Platinum (Adventures)

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Platinum Berlitz
プラチナ・ベルリッツ Platinum Berlitz
Platinum Pt Chapter.png
Platinum in the Platinum arc
Age 12 (as of the seventh chapter)
Gender Female
Birthday October 27
Eye color Gold, Silver
Hair color Indigo-Blue
Hometown Sandgem Town
Region Sinnoh
Relatives House of Berlitz
Trainer class Trainer
Game counterpart Dawn

Platinum Berlitz (Japanese: プラチナ・ベルリッツ Platinum Berlitz) is a main character in the manga series Pokémon Adventures and the female main character for the Diamond & Pearl arc and the Platinum arc story arcs. At first, she was only known by her family name; her given name is the same as the then unreleased third version to Pokémon Diamond and Pearl: Platinum.

For her skills, she is given the title of "Understander" (知る者 Understander).


Platinum is a member of the house of Berlitz, a 200-year old and extremely financially powerful family of Sinnoh. She wears diamond and pearl rings. She does not give her name to commoners, instead insisting that they refer to her as Lady* (Japanese: お嬢様 Ojōsama, a term used to refer to the daughter of someone of high class).

She is very knowledgeable as a result of reading lots of books during her childhood. However, since beginning her journey she has decided that it is better to actually experience as much as possible. For this reason, Platinum challenges the Gyms of Sinnoh and also takes on other challenges such as the Super Contests of Hearthome City. She has shown a natural tendency to recognize patterns and has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of various areas of Sinnoh and Pokémon in general, although towards the beginning of her journey, she had difficulty dealing with wild Pokémon. Despite her knowledgeable nature, Platinum originally had troubles with managing her money but was able to overcome this in her challenge of the Battle Castle. Being highly knowledgeable, she is associated with Uxie.

Platinum is amazed by the closeness of Pearl and Diamond, as well as their various skills: Pearl's assortment of battling advice and Diamond's ability to cook Poffins and instincts on Pokémon. She also is an audience for their various Manzai attempts and is amused by them at times. Platinum often can be demanding of Pearl, annoying him. Platinum is also unaware of a crush Diamond has on her. It seems that, after saving her from Team Galactic, Platinum gains respect for Diamond and Pearl, by calling them by their first names, but, she still refuses to give her name. The boys assume her name is "Lady", hearing it from Pearl's Chatler, who repeated it from a conversation between Platinum and her butler. After formally accepting them as her bodyguards and friends, she revealed her real name to them.


Diamond & Pearl arc

Platinum in the seventh chapter

Platinum is introduced at the beginning of the seventh chapter as a member of the ancient Berlitz family, which has a tradition for its member's coming of age to travel to the peak of Mt. Coronet to obtain materials to make their personal family crest. At the suggestion of the Berlitz's butler, Sebastian, her father hired two bodyguards to protect her on her journey. Professor Rowan provided her with three Pokédexes, three Pokétches, and the three Sinnoh starter Pokémon so that Platinum would share them with her bodyguards to assist him in his research.

However, because Diamond and Pearl coincidentally match the bodyguards' description—one in a red scarf and the other in a green scarf—Platinum presumes they are her bodyguards instead, and the duo think that this journey is a sort of reality TV show. Platinum assumed that they were actually her bodyguards, chosen so the trio would not seem odd.

After several misadventures, the three reach Oreburgh City where Platinum plans to have her first Gym Battle. Platinum goes to challenge the Oreburgh Gym and battles the Gym Leader, Roark. Despite initial troubles, Platinum manages to defeat him with the assistance of Diamond and Pearl. Next, the group arrives at the Floaroma Town where they meet the daughter of the Valley Windworks Manager whose father had gone missing. They go to the Windworks to find out what happened and are attacked by a mysterious woman. Platinum watches as she defeats Diamond and Pearl and escapes with a windmill. After watching the two boys risk their lives, she gains a new set of respect for them and starts calling them by their first names.

After an adventure in the Old Chateau, Platinum and her traveling companions meet Gardenia, the Eterna City Gym Leader. After getting acquainted with her, Platinum begins training for her next Gym battle; the training causes Piplup, Chimler, and Tru to evolve into their first stage forms. They meet Cynthia, a passerby that had witnessed the evolution of their Pokémon who offers to help her with her Gym training. Next, Platinum challenges the Gym where she battles against Gardenia. Platinum manages to defeat her after taking advantage of Gardenia's battle strategy. They are given bikes by Rad Rickshaw who believes that they had rescued him from the clutches of Team Galactic and with the help of Diamond and Pearl, she learns how to ride it.

