Version-exclusive moves

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Reason: Generation VIII

Version-exclusive moves are moves that are not available in all games in a single generation. They are often the signature moves of version-exclusive Pokémon. For Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! onward, this is specific to games that are paired with one another, as Pokémon's moves do not carry over through Pokémon HOME to other games in the same generation.

This list does not take into account the fact that the following moves could be Sketched, used via Metronome, or obtained from events. This list does not include Shadow moves, which, with the exception of Shadow Rush, are all exclusive to Pokémon XD. This also does not include moves of Pokémon who cannot be obtained in-game in any game within the generation, such as Psycho Boost during Generation IV and V.

The moves are listed in order of their index number and categorized by the generation in which they are version-exclusive.

List of version-exclusive moves

Generation I

Move Game Pokémon that learn the move
041 TM Bug Twineedle RGB Beedrill
080 TM Grass Petal Dance RBᴶY (Japan)
RY (Int.)
Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume
134 TM Psychic Kinesis Y Kadabra and Alakazam
137 TM Normal Glare R Ekans and Arbok
142 TM Normal Lovely Kiss RGB Jynx

Generation II

Move Game Pokémon that learn the move
006 TM Normal Pay Day SC Meowth and Persian
013 TM Normal Razor Wind RGBY (Japan)
RBY (Int.)*
Exclusively via Generation I's TM02
169 TM Bug Spider Web GC Spinarak and Ariados
177 TM Flying Aeroblast S Lugia*
190 TM Water Octazooka GS Octillery
217 TM Normal Present SC Delibird
221 TM Fire Sacred Fire G Ho-Oh*
245 TM Normal ExtremeSpeed GC Arcanine, Dratini*

