User:Lewtwo/Lillie/Lillie (Quotes)

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These are Lillie's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series games

Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Special Demo Version

Hau'oli City Shopping District
  • On Fridays
"What a beautiful view... I wish I could share it with you."
"O-oh... Hello."
Regardless of choice: "Uh-umm... Professor Kukui is helping me take care of my Pokémon, and..."
"he's waiting for me, so I have to be going. I hope to see you again sometime."

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Iki Town
"Really? You want to go up to the ruins? I don't know what you hope to find there..."
Mahalo Trail Plank Bridge
"You can't come out! We'll get in trouble if anyone sees you."
What's wrong?: "H-help..."
Who are you?: "Never mind me... You have to help it! Please!"
"Save Nebby!"
"Those Spearow are attacking it! But...but I'm too afraid to go out there... My legs feel like they might give out..."
  • After saving Nebby
"Oh... Oh, thank goodness!"
"You tried using your power again...didn't you? Oh, Nebby... You know what happened last time you used it. You couldn't move for ages after that. I don't want to see you like that again!"
"No... I shouldn't say that. I'm sorry, Nebby... I know you were trying to save me that time... And I couldn't even help you in return..."
"What... What is that?"
"A sparkling...stone? It feels almost warm somehow..."
"Please, forgive me... I am so grateful to you for helping us out of that dangerous spot."
Regardless of choice: "I think this stone must belong to you."
"Please... Don't tell anyone about this... About seeing Nebby... It''s a secret, OK?"
"Come on. Into the bag, Nebby."
"I'm worried we might get attacked again by some wild Pokémon or...or something. I know it's too much for me to ask it, but... Do you think you could see us back to town?"
Iki Town
"! You can call me Lillie."
"'re also one of the professor's acquaintances? It's nice to meet you..."
"Oh, um... Yes, Kahuna Hala... Nebby was being attacked by Spearow on the Plank Bridge when this boy/girl helped it get away..."
"But the bridge collapsed, and I thought both of them might fall to the bottom of the ravine... And that was when the island's guardian deity swooped in to save them!"
"Nice to meet you, <first Pokémon>!"
"Oh! When did you get out again? I know that Kahuna Hala and the professor will keep you safe from any harm, but you should still stay in the bag and out of sight. It's safer that way."
"I think you chose a wonderful Pokémon. Please take very good care of it."
  • If talked to again
"If you'd really like to get to know your new friend <first Pokémon>, you could check out all of its information in your Pokédex."
"Um... I don't really like to see Pokémon battles where Pokémon can get hurt...but I'll watch for you."
"Yes... I will keep an eye on..."
"Oh, you! Would you not try to escape the very moment that you were told not to wander off!"
  • On the day of the festival
"But to what exactly?"
"So you two will be taking part in the battle? I don't like seeing Pokémon fight one another, since they so often end up getting hurt... But it seems like this is an important event, so I'll be sure to watch you both."
"Tapu Koko is amazing, isn't it? I hope I can meet it again someday and thank it for saving Nebby..."
Me, too: "It saved you as well, didn't it? And left you with that sparkling stone... even though you're a stranger to this place."
Oh yeah?: "You know, <player>... it did save your life, too. And it even gifted you that sparkling stone... even though you're a stranger to this place."
"Then I suppose this is good-bye..."
Route 1 Hau'oli Outskirts
"Oh. Um... The professor said..."
""Hey there, Lillie! Bring me that great new Trainer. Woo!""
"So I'm here to show you the way to his Pokémon lab, if you'll come with me. It's, um... It's this way."
"M-me? Well, thank you... My name is Lillie. It's very nice to meet you."
"You...have a very nice mother, don't you? We should get going. I'll show you to the Pokémon Research Lab."
  • If the player walks away
"Not that way!"
"You can only reach the professor's lab by treading through the tall grass here. He says he can research moves better when he is so surrounded by Pokémon."
"Since I'm not a Trainer, though, I have to rely on using Repels all the time. You do know that using Repel keeps Pokémon from attacking, right?"
"A-and about Nebby... Oh. I mean...Cosmog. Cosmog seems to be a very rare Pokémon. It came from far, far away."
"It seems to have a very strange power... It used that power to save me once when I was in danger. But some...other people want Cosmog for themselves, to use that power. That's why only the professor and Kahuna Hala and other people I can trust know about it... Can you keep a secret? Can you not tell anyone else about Nebby or what happened on that bridge? Please..."
  • If the player walks away
"Please don't wander off!"
"Ahh... There they go again..."
"The Pokémon Research Lab has its own unique charm, as I think you might agree. I've actually been, um, imposing on the professor here for the past three months. I'm not much of an assistant, but it's the least I can do to pay him back for letting me stay."
"Maybe I'd be more help if I were a real Pokémon Trainer, too..."
"The professor... He never stops researching moves. Not even...inside the lab itself."
"Looks like we'll have to patch the roof again..."
"And I had just washed his lab coat and finally gotten it clean, too. Now it'll be in shreds... and I'm no good at mending clothes... so he'll just have to buy another new one..."
"We should probably go in before he does any more damage..."
"Of course. However I can be a help... I am supposed to be your assistant, right?"
Regardless of choice: "Oh, I can tell you about Rotom. It is a peculiar Pokémon, with a body made up of something like electricity. It can take up residence in machines."
"And this will help how exactly?"
"No, it's not! It's private! The professor has been kind enough to let me use it..."
"There are four main islands that make up Alola, and a kahuna for each one of them. If you wish to be recognized by the kahunas as worthy, it's said you must clear seven trials."
"The island challenge... So this is how the people of Alola connect with the world around them."
"Hold on a moment. Let me show you the Pokémon Center first."
"If you talk to the woman at the counter, she can restore your Pokémon to perfect health."
"It's amazing, isn't it? I can't stand seeing Pokémon in pain..."
"You can also deposit Pokémon in the PC here or take them out."
"And at the Poké Mart you can buy all kinds of items that should help you during your trials. I'd take a look, if I were you."
"Over there is the café area."
"I like to relax there sometimes with a frosty glass of Moomoo Milk."
"I read something in a travel guide about Alola once... Apparently each Pokémon Center in Alola offers a different selection of drinks. I wonder how they pick what to serve?"
"The cafés may also offer more than just drinks. I've heard they also sell special treats and that sometimes the staff have tips for trial-goers."
"We should head to the Trainers' School next. But have your Pokémon taken care of first if you think that they need a little aid."
"Here we are. You see, the Trainers' School is..."
"It's a...a... What in the world?!"
"Well, it looks like we won't be going that way anytime soon, thanks to Tauros there..."
"But we were only planning to go as far as the Trainers' School anyway."
"We'll just leave that for someone else to deal with. Come. Follow me."
Route 1 Trainers' School
  • If talked to again
"Seeing a Pokémon in pain makes my own heart seem to ache. You can come talk to me anytime that you want your team's health restored. I'm happy to help."
  • If talked to again after losing health
"Let me take care of poor <first Pokémon in party>, OK?"
"Please try not to push your Pokémon too hard... Um...I mean...if you don't mind..."
  • If talked to again after healing
"You can tell me anytime that you want your team's health restored, and I'll help you. Seeing a Pokémon in pain makes my own heart seem to ache..."
  • After defeating the four Trainers
"Oh, that's the school bell."
"What terrible thing did you do to get called to the office so soon?"
Nothing!: "That's what you say..."
Well...: "So you did do something?!"
"You seemed to be in perfect sync with your <first Pokémon in party>—weren't you? Um... Since we've come this far together, why don't I show you some more of the city? Come on. There's lots to see."
"<Player>! Over here."
"You know... I was really impressed seeing how you battled with your Pokémon at the Trainers' School... And even back when you weren't yet a Pokémon Trainer, <player>... you were able to save Nebby... You were chosen by your Pokémon so quickly... I understand why now."
"Oh! I forgot about Tauros!"
  • If talked to again
"Oh, Tauros... Well, at least it's nice that the Pokémon in Alola are so lively and such a part of everyday life."
"I was thinking I should show <player> around Hau'oli City a bit."
"All right. Let's all go together."
"Oh, Hau... I guess we should go catch up with him before he gets too far, <player>. Hau'oli City is the biggest city in all Alola."
Hau'oli City Shopping District
"<Player>, Hau... Did you visit the tourist bureau? How was it?"
"What a wonderful helper you are, Rotom!"
"Maybe Rotom just wants to flaunt its new camera function and take more photos... Have you thought about trying it out? I think I'll go stop by the apparel shop to do some shopping of my own..."
"Oh. <Player>... Tell me, do you pick out all your own clothes?"
Of course I do: "Of course... Most people do, don't they..."
My mom does it: "Oh, your mother must have a great sense of style then. I love the way that you dress."
"I...I've always just worn the clothes that my mother wanted me to wear. I don't really know what kind of thing would suit me..."
"Oh! But that's not why I stopped you. I meant to give you this/these, <player>. I received it/them inside the apparel shop here."
"I didn't even buy anything, but they said I was the 99,999th customer to visit the store... But I already have the same one/set, so I thought that maybe you might...want it/them?"
"It looks like we have something in common now, don't we, <player>? Hee..."
  • After defeating Team Skull Grunts and Ilima
"Oh! Wait for me, <player>!"
"Oh, I'm glad to see a familiar face. I always get lost so quickly... I can't figure out the roads here... I can't even buy my own clothes..."
"But you... You're moving on to your first trial? You're going to Verdant Cavern?"
"I read something in an old book once. It said that the island challenges were once a journey made to prove yourself and gain the strength to battle against the guardian deities of Alola. Like Tapu Koko... The people in Iki Town said that Tapu Koko loves Pokémon battles, didn't they?"
"If we could meet Tapu Koko once more, do you think we would find the answer to why it saved you and Nebby that day, <player>?"
"<Player>... Good luck on your first trial. I will hope that it goes well for you."
Melemele Meadow
"Nebby! Nebby, come back!"
"Ah... <Player>..."
"Nebby ran off into the meadow here..."
"And right after it got into so much trouble on the bridge, too... What if a wild Pokémon attacks it? It doesn't have any moves it can use to battle!"
  • If talked to again
"Here, <player>. Let me heal your Pokémon for you..."
"I always carry lots of Potions on me to keep Nebby healthy. That's the best I can do, since I'm not a real Trainer or anything..."
  • After finding Nebby
"Oh, you!"
"Thank you, <player>."
"And I should thank <first Pokémon in party>, too. Here, let me at least do this..."
"You know, I read something interesting in a book once... It seems the Pokémon called Oricorio changes appearance by feeding on the nectar from different types of flowers. It's not actually evolving but undergoing a so-called "form change." Isn't that interesting? I thought it was, anyway..."
"Back into the bag, please, Nebby. I know there aren't many people around to see you here, but that's hardly an excuse! And I guess we should be going now... The professor will probably be worried after the way we just disappeared on him..."
Route 3
  • Before battling Hau
"What are you up to, Hau?"
  • After defeating Hau
"What do you mean?"
Iki Town
"It's true... I'm not a Trainer, so I'm sure I don't really understand how hard it must have been... but even I think it's a great achievement."
"Um... I actually wanted to ask a favor of you first, <player>. If that's all right?"
Regardless of choice: "You see... Nebby is... Its real home is far away from here. And I want to help it get home."
"It's like I told you before... Nebby saved my life once when I was in trouble. Now I want to save it!"
"I feel like there's not much I can do on my own, since I'm not a Pokémon Trainer... But if I had a real Trainer like you helping me, <player>, then maybe..."
"But I probably shouldn't ask a near stranger to help, right? I know it's just my own wish and it has nothing to do with you..."
Of course I'll help!: "Oh, thank you so much. I'm so glad! I really didn't know what else to do! Then I suppose... The two of us will be heading to the next island as well!"
Yeah, I don't know...: "I...I understand. Um, but if you ever do learn anything that you think might help Nebby get home... I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me. I'll do my best to look for clues on the next island on my own. And maybe I'll see you there."
Hau'oli City Marina
"I quite like that it has a sense of history..."
  • If the player selects "No"
"The next island... It's too far away to see with the naked eye."
On the boat
"If we push the boat much harder than this, we may all end up at the bottom of the ocean."
Heahea City
"Isn't it a bit late to declare "land ahoy" after you've already arrived onshore?"
"...Nebby. Back into the bag."
"Maybe I'll see about some shopping of my own... And I should find out about the ruins for Nebby's sake, too..."
"Oh! <Player>..."
You looking for the ruins?: "Yes, this little fellow will hardly sit still... I think Nebby might be interested in visiting the Ruins of Life. Apparently they house the sacred guardian of Akala Island. A creature called Tapu Lele."
You looking for new clothes?: "Well, yes, I was doing that, too. But this little fellow will hardly sit still... I think Nebby might be interested in visiting the Ruins of Life. Apparently they house the sacred guardian of Akala Island. A creature called Tapu Lele."
"I wondered if you'd like to come with us when we go to visit the ruins... I mean...little Nebby here seems to like you quite a bit, <player>..."
"I'll be at Tide Song Hotel if you decide you want to come. I'm supposed to be meeting someone there... Someone very important to me..."
"I'll be all right. I can see the building from here, after all. Even I shouldn't be able to lose my way. I think."
"And you! I'll have you stay in your bag, mister."
"I've heard that there is a group of terrible people around who try to steal Pokémon. A group called Team Skull. We need to be careful if we want to escape the notice of such a collection of villains... Isn't that right, <player>?"
"Oh! <Player>... I'm sorry... I saw some people who looked like those Team Skull thugs and I got scared. I was trying to avoid them and then I think I ended up missing my meeting... Oh! But don't worry. It's fine. This is actually where I wanted to be... Will you be going for another one of your trials, <player>? From what I've read, I think that the nearest trial site must be the one up Route 4."
  • After defeating Lana, Kiawe, and Mallow's trials
"Go, Nebby! Use...use Splash!"
"Heh... I was just acting like I was <player>."
" always seemed to end up getting hurt, Nebby. So I never really liked Pokémon Trainers or thought that I would want to be one myself. But when I see <player> and Hau... It's like they've thrown open some door that I always thought was closed... They stride straight through it into the future... It amazing somehow..."
"Um, oh, <player>. Hello. I feel like it's been a while since we last met. Th-there's a laboratory here that studies the dimensions, did you know? And the professor is waiting to meet you!"
" were your trials? It must be quite trying to do three in a row."
It was no problem: "Goodness, really? It wasn't any trouble for you to tackle all three of Akala Island's trials? I suppose that explains it. The reason you look so content and understood by <first Pokémon in party> there, I mean."
It was really tough: "I would think so... But still! You made it through all three! I think that explains it. The reason you look so content and understood by <first Pokémon in party> there, I mean."
  • Dimensional Research Lab
"You want to know what happened three months ago? Well, I'd wanted to learn more about Nebby... I mean, about Cosmog. So I decided to come speak to Professor Burnet. But I got lost along the way...and ended up wandering about until I collapsed on the shore..."
"She listened to my story, staying up all night to hear it all. And then she even got her husband, Professor Kukui, to lend me his loft to stay in... And she told him to help me investigate Nebby's origins, too. Professor Burnet has been so kind, and she's still helping me try to find a way to get Nebby back to its own home..."
"She's been a real mother to me."
"I still have some things I want to talk to Professor Burnet about, so I'll stay here."
Ruins of Life
"I came here for Nebby. Though... as you saw, I didn't come here myself so much as I was brought here with the professor's help..."
"Oh! Look at poor <first Pokémon in party>. Let me heal it for you, won't you?"
"Within these ruins waits the guardian deity of Akala Island... This is Tapu Lele's ruin."
"You! I know you tried to drag me along to the Ruins of Conflict on Melemele Island, too..."
"Why are these ruins important to you? What do the guardians mean to you?"
"Just think what would have happened to you if <player> hadn't been there back then..."
"Oh! Yes, my name is Lillie. I work as Professor Kukui's assistant. And this is <player>."
  • If the player selects "Not yet"
"If it's all right with you, <player>, I think Nebby and I would like to watch, too."
"You look very pleased, don't you?"
"Oh. Because of Nebby... It's not originally from here, and I want to help it get back to its home... But I don't have any idea how to do that... It seems fond of the ruins for some reason, so I keep visiting them and hoping that maybe I will find some clue to help it..."
