Pokémon world in relation to the real world

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The map of Japan showing the four main Japanese Pokémon regions.

The designs of nine of the major Pokémon regionsKanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh/Hisui, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, and Paldea—are strikingly similar in geography and demographics to regions in the real world, and they are sometimes even officially stated to be based on certain locations. The first four regions and Hisui region are based on smaller regions in Japan, Unova and Alola are based on parts of the United States, Kalos is based on France, Galar is based on the United Kingdom, and Paldea is based on the Iberian Peninsula, consisting of countries Spain and Portugal. It is said the inspiration for Orre is Phoenix, Arizona.

Core regions


The Kantō region of Japan (関東地方, Kantō-chihō, meaning "Region East to the Barrier", referring to the east of the Hakone checkpoint) is not only identical in name to Kanto in the Pokémon world, but is also very similar geographically; however, the western part of the game map corresponds to eastern Chūbu (中部地方, Chūbu-chihō, meaning "Central region", also called 中部日本, Chūbu-nihon, that means "Central Japan").

Pokémon world Specific location Prefecture Notes
Pallet Town 下田市 Shimoda City 静岡県 Shizuoka Pallet Town is based on Satoshi Tajiri's hometown Machida City during his boyhood.
Route 1 伊豆半島 Izu Peninsula 静岡県 Shizuoka A peninsula that connects Shimoda City to Mishima City.
Viridian City 三島市 or 箱根町 Mishima City or Hakone Town 静岡県 or 神奈川県 Shizuoka or Kanagawa
Viridian Forest 奥秩父山塊 Okuchichibu Mountains 埼玉県山梨県長野県 Yamanashi, Saitama, and Nagano
Route 2 秩父市 Chichibu City 埼玉県 Saitama Viridian Forest being inside Route 2 is a reference to its real world counterpart's name Okuchichibu - meaning "interior of Chichibu".
Pewter City 前橋市 Maebashi City 群馬県 Gunma Maebashi rests at the foot of Mount Akagi. It is the capital city of the Gunma Prefecture. The famous Iwajuku archaeological site and the Iwajuku Museum are located in the city of Midori.
Route 3 桐生市 - 足利市 Kiryū City - Ashikaga City 群馬県, 栃木県 Gunma, Tochigi
Mt. Moon 赤城山 Mount Akagi 群馬県 Gunma Mt. Akagi features a crater lake near the summit
Route 4 佐野市 - 栃木市 Sano City - Tochigi City 栃木県 Tochigi
Cerulean City 宇都宮市 Utsunomiya City 栃木県 Tochigi Utsunomiya City is the capital city of the Tochigi Prefecture.
Cerulean Cave 大谷資料館 or 足尾銅山 Ōya History Museum - Subterranean Cave 栃木県 Tochigi Ōya History Museum used to be a quarry with a network of monumental underground chambers, and is located in Utsunomiya City. Could also be based on Ashio Copper Mine.
Routes 24 & 25 日光国立公園, 那須塩原市 Nikkō National Park and Nasushiobara City 栃木県 Tochigi
Sea Cottage 北茨城市 Kitaibaraki City 茨城県 Ibaraki It's known for Rokkakudō, a wooden retreat overlooking the sea along the Izura coast.
Route 9 水戸線 Mito Line 栃木県, 茨城県 Tochigi, Ibaraki Specifically, from Sakuragawa City to Ishioka City.
Rock Tunnel 筑波山 Mount Tsukuba 茨城県 Ibaraki A non-volcanic mountain renowned for its beautiful granite.
Route 6 京葉線 Keiyō Line 千葉県 Chiba
Vermilion City 横浜市, 横須賀市, 千葉市 A hybrid of Yokohama City, Yokosuka City and Chiba City 神奈川県, 千葉県 Kanagawa, Chiba Geographically, it is based on Chiba City (capital city of the Chiba Prefecture). However, Yokohama (capital city of the Kanagawa Prefecture) is the largest and most luxurious seaport of the three. Yokosuka has a United States Navy base, a possible inspiration for Vermilion Gym and Lt. Surge as an "American" soldier.

During the announcement for the 2023 Pokémon World Championships, The Pokémon Company used a trailer with footage of Vermilion City taken from the Generation I games before announcing that the event would be held in Yokohama.[1]

