Aromatisse and code 2 could be used to obtain Bouffalant or Malamar. Players of Pokémon Omega Ruby received Aromatisse and Malamar and players of Pokémon Alpha Sapphire received Sableye and Bouffalant. The serial codes could be used to obtain these Pokémon from August 5, 2015 to January 22, 2016. The serial codes were originally scheduled to expire on October 31, 2015, but they were later extended until January 22, 2016. These Pokémon were selected by Shigeki Morimoto.


#0302 Sableye Blue pentagon VI.png/
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 50 0302Sableye.png
DarkIC XY.png GhostIC XY.png
Ability: Prankster
Held item: Sablenite Sablenite
ID: 08055
OT: Shigeshige
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Relaxed
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Calm Mind
Psychic Status
Fire Status
Normal Status
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
AS serial code PAL online August 5, 2015 to January 22, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

It's Sableye!
A special Sableye slinks into battle
as part of Battle Director Morimoto's
2015 Battle Team! Mega Evolve it
and witness its awesome power!

Wonder Card
It's Sableye!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Ein besonderes Zobiris!
Ein besonderes Zobiris schleicht sich an!
Es ist Teil des Kampfteams des Jahres 2015
von Shigeki Morimoto, dem Designer des
Kampfsystems der Pokémon-Spiele. Lass
es eine Mega-Entwicklung durchführen und
werde Zeuge seiner atemberaubenden Kraft!

Ein besonderes Zobiris!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Un Sableye!
Un Sableye especial se cuela en el combate
como miembro del equipo para el 2015 del
director de combates Morimoto. ¡Haz que
megaevolucione y contempla su asombroso

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Un Sableye!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Ténéfix !
Ce Ténéfix fait partie de l'équipe 2015
de Shigeki Morimoto, designer en chief
des combats ! Admirez toute la puissance
de sa Méga-Évolution !

Carte Miracle
Un Ténéfix !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Un temibile Sableye!
Un Sableye speciale pronto alla lotta
direttamente dalla squadra
competitiva 2015 del designer
delle lotte Shigeki Morimoto!
Fallo megaevolvere e scorpi la sua
forza spaventosa!

Scheda Segreta
Un temibile Sableye!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!


#0626 Bouffalant Blue pentagon VI.png/
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 50 0626Bouffalant.png
NormalIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Soundproof
Held item: Choice Band Choice Band
ID: 08055
OT: Shigeshige
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Adamant
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Head Charge
Normal Physical
Normal Physical
Ground Physical
Rock Slide
Rock Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
AS serial code PAL online August 5, 2015 to January 22, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

It's Bouffalant!
Bouffalant charges onto the field
with items and moves that
Battle Director Morimoto has chosen
for his select 2015 Battle Team!

Wonder Card
It's Bouffalant!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Ein besonderes Bisofank!
Bisofank stürmt in den Kampf! Es ist Teil
des Kampfteams des Jahres 2015 von
Shigeki Morimoto, dem Designer des
Kampfsystems der Pokémon-Spiele.
Er hat Bisofanks Attacken und dessen
Item persönlich ausgewählt.

Ein besonderes Bisofank!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Un Bouffalant!
Bouffalant se abalanza al terreno de juego
con un objeto y unos movimientos que el
director de combates Morimoto ha elegido
para su selecto equipo de combate del

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Un Bouffalant!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Frison !
Frison se rue sur le champ de bataille
avec des capacités et un objet
spécialement choisis par Shigeki
Morimoto, designer en chef des
combats, pour son équipe en 2015 !

Carte Miracle
Un Frison !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Bouffalant alla carica!
Ecco un Bouffalant speciale con un
set di mosse e uno strumento scelti
dal designer delle lotte Shigeki Morimoto
per la sua squadra competitiva 2015!
Prova questo indomito Boufallant
sul campo di lotta!

Scheda Segreta
Bouffalant alla carica!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!


#0683 Aromatisse Blue pentagon VI.png/
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 50 0683Aromatisse.png
FairyIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Aroma Veil
Held item: Babiri Berry Babiri Berry
ID: 08055
OT: Shigeshige
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Relaxed
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Trick Room
Psychic Status
Heal Pulse
Psychic Status
Normal Status
Fairy Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
OR serial code PAL online August 5, 2015 to January 22, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

It's Aromatisse!
This special Aromatisse has been chosen
personally by Battle Director Morimoto
as part of his 2015 Battle Team!
Support your allies and smash your foes!

Wonder Card
It's Aromatisse!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Ein besonderes Parfinesse!
Shigeki „Shigeshige“ Morimoto, der
Designer des Kampfsystems der Pokémon-
Spiele, hat dieses besondere Parfinesse
selbst für sein Kampfteam des Jahres 2015
ausgesucht. Unterstütze damit deine
Mitstreiter und bezwinge deine Gegner!

Ein besonderes Parfinesse!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Un Aromatisse!
El director de combates Morimoto ha
elegido personalmente a este Aromatisse
especial para que formara parte de su
equipo de combate del 2015.
¡Apoya con él a tus aliados y aplasta a
tus oponentes!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Un Aromatisse!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Cocotine !
Ce Cocotine a été spécialement choisi par
Shigeki Morimoto, designer en chef des
combats, pour faire partie de son équipe
en 2015 ! Avec lui, frappez vos ennemis
tout en soutenant vos alliés !

Carte Miracle
Un Cocotine !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Un sorprendente Aromatisse!
Questo Aromatisse speciale è stato scelto
personalmente dal designer delle lotte
Shigeki Morimoto per la sua squadra
competitiva 2015! Fornirà un supporto
insostituibile alla tua squadra e
ti aiuterà a sbaragliare gli avversari!

Scheda Segreta
Un sorprendente Aromatisse!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!


