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Lush Jungle
シェードジャングル Shade Jungle
"A treasure trove of nature's gifts!"
Map description:
A heavily wooded tropical rain forest. It's famous for producing ingredients for delicious meals.
Lush Jungle (Japanese: シェードジャングルShade Jungle) is a location on Akala Island in Alola, located north of Route 5. It is the location of the trial of Mallow.
An isolated area of Route 8 can be accessed from Lush Jungle using Machamp Shove.
The trial begins as soon as the player enters Lush Jungle; however, they can leave at any time (though not via Charizard Glide), although this will reset the trial. Once the player has collected all four ingredients, they can leave at any time without resetting the trial.
When the player finds the spot where the Tiny Mushroom is located, they are given the option to take a Tiny Mushroom or Big Mushroom. Regardless of the choice, they are attacked by a wild ParasectS/ShiinoticM.
When the player approaches the tree the Mago Berry is buried under, a Fomantis will jump out of the tree and ambush the player.
In the area the Revival Herb grows, there are three hidden objects the player can interact with, only one of which is the Revival Herb. If the player interacts with any of these objects, they will be attacked by a Fomantis; depending on whether the player chose the correct object, the Fomantis will have slightly different moves. Until completing the trial, the player can still interact with the incorrect objects after finding the correct Revival Herb.
Upon collecting all four items, Mallow and the player are joined by Lana and Kiawe who have more items for the dish. Mallow asks the player to participate in each stage of the dish's preparation, requiring the player to press the A button at least five times during each stage to progress. When the Mallow Special is complete, the Totem Pokémon, Lurantis, will be lured to the aroma.
In the battle with Totem Lurantis, it will call Trumbeak on its first turn, and call Castform if its HP is below approximately 2/3 (if the ally Trumbeak has been defeated). If its HP drops below approximately 2/3 before it has a chance to call an ally, it will call Castform first, then call Trumbeak at the first opportunity after Castform has fainted. Once an ally is defeated, Totem Lurantis cannot call it again.
After defeating the Totem Pokémon, the player will be greeted by Mallow for completing the trial and will receive a Grassium Z as a reward. After completing the trial, wild Pokémon will appear in Lush Jungle.
Forage Bag items
These items are collected as part of the trial. While they are named after real Bag items, obtaining them does not cause the player to put the corresponding item in their Bag.
In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the trial has been altered. Mallow now takes the player to three locations to pick up an ingredient from there. Before leaving an area, she warns the player about the possibility of an observing Pokémon attacking later for the ingredient taken. The following locations for the correct ingredients will not trigger a fight before facing Totem Lurantis:
The Mago Berry under the tree with only a sour smell. (The tree next to it with a sweet and sour smell will trigger a fight later.)
The Sudowoodo-like tree that doesn't merit a description about its moving branches. Additionally, said tree is slightly different from the real Sudowoodo due to some traits such as leafy branches.
After the player gathers all the ingredients, Mallow will prepare the Mallow Special herself rather than requiring input from the player. She comments after Totem Lurantis' defeat if the player hasn't had to fight a Pokémon for picking the wrong ingredients.
Forage Bag items
These items are collected as part of the trial. While they are named after real Bag items, obtaining them does not cause the player to put the corresponding item in their Bag.
A Moss Rock is located in the north area of Lush Jungle, allowing Eevee to evolve into Leafeon when leveled up in the north area. Eevee cannot evolve into Leafeon in other areas of the Lush Jungle.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Pokémon Moon
In Pokémon Moon, after defeating Olivia, the player can challenge Mallow to a battle if they visit her house in Konikoni City during the day. If they do, she will head to Lush Jungle, and appear after the player interacts with Wimpod there.
Lush Jungle appeared in Currying Favor and Flavor!, where Ash and Mallow went there in search of a Miracle Seed, which was one of the ingredients for the "Akala Curry". After finding the Miracle Seed from a hollowed-out stump full of Berries, Ash was challenged by TotemLurantis, who was soon joined by an ally Castform. Using his Litten and Rowlet, Ash battled against the two Pokémon, eventually defeating Castform with Rowlet's Tackle and Lurantis with Litten's Breakneck Blitz. Afterwards, Lurantis awarded Ash with a Grassium Z, and Olivia showed up, revealing that the entire ingredient search had been a part of his trial all along.
In the manga
Lush Jungle in Pokémon Adventures
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Lush Jungle first appeared in PASM09. Mallow took Moon there so that the latter would be able to harvest Berries that only grow in the Alola region. Shortly after arriving, they found Tapu Lele in battle with a Xurkitree emerging from an Ultra Wormhole. Moon tried to capture it, but her Poké Ball proved ineffective against it. Later, after the creature had retreated back into the portal, Mallow and Moon decided to name it "Lighting" for simplicity's sake.
Afterwards, the two continued their search for the elusive Mirage Berry, which was due to be delivered to the guardian deities in order to calm them down. Using their own Pokémon to ask help from the local wild Pokémon, Mallow and Moon soon had a big pile of Berries in front of them, from which Moon managed to find the Mirage Berry they had been looking for. However, while going through the Berry pile, Mallow received a phone call from Kiawe, who was under attack by a person demanding him to take him to the Ruins of Life.