Diglett's Cave 加曽利貝塚 Kasori Shell Mound 千葉県 Chiba The largest known shell mound found in Japan which can be viewed in a tunnel.
Routes 11, 13, 14 & 15 外房線 Sotobō Line 千葉県 Chiba Route 11 is based on Midori-ku ward, Route 13 on Katsuura City, Route 14 on Kamogawa City (due to wind turbines), and Route 15 on Minamibōsō City.
Kanto Power Plant 東海発電所 Tōkai Nuclear Power Plant 茨城県 Ibaraki The first commercial nuclear power plant in Japan.
Lavender Town 牛久市 Ushiku City 茨城県 Ibaraki Geographically, it's more closer to be based on Kashima City. However, Ushiku City contains Ushiku Jyoen - a large scale graveyard that allows people to bury passed away pets. It also contains a small animal park, where people can feed various animals.
Pokémon Tower 牛久大仏 Ushiku Daibutsu 茨城県 Ibaraki The fifth tallest statue in the world, which is located near Ushiku Jyoen (a large scale graveyard). Could also be based on Kashima Shrine.
Route 8 京成東成田線 Keisei Higashi-Narita Line 千葉県 Chiba
Route 12 九十九里浜, 銚子市 Kujūkuri Beach, Chōshi 千葉県 Chiba Chōshi City has one of the largest fish catches in Japan.
Underground Path 東京メトロ東西線 Tokyo Metro Tozai Line 東京都, 千葉県 Tokyo, Chiba
Route 7 新宿御苑 or 代々木公園 Shinjuku Gyo-en or Yoyogi Park 東京都 Tokyo Shinjuku Gyo-en is the largest garden park in Shinjuku. Part of it and Yoyogi Park are in Shibuya, a ward located between Setagaya and Shinjuku wards.
Celadon City 多摩ニュータウン or 世田谷区 Tama New Town or Setagaya 東京都 Tokyo Tama New Town is the largest housing development in Japan, containing several retails and leisure complexes, indoor theme park (Sanrio Puroland) and hotels. Setagaya has the largest population of Tokyo's special wards.
Route 5 さいたま市 Saitama City 埼玉県 Saitama
Saffron City 東京都 (新宿区 and 千代田区) Tokyo (Shinjuku and Chiyoda wards) 東京都 Tokyo Shinjuku is a major commercial and administrative centre, housing the busiest railway station in the world. Chiyoda is an economical powerhouse of Tokyo, as well as all of Japan. Chiyoda is also the political center of Japan: the Imperial Palace, Prime Minister's Official Residence, the National Diet and the Supreme Court are located here.
Magnet Train station 新宿駅 or 新大阪駅 Shinjuku Station or Shin-Ōsaka Station 東京都 Tokyo Shinjuku Station is world's busiest train station. The Tōkaidō Shinkansen bullet train line in Shin-Ōsaka Station runs from Tokyo to Osaka.
Fuchsia City 館山市 or 富津市 Futtsu City or Tateyama City 千葉県 Chiba Futtsu City is located closer to the Quasi-National Park, while Tateyama City contains lots of historic buildings.
Kanto Safari Zone 富士箱根伊豆国立公園 (マザー牧場) Minami Bōsō Quasi-National Park (specifically Mother Farm) 千葉県 Chiba Mother Farm is an animal theme park located in the Futtsu part of Quasi-National Park. Established in 1962, it's famous for its sheep shows and guests can interreact with various domesticated animals.
Route 16 鎌倉市 - 平塚市 Kamakura City - Hiratsuka City 神奈川県 Kanagawa
Cycling Road 東京湾アクアライン Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line 神奈川県千葉県 Kanagawa and Chiba It connects Kawasaki City and Kisarazu City over Tokyo Bay. It was under construction when Pokémon Red and Green were released.
Seafoam Islands 江の島 Enoshima 神奈川県 Kanagawa A small offshore island. Home to the Iwaya Caves.
Water Routes 19, 20, & 21 相模湾 Sagami Bay 神奈川県 Kanagawa Many small islands are scattered around this bay.
Cinnabar Island 伊豆大島 Izu-Ōshima 東京都 Tokyo Oshima is famous for Mount Mihara, an active volcano.
Route 22 富士箱根伊豆国立公園 Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park 神奈川県, 静岡県, 山梨県 and 東京都 Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Yamanashi and Tokyo
Indigo Plateau 埼玉県, 安中市 or 秩父多摩甲斐国立公園 Northwestern Saitama, Annaka City or Chichibu Tama Kai National Park 群馬県, 長野県, 山梨県 and 東京都 Saitama, Gunma, Nagano, Yamanashi and Tokyo Due to the confusing nature of the Kanto's map between Gen 1/3 and Gen 2/4, it's hard to pint-point the exact location. It's also possible the national park is the basis for Route 23 and Victory Road.
Route 28 山梨県 Yamanashi Prefecture 山梨県 Yamanashi Mt. Fuji is located here. Could possibly also based on Fujinomiya City.
Route 26 富士市 - 静岡市 Fuji City - Shizuoka City 静岡県 Shizuoka
Route 27 駿河湾 Suruga Bay 静岡県 Shizuoka Both Shiraito Falls and Otodome Falls, the real world Tohjo Falls, are located close to the bay. Two waterfalls separated by a mere 600 feet, located southwest of Mount Fuji.

Sevii Islands

The Sevii Islands are based on two archipelagos off the coast of Tokyo: the Izu Islands (伊豆諸島, Izu-shoto, meaning "Izu Archipelago") and the Bonin Islands (小笠原諸島, Ogasawara-shoto, meaning "Ogasawara Archipelago"), both archipelagos are administered by the Tokyo Metropolis (under Japanese law, the prefecture of Tokyo is designated as a to (都), translated as metropolis)

Pokémon world Specific location Subprefecture Notes
One Island 新島神津島式根島利島 Niijima, Kōzushima, Shikinejima and Toshima 大島支庁 Oshima
Kindle Road 新島 Niijima
Treasure Beach 神津島 Kozushima
Mt. Ember 利島宮塚山 Mt. Miyatsuka, Toshima Island
Two Island 三宅島御蔵島 Miyakejima and Mikurajima 三宅支庁 Miyake
Three Island 八丈島八丈小島 Hachijōjima and Hachijōkojima 八丈支庁 Hachijō
Berry Forest 八丈小島 Hachijōkojima
Three Isle Port 底土港 Sokodo Port
Four Island 青ヶ島 Aogashima 八丈支庁 Hachijō
Icefall Cave 丸山, 青ヶ島 Maruyama, Aogashima 八丈支庁 Hachijō
Five Island 聟島列島 Mukojima Islands 小笠原支庁 Ogasawara All are uninhabited.
Water Labyrinth 西之島 Nishinoshima
Resort Gorgeous 中ノ島 Nakanoshima
Lost Cave 笹魚島 Sasauojima
Memorial Pillar 媒島 Nakoudojima
Six Island 父島列島 Chichijima Islands 小笠原支庁 Ogasawara The small islands to the north of Chichijima include Anijima (兄島) and Otōtojima (弟島), among others.
Dotted Hole 父島 Chichijima
Green Path 兄島 Anijima
Outcast Island 弟島 Otōtojima
Seven Island 母島 Hahajima 小笠原支庁 Ogasawara
Tanoby Ruins 母島列島 Hahajima Islands 小笠原支庁 Ogasawara The small islands to the south of Hahajima include Anejima (姉島) and Imōtojima (妹島), among others.
Navel Rock 鳥島 Torishima 八丈支庁 Hachijō Known as the habitat of albatross.
Birth Island 南鳥島 Minami Torishima 小笠原支庁 Ogasawara The easternmost island belonging to Japan. It's also triangular in shape.


In Japan, the Kantō region is often contrasted with the Kansai region (関西地方, Kansai-chihō, meaning "Region West to the Tollgate", referring to the regions west to the Osaka Tollgate), also known as Kinki region (近畿地方, Kinki-chihō, meaning "Region Near the Capital", referring to the cities of Nara and Kyoto, Japan former capital cities), which like Johto is to the west. However, Johto is geographically more similar to the Kansai region and the western Chūbu region combined, as well as a small part of eastern Shikoku region (四国地方 Shikoku-chihō, meaning "Region of the Four Provinces", referring to the four historical provinces that made up the island).