"Th...the Aether Foundation...?"
"U-um! I think I'll stay here. I'd like to see how Hau's battle goes, too. Even though I hate to see Pokémon get hurt... But I know that both of your Pokémon are dedicated to battling beside you two."
Malie City
  • Before meeting Professor Kukui
"<Player>! It's been a while since I last saw you around. But weren't you supposed to meet with the professor in Malie Garden?"
  • After visiting Professor Kukui
"<Player>? Would you mind if I asked you something?"
Regardless of choice: "Yes. I want to take Nebby to visit Ula'ula's ruins, but they are located deep in a large desert. I don't want to ask that much of you."
"Right now, I'm planning to visit Malie Library. There's a book that I want to look for there. Maybe you'd even be willing to help me?"
"I know that Malie Library is here within the city of Malie somewhere... Even I should be able to find it. I can do this!"
  • After finding the Malie Library
"<Player>... I'm sorry... I ended up getting lost, yet again..."
"I wandered around completely lost until I ducked into the apparel shop... And then I saw this outfit, and they said it was the last one they had in stock, so I bought it... Even though I don't think I'd ever have the guts to wear an outfit like it... Hah..."
"But the woman working at the store did tell me where to find the library! So I guess you could say it was all for the best. ...Though the library was actually right past the apparel store, if I'd just kept going."
"Oh! Hello... My name is Lillie."
"Oh. I'm actually, um, studying the tapu's ruins. For...various reasons of my own."
"Thank you for your offer."
"Shall we check out Malie Library first though, since we're here?"
  • Malie Library
"The book that I'm looking for is a very old one. It's a book that contains old myths and legends that Professor Burnet told me about... Those tales seem to suggest that Alola's Legendary Pokémon came from another world."
"It must be a very valuable book, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to take it out of the library..."
"O-oh. Of course..."
"Well... It's titled The Light of Alola. I'll it aloud, shall I?"
"What? I mean, yes, it is. But when you say your father... Isn't this book...very old?"
"Well...that would be wonderful! I would be delighted, if you did."
"I think I'll stay here... But I know why you've come to Ula'ula. You'll be undergoing another trial, won't you, <player>? Good luck with it. I read that Ula'ula Island's Electric-type trial can only be reached by the bus on Route 10."
  • If talked to again
"Oh! <Player>! I didn't forget... You're here to clear the Ula'ula trials, right? Good luck!"
Malie Garden
"I'm right here."
"You and the professor fought those horrible Team Skull thugs, <player>? Just thinking about it makes me worry... They sound like a scary group..."
"<Player>... Be sure you're not pushing yourself too hard."
Route 15
"What do you think you're doing?! Stop it! Stop it right now!"
"Phew... Thank you, <player>..."
"I just wanted to go for a stroll on my own, to see what it must feel like to be a Trainer... So Hapu and I went our separate ways... but then Nebby tried to get out of my bag..."
"Didn't you! Go on, you little troublemaker... You'd better thank <player>, too!"
"Oh, When I was out shopping, I kept thinking about how I wanted to be some help to you during your island challenge...and then I saw these."
"I bought them without even thinking!"
"Oh, Acerola... Thank you! I think I might take you up on that."
  • If talked to again
"<Player>! Do your best to become a real champion!"
Aether House
  • Before battling Guzma
"Pokémon being abducted like that... Maybe even hurt... I just can't stand the idea! <Player>! them!"
  • After defeating Guzma (flashback)
"You people..."
"That was different... Nebby and I were both in trouble... That was the only reason why it used its power. So we both could escape with our lives..."
"I know that I'm not capable of much myself, but I will not make it use that power again! I'm determined to not let that happen. That's why... this time I'll do whatever I can on my own even if I do find myself in trouble again."
"Please... there is no need to hurt anyone else here. I will go with you willingly. Wherever you want."
Aether Paradise
Lusamine's room
" came? You actually came to help me, <player>? Thank you... Thank you!"
"I don't need your approval, Mother! Or your permission! I will save Cosmog!"
"I'm not being foolish or selfish... I am asking you to listen, Mother! Do not sacrifice Cosmog for that beast's sake!"
"If you open the Ultra Wormhole, Cosmog will... Cosmog will die!"
"<Player>... I really am happy that you came after me... but...but...I have to be selfish again... I have to ask you one more time... Please..."
  • If talked to again
"Help me! Help Nebby! We have to save Nebby!"
Trophy Room
"Wh-what is this place...?"
"Please... Stop... If Nebby isn't— If you make it use up too much of its power... you don't understand what will happen!"
"Like when we ran away from the Paradise... it couldn't even move for ages after that..."
"If you use too much of its power, it will die!"
"<Player>! We have to get Nebby back!"
  • After defeating Lusamine
"Nebby... are you...all right?"
"It changed forms... and it's not moving..."
Lusamine's room
"I have to thank you both... Both you, <player>, and you, Hau..."
"I think...I'll sleep here. In the bed that I once shared with my mother when I was small... Just one last time..."
Outside (the next day)
"I picked these clothes up in Malie... Do you think they suit me?"
Sure do: "Oh, <player>... Thank you!"
I don't know...: "Oh, <player>! I'm really trying hard here, you know!"
"I feel like there's so much I have to do now... to save Nebby... to save my mother..."
"I...I want to be like you, <player>. I want to be strong enough to face any trial."
"That's why I'm going to try my hardest! This is my Z-Powered form!"
"But...what are you going to do, Gladion?"
"Yes, it's me! Now I'm ready to use my full force, too!"
"I was really glad that you came, too, Hau."
"Come on, <player>! Let's show the world what we can really do!"
"Let's go, <player>! No holding back!"
Seafolk Village
"Gladion... thank you for this."
"But...but when you took Null and left Aether Paradise two years ago... you left me alone with Mother! She was so bad after you left! If I hadn't had Wicke with me..."
"<Player>. I'm OK. You don't have to worry. I know what I have to do now."
"And... I don't know. Maybe it sounds strange, but... I'm kind of excited."
"Oh my goodness!"
"I-I'm sorry. Who are you?"
"We're here to visit the kahuna."
"Oh! So Hapu lives here on Poni Island? Thank you very much, Chief!"
"Let's go, <player>! It will be good to see Hapu and Mudsdale again!"
Poni Wilds
"I'll do my best to keep up, <player>."
"I'll be fine! I've got Max Repels with me. And I've got you, too..."
  • If talked to again
"Poni Island... It's a completely different kind of island, isn't it?"
Ancient Poni Path
"It's good to see you again, too, Mudsdale! You look to be in fine form."
"Wow... Pokémon Trainers really do amaze me. It seems like a hard path to walk, and even so, you don't let yourself be held back by the fear of seeing your Pokémon friends get hurt... You just keep striving forward together..."
"Yes. It's good to see you, Hapu!"
"Thank you, Hapu. I've finally discovered what I need to do. So this is my Z-Powered form!"
"Um, so, you know where we can find the kahuna?"
"Now what do we do, <player>...?"
"<Player>... we just have to keep going, right! But then are a Trainer, aren't you? I suppose you always keep moving forward!"
"I-I'm sorry. I don't think we've been introduced..."
"Thank you very much, ma'am! You have been a great help!"
"The Ruins of Hope... that is where the guardian of Poni Island will be. That is where Tapu Fini lives. Let's go!"
Ruins of Hope
"The Ruins of Hope... What is this place...? The air feels so oppressive..."
"But...but if we go in there... maybe Nebby will return to normal!"
"The people believe that the guardian deity of these ruins, Tapu Fini, can wash away any impurities with its mystic water..."
That sounds promising: "That's right it does, <player>! I'm going to give it my all so that we can return Nebby back to normal!"
You think that'll work?: "Oh, honestly, <player>! I'm going to make sure that Nebby gets right back to normal, just to show you!"
"So just you wait, Nebby! This time I'm going to be the one who saves you!"
"Come on, <player>! Let's go!"
"If we're going to break a path, we'll need to move these huge rocks! That's what Hapu's grandmother said, isn't it?"
"I don't think I can do this... I-it's heavier than words can even express..."
"We'll have to borrow Machamp's formidable strength for this task. I read about it once in a book. If I remember right, it said... "When getting a ride from a powerful Machamp, Trainers can activate Machamp's Shove by standing before a rock and pressing Ⓑ!" And if we find ourselves getting frustrated, we should probably remember to step outside again for a bit of perspective."
  • When talked to again
"When Hapu spoke of an "odd little thing" from the you think she meant a beast? What do you think Hapu brought us here for? So many of the things that Trainers do are still a mystery to me..."
"I've read about them, you know... Alola's sacred ruins...and the guardian deities worshipped within them. They go wherever they want, so it's not easy to meet them...according to the books I've read. But if they are summoned here at the ruins, they do sometimes appear."
"The books say that they are, well, capricious. Encounters with them do not always end as you hope they will. Maybe that explains why... even coming here to these ruins hasn't evoked any response from Nebby..."
"Oh! There's Hapu!"
"O-oh! Of course! Then please, Kahuna Hapu! Tell me about the Legendary Pokémon!"
"My mother disappeared into the beast's world... I know that she was a terrible person, but she is still my mother. I need to see her again, to tell her something."
"That's why I want to ask the Legendary Pokémon for its help... The Legendary Pokémon is the only one who can go back and forth between worlds!"
"Oh, thank you, Hapu!"
"This is the MoonS/Sun FluteM. It seems that my mother had it..."
"Exeggutor Island... I think I've read about it before. It's an uninhabited island off the coast of Poni, isn't that right?"
Seafolk Village
"Thank you, Hapu! And thank you, Mudsdale!"
"F-friends...? An amazing Trainer like Hapu considers me... a friend?"
"Thank you, Hapu! I will not give up, no matter what!"
"Yes! And Hapu was made the new kahuna!"
"Yes. Hapu will do her best for her late grandfather... as I must do my best for my mother's sake. And for Nebby, as well. A-and so! There's a place that we need to go."
Exeggutor Island
"Let's go find that flute! Right? Trainers really can go anywhere as long as they have their Pokémon, can't they? I think I'm beginning to understand the appeal."
"I feel like Trainers can open up the door to any future as long as they have their Pokémon. That's what it looks like to me when I see you, <player>. And Hapu and Hau, too!"
"Ahhh! What is that, <player>?!"
"Phew... That was an Exeggutor, wasn't it? I think that the good weather in Alola has let it grow a bit more vigorously than I'd prefer!"
"Oh! It's started to rain..."
"Rain in Alola, huh... My skirt got a bit wet..."
"Looking out at the rain like this... reminds me of this one time when I was little."
"I'd seen it in a movie... this man singing and dancing in the rain. It captivated me so much that I had to try it for myself. My mother spotted me out in the rain, and she was so shocked that she ran right out after me without even bothering to get an umbrella..."
"And then...she smiled... and she danced with me in the rain. Of course we both ended up catching cold. She let me sleep in her big bed with her. I was so happy that I kept waking her again and again, just to be sure it wasn't a dream..."
"But... then she changed. And all she would think about was the Ultra Beasts. And Null and Nebby... They both ended up suffering so much... and I couldn't do anything..."
"But you know what, <player>? Whenever I feel like there's nothing I can do, you seem to show up do something. Every time, you've shown me that it's possible... to do something."
"Even the first time we met... Nebby was being attacked, and all I could do was look on in horror..."
"And at Aether Paradise... all I could do was wait for you and the others to save me..."
"Whenever I'm in any sort of trouble, you're always there..."
"Um... <Player>? What are you going to do...once you finish your island challenge?"
Fill my Pokédex/Get stronger: "It must be nice, knowing what you want to do. I really admire that."
I don't know: "Oh, thank goodness... It's such a relief to know that even someone like you feels unsure at times, <player>!"
"I think...I'd like to become a Trainer, too. And travel together with you, <player>.../I want to become a Trainer, and learn all the things you know, <player>..."
"... ... ... ... ... ..."
"Maybe there really are good omens sometimes, wouldn't you say?"
"Now we have both the Sun Flute and the Moon Flute!"
"I don't know if it will really summon the Legendary Pokémon, but we can at least try! If nothing else, we'll have sounded the flutes in offering like people used to do. So thank you for coming this far with me, <player>!"
"Let's go meet the chief of the seafolk and get back to Poni Island!"
Ancient Poni Path
"You're from Team Skull. What is it that you want from us?"
"The president... My mother is— She's selfish. She lavishes her love only on those she deems worthy, not caring whether it is wanted or not."
"But I will save her. I still have something I need to tell her. And I think I can save Guzma as well."
"I suppose even Team Skull is not all bad... Thanks for helping me again, <player>. And here, let me thank your team, too!"
"All right, <player>! Let's go to the altar! The Vast Poni Canyon lies ahead of us!"
Vast Poni Canyon
"Yes, it did!"
"Though <player> had to help me out of all sorts of trouble, like usual."
"Thank you, Hapu. I'll do my best!"
"The vast canyon... I wonder what we will find ahead."
"And what a mysterious statue... Do you think it means something?"
"Oh, yes! <Player>! Here, take this."
"It's a Max Revive I found in Aether Paradise."
"When I— Once I am ready, I am going to come after you, <player>. I am going to catch up to you. And when I do, I'm going to become strong enough to save my mother and Nebby, too!"
"Oh, yes... But let me first make sure that <Pokémon> is all ready for battle!/Oh, yes... But let me first make sure that <first Pokémon in party> and the rest of your team are ready for battle!"
"Being together with your favorite Pokémon is even better when they're all feeling their best!"
"Phew... This canyon truly is a difficult path to walk. And you even make the Vast Poni Canyon seem like nothing at all, <player>!"
"But you know what? I've overcome my fears enough to cross even a high bridge like this one!"
"I am not going to be afraid of heights anymore. Next time I should even be able to tackle that bridge on Mahalo Trail!"
"Watch this! This is my trial!"
"<Player>! I did it! I made it all the way across! I've cleared my trial!"
"I completed my first trial! Amazing, right, <player>?"
Yeah!: "Hee hee!"
It was all right: "Oh, you spoilsport!"
"<First Pokémon in party>, do you want a rest, too?"
"Don't worry. I've got you covered! I have Hyper Potions and Revives and even lots of Ethers, too. Though I'm not sure I brought enough Max Repels for a path like this one..."
  • If talked to again
"But it's really thanks to you, <player>... You're the reason why I've come so far! Still...I think I'll take a little rest here. I'm afraid my legs are still shaking!"
"Hah... Haaah... Sorry... I'm not...very running..."
"It looks like we're nearly to the altar now, aren't we, <player>... Let me take care of <first Pokémon in party> for you."
"When your Pokémon are full of energy, then a Trainer can go anywhere in the world... Doesn't it seem that way?"
  • If talked to again
"I'm just...going to rest a moment. Phew. Looks like I still have enough Max Repels."
Altar of the SunneS/Altar of the MooneM
"You've cleared all seven trials of Alola's island challenge now! That's wonderful! You've pushed yourself beyond your limits and really become a great Trainer, haven't you? And he/she could never have done it without you, <first Pokémon in party>! Let me heal you up real quick!"
"The Sun Flute...and the Moon Flute. If we sound both together..."
"Let's go, <player>!"
"I can feel the strong power of the sunS/moonM..."
"Nebby... I'm going to make my mother wake up and see reason before I send you back to your old world! I'm going to make her hear me... I'm going to tell her how I feel! Even if I'm not a Trainer, I can still do that much!"
"The Moon FluteS/Sun FluteM... It feels like it was made to fit my hand. I think I can play it..."
"<Player>, you should stand over there."
If the time is 6:00 PM - 5:59 AM: "I think we should wait until the sun has risen."S
If the time is 6:00 AM - 5:59 PM: "I think we should wait until the moon has risen."M
"Nebby... th-thank're all right... Please don't ever do that again! You made me worry so much!"
"And I never imagined that sounding the flutes would give you so much power... or let you evolve into the Legendary Pokémon!"
"Not in all of my reading... Never did I ever come across any hint that you would evolve into the Legendary Pokémon..."
"Please, SolgaleoS/LunalaM..."
"No... Nebby. Please. I need to see my mother!"
Ultra Space
"How...surprising. It's more beautiful than I would have expected... but the air is so thick here... It...almost hurts to breathe..."