Generation III

Move Game Pokémon that learn the move
002 TM Fighting Karate Chop RSEFRLGXD Mankey, Primeape, Machop, Machoke, and Machamp
004 TM Normal Comet Punch EFRLGColoXD Hitmonchan, Kangaskhan, Ledyba, and Ledian
005 TM Normal Mega Punch EFRLGXD Hitmonchan, Kangaskhan, and Mew. Available via Move Tutor in FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald.
006 TM Normal Pay Day EFRLGXD Meowth and Persian
011 TM Normal ViceGrip RSEFRLGXD Krabby, Kingler, Pinsir, Mawile, Corphish, and Crawdaunt
013 TM Normal Razor Wind RSEXD Scyther*, Nuzleaf and Absol.
015 TM Normal Cut RSEFRLG Exclusively via HM01
020 TM Normal Bind RSEFRLGXD Onix, Tangela, Pinsir, Steelix, Kecleon, and Dusclops
022 TM Grass Vine Whip FRLGXD Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel, and Tangela
024 TM Fighting Double Kick RSEFRLGXD Nidoran♀, Nidorina, Nidoqueen, Nidoran♂, Nidorino, Nidoking, Hitmonlee, Jolteon, Combusken, and Blaziken
025 TM Normal Mega Kick EFRLGXD Hitmonlee. Available via Move Tutor in FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald.
026 TM Fighting Jump Kick FRLGXD Hitmonlee
027 TM Fighting Rolling Kick FRLGXD Hitmonlee and Hitmontop
032 TM Normal Horn Drill RSEFRLGXD Nidoran♂, Nidorino, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Goldeen, and Seaking
041 TM Bug Twineedle FRLGXD Beedrill
050 TM Normal Disable RSEFRLGXD Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Venonat, Venomoth, Psyduck, Golduck, Kadabra, Alakazam, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Grimer, Muk, Drowzee, Hypno, Lickitung, Mewtwo, Slowking, Duskull, and Dusclops
051 TM Poison Acid RSEFRLGXD Ekans, Arbok, Oddish, Gloom, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Lileep, and Cradily
070 TM Normal Strength RSEFRLG Exclusively via HM04
080 TM Grass Petal Dance RSEFRXD Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Bellossom, Sunflora, and Roselia
110 TM Water Withdraw EFRLGXD Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Slowbro, Shellder, Cloyster, Omanyte, Omastar, and Shuckle
121 TM Normal Egg Bomb FRLGXD Exeggutor, Chansey, and Blissey
125 TM Ground Bone Club FRLGXD Cubone and Marowak
127 TM Water Waterfall RSEFRLG Goldeen and Seaking. Available via HM07 in Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald.
134 TM Psychic Kinesis RSEFRLG Kadabra and Alakazam
135 TM Normal Softboiled FRLGXD Chansey and Blissey. Available via Move Tutor in FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald.*
137 TM Normal Glare SEFRLGColoXD Ekans, Arbok, Dunsparce, and Seviper
140 TM Normal Barrage FRLGXD Exeggcute and Exeggutor
142 TM Normal Lovely Kiss FRLG Jynx
144 TM Normal Transform EFRLG Ditto and Mew
148 TM Normal Flash RSEFRLG Exclusively via HM05
155 TM Ground Bonemerang FRLGXD Cubone and Marowak
158 TM Normal Hyper Fang FRLGXD Rattata and Raticate
159 TM Normal Sharpen FRLG Porygon
160 TM Normal Conversion FRLG Porygon and Porygon2
162 TM Normal Super Fang FRLGXD Rattata and Raticate
166 TM Normal Sketch EColo Smeargle
167 TM Fighting Triple Kick FRLGColo Hitmonlee and Hitmontop
169 TM Bug Spider Web EFRLGColoXD Spinarak and Ariados
171 TM Ghost Nightmare FRLG Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, and Hypno