Pokémon world Specific location Prefecture Notes
Mt. Silver 富士山 Mount Fuji 静岡県 and 山梨県 Shizuoka and Yamanashi The encounter with Red at Mt. Silver may be a reference to Kuninotokotachi. Waiting atop Mt. Silver as the series’ highest-level Trainer opponent, Red was the player character with humble beginnings from the first Pokémon games; Kuninotokotachi is said to be the first Japanese deity, born of something resembling a reed following the creation of heaven and earth, who resides atop Mt. Fuji.
New Bark Town 浜松市 Hamamatsu City 静岡県 Shizuoka Could also be based on Shizuoka City (capital city of the Shizuoka Prefecture), due to wind turbines added to New Bark Town in HGSS. At the same time construction was completed on a small wind-farm in Shizuoka City.
Route 29 岡崎平野 Okazaki Plain 愛知県 Aichi
Cherrygrove City 半田市 and 南知多町 Handa City and Minamichita Town 愛知県 Aichi Both residences are located in Chita Peninsula, which is famous for flower cultivation. Could possibly be based on Nagoya City, the capital city of the Aichi Prefecture.
Route 31 濃尾平野 Nōbi Plain 愛知県 Aichi
Violet City 奈良市 Nara City 奈良県 Nara Home to many historic buildings and monuments, Nara is where Japan was founded as a state. It was the capital of Japan from 710 CE to 794 CE as the seat of the Emperor before the capital was moved to Kyoto. Currently is the capital city of the Nara Prefecture.
Sprout Tower 興福寺 or 法隆寺 Kōfuku-ji or Hōryū-ji 奈良県 Nara A five-story pagoda, Kōfuku-ji is the second-largest pagoda in Japan, located on northeast of Nara City. Hōryū-ji is the oldest wooden building in the world.
Ruins of Alph 明日香村 Asuka Village 奈良県 Nara There are many archaeological sites in Nara such as Ishibutai Kofun (石舞台古墳) and Takamatsuzuka Tomb (高松塚古墳).
Route 32 松阪市, 伊勢志摩 Matsusaka City and Ise-Shima 三重県 Mie Ise-Shima is famous for fresh seafood and pearl cultivation.
Union Cave 青の洞窟(がまの口) Blue Grotto (Gama-no-kuchi) 三重県 Mie The Blue Grotto of Kumano is a small sea cave in Tategasaki, the largest columnar rock formation in Nigishima Bay.
Route 33 熊野市, 和歌山県 Kumano City and Wakayama Prefecture 三重県, 和歌山県 Mie, Wakayama
Azalea Town みなべ町 Minabe Village 和歌山県 Wakayama Minabe is famous for its high-quality Japanese apricots, known as ubame, and high-quality charcoal, known as Binchōtan.
Slowpoke Well 熊野本宮大社 Kumano Hongū Taisha 和歌山県 Wakayama A Shinto Shrine that was originally located on a sandbank by Kumano River. It was relocated to the mountain after being partially destroyed in the flood. The sandbank now contains the largest torii shrine gate in the world.
Ilex Forest 熊野古道 Kumano Kodō 和歌山県 Wakayama The Kumano Kodō is a series of ancient pilgrimage routes spread across the old-growth forest that connects various sacred shrines that have been sites for centuries of ascetic worship of natural phenomenon and natural wonders.
Route 34 有田市 - 和歌山市 Arida City - Wakayama City 和歌山県 Wakayama
Goldenrod City 大阪市 Ōsaka City 大阪府 Ōsaka Ōsaka is the largest and most populous city in the Kansai region, serving as a major hub and financial center in the country. It is also the capital city of the Urban Prefecture of Osaka. Osaka Prefecture is one of Japan's two "urban prefectures" using the designation fu (府) rather than the standard ken for prefectures, along with Kyoto Prefecture.
Goldenrod Radio Tower 通天閣 Tsūtenkaku 大阪府 Ōsaka Tsūtenkaku is one of the most popular landmarks in Osaka.
Route 35 服部緑地 Hattori Ryokuchi Park 大阪府 Ōsaka A green space in Northern Osaka. Located close to the Expo Commemoration Park.
National Park 明治の森箕面国定公園 or 万博記念公園 Meiji no Mori Minoo Quasi-National Park or Expo Commemoration Park 大阪府 Ōsaka In the Expo Park, there is a famous monument called the Tower of the Sun.
Pokéathlon Dome 京セラドーム大阪 Kyocera Dome Osaka 大阪府 Ōsaka A baseball stadium located in Osaka.
Route 36 木津川市 or 京田辺市 Kizugawa City or Kyōtanabe City 京都府 Kyōto
Route 37 枚方市 or 伏見区 Hirakata City - Fushimi-ku 大阪府 - 京都府 Ōsaka - Kyōto
Ecruteak City 京都市 Kyōto City 京都府 Kyōto Having served as the seat of the imperial court for eleven centuries, Kyōto is considered to be the cultural capital of Japan. It is the capital city of the prefecture of the same name. The towers that inspired the Burned Tower and the Bell Tower are both located in Kyōto. Kyoto Prefecture is one of Japan's two "urban prefectures" using the designation fu (府) rather than the standard ken for prefectures, along with Osaka Prefecture.
Burned Tower 西寺 Sai-ji 京都府 Kyōto The temple was burnt down in 1233 and to this day hasn't been rebuilt.
Bell Tower 金閣 and 東寺 Kinkaku-ji and Tō-ji 京都府 Kyōto Kinkaku-ji was set on fire by a monk in 1950 (金閣寺放火事件). The wall is covered with gold leaf. Atop the Kinkaku temple sits a golden statue of a rooster or phoenix (Ho-Oh). Tō-ji was build alongside Sai-ji and, unlike the later temple, it still stands to this day.
Olivine City 神戸市 Kōbe City 兵庫県 Hyōgo Kōbe is the major port city in the Kansai region. The city is also well known for wagyū, or Kobe beef. Is the capital city of the Hyogo Prefecture.
Route 38 & 39 六甲山 Mount Rokkō 兵庫県 Hyōgo Home to Rokkosan Pasture - a public pasture farm.
Glitter Lighthouse 神戸ポートタワー & 和田岬 Kobe Port Tower & Cape Wada 兵庫県 Hyōgo
Water Route 40 明石海峡 Akashi Strait 兵庫県 Hyōgo
Whirl Islands 淡路島 Awajishima 兵庫県 Hyōgo The Naruto Strait between Awajishima and Shikoku is famous for the Naruto whirlpools. Soul Silver describes Lugia splitting one island into the Whirl Islands to end a war; Awajishima was the epicenter of the Great Hanshin earthquake, with a portion of the island's damaged fault zone preserved to this day.
Water Route 41 鳴門海峡 Naruto Strait 徳島県 Tokushima
Cianwood City 鳴門市 or 鳴門市 Naruto City or Tokushima City 徳島県 Tokushima Naruto is where Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. began. Tokushima is the capital city of the prefecture of same name.
Route 42 大津市 - 草津市 Ōtsu City - Kusata City 滋賀県 Shiga
Mt. Mortar 比叡山 Mount Hiei 滋賀県 Shiga “Marathon Monks” would undergo exhaustive exercises on Mount Hiei. Kiyo trains in isolation deep within Mt. Mortar.
Route 44 彦根市 - 東近江市 & 鈴鹿山脈 Hikone City - Higashiōmi City & Suzuka Mountains 滋賀県 Shiga
Mahogany Town 甲賀市 Kōka City 滋賀県 Shiga Kōka is where the famous Kōga ninja were born and educated (Kōga-ryū, 甲賀流).
Route 43 近江八幡市 Ōmihachiman City 滋賀県 Shiga
Lake of Rage 琵琶湖 Lake Biwa 滋賀県 Shiga Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan.
Ice Path 伊吹山 and 両白山地 Ibuki Mountains and Ryōhaku Mountains 岐阜県 and 滋賀県 Gifu and Shiga Mount Ibuki is an easy-to-climb mountain that is famous for receiving the world's heaviest recorded snowfall. The interiors could be based on Narusawa Ice Cave, but geographically it's too far away from both mountains.
Blackthorn City 白川郷, 岐阜市 Hybrid of Shirakawa-go and Gifu City 岐阜県 Gifu Shiragawa-go is a world heritage site in Shiragawa Village (near Takayama City), which is located near Shō River. Geographically it is placed closer to Gifu City, near Nagara River.
Dragon's Den 金華山 Hybrid of Mount Ibuki and Mount Kinka 岐阜県 Gifu Geographically, it seems to be two different mountains merged together. Mount Kinka is a symbol of Gifu City, known for Gifu Castle. Could also be based on Shōhō-ji and its Gifu Great Buddha Statue, located near said mountain.
Route 45 天竜川, near 水窪ダム Tenryū River, near Misakubo Dam 長野県 and 静岡県 Nagano and Shizuoka
Dark Cave 美濃三河高原 Mino Mikawa Plateau 長野県, 岐阜県 and 愛知県 Nagano, Gifu and Aichi
Cliff Edge Gate 那賀町 Naka Town 徳島県 Tokushima
Routes 47 & 48 三好市 Miyoshi City 徳島県 Tokushima Specifically based on Oboke Gorge and Yoshino River.
Embedded Tower 剣山 Mount Tsurugi 徳島県 Tokushima An important site of Shugendō worship, a sect of mixture of Shintoism and Buddhism. On the top of the mountain, there is a small shrine called ‘Tsurugi Jinja’. There is also a theory that Yamatai, an ancient country that is argued to have settled in Kyūshū, was also located there.
Johto Safari Zone 丸亀市 Marugame City 香川県 Kagawa NEW REOMA WORLD amusement park is based here, which contains an animal park.
Frontier Access 姫路市 Himeji City 兵庫県 Hyōgo
Battle Frontier 姫路セントラルパーク Himeji Central Park 兵庫県 Hyōgo Himeji Castle is located exactly on the Battle Castle position.
Sinjoh Ruins 立山 Mount Tate 富山県 Toyama One of the Three Holy Mountains of Japan. Due to the heavy snowfalls, this mountain is famous for Yuki-no-Otani (Snow Walls), which can reach up to 20m. Inferred from the location of the callout display on the map. (Assuming that Ice Path is the Hida Mountains and Blackthorn City is Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture).


