In Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, when the player returns to the Spear Pillar with the Azure Flute, they will be asked to blow into it every time they step one tile north from the entrance until they catch Arceus. Upon doing so, a glowing staircase will appear, leading to an elevated glass platform high above the Spear Pillar, where Arceus awaits the player's challenge. The camera will also broadly tilt overhead and zoom out, giving the player a unique view of the area below as they ascend the staircase. Stepping onto the edge of the glass platform will automatically initiate the encounter sequence and battle. Should Arceus be defeated rather than caught, it will "disappear from sight" but the Azure Flute can be reused to summon it again.
In terms of game mechanics, when the player accesses the Hall of Origin by blowing the Azure Flute, they are actually no longer on the Spear Pillar but rather in a completely separate location, as evidenced by the screen fade-out transition and the change in location header. That is, the game does not place stair tiles onto the Spear Pillar map, but rather warps the player to a new map containing the stairs where the surrounding area looks identical to the Spear Pillar, exactly down to the cave opening that still leads into the mountain interior. This dispels a rumor that cheating to reach the Hall of Origin would trap the player on the elevated glass platform without the stairs to lead back down.
Like the Spear Pillar, the Hall of Origin is an internal area separate from Mount Coronet, so the Escape Rope as well as Fly cannot be used to leave the location. However, like the Spear Pillar, it is within the range of Mount Coronet's special magnetic field and so Magneton and Nosepass will both evolve here if leveled up.
In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the location can be visited legitimately. To obtain the Azure Flute, the player must possess Pokémon Legends: Arceussave data with all the Missions completed, update the game to Version 1.3.0 or later, and be registered into the Hall of Fame. Once these conditions have been fulfilled, the Azure Flute will appear in the player's room in Twinleaf Town. After the player catches Dialga or Palkia, and also obtains the National Pokédex, they can play the flute at the Spear Pillar to access the Hall of Origin.
In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, after defeating Volo and Giratina in Mission 26: "Seeking the Remaining Plates", the player will obtain the final Plate as well as the Azure Flute. The player then has the opportunity to play the Azure Flute on the Temple of Sinnoh's dais at any time. However, the stairs to the Hall of Origin will not appear until the player has caught every non-Mythical Pokémon in Hisui. The player will also receive a message from Arceus on the Arc Phone if they attempt to do so, repeating the message, "Seek out all Pokémon."
Once the player has caught all non-Mythical Pokémon in Hisui, playing the flute will cause a glowing stairway to appear on the north side of the temple, which the player will automatically climb. After climbing the stairs, the player will find themselves in the Hall of Origin, which has a completely different design than in Generation IV. Arceus will appear behind the player, transform their Arc Phone into Mysterious Balms, and immediately challenge them to battle. The player can revisit the Hall of Origin at any point through Temple of Sinnoh to have a rematch with Arceus, and can also visit it for Arceus's Eternal Battle Reverie challenge by going to sleep at Jubilife Village.
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An Arceus is coded to appear here, but was never made accessible. In Platinum, if defeated or run from, it will "disappear from sight", but the Azure Flute can be used to summon it again.
This section is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it. Reason: respawn conditions
Arceus, under the effects of the Legend Plate, can be caught during Mission 27: "The Deified Pokémon", which becomes available after completion of Mission 26: "Seeking the Remaining Plates". Arceus will registered as having been captured in the Temple of Sinnoh. It is coded to never be Shiny.
Although not by name, the Hall of Origin was mentioned by Archer in With a Little Help From Hitmonchan. When Arceus appeared in front of the four Executives and Crystal on Route 38, Archer explained that Team Rocket had first found and awakened the Alpha Pokémon "in a far-off land at the end of a long road, which seemed to continue on and on up into the heavens," obviously describing the Hall of Origin. He also revealed that Arceus had come to Johto due to all of its Plates being currently located in said region.
If the Sinjoh Ruins event has already been activated with an eventArceus, another Arceus caught in the Hall of Origin may be used to go back to the Sinjoh Ruins and choose one of the two Pokémon that were not chosen previously. The reverse order is also possible. There is no way to choose the third Pokémon.
Two versions of the Hall of Origin map exist in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum: one is the real location while the other is a "fake" copy. The "fake" Hall of Origin uses Spear Pillar as its theme and can be accessed through the void glitch using "Stickyman's Spear Pillar Hall of Origin" method,[1] named after its discoverer. The "fake" Hall of Origin contains no warps or events and no Arceus. (YouTube video)
Unlike Darkrai and Shaymin, simply obtaining access to the (real) Hall of Origin (e.g. through the void glitch) does not mean that the player can battle Arceus there. This is because the scripts in the area are normally programmed to only trigger through the Azure Flute script in the Spear Pillar. The player can ascend the stairs, but the script to uniquely tilt and zoom the camera will not activate, nor will the script to have Arceus challenge the player when they step onto the glass platform. The Arceus sprite still appears, but just as in the actual event, it cannot be directly interacted with. Additionally in Pokémon Platinum, as with Darkrai and Shaymin, the Arceus sprite will not appear in the area at all unless the player has the Azure Flute in the Bag. To actually battle Arceus in the Hall of Origin, the challenge script itself must be triggered (see Pal Park Retire trick).