List of Battle Frontier Trainers in Generation IV/Hiker

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Main article: List of Battle Frontier Trainers in Generation IV

This is the list of Pokémon that can be used by each Hiker in the Sinnoh and Johto Battle Frontier.

Everett and Raiden

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0447 Riolu (Pokémon) Riolu Expert Belt Expert Belt Brick Break Bullet Punch Foresight Counter Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0438 Bonsly (Pokémon) Bonsly Rock Incense Rock Incense Rock Slide Low Kick Copycat Sandstorm Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0027 Sandshrew (Pokémon) Sandshrew Soft Sand Soft Sand Dig Rock Tomb Sandstorm Sand-Attack Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0074 Geodude (Pokémon) Geodude Focus Band Focus Band Magnitude Rock Blast Strength Protect Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0246 Larvitar (Pokémon) Larvitar Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Rock Slide Dig Bite Scary Face Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0343 Baltoy (Pokémon) Baltoy Twisted Spoon Twisted Spoon Psybeam Mud-Slap AncientPower Light Screen Modest - - - 255 255 -
0436 Bronzor (Pokémon) Bronzor Odd Incense Odd Incense Confusion Gyro Ball AncientPower Imprison Brave - 255 - 255 - -
0443 Gible (Pokémon) Gible Soft Sand Soft Sand Dragon Rage Sand Tomb Metal Claw Sandstorm Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0453 Croagunk (Pokémon) Croagunk Black Sludge Black Sludge Poison Jab Wake-Up Slap Taunt Swagger Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0066 Machop (Pokémon) Machop Scope Lens Scope Lens Karate Chop Rock Tomb Foresight Scary Face Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0322 Numel (Pokémon) Numel Lax Incense Lax Incense Magnitude Ember Rock Tomb Sandstorm Serious - 255 - 255 - -
0104 Cubone (Pokémon) Cubone Soft Sand Soft Sand Bone Club Headbutt Brick Break Leer Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0081 Magnemite (Pokémon) Magnemite Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Shock Wave Mirror Shot Metal Sound Reflect Bold - - 255 255 - -
0231 Phanpy (Pokémon) Phanpy Metronome Metronome Rollout Rock Tomb Defense Curl Sandstorm Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0304 Aron (Pokémon) Aron Metal Coat Metal Coat Metal Claw Rock Tomb Iron Defense Protect Impish - 255 255 - - -
0449 Hippopotas (Pokémon) Hippopotas Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Dig Rock Tomb Sand Tomb Yawn Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0329 Vibrava (Pokémon) Vibrava Aspear Berry Aspear Berry DragonBreath Mud-Slap Ominous Wind Supersonic Modest - - - 255 - 255
0111 Rhyhorn (Pokémon) Rhyhorn Persim Berry Persim Berry Dig Rock Blast Scary Face Tail Whip Adamant 170 170 170 - - -
0408 Cranidos (Pokémon) Cranidos Rock Incense Rock Incense Rock Tomb Pursuit Scary Face Leer Careful - - 255 - 255 -
0410 Shieldon (Pokémon) Shieldon Focus Band Focus Band Iron Head Rock Tomb Swagger Iron Defense Sassy - 255 255 - - -
0138 Omanyte (Pokémon) Omanyte Pecha Berry Pecha Berry AncientPower Water Gun Mud Shot Protect Bold - - 255 255 - -
0140 Kabuto (Pokémon) Kabuto Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Aqua Jet Rock Tomb Knock Off Metal Sound Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0345 Lileep (Pokémon) Lileep Lax Incense Lax Incense AncientPower Grass Knot Ingrain Confuse Ray Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0347 Anorith (Pokémon) Anorith Metronome Metronome Fury Cutter Rock Blast Metal Claw Protect Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0299 Nosepass (Pokémon) Nosepass Hard Stone Hard Stone AncientPower Shock Wave Thunder Wave Sandstorm Modest - - 255 255 - -
0222 Corsola (Pokémon) Corsola Focus Band Focus Band BubbleBeam AncientPower Mirror Coat Barrier Modest - - - 255 255 -
0303 Mawile (Pokémon) Mawile BrightPowder BrightPowder Iron Head Bite Tickle Iron Defense Impish 255 - 255 - - -