Hoenn is based on the southernmost parts of Japan—Kyūshū region (九州地方, Kyūshū-chihō, meaning "Region of the Nine Provinces", referring to the nine historical provinces that made up the island, currently the region is divided in seven prefectures) and surrounding islands (including the Okinawa island), with its main island flipped counter-clockwise ninety degrees with the smaller islands pushed close together and circulating around its southern side.

Pokémon world Specific location Prefecture Notes
Littleroot Town 伊万里市 or 佐世保市 Imari City or Sasebo City 佐賀県 or 長崎県 Nagasaki or Saga
Route 101 佐世保線 Sasebo Line 佐賀県 or 長崎県 Nagasaki or Saga A railway line that connects Sasebo City to Saga City.
Oldale Town 佐賀市 Saga City 佐賀県 Saga Capital city of the prefecture of same name.
Route 102 唐津線 Karatsu Line 佐賀県 Saga A railway line that connects Saga City to Karatsu City.
Route 103 雲仙市, near 有明海 Unzen City, near Ariake Sea 佐賀県 Nagasaki
Trackless Forest 吉野ヶ里遺跡 Yoshinogari site 佐賀県 Saga
Petalburg City 唐津市 Karatsu City 佐賀県 Saga
Route 104 東松浦半島 Higashimatsūra Peninsula 佐賀県 Saga
Petalburg Woods 古窯の森公園 Koyohinomori Park 佐賀県 Saga
Rustboro City 福岡市 and 北九州市 Fukuoka City and Kitakyushu City 福岡県 Fukuoka Fukuoka is the sixth largest city in Japan and is famous for Kyushu University, a former Imperial University. Is also the capital city of the prefecture of same name. Kitakyushu's main industry is steelmaking. It is also home to Zenrin, a company specializing in navigation software.
Route 116 太宰府市 - 久留米市 Dazaifu City - Kurume City 福岡県 Fukuoka
Rusturf Tunnel 耳納山地 - 筑肥山地 Minō Mountains - Chikuhi Mountains 福岡県 - 熊本県 Fukuoka - Kumamoto
Water Routes 105 & 106 伊万里湾 - 五島列島 Imari Bay - Gotō Islands 長崎県 Nagasaki
Water Routes 107, 108 & 109 五島灘 Gotō Nada 長崎県 Nagasaki
Dewford Town 対馬島 Tsushima Island 長崎県 Nagasaki
Island Cave 壱岐古墳群 Iki Kofungun 長崎県 Nagasaki A group of tumuli and historical site of Iki Island.
Abandoned Ship / Sea Mauville 端島 (長崎県) Hashima Island 長崎県 Nagasaki Hashima Island is known for being walled and for being used for the extraction of coal for cars.
Slateport City 長崎市 Nagasaki City 長崎県 Nagasaki The main industry is shipbuilding. Is the capital city of the prefecture of same name.
Route 110 熊本フェリー route & 島原鉄道線 Kumamoto Ferry route & Shimabara Railway Line 長崎県 Nagasaki
Mauville City 熊本市 Kumamoto City 熊本県 Kumamoto The city is undergoing a large-scale redevelopment. Is the capital city of the prefecture of same name.
New Mauville 熊本港 Port of Kumamoto 熊本県 Kumamoto
Fabled Cave 天草諸島 Amakusa Islands 熊本県 Kumamoto
Route 117 合志市 Kōshi City 熊本県 Kumamoto
Verdanturf Town 菊池市 Kikuchi City 熊本県 Kumamoto
Route 111 & Desert 豊後大野市 - 南阿蘇村 + 南阿蘇村外牧 Bungo-Ōno City - Minamiaso Village + Hokamaki 大分県 - 熊本県 Ōita - Kumamoto
Desert Ruins 長目塚古墳 Nagamezuka Tomb 熊本県 Kumamoto One of the Nakadori burial mounds, an important historical site to Kumamoto Prefecture.
Mirage Tower 阿蘇大御神御足跡石 Aso Omikami Footprint Stone 熊本県 Kumamoto A large holy stone that is believed to be prayed by Takeiwatatsu-no-Mikoto, the guardian deity of the Aso Shrine.
Gnarled Den 九重山 Mount Kujū 大分県 Ōita
Route 112 南阿蘇村河陽 Kawayo, Minamiaso Village 熊本県 Kumamoto
Jagged Pass & Fiery Path 熊本県道111号阿蘇吉田線 Kumamoto Prefectural Road 111 Aso Yoshida Line 熊本県 Kumamoto A mountaineering road that leads to Aso City and Minamiaso Village.
Mt. Chimney 阿蘇山 Mount Aso 熊本県 Kumamoto Mt. Aso is the largest active volcano in Japan.
Lavaridge Town 阿蘇町 and 竹田市 Aso Town and Taketa City 熊本県 and 大分県 Kumamoto and Ōita Aso and Taketa are home to Aso and Nagayu onsen, or hot springs.
Meteor Falls 羽門の滝 or 竜門の滝 (大分県) Udo Falls or Ryumon Falls 大分県 Ōita
Route 114 別府市 Beppu City 大分県 Ōita The rocky area near Meteor Falls is probably based on Mount Yufu, while the waterside near Fallarbor Town is based on Beppu Onsen.
Fallarbor Town 大分市 Ōita City 大分県 Ōita Capital city of the prefecture of same name.
Route 119 高千穂峡 Takachiho Gorge 宮崎県 Miyazaki
Fortree City 日向市 Hyūga City 宮崎県 Miyazaki Hyūga is famous for Nippō Kaigan Quasi-National Park, which contains Cape Hyūga and Myokokuji Garden. Could also be based on Kobayashi City, which literally means Small forest, and its appearance can be based on Sukimuland, an area with various bridges that overlook lush green landscapes and waterfalls. Kobayashi is famous for mountains, flower fields and parks.
Hoenn Safari Zone 宮崎市フェニックス自然動物園 Miyazaki City Phoenix Zoo 宮崎県 Miyazaki
Scorched Slab 天岩戸神社 Amanoiwato Shrine 宮崎県 Miyazaki In Japanese mythology, Amano-Iwato is where Amaterasu hid from her brother Susanoo, who had gone on a rampage.
Ancient Tomb 高屋山上陵 Takaya Yamagami Mausoleum 鹿児島県 Kagoshima The tomb of the mythical Hoori-no-Mikoto, one of the ancestors of the Emperors of Japan.
Route 120 霧島 Kirishima 鹿児島県 Kagoshima
Route 121 霧島市 - 垂水市 Kirishima City - Tarumizu City 鹿児島県 Kagoshima
Water Route 122 鹿児島湾 Kagoshima Bay 鹿児島県 Kagoshima
Mt. Pyre 桜島 Sakurajima 鹿児島県 Kagoshima
Lilycove City 鹿屋市 Kanoya City 鹿児島県 Kagoshima
Route 118 宇土市 - 八代市 Uto City - Yatsushiro City 熊本県 Kumamoto
Route 123 出水市 - 南さつま市 Izumi City - Minamisatsuma City 鹿児島県 Kagoshima
Shoal Cave 馬毛島 Mageshima 鹿児島県 Kagoshima
Water Routes 124 & 125 + Nameless Cavern 吐噶喇列島 - 奄美大島 Tokara Islands - Amami Ōshima 鹿児島県 Kagoshima While geographically don't match, these islands are very similar to the reefs and smaller islands scattered around Mossdeep City. Kikaijima is possibly an inspiration for the villain team's hideout.
Mossdeep City 種子島 Tanegashima Island 鹿児島県 Kagoshima Only covers Nakatane and Minamitane towns, as the Nishinoomote City part is missing in Mossdeep City geography.
Mossdeep Space Center 種子島宇宙センター Tanegashima Space Center 鹿児島県 Kagoshima
Sootopolis City 屋久島 Yakushima 鹿児島県 Kagoshima Its caldera appearance was possibly inspired by Kikai Cladera, a massive yet submerged caldera north of Yakushima, while the architecture of Sootopolis City is based on Santorini, Greece. In ORAS, a large tree was added, similar to Jōmon Sugi found on Yakushima.
Sky Pillar 口永良部島 Kuchinoerabu-jima 鹿児島県 Kagoshima
Water Routes 127 & 128 + Seafloor Cavern 伊平屋島, 具志川島, 伊江島, 伊是名島 & 慶良間諸島 Iheya Island, Gushikawa Island, Iejima, Izena Island & Kerama Islands 沖縄県 Okinawa While geographically don't match, these islands found on these routes are similar in shape to their real world counterparts.
Victory Road 山原 Yanbaru 沖縄県 Okinawa The most natural region of Okinawa Island, with lot's of flowering plants growing in its hinterland, such as tiger's claw and red spider lily.
Ever Grande City 那覇市 Naha City 沖縄県 Okinawa Could possibly be based on Amami Oshima due to being more geographically closer to Kyushu, or Nago City in Okinawa due to the waterfalls.
Hoenn Pokémon League 首里城 Shuri Castle 沖縄県 Okinawa The appearance of the Pokémon League building in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire resembles Shuri Castle, the former official residence of the kings of the Ryukyu Kingdom, that was anexed by Japan in 1879. The Ryukyuan people inhabits the Kagoshima and Okinawa Prefectures.
Water Route 129 & Crescent Isle 渡名喜島 & 粟国島 Tonaki Island & Aguni Island 沖縄県 Okinawa
Mirage Island 八重干瀬 Yabiji 沖縄県 Okinawa Yabiji appears above the sea on March 3 by the lunisolar calendar.[2]
Pacifidlog Town 甑島列島 Koshikijima Islands 鹿児島県 Kagoshima Specifically based on Kamikoshiki-jima part geographically. Could also be inspired by Ishigaki Island, located in the Yaeyama Islands, which contains rare blue corals.
Water Routes 131 & 132 宇治群島 & 草垣群島 Uji Islands & Kusagaki islets 鹿児島県 Kagoshima The reefs on these routes imitate the real life islands.
Water Routes 133 & 134 東シナ海 (久米島, 大東諸島 & 先島諸島) East China Sea (Kume Island, Daitō Islands & Sakishima Islands) 沖縄県 Okinawa The reefs on these routes imitate the real life Okinawan islands.
Pathless Plain 下甑島 Shimokoshiki-jima 鹿児島県 Kagoshima
Battle Tower & Battle Frontier 黒島 Kuroshima 沖縄県 Okinawa
Sealed Chamber 与那国島 Yonaguni 沖縄県 Okinawa Underneath the water's surface, natural rock formations were thought to be artificially created.
Southern Island 男女群島, 五島市 Danjo Islands, Gotō City 長崎県 Nagasaki Uninhabited islands located 70km south-southwest of the Gotō Islands. It is administratively part of Gotō City.
Faraway Island Faraway Island may be based on the lush tropical rain forests of Guyana, which is where Mew was discovered according to the Pokémon Mansion journals.