#0687 Malamar Blue pentagon VI.png/
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 50 0687Malamar.png
DarkIC XY.png PsychicIC XY.png
Ability: Contrary
Held item: Assault Vest Assault Vest
ID: 08055
OT: Shigeshige
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Adamant
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Fighting Physical
Knock Off
Dark Physical
Normal Physical
Rock Slide
Rock Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
OR serial code PAL online August 5, 2015 to January 22, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

It's Malamar!
Malamar surges to victory
with specially chosen moves
as part of Battle Director Morimoto's
personally selected 2015 Battle Team!

Wonder Card
It's Malamar!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Ein besonderes Calamanero!
Mit diesem Calamanero rückt der Sieg in
greifbare Nähe! Es ist Teil des Kampfteams
des Jahres 2015 von Shigeki Morimoto,
dem Designer des Kampfsystems der
Pokémon-Spiele. Er hat Calamaneros
Attacken persönlich ausgewählt!

Ein besonderes Calamanero!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Un Malamar!
¡Malamar se alza hasta la victoria con
unos movimientos seleccionados
especialmente por el director de combates
Morimoto y forma parte de su equipo de
combate para el 2015!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Un Malamar!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Sepiatroce !
Spécialement choisi par Shigeki Morimoto,
designer en chef des combats, pour faire
partie de son équipe en 2015,
ce Sepiatroce sait tirer parti de ses
capacités pour remporter la victoire !

Carte Miracle
Un Sepiatroce !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Malamar alla ribalta!
Le mosse di questo Malamar speciale
sono state scelte personalmente dal
designer delle lotte Shigeki Morimoto
per la sua squadra competitiva 2015!
Metti sottosopra il campo di lotta
e conquista la vittoria!

Scheda Segreta
Malamar alla ribalta!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!

PGL Amaura

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Amaura was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Enter the Dragon Type competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from March 20 to 22, 2015. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on March 27, 2015. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on March 31, 2015 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Amaura from March 31 to May 31, 2015.

#0698 Amaura Blue pentagon VI.png/
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 10 0698Amaura.png
RockIC XY.png IceIC XY.png
Ability: Snow Warning
Held item: None
ID: 03205
Met: the PGL (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Normal Status
Powder Snow
Ice Special
Thunder Wave
Electric Status
Rock Throw
Rock Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
ORAS serial code all online March 31 to May 31, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

Hidden Ability Amaura!
It's an Amaura with a Hidden Ability!
Thank you for participating in
an Online Competition!

Wonder Card
Hidden Ability Amaura!
This is a gift from the
Pokemon Global Link!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Ein besonderes Amarino!
Dieses Amarino hat eine
versteckte Fähigkeit im Gepäck!
Vielen Dank für deine Teilnahme
an einem Online-Turnier!

Ein besonderes Amarino!
Ein Geschenk vom Pokémon Global Link!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Un Amaura con habilidad oculta!
¡Este Amaura posee una habilidad oculta!
¡Gracias por participar en un Torneo en

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Un Amaura con habilidad oculta!
¡Has conseguido un regalo en Pokémon Global
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Amagara talentueux !
Merci d'avoir participé à une compétition
en ligne !
Voici un Amagara avec son talent caché !

Carte Miracle
Un Amagara talentueux !
Vous avez reçu un cadeau du Pokémon
Global Link ! Allez le récupérer dans le jeu
auprès de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Un Amaura von l'abilità speciale!
In regalo per te un Amaura
con la sua abilità speciale!
Grazie per aver partecipato
alle Gare Online!

Scheda Segreta
Un Amaura von l'abilità speciale!
Ecco un regalo dal Pokémon Global Link!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina nel
Centro Pokémon!

Spring 2015 Charizard

German serial code card
French serial code card

This Shiny Charizard was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at various locations in select countries. In Germany, the serial codes were given away at participating GameStop stores from April 1 to 21, 2015. In the United Kingdom, the serial codes were given away at participating GAME stores from April 3 to 19, 2015. In France, the serial codes were given away at participating stores on April 13, 2015 until supplies ran out. In Spain, the serial codes were given away at the Barcelona International Comics Convention from April 16 to 19, 2015 and at participating stores starting on April 20, 2015. In Italy, the serial codes were given away at participating GameStop stores from April 20 to May 2, 2015. The serial codes could be used to obtain Charizard from March 21 to July 19, 2015.

In Belgium and the Netherlands, it was distributed via Nintendo Zones at participating Game Mania stores from June 1 to 21, 2015.

#0006 Charizard Blue pentagon VI.pngShinyVIStar.png /
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 36 HOME006 s.png
FireIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Blaze
Held item: Charizardite Y Charizardite Y
ID: 04015
OT: FRÜHL. 2015
PRINT. 2015
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Fire Special
Solar Beam
Grass Special
Focus Blast
Fighting Special
Hold Hands
Normal Status
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online March 21 to July 19, 2015
XYORAS Nintendo Zone PAL Belgium and the Netherlands June 1 to 21, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Download type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

It's a Shiny Charizard!
This is a special gift for you!
Blaze into glory with Shiny Charizard and
Mega Evolve to scorch the battlefield!

Wonder Card
It's a Shiny Charizard!
Thank you for receiving this distribution!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Ein Schillerndes Glurak!
Hier ist ein besonderes Geschenk für dich!
Werde Feuer und Flamme für dieses
Schillernde Glurak und löse bei ihm die
Mega-Entwicklung aus, um deinen Gegnern
im Kampf mächtig einzuheizen!

Ein Schillerndes Glurak!
Danke für den Download!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Un Charizard varicolor!
¡Aquí tienes in regalo especial!
¡Haz que Charizard megaevolucione para
reducir a cenizas el campo de batalla y
deja que el fulgor de sus Ilamas ilumine
tu camino hacia la gloria!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Un Charizard varicolor!
¡Gracias por realizar esta descarga!
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Dracaufeu chromatique !
Un cadeau spécial rien que pour vous !
Attisez les flammes de la gloire avec ce
Dracaufeu chromatique et méga-évoluez
pour embraser le champ de bataille !