172 TM Fire Flame Wheel EFRColoXD Growlithe, Cyndaquil, Quilava and Typhlosion
176 TM Normal Conversion 2 FRLG Porygon and Porygon2
177 TM Flying Aeroblast EFRLGXD Lugia
190 TM Water Octazooka ELGColo Octillery
198 TM Ground Bone Rush FRLGXD Cubone and Marowak
208 TM Normal Milk Drink EColo Miltank
214 TM Normal Sleep Talk RSEFRLG Snorlax*, Whismur, Loudred, and Exploud
215 TM Normal Heal Bell RSEColoXD Miltank, Celebi, Skitty, and Chimecho
217 TM Normal Present FRColo Delibird
220 TM Normal Pain Split LGColo Misdreavus
221 TM Fire Sacred Fire EFRLGColo Ho-Oh
234 TM Normal Morning Sun RSEColoXD Butterfree*, Weepinbell*, Tangela*, Scyther*, Moltres*, Espeon, and Beautifly
245 TM Normal ExtremeSpeed RSEFRLGXD Arcanine, Rayquaza, and Deoxys*
249 TM Fighting Rock Smash RSEFRLG Exclusively via HM06
251 TM Dark Beat Up LGColo Sneasel
260 TM Dark Flatter RSEFRLG Nidoran♀, Nidorina, Nidoran♂, Nidorino, and Illumise
288 TM Fire Will-O-Wisp RSELGXD Vulpix, Shuppet, Banette, Duskull, and Dusclops
265 TM Normal SmellingSalt RSEColoXD Makuhita and Hariyama
266 TM Normal Follow Me FRLGColo Clefairy, Sentret, Furret, Togepi*, and Togetic*
267 TM Normal Nature Power RSEXD Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, Seedot, Nuzleaf, and Shiftry
274 TM Normal Assist RSE Skitty
276 TM Fighting Superpower RSEFRLG Nidoqueen*, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Deoxys*
277 TM Psychic Magic Coat RSE Spoink and Grumpig
284 TM Fire Eruption RSEXD Camerupt and Groudon
286 TM Psychic Imprison RSELGXD Vulpix, Ralts, Kirlia, and Gardevoir
288 TM Ghost Grudge RSELGColoXD Vulpix, Misdreavus, Shedinja, Shuppet, and Banette
291 TM Water Dive RSE Exclusively via HM08
292 TM Fighting Arm Thrust RSEXD Makuhita and Hariyama
293 TM Normal Camouflage RSELG Staryu
294 TM Bug Tail Glow RSE Volbeat
295 TM Psychic Luster Purge RE Latios
296 TM Psychic Mist Ball SE Latias
297 TM Flying FeatherDance FRLGXD Pidgey, Pidgeotto, and Pidgeot
298 TM Normal Teeter Dance RSE Spinda
299 TM Fire Blaze Kick RSE Blaziken
301 TM Ice Ice Ball RSEXD Spheal, Sealeo, and Walrein
302 TM Grass Needle Arm RSE Cacnea and Cacturne
303 TM Normal Slack Off RSE Slakoth and Slaking
304 TM Normal Hyper Voice RSEFRLG Jigglypuff, Whismur, Loudred, and Exploud
306 TM Normal Crush Claw RXD Zangoose
307 TM Fire Blast Burn FRLGXD Charizard* and Cyndaquil*
308 TM Water Hydro Cannon FRLGXD Blastoise* and Totodile*
309 TM Steel Meteor Mash RSEFRLGColo Clefairy, Metang, and Metagross
311 TM Normal Weather Ball RSE Castform
320 TM Grass GrassWhistle RSXD Roselia
323 TM Water Water Spout RSE Wailmer, Wailord, and Kyogre
324 TM Bug Signal Beam RSEFRLGXD Dewgong*, Spinarak and Volbeat
326 TM Psychic Extrasensory REXD Nuzleaf
330 TM Water Muddy Water RSE Marshtomp and Swampert
333 TM Ice Icicle Spear FR Shellder*
336 TM Normal Howl RSEColoXD Houndour, Houndoom, Poochyena, Mightyena, Whismur, Loudred, Exploud, Electrike, and Manectric
338 TM Grass Frenzy Plant FRLGXD Venusaur* and Chikorita*
342 TM Poison Poison Tail SE Seviper
344 TM Electric Volt Tackle E Pichu
348 TM Grass Leaf Blade RSE Grovyle and Sceptile
354 TM Psychic Psycho Boost EFRLGXD Lugia* and Deoxys