Sinnoh has been said to be an island like Hoenn, rather than a peninsula. It is based on the northernmost major island of Japan, Hokkaido (北海道, Hokkaidō, literally "Northern Sea Circuit"), as well as parts of the Kuril Islands (Japanese: 千島列島 Chishima Rettō, meaning "Archipelago of Thousand Islands"; Russian: Кури́льские острова́, Kurilskiye ostrova, Kuril Islands). Kunashir Island (Japanese: 国後島 Kunashiri Tō; Russian: Кунаши́р, "Kunashír"), which is in dispute between Russia and Japan, is also included. The Battle Zone is based on Sakhalin (Japanese: 樺太 Karafuto; Russian: Сахали́н, "Sakhalín"), a Russian island whose southern part was controlled by Japan between 1905 and 1945.

Hisui is the historical name of Sinnoh known during its discovery and settlement. The name change could be a reference to the fact that Ezochi (蝦夷地, Ezochi, meaning "Land of the Ezo" or "Ezo-land", Ezo was the historical exonym that the Japanese used to the Ainu people, the original inhabitants of Hokkaido) was renamed Hokkaido and established as a prefecture after the Meiji Restoration. Therefore, the Hisui region is likely based on Hokkaido in the late Edo and early Meiji when large-scale development and modernization took place. The design of Hisui is heavily inspired by the physical geography of Hokkaido.