Carte Miracle
Un Dracaufeu chromatique !
Merci de votre téléchargement !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Ecco un Charizard cromatico!
In regalo per te un fiammeggiante
Charizard cromatico!
Fallo megaevolvere e rendi
incadescente il campo di lotta!

Scheda Segreta
Ecco un Charizard cromatico!
Grazie per aver effettuato il download!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina
nel Centro Pokémon!

PGL Tyrunt

This Tyrunt was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Battle of Hoenn competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from January 23 to 25, 2015. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on January 30, 2015. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on February 17, 2015 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Tyrunt from February 17 to April 30, 2015.

#0696 Tyrunt Blue pentagon VI.png/
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 10 0696Tyrunt.png
RockIC XY.png DragonIC XY.png
Ability: Sturdy
Held item: None
ID: 01235
Met: the PGL (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Tail Whip
Normal Status
Normal Physical
Normal Status
Normal Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
ORAS serial code all online February 17 to April 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

Hidden Ability Tyrunt!
It's a Tyrunt with a Hidden Ability!
Thank you for participating in
an Online Competition!

Wonder Card
Hidden Ability Tyrunt!
This is a gift from the
Pokemon Global Link!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Ein besonderes Balgoras!
Dieses Balgoras hat eine
versteckte Fähigkeit im Gepäck!
Vielen Dank für deine Teilnahme
an einem Online-Turnier!

Ein besonderes Balgoras!
Ein Geschenk vom Pokémon Global Link!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Un Tyrunt con habilidad oculta!
¡Este Tyrunt posee una habilidad oculta!
¡Gracias por participar en un Torneo en

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Un Tyrunt con habilidad oculta!
¡Has conseguido un regalo en Pokémon Global
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Ptyranidur talentueux !
Merci d'avoir participé à une compétition
en ligne !
Voici un Ptyranidur avec son talent
caché !

Carte Miracle
Un Ptyranidur talentueux !
Vous avez reçu un cadeau du Pokémon
Global Link ! Allez le récupérer dans le jeu
auprès de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Un Tyrunt con l'abilità speciale!
In regalo per te un Tyrunt
con la sua abilità speciale!
Grazie per aver partecipato
alle Gare Online!

Scheda Segreta
Un Tyrunt con l'abilità speciale!
Ecco un regalo dal Pokémon Global Link!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina nel
Centro Pokémon!

February 2015 Darkrai

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Darkrai was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at participating GAME stores in the United Kingdom starting on February 13, 2015. Due to some stores running a midnight launch for the New Nintendo 3DS, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D, and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, the codes were available starting at midnight on February 13, 2015. The serial codes could be used to obtain Darkrai from February 13 to May 5, 2015.

Material distributed with the serial codes stated the codes could be redeemed until May 13, the official site and description of the promotional video said May 5, while the promotional video said May 10. However, when asked in a support ticket, The Pokémon Company International confirmed that the serial codes could only be used until May 5, 2015.

#0491 Darkrai Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 50 0491Darkrai.png
DarkIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Bad Dreams
Held item: Enigma Berry Enigma Berry
ID: 02135
OT: FEB2015
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Dark Void
Dark Status
Dream Eater
Psychic Special
Dark Pulse
Dark Special
Phantom Force
Ghost Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code PAL online February 13 to May 5, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

A special gift!
This Darkrai is a special gift for you!
Unleash its powerful Dark-type moves
to strike your opponents from
the shadows!

Wonder Card
A special gift!
Thank you for receiving this distribution!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.

Hidden Ability Present Pokémon

These Pokémon were distributed to players who inserted common serial codes that were either given away by Poké or in the Pokémon Trainer Club newsletter.

Poké announced the serial code for Serperior on January 22, 2015 and announced the serial code for Emboar on January 29, 2015. The serial code for Samurott was available inside the Pokémon Trainer Club newsletter, which was sent out on February 9, 2015.

The serial code for Serperior could be used from January 22 to November 30, 2015, the serial code for Emboar could be used from January 29 to November 30, 2015, and the serial code for Samurott could be used from February 9 to November 30, 2015 (although it was announced to be available beginning February 5). The common serial code for Serperior was POKEMON497, the common serial code for Emboar was POKEMON500, and the common serial code for Samurott was POKEMON503.


#0497 Serperior Blue pentagon VI.png/
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 50 0497Serperior.png
GrassIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Contrary
Held item: None
ID: 01225
OT: Cadeau
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Leaf Storm
Grass Special
Hold Back
Normal Physical
Wring Out
Normal Special
Giga Drain
Grass Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
ORAS serial code American and PAL online January 22 to November 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Download type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

It's Serperior!
This special Serperior has a
Hidden Ability, which makes it an
even better choice for battle!

Wonder Card
It's Serperior!
Thank you for receiving this distribution!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Hier kommt Serpiroyal!
Dieses besondere Serpiroyal hat eine
versteckte Fähigkeit, dank der es sich
noch besser für Kämpfe eignet!

Hier kommt Serpiroyal!
Danke für den Download!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Un Serperior!
Este Serperior especial posee una
habilidad oculta, ¡lo que lo convierte
en una elección perfecta para el combate!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Un Serperior!
¡Gracias por realizar esta descarga!
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Majaspic !
Ce Majaspic particulier dispose
d'un talent caché qui fait de lui
un Pokémon redoutable en combat !

Carte Miracle
Un Majaspic !
Merci de votre téléchargement !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Ecco Serperior!
In regalo un Serperior con un'abilità
speciale: un avversario ancora
più temibile nelle lotte!

Scheda Segreta
Ecco Serperior!
Grazie per aver effettuato il download!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina
nel Centro Pokémon!


#0500 Emboar Blue pentagon VI.png/
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 50 0500Emboar.png
FireIC XY.png FightingIC XY.png
Ability: Reckless
Held item: None
ID: 01295
OT: Cadeau
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Flare Blitz
Fire Physical
Hold Back
Normal Physical
Head Smash
Rock Physical
Take Down
Normal Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
ORAS serial code American and PAL online January 29 to November 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Download type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

It's Emboar!
This special Emboar has a
Hidden Ability, which makes it an
even better choice for battle!