Generation IV

Move Game Pokémon that learn the move
006 TM Normal Pay Day DPPtSS Meowth
169 TM Bug Spider Web DPPtHG Spinarak and Ariados
177 TM Flying Aeroblast HGSS Lugia
217 TM Normal Present DPPtSS Delibird
220 TM Normal Pain Split PHGSS Only Misdreavus in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Available through Move Tutor in HeartGold and SoulSilver.
221 TM Fire Sacred Fire HGSS Ho-Oh
295 TM Psychic Luster Purge SS Latios
296 TM Psychic Mist Ball HG Latias
301 TM Ice Ice Ball PPtHGSS Spheal, Sealeo, and Walrein
432 TM Flying Defog DPPt Exclusively via HM05
449 TM Normal Judgment DPPt Arceus
459 TM Dragon Roar of Time DPt Dialga
460 TM Dragon Spacial Rend PPt Palkia
461 TM Psychic Lunar Dance DPPt Cresselia
462 TM Normal Crush Grip DPPt Regigigas
463 TM Fire Magma Storm DPPt Heatran
464 TM Dark Dark Void DPPt Darkrai
465 TM Grass Seed Flare DPPt Shaymin

Generation V

Move Game Pokémon that learn the move
006 TM Normal Pay Day B2W2 Meowth
025 TM Normal Mega Kick BW Hitmonlee
027 TM Fighting Rolling Kick BW Hitmonlee and Hitmontop
125 TM Ground Bone Club BW Cubone and Marowak
134 TM Psychic Kinesis WB2W2 Kadabra and Alakazam
135 TM Normal Softboiled WB2W2 Chansey and Blissey
140 TM Normal Barrage BW Exeggcute and Exeggutor
142 TM Normal Lovely Kiss BW Jynx
155 TM Ground Bonemerang BW Cubone and Marowak
166 TM Normal Sketch BW Smeargle
167 TM Fighting Triple Kick BW Hitmontop
160 TM Normal Conversion W Porygon, Porygon2, and Porygon-Z
176 TM Normal Conversion 2 W Porygon, Porygon2, and Porygon-Z
211 TM Steel Steel Wing B2W2 Skarmory
265 TM Normal SmellingSalt B2W2 Makuhita and Hariyama
285 TM Psychic Skill Swap WB2W2 Only Solosis, Duosion, and Reuniclus in White. Available via Move Tutor in Black 2 and White 2.
295 TM Psychic Luster Purge B2 Latios
296 TM Psychic Mist Ball W2 Latias
410 TM Fighting Vacuum Wave BW Scyther*, Hitmonchan
448 TM Flying Chatter B2W2 Chatot
461 TM Psychic Lunar Dance B2W2 Cresselia
462 TM Normal Crush Grip B2W2 Regigigas
550 TM Electric Bolt Strike WB2 Zekrom
551 TM Fire Blue Flare BW2 Reshiram
553 TM Ice Freeze Shock B2 Black Kyurem
554 TM Ice Ice Burn W2 White Kyurem
555 TM Dark Snarl B2W2 Exclusively via TM95
558 TM Fire Fusion Flare BW2 Reshiram
559 TM Electric Fusion Bolt WB2 Zekrom

Generation VI

Move Game Pokémon that learn the move
125 TM Ground VI Bone Club XY Cubone and Marowak
140 TM Normal VI Barrage XY Exeggcute and Exeggutor
142 TM Normal VI Lovely Kiss XY Jynx
155 TM Ground VI Bonemerang XY Cubone and Marowak
160 TM Normal VI Conversion ORAS Porygon, Porygon2, and Porygon-Z
166 TM Normal VI Sketch XY Smeargle
176 TM Normal VI Conversion 2 ORAS Porygon, Porygon2, and Porygon-Z
177 TM Flying VI Aeroblast AS Lugia
208 TM Normal VI Milk Drink XY Miltank, Skiddo, and Gogoat
221 TM Fire VI Sacred Fire ORAS Entei and Ho-Oh
295 TM Psychic VI Luster Purge ORAS Latios
296 TM Psychic VI Mist Ball ORAS Latias
354 TM Psychic VI Psycho Boost ORAS Deoxys
454 TM Bug VI Attack Order XY Vespiquen
455 TM Bug VI Defend Order XY Vespiquen
456 TM Bug VI Heal Order XY Vespiquen
459 TM Dragon VI Roar of Time AS Dialga
460 TM Dragon VI Spacial Rend OR Palkia
461 TM Psychic VI Lunar Dance ORAS Cresselia
462 TM Normal VI Crush Grip ORAS Regigigas
467 TM Ghost VI Shadow Force ORAS Giratina
463 TM Fire VI Magma Storm ORAS Heatran
535 TM Fire VI Heat Crash ORAS Tepig, Pignite, and Emboar
540 TM Psychic VI Psystrike XY Mewtwo
543 TM Normal VI Head Charge ORAS Bouffalant
550 TM Electric VI Bolt Strike AS Zekrom
551 TM Fire VI Blue Flare OR Reshiram
553 TM Ice VI Freeze Shock AS Black Kyurem
554 TM Ice VI Ice Burn OR White Kyurem
558 TM Fire VI Fusion Flare OR Reshiram, White Kyurem
559 TM Electric VI Fusion Bolt AS Zekrom, Black Kyurem
561 TM Fighting VI Mat Block XY Greninja
567 TM Ghost VI Trick-or-Treat XY Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist
568 TM Normal VI Noble Roar XY Litleo and Pyroar
575 TM Dark VI Parting Shot XY Pancham and Pangoro
576 TM Dark VI Topsy-Turvy XY Inkay and Malamar
582 TM Electric VI Electrify XY Helioptile and Heliolisk
588 TM Steel VI King's Shield XY Aegislash
594 TM Water VI Water Shuriken XY Accelgor*, Greninja
597 TM Fairy Aromatic Mist Y Aromatisse
600 TM Bug VI Powder XY Vivillon
601 TM Fairy Geomancy X Xerneas
613 TM Flying VI Oblivion Wing Y Yveltal
616 TM Ground VI Land's Wrath XY Zygarde
618 TM Water VI Origin Pulse AS Kyogre
619 TM Ground VI Precipice Blades OR Groudon
620 TM Flying VI Dragon Ascent ORAS Rayquaza