You're right...: "Do you think the Ultra Beasts really are Pokémon? I don't know what to call them anymore..."
Are you scared?: "I'm not sure... Nebby evolved, and I'm in a different world, and there's just too much that has happened..."
"We should go..."
"What is it?"
"Are you telling us that you have to stay there?"
"I'm...I'm so grateful to you for bringing me here, Nebby. Thank you! I guess I have to go the rest of the way myself."
"That doesn't change anything. I still have to go!"
"Think about what you are saying! What about Mr. Guzma? Don't you care what happens to him?"
"You always do that... It's just like it was back at Aether Paradise... Only thinking of yourself and what you want..."
"I am the one who is sick of you, Mother!"
"Children... Children are not just THINGS that belong to their parents! Pokémon are not just THINGS that a Trainer can do whatever they want to!"
"I am alive!"
"Cosmog is alive!"
"We are not things for you to collect!"
"We're not made for you to just discard when you get bored with us!"
"That is terrible, Mother! You are terrible!"
"H-help us! Please, SolgaleoS/LunalaM!"
"There are so many Nihilego!!!"
Altar of the SunneS/Altar of the MooneM
"Is my mother...?"
"Th-thank you...Hapu..."
"SolgaleoS/LunalaM... all I ever wanted to do was to help you get back to your own home... But instead you helped me, over and over..."
"Thank you... Thank you so much!"
"What is it?"
"Shall I guess what it is you're trying to tell us?"
"You... you want to keep on traveling together with <player> and that it?"
"Looks like I was right! Of course I was... After all...we've been together so long. We're family now, aren't we? Of course I can tell how you feel!"
"Because I feel the same! We met so many people as we traveled around all of Alola's islands: Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet... Kahuna Hala and his grandson Hau... and of course the hero who appeared to save you when those Spearow attacked— our own <player>. And so many other people, too..."
"I don't know what the world you came from is like, but Alola is pretty great, too! Of course you want to see it all! It's just like Kahuna Hala told us... You can go so many places and meet so many Pokémon and people, and they will enrich your life!"
"But not with me... I'm not a Trainer, Nebby. I can't take you on the adventures you want. I can't give you the fierce battles you want."
"<Player>... I want you to face Nebby as only a Trainer can. And I want you to give it a ball to call home."
"I know this is what Nebby wants... It doesn't want this journey with you to end. And I want you to grant it this wish!"
If the player does not have any Poké Balls: "Here, <player>. Use this. I bought myself some Poké Balls just in case... in case any Trainers needed any..."
"SolgaleoS/LunalaM... No... Nebby. Nebby, you belong with <player> now. He/She will be the one to raise you. Just like any parent should raise their child. He/She will be your father/mother now."
"I may not have been able to do anything for you, Nebby...but I'm still glad I took you that day. So go with <player> and see the world! Have battles against strong Pokémon where you can use your full power. Meet other Trainers who will make your heart dance with the thrill of it all... That's the kind of world that <player> can share with you!"
"If it's you, <player>... I know I can trust you to raise my Nebby well. Take good care of it!"
"And I...will go to my mother. I need to see for myself that she'll be all right."
"Nebby! Don't always be trying to get out of your Poké Ball the way you always wriggled out of my Bag!"
"And...and don't forget that you're strong now. You'll have to be careful not to accidentally hurt anyone until you get used to your strength!"
"And...and you can't just go running off to some other world anytime without telling anyone! You'll make <player> worry!"
"OK... I'm really... I'm really going this time."
Iki Town
  • After becoming Champion
"<Player>... Congratulations on becoming the Champion!"
"It's amazing, isn't it? All these people are here just to help you celebrate this achievement, <player>..."
"Everyone looks so happy... The adults, the children...even the Pokémon!"
" hasn't all been easy... but I'm really glad that I came to Alola!"
"Getting to meet you, <player>... No... it wasn't just meeting you. It was traveling together with you. I'm so glad I got to be a part of that journey!"
"Hey, <player>... It looks like the party is going to keep on going strong for some time still, wouldn't you say? Do you think...maybe...we could sneak out for a second and visit the Ruins of Conflict? I heard from Kahuna Hala that the bridge has been fixed."
Sure!: "I think Tapu Koko must be waiting... I'm sure it's waiting for you to come to it, <player>... now that you finished your island challenge."
What about the festival?: "Really, <player>! We should go and tell Tapu Koko properly... how you finished your island challenge!"
Mahalo Trail Plank Bridge
"Now this really takes me back... Back then I could barely think about anything. I was so desperate..."
"But thinking back on it now... it really was SolgaleoS/LunalaM... I mean it was Nebby who brought the two of us together, wasn't it, <player>?"
"Come on! Let's go!"
Ruins of Conflict
"The Ruins of Conflict..."
"I still wonder why it is that Tapu Koko helped us that day... Was it because of some connection to SolgaleoS/LunalaM... the Legendary Pokémon of the Alola region?"
"This reminds me of when Hapu became the kahuna of Poni Island..."
"My heart is pounding in my chest... Is it because of the sacred guardian? Is Tapu Koko here with us?"
"Great Tapu Koko... it was because of your help that Cosmog lived and was able to become SolgaleoS/LunalaM. Please allow me to thank you on its behalf. Thank you so very, very much!"
"It's your turn next, <player>. I want to see you show your appreciation in the way that only Alola's Champion could! I know you can do this, <player>. I'll make sure your team is ready, too."
"Tapu Koko... It may have lost that battle to you, but I don't think it was sad about that. I'm sure that the two of you will meet in battle again someday!/The great Tapu Koko... It really is fantastically strong, isn't it! No wonder it is the guardian of all Melemele!/Tapu Koko... I know it will aspire to ever greater heights at your side from now on, <player>!/So you'll challenge Tapu Koko another day... I suppose Trainers must know how to judge the strength of their opponents and must also understand their own limits."
"But I'm so glad we could come here. It had been weighing on my heart..."
"Come on, <player>. We should get back to the village. If we don't return soon, everyone will realize that we slipped away from the festival!"
Iki Town
"Everyone looks like they are having so much fun that I don't think they even noticed we left... Oh! And the Battle Royals are about to begin!"
"It's a beautiful festival, isn't it... Everyone looks so happy."
"I hope that you'll always stay just the way you are now, <player>... Look how your joy has brought so much light to everyone here..."
"I think even my mother would have smiled and laughed to see this...if she could have come..."
"I mother is getting a bit better. She even tried to come tonight..."
"I've been trying to help her understand what she did wrong. Gently, of course. But she needed someone to scold her."
"But in the process I think I've discovered what I have to do next. What it is that I can do."
"<Player>... I...I am going to—"
"And so <player>'s island challenge came to an end. The festival to celebrate the birth of Alola's first Champion lasted until late into the night... It was so much fun... I'm so glad I got to meet you all... These times in Alola... will always be my most precious memories..."
Hau'oli City Marina
  • After becoming Champion
"Hau... I'm sorry... But I've decided. I have to go to Kanto. To help my mother get better... but more than help myself get stronger."
"Of course I'm sad to leave Alola..."
"but...the thought of going to Kanto also fills my heart with excitement!"
"I'm going to become a real Trainer and meet all kinds of wonderful Pokémon... I'm going to travel all around Kanto, just like we did here on Alola for your island challenges!"
"And no matter what happens on my journey... I'm going to be OK."
"Because of the smiles that you shared with me. You and <player> and everyone here... thank you all so much!"
"And that's why someday... someday I'll come back to Alola again!"
"I will, Hau. And please...take this."
"<Player>... it may look a little worn, but...that is because this was my most treasured belonging once."
"Then I suppose...this is good-bye."
End Credits
"Everyone's smiles shine so brightly. Those smiles led us to so many other people. And those meetings will lead us to a bright future."
"I'm so glad I got to meet everyone. I'm so glad I got to meet you."

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Mahalo Trail
"I know! I know. I'll take you to the ruins. So, please stay in the bag. We could get in trouble if anyone sees you."
Mahalo Trail Plank Bridge
What's wrong?: "H-help..."
Who are you?: "Never mind me... You have to help it! Please!"
"Save Nebby!"
"Those Spearow are attacking it! But...I'm not a Trainer. I can't..."
"Please! Please save Nebby!"
"I'll heal your Pokémon for you, so..."
  • After defeating a Spearow
"You managed to chase off one of the Spearow, but...oh, but there are still more!"
"Please...please help Nebby if you can! But be careful... It looks like that attack may have damaged the Plank Bridge, too..."
  • After saving Nebby
"Oh... Oh, thank goodness!"
"You tried using your power again...didn't you? Oh, Nebby... You know what happened last time you used it. You couldn't move for ages after that. I don't want to see you like that again!"
"No... I shouldn't say that. I'm sorry, Nebby... I know you were trying to save me that time... And I couldn't even help you in return..."
"What... What is that?"
"A sparkling...stone? It feels almost warm somehow..."
"Please, forgive me... I am so grateful to you for helping us out of that dangerous spot."
Who are you?/Are you the kahuna?: "I'm...I'm Lillie. And I suppose...this stone must belong to you."
"Please... Don't tell anyone about this... About seeing Nebby... It''s a secret, OK?"
"Come on. Into the bag, Nebby."
"I'm worried we might get attacked again by some wild Pokémon or...or something. I know it's too much for me to ask it, but... Do you think you could see us back to town?"
Iki Town
"Kahuna Hala? He said that he had something to attend to, so he left town on his own. I was just, um, taking a little stroll up Mahalo Trail while I waited for him to return..."
"'re also one of the professor's acquaintances? It's nice to meet you."
"Oh, um... Yes, Kahuna Hala... Nebby got attacked by some Spearow on the Plank Bridge. And <player> here helped protect it. But the bridge collapsed, and I thought both of them might fall to the bottom of the ravine... And that was when the island's guardian deity swooped in to save them!"
"Oh! When did you get out again? I know that Kahuna Hala and the professor will keep you safe from any harm, but you should still stay in the bag and out of sight. It's safer that way. Nebby, well... It seems to have taken a liking to you. I-I have read that Pokémon like it when you pet them or take care of them, you know."
  • If talked to again
"I really, um, really appreciate what you did for us on the Plank Bridge. I won't forget you and <first Pokémon>..."
"Yes... I will keep an eye on..."
"Oh, you! Would you not try to escape the very moment that you were told not to wander off!"
  • On the day of the festival
"But to what exactly?"
"So, you two will be taking part in the battle? I don't like seeing Pokémon fight one another, since they so often end up getting hurt. But...I'll be sure to watch you both."
"Tapu Koko is amazing, isn't it? I hope I can meet it again someday and thank it for saving Nebby..."
Me, too: "It saved you as well, didn't it? And left you with that Sparkling Stone... even though you're a stranger to this place."
Oh yeah?: "You know, <player>... it did save your life, too. And it even gifted you that Sparkling Stone... even though you're a stranger to this place."
"Nebby... Alola is full of all kinds of wonders, isn't it?"
Route 1 Hau'oli Outskirts
"Oh. Um... The professor said..."
""Hey there, Lillie! Bring me that great new Trainer. Woo!""
"So I'm here to show you the way to his Pokémon lab, if you'll come with me. It's, um... It's this way."
"M-me? Well, thank you... My name is Lillie. It's very nice to meet you."
"You...have a very nice mother, don't you? We should get going. I'll show you to the Pokémon Research Lab."
  • If the player walks away
"Not that way!"
"You can reach the professor's lab by treading through the tall grass here. He says he can research moves better when he is so surrounded by Pokémon."
"Since I'm not a Trainer, though, I have to rely on using Repels all the time. You do know that using Repel keeps Pokémon from attacking, right?"
"A-and about Nebby... Oh. I mean...Cosmog. Cosmog seems to be a very rare Pokémon. It came from far, far away."
"It seems to have a very strange power... It used that power to save me once when I was in danger. But some...other people want Cosmog for themselves, to use that power. That's why only the professor and Kahuna Hala and other people I can trust know about it... Can you keep a secret? Can you not tell anyone else about Nebby or what happened on that bridge? Please..."
"Oh...<player>? Do you want to know something neat?"
"You can reach the Pokémon Research Lab without having to go through any patches of tall grass if you jump down from this ledge."
"Just like this."
"If you'd like to take a shortcut, I suggest you try it, too. I'll be heading to the lab now, so see you there!"
  • If the player walks away
"Please don't wander off!"
"Ahh... There they go again..."
"The Pokémon Research Lab has its own unique charm, as I think you might agree. I've actually been, um, imposing on the professor here for the past three months. I'm not much of an assistant, but it's the least I can do to pay him back for letting me stay."
"Maybe I'd be more help if I were a real Pokémon Trainer, too..."
"The professor... He never stops researching moves. Not even...inside the lab itself."
"Looks like we'll have to patch the roof again..."
"And I had just washed his lab coat and finally gotten it clean, too. Now it'll be in shreds... and I'm no good at mending clothes... so he'll just have to buy another new one..."
"We should probably go in before he does any more damage..."
"Of course. However I can be a help... I am supposed to be your assistant, right?"
Really?/Rotom?: "Oh, I can tell you about Rotom. It is a peculiar Pokémon, with a body made up of something like electricity. It can take up residence in machines."
"And this will help how exactly?"
"No, it's not! It's private! The professor has been kind enough to let me use it..."
"The island challenge... So this is how the people of Alola connect with the world around them. And then there's the way that you and <first Pokémon> both chose one another. And now with Rotom helping you out as well... Even Nebby likes you! I guess there's something about you that makes Pokémon feel comfortable when they're by your side."
"The Pokémon Center is practically right next to your house, isn't it, <player>?"
"Nebby... Don't worry—it's OK. This must be what they call a solarUS/lunarUM eclipse. It happens when the sunUS/moonUM gets covered up."
"An omen? You think something good will happen?"
"Professor, that's not why he's/she's supposed to be doing it... Come on, <player>. I'll show you to the Pokémon Center."
"Here, let me show you the Pokémon Center. Follow me."
"If you talk to the woman at the counter, she can restore your Pokémon to perfect health."
"It's amazing, isn't it? I can't stand seeing Pokémon in pain..."
"You can also deposit Pokémon in the PC here or take them out."
"And at the Poké Mart you can buy all kinds of items that should help you during your trials. I'd take a look, if I were you."
"Over there is the café area."
"I like to relax there sometimes with a frosty glass of Moomoo Milk."
"I read something in a travel guide about Alola once... Apparently each Pokémon Center in Alola offers a different selection of drinks. I wonder how they pick what to serve?"
"The cafés may also offer more than just drinks. I've heard they also sell special treats and that sometimes the staff have tips for trial-goers."
"We should head to the Trainers' School next. But have your Pokémon taken care of first if you think that they need a little aid."
"Here we are. You see, the Trainers' School is..."
"It's a...a... What in the world?!"
"Well, it looks like we won't be going that way anytime soon, thanks to Tauros there..."
"But we were only planning to go as far as the Trainers' School anyway."
"We'll just leave that for someone else to deal with. Come. Follow me."
Route 1 Trainers' School
  • If talked to again
"Seeing a Pokémon in pain makes my own heart seem to ache. You can come talk to me anytime that you want your team's health restored. I'm happy to help."
  • If talked to again after losing health
"Let me take care of poor <first Pokémon in party>, OK?"
"Please try not to push your Pokémon too hard... Um...I mean...if you don't mind..."
  • If talked to again after healing
"You can tell me anytime that you want your team's health restored, and I'll help you. Seeing a Pokémon in pain makes my own heart seem to ache..."
  • After defeating the four Trainers
"Oh, that's the school bell."
"What terrible thing did you do to get called to the office so soon?"
Nothing!: "That's what you say..."
Well...: "So you did do something?!"
"You seemed to be in perfect sync with your <first Pokémon in party>—weren't you? Um... Since we've come this far together, why don't I show you some more of the city? Come on. There's lots to see."
"<Player>! Over here."
"You know... I was really impressed seeing how you battled with your Pokémon at the Trainers' School... It feels like you're really giving it your all for your Pokémon's sake... I think that's why you were able to save Nebby that time, <player>."
"Oh! I forgot about Tauros!"
  • If talked to again
"Oh, Tauros... Well, at least it's nice that the Pokémon in Alola are so lively and such a part of everyday life."