Pokémon world Specific location Subprefecture / Raion Notes
Twinleaf Town From 室蘭市 to / or 登別市 to / or 白老町 Muroran City to / or Noboribetsu City to / or Shiraoi Town 胆振総合振興局 Iburi The model appears to be based off Muroran City, but based geographically speaking around Noboribetsu City to the western part of Shiraoi Town.
Route 201 室蘭本線 Muroran Main Line 胆振総合振興局 Iburi Around the Shiraoi Town section of the Muroran Main Line to be more specific.
Verity Lakefront 壮瞥町 Sōbetsu 胆振総合振興局 Iburi In Pokémon Platinum, snow sometimes falls here, as many trees are partly covered in a thin layer of ice, while the ground can sometimes be seen with patches of snow. Sōbetsu is home of the Showa Shinzan Yukigassen Tournament, a major Japanese snowball fight tournament.
Lake Verity 洞爺湖 Lake Tōya 胆振総合振興局 Iburi Lake Tōya is a caldera lake with an island located in Shikotsu-Tōya National Park. Volo's lines in Pokémon Legends: Arceus also suggest that Lake Verity was formed by volcano eruption.
Sandgem Town 苫小牧市 Tomakomai City 胆振総合振興局 Iburi
Route 219 苫小牧西港フェリーターミナル Tomakomainishiko Ferry Terminal 胆振総合振興局 Iburi
Water Route 220 苫小牧沖 Off Tomakomai 胆振総合振興局 Iburi
Route 221 日高町 Hidaka Town 日高振興局 Hidaka
Pal Park 新ひだか町 Shinhidaka Town 日高振興局 Hidaka
Route 202 千歳市 Chitose City 石狩振興局 Ishikari
Jubilife City 札幌市 Sapporo City 石狩振興局 Ishikari Sapporo is the capital and largest city of Hokkaido. The Jubilife TV building is a reference to the headquarters of Sapporo TV, the clock of the Pokétch Company can be partially based in the Sapporo Clock Tower, the oldest clock tower in Japan and builded in American style.
Oreburgh City 夕張市 Yūbari City 空知総合振興局 Sorachi Used to be famous for coal mines and has a coal mining museum. In recent years, the city suffers from financial problems, due to the closure of the mines in 1980s.
Oreburgh Mine 夕張炭鉱 Yūbari Coal Mine 空知総合振興局 Sorachi In real life, the mine is not in working condition due to multiple gas explosion accidents in the past.
Oreburgh Mining Museum 夕張市石炭博物館 Yūbari Coal Mine Museum 空知総合振興局 Sorachi The museum documents the importance of coal mining to the local economy from the Meiji period to the Shōwa period.
Route 207 夕張岳 Mount Yūbari 空知総合振興局 Sorachi
Route 204 札沼線 Sasshō Line 石狩振興局 Ishikari
Floaroma Town 富良野市, 当別町, 当別町 Furano City, Tōbetsu Town or Hokuryū Town 上川総合振興局, 石狩振興局, 空知総合振興局 Kamikawa, Ishikari or Sorachi All of these towns are famous for flower production. However, Furano City is too close to the in-game's Cycling Road geographically.
Valley Windworks 苫前町 Tomamae Town 留萌振興局 Rumoi Tomamae is famous for its windmills in the countryside.
Route 205 北海道道4号旭川芦別線 Hokkaido Road No. 4 Asahikawa Ashibetsu Line 上川総合振興局, 空知総合振興局 Kamikawa, Sorachi
Eterna Forest 神居村 Kamui Village 上川総合振興局 Kamikawa A forested village located west of Asahikawa City.
Old Chateau 神居古潭 Kamui Kotan 上川総合振興局 Kamikawa An area in the forest, west of Asahikawa City. There is a folklore that an evil kamui was killed there.
Eterna City 旭川市 Asahikawa City 上川総合振興局 Kamikawa
Cycling Road 富良野線 Furano Line 上川総合振興局 Kamikawa
Route 211 石北本線 Sekihoku Main Line 上川総合振興局 Kamikawa
Mount Coronet 蝦夷山系, 日高山脈 or 大雪山 Ezo Mountain Chain, Hidaka Mountains or Daisetsuzan Volcanic Group 上川総合振興局, 日高振興局, 十勝総合振興局 Kamikawa, Hidaka, Tokachi The Ezo Mountain Chain consists of the Teshio Mountains (天塩山地), the Kitami Mountains (北見山地), the Ishikari Mountains (石狩山地), the Yubari Mountains (夕張山地), and the Hidaka Mountains (日高山脈).
Spear Pillar 旭岳 Asahi-dake 上川総合振興局 Kamikawa Asahi-dake is the tallest mountain peak in Hokkaido, the region which Sinnoh is based on. Its native Ainu name is Kamui-mintara, which means "the playground of the gods".
Hearthome City 帯広市 Obihiro City 十勝総合振興局 Tokachi Obihiro is considered a pleasant city for the Japanese, known for its festivals, shops, street restaurants and the horse track, from which the cheerful atmosphere of Hearthome and the contest hall take inspiration.
Route 208 清水町 or 新得町 Shizumu Town or Shintoku Town 十勝総合振興局 Tokachi The river on this route is based of Tokachi River.
Pokémon Mansion 真鍋庭園 Manabe Garden 十勝総合振興局 Tokachi Founded by Manabe family in 1896, this botanical garden is known for rare conifer species.
Route 212 十勝川 & 六花の森 Tokachi River & Rokka Forest 十勝総合振興局 Tokachi
Route 209 幕別町 & 本別町 Makubetsu Town & Honbetsu Town 十勝総合振興局 Tokachi
Lost Tower 常紋トンネルの近くにある殉職者追悼碑 Line of Duty Death Memorial by Tsunemon Tunnel 十勝総合振興局 Tokachi The memorial is dedicated toward enslaved workers, who died building the Tsunemon Tunnel. The bodies of the forced labourers were buried inside said tunnel.
Solaceon Town 足寄町 Ashoro Town 十勝総合振興局 Tokachi One of Ashoro's main industries is farming.
Solaceon Ruins & Maniac Tunnel 阿寒富士 Akan Fuji 十勝総合振興局 Tokachi
Veilstone City 網走市, 斜里町 Abashiri City & Shari Town オホーツク総合振興局 Okhotsk Both are major port and fishing settlements in Eastern Hokkaido (Japanese: 道東).
Route 215 北海道道334号中藻興部興部線 Hokkaido Road No. 334 Nakamo Kobu Okoppe Line オホーツク総合振興局 Okhotsk
Route 210 サロマ湖, 能取湖, 網走湖 Lake Saroma, Lake Notoro, Lake Abashiri オホーツク総合振興局 Okhotsk Geographically, it should be around Hokkaido Roads No. 239 Kumaushi Otofuke Line & No. 333 Engaru Stop Line
Celestic Town 遠軽町 & 湧別町 Engaru Town & Yūbetsu Town オホーツク総合振興局 Okhotsk Both places are notable for archaeological sites, such as Shirataki Ruins and Shibunotsunai Pit-house Remains. Celestic Ruins could also be based on Tokoro Ruins, one of the important Hokkaidō Heritage sites, located in Kitami City (former Tokoro Town area). However, it is geographically a bit further away from matching up with Sinnoh map, unlike the former two towns.
Route 214 清里町, 弟子屈町 Kiyosato Town & Teshikaga Town オホーツク総合振興局, 釧路総合振興局 Okhotsk, Kushiro
Sendoff Spring 摩周湖 Lake Mashū 釧路総合振興局 Kushiro Lake Mashu, a crater lake, is known as a mysterious spot for the fog that covers its surface.
Turnback Cave カムイシュ島 Kamuishu Island 釧路総合振興局 Kushiro
