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This is a list of themes that have been played in the Basque dub of the Pokémon anime.
Only the first season and fifth seasons were dubbed with their respective Intros. None of the movies were ever dubbed.
This opening was sung by Iker Bengoetxea.
Hauxe da nire aukera Beteko dut nire ametsa Nire nahia maixu izatea da Helburua da garaipena
Bidaia luzea izango da Zeharkatuz mundu osoa Lortuko dut azkenean Pokémon sekretu ezkutua
Pokémon (Bildu guztiak), bildu guztiak Helburua da garaipena (Pokémon!) Lagunekin batera Beteko dut ametsa Pokémon (Bildu guztiak), guztiak bai Arriskuei aurre egin Elkarrekin zu eta ni Po-ké-mon (Bildu guztiak!) Bildu guztiak! Pokémon!
This is my choice I will fulfill my dream My desire is to be a master The goal is to win
It will be a long journey Across the whole world I get in the end Pokémon secret
Pokémon (Collect all), all together The goal is to win (Pokémon!) with friends I will dream Pokémon (Collect all), as well as all Face the dangers Together you and me Po-ké-mon (Collect all!) Collect all! Pokémon!
The original version had an error in the first stanza, after the first Pokémon!, of the song. This error was fixed in the modified version. Both versions were sung by Peio Artetxe.
Original Version
Lagunak bertan dira; Misty, Asha ta Jessie eta Ash! Nire lagunen laguntzaz, Lortuko dut garaipena!
Nire nahia maixu izatea da, Ametsa bete egingo da! (Izango da!)
Hauxe da nire aukera, Nire patua irabaztea da! (Pokémon!) Lortuko dut garaipena, Je laguntzaz!
Izango naiz maixu handia! (Maixu handia!) Beteko dut nire ametsa! (Nire ametsa!)
Lortuko dut garaipena, Ni izango naiz maixu handia! Pokémon!
My friends are here; Misty, Ash and Jessie and Ash! With the help of my friends, I'll get the victory!
My desire is to be a master, The dream will be fulfilled! (It will be!)
This is my chance, It's my fate to win! (Pokémon!) I'll get the victory, I'm with you!
I will be a great master! (A great master!) I will fill my dream! (My dream!)
I will get the victory, I will be a great master! Pokémon!
Modified Version
Hauxe da lehiaketa, Ez dut zalantzarik izan behar! Nire lagunen laguntzaz, Lortuko dut garaipena!
Nire nahia maixu izatea da, Ametsa bete egingo da! (Izango da!)
Hauxe da nire aukera, Nire patua irabaztea da! (Pokémon!) Lortuko dut garaipena, Zuzen jokatuaz!
Izango naiz maixu handia! (Maixu handia!) Beteko dut nire ametsa! (Nire ametsa!)
Lortuko dut garaipena, Ni izango naiz maixu handia! Pokémon!
The close competition has begun, I have no doubt! With the help of my friends, I'll get the victory!
My desire is to be a master, The dream will be fulfilled! (It will be!)
This is my chance, It's my fate to win! (Pokémon!) I'll get the victory, Playing right!
I will be a great master! (A great master!) I will fill my dream! (My dream!)
I will get the victory, I will be a great master! Pokémon!
Insert songs
This song was sung by Iker Bengoetxea.
Gogoan dut lagun ona Gogoan dut ezagutu zintudan eguna Agur lagun, zu izan zara onena
Jakin nuen berehala Zuregatik edozer egingo nuela Ni zuretzat, zu niretzat Beti izango zara nire bihotzean
Adiorik ez Onena da biontzat Nork usteko zuen noizbait Zu eta ni bananduko ginela
Adiorik ez Onena da biontzat Nork usteko zuen noizbait Zu eta ni bananduko ginela
I remember a good friend I remember the day I met you Goodbye my friend, you have been the best
I immediately knew I would do anything for you I for you, you for me You will always be on my heart
No farewell It's the best for both of us. Who would have thought someday You and me would be separated
No farewell It's the best for both of us Who would have thought someday You and me would be separated
See also