0095 Onix (Pokémon) Onix Hard Stone Hard Stone Rock Slide Dig Screech Sandstorm Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0075 Graveler (Pokémon) Graveler Focus Band Focus Band Magnitude Rock Tomb Stealth Rock Defense Curl Adamant - 255 255 - - -

Monty and Rocky

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0257 Blaziken (Pokémon) Blaziken Passho Berry Passho Berry Blaze Kick Earthquake Shadow Claw Stone Edge Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0260 Swampert (Pokémon) Swampert Expert Belt Expert Belt Muddy Water Earth Power Ice Beam Counter Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0389 Torterra (Pokémon) Torterra Lax Incense Lax Incense Frenzy Plant Earth Power Hyper Beam Leech Seed Modest - - 255 255 - -
0392 Infernape (Pokémon) Infernape BrightPowder BrightPowder Flamethrower Focus Blast SolarBeam Sunny Day Modest - - - 255 - 255
0051 Dugtrio (Pokémon) Dugtrio Razor Claw Razor Claw Fissure Giga Impact Aerial Ace Night Slash Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0105 Marowak (Pokémon) Marowak Thick Club Thick Club Earthquake Giga Impact Outrage Fire Punch Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0308 Medicham (Pokémon) Medicham Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Focus Blast Shadow Ball Calm Mind Modest - - - 255 - 255
0195 Quagsire (Pokémon) Quagsire Quick Claw Quick Claw Surf Earth Power Focus Blast Sludge Bomb Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0286 Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom Toxic Orb Toxic Orb DynamicPunch ThunderPunch Stone Edge Facade Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0205 Forretress (Pokémon) Forretress Leftovers Leftovers Dig Swagger Toxic Double Team Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0340 Whiscash (Pokémon) Whiscash Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Hydro Pump Earth Power Blizzard Fissure Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0297 Hariyama (Pokémon) Hariyama Life Orb Life Orb DynamicPunch Fire Punch ThunderPunch Ice Punch Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0423 Gastrodon (Pokémon) Gastrodon Shell Bell Shell Bell Waterfall Earthquake Stone Edge Fissure Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0076 Golem (Pokémon) Golem Iron Ball Iron Ball Gyro Ball Earthquake Hammer Arm Fling Brave - 255 255 - - -
0112 Rhydon (Pokémon) Rhydon Persim Berry Persim Berry Outrage Hammer Arm Shadow Claw Avalanche Brave 255 255 - - - -
0454 Toxicroak (Pokémon) Toxicroak Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Sludge Bomb Focus Blast Shadow Ball Dark Pulse Modest - - - 255 - 255
0031 Nidoqueen (Pokémon) Nidoqueen Black Sludge Black Sludge Sludge Bomb Earth Power Flamethrower Ice Beam Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0034 Nidoking (Pokémon) Nidoking Expert Belt Expert Belt Earth Power Sludge Bomb Ice Beam Shadow Ball Modest - - - 255 - 255
0346 Cradily (Pokémon) Cradily Big Root Big Root Giga Drain Sludge Bomb Recover Ingrain Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0348 Armaldo (Pokémon) Armaldo Choice Band Choice Band Stone Edge Superpower Earthquake Giga Impact Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0411 Bastiodon (Pokémon) Bastiodon Leftovers Leftovers Iron Head Fissure Double Team Iron Defense Careful 255 - - - 255 -
0062 Poliwrath (Pokémon) Poliwrath Wide Lens Wide Lens Hydro Pump Focus Blast Blizzard Mud Bomb Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0214 Heracross (Pokémon) Heracross Coba Berry Coba Berry Megahorn Stone Edge Facade Shadow Claw Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0232 Donphan (Pokémon) Donphan Lax Incense Lax Incense Earthquake Gyro Ball Fire Fang Thunder Fang Brave - 255 255 - - -
0344 Claydol (Pokémon) Claydol Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Earth Power Psychic Charge Beam Ice Beam Modest - - - 255 255 -