Valor Lakefront 標茶町 Shibecha Town 釧路総合振興局 Kushiro
Lake Valor 屈斜路湖 and/or 阿寒湖 Lake Kussharo and/or Lake Akan 釧路総合振興局 Kushiro Lake Kussharo is the largest caldera lake with the largest lake island in Japan. Volo's alternative theory of lake formation in Pokémon Legends: Arceus could be inspired by a real-life Ainu legend that Lake Kussharo is formed by the landslide during the fight between a giant whitespotted char and the kamuy and hero Okikurmi. Lake Akan's southern shore is home to several hotels.
Pastoria City 釧路市 Kushiro City 釧路総合振興局 Kushiro Kushiro is the largest city in Eastern Hokkaido.
Route 213 厚岸町 Akkeshi Town 釧路総合振興局 Kushiro Akkeshi Town is a famous tourist attraction.
Great Marsh 釧路湿原 Kushiro Wetland 釧路総合振興局 Kushiro The Kushiro Wetland is the largest marsh in Japan.
Route 218 函館本線 Hakodate Main Line 石狩振興局 Ishikari
Canalave City 小樽市 Otaru City 後志総合振興局 Shiribeshi Otaru is a port city and has a canal
Route 216 下川町, ピヤシリ山 Shimokawa Town & Mount Piyashiri 上川総合振興局 Kamikawa There are many ski resorts in these areas.
Route 217 宗谷本線 Sōya Main Line 上川総合振興局, 宗谷総合振興局 Kamikawa, Sōya Somewhere around Toyotomi Town and Nayoro City.
Snowpoint City 稚内市, 浜頓別町 Wakkanai City & Hamatonbetsu Town 宗谷総合振興局 Sōya Two of the northernmost settlements in mainland Japan. Wakkanai is famous for its maritime trade with Russia, and Hokumon Jinja, a possible inspiration for Snowpoint Temple. Geographically, it is most likely Hamatonbetsu Town as the town is located immediately to the east of Lake Kutcharo (being the model for Lake Acuity) just as Snowpoint City is immediately to the east of Lake Acuity.
Snowpoint Temple 北門神社 Hokumon Jinja 宗谷総合振興局 Sōya A Shinto shrine located in the northern portion of the Wakkanai City.
Lake Acuity クッチャロ湖 Lake Kutcharo 宗谷総合振興局 Sōya Lake Kutcharo is not a caldera lake but a brackish lake formed by the Sea of Okhotsk. This is further hinted by Volo's lines in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. The lake shares its etymology with the aforementioned Lake Kussharo, Ainu kut-caro ("marsh outlet").
Route 222 浜中町 Hamanaka Town 釧路総合振興局 Kushiro It's Ainu name "ota-noske" means "centre of the sandy beach".
Sunyshore City 根室市 Nemuro City 根室振興局 Nemuro
Vista Lighthouse 納沙布岬灯台 Nosappumisaki Lighthouse 根室振興局 Nemuro Nosappumisaki Lighthouse is located on Cape Nosappu, Japan's easternmost spot open to the public.
Iron Island 焼尻島 Yagishiri Island 留萌振興局 Rumoi
Water Route 223 歯舞群島 & 色丹 Habomai Islands & Shikotan 根室振興局 Nemuro The largest reef on this route resembles Shikotan.
Victory Road Головнин Golovnin Южно-Курильский Yuzhno-Kurilsky One of the location on Kunashir Island, which has been disputed between Japan and Russia since the end of WWII due to ambiguities in the Treaty of San Francisco. Though both countries claim it, the island is controlled by Russia.
Pokémon League Менделеева Mendeleyeva Южно-Курильский Yuzhno-Kurilsky The waterfall in front of the Pokémon League is probably based on the caldera lake in the central part of Kunashir Island.
Route 224 Тятя & Маяк Ловцова Tyatya & Cape Lovtsova Южно-Курильский Yuzhno-Kurilsky The easternmost cape of Kunashir Island.
Seabreak Path Курильские острова Kuril Islands Южно-Курильский, Курильский, Северо-Курильский Yuzhno-Kurilsky, Kurilsky, Severo-Kurilsky In real life, Kuril Islands are an archipelago, that forms a straight chain made of several smaller islands.
Flower Paradise Остров Атласова Atlasov Island Северо-Курильский Severo-Kurilsky Both are the northernmost islands of their respective zones: the Flower Paradise is the northernmost zone in Sinnoh, much like Atlasov, the northernmost island of the Kuril Islands.
Fight Area Невельск, Холмск Nevelsk or Kholmsk Невельский Nevelsky Nevelsk town thrived on maritime transportation under Japanese control. It now relies on salmon fishery. Kholmsk used to be a military post and is now one of the largest and important transport centre in Sakhalin.
Survival Area Анива Aniva Анивский Anivsky The town is located in a relatively warm area with fertile land suitable for agriculture.
Water Route 230 Залив Анива Aniva Bay Анивский, Корсаковский Anivsky, Korakovsky
Resort Area Новиково Novikovo Корсаковский Korakovsky The village shared its Japanese name and etymology with a scenic peninsula in Hokkaido.
Route 229 Бирюзовые озера и леса возле Новиково Turquoise lakes and forests near Novikovo Корсаковский Korakovsky A popular tourist destination, due to unusually blue coloured quarry lakes, a leftover of coal mining.
Route 228 Озеро Буссе Lake Busse Корсаковский Korakovsky
Route 227 Дачное, Южно-Сахалинск Dachnoe & Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Корсаковский, Южно-Сахалинск Korakovsky, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk The black rocks found Route 227 could be based of red soil near Dachnoe.
Stark Mountain Пик Чехова Pik Chekhova Южно-Сахалинск Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk This mountain near the Oblast capital Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (formerly Toyohara) is named after Anton Chekhov, who visited Sakhalin in 1890, in Russian. Unlike the game location, the real mountain is not a volcano.
Water Route 226 Залив Анива Aniva Bay Анивский, Корсаковский Anivsky, Korakovsky The island in the middle of this route could be based of Moneron Island, but it is located west of Sakhalin, not in Aniva Bay itself.
Fullmoon Island 礼文島 Rebun Island 宗谷総合振興局 Sōya Rebun It is famous for its flowers and mountains, reflected in the geography of Fullmoon Island. Rebun It was a cult site for the god Rep-un-kamuy, worshiped for offering food and guiding navigators, described as being generous, similar to Cresselia's peaceful demeanor, and offering help, in the form of the Lunar Feather to the player
Newmoon Island 利尻島 Rishiri Island 宗谷総合振興局 Sōya