Next, the group travels to Mt. Coronet where they are attacked by Cyrus, the leader of Team Galactic because they were annoying him. After being rescued from the rubble by Diamond and a wild Luxray, they arrive at Hearthome City where Platinum enters the Super Contest. After a misunderstanding, the audience decides to sabotage Platinum's performance and she becomes discouraged. Despite the initial trouble, with some encouragement from Diamond, Platinum is able to win the Contest; she then takes Diamond and Pearl to accept the Ribbon together, as they helped her through it. They later meet the Hearthome Gym Leader, Fantina, and she takes them to the Lost Tower where Platinum watches two Trainers battle against some Pokémon.

Platinum during a Super Contest

After separating from Fantina, Platinum, Diamond, and Pearl arrive in Solaceon Town, where they meet the Pokémon News Press and help a pair of Unown find their friends in the Solaceon Ruins. After arriving at Veilstone City, Platinum finds the Veilstone Game Corner, and mistakes it for a hotel. Platinum develops a slight gambling addiction and continues playing the slots until Diamond and Pearl find her and take her to the hotel they were staying at. After practicing with an item that Platinum had won at the slots, they almost hit a young woman with an Ember fired by Chimler. The girl introduces herself to them as the Veilstone Gym Leader, Maylene, and accepts Platinum's Gym challenge. Later, at the Gym, Platinum, Diamond, and Pearl go through the Gym and they eventually get to Maylene's location.

As they begin battling, Platinum is shocked to find out that her Pokédex has gone missing and without it, she is unable to concentrate. After Diamond (who she had sent to find her Pokédex) reports to Pearl that he had found the Pokédex, he and Platinum get into a brief argument about Platinum breaking her promise to not go back to the Game Corner. Platinum quickly regains her composure and is able to defeat Maylene and reveals that she had never gone back to the Game Corner, but was almost tempted to.

After they walk in the dark streets of Veilstone after defeating Maylene, Platinum is knocked out by two unknown figures (actually her real bodyguards, Paka and Uji) and taken to the Veilstone Department Store. Eventually, she wakes up while Diamond, Pearl, Paka, and Uji battle Team Galactic outside and decides to work out with the exercise equipment she found inside of it.

Later, after the conflict with Team Galactic is resolved, Platinum, Diamond, and Pearl travel to Lake Valor, where they meet Dr. Footstep. After a wild Hippowdon sends them flying, Platinum and Diamond land near the lake and are attacked by two Scientists that were preventing anyone from going near it. They eventually defeat the scientists and meet up with Pearl and Dr. Footstep.

Later, at the Great Marsh, Platinum, Diamond, and Pearl try to capture some Pokémon for Platinum to use in her Gym battle against the Pastoria City Gym Leader, Crasher Wake. After a series of failed events, Platinum just opts for borrowing Diamond's Tru and goes to the Gym despite being covered in mud. Platinum goes through the Gym, reaches Crasher Wake, and after a tough battle, is able to defeat him with Tru.

They later travel to the Pokémon Mansion where they meet up with Cynthia again and help her with a Psyduck outbreak on Route 210. They meet Cynthia's grandmother and follow her to the Celestic Town so that they can see the ruins. The ruins are attacked by the leader of Team Galactic, Cyrus, who battles Diamond and Pearl while Platinum and Cynthia's grandmother watch from the sidelines. After Cyrus makes his leave, Platinum and the others meet up with Fantina again and fly to her Gym at Hearthome City. After some training, Platinum challenges the Gym where she finds some difficulty because of the Gyms challenge forcing Trainers to think logically with math problems and then dropping that logic while facing Fantina. Fantina has her Mismagius create confusing illusions during the battle, causing the knowledgeable and logical Platinum to get a painful headache. With some encouragement from Pearl, Platinum manages to overcome the illusion and is able to defeat Fantina.