Generation VII

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! excludes a large majority of moves in the series and cannot interact in any way with Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon. Because of this, the two games groups are listed separately.

Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon

Move Game Pokémon that learn the move
015 TM Normal VI Cut SUS Kartana
142 TM Normal VI Lovely Kiss USUM Jynx
177 TM Flying VI Aeroblast UM Lugia
190 TM Water VI Octazooka USUM Octillery
290 TM Normal VI Secret Power USUM Audino
295 TM Psychic VI Luster Purge US Latios
296 TM Psychic VI Mist Ball UM Latias
459 TM Dragon VI Roar of Time US Dialga
460 TM Dragon VI Spacial Rend UM Palkia
461 TM Psychic VI Lunar Dance USUM Cresselia
462 TM Normal VI Crush Grip UM Regigigas
463 TM Fire VI Magma Storm US Heatran
467 TM Ghost VI Shadow Force USUM Giratina
535 TM Fire VI Heat Crash SM Tepig, Pignite, and Emboar
540 TM Psychic VI Psystrike USUM Mewtwo
541 TM Normal VI Tail Slap USUM Minccino and Cinccino
544 TM Steel VI Gear Grind SM Klink, Klang, and Klinklang
549 TM Ice VI Glaciate USUM Kyurem
550 TM Fire VI Blue Flare US Reshiram
551 TM Electric VI Bolt Strike UM Zekrom
552 TM Fire VI Fiery Dance USUM Volcarona
553 TM Ice VI Freeze Shock UM Black Kyurem
554 TM Ice VI Ice Burn US White Kyurem
558 TM Fire VI Fusion Flare US Reshiram and White Kyurem
559 TM Electric VI Fusion Bolt UM Zekrom and Black Kyurem
560 TM Fighting VI Flying Press USUM Hawlucha
576 TM Dark VI Topsy-Turvy USUM Inkay and Malamar
582 TM Electric VI Electrify USUM Helioptile and Heliolisk
600 TM Bug VI Powder USUM Vivillon
601 TM Fairy Geomancy US Xerneas
613 TM Flying VI Oblivion Wing UM Yveltal
618 TM Water VI Origin Pulse UM Kyogre
619 TM Ground VI Precipice Blades US Groudon
620 TM Flying VI Dragon Ascent USUM Rayquaza
689 TM Psychic VI Instruct MUM Oranguru
704 TM Fire VI Shell Trap SUS Turtonator
713 TM Steel VI Sunsteel Strike SUS Solgaleo and Dusk Mane Necrozma
714 TM Ghost VI Moongeist Beam MUM Lunala and Dawn Wings Necrozma
720 TM Fire VI Mind Blown US Blacephalon
722 TM Psychic VI Photon Geyser USUM Necrozma
723 TM Psychic VI Light That Burns the Sky USUM Ultra Necrozma
724 TM Steel VI Searing Sunraze Smash US Solgaleo and Dusk Mane Necrozma
725 TM Ghost VI Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom UM Lunala and Dawn Wings Necrozma
726 TM Fairy Let's Snuggle Forever USUM Mimikyu
727 TM Rock VI Splintered Stormshards USUM Lycanroc
728 TM Dragon VI Clangorous Soulblaze USUM Kommo-o

Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!