0409 Rampardos (Pokémon) Rampardos Life Orb Life Orb Head Smash Zen Headbutt Fire Punch ThunderPunch Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0437 Bronzong (Pokémon) Bronzong Leftovers Leftovers Psychic Shadow Ball Charge Beam Signal Beam Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0068 Machamp (Pokémon) Machamp Quick Claw Quick Claw DynamicPunch Earthquake Stone Edge Ice Punch Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0213 Shuckle (Pokémon) Shuckle Lax Incense Lax Incense Gyro Ball Substitute Double Team Power Trick Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0208 Steelix (Pokémon) Steelix Iron Ball Iron Ball Gyro Ball Payback Swagger Curse Relaxed - 255 255 - - -
0472 Gliscor (Pokémon) Gliscor Focus Sash Focus Sash Guillotine Earthquake U-turn Counter Jolly 255 - - - - 255
0142 Aerodactyl (Pokémon) Aerodactyl Yache Berry Yache Berry Giga Impact Earthquake Rock Slide Crunch Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0475 Gallade (Pokémon) Gallade Scope Lens Scope Lens Psycho Cut Stone Edge Aerial Ace X-Scissor Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0330 Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon White Herb White Herb Draco Meteor Earth Power Flamethrower Giga Drain Timid - - - 255 - 255
0448 Lucario (Pokémon) Lucario Muscle Band Muscle Band Close Combat Earthquake Blaze Kick Shadow Claw Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0450 Hippowdon (Pokémon) Hippowdon White Herb White Herb Superpower Fire Fang Ice Fang Fissure Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0476 Probopass (Pokémon) Probopass Scope Lens Scope Lens Stone Edge Iron Head Earthquake Explosion Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0306 Aggron (Pokémon) Aggron Muscle Band Muscle Band Iron Tail Dragon Rush Avalanche Aerial Ace Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0473 Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine Lax Incense Lax Incense Earthquake Superpower Fissure Hail Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0464 Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior Focus Sash Focus Sash Horn Drill Avalanche Payback Counter Impish 255 - 255 - - -
0248 Tyranitar (Pokémon) Tyranitar White Herb White Herb Superpower Dragon Claw Shadow Claw Aqua Tail Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0376 Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross Occa Berry Occa Berry Hammer Arm ThunderPunch Ice Punch Aerial Ace Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0445 Garchomp (Pokémon) Garchomp Focus Sash Focus Sash Dragon Rush Stone Edge Aqua Tail Aerial Ace Adamant - 255 - - - 255

Lyle and Glen

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0389 Torterra (Pokémon) Torterra Yache Berry Yache Berry Earthquake Grass Knot Rock Slide Curse Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0051 Dugtrio (Pokémon) Dugtrio Grip Claw Grip Claw Earthquake Rock Slide Astonish Sand Tomb Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0105 Marowak (Pokémon) Marowak Razor Claw Razor Claw Bone Rush Brick Break Iron Tail Sandstorm Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0076 Golem (Pokémon) Golem Focus Band Focus Band Earthquake Rock Slide Sucker Punch Sandstorm Impish - 255 255 - - -
0112 Rhydon (Pokémon) Rhydon Passho Berry Passho Berry Earthquake Rock Slide Crunch Scary Face Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0031 Nidoqueen (Pokémon) Nidoqueen Payapa Berry Payapa Berry Earthquake Poison Fang Aerial Ace Charm Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0034 Nidoking (Pokémon) Nidoking Focus Band Focus Band Earthquake Poison Jab Double Kick Counter Impish 255 255 - - - -
0346 Cradily (Pokémon) Cradily Razor Claw Razor Claw AncientPower Energy Ball Confuse Ray Sandstorm Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0348 Armaldo (Pokémon) Armaldo Razor Claw Razor Claw X-Scissor Rock Slide Earthquake Iron Defense Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0411 Bastiodon (Pokémon) Bastiodon Focus Band Focus Band Iron Head Stone Edge Swagger Taunt Impish - - 255 - 255 -
0232 Donphan (Pokémon) Donphan Razor Claw Razor Claw Earthquake Rock Slide Poison Jab Sandstorm Impish - 255 255 - - -
0344 Claydol (Pokémon) Claydol Kasib Berry Kasib Berry Earthquake Zen Headbutt Grass Knot Trick Room Brave - - 255 - 255 -