Soon after, Platinum and the others find a news report on Fantina's television about Professor Rowan and his assistant, Platinum's father, having gone missing. Platinum, worried about her father, immediately sets off to Canalave City, the place where they went missing, and ends up in the Canalave Gym after hearing her fathers voice inside of it. There, the group meets Gym Leader Byron and Platinum, believing him to be the cause of her fathers disappearance, attacks and easily defeats his Pokémon. After some clearing up, Platinum finds out that Byron did not, in fact, kidnap the scientists, but is instead trying to figure out how to free them from a special cage that a Galactic Grunt had trapped them in.

Platinum's new clothes

Platinum goes to talk to her father and Professor Rowan and is shocked to find out that Diamond and Pearl are not her true bodyguards and that they have been lying to her the whole time. Needing some time to think, Platinum runs off. Later that night, Platinum approached by the Advanced level Grunt while sleeping, he frees the Professor and Platinum's father and reveals Team Galactic's plans to her. The next day, after Diamond and Pearl have revealed everything to Byron, Professor Rowan, and Sir Berlitz and are about to leave, Platinum stops them, reads a letter that is filled with apologies for every time she has lied to them and finally tells them her full name.

Ignoring her father's protests, Platinum decides that she, Diamond, and Pearl shall split up to save the legendary Pokémon from the clutches of Team Galactic. After receiving the Mine Badge from Byron, Platinum sets off to northern area, Snowpoint City which holds Lake Acuity. The next morning, while in a hotel, Platinum sheds tears over to the fact that the sound her Pokédex makes when it is near Diamond and Pearl's, the "morning sound", is not playing, showing that she is truly alone for the first time.

After arriving at Route 216, Platinum decides to try skiing and accidentally ends up angering a group of Graveler on her first attempt. She manages to get away from them but gets caught in the snowstorm and almost freezes to death before being saved by Snowpoint Gym Leader, Candice. After putting on her new coat, Platinum notices Maylene walking through the snow and joins her while she gives her a tour of Snowpoint. After Maylene tells Platinum about Lake Acuity, she runs off to the Snowpoint Gym to get permission to go there by Candice.

After literally plowing her way through the Gyms challenge, Platinum reaches Candice and begins battling her. Though Platinum starts off with the advantage, things quickly get bad for her but she eventually manages to defeat Candice with the help of her newest team member, Lopunny. After receiving the Icicle Badge from Candice, she and Maylene join Platinum in her goal to stop Team Galactic from blowing up the three lakes. After taking a shortcut, they all eventually make it to Lake Acuity where they are confronted by one of the Team Galactic Commanders, Jupiter. Despite their best efforts, Jupiter is far too powerful for any of them to handle and are subsequently defeated. Jupiter succeeds in capturing Uxie while Platinum is forced to take Candice, Maylene, and herself to a mysterious temple while she has her Rapidash use his flames to protect them from the cold. Before falling unconscious, Platinum hears the sound of a Pokémon and tries to capture it in case it tries to attack them but falls asleep before she can; her Poké Ball then rolls into the temple, revealing a mysterious silhouette.

Platinum's brooch with her family crest on it

Later, Platinum wakes up in the Snowpoint Pokémon Center with no idea as to how she got there. Deciding to get stronger, Candice calls Byron and tells him to send a strong person to train them for a rematch with Jupiter. They go to the Spring Path to meet up with their tutor, the Sunyshore Gym Leader, Volkner. Due to a misunderstanding, Volkner loses interest in training them but with some begging from Platinum, he changes his mind and agrees to help while also making the training a Gym Battle.

After finishing her training and receiving the Beacon Badge, Platinum rushes off to the Galactic Veilstone Building while Candice and Maylene stay behind to finish their training. Platinum manages to easily sneak inside thanks to a previously laid distraction made by Pearl and begins searching for the Lake guardians. As she searches, her Pokédex begins ringing the morning sound, telling Platinum that Pearl and Diamond are somewhere nearby. Platinum manages to maneuver through a room filled with smoke and a loud painful noise created by the battle with Diamond and the Advanced level Grunt and reaches the container that has Uxie locked inside of it but is trapped inside with the Advanced level Grunt's Cradily. Realizing the Grunt's obsession with the Pokédex will be his weakness, Diamond commands the other two to sacrifice their Pokédexes in order to distract them. Though painful at first, they do it, distracting the Grunt's Pokémon long enough for all three to press the button that would release Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf.