Wonder Card
It's Emboar!
Thank you for receiving this distribution!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Hier kommt Flambirex!
Dieses besondere Flambirex hat eine
versteckte Fähigkeit, dank der es sich
noch besser für Kämpfe eignet!

Hier kommt Flambirex!
Danke für den Download!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Un Emboar!
Este Emboar especial posee una
habilidad oculta, ¡lo que lo convierte
en una elección perfecta para el combate!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Un Emboar!
¡Gracias por realizar esta descarga!
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Roitiflam !
Ce Roitiflam particulier dispose
d'un talent caché qui fait de lui
un Pokémon redoutable en combat !

Carte Miracle
Un Roitiflam !
Merci de votre téléchargement !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Ecco Emboar!
In regalo un Emboar con un'abilità
speciale: un avversario ancora
più temibile nelle lotte!

Scheda Segreta
Ecco Emboar!
Grazie per aver effettuato il download!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina
nel Centro Pokémon!


#0503 Samurott Blue pentagon VI.png/
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 50 0503Samurott.png
WaterIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Shell Armor
Held item: None
ID: 02105
OT: Cadeau
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Razor Shell
Water Physical
Hold Back
Normal Physical
Normal Status
Hydro Pump
Water Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
ORAS serial code American and PAL online February 9 to November 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Download type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

It's Samurott!
This special Samurott has a
Hidden Ability, which makes it
an even better choice for battle!

Wonder Card
It's Samurott!
Thank you for receiving this distribution!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Hier kommt Admurai!
Dieses besondere Admurai hat eine
versteckte Fähigkeit, dank der es sich
noch besser für Kämpfe eignet!

Hier kommt Admurai!
Danke für den Download!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Un Samurott!
Este Samurott especial posee una
habilidad oculta, ¡lo que lo convierte
en una elección perfecta para el combate!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Un Samurott!
¡Gracias por realizar esta descarga!
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Clamiral !
Ce Clamiral particulier dispose
d'un talent caché qui fait de lui
un Pokémon redoutable en combat !

Carte Miracle
Un Clamiral !
Merci de votre téléchargement !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Ecco Samurott!
In regalo un Samurott con un'abilità
speciale: un avversario ancora
più temibile nelle lotte!

Scheda Segreta
Ecco Samurott!
Grazie per aver effettuato il download!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina
nel Centro Pokémon!

November 2014 Diancie

European serial code card
Australian serial code card

This Diancie was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at various locations in select countries. The serial codes could be used to obtain Diancie from October 23, 2014 to February 25, 2015.

#0719 Diancie Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 50 0719Diancie.png
RockIC XY.png FairyIC XY.png
Ability: Clear Body
Held item: Normal Gem Normal Gem
ID: 11064
OT: NOV2014
NOV. 2014
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon Wishing Ribbon
Diamond Storm
Rock Physical
Psychic Status
Normal Physical
Fairy Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
XY serial code PAL online October 23, 2014 to February 25, 2015
XY Nintendo Zone PAL Spain November 6 to 28, 2014
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Store type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Store type text in the language of the receiving game.

The Mythical Pokémon Diancie!
With Diancie's signature move, Diamond
Storm, it is a powerful ally! Transfer it
to your Pokémon Omega Ruby or
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire game, and Mega
Evolve it once you have its Mega Stone!

Wonder Card
The Mythical Pokémon Diancie!
Thank you for coming to the store!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Diancie!
Diancies Vorzeige-Attacke Diamantsturm
macht es zu einem starken Verbündeten.
Übertrage es auf deine Ausgabe von
Pokémon Omega Rubin oder Pokémon Alpha
Saphir. Mit dem passenden Mega-Stein
ist es zur Mega-Entwicklung fähig!

Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Diancie!
Danke für deinen Besuch im Geschäft!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡El Pokémon singular Diancie!
¡Con su movimiento característico
Tormenta de Diamantes, Diancie es un
poderoso aliado! ¡Llévalo a Pokémon
Rubí Omega o Pokémon Zafiro Alfa y haz
que megaevolucione cuando tengas su

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡El Pokémon singular Diancie!
¡Gracias por venir a este establecimiento!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Diancie, le Pokémon fabuleux !
L'Orage Adamantin de Diancie en fait
un allié puissant ! Tranférez-le
dans Pokémon Rubis Oméga ou dans
Pokémon Saphir Alpha pour le faire
méga-évoluer quand vous aurez
sa Méga-Gemme !

Carte Miracle
Diancie, le Pokémon fabuleux !
Merci de votre visite dans ce magasin !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Il Pokémon misterioso Diancie!
La caratteristica mossa Diamantempesta
rende Diancie un potente alleato.
Trasferiscilo nella tua copia di
Pokémon Rubino Omega o Pokémon
Zaffiro Alpha, ottieni la Megapietra
necessaria e fallo megaevolvere!

Scheda Segreta
Il Pokémon misterioso Diancie!
Grazie per aver visitato questo negozio!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina
nel Centro Pokémon!