0409 Rampardos (Pokémon) Rampardos Toxic Orb Toxic Orb Rock Slide Facade Crunch Screech Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0213 Shuckle (Pokémon) Shuckle Lax Incense Lax Incense Stone Edge Bug Bite Swagger Power Trick Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0208 Steelix (Pokémon) Steelix Passho Berry Passho Berry Earthquake Iron Head Crunch Sandstorm Impish - 255 255 - - -
0472 Gliscor (Pokémon) Gliscor Yache Berry Yache Berry Earthquake Aerial Ace Swords Dance Baton Pass Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0142 Aerodactyl (Pokémon) Aerodactyl King's Rock King's Rock Rock Slide Aerial Ace Torment Taunt Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0330 Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon Yache Berry Yache Berry Earthquake Dragon Claw Roost Sandstorm Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0450 Hippowdon (Pokémon) Hippowdon Persim Berry Persim Berry Earthquake Crunch Slack Off Curse Impish - 255 255 - - -
0476 Probopass (Pokémon) Probopass Cheri Berry Cheri Berry AncientPower Magnet Bomb Thunder Wave Protect Brave - 255 - 255 - -
0306 Aggron (Pokémon) Aggron Quick Claw Quick Claw Iron Head Rock Slide Sandstorm Screech Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0473 Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine Icy Rock Icy Rock Earthquake Ice Fang Peck Hail Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0464 Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior Focus Band Focus Band Rock Wrecker Earthquake Crunch Roar Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0248 Tyranitar (Pokémon) Tyranitar Focus Band Focus Band Rock Slide Payback Avalanche Curse Brave - 255 - - 255 -
0389 Torterra (Pokémon) Torterra Leftovers Leftovers Giga Drain Leech Seed Synthesis Amnesia Sassy 170 - 170 - 170 -
0051 Dugtrio (Pokémon) Dugtrio Lax Incense Lax Incense Earth Power Sludge Bomb Tri Attack Sandstorm Modest - - - 255 - 255
0105 Marowak (Pokémon) Marowak Thick Club Thick Club Bone Rush Fire Punch ThunderPunch Rock Slide Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0076 Golem (Pokémon) Golem White Herb White Herb Earthquake Superpower Fire Punch ThunderPunch Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0112 Rhydon (Pokémon) Rhydon Focus Sash Focus Sash Earthquake Fire Punch ThunderPunch Ice Punch Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0031 Nidoqueen (Pokémon) Nidoqueen Scope Lens Scope Lens Poison Jab Fire Punch ThunderPunch Ice Punch Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0034 Nidoking (Pokémon) Nidoking BrightPowder BrightPowder Focus Punch Dragon Pulse Horn Drill Substitute Careful 170 - 170 - 170 -
0346 Cradily (Pokémon) Cradily Leftovers Leftovers Toxic Stockpile Double Team Ingrain Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0348 Armaldo (Pokémon) Armaldo Scope Lens Scope Lens Crush Claw Aqua Tail Aerial Ace Swagger Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0411 Bastiodon (Pokémon) Bastiodon Persim Berry Persim Berry AncientPower Flamethrower Thunderbolt Ice Beam Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0232 Donphan (Pokémon) Donphan White Herb White Herb Earthquake Superpower Gunk Shot Counter Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0344 Claydol (Pokémon) Claydol Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Earth Power AncientPower Signal Beam Shadow Ball Modest - - 255 255 - -
0409 Rampardos (Pokémon) Rampardos Iron Ball Iron Ball Stone Edge Payback Avalanche Fling Brave 255 255 - - - -
0213 Shuckle (Pokémon) Shuckle Grip Claw Grip Claw Wrap Swagger Attract Toxic Careful 170 - 170 - 170 -
0208 Steelix (Pokémon) Steelix Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Earthquake Fire Fang Thunder Fang Ice Fang Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0472 Gliscor (Pokémon) Gliscor Razor Fang Razor Fang Earthquake Fire Fang Thunder Fang Ice Fang Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0142 Aerodactyl (Pokémon) Aerodactyl Razor Fang Razor Fang Bite Fire Fang Thunder Fang Ice Fang Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0330 Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon Razor Fang Razor Fang Fissure Fire Punch ThunderPunch Aerial Ace Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0450 Hippowdon (Pokémon) Hippowdon Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Earthquake Swagger Sand Tomb Yawn Impish - 255 255 - - -