Cynthia finds the three lying on the ground, knocked unconscious from the light that the Lake guardians created, and hastily takes them to the Spear Pillar. While traveling on Cynthia's Garchomp, Platinum gives Diamond a Mamoswine that he names Moo and reveals her newly earned Icicle and Beacon Badges. They eventually reach the Spear Pillar and the effect of Dialga and Palkia's battle causes time and space to distort around them. While Diamond and Pearl battle Dialga and Palkia, Platinum and Cynthia find the Gym Leaders, all knocked out from a previous battle by Cyrus. Candice, Gardenia, and Maylene all manage to wake up and give Platinum a Froslass, Cherrim, and Pachirisu but an attack fired from Dialga and Palkia breaks their Poké Balls, preventing them from being used. The attack causes a scroll that Cynthia was holding to fall out; Platinum picks it up and is able to read the archaic text on it that reveals the powers of Dialga and Palkia.

Time and Space begin to distort even further, sending people and Pokémon to random locations, even sending Dr. Footstep to the Spear Pillar. A black hole begins to form in the sky and begins sucking everyone into it while Platinum, Pearl, and Diamond try to keep the unconscious Gym Leaders from being sucked into it. As Diamond battles Dialga and Palkia with his newly acquired Regigigas and gives a speech on his view of Time and Space, Platinum realizes that his words are causing an imbalance on the Red Chain that is controlling the dragons. Platinum commands Diamond and Pearl to attack Dialga and Palkia at full power and they succeed in destroying the Red Chain, freeing them from Cyrus's control. Dialga and Palkia defeat Cyrus and the Sinnoh Pokédex holders celebrate their victory with a fist bump while Cynthia, Dialga and Palkia smile right next to them.

With Cyrus defeated and Platinum being on the Spear Pillar, she manages to make the crest that she had set out to do at the beginning of the seventh chapter. Platinum learns of the fate of her original bodyguards from Diamond and Pearl and decides that she has to go rescue them. As they go to take the Gym Leaders and Cyrus to the hospital, Diamond spots someone spying on them with a strange machine. Byron, the Underground Man, Sir Berlitz, and Professor Rowan, all emerge from the ground and when Byron takes the machine from the man, it causes mysterious black tentacles to shoot from the black hole and pull Dialga, Palkia, and the unconscious Cyrus into it. The man introduces himself as Charon and makes his escape; Diamond's Kit manages to steal a notebook from him just before he disappears from view.

Next, Platinum's mother, Professor Yanase Berlitz, is seen on a ship and receives a call from Platinum. She tells her daughter that they have found where Paka and Uji may have been sent to, the Distortion World.

Platinum arc

The eighth chapter opens up with Platinum writing a letter to her mother that reveals that she is going to the Battle Zone alone while Diamond and Pearl are investigating the notes that were taken from Charon. She buys a villa and decides to use it as her base of operations. Platinum notices someone approaching her and attacks with her Lopunny; the person is revealed to be member of the International Police, Looker. They team up so that they can gather information about the Distortion World from the people in the Battle Zone.

After an accident involving Lady Caitlin, Platinum decides to challenge the Battle Castle first. They travel to the Battle Castle and Platinum starts her challenge of the facility. At first, it seems like Platinum can easily get through the challenge but starts getting worried when she learns she has to manage her Castle Points, and as a rich young woman, managing is something she has never done before. Eventually, she manages to reach the Frontier Brain, Castle Valet Darach, and does battle with him. Despite initial trouble, she manages to defeat him, learning how to manage her assets in the process.

After winning her first commemorative print, she and Looker are introduced to Buck, who had overheard them talking about Stark Mountain. Buck takes a picture of Team Galactic and goes to Stark Mountain under the belief that they are sneaking around there to capture the legendary Pokémon Heatran while Platinum and Looker go back to the villa to decide what their next plan is. The next morning, Platinum goes to the Battle Arcade after being entranced by the odd music of the Battle Arcade's spokesman.

She goes through the Battle Arcade easily thanks to the skills she had gained by playing on the slots in Veilstone City. Eventually she reaches the Frontier Brain, Arcade Star Dahlia, and begins battling her. Due to an unexpected earthquake, Platinum is unable to press the button that signifies the event the battle will have and Dahlia does it instead. The roulette stops on the Pokémon swap button, causing Platinum and Dahlia to switch their teams. Platinum, unable to harm her own Pokémon, has troubles fighting Dahlia but some words of encouragement from the Arcade Star allow her to turn the battle around and defeat her.