Serial code locations and dates

On location
Country Location Dates
France Paris Games Week October 29 to November 2, 2014
Fnac and Micromania stores November 6 to 28, 2014
Spain XX Salón del Manga de Barcelona October 31 to November 2, 2014
Alcampo, Blade Center, Canal Ocio, Carrefour, El Corte Inglés, Eroski, Fnac, GAME, Gamestore, Hipercor, Lamee, Media Markt, Sanjurjo, Toys "R" Us, and Worton stores November 6 to 28, 2014
Austria GameStop, Libro, and Saturn stores November 6, 2014 until supplies ran out
Belgium DreamLand stores November 6 to 28, 2014
Denmark GameStop stores November 6 to 28, 2014
Finland GameStop stores November 6 to 28, 2014
Germany Expert, GameStop, Media Markt, MediMax, Müller, Replay, Saturn, and Toys "R" Us stores November 6 to 28, 2014
Greece Moustakas stores November 6, 2014 until supplies ran out
Pokémon × Super Smash Bros. tournament at The Mall Athens November 22, 2014
Hungary 576 KByte boltok, Console Corner, Corvin konzol, Game City, Game Park, GamersRoom, GameShop, KonzolGame, Konzolok szervize, Konzol Outlet, Konzol Stúdió, Konzol Sziget, Konzolvilág, PlatinumShop, and Videogame Galaxis stores November 6, 2014 until supplies ran out
Italy GameStop stores November 6 to 28, 2014
Netherlands Bart Smit and Intertoys stores November 6 to 28, 2014
Norway GameStop stores November 6 to 28, 2014
Poland BEST PLAY, Checkpoint, Electronic Dreams, Game Over, Games4You, GEKON, HDmarket, Konsoleigry, LOVEGAME, Mad Games, Menago, PlayerGames, Powerplay, ŚWIAT-GIER, and ULTiMA stores November 6, 2014 until supplies ran out
Portugal Fnac stores November 2, 2014 until supplies ran out
South Africa AMX, BT Games, Toys "R" Us, and Toyzone stores November 6, 2014 until supplies ran out
Sweden GameStop stores November 6 to 28, 2014
Switzerland Softridge stores November 6 to 28, 2014
United Kingdom GAME stores November 6 to 28, 2014
Australia Hoyts cinemas November 8 to 9, 2014
Big W, EB Games, JB Hi-Fi, and Target stores November 10 to 28, 2014
New Zealand Hoyts cinemas November 8 to 9, 2014
EB Games and JB Hi-Fi stores November 10 to 28, 2014
Country Location Dates
Russia World of Nintendo online store November 10 to 28, 2014

Nintendo Zone locations and dates

Country Location Dates
Spain GAME stores November 6 to 28, 2014

October 2014 Gengar

European serial code card
Australian serial code card

This Shiny Gengar was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at various locations in select countries. The serial codes could be used to obtain Gengar from October 9, 2014 to February 5, 2015. It was distributed to promote the release of the Phantom Forces Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion.

#0094 Gengar Blue pentagon VI.pngShinyVIStar.png /
Dusk Ball summary IV.png Level 25 HOME094 s.png
GhostIC XY.png PoisonIC XY.png
Ability: Levitate
Held item: Gengarite Gengarite
ID: 10134
OT: OCT2014
OKT. 2014
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Sludge Wave
Poison Special
Confuse Ray
Ghost Status
Ghost Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
XY serial code PAL online October 9, 2014 to February 5, 2015
XY Nintendo Zone PAL Spain October 15 to November 5, 2014
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Store type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Store type text in the language of the receiving game.

Gasp! It's Shiny Gengar!
Gengar is as ready for a fight as it is
for a fright! It is holding a Gengarite,
the Mega Stone that enables it to become
Mega Gengar during battle. When it
Mega Evolves, it turns an eerie white!

Wonder Card
Gasp! It's Shiny Gengar!
Thank you for coming to the store!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Huch! Ein Schillerndes Gengar!
Gengar freut sich schon auf schaurig
spannende Kampfe mit dir! Es tragt den
Mega-Stein Gengarnit bei sich, mit dem
es im Kampf zu Mega-Gengar werden
kann. Durch die Mega-Entwicklung wird
es weiß wie ein Gespenst!

Huch! Ein Schillerndes Gengar!
Danke für deinen Besuch im Geschäft!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Ah! ¡Un Gengar variocolor!
Gengar está tan dispuesto a luchar
como lo está asustar. Y lleva una
Gengarita, la Megapiedra que permite
que se convierta en Mega-Gengar en
combate. ¡Al megaevolucionar se vuelve
de un color blanco espeluznante!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Ah! ¡Un Gengar variocolor!
¡Gracias por venir a este establecimiento!
Ve a ver a la repartidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Aaaah ! Un Ectoplasma chromatique !
Cet Ectoplasma se prépare à terrifier
vos adversaires ! Il tient une
Ectoplasmite, et grâce à elle,
il peut méga-évoluer en combat.
Son corps prend alors une teinte
blanche fantomatique !

Carte Miracle
Aaaah ! Un Ectoplasma chromatique !
Merci de votre visite dans ce magasin !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Un Gengar cromatico... da paura!
Gengar e sempre pronto per una bella
lotta e per spaventare i suoi nemici!
Ha una Gengarite, la Megapietra che lo
puo transformare in MegaGengar durante
la lotta. Quando si megaevolve,
assume un inquietante colore bianco!

Scheda Segreta
Un Gengar cromatico... da paura!
Grazie per aver visitato questo negozio!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina
nel Centro Pokémon!

Serial code locations and dates

On location
Country Location Dates
South Africa rAge Expo October 10 to 12, 2014
AMX, BT Games, Toys "R" Us, and Toyzone stores October 15, 2014 until supplies ran out
Netherlands Firstlook 2014 October 11 to 12, 2014
Australia Big W, EB Games, JB Hi-Fi, and Target stores October 15 to November 5, 2014
Belgium Nintendo On Tour October 15 to November 5, 2014
Denmark GameStop stores October 15 to November 5, 2014
Finland GameStop stores October 15 to November 5, 2014
France Fnac and Micromania stores October 15 to November 5, 2014
Paris Games Week October 29 to November 2, 2014
Germany Expert, GameStop, Media Markt, MediMax, Müller, Replay, Saturn, and Toys "R" Us stores October 15 to November 5, 2014
Italy GameStop stores October 15 to November 5, 2014
New Zealand Big W, EB Games, JB Hi-Fi, and Target stores October 15 to November 5, 2014
Norway GameStop stores October 15 to November 5, 2014
Portugal Fnac stores October 15, 2014 until supplies ran out
Spain Alcampo, Blade Center, Canal Ocio, Carrefour, El Corte Inglés, Eroski, Fnac, GAME, Gamestore, Hipercor, Lamee, Media Markt, Sanjurjo, Toys "R" Us, and Worton stores October 15 to November 5, 2014
XX Salón del Manga de Barcelona October 31 to November 2, 2014
Sweden GameStop stores October 15 to November 5, 2014
United Kingdom GAME stores October 15 to November 5, 2014
Greece Public stores October 17, 2014 until supplies ran out
Pokémon × Super Smash Bros. tournament at The Mall Athens November 22, 2014
Switzerland Softridge stores October 17 to November 5, 2014
Austria Libro and Saturn stores October 20, 2014 until supplies ran out
Poland BEST PLAY, Checkpoint, Electronic Dreams, Game Over, GEKON, HDmarket, Konsoleigry, Mad Games, Menago, Powerplay, and ULTiMA stores October 22, 2014 until supplies ran out
Poznań Game Arena October 25 to 26, 2014
Hungary 576 KByte boltok, Console Corner, Corvin konzol, Game City, Game Park, GamersRoom, GameShop, KonzolGame, Konzolok szervize, Konzol Outlet, Konzol Stúdió, Konzol Sziget, Konzolvilág, PlatinumShop, and Videogame Galaxis stores October 29, 2014 until supplies ran out