"I was thinking I should show <player> around Hau'oli City a bit."
"All right. Let's all go together."
"Oh, Hau... I guess we should go catch up with him before he gets too far, <player>. Hau'oli City is the biggest city in all Alola."
Hau'oli City Shopping District
"<Player>, Hau... Did you visit the tourist bureau? How was it?"
"What a wonderful helper you are, Rotom!"
"Maybe Rotom wanted to get your attention, because it wants to take photos with you. I think I'll go stop by the apparel shop to do some shopping of my own..."
"Oh. <Player>... Tell me, do you pick out all your own clothes?"
Of course I do: "Of course... Most people do, don't they..."
My mom does it: "Oh, your mother must have a great sense of style then. I love the way that you dress."
"I...I've always just worn the clothes that my mother wanted me to wear. I don't really know what kind of thing would suit me... Oh! But that's not why I stopped you. I meant to give you this/these, <player>. I received it/them inside the apparel shop here. I didn't even buy anything, but they said I was the 99,999th customer to visit the store... But I already have the same one/set, so I thought that maybe you might...want it/them?"
"It looks like we have something in common now, don't we, <player>? Hee..."
  • After defeating Team Skull Grunts and Ilima
"Oh! Wait for me, <player>!"
"Oh, I'm glad to see a familiar face. I always get lost so quickly... I can't figure out the roads here... I can't even buy my own clothes..."
"But you... You're moving on to your first trial? You're going to Verdant Cavern?"
"I read something in an old book once. It said that the island challenges were once a journey made to prove yourself and gain the strength to battle against the guardian deities of Alola. Like Tapu Koko... The people in Iki Town said that Tapu Koko loves Pokémon battles, didn't they?"
"If we could meet Tapu Koko once more, do you think we would find the answer to why it saved you and Nebby that day, <player>?"
"Oh yes... Please take these. They are called Revives. If you use one on a Pokémon that has fainted, it will recover and feel a little better."
"<Player>... Good luck on your first trial. I will hope that it goes well for you."
Melemele Meadow
"Nebby! Nebby, come back!"
"Ah... <Player>..."
"Nebby... It got out of my bag again..."
"But why would it want to go in that cave...? And right after it got into so much trouble on the bridge, too... What if a wild Pokémon attacks it? It doesn't have any moves it can use to battle!"
  • If talked to again
"Here, <player>. Let me heal your Pokémon for you..."
"I always carry lots of Potions on me to keep Nebby healthy. That's the best I can do, since I'm not a real Trainer or anything..."
  • After meeting Ultra Recon Squad
"Oh, you!"
"Thank you, <player>."
"And I should thank <first Pokémon in party>, too. Here, let me at least do this..."
"You know, I read something interesting in a book once... It seems the Pokémon called Oricorio changes appearance by feeding on the nectar from different types of flowers. It's not actually evolving but undergoing a so-called "form change." Isn't that interesting? I thought it was, anyway..."
"Back into the bag, please, Nebby. I know there aren't many people around to see you here, but that's hardly an excuse! And I guess we should be going now... The professor will probably be worried after the way we just disappeared on him..."
Route 3
  • Before battling Hau
"What are you up to, Hau?"
  • After defeating Hau
"What do you mean?"
Iki Town
  • Before battling Hala
"It's true... I'm not a Trainer, so I'm sure I don't really understand how hard it must have been... but even I think it's a great achievement."
  • After defeating Hala
"What do you mean?"
Hau'oli City Shopping District
"Um... I was hoping to ask a favor of you, <player>. If that's all right?"
Sure!/What is it?: "You see... Nebby is... Its real home is far away from here. And I want to help it get home."
"It's like I told you before... Nebby saved my life once when I was in trouble. Now I want to save it!"
"I feel like there's not much I can do on my own, since I'm not a Pokémon Trainer... But if I had a real Trainer like you helping me, <player>, then maybe..."
"But I probably shouldn't ask a near stranger to help, right? I know it's just my own wish and it has nothing to do with you..."
Of course I'll help!: "Oh, thank you so much. I'm so glad! I really didn't know what else to do!" "Then, I suppose... The two of us will get to see one another on Akala Island next, too!"
Yeah, I don't know...: "I...I understand. Um, but if you ever do learn anything that you think might help Nebby get home... I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me. I'll do my best to look for clues on Akala Island on my own. And maybe I'll see you there."
Hau'oli City Marina
"The next island... It's too far away to see with the naked eye."
Heahea City
"The professor's sailboat is...well... It has seen better days."
"...Nebby. Back into the bag."
"Maybe I'll see about some shopping of my own... And I should find out about the ruins for Nebby's sake, too..."
"Oh! <Player>..."
You looking for the ruins?: "Yes, this little fellow will hardly sit still... I think Nebby might be interested in visiting the Ruins of Life. Apparently they house the sacred guardian of Akala Island. A creature called Tapu Lele."
You looking for new clothes?: "Well, yes, I was doing that, too. But this little fellow will hardly sit still... I think Nebby might be interested in visiting the Ruins of Life. Apparently they house the sacred guardian of Akala Island. A creature called Tapu Lele."
"I wondered if you'd like to come with us when we go to visit the ruins... I mean...little Nebby here seems to like you quite a bit, <player>..."
"I'll be at Tide Song Hotel if you decide you want to come. I'm supposed to be meeting someone there... Someone very important to me..."
"I'll be all right. I can see the building from here, after all. Even I shouldn't be able to lose my way. I think."
"And you! I'll have you stay in your bag, mister."
"I've heard that there is a group of terrible people around who try to steal Pokémon. A group called Team Skull. We need to be careful if we want to escape the notice of such a collection of villains... Isn't that right, <player>?"
"Oh! <Player>... I'm sorry... I saw some people who looked like those Team Skull thugs and I got scared. I was trying to avoid them and then I think I ended up missing my meeting... Oh! But don't worry. It's fine. This is actually where I wanted to be... Will you be going for another one of your trials, <player>? From what I've read, I think that the nearest trial site must be the one up Route 4."
  • After defeating Lana, Kiawe, and Mallow's trials
"Go, Nebby! Use...use Splash!"
"Heh... I was just acting like I was <player>."
" always seemed to end up getting hurt, Nebby. Seeing that pained me just as much as if I was the one being hurt. But if I could become as strong as Hau and <player> are... then maybe things would be different..."
"Um, oh, <player>. Hello. I feel like it's been a while since we last met. Th-there's a laboratory here that studies the dimensions, did you know? And the professor is waiting to meet you!"
" were your trials? It must be quite trying to do three in a row."
It was no problem: "Goodness, really? It wasn't any trouble for you to tackle all three of Akala Island's trials? I suppose that explains it. The reason you look so content and understood by <first Pokémon in party> there, I mean."
It was really tough: "I would think so... But still! You made it through all three! I think that explains it. The reason you look so content and understood by <first Pokémon in party> there, I mean."
  • Dimensional Research Lab
"You want to know what happened three months ago? Well, I'd wanted to learn more about Nebby... I mean, about Cosmog. So I decided to come speak to Professor Burnet. But I got lost along the way...and ended up wandering about until I collapsed on the shore..."
"She listened to my story, staying up all night to hear it all. And then she even got her husband, Professor Kukui, to lend me his loft to stay in... And she told him to help me investigate Nebby's origins, too. Professor Burnet has been so kind, and she's still helping me try to find a way to get Nebby back to its own home..."
"She's been a real mother to me."
"I still have some things I want to talk to Professor Burnet about, so I'll stay here."
Ruins of Life
"I came here for Nebby. Though... as you saw, I didn't come here myself so much as I was brought here with the professor's help..."
"Oh! Look at poor <first Pokémon in party>. Let me heal it for you, won't you?"
"Within these ruins waits the guardian deity of Akala Island... This is Tapu Lele's ruin."
"You! I know you tried to drag me along to the Ruins of Conflict on Melemele Island, too..."
"Why are these ruins important to you? What do the guardians mean to you?"
"Just think what would have happened if you hadn't been there back then..."
"Yes, my name is Lillie. I work as Professor Kukui's assistant. And this is <player>."
  • If the player selects "Not yet"
"If it's all right with you, <player>, I think Nebby and I would like to watch, too."
"You look very pleased, don't you?"
"Oh. Because of Nebby... It's not originally from here, and I want to help it get back to its home... But I don't have any idea how to do that... It seems fond of the ruins for some reason, so I keep visiting them and hoping that maybe I will find some clue to help it..."
"Th...the Aether Foundation...?"
"U-um! I think I'll stay here. I'd like to see how Hau's battle goes, too. Even though I hate to see Pokémon get hurt... But I know that both of your Pokémon are dedicated to battling beside you two."
Malie City
  • Before meeting Professor Kukui
"<Player>! It's been a while since I last saw you around. But weren't you supposed to meet with the professor in Malie Garden?"
  • After visiting Professor Kukui
"Oh, <player>, I'm glad I ran into you... I was actually wondering..."
"Wh-what did you think of her? The president of the Aether Foundation, I mean."
She was nice: " that right? Of course. She must be nice. She's trying to protect Pokémon, isn't she?"
I don't know: "Right... Of course... I just thought maybe you'd met with her. I'm sorry for asking you something so strange."
"Um, anyway... What I really wanted to ask about was..."
You want to go to the ruins?/Is it about Nebby?: "Yes. I want to take Nebby to visit Ula'ula's ruins, but they are located deep in a large desert. I don't want to ask that much of you."
"Right now, I'm planning to visit Malie Library. There's a book that I want to look for there. Maybe you'd even be willing to help me?"
"I know that Malie Library is here within the city of Malie somewhere... Even I should be able to find it. I can do this!"
  • After finding the Malie Library
"<Player>... I'm sorry... I ended up getting lost, yet again..."
"I wandered around completely lost until I ducked into the apparel shop... And then I saw this outfit, and they said it was the last one they had in stock, so I bought it... Even though I don't think I'd ever have the guts to wear an outfit like it... Hah..."
"But the woman working at the store did tell me where to find the library! So I guess you could say it was all for the best. ...Though the library was actually right past the apparel store, if I'd just kept going."
"Oh! Hello... My name is Lillie."
"Oh. I'm actually, um, studying the tapu's ruins. For...various reasons of my own."
"Thank you for your offer."
"Shall we check out Malie Library first though, since we're here?"
  • Malie Library
"The book that I'm looking for is a very old one. It's a book that contains old myths and legends that Professor Burnet told me about... Those tales seem to suggest that Alola's Legendary Pokémon came from another world."
"It must be a very valuable book, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to take it out of the library..."
"O-oh. Of course..."
"Well... It's titled The Light of Alola. I'll it aloud, shall I?"
"What? I mean, yes, it is. But when you say your father... Isn't this book...very old?"
"Well...that would be wonderful! I would be delighted, if you did."
"I think I'll stay here... But I know why you've come to Ula'ula. You'll be undergoing another trial, won't you, <player>? Good luck with it. I read that Ula'ula Island's Electric-type trial can only be reached by the bus on Route 10."
  • If talked to again
"Oh! <Player>! I didn't forget... You're here to clear the Ula'ula trials, right? Good luck!"
  • If talked to again after taking a bus to Mount Hokulani
"Oh, <player>! Have you finished your next trial? I heard that there is a trial held on top of Mount Hokulani, of all places."
Malie Garden
"I'm right here."
"You and the professor fought those horrible Team Skull thugs, <player>? Just thinking about it makes me worry... They sound like a scary group..."
"<Player>, Hau... be sure you're not pushing yourself too hard."
Route 15
"What do you think you're doing?! Stop it! Stop it right now!"
"Phew... Thank you, <player>..."
"I just wanted to go for a stroll on my own, to see what it must feel like to be a Trainer... So Hapu and I went our separate ways... but then Nebby tried to get out of my bag..."
"Didn't you! Go on, you little troublemaker... You'd better thank <player>, too!"
"Oh, When I was out shopping, I kept thinking about how I wanted to be some help to you during your island challenge...and then I saw these."
"I bought them without even thinking!"
"Oh, Acerola... Thank you! I think I might take you up on that."
  • If talked to again
"<Player>! Do your best to become a real champion!"
Aether House
  • Before battling Guzma
"Pokémon being abducted like that... Maybe even hurt... I just can't stand the idea! <Player>! them!"
  • After defeating Guzma (flashback)
"You people..."
"That was different... Nebby and I were both in trouble... That was the only reason why it used its power. So we both could escape with our lives..."
"I know that I'm not capable of much myself, but I will not make it use that power again! I'm determined to not let that happen. That's why... this time I'll do whatever I can on my own even if I do find myself in trouble again."
"Please... there is no need to hurt anyone else here. I will go with you willingly. Wherever you want."
Aether Paradise
Lusamine's room
" came? You actually came to help me, <player>? Thank you... Thank you!"
"I don't need your approval, Mother! Or your permission! I will save Cosmog!"
"Protect this world...? Mother! What is it you're trying to do?!"
"Is that why you want Nebby? Is that what you would sacrifice Cosmog for?"
"<Player>... I really am happy that you came after me... But...but I... I want to save Nebby, but I don't know what I should really do!"
Trophy Room
"Wh-what is this place...?"
"Please... Stop... If Nebby isn't— If you make it use up too much of its power... you don't understand what will happen!"
"Like when we ran away from the Paradise... it couldn't even move for ages after that..."
"If you use too much of its power, it will die!"
  • After defeating Lusamine
"Nebby... Are you...all right?"
"It changed forms... and it's not moving..."
Lusamine's room
"I think...I'll stay here. I want to spend some time trying to understand what it is my mother might have been thinking..."
Outside (the next day)
"I picked these clothes up in Malie... Do you think they suit me?"
Sure do: "Oh, <player>... Thank you!"
I don't know...: "Oh, <player>! I'm really trying hard here, you know!"
"I feel like there's so much I have to do now... to save Nebby... to save my mother..."
"I...I want to be like you, <player>. I want to be strong enough to face any trial."
"That's why I'm going to try my hardest! This is my Z-Powered form!"
"But...what are you going to do, Gladion?"
"Yes, it's me! Now I'm ready to use my full force, too!"
"Hau... Thank you for your kind words. I'm really happy you feel that way."
"Come on, <player>! Let's show the world what we can really do!"
"Let's go, <player>! No holding back!"
Seafolk Village
"Gladion... thank you for this."
"I'm glad that I finally know why you left. And that you were trying to help Mother and Father. But if you'd just told me that back then..."
"<Player>. I'm OK. You don't have to worry. I know what I have to do now."
"And... I don't know. Maybe it sounds strange, but... I'm kind of excited."
"Oh my goodness!"
"I-I'm sorry. Who are you?"
"Captain...Mina? It's nice to meet you then..."
"Oh! No, that's not why we're here! I mean, you're not entirely wrong. It's true that <player> is in the middle of his/her island challenge, but... we're here to meet the kahuna of this island!"
"Oh! So Hapu lives here on Poni Island? Thank you very much, Captain Mina!"
"Let's go, <player>! It will be good to see Hapu and Mudsdale again!"
Poni Wilds
"I'll do my best to keep up, <player>."
"I'll be fine! I've got Max Repels with me. And I've got you, too..."
  • If talked to again
"Poni Island... It's a completely different kind of island, isn't it?"
Ancient Poni Path
"It's good to see you again, too, Mudsdale! You look to be in fine form."
"Wow... Pokémon Trainers really do amaze me. It seems like a hard path to walk, and even so, you don't let yourself be held back by the fear of seeing your Pokémon friends get hurt... You just keep striving forward together..."
"Yes. It's good to see you, Hapu!"
"Thank you, Hapu. I've finally discovered what I need to do. So this is my Z-Powered form!"
"Um, so, you know where we can find the kahuna?"
"Now what do we do, <player>...?"
"<Player>... we just have to keep going, right! But then are a Trainer, aren't you? I suppose you always keep moving forward!"
"I-I'm sorry. I don't think we've been introduced..."
"Thank you very much, ma'am! You have been a great help!"
"The Ruins of Hope... that is where the guardian of Poni Island will be. That is where Tapu Fini lives. Let's go!"
Ruins of Hope
"The Ruins of Hope... What is this place...? The air feels so oppressive..."
"But...but if we go in there... maybe Nebby will return to normal!"