Platinum's Pokémon with Looker and Buck

After thanking her injured Pokémon, Dahlia gives her the commemorative print and takes her to Thorton, another Frontier Brain that knows more about the Distortion World than she does. When they try to talk to him, the videophone's reception breaks up, preventing Platinum from getting the information she needed. Platinum decides to go and challenge the Battle Factory and meet up with Thorton in person instead.

Before going to the Battle Factory, Platinum reveals that she chose that location not because of the fact that she can get the information she needed, but instead because of the fact that the Battle Factory uses rental Pokémon. Having waited five hours since Looker left for Stark Mountain, a worried Platinum takes her newly-healed Pachirisu, Froslass, and Cherrim from the storage system and sends them and her other three Pokémon off to help Looker.

Afterwards, she challenges the Battle Factory and is determined to win for Looker and her Pokémon. Eventually, Platinum reaches the final match and meets Thorton but is taken aback by his quirky nature. Despite Thorton's belief that knowledge is important in battles, Platinum proves that her knowledge is far more superior and defeats him. After receiving the commemorative print, Platinum meets the two remaining Frontier Brains, Tower Tycoon Palmer and Hall Matron Argenta.

Next, Platinum challenges the Battle Hall and faces Argenta in battle. It is revealed that after meeting Palmer and Argenta, her Pokémon had returned from Stark Mountain with a heavily injured Looker and Buck with them. With the Froslass she received from Candice, Platinum succeeds in defeating Argenta, much to Palmer's surprise. After receiving her fourth print, Palmer takes her to a room with Darach, Thorton, and Riley inside.

Touched by their determination to help her despite the Battle Frontier losing its connection to the Sinnoh mainland, Platinum is reminded of her times with Diamond and Pearl. After talking to Palmer, she figures out that he is Pearl's father and compliments the skills he passed onto his son, embarrassing Palmer in the process.

Later, after the proper preparations have been made, Platinum, along with Palmer, Riley, Cheryl, and Mira leave to the Distortion World. After traveling far enough, they arrive at the Spring Path, but find that Marley has been captured by the Advanced level Grunt. However, the Grunt reveals that he does not want to fight and has escaped from Team Galactic. Platinum forces him to take them to where the Distortion World is and gets a call from Pearl who tries to inform her that Diamond was killed in their battle against Charon.

They go to the Sendoff Spring and enter the Distortion World, but get separated upon arriving due to the dimension's strange gravity. There, Platinum meets her real bodyguards, Paka and Uji, and witnesses Volkner and his friend, Flint, fighting Giratina, only to lose.

Not long after, Diamond and Pearl arrive while riding on Dialga's back after they hear her voice. After they reunite with Paka and Uji, the Advanced level Grunt returns the stolen Pokédexes back to their proper owners.

As the battle between the legendary Pokémon continues getting more and more chaotic, everyone begins to gather together. When Charon decides to escape, Platinum, Pearl, and Diamond each take a different legendary Pokémon to fly and chase after him before he can trap everyone inside the Distortion World. They fly and eventually make it outside to Sunyshore City, where Charon is finished off by a surprise attack from Cynthia.

Charon tries to escape like he did at the Spear Pillar, only to be cornered by Platinum, Pearl, and Diamond. Although defeated, Charon refuses to give up, and uses his machine to try and make Platinum, Pearl, and Diamond's Pokémon attack each other. The machine is quickly destroyed by a toy of Proteam Omega, which is revealed to be possessed by Rotom.

With Charon defeated, everyone who was left behind in the Distortion World emerges from it safe and unharmed. Cyrus disbands Team Galactic, but thanks the three before leaving with Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter. Giratina tries to attack one last time, but is stopped by Volkner and Flint and is driven back into the Distortion World by Dialga and Palkia, this time without any desire for revenge.

Charon is arrested by Looker, who gives Diamond a Pokémon Egg given to him from the Fiore Region before leaving to his next mission in Unova. Having emerged from everything victorious, the three give each other a fist bump. Later, Platinum watches as the sole audience member as Diamond and Pearl gives her a comedy routine, which she hadn't seen in a while.

