Marill is a small, blue bipedal Pokémon. It has a nearly spherical shape with a white belly, and has round ears with red insides. These sensitive ears can detect distant sounds. Its arms and feet are short and possess no visible digits. There is a blue, bubble-like ball at the tip of of its zigzagging black tail. The tail is flexible and configured to stretch, and the ball is full of oil. The oil is lighter than water, and keeps Marill afloat in the water. In the anime, Marill was shown to be able to bounce on its tail.
Marill is able to swim in strong water currents without being slowed down by the water's resistance, due to its water-repellent fur. Marill feeds on aquatic plants in addition to fishing for food. When it dives, its tail can be seen bobbing on the water's surface. It will anchor its tail around a tree when fishing at the edge of a fast moving stream. It lives on the water's edge.
Vivi Winstrate also owns a Marill. When Vivi battled against Max in Candid Camerupt, Max wanted to go easy on Vivi's Marill, but Ash's Corphish refused to abide with Max and defeated Marill anyway.
A Trainer's Marill appeared in Adventures in Running Errands!, where Chespin saw it riding on a bike with its Trainer while falling in love, but then Bunnelby grabs its paw while chasing Marill and its trainer.
Marill, the Water Mouse Pokémon. Its sensitive ears can detect distant sounds and the round rubbery tip on its tail can expand and contract, assisting Marill in the water.
Apricot's main Pokémon in the Magical Pokémon Journey manga is Marimaru, a Marill. Marimaru holds Apricot in very high regard and helps her train to become a ninja. Madam Azumarill is her mother.
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Marill debuted in The Legend where one was seen by the grass in front of a Heracross when Green had finished her message to Silver in Johto.
Wild Marill have been seen sometimes, and made a few cameos as rental Pokémon.
In A Flaaffy Kerfuffle a Marill appeared where it was one of the Pokémon in Professor Oak's fantasy when he explains that Trainers should only have six Pokémon with them.
When released from a Poké Ball, Marill will immediately start running in the direction the ball was thrown. Any opponents in the way will be juggled with its Tackle attack. It can be knocked off the screen with a strong enough attack.
Trophy information
This Aqua Mouse Pokémon evolves into Azumarill. The round ball on the end of its tail acts like a flotation device, so it can float safely on the roughest of water conditions. It resides on Mt. Mortar in seclusion; few of the creatures are ever seen. Marill's cuteness has earned it a large and loyal fan base.
Marill's oil-filled tail acts much like a life preserver. If you see just its tail bobbing on the water's surface, it's a sure indication that this Pokémon is diving beneath the water to feed on aquatic plants.
When fishing for food at the edge of a fast-running stream, Marill wraps its tail around the trunk of a tree. This Pokémon's tail is flexible and configured to stretch.
Its body is covered with water-repellent fur. Because of the fur, it can swim through water at high speed without being slowed by the water's resistance.
Marill's oil-filled tail acts much like a life preserver. If you see just its tail bobbing on the water's surface, it's a sure indication that this Pokémon is diving beneath the water to feed on aquatic plants.
When fishing for food at the edge of a fast-running stream, Marill wraps its tail around the trunk of a tree. This Pokémon's tail is flexible and configured to stretch.
Game locations
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
Marill's early design had a pink body instead of blue, noticeably smaller ears, and lacked the erratic tail pattern.
For months prior to the release of Pokémon Gold and Silver, Marill was often incorrectly referred to as "Pikablu", likely because of its slight resemblance to Pikachu.
Because Azurill's gender ratio does not match that of its evolved forms and its evolution is not dependent on gender, being female 75% of the time while Marill and Azumarill are female only 50% of the time, female Azurill have a one in three chance of evolving into a male Marill prior to Generation VI. Whether or not this will happen is determined by its personality value. Azurill is the only Pokémon to do this.
Marill's name was originally spelled Marril, as shown in some merchandise for the first movie.
Since its introduction, Marill has been available in every Japan-centric regional Pokédex.
It may be possibly based on the rakali (Hydromys chrysogaster), who are said to live in burrows on the banks of rivers, lakes and estuaries, and are commonly known as water rats.
Name origin
Marill and Maril may be a combination of 丸い marui (round or circular) or 鞠 mari (ball), 瑠璃 ruri (lapis lazuli), and possibly rill (a small river or brook). It may also be derived from マリンブルー marine blue, an old name for navy blue.
In other languages
マリル Maril
From 丸い marui (round or circular), 鞠 mari (ball) and 瑠璃 ruri (lapis lazuli)
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.