"The people believe that the guardian deity of these ruins, Tapu Fini, can wash away any impurities with its mystic water..."
That sounds promising: "That's right it does, <player>! I'm going to give it my all so that we can return Nebby back to normal!"
You think that'll work?: "Oh, honestly, <player>! I'm going to make sure that Nebby gets right back to normal, just to show you!"
"So just you wait, Nebby! This time I'm going to be the one who saves you!"
"Come on, <player>! Let's go!"
"If we're going to break a path, we'll need to move these huge rocks! That's what Hapu's grandmother said, isn't it?"
"I don't think I can do this... I-it's heavier than words can even express..."
"We'll have to borrow Machamp's formidable strength for this task. I read about it once in a book. If I remember right, it said... "When getting a ride from a powerful Machamp, Trainers can activate Machamp's Shove by standing before a rock and pressing Ⓑ!" And if we find ourselves getting frustrated, we should probably remember to step outside again for a bit of perspective."
"I've read about them, you know... Alola's sacred ruins...and the guardian deities worshipped within them. They go wherever they want, so it's not easy to meet them...according to the books I've read. But if they are summoned here at the ruins, they do sometimes appear."
"The books say that they are, well, capricious. Encounters with them do not always end as you hope they will. Maybe that explains why... even coming here to these ruins hasn't evoked any response from Nebby..."
"Oh! There's Hapu!"
"O-oh! Of course! Then please, Kahuna Hapu! Tell me about the Legendary Pokémon!"
"I must go after my mother! She disappeared off into some far-off world... And a fearsome creature lives in that world. A Pokémon called Necrozma..."
"That's why I want to ask the Legendary Pokémon for its help... The Legendary Pokémon is the only one who can go back and forth between worlds!"
"Oh, thank you, Hapu!"
"This is the Moon FluteUS/Sun FluteUM. It seems that my mother had it..."
"Exeggutor Island... I think I've read about it before. It's an uninhabited island off the coast of Poni, isn't that right?"
Seafolk Village
  • Before going to Exeggutor Island
"Thank you, Hapu! And thank you, Mudsdale!"
"F-friends...? An amazing Trainer like Hapu considers me... a friend?"
"I am so glad I got to meet you, Hapu!"
"Yes! And Hapu was made the new kahuna!"
"Yes. Hapu will do her best for her late grandfather... as I must do my best for my mother's sake. And for Nebby, as well. A-and so! There's a place that we need to go."
"Oh my goodness!"
"Oh, thank you!"
I've got this!/You just wait here: "You're right. I'm sure you and <first Pokémon in party> can handle it better than anyone else could. I'll wait here for you to come back!"
  • If talked to before retrieving the flute
"M-modeling, is it? Does that mean I'm not allowed to move even an inch until you return from Exeggutor Island? I hope you'll hurry back, <player>..."
  • After going to Exeggutor Island
"Welcome back, <player>!"
Ancient Poni Path
"You're from Team Skull. What is it that you want from us?"
"The president... My mother is— She's selfish. She decides all by herself what she thinks needs to be done to make other people happy, not even caring what it is they may want..."
"But people ought to help one another out! That is what I have learned here in Alola! And that is what I'm going to teach her, too. Then I think we can save Mr. Guzma."
"I suppose even Team Skull is not all bad... Thanks for helping me again, <player>. And here, let me thank your team, too!"
"All right, <player>! Let's finally go to the altar! The Vast Poni Canyon lies ahead of us!"
Vast Poni Canyon
"Well, I..."
"I had to have <player> do everything for me yet again, but..."
"Thank you, Hapu. I will do all I can to help <player>!"
"The vast canyon... I wonder what we will find ahead."
"And what a mysterious statue... Do you think it means something?"
"Oh, yes! <player>! Here, take this."
"It's a Max Revive I found in Aether Paradise."
"When I— Once I am ready, I am going to come after you, <player>. I am going to catch up to you. For Nebby's sake... and for my mother's sake, too."
"Oh, yes... But let me first make sure that <Pokémon> is all ready for battle!/Oh, yes... But let me first make sure that <first Pokémon in party> and the rest of your team are ready for battle!"
"Being together with your favorite Pokémon is even better when they're all feeling their best!"
"Phew... This canyon truly is a difficult path to walk. And you even make the Vast Poni Canyon seem like nothing at all, <player>!"
"This bridge reminds me of the first time that I met you, <player>..."
"I'd taken Nebby with me, but I didn't have the courage to protect it myself..."
"I couldn't do anything... But I'm not that person anymore!"
"<Player>! I did it! I made it all the way across!"
"Someday... I'd like to be more like you, <player>. I want to fight together with Pokémon and become strong enough to outdo even myself."
Yeah!: "Hee hee!"
You've still got a way to go: "Oh, you spoilsport!"
"<First Pokémon in party>, do you want a rest, too?"
"Don't worry. I've got you covered! I have Hyper Potions and Revives and even lots of Ethers, too. Though I'm not sure I brought enough Max Repels for a path like this one..."
  • If talked to again
"But it's really thanks to you, <player>... You're the reason why I've come so far! Still...I think I'll take a little rest here. I'm afraid my legs are still shaking!"
"Hah... Haaah... Sorry... I'm not...very running..."
"It looks like we're nearly to the altar now, aren't we, <player>... Let me take care of <first Pokémon in party> for you."
"When your Pokémon are full of energy, then a Trainer can go anywhere in the world... Doesn't it seem that way?"
  • If talked to again
"I'm just...going to rest a moment. Phew. Looks like I still have enough Max Repels."
Altar of the SunneUS/Altar of the MooneUM
"You've cleared your seventh trial in Alola's island challenge now! That's wonderful! You've pushed yourself beyond your limits and really become a great Trainer, haven't you? And he/she could never have done it without you, <first Pokémon in party>! Let me heal you up real quick!"
"The Sun Flute...and the Moon Flute. If we sound both together..."
"Let's go, <player>!"
"I can feel the strong power of the sunUS/moonUM..."
"Nebby... Before I can return you back to your original form, I've got to go find my mother! I have to tell her... I have to tell her how I feel... And then we will find a way to stand against Necrozma together!"
"The MoonUS/SunUM Flute... It feels like it was made to fit my hand. I think I can play it..."
"<Player>, you should stand over there."
If the time is 6:00 PM - 5:59 AM: "I think we should wait until the sun has risen."US
If the time is 6:00 AM - 5:59 PM: "I think we should wait until the moon has risen."UM
"Nebby... th-thank're all right... Please don't ever do that again! You made me worry so much!"
"And I never imagined that sounding the flutes would give you so much power... or let you evolve into the Legendary Pokémon!"
"Not in all of my reading... Never did I ever come across any hint that you would evolve into the Legendary Pokémon..."
"Please, SolgaleoUS/LunalaUM..."
"No... Nebby. Please. I need to go to where my mother is! We want to protect Alola, but there's no need for her to try to stopUS/catchUM Necrozma all on her own!"
"Now we can finally follow after Mother and..."
"M-Mr. Guzma! But you were..."
"Guh! Mother as well?!"
"But what are we to do now? It seemed to me like that Necrozma was also suffering somehow... It seemed to hurt it, to be without its light..."
"It's true <player> has an awfully large number of Z-Crystals after coming so far in his/her island challenge..."
  • If talked to again
"<Player>! Please help Nebby for me! But also...if you can... try to help Necrozma, as well..."
  • After defeating Ultra Necrozma
"No, I just... The one who really did everything was <player>, not me."
"Of course I will!"
"Um...<Player>? I know I couldn't do anything to really help, but I was always on your side. You and your Pokémon's side. I got the chance to finally talk with my mother... About a lot of things, really. And I think I understand a little better now. <Player>. You saved Necrozma and the people of that world...and all of us, too. You gave us all the chance to smile again."
"I'm going to go back to Paradise for a bit to help Nebby recover, but... <Player>! Do your best on your island challenge!"
Mahalo Trail Plank Bridge
"I...I've been wanting to thank you for saving Nebby that day."
"Nebby... You came here from very far away, didn't you? I'm glad that I could take you with me... that we got to experience that journey together."
"<player>, I know this may be sudden, but I hope you will consider what I ask of you. I want to entrust Nebby to you. I think Nebby should be with Necrozma. From what I've heard, Necrozma would not suffer as much or ache so for the light if it can remain close to Nebby..."
"And I think it'd be best...if they both stayed together with you, <player>. I've thought a lot about it and that's what I decided, so...please... I want you to face Nebby as only a Trainer can. And I want you to give it a ball to call home."
"SolgaleoUS/LunalaUM... No... Nebby. Nebby, you belong with <player> now. He/She will be the one to raise you. Just like any parent should raise their child. He/She will be your father/mother now."
"Nebby... You have brought your light to everyone. And..."
"I know that you will be able to keep everyone smiling and happy, <player>. Thank you for taking care of Nebby for me."
"Nebby... I'm going to become stronger. I swear I will! Now it will be your turn to watch over me as I grow, OK? Please watch me..."
"And this, <player>... Nebby was holding it. Please use it with care."
"Now let's go, <player>!"
Player's house
"A-alola, ma'am. I'm so sorry to come barging in all of a sudden."
"I was just watching the news at the professor's lab, and...and— Did you see it, too, <player>?"
I sure did!/An Ultra Wormhole!: "Yes, an Ultra Wormhole opened up in the middle of the press conference! And then everything got so confused... Maybe it was some kind of performance... I'm sure Mother must be fine, but...still... I...I'm going to go see what is happening at Aether Paradise. I guess...I just wanted to let you know. Sorry again for disturbing you!"
Aether Paradise
"Oh, everything is a mess! Mother! And Aether Paradise! It's all... It's just all so... It's all gone wrong!"
Are you OK?/Calm down: "I-I'm sorry... I'm just so worried..."
"And Mother... Wicke says that Mother has been taken captive by this Team Rainbow Rocket!"
"I...I want to save my mother. But we just aren't strong enough on our own... I know this is a lot to ask, but if you could lend us your strength, <player>..."
Of course!: "Oh, thank you so much! I feel so much better, knowing you're on our side, <player>!"
It's all yours!: "I feel so much better now, knowing you and Nebby are on our side, <player>!"
"Of course!"
"Please, leave this person to me... You should go on ahead, <player>!"
  • If talked to again
"I will use my full power to help my mother! You keep moving on ahead, <player>! I will handle this!"
"The looks like some kind of castle! Is this also because of the Ultra Wormhole that Wicke was talking about?"
"Mr. Faba?! Wh-what are you doing here?"
" you mean by that?"
"Mr. Faba... Did...did you...? Y-you wouldn't..."
"Mr. Faba, how could you?! We...we trusted you! And you—! The Aether Foundation is not some tool for you to use to move up in the world!"
"You have to make this Team Rainbow Rocket stop all this at once!"
"Traveling with <player> has changed me, too! I'll show you my full power!"
  • After defeating Faba
"Come on, <player>... Let's move on."
Team Rocket's Castle
"Lusamine's room"
"Not even this room! I had so many memories in this room..."
"I want to check out the rest of the mansion, but the door hidden behind the mirror won't open..."
"Let's go back to the entrance and see if we can find another way."
Entrance Room
"W-wait one moment... My legs started shaking, and they won't stop..."
"M-Mr. Guzma?!"
"Thank you for helping us, Mr. Guzma!"
"Yes, we do!"
"Here, let me heal your Pokémon for you."
"I guess I'm still not strong enough as a Trainer... I'll focus on healing your Pokémon for now. If your Pokémon need help, come to the room in the back!"
"Lusamine's room"
"Here, let me heal your Pokémon for you."
"I may not be very good at Pokémon battles, but I know a thing or two about Pokémon healing!"
  • After defeating Maxie, Archie, Cyrus, and Lysandre
"<Player>, look! The hidden door behind the mirror is unlocked, and now we can use the warp panel! I knew you could do it, <player>! Here, let me heal your Pokémon first..."
"Now, let's go!"
"Who are you?! Where is my mother?! You haven't harmed her, have you?!"
"Please get out of my way!"
"You lost. Now please, step aside!"
"Y-you cowardly..."
"<Player>, please! Don't listen to him!"
"Mr. Colress...?"
"Thank you for helping us, Mr. Colress! But what did you do to that man?"
"You mean Team Rocket's boss? If we can do something about him, everything will be fixed...?"
Trophy Room
"So you... You're Team Rainbow Rocket's—"
"Mother! Are you OK?! Mother, please answer!"
"What?! could you?"
  • After defeating Giovanni
"The castle... It's gone..."
"Mr. Colress! And Mr. Guzma!"
"Mr. Colress... He's a truly great scientist, isn't he? Though he is also so very strange..."
"<Player> defeated Team Rocket for us!"
"He/She did! It was really amazing!"
"Mr. Faba!"
"Mother! Mr. Faba was—"
"Mother is in the medical room now... They're running some checks, but it seems she is going to be fine. Oh, and about Mr. Faba..."
"Aether Paradise is back to business as usual. And it's all thanks to you, <player>! I was worried about Mother, and just terrified of those Team Rocket people..."
"But to be honest, having another adventure with you, <player>... it was a lot of fun. I really, really am grateful! When I do my own island challenge, it would be great if I could do it with you, <player>... ... ... ... ... ... ... But I guess now it's time for me to go! I'll see you again soon!"

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Lillie (Masters)

Lillie's regular and special costume variants share their voice lines unless mentioned otherwise. Prior to version 2.28.0, Lillie's regular and seasonal variants also shared their voice lines.

Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited for the first time
"Nice to meet you! My name's Lillie. I'll show you my full power!"
  • Subsequent recruitments
"I'll do my best so that no Pokémon have to end up getting hurt!"
  • After being recruited (New Year's 2021)
"New outfit, new me! I'm ready to go all out–even more than before!"
  • After being recruited (Anniversary 2021)
"Alola! I'm Lillie! Let's make a bunch of memories to celebrate this special day!"
  • Sync pair viewer
"Look out world, this is my Z-Powered form!"
"Just do the best you can whenever you can!"
  • Sync pair viewer (New Year's 2021)
"I'm going to work hard and be the best partner I can be!"
"Traditional clothing is so elegant and gorgeous!"
  • Sync pair viewer (Anniversary 2021)
"I'm going to do my best! I'll show you what I can do!"
"I read about this in a book. This is what they call a chance to show 'em what've you got!"
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"I'd love to learn all I can from you."
  • Selection screen (forming team, New Year's 2021)
"All right. Let's get to it!"
  • Selection screen (forming team, Anniversary 2021)
"I'll work hard for the team."
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"Bye for now!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team, New Year's 2021)
"See you again soon!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team, Anniversary 2021)
"I'll see you soon, right?"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"This move will help us support our friends even better!"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill (New Year's 2021)
"We learned something new!"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill (Anniversary 2021)
"With this, we can help out even more!"
  • Upon leveling up
"We did it!"
  • Upon leveling up (New Year's 2021)
"We did it!"
  • Upon leveling up (Anniversary 2021)
I'm a brand new me!"
  • Upon reaching max level
"See? Slow and steady always wins the race!"
  • Upon reaching max level (New Year's 2021)
"Look how far we've come!"
  • Upon reaching max level (Anniversary 2021)
"The fun is just beginning!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"We're moving forward, little by little."
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap (New Year's 2021)
"I'm going to work even harder!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap (Anniversary 2021)
"We can still aim higher."
  • Increasing friendship level cap
"That's amazing!"
  • Receiving EX style (New Year's 2021)
"Traditional clothing is so elegant and gorgeous!"
  • During conversation
"Uh, umm..."
"Excuse me?"
"Hmm-hm-hmm! ♪"
"Ah, heheh, heh..."
"That's amazing!"
"I'm impressed."
"You can do it!"
"Now, that's enough!"
"That's not allowed."
"Oh, no..."
"Thank you so much!"
"I'm so sorry."
"I'm afraid not."
"Pretty please?"
"Bye for now!"
"Here I come!"
"It's time to battle!"
  • During conversation (Anniversary 2021)
"Hmm-hm-hmm! ♪"
"Eheheheh, heh..."
"Do your best!"
"Now I'm mad!"
"No way..."
"I'm scared!"
"What to do..."
"I'm ready!"
"Thank you!"
"No way!"