Sometime later, at the Solaceon Day Care Center, Diamond and Pearl train with Phione, a Pokémon that hatched from the Pokémon Egg that Looker gave them. Platinum giggles as the two play with the Pokémon and get into a brief argument. The owners of the Day Care recall of a Trainer that hatched a Pokémon with a similar personality to his in the Johto region.

Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire arc

Younger Platinum appears as a cameo when Norman tells Ruby that the operation to capture and study Rayquaza was funded by the House of Berlitz.


On hand

Ponyta → Rapidash
Platinum's Rapidash
Main article: Platinum's Rapidash

Rapidash is a Pokémon that Platinum took from home as a Ponyta. A fairly weak battler, he is Platinum's means of transportation. He evolved in Canalave City. He is currently at level 59 and has a Modest nature.

Piplup → Prinplup → Empoleon
Platinum's Empoleon
Main article: Platinum's Empoleon

Empoleon, as a Piplup, was given to Platinum by Professor Rowan for her journey. She evolved, along with Tru and Chimler, during a training session in Eterna City. She evolved again later in the Veilstone City Department Store sometime around Great Gible. She is often used by Platinum and is her strongest Pokémon. She is currently at level 68 and has a Serious nature.

Platinum's Lopunny
Main article: Platinum's Lopunny

Lopunny is the first new capture on Platinum's team. She was caught while Platinum was on her way to Lake Acuity. She has been used in many battles, with her first victory being against Candice's Abomasnow. She is currently at level 51 and has a Naive nature.

Platinum's Froslass

Froslass was given to Platinum by Candice. She was first seen when Platinum sent her, along with the rest of her party, to help Looker at Stark Mountain. After they returned, she was used in Platinum's challenge at the Battle Hall. She is currently at level 60 and has a Quiet nature.

Froslass's known moves are Wake-Up Slap and Ice Shard, and her Ability is Snow Cloak.

Platinum's Cherrim
Platinum's Cherrim

Cherrim was given to Platinum by Gardenia. She was sent off with the rest of Platinum's Pokémon to help Looker. She is currently at level 49 and has a Docile nature.

Cherrim's only known move is SolarBeam, and her Ability is Flower Gift.

Platinum's Pachirisu

Pachirisu was given to Platinum by Maylene who received her from Volkner. She was sent off with the rest of Platinum's Pokémon to help Looker. She is currently at level 53 and has a Quirky nature.

Pachirisu's known moves are Captivate and Last Resort, and her Ability is Run Away.

Given away

Diamond's Moo

Moo (Japanese: むー Mū) was originally Platinum's Pokémon who she caught because it reminded her of Diamond. Eventually, she gave it away to Diamond.


Pearl's Chimler
Main article: Chimler

Platinum gave Chimler (Japanese: サルヒコ Saruhiko) when he was a Chimchar to Pearl who she thought was her bodyguard. Way after Chimler evolved into Monferno, he was given to Platinum to challenge Maylene in Veilstone City. She gave Chimler back after she was done with her Gym challenge.

Pearl's Chatler
Main article: Chatler

Chatler (Japanese: ペラヒコ Perahiko) was given to Platinum to challenge Maylene in Veilstone City. She gave Chatler back after she was done with her Gym challenge.

Diamond's Tru
Main article: Tru

Platinum delivered Tru (Japanese: るー Rū) when he was a Turtwig to Diamond who she thought was her bodyguard. He was given to Platinum once again when he became a Torterra. She used Tru to battle Crasher Wake. After her Gym battle was done, she gave Tru back to Diamond.

Diamond's Lax
Main article: Lax (Adventures)

Lax was given to Platinum to battle Fantina. After finishing her Gym battle, she returned Lax to Diamond.

Fantina's Drifblim
Main article: Fantina's Drifblim

Fantina lent her Drifblim to Diamond and Platinum so that they could get to Canalave quickly as there was no other way for them to get there. It was later given to Diamond and later returned to Fantina at the Spear Pillar.

Dahlia's Ludicolo

Ludicolo was one of the Pokémon owned by Dahlia that was switched under the rules of the Pokémon swap. It did heavy damage to Platinum's Rapidash with its powerful Water-type moves.