0476 Probopass (Pokémon) Probopass Chople Berry Chople Berry Iron Head Fire Punch ThunderPunch Ice Punch Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0306 Aggron (Pokémon) Aggron Quick Claw Quick Claw Metal Claw Fire Punch ThunderPunch Ice Punch Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0473 Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Avalanche Earthquake Iron Head Curse Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0464 Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior Expert Belt Expert Belt Fire Punch ThunderPunch Ice Punch Aqua Tail Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0248 Tyranitar (Pokémon) Tyranitar Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Fire Punch ThunderPunch Ice Punch Aerial Ace Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0389 Torterra (Pokémon) Torterra Lax Incense Lax Incense Frenzy Plant Earth Power Hyper Beam Leech Seed Modest - - 255 255 - -
0051 Dugtrio (Pokémon) Dugtrio Razor Claw Razor Claw Fissure Giga Impact Aerial Ace Night Slash Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0105 Marowak (Pokémon) Marowak Thick Club Thick Club Earthquake Giga Impact Outrage Fire Punch Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0076 Golem (Pokémon) Golem Iron Ball Iron Ball Gyro Ball Earthquake Hammer Arm Fling Brave - 255 255 - - -
0112 Rhydon (Pokémon) Rhydon Persim Berry Persim Berry Outrage Hammer Arm Shadow Claw Avalanche Brave 255 255 - - - -
0031 Nidoqueen (Pokémon) Nidoqueen Black Sludge Black Sludge Sludge Bomb Earth Power Flamethrower Ice Beam Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0034 Nidoking (Pokémon) Nidoking Expert Belt Expert Belt Earth Power Sludge Bomb Ice Beam Shadow Ball Modest - - - 255 - 255
0346 Cradily (Pokémon) Cradily Big Root Big Root Giga Drain Sludge Bomb Recover Ingrain Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0348 Armaldo (Pokémon) Armaldo Choice Band Choice Band Stone Edge Superpower Earthquake Giga Impact Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0411 Bastiodon (Pokémon) Bastiodon Leftovers Leftovers Iron Head Fissure Double Team Iron Defense Careful 255 - - - 255 -
0232 Donphan (Pokémon) Donphan Lax Incense Lax Incense Earthquake Gyro Ball Fire Fang Thunder Fang Brave - 255 255 - - -
0344 Claydol (Pokémon) Claydol Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Earth Power Psychic Charge Beam Ice Beam Modest - - - 255 255 -
0409 Rampardos (Pokémon) Rampardos Life Orb Life Orb Head Smash Zen Headbutt Fire Punch ThunderPunch Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0213 Shuckle (Pokémon) Shuckle Lax Incense Lax Incense Gyro Ball Substitute Double Team Power Trick Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0208 Steelix (Pokémon) Steelix Iron Ball Iron Ball Gyro Ball Payback Swagger Curse Relaxed - 255 255 - - -
0472 Gliscor (Pokémon) Gliscor Focus Sash Focus Sash Guillotine Earthquake U-turn Counter Jolly 255 - - - - 255
0142 Aerodactyl (Pokémon) Aerodactyl Yache Berry Yache Berry Giga Impact Earthquake Rock Slide Crunch Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0330 Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon White Herb White Herb Draco Meteor Earth Power Flamethrower Giga Drain Timid - - - 255 - 255
0450 Hippowdon (Pokémon) Hippowdon White Herb White Herb Superpower Fire Fang Ice Fang Fissure Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0476 Probopass (Pokémon) Probopass Scope Lens Scope Lens Stone Edge Iron Head Earthquake Explosion Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0306 Aggron (Pokémon) Aggron Muscle Band Muscle Band Iron Tail Dragon Rush Avalanche Aerial Ace Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0473 Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine Lax Incense Lax Incense Earthquake Superpower Fissure Hail Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0464 Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior Focus Sash Focus Sash Horn Drill Avalanche Payback Counter Impish 255 - 255 - - -