"I'll see you soon, right?"
"Let's battle!"
"Here we go!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! Starting the day off with a warm smile and a greeting always puts me in a great mood!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"It's so calm and quiet today... It can be nice to just sit back and relax sometimes."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"I love to take naps and sleep. And when I sleep, I really sleep..."
  • During special log-in conversation (morning, New Year's 2021)*
"Morning! Let's give today our best effort and go at it with full power!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon, New Year's 2021)*
"I'm thinking of going out to eat something warm. Would you like to join me?"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening, New Year's 2021)*
"I used to go stargazing all the time back in Alola. On cold nights, you can really get a clear view of the sky!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning, Anniversary 2021)
"Good morning! I'm always excited for the start of a new day!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon, Anniversary 2021)
"Hi! Every day is a special day for someone. Just thinking about that makes me really happy!"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening, Anniversary 2021)
"Good evening! The sun's gone down, and the moon is rising... Maybe I should get to bed soon."
  • During special log-in conversation (morning, Special Costume)*
"When I wake up in the morning and feel the sunshine hit my face, all of my sleepiness just floats away."
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon, Special Costume)*
"Pasio is a lovely place, isn't it? Everyone is so very kind here."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening, Special Costume)*
"Did you have a great day today? Fingers crossed that tomorrow will be a great day too!"
  • During special gift conversation
"Um, I've found something for you."
  • During special gift conversation (New Year's 2021)
"I have a wonderful present for you!"
  • During special gift conversation (Anniversary 2021)
"I have a present for you."
  • During special gift conversation (Trainer Lodge)
"Here you go! I found you something special."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
  • Co-op match screen (New Year's 2021)
  • Co-op match screen (Anniversary 2021)
"I'm ready!"
  • VS screen
"You won't defeat us!"
  • VS screen (New Year's 2021)
"All out!"
  • VS screen (Anniversary 2021)
"We're going to win!"
  • Sending out Pokémon
  • Sending out Pokémon (New Year's 2021)
"Let's do it!"
  • Sending out Pokémon (Anniversary 2021)
"Full power!"
  • Using Pokémon move
"Go for it!"
"You can do it!"
  • Using Pokémon move (New Year's 2021)
"Do it!"
"You can do it!"
  • Using Pokémon move (Anniversary 2021)
"Go for it!"
  • Using item
  • Using item (New Year's 2021)
"Leave it to me!"
  • Using item (Anniversary 2021)
"Here we go!"
  • Using Trainer move
"I've got you!"
  • Using Trainer move (New Year's 2021)
  • Using Trainer move (Anniversary 2021)
  • Using sync move
"This is my Z-Powered form!"
  • Using sync move (New Year's 2021)
"It's time to battle!"*
"I'm going to give it my all!"*
  • Using sync move (Anniversary 2021)
"Our dreams will come true!"
  • Using sync move (Special Costume)
"Here I come!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill
  • Unity attack / theme skill (New Year's 2021)
"Full power!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill (Anniversary 2021)
"Let's go!"
  • Uh-oh!
"Here I come!"
  • Switching in
"I've got you covered!"
  • Switching in (New Year's 2021)
"Here we go!"
  • Switching in (Anniversary 2021)
"My turn!"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"We did our best."
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon (New Year's 2021)
"Are you okay?"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon (Anniversary 2021)
"You got us."
  • "Nice" emote
"Nice job!"
  • "Nice" emote (New Year's 2021)
"How lovely!"
  • "Nice" emote (Anniversary 2021)
  • "Watch out" emote
"Uh, be careful!"
  • "Watch out" emote (New Year's 2021)
"Watch out!"
  • "Watch out" emote (Anniversary 2021)
"Look out!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
"This is my Z-Powered form!"
  • "Let's do this" emote (New Year's 2021)
"I believe in you!"
  • "Let's do this" emote (Anniversary 2021)
"I'll do my best!"
  • "Thanks" emote
"Thank you so much!"
  • "Thanks" emote (New Year's 2021)
"Thank you!"
  • "Thanks" emote (Anniversary 2021)
"Thank you!"
  • Defeat
"Ugh, they got us."
  • Defeat (New Year's 2021)
"We lost..."
  • Defeat (Anniversary 2021)
"How disappointing!"
  • Victory
"Woohoo! We won!"
  • Victory (New Year's 2021)
"Yay! We did it!"
  • Victory (Anniversary 2021)
"Thanks for the battle!"
Main Story Villain Arc - Kanto - Team Rocket Returns
  • Where's Red?
"You mean that group that used Pokémon to carry out their evil plots in Kanto and Johto?"
"Oh no... I hope he's OK!"
"I guess you're right... If anyone could handle them, it'd be Red!"
"I'd like to help, too!"
"Uh-oh! Look at all those Team Rocket grunts! Do you think this might be their hideout?"
"That was amazing! There were so many of them, but we held our ground!"
"Yes! Thanks for taking on so many of those grunts, Blue!"
  • A Tricky Trap
"Huh? Oh no! He was just here a minute ago!"
"Wh-what can we do? Should we try to retrace our steps?"
"OK! I'll give this everything I've got!"
"I don't see anything worth noting, and we still don't know where Paulo is..."
"Paulo! I'm so glad you're safe!"
"N-no way..."
  • Seeking Strength
  • Off-screen, as "???"
  • After appearing, as Lillie
"Where are you going?"
"With such a gloomy look on your face?"
"Did something happen back at the ruins?"
"When we were battling today, Blue had to cover for me quite a bit."
"So I think I know how you feel. I want to be stronger, too."
"If you don't think what you're doing now is helping, I'd be happy to brainstorm ways we could both get stronger. We can do it together!"
"It's hard to improve on your own, right?"
  • Off-screen
"When I traveled around Alola, I faced so many challenges...and it was help from my friends that gave me the strength to get through it all!"
  • On-screen
"If you need some help, I'd be more than happy to help you in any way I can!"
"Would you mind sharing with me what you're thinking right now, Paulo?"
  • Rocket Hideout
"Really? That's amazing, Blue! When did you find it?"
"Yes, of course! Right, <player>?"
"Paulo! I'm so glad you came!"
"Don't give up!"
"<player>! Paulo! We have to hold them off until help arrives!"
"Yes, we're OK!"
"Red! I'm so glad you're safe!"
"H-half of them? All by yourself?"
  • Giovanni's Gambit
"We won't let you get away!"
"Team Rocket?!"
"I thought we were going to get smashed like pancakes!"
  • Off-screen
"Misty! Erika!"
  • The Power Within
"Yup! I'm ready to go! I won't let those villains get away with their nasty plans!"
"Yes! Your outfits match your partners so well!"
"Wow, that was amazing! It was over in the blink of an eye!"
"I guess you're right! And it looks like we can learn a lot from being around them!"
  • Off-screen
"Oh no... Mewtwo's gone!"
  • Rage and Chaos
"Professor Bellis!"
"But isn't it odd that our Pokémon seem to be fine?"
"... ... ..."
  • The Boss's Power
"I'll help you, too! I can't always be the one being protected!"
"Phew... Somehow, we did it..."
  • Off-screen
"Look at them run!"
  • Malice
"Red and Blue are battling Mewtwo!"
  • The Last Laugh
"W-we did it!"
"That's just cruel!"
"Kanto Trainers sure are strong! You were so cool, too!"
Main Story Villain Arc - Sinnoh - Dreaming in Darkness
  • Team Galactic on the Move
"Team Galactic?"
"We'll stay here and protect Professor Bellis!"
  • The Darkest Nightmare
"What an awful thing to do!"
  • Together in Spirit
"I'm so worried..."
"When I think about what would happen if my family were ever affected..."
Main Story Villain Arc - Alola - Protecting the Island
  • Signs of Disturbance
"Alola, everyone!"
"We did, but we've run into a bit of a problem..."
  • Opened Gate to Other Worlds
"Hurry! Everyone, over here!"
"Are you OK, Gladion?"
"I wonder if Elio and the others are okay..."
  • A Picturesque Pair
"Mr. Faba?"
"Who are you talking to?"
"Mr. Faba!"
  • Illuminating the Darkness
"Who were you on the phone with?"
"Please be careful, Mother."
  • A Future Together
"Looks like all the sheltered Pokémon are having fun!"
"Yes, you're right. They may feel a little hesitant at first..."
Champion Stadium - Victory Road
  • The Road to Hard Mode
"When we give it our all, we can battle on par with members of the Elite Four–and even Champions!"
"But what do you mean by Hard mode?"
"We only barely beat them on Normal mode... Will we even stand a chance?"
"Yeah! Let's head over to Victory Road and start training more!"
  • Roles and Tactics: Part 1
"Sure! That'd be great!"
  • Roles and Tactics: Part 2
"Thank you, too, Scolipede!"
"Let's keep going, shall we?"
  • Sync Buffs: Part 1
"A sync buff?"
"But using moves depletes your move gauge, so you have to get creative about how to battle without running out of move gauge slots!"
  • Sync Buffs: Part 2
"Yes! Thank you so much, everyone!"
  • Attack and Sp. Atk: Part 1
"Yup! We're training to become super champions!"
  • Attack and Sp. Atk: Part 2
"Thank you so much, Steven!"
  • Defense and Sp. Def: Part 1
"Moves that can protect your allies? How lovely!"
  • Critical Hits: Part 1
  • After battling Leon
"<player>'s attacks weren't dealing much damage..."
  • Critical Hits: Part 2
"What're those?"
"But how do we even land a critical hit to begin with?"
  • Critical Hits: Part 3
"Thank you, Leon!"
  • Passive Skills: Part 1
"Um... I'm not so confident when it comes to those."
"Now that I think about it..."
"Sometimes in battle, I see Pokémon undergoing all sorts of changes that aren't always moves or field effects!"
  • Passive Skills: Part 2
  • The Ultimate Graduation Test: Part 1
"Red and Leaf are here, too! But why?"
  • The Ultimate Graduation Test: Part 2
"Really? That's amazing!"
Story Event - Family Ties
  • On Event Map
"Now that's full power! No one could call you lily-livered, <player>!"
  • Intro
"Alola, <player>!"
"I want us to be able to show our full power in the competition as a family–me, my brother, and our mother, all together!"
"Will you help us, <player>?"
  • A Family against All Odds
"I'm sorry, Mother..."
Lillie moved like the wind!: "Aw! Thank you, <player>!"
"Of course! We're giving this our all!"
  • A Family Divided
"Today's the day."
"We've got one match to prove ourselves. I hope we do well."
You don't sound very excited.: "Oh, no, I am excited. It's just..."
Have some confidence!: "Y-you're right. I know. It's just..."
"I wish we'd had a little more time to prepare. That's all."
"Well, moping around won't fix anything, will it? Come on, let's try to cheer up!"
"I promise to fight with my full power!"
"What? No, we haven't had a chance yet."
"We're matched up with you?!"
"What?! What are you talking about, Gladion?"
"Gladion, we can't just change our strategy like that right before the match."
"I...I think we should try our best to fight together as a family, even if it means we don't have a chance to win!"
  • A Two-Way Street
"Where's this coming from, Mother?"
"That's not true!"
"How can you be so selfish, Mother?!"
"The whole reason I entered us into this competition was so that the three of us could fight together!"
"And at the first turn, you want to leave us?"
"Without you, there isn't even a reason to take part anymore!"
"We did it, Mother!"
"Me too! It turned out to be so much fun!"
"Promise we'll do this together again sometime?"
  • A Family of Rivals
"Wow! I think we did better in this last battle together than we did during the competition!"
"Is something the matter, Gladion?"
"I'm going to do my best, too!"
"I'm going to work hard to hone my skills as a Trainer. Someday, I'll be even stronger than you and Mother!"
"Like Hapu says--no one can call me lily-livered!"
  • Sibling Advantages
"Thank you so much! I feel like I learned a lot!"
"Yeah! Let's use it to our advantage!"
  • Beast or Beauty?
"Wait! Don't!"
"That Pheromosa isn't a danger to anyone!"
"No, sir!"
"Ultra Beasts are Pokémon, too, after all!"
  • Pasio's Elegant Ladies
"Thank you! I had a lot of fun, too!"
"I don't have time to take things slowly anymore."
"I became a Pokémon Trainer much later than you and Hau did."
"I want to catch up to your level as fast as I can, so I need to train extra hard."
"That's why I try to do my very best every single day! Like Hapu says--no one can call me lily-livered!"
"Oh my gosh! Are you two feeling all right?!"
  • Gladion the Gladiator?
"Wait, that's it?!"
"That's great, Gladion! I've never seen you look so excited before."
"We'll make quite a formidable pair, won't we! Never-lily-livered Lillie and Gladion the Gladiator!"
  • Lost and Found
"Oh, <player>!"
"Clefairy seems to have gotten lost. Would you mind coming with me to look for her?"
  • If spoken to
"I was just about to go up the mountain to look at the moon with Clefairy."
"Would you like to come with us once we find her, <player>?"
"What about this Pokémon?"
"That's like something out of a fairy tale! How wonderful!"
"What about this Pokémon?"
"Hmm...I wonder where my little Clefairy could have run off to."
"Did you hear that? That was Clefairy's cry!"
Regardless of choice: "Heeey! <Player>!"
"Oh, look!"
"The moon's so pretty!"
Story Event - Season's Greetings
  • Johto-Style Celebration
  • Wearing her New Year's outfit
"Oh, <player>! Happy New Year!"
"Right now, traditional outfits from Johto are in fashion here on Pasio!"
"These traditional outfits come in a bunch of different styles, but this design is the best for celebrating the new year!"
"It wasn't easy to put on, but I did my best!"
"Hehe! How does it look?"
"Speaking of designs, I've been seeing lots of cards around town with pictures of Pokémon on them!"
"People send these kinds of cards to their friends and loved ones to celebrate the new year!"
"Sure! <player>, why don't you join us, too!"
  • Pasio's New Card Couriers
"Oh no, Pelipper. What's wrong?"
"I've an idea! Why don't we give Pelipper one of Ribombee's pollen puffs? They're really nutritious!"
"And they're so yummy, I bet Pelipper won't want to stop eating them!"
"Here, Pelipper. Say "ahh!" "
"Pelipper's mailbag... Were you making deliveries?"
"Oh no, you can't! You'll overwork yourself!"
"Um...Lance, <player>?"
"Why don't we help them deliver those cards?"
"Thanks for the help, you two!"
"No problem! Leave it to us!"
"Lance, <player>, let's get to work, shall we?"
"Ribombee, please fly around and help us find the Trainers we need to deliver these to!"
"OK, our first delivery is to..."
  • New Year, Old Rival
"We have a bunch of cards for you, too, Blue!"
"Wh-whoa! Take a look at all those cards for Blue, <player>!"
"Most of them are from Gym Leaders and members of the Elite Four!"
"W-wow! Even more famous names!"
"W-we'll do your best!"
"Wow! What pretty feathers!"
"Well, time for us to head out again! See you later, Blue, Silver!"
  • New Year's Resolutions
"Phew! Looks like we're almost done delivering all these cards!"
"Let's see, this next one is... Oh! It's for you, Lance!"
"Here you go! Looks like it's from Clair!"
"Well, we also have some cards for her. Why don't we head over to the beach?"
"Clair, why did you want to battle Lance right at the start of the new year?"
"I see! So that's why you wanted to battle right when the new year started!"
"Oh, before I forget—there are a bunch of cards here for you, Clair!"
"But we should probably get going now. See you later, Clair!"
  • A Heartfelt Thank-You
"No problem! I'm so glad you're feeling better, Pelipper! Don't puch yourself so hard, OK?"
"Wow! Look at all these designs! Are you sure it's OK for us to have these?"
Awesome!: "Thank you! I'm glad we were able to help!"
These designs are great!: "Aren't they? There are even designs with Clefairy and Ribombee!"
"Feel free to call on us again if you ever need help making deliveries!"
"Ribombee and I had a lot of fun delivering all those cards!"
"We asked the courier Pokémon to deliver most of the cards..."
"but as for the rest, I think we can deliver these in person!"
"To all my dearest friends and family from Alola, happy New Year!"
"Ever since I arrived on Pasio, my days have been full of exciting experiences and encounters. I'm enjoying my time here every day."
"I think that I'm able to have so much fun thanks to everything you all taught me back in Alola."