Move Game Pokémon that learn the move
137 TM Normal VI Glare E Ekans and Arbok
729 TM Electric VI Zippy Zap P Partner Pikachu
730 TM Water VI Splishy Splash P Partner Pikachu
731 TM Flying VI Floaty Fall P Partner Pikachu
732 TM Electric VI Pika Papow P Partner Pikachu
733 TM Water VI Bouncy Bubble E Partner Eevee
734 TM Electric VI Buzzy Buzz E Partner Eevee
735 TM Fire VI Sizzly Slide E Partner Eevee
736 TM Psychic VI Glitzy Glow E Partner Eevee
737 TM Dark VI Baddy Bad E Partner Eevee
738 TM Grass VI Sappy Seed E Partner Eevee
739 TM Ice VI Freezy Frost E Partner Eevee
740 TM Fairy Sparkly Swirl E Partner Eevee
741 TM Normal VI Veevee Volley E Partner Eevee

Generation VIII

As movesets are kept separate between Generation VIII games, this list only keeps track of moves available in one of the paired games, but not the others. For moves' availability as a whole, see here.

Sword and Shield

Move Game Pokémon that learn the move
561 TM Fighting VI Mat Block SMUSUM Exclusively by transferring Throh that already knows the move
689 TM Psychic VI Instruct Sh Oranguru
691 TM Dragon VI Clanging Scales Sw Kommo-o
704 TM Fire VI Shell Trap Sw Turtonator
775 TM Dragon VI Clangorous Soul Sw Kommo-o
781 TM Steel VI Behemoth Blade Sw Zacian (Crowned Sword)
782 TM Steel VI Behemoth Bash Sh Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
788 TM Grass VI Grav Apple Sw Flapple
787 TM Grass VI Apple Acid Sh Appletun
794 TM Fighting VI Meteor Assault Sw Sirfetch'd
TM Fighting VI G-Max Chi Strike Sw Gigantamax Machamp
TM Ghost VI G-Max Terror Sh Gigantamax Gengar
TM Ice VI G-Max Resonance Sh Gigantamax Lapras
TM Rock VI G-Max Volcalith Sw Gigantamax Coalossal
TM Grass VI G-Max Tartness Sw Gigantamax Flapple
TM Grass VI G-Max Sweetness Sh Gigantamax Appletun
  • Behemoth Blade and Behemoth Bash replace Iron Head in Zacian and Zamazenta's move set when they enter battle in their Crowned Sword and Crowned Shield forms, respectively.
  • The Gigantamax forms of the Pokémon listed above are exclusive to their particular game, but players from either game can be recruited to participate in Max Raid Battles with them, and have a chance to catch them if they are defeated. In addition, some have been featured in Wild Area News that ignores version exclusivity.

Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

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Move Game Pokémon that learn the move
177 TM Flying VI Aeroblast SP Lugia
221 TM Fire VI Sacred Fire BD Entei, Ho-Oh
459 TM Dragon VI Roar of Time BD Dialga
460 TM Dragon VI Spacial Rend SP Palkia
595 TM Fire VI Mystical Fire SP Mismagius

Generation IX

Move Game Pokémon that learn the move
689 TM Psychic VI Instruct S Oranguru
751 TM Dragon VI Dragon Darts V Dragapult
798 TM Steel VI Steel Roller V Iron Treads
799 TM Dragon VI Scale Shot S Roaring Moon
878 TM Fighting VI Collision Course S Koraidon
879 TM Electric VI Electro Drift V Miraidon
890 TM Fire VI Armor Cannon S Armarouge
891 TM Fire VI Bitter Blade V Ceruledge

See also

Project Games logo.png This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.