Country Location Dates
Russia World of Nintendo online store October 8 to November 5, 2014

Nintendo Zone locations and dates

Country Location Dates
Spain GAME stores October 15 to November 5, 2014

GameStop 2014 Charizard


These Charizard were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at participating GameStop stores in Germany from September 2 to 30, 2014. The serial codes could be used to obtain a Charizard from August 15, 2014 to January 15, 2015. Players of Pokémon X received a Charizard holding a Charizardite Y and players of Pokémon Y received a Charizard holding a Charizardite X.

These Charizard are mutually exclusive to the GAME 2014 Charizard.

Charizardite Y Charizard

#0006 Charizard Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 36 0006Charizard.png
FireIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Blaze
Held item: Charizardite Y Charizardite Y
ID: 08134
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Fire Fang
Fire Physical
Flame Burst
Fire Special
Air Slash
Flying Special
Fire Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
X serial code PAL online August 15, 2014 to January 15, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in German, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

Ein Glurak samt Gluraknit Y!
Dieses Glurak ist bereit für seine
Mega-Entwicklung! Es trägt den
Mega-Stein Gluraknit Y bei sich,
der nicht über den normalen
Spielverlauf in Pokémon X
erhältlich ist.

Ein Glurak samt Gluraknit Y!
Danke für den Download!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!

Charizardite X Charizard

#0006 Charizard Blue pentagon VI.png
Unknown Ball summary IV.png Level 36 0006Charizard.png
FireIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Blaze
Held item: Charizardite X Charizardite X
ID: 08134
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Dragon Rage
Dragon Special
Fire Fang
Fire Physical
Air Slash
Flying Special
Dragon Claw
Dragon Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
Y serial code PAL online August 15, 2014 to January 15, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in German, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

Ein Glurak samt Gluraknit X!
Dieses Glurak ist bereit für seine
Mega-Entwicklung! Es trägt den
Mega-Stein Gluraknit X bei sich,
der nicht über den normalen
Spielverlauf in Pokémon Y
erhältlich ist.

Ein Glurak samt Gluraknit X!
Danke für den Download!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!

Summer 2014 Poké Ball Pattern Vivillon

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
German serial code card

This Poké Ball Pattern Vivillon was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at Gamescom 2014 in Cologne, Germany. Gamescom 2014 was open to the public from August 14 to 17, 2014. The serial codes could be used to obtain Vivillon from August 14 to September 30, 2014.

This Vivillon is mutually exclusive to the Paris Poké Ball Pattern Vivillon and the other Summer 2014 Poké Ball Pattern Vivillon.

#0666 Vivillon
Poké Ball Pattern
Blue pentagon VI.png
Poké Ball summary IV.png Level 12 666Vivillon-Poké Ball.png
BugIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Shield Dust or Compound Eyes
Held item: None
ID: 08134
ÉTÉ 2014
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Stun Spore
Grass Status
Flying Special
Light Screen
Psychic Status
Struggle Bug
Bug Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
XY serial code PAL online August 14 to September 30, 2014
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.


In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Download type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

It's a Poké Ball Pattern Vivillon!
Have you caught all of the patterns of
Vivillon yet? Here's a special Vivillon you
can't find through normal gameplay to
add to your Pokédex and complete your
colorful Vivillon collection.

Wonder Card
It's a Poké Ball Pattern Vivillon!
Thank you for receiving this distribution!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Ein Vivillon mit Pokéball-Muster!
Hast du schon alle Vivillon-Muster?
Dieses prächtige Exemplar ist über den
normalen Spielverlauf nicht erhältlich
und ergänzt deinen Pokédex sowie deine
Sammlung um ein neues buntes Muster!

Ein Vivillon mit Pokéball-Muster!
Danke für den Download!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon Center ab!
¡Un Vivillon con Motivo Poké Ball!
¿Ya has reunido todos los motivos de
Vivillon? Aquí tienes un Vivillon
especial que no se puede encontrar
en el juego para que lo añadas a tu
Pokédex y completes tu colección.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Un Vivillon con Motivo Poké Ball!
¡Gracias por realizar esta descarga!
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Prismillon Motif Poké Ball !
Avez-vous obtenu tous les motifs
de Prismillon ? En voici un au motif
special, impossible à trouver dans
une partie normale, à ajouter à votre
Pokédex et à votre collection !

Carte Miracle
Un Prismillon Motif Poké Ball !
Merci de votre téléchargement !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Ecco Vivillon Motivo Poké Ball!
Hai già tutte le forme conosciute
di Vivillon? Eccone una speciale,
impossible da trovare nel gioco.
Aggiungila al Pokédex per completare
la tua coloratissima collezione!

Scheda Segreta
Ecco Vivillon Motivo Poké Ball!
Grazie per aver effettuato il download!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina
nel Centro Pokémon!