"I'll keep on doing my best to become a great sync pair with my Pokémon."
"The next time I see you, I hope we can surprise you with how much we've grown!"
"Thank you for all of your support last year. I hope this year will be even better!"
Story Event - Baking Buddies
  • Pal Collaboration!
"Oh, hey, <player>! Are you getting ready for Palentine's Day?"
Yeah. You, too?: "Yes! I'm about to head to Professor Bellis's lab to make some sweets!"
You're collecting ingredients, too?: "I actually already got all I need. I'm about to head to Professor Bellis's lab to make some sweets!"
"Mina, Professor Bellis, and I are planning to make them together!"
"I don't mind! And I bet Professor Bellis will be happy to see you, too!"
"Professor Bellis! I found a few reliable friends to help us make sweets!"
"Professor Bellis told me that she actually specially made all of these tools herself!"
"We'll help, too!"
  • Thank-Yous All Around
"Two? You were trying to make two different sweets?"
"Were you maybe trying to make enough for your partner Pokémon as well?"
"Oh! I have an idea!"
"In Alola, we sometimes just share a single big malasada with our Pokémon!"
Story Event - Trials on the Isle
  • What, Nothing?
"But I don't blame you!"
"I think anyone would be shocked to bits the first time they heard Elesa tell a joke like that!"
Story Event - Hearts United
  • You've Invited!
  • Wearing her anniversary outfit
"We're here to invite you to a special battle event that Lear is putting on—the Unity Gala!"
"Yes! Lear actually asked the three of us to host the event."
"He even had these fancy outfits made for us just for the occasion!"
  • Lillie's Evolution
"I've already decided that I want you as my first opponent, Professor Kukui!"
" that you're actually here...I'm feeling kind of nervous!"
"Back in Alola, you helped me out more times than I could count, Professor Kukui."
"I wouldn't be who I am today if not for all of the amazing people who supported me along the way."
"This battle is for you—to show you all how truly thankful I am!"
"Come on out, Lunala!"
"Me too!"
"I'll show you my full power, Professor Kukui!"
"Lunala and I are coming at you with everything we've got!"
  • Moon to Moon
"Lunatone is shaped like a crescent moon, too! How adorable!"
"Do you think Lunatone may have mistaken my Lunala for the real moon? That's so cute."
"I bet the two of them would make the best of friends. Moon Pokémon are bound to get along with each other, right?"
"We should team up together! That sounds like it would be so much fun!"
Story Event - The Light Devourer
  • Dark Tidings
"Yes... With my mother."
"Oh, no... They must want to capture it!"
"Yes, Necrozma can be very dangerous."
"But I don't think it actually means any harm."
"Necrozma's suffering, too."
"That's why I'd like to make sure that, if it does pair up with someone, it's with a Trainer whose heart is in the right place!"
"Let's head out soon, then!"
Let's save Necrozma!: "We can do it if we work together and give it our all!"
I'll help you out, too!: "Thanks, <player>!"
"I think so, too!"
"Let's find Necrozma as soon as possible!"
  • Encroaching Darkness
"OK, team! Let's find Necrozma!"
"The last time I saw Necrozma, it was at the altar just past Vast Poni Canyon."
"If we search for a similar place here on Pasio, I think that's where we might find it!"
"Yup! Exactly!"
"Let's check it out!"
"What's going on here?"
"What?! Really?!"
"Why were you trying to capture Necrozma?"
"Don't you dare hurt Necrozma!"
"No, I don't"!
"I just can't stand it when people hurt Pokémon for selfish reasons!"
"If you're going to keep bothering Necrozma, then I'll take you on!"
"That's not what you promised just now!"
"Please calm down, Necrozma!"
"If you lose control here, you'll hurt a lot of people and Pokémon!"
"Yes... An Ultra Wormhole!"
What's that?: "It's a tear in space that connects different worlds."
"I never thought I'd see one here on Pasio."
I may have heard of that...: "I'm sure you have... Though, I never thought I'd see one here on Pasio."
"This is exactly the same as last time..."
"All light is disappearing from the sky!"
  • Confronting the Darkness
  • Off-screen, as "???"
  • After appearing, as Lillie
"Necrozma showed up where we were out of the blue!"
"It opened up an Ultra Wormhole and disappeared! Right after that, all the light got sucked out of the sky!"
"No, not just that."
"I came to help you stop Necrozma!"
"Well, I am your daughter, after all!"
"Now that you mention it, I think my sync stone might've lit up!"
"What do you mean?"
"So, in order to find Necrozma again..."
"... ... ..."
"Yes, mother!"
"Please, Necrozma... Could you give us—give humans—another chance?"
"We won't let anything hurt would you please come out?"
"It worked!"
  • A Love that Conquers All
"Necrozma wasn't in great shape when it came to Pasio in the first place."
"And then Team Break attacked it, so it hasn't been able to heal its wounds."
"Mother! I'll help y—"
"... ... ..."
"OK! I'll stay here with you, Gladion!"
"That outfit looks great, mother! And it matches Necrozma perfectly!"
"I'm so glad to hear that!"
"And I'm glad you didn't only rely on yourself this time...that you asked us for help, too!"
"What does it do?"
"Really? I didn't know there was an item that can do that!"
"I guess that means they were able to understand Necrozma's power with science!"
"Does Solgaleo really want to be separated from Necrozma?"
"I don't think that's the only reason."
"Mother's heart is full of light right now."
"I think that's why Necrozma decided to partner up with her!"
That's probably it!: "Yes, absolutely!"
I think so, too!: "Yup! That's what I believe!"
"I'd love to!"
"You too, right, Lunala?"
"We'll give this everything we've got! Let's go, Lunala!"
Story Event - New Year and New Friends
  • Pair Up and Battle!
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"We've been waiting for you!"
  • After appearing, as Lillie, wearing her New Year's outfit
"Yeah! Sorry, but we're gonna win!"
  • Calming Clamor
"Volkner! Sabrina! Is everything all right?"
Costume Event - Curious Tea Party
  • Let the Tea Party Begin!
  • Wearing her special costume
"Hey, <player>! Over here!"
"I’m sure of it this time! I heard it from Trista!"
"I got up early so I could dress up for today’s tea party and have time to spare in case I got lost, but..."
"It looks like I might be running late anyway... Things just aren’t going as planned."
That's a great outfit.: "Thank you!"
Did it take a while to get ready?: "Yes. I really worked hard on my look for today!"
"I’ve been looking forward to attending the tea party dressed up the same as Polteageist!"
"Oh! But this is no time to stand around chatting!"
"I don’t want to make everyone wait for us! Come on, <player>! Let’s hurry!"
"Whew! We made it just in time!"
"It looks like everyone's here. I think the party's about to start!"
"S-Sonia?! You seem kinda different..."
"And what do you mean by "curious"?"
"Sonia sure seems to be having fun! She’s really getting into this!"
"As for puzzles... I’m not really confident about solving them."
"But maybe I can make use of the experiences I had back in Alola!"
"And besides, I’m sure I’ll be fine because I’ve got you with me, right, <player>?"
You can count on me!: "I’m glad to hear it! I’ll be giving it my all as well so we can reach our goal!"
Let's work it all out together!: "Yes! With the right attitude, I know we can reach our goal together!"
  • Trial from a Trio
"Let's see. I heard the first puzzle would be around here somewhere..."
"Wow, you all must really love tea! I do, too!"
"Yes, apparently! People often tell me it's rare."
"This Pokémon doesn't live in the Alola region, so I don't really know much about it..."
"Oh, yes! I totally agree!"
  • After choosing the Litwick
"Watching that light is making me feel kinda dizzy..."
"I'm pretty sure I've heard that Litwick's light sucks out the life energy of people and Pokémon..."
"Oh... Oh no! We need to turn back! Hurry, <player>!"
  • After choosing the Braixen
"Oh, now we can see where we're going!"
  • After choosing the Mudkip
"W-wait! Where did you go, Mudkip?"
"Oh, I think it's crying out to guide us! Let's follow the sound of its cry!"
"Well, we made it through the cave!"
"What kind of puzzle do you think we'll be faced with next?"
  • Puzzling Hospitality
"Both of you have such wonderful outfits!"
"I can see how dedicated you are!"
"Oh my. I'm guessing you've come up with a really difficult puzzle, then..."
"What happens if we take the wrong path?"
"F-frightening?! Like...what?"
"If something scary happens, I'll leave it to you to take care of, <player>..."
  • If spoken to
"Do you think Nosepass will show us which way to go?"
  • After choosing the wrong direction, off-screen
  • After choosing the right direction, off-screen
"Oh, it's Accelgor! Which must mean this is the right way!"
  • On-screen
"And it's gone... It looks like we've still got a long way to go, too."
"Thank you so much! It was really thrilling!"
"There's another fork in the path."
"Let's look carefully at Nosepass's nose before we decide which way to go!"
  • If spoken to
"Apparently, its nose isn't always facing the path we want to take."
  • After choosing the wrong direction, off-screen
  • After choosing the right direction, off-screen
"It looks like this way is blocked by some boulders..."
"Oh, actually, I think we can break these boulders pretty easily!"
"Oh, it's Escavalier! We did it! This is the right way!"
  • On-screen
"Oh, it left, too... But I'm sure we must be almost there!"
"It looks like there's only one way to go here!"
"We must be nearly at our goal now, <player>!"
  • If spoken to
"It looks like just one way to go!"
  • After choosing the wrong direction, off-screen
"M-Mimikyu is blocking our way!"
  • If spoken to after choosing the wrong direction
"What's on your mind?"
What should we do?: "Based on what we've seen so far, Nosepass's nose seems to always be pointing north."
"Wait, what? That would mean that the correct path is..."
Let's turn back.: "Huh? You want to go back the way we came?"
"If you say so! I believe in you, <player>!"
  • After choosing to turn back, off-screen
"Oh, look! It's Accelgor and Escavalier!"
  • On-screen
"So turning back was the correct choice?"
"Perfect! Now we can get through!"
"This is...where we started, isn't it?"
  • Off-screen
  • Friend or Phony
"We've reached the last puzzle! It may be difficult, but it won't stop me from having tea with <player>! Let's solve it!"
"You're a queen?"
"Awww... That's really frustrating, but I guess it's only fair."
"I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, <player>!"
  • If spoken to
"You can do it, <player>!"
"Amazing! We did it! We finished first!"
"And it's all thanks to you! Thank you so much, <player>!"
"Wh-what are you talking about?"
"Please, calm down, Polteageist! What's going on with—?!"
"Team Break! What are you doing here?!"
"My Polteageist?!"
  • The Real Polteageist
"I've heard that when Tsareena win battles, they show off with a loud laugh."
"OK, that's enough! You need to apologize!"
"No! It's not me you need to apologize to!"
"Tell your Polteageist that you're sorry!"
"That Polteageist battled as hard as it could—and all for your sake."
"But right in front of that loyal partner, all you can talk about is Antique Form Polteageist!"
"Who cares if it's the Antique Form or the Phony Form?"
"Phony Form or not, that Polteageist is yours, and that's what makes it authentic!"
"I didn't know, either!"
"I knew it had a mark on the bottom, but I just assumed that all the others did, too."
"Oh, but I'm sure I would have known which is mine even without seeing the mark!"
"After all, it's my partner Pokémon!"
"Yes! I'm sure I can!"
"Aww, you're making me blush... Thank you!"
"Let's enjoy every minute of this fabulous tea party!"
Lillie's Party Prep - An Eye for Beauty
  • A Beauteaful Day for Shopping
  • Wearing her special costume
"Oh, do you know a lot about tea sets, Wallace?"
"Actually, we're going to buy a tea set right now."
"Do you know a good shop for that?"
"Beautiful things... Do you mean Polteageist and you, Wallace?"
"Oh, right! I'm definitely confident in the strength of my bond with Polteageist!"
  • Fluttery Fashion
"Your costume for a contest?"
"That sounds fun! I'll do my best to answer!"
  • Off-screen
"Long like Milotic and flutters around the neck..."
  • On-screen
"Oh, I know!"
  • How's My Outfit?
"The answer is "a scarf," right?"
"Yes! I think scarves are beautiful and cool, just like Milotic!"
"Thank you, Wallace! With your help, I was able to buy a really cute tea set!"
"Oh, if you don’t mind...I'd like to ask you a question about fashion!"
"The outfit I'm wearing now..."
"Would it be better if I wore a scarf as well as the hat?"
"Yes! I'm planning to make it the most glorious tea party ever!"
Solo Event - A Sweet Secret
  • Fancy Flavor
"Advice? What kind of advice?"
"Let me join you, too!"
"I'm not nearly as strong as the two of you, but I'm no slouch when it comes to sweets!"
  • A Secret between Athletes
"After all that, I wonder who those sweets were for."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Lillie
"Hello, <player>!"
"Isn't this area beautiful? I've always wanted to explore places like this, but I never had the courage to do so until recently."
"My experiences in Alola helped me find that courage."
"Now I feel like I can go anywhere with Clefairy by my side!"
That's reassuring to hear!/Clefairy's cheering you on, too!: "Hehe! I hope we can have a lot more adventures in the future, too!"
"Back when I was in Alola, taking my first steps toward trying to become more courageous..."
"Hapu, one of the Island Kahunas, told me that no one could call me lily-livered."
"In other words, I'm now ready to go all out!"
"I have to put all my effort in everything I do so I don't disappoint Hapu!"
"What?! Oh no!"
"It sounds like those people are planning to steal Pokémon!"
We have to stop them!: "Yes, we do! Leave it to me!"
Let's go get help!: "We don't have time to get help!"
"I'll stop them!"
"Hold it right there! I won't let you steal people's Pokémon!"
"I am! If you refuse to stop what you're doing, that is!"
"Clefairy and I will stop you no matter what!"
"So what? I still can't let you get away with doing such a terrible thing!"
"Oooh! I can't believe they would try to use Pokémon to do bad deeds!"
I guess we didn't need help after all.: "Oh, hehe, I guess you're right. We should be prepared, though, in case we run into bad guys like them again."
Was it OK to let them go like that?: "Oh, maybe not. We should stay prepared in case we run into bad guys like them again."
"We need to befriend lots of sync pairs here on Pasio..."
"so we can all come together to protect the Pokémon here!"
"Hey, <player>... If it ever comes down to just the two of us, will you help me fight back against them?"
"I promise to go all out!"
Of course!/We'll go all out together!: "Thank you! I feel like the two of us can take on any challenge!"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Lillie (Anniversary 2021)
"You know what? Walking around here reminds me of Vast Poni Canyon."
Vast Poni Canyon?: "It's a famous but dangerous mountain path in Alola."
Do tell.: "I went through a bit of a trial there. Even though it was tough, it's a special memory of mine."
"There's a legend that says that you can reach an entirely different world through the sacred altar in Vast Poni Canyon."
"I went there to go after my mother after she went off to another dimension!"
"Nebby went there with me!"
Your partner Pokémon?: "Yes! And one of my best friends!"
Cute name!: "Thanks! I think Nebby really likes it, too!"
"Now, I've entrusted Nebby to a Trainer I know I can rely on."
"Oh, and this Lunala was a Cosmog that Trainer gave me!"
"We kept going on adventures together, and it evolved into Lunala!"
"I really admire Nebby and that Trainer, so I try to be more like them!"
"One day, I hope they can watch me and Lunala as we battle in a big match! That's one of my goals!"
Let's do our best together!: "Yeah! I feel like we'd be invincible together, <player>!"
You can do it, Lillie!: "I believe I can, too! Believing is what makes us stronger!"
"Whew... We finally made it to the summit."
"But...the moon must be hiding behind those clouds."
"Lunala... Clefairy... I hope you aren't too disappointed."
"Oh, you know what?"
"Take a look at Lunala!"
"I read about this in a book before! Lunala used to be known as the beast that calls the moon."
"When Lunala spreads its wings, it shines gorgeously like a crescent moon in the night sky."
You're right!/I think I see it!: "Isn't it amazing?"
"That was something I read in a book, but now it's happening right in front of me!"
"When I was younger, I was always just at home, imagining what things were like from the books I read."
"But I don't think books will be enough for me anymore! I want to experience those things in person now!"
That's great!: "Thank you!"
What a rewarding experience.: "I know, right?"