Ludicolo's only known move is Waterfall.

Dahlia's Medicham

Medicham was one of the Pokémon owned by Dahlia that was switched under the rules of the Pokémon swap. It defeated Platinum's Rapidash, causing Platinum to win the match. Later, it was returned to its original Trainer.

None of Medicham's moves are known.

Dahlia's Togekiss

Togekiss was one of the Pokémon owned by Dahlia that was switched under the rules of the Pokémon swap. It was easily defeated in one hit by Platinum's Lopunny. Later, it was returned to its original Trainer.

Togekiss's known moves are Air Slash, Aura Sphere, Hyper Beam, and Psychic.

Palmer's Cresselia

Cresselia was borrowed by Platinum to chase Charon and Giratina when the two tried to escape from the Distortion World to the real world.

Rented in Battle Factory

Platinum's Qwilfish

Qwilfish was a rental Pokémon used in the Battle Factory. It was used against Thorton and contributed to the defeat of his Ledian before being knocked out by his Ursaring.

Qwilfish's known moves are Toxic Spikes, Pin Missile, Destiny Bond, and Rollout, and its Ability is Poison Point.

Platinum's Grimer

Grimer was a rental Pokémon used in the Battle Factory.

None of Grimer's moves are known.

Platinum's Loudred

Loudred was a rental Pokémon used in the Battle Factory. It was used against Thorton and did heavy damage to his Tyranitar before being knocked out.

Loudred's known moves are Stomp and Roar, and its Ability is Soundproof.

Platinum's Kadabra

Kadabra was a rental Pokémon used in the Battle Factory. It was used against Thorton and managed to defeat his Ursaring, making Platinum the winner.

Kadabra's known moves are Miracle Eye, Psycho Cut, Focus Punch, and Drain Punch.


Badges obtained

Platinum's eight Sinnoh Gym Badges
Platinum's four Prints

Ribbons obtained

Prints obtained


  • In the beginning of the Diamond & Pearl chapter of Pokémon Adventures, there were some moments where Platinum's first name was actually said, but her first name was always covered by another speech bubble to show that it was drowned out by that person's speech.
  • Platinum is one of four Pokédex holders to have a known last name; the other three are Blue, Sapphire, and Y.
  • Platinum is the only female Pokédex holder who does not name her Pokémon.
  • James, Juan, and Selphy also have butlers named Sebastian.
  • As pointed out by Byron, Platinum managed to break the 80-day record of obtaining all Badges of one region, previously held by Sapphire.
    • She obtained six Badges in just 25 days, while Sapphire had obtained three Badges in the same amount of time.
  • Platinum is the only character in Pokémon Adventures based on a female player character to be the main titular arc of her own, unlike Green, Crystal, Sapphire, White, Whi-Two, and Y who all shared the title of their arc with another character, and Yellow, who was not based on a playable female character.
  • Platinum is the only character in the series to receive awards who has received them of more than one kind, having received Badges, Ribbons, and Prints.


Language Name Origin
Japanese お嬢様 Ojōsama
プラチナ・ベルリッツ Platinum Berlitz
A respectful term used to refer to the daughter of a high-class family.
From Pokémon Platinum.
English Lady (VIZ)
Missy (Chuang Yi)
Platinum Berlitz
A respectful term used to refer to a woman.
Refers to a young woman.
From Pokémon Platinum.
Korean 아가씨 Agassi
플래티나 베를리츠 Platina Berlitz
Refers to a young woman.
From Pokémon Platinum.
Chinese (Mandarin) 大小姐 Dàxiǎojiě
普蘭汀娜·貝爾里慈 Pǔlántīngnà Bèi’ěrlicí
A respectful term used to refer to the daughter of a high-class family.
Transliteration of her Japanese name.
Thai คุณหนู Koon-noo
พลาติน่า เบลิซ Platina Belitz
A respectful term used to refer to the daughter of a high-class family.
From Pokémon Platinum.

External links

Pokémon Adventures main characters
RGBY/FRLG: RedBlueGreenYellow
GSC/HGSS: GoldSilverCrystal
RSE/ORAS: RubySapphireEmerald
DPPt: DiamondPearlPlatinum
BWB2W2: BlackWhiteBlakeWhitley
SWSH: HenryCasey
SV: VioletScarlet

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