XY Charizard

These Charizard were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was sent to their e-mail after correctly answering a quiz about Pokémon the Series: XY and posting on the event's Facebook page about their experience with Pokémon. Players of Pokémon X received a Charizard holding a Charizardite Y and players of Pokémon Y received a Charizard holding a Charizardite X.

The quiz was first conducted by Nintendo Hong Kong, to celebrate the airing of Pokémon XY anime on TVB Jade (翡翠台) in Hong Kong, which was posted on their website on July 11, 2014, and required answers by July 27, 2014. The quiz was to identify Fletchling from a silhouette. The first 1,000 players who correctly answered the quiz received a serial code via email on July 29, 2014.

Another quiz was conducted by Nintendo Taiwan, to celebrate the airing of the Pokémon XY anime on YOYO TV (東森幼幼台) in Taiwan, which was posted on their website on August 1, 2014, and required answers by August 17, 2014. The quiz was to identify Dedenne from a silhouette. The first 1,000 players who correctly answered the quiz received a serial code via email on August 18, 2014.

The serial codes could be used to obtain a Charizard from July 29 to October 31, 2014 on a Japanese, PAL, or Taiwanese region system.

Charizardite Y Charizard

#0006 Charizard Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 36 0006Charizard.png
FireIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Blaze
Held item: Charizardite Y Charizardite Y
ID: 07274
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Fire Fang
Fire Physical
Flame Burst
Fire Special
Air Slash
Flying Special
Fire Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
X serial code Japanese, PAL, and Taiwanese online July 29 to October 31, 2014
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

Charizard got Charizardite Y!
To celebrate the Pokémon XY TV
animation broadcast,
Charizardite Y which cannot be
got from normal play, will be
given to you as a gift!

Wonder Card
Charizard got Charizardite Y!
Thank you for receiving this distribution!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.

Charizardite X Charizard

#0006 Charizard Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 36 0006Charizard.png
FireIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Blaze
Held item: Charizardite X Charizardite X
ID: 07274
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Fire Fang
Fire Physical
Air Slash
Flying Special
Dragon Claw
Dragon Physical
Dragon Rage
Dragon Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
Y serial code Japanese, PAL, and Taiwanese online July 29 to October 31, 2014
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

Charizard got Charizardite X!
To celebrate the Pokémon XY TV
animation broadcast,
Charizardite X which cannot be
got from normal play, will be
given to you as a gift!

Wonder Card
Charizard got Charizardite X!
Thank you for receiving this distribution!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.

GAME 2014 Charizard

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

These Charizard were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at participating GAME stores in the United Kingdom. The serial codes could be used to obtain a Charizard from July 11 to August 10, 2014. Players of Pokémon X received a Charizard holding a Charizardite Y and players of Pokémon Y received a Charizard holding a Charizardite X. They were also distributed via local wireless through Nintendo Zones in GAME stores with Nintendo Zone locations.

Charizardite Y Charizard

#0006 Charizard Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 36 0006Charizard.png
FireIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Blaze
Held item: Charizardite Y Charizardite Y
ID: 07114
OT: GAME 2014
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Fire Fang
Fire Physical
Flame Burst
Fire Special
Air Slash
Flying Special
Fire Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
X Nintendo Zone PAL United Kingdom July 11 to August 10, 2014
X serial code PAL online July 11 to August 10, 2014
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

Charizard and a Charizardite Y!
This Charizard is ready for its
Mega Evolution! It's holding a
Charizardite Y, which you can't
obtain through normal gameplay
in Pokémon X.

Wonder Card
Charizard and a Charizardite Y!
Thank you for receiving this distribution!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.

Charizardite X Charizard

#0006 Charizard Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 36 0006Charizard.png
FireIC XY.png FlyingIC XY.png
Ability: Blaze
Held item: Charizardite X Charizardite X
ID: 07114
OT: GAME 2014
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Dragon Rage
Dragon Special
Fire Fang
Fire Physical
Air Slash
Flying Special
Dragon Claw
Dragon Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
Y Nintendo Zone PAL United Kingdom July 11 to August 10, 2014
Y serial code PAL online July 11 to August 10, 2014
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

Charizard and a Charizardite X!
This Charizard is ready for its
Mega Evolution! It's holding a
Charizardite X, which you can't
obtain through normal gameplay
in Pokémon Y.

Wonder Card
Charizard and a Charizardite X!
Thank you for receiving this distribution!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.

Spring 2014 Pokémon

European serial code card
Australian serial code card

These Pokémon were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at participating stores in select countries. Players of Pokémon X received Magmar and players of Pokémon Y received Electabuzz. The serial codes could be used to obtain either Pokémon from April 1 to September 30, 2014. They were also distributed via local wireless through Nintendo Zones in stores with Nintendo Zone locations in the Netherlands and Spain. In some languages Magmar may occasionally be obtained without a ribbon.


#0125 Electabuzz Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 30 0125Electabuzz.png
ElectricIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Vital Spirit
Held item: Electirizer Electirizer
ID: 04014
OT: FRÜHL. 2014
PRINT. 2014
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Low Kick
Fighting Physical
Shock Wave
Electric Special
Light Screen
Psychic Status
Thunder Punch
Electric Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
Y serial code PAL online April 1 to September 30, 2014
Y Nintendo Zone PAL Netherlands April 14 to 30, 2014
Y Nintendo Zone PAL Spain April 14 to June 1, 2014
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

It's Electabuzz!
With the special item it's holding,
you can make this Pokémon evolve
by trading it!

Wonder Card
It's Electabuzz!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Hier kommt Elektek!
Dieses Pokémon trägt ein
spezielles Item, durch das
es sich beim Tauschen

Hier kommt Elektek!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Aquí Ilega Electabuzz!
Gracias al objecto especial que lleva,
¡este Pokémon podrá evolucionar
cuando lo intercambies!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Aquí Ilega Electabuzz!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Élektek !
Il tient un objet spécial qui vous
permettra de le faire évoluer
lorsque vous l'échangerez !