"I think I'll always remember what I saw today."
"I had a great time exploring here with you, <player>! And you, too, Clefairy and Lunala!"
"From now on, I'm going to let this memory shine within me, bright like the moon!"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Sygna Suit Hau
"A Tapu Koko saved me in Alola once, so I want to help..."
"M-maybe they're friends?"
"Hau's town back home was always like that, wasn't it."
"Do you think it wants to battle you, <player>?"
"Let's make this exciting–and have a fun festival!"
  • Off-screen
"You know..."
  • On-screen
"When you say it in that sygna suit, you're the spitting image of Hala!"
Pokémon Center
  • During sync background preview
"This is my full power!"
  • During sync background preview (New Year's 2021)
"My resolution is to face everyone I meet with everything I've got!"
  • During sync background preview (Anniversary 2021)
"This battle is to show you all how truly thankful I am! Let's go, Lunala!"
  • During sync background preview (Special Costume)
"You all must really love tea! I do, too!"
  • Random conversation
"There's so much nature to be found in the forests of Pasio."
"But there aren't any wild Pokémon here since this is an artificial island."
"There are still Trainers who come out of nowhere to challenge you to battles, though, so you can't let your guard down!"
  • Random conversation
"I'm always prepared to go on an adventure at a moment's notice!"
"I have items for taking care of the Pokémon I meet and a diary for recording my adventures."
"I even have some snacks just in case I get hungry!"
"And most important of all..."
"I bring a positive attitude to enjoy the adventure ahead! Can't forget that, can I?"
  • Random conversation
"When I wear makeup, I feel as if it lets me become a slightly different version of myself."
"It's like a breath of fresh air that lets me refocus and get back to work!"
  • Random conversation
"The key to Pokémon Evolution is mutual trust."
"That's why I was always with my Pokémon—even when I was sleeping or reading."
"Before I knew it, she just evolved all on her own!"
"But mutual trust isn't something you can see, so there's no use in trying to rush it."
  • Random conversation
"I've been thinking about what I can do for my partner Pokémon as her Trainer."
"Of course, I want to train her well so she gets stronger..."
"but I feel like what's most important is to always tell her just how much she means to me!"
"Even if she can't understand what I'm saying, I'm sure she understands how I feel!"
  • Random conversation
"I used to cuddle a Poké Doll while I slept."
"My doll was one of my most treasured possessions when I was in Alola."
"But now I cuddle my partner Pokémon."
  • If spoken to again
"I still don't really like sleeping alone."
"I can't help but worry that Pokémon who hide in dark spaces will pop out to scare me."
  • Random conversation
"I think keeping a diary and writing in it every day is a good way to track daily changes."
"I write down what happened on a given day and how it made me feel."
"Reading over my old diary entries reminds me that I'm making progress. I really recommend it!"
  • If spoken to again
"I keep my diary locked up tight so no one else can read it."
"You look like you want to take a peek, but there's no way I'm letting you!"
  • Random conversation (New Year's 2021)
"What do you think of this outfit? It's a traditional kind of clothing that's usually worn in Johto!"
"“Go for it!”"
"When I give directions like that to my partner, the sleeves flutter! Isn't it great?!"
  • Random conversation (New Year's 2021)
"Have you decided what your New Year's resolution is going to be?"
"My resolution is to use maximum effort in everything I do!"
"Watch me as I try new things!"
  • Random conversation (New Year's 2021)
"Ribombee's pollen puffs are full of nutrition!"
"She shares them with me, so I'm always full of energy!"
  • Random conversation (New Year's 2021)
"When you look at the details, you can really see how hard the designer worked on this outfit!"
"Isn't this flower in my hair really nice, too?","
"Ribombee sometimes mistakes it for a real flower and flies up to rest on it! "
  • Random conversation (New Year's 2021)
"There's something I'm going to challenge myself to do! It'll be a fresh start for a new year!"
"I'm going to turn my diary of my adventures into a book!"
"I'll be sure to write a lot about you, too, <player>!"
"I'll ask you some questions later, OK?"
  • Random conversation (New Year's 2021)
"Is there anything you really love but are bad at?"
"For me, it's sewing. I gave it a try, but..."
"It really didn't turn out well. I couldn't do it as well as my brother can..."
  • If spoken to again
"That said, I'm still glad I tried doing something I wasn't sure I'd be good at."
"Because now I know how much work designers have to put into making these clothes!"
"I'm gonna keep doing my best at what I'm good at so I can make people happy the way this outfit does me!"
  • Random conversation (New Year's 2021)
"There's no such thing as “too late” when you're trying something new."
"Compared to my friends, it took me a long time to become a Pokémon Trainer."
"But everyone was really nice about it!"
  • If spoken to again
"You were also very kind to me when I first came to Pasio."
"I'm so lucky to have such great friends!"
"I'm so grateful! Thank you so much!"
  • Random conversation (Anniversary 2021)
"Isn't this dress lovely?"
"It reminds me of when I used to go stargazing with my mother when I was young."
"For me, this outfit is almost nostalgic... It makes me feel like I'm never alone!"
  • Random conversation (Anniversary 2021)
"Did you know that Cosmog evolves into Cosmoem?"
"In the distant past, Cosmoem used to be called the cocoon of the stars. It almost sounds like it'd be a Bug-type Pokémon, doesn't it?"
  • Random conversation (Anniversary 2021)
"As long as I'm with Lunala, there's no end to how much of the world we can explore!"
"I just hope I can always be together with my Pokémon...and that you can do the same with your partner, too!"
  • Random conversation (Anniversary 2021)
"When I first started traveling around Alola, I had to rely on Max Repels. Even now, I always keep track of how many I have on me."
"If you're wondering, I actually don't have any on me right now because I don't need them on Pasio!"
  • Random conversation (Anniversary 2021)
"Before, I only used to wear what my mother bought for me."
"But I started going shopping with my friends here on Pasio, and now I have some experience shopping for my own clothes!"
"I'm a little worried about this dress... I do hope I'm pulling it off OK..."
"What do you think, <player>? Does it look OK on me?"
  • Random conversation (Anniversary 2021)
"Whenever I look at Lunala, I remember Nebby, the Cosmog I used to travel with."
"I've left Nebby with someone I trust, so I don't have to worry right now..."
"But I can't wait till I can see them both again!"
"Do you know what I mean?"
  • If spoken to again
"Lunala is always so cool! I wonder if I should give it a title!"
"Like maybe...The Great Lunala?"
"Hmm... That doesn't quite fit, does it? I suppose my cute Lunala's just always going to be Lunala to me!"
  • Random conversation (Anniversary 2021)
"In the past, I used to hate the idea of Pokémon battling and getting hurt."
"But as long as I'm brave enough to step up when they need protection, I think it's important to push forward—even when things look tough."
  • If spoken to again
"I have to believe in my friends, after all. That's one way to build a bond with each other."
"That's something I learned from another Trainer I know...and also from watching you!"
  • Random conversation (Special Costume)
"Apparently, this dress I'm wearing was inspired by Polteageist!"
"When I'm wearing this outfit, Polteageist seems happier than usual when it makes tea."
"It's fun to get dressed up for tea parties, don't you think?"
  • Random conversation (Special Costume)
"Did you know Polteageist has two forms? Apparently, it can be either Antique Form or Phony Form."
"People say my Polteageist is rare because it's an Antique Form Polteageist, but I've never really thought much about it."
"It makes no difference to me which form it is—I just love my Polteageist for what it is!"
  • Random conversation (Special Costume)
"Polteageist's tea has a really distinctive flavor!"
"It let me drink a little once."
"Hmm, I can't think of a way to describe it well..."
"If you ever become friends with Polteageist, it might let you drink some, too!"
  • Random conversation (Special Costume)
"The pot my Polteageist is living in..."
"Apparently, it's an antique—but when exactly do you suppose it was made?"
"I'm really curious!"
  • Random conversation (Special Costume)
"I'd like to get better at making sweets as well as tea."
"If I could do that, I'm sure I could have even more fun with my partner Pokémon—and with you, too, <player>!"
  • Random conversation (Special Costume)
"I've heard that whenever Polteageist finds some leftover black tea, it pours itself into it."
"Honestly, if it allows me to meet such a wonderful Pokémon, I wouldn't mind leaving a little tea in my cup..."
"Wait, no! What am I talking about? Those are two totally separate things!"
  • If spoken to again
"Ever since coming to Pasio, I've been studying tea."
"I'll do my best to learn more so I can make really delicious tea for everyone!"
  • Random conversation (Special Costume)
"Would you mind telling me your opinion of some new tea I have?"
"I tried blending some different tea leaves together into a flavor I thought you might like!"
"Let's have some right now with some malasadas!"
  • If spoken to again
"I want to learn the proper etiquette to make and serve tea..."
"But honestly, the most important thing to remember is just to have fun with your friends!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Hello, <player>! Where are you headed today?"
"You can have an adventure anytime, anywhere when you're with Pokémon!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic) (New Year's 2021)
"Alola, <player>!"
"It's the start of a brand-new day! Let's give it our all!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic) (Anniversary 2021)
"<player>! Let's go all-out and make this day a special one!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic) (Special Costume)
"Alola! I was just getting ready to have some tea."
"Would you like to join me?"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! Starting the day off with a warm smile and a greeting always puts me in a great mood!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"It's so calm and quiet today. It can be nice to just sit back and relax sometimes."'
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"I love to take naps and sleep... And when I sleep, I reeeally sleep."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning, New Year's 2021)*
"Morning! Let's give today our best effort and go at it with full power!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon, New Year's 2021)*
"I'm thinking of going out to eat something warm. Would you like to join me?"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening, New Year's 2021)*
"I used to go stargazing all the time back in Alola. On cold nights, you can really get a clear view of the sky!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning) (Anniversary 2021)
"Good morning! I'm always excited for the start of a new day!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Anniversary 2021)
"Hi! Every day is a special day for someone. Just thinking about that makes me really happy!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening) (Anniversary 2021)
"Good evening! The sun's gone down, and the moon is rising... Maybe I should get to bed soon."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning) (Special Costume)*
"When I wake up in the morning and feel the sunshine hit my face, all of my sleepiness just floats away."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Special Costume)*
"Pasio is a lovely place, isn't it? Everyone is so very kind here."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening) (Special Costume)*
"Did you have a good day today? Fingers crossed that tomorrow will be a good day, too!"
  • Special gift conversation
"Oh! You've come at a good time!"
"I have something to give you! It's a really nice item."
  • After giving out item
"You'll want to use a lot of these! Ah...I don't have a lot to give you, though."
  • Special gift conversation (New Year's 2021)
"Oh, great timing! Here, this is for you!"
  • After giving out item
"It's just something small, but I hope it comes in handy when you're out on your adventures!"
  • Special gift conversation (Anniversary 2021)
"I've been looking all over for you! Here you go!"
  • After giving out item
"Lunala found it! I hope you like it!"
  • Special gift conversation (Special Costume)
"Here, you can have this!"
  • After giving out item
"I hope it helps on your adventure!"
"That's great, <player>!"
"I hear other people are giving out presents, too!"
"Make sure you stop by again tomorrow!"
  • Special Happy New Year 2021 log-in conversation with Lusamine and Gladion (wearing her New Year's outfit)
"Alola, <player>!"
"Oh, Mom..."
"Yeah! Let's train hard so we can show the competition the full power of our family!"
"I wonder what this new year will bring."
  • Special Type Team-Up Daily Type Rotation event conversation with Mina and Diantha
"Would you all like to go shopping for clothes together sometime?"
"Getting to battle someone I respect so much at an event like this... It's like a dream come true!"
"I have! It's someone I really owe a lot to."
"The gala's going to be wonderful! Let's all enjoy it together!"
  • Special Curious Tea Party costume event blurb (wearing her special costume)
"Let's go to a tea party with Polteageist!"
"Let's go to the tea party as soon as you're ready, <player>!"
"No ordinary tea party? What do you mean?"
Trainer Lodge
  • When spoken to (friendship level 1-9)
"Yes? What is it?"
  • When spoken to (friendship level 10-29)
"Oh, <player>! You look raring to go, as always!"
  • When spoken to (friendship level 30+)
"Alola, <player>! I've been waiting for you! I'm so glad to see you today!"
  • Special gift conversation (friendship level 1-9)
"Umm... Here!"
  • After giving out item
"I don't have any use for it myself… Please use it if you'd like."
  • Special gift conversation (friendship level 10-29)
"Oh, <player>! This is for you!"
  • After giving out item
"I thought you might need it... Please go ahead and use it!"
  • Special gift conversation (friendship level 30+)
"<player>! There's something I'd like to give you..."
  • After giving out item
"I thought this might be useful, so I made sure to get you one."
"I really hope you like it!"
  • Chat (available from start)
"I feel so excited... Just like I did while adventuring around Alola!"
"Let's do our best to make this room a place where everyone can have fun!"
  • Chat (after completing A Special Day with Lillie: Part 1)
"Pokémon all have different likes and dislikes, just like people do."
"Some of them don't like battling, but others really love it."
"So it's not fair of me to keep them from battling just because I don't want to battle."
"I kind of know how they feel..."
  • Chat (after completing A Special Day with Lillie: Part 2)
"As part of my plan to get better at sewing, I went and looked at a bunch of different plush toys in Pasio's shops."
"But all I could see was them staring back at me with their adorable little eyes..."
"Ahhh! No, I can't give in! I've got my own dear Clefairy!"
  • When conversation is initiated (friendship level 1-9)
"Let's talk."
  • When conversation is initiated (friendship level 10-29)
"I want to hear more about you, <player>!"
  • When conversation is initiated (friendship level 30+)
"I've been looking forward to having a real conversation with you, <player>!"
  • If given a Pokémon Encyclopedia or Good Pokémon Encyclopedia
"Is this for me? Thank you!"
  • If given an Awesome Pokémon Encyclopedia
"I've been wanting this! Thank you!"
"I'll bring a present for you next time, <player>!"
  • After the conversation ends (Great / Excellent)
"Thanks for chatting with me! Let's chat again sometime!"
  • After the conversation ends (Wonderful)
"Thanks for chatting with me! That was really fun!"
"Let's talk again sometime! I'll be waiting!"
Friendship Story - A Special Day with Lillie: Part 1
"Ahhh! N-no, don't!"
"Whew... You startled me..."
"B-but there's nothing s-secret or anything in my backpack, OK?"
"I-I know! Why don't we chat for a bit?"
"After all, it's such a beautiful day! Haha! Hahaha..."
"'s weird to keep it a secret, so I'll just tell you, <player>."
"Back in Alola, I hated to see Pokemon get hurt, so I didn't like battling at all."
"That changed once I learned that people and Pokemon can come to understand each other better through battling."
"But even now, I find that I'm always depending on your help, <player>..."
"So I wanted to do something to thank you outside of battle."
"And, well... In my backpack..."
"I've got...well, just the start of something... More like pieces of an idea..."
"Wh-when I actually finish the gift, I'll be sure to let you know, <player>!"
"But until then, no peeking!"
"It's kind of embarrassing..."
"A-anyway, see you later!"
"I'll send you an invitation when your thank-you gift is ready!"
Friendship Story - A Special Day with Lillie: Part 2
"Umm, so... Well..."
"H-here, this is for you!"
"One of my personal treasures is a Clefairy doll I've had forever. It's full of memories for me."
"I used it as a reference and tried my best to make another one…"
"It's also got a good luck charm from Alola sewn inside of it."
"I'm not really good at sewing..."
"But I saw all the different people who've come to Pasio, all wearing such a variety of clothes as they communicate with their Pokémon."
"And I thought maybe I could make clothes, too, as a way of cheering others on."
"After all, I love collecting and wearing lots of different clothes, and so I thought, maybe like with Pokémon battles, I could get better at this, too!"
"Well...I gave it a try, but I still didn't have any success."
"I talked it over with my brother, and he told me to start out by trying something easier."
"And so, the one thing I finally managed to make was this little Clefairy..."
"So, if you like... Well, it would make me really happy if you like it."
Thank you.: "Wha–?! N-no, thank YOU!"
I'll treasure it.: "Wha–?! Th-thank you!"
"If I ever really do get better at sewing..."
"I'll make some special clothes just for you, <player>!"
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