0248 Tyranitar (Pokémon) Tyranitar White Herb White Herb Superpower Dragon Claw Shadow Claw Aqua Tail Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0389 Torterra (Pokémon) Torterra Quick Claw Quick Claw Wood Hammer Earthquake Stone Edge Crunch Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0051 Dugtrio (Pokémon) Dugtrio Muscle Band Muscle Band Earthquake Stone Edge Slash Shadow Claw Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0105 Marowak (Pokémon) Marowak Thick Club Thick Club Earthquake Stone Edge Iron Head ThunderPunch Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0076 Golem (Pokémon) Golem Quick Claw Quick Claw Earthquake Stone Edge Gyro Ball Explosion Brave - 255 255 - - -
0112 Rhydon (Pokémon) Rhydon Quick Claw Quick Claw Earthquake Stone Edge Megahorn Horn Drill Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0031 Nidoqueen (Pokémon) Nidoqueen Razor Claw Razor Claw Earthquake Poison Jab Superpower Crunch Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0034 Nidoking (Pokémon) Nidoking Muscle Band Muscle Band Earthquake Poison Jab Megahorn Outrage Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0346 Cradily (Pokémon) Cradily Leftovers Leftovers Stone Edge Seed Bomb Earthquake Mirror Coat Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0348 Armaldo (Pokémon) Armaldo Life Orb Life Orb Stone Edge X-Scissor Earthquake Cross Poison Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0411 Bastiodon (Pokémon) Bastiodon Focus Sash Focus Sash Metal Burst Stone Edge Avalanche Curse Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0232 Donphan (Pokémon) Donphan Quick Claw Quick Claw Earthquake Stone Edge Seed Bomb Fissure Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0344 Claydol (Pokémon) Claydol Lax Incense Lax Incense Earthquake Zen Headbutt Rock Slide Explosion Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0409 Rampardos (Pokémon) Rampardos Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Head Smash Earthquake Giga Impact Superpower Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0213 Shuckle (Pokémon) Shuckle Leftovers Leftovers Toxic Substitute Double Team Sandstorm Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0208 Steelix (Pokémon) Steelix Quick Claw Quick Claw Gyro Ball Earthquake Stone Edge Explosion Brave - 255 255 - - -
0472 Gliscor (Pokémon) Gliscor Expert Belt Expert Belt Earthquake Aerial Ace X-Scissor Stone Edge Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0142 Aerodactyl (Pokémon) Aerodactyl Choice Band Choice Band Stone Edge Aerial Ace Earthquake Dragon Claw Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0330 Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon Lum Berry Lum Berry Earthquake Outrage Crunch Stone Edge Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0450 Hippowdon (Pokémon) Hippowdon Quick Claw Quick Claw Earthquake Stone Edge Crunch Thunder Fang Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0476 Probopass (Pokémon) Probopass Life Orb Life Orb Flash Cannon Power Gem Earth Power Thunderbolt Modest - - - 255 255 -
0306 Aggron (Pokémon) Aggron Focus Sash Focus Sash Metal Burst Stone Edge Earthquake Shadow Claw Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0473 Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine Life Orb Life Orb Earthquake Ice Fang Stone Edge Double-Edge Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0464 Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior Choice Band Choice Band Rock Wrecker Earthquake Hammer Arm Megahorn Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0248 Tyranitar (Pokémon) Tyranitar Chople Berry Chople Berry Stone Edge Crunch Earthquake Dragon Dance Adamant 255 255 - - - -

Battle Frontier Trainers

Ace TrainerAroma LadyBattle GirlBeautyBird KeeperBlack BeltBug CatcherCameraman
CamperClownCollectorCowgirlCyclistDragon TamerFishermanGentleman
GuitaristHikerIdolJoggerLadyLassNinja BoyParasol LadyPIPicnicker
PKMN BreederPKMN RangerPoké KidPokéfanPolicemanPsychicRancherReporter
Rich BoyRoughneckRuin ManiacSailorSchool KidScientistSocialiteTuber