Carte Miracle
Un Élektek !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Ecco Electabuzz!
Fallo evolvere scambiandolo
assieme allo strumento che ha con sé!

Scheda Segreta
Ecco Electabuzz!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!


#0126 Magmar Blue pentagon VI.png
Cherish Ball summary IV.png Level 30 0126Magmar.png
FireIC XY.png NormalIC XY.png
Ability: Vital Spirit
Held item: Magmarizer Magmarizer
ID: 04014
OT: FRÜHL. 2014
PRINT. 2014
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Normal Status
Fire Spin
Fire Special
Confuse Ray
Ghost Status
Fire Punch
Fire Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
X serial code PAL online April 1 to September 30, 2014
X Nintendo Zone PAL Netherlands April 14 to 30, 2014
X Nintendo Zone PAL Spain April 14 to June 1, 2014
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese and Korean, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

It's Magmar!
With the special item it's holding,
you can make this Pokémon evolve
by trading it!

Wonder Card
It's Magmar!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Hier kommt Magmar!
Dieses Pokémon trägt ein
spezielles Item, durch das
es sich beim Tauschen

Hier kommt Magmar!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer
Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Aquí Ilega Magmar!
Gracias al objecto especial que lleva,
¡este Pokémon podrá evolucionar
cuando lo intercambies!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Aquí Ilega Magmar!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un Magmar !
Il tient un objet spécial qui vous
permettra de le faire évoluer
lorsque vous l'échangerez !

Carte Miracle
Un Magmar !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès
de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon !
Ecco Magmar!
Fallo evolvere scambiandolo
assieme allo strumento che ha con sé!

Scheda Segreta
Ecco Magmar!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon!

Serial code locations and dates

On location
Country Location Dates
United Kingdom GAME stores April 4, 2014 until supplies ran out
Australia EB Games, JB Hi-Fi, and Target stores April 11 to May 11, 2014
New Zealand EB Games, JB Hi-Fi, and Target stores April 11 to May 11, 2014
Belgium Fnac stores April 14 to June 1, 2014
Denmark GameStop and Toys "R" Us stores April 14, 2014 until supplies ran out
Finland GameStop and Toys "R" Us stores April 14, 2014 until supplies ran out
France Micromania stores April 14, 2014 until supplies ran out
Germany Flashpoint, GameStop, Karstadt, MediMax, Müller, and Toys "R" Us stores April 14, 2014 until supplies ran out
Italy Participating stores April 14, 2014 until supplies ran out
Netherlands Game Mania and Nedgame stores April 14 to June 1, 2014
Norway GameStop and Toys "R" Us stores April 14, 2014 until supplies ran out
Portugal Fnac stores April 14 to June 1, 2014
Spain Alcampo, Blade Center, Cadena Fnac, Canal Ocio, Carrefour, El Corte Inglés, Eroski, GAME, GameStop, Hipercor, Media Markt, Toys "R" Us, and Worton stores April 14, 2014 until supplies ran out
Sweden GameStop and Toys "R" Us stores April 14, 2014 until supplies ran out
Poland Mad Games stores April 25, 2014 until supplies ran out
South Africa BT Games, Look and Listen, Toys "R" Us, and Toyzone stores April 25, 2014 until supplies ran out
Czech Republic Gamehouse and JRC stores April 30, 2014 until supplies ran out
Slovakia Brloh stores May 6, 2014 until supplies ran out
Hungary 576 KByte boltok, Game Park, GameShop, KonzolGame, Konzolok Szervize, Konzol Stúdió, Konzolvilág, PlatinumShop, and VideoGame Galaxis stores August 29, 2014 until supplies ran out

Country Method Date
South Africa Fill out a form on May 22, 2014 until supplies ran out
Send BT Games a message on Facebook. August 29, 2014 until supplies ran out
Send an email to September 29, 2014

Nintendo Zone locations and dates

Country Location Dates
Netherlands Game Mania stores April 14 to 30, 2014
Spain GAME stores April 14 to June 1, 2014

See also

Event distributions
Generation I: JapaneseEuropean language
Generation II: JapaneseEuropean language
Generation III: JapaneseEnglishGermanSpanishFrenchItalian
Generation IV: Japanese (local | Wi-Fi) • English (local | Wi-Fi) • German (local | Wi-Fi)
Spanish (local | Wi-Fi) • French (local | Wi-Fi) • Italian (local | Wi-Fi) • Korean (local | Wi-Fi)
Trading (GTS)
Generation V: Japanese (local | Wi-Fi) • English (local | Wi-Fi) • German (local | Wi-Fi)
Spanish (local | Wi-Fi) • French (local | Wi-Fi) • Italian (local | Wi-Fi) • Korean (local | Wi-Fi)
Global Link promotions
Generation VI: Japanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • American region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
PAL region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • Korean region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Taiwanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Generation VII: 3DS: Japanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • American region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
PAL region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • Korean region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Taiwanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Switch: PE
Generation VIII: SwShBDSPLA
Generation IX: SV
Specific events: Gather More Pokémon! Campaign
PCNY (Gen II | Gen III) • Trade and Battle DayJourney Across AmericaParty of the Decade
Other groupings: Movie events10th AnniversaryTanabataUndistributed
Special Pokémon from games
In-game: Gen IGen II • Gen III (RSFRLGEColosseum/XD) • Gen IV (DP ​• Pt ​• HGSS) • Gen V (BWB2W2)
Gift Pokémon (Eggs) • Wild Pokémon (Roaming Pokémon) • In-game trades (Hayley's trades)
Game-based: Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VIGen VII
Gen VIII (Wild Area News) • Gen IX (Poké Portal News)
Other: Undistributed
Non-Pokémon event distributions
Gen IIIGen IVGen VGen VIGen VII (Game-based) • Gen VIIIGen IX (Game-based)
Global Link
Other lists
Notable ID numbers (Gens I-IIIII onward) • Wonder Cards (Gen VGen VIGen VII) • Serial code prefixes