Pokémon world Specific location Subprefecture Notes
Prelude Beach 石狩湾 Ishikari Bay Both Otaru and Sapporo developed from Japanese trading posts and early settlements around Ishikari Bay.
Jubilife Village 札幌市 Sapporo City 石狩振興局 Ishikari Many locations within Jubilife Village appear to be based on historical landmarks of Sapporo. Galaxy Hall is based on the Former Hokkaidō Government Office, an example of American Baroque Revival architecture in Japan. Floaro Main Street is based on the Odori street (now an urban park). Canala Bridge is based on Sosei Bridge, both featuring Giboshi on railings. The Farm and Pasture could correspond to the merged Yamana Village and Sapporo Village (now Higashi-ku or "east ward").
Aspiration Hill 羊ケ丘 Hitsujigaoka The bronze statue of Dr. William S. Clark, co-founder and President of the Sapporo Agricultural College (later the Hokkaido University), stands on the hill. The name "Aspiration" could be a reference to Dr. Clark's parting words to his Japanese students, "Boys, be ambitious!"
Horseshoe Plains 野幌森林 Nopporo Forest Now a Prefectural Natural Park.
Deertrack Heights 馬追丘陵 Maoi Hills Eniwa and Chitose, two satellite cities of Sapporo, are situated on the west slope of the Maoi Hills.
Sandgem Flats 勇払平野 Yūfutsu Plain 胆振総合振興局 Iburi Tomakomai City is located in the middle of the Yūfutsu Plain.
Obsidian Falls 千鳥ヶ滝 Chidori Falls 空知総合振興局 Sorachi The Yūbari River formed various cascades on the west boundary of the Yūbari City, collectively known as "Chidori".
Grueling Grove 栗山町 Kuriyama Town The town is named after the dense chestnut forest on the site.
Golden Lowlands and Gapejaw Bog 十勝平野 Tokachi Plain 十勝総合振興局 Tokachi Japan's second largest plain and major crop production area is shaped by the Tokachi River. The region also saw wetland restoration and indigenous cultural revival in recent years.
Scarlet Bog 鶴居村 Tsurui Village 釧路総合振興局 Kushiro The wetland national park spans the administrative areas of Kushiro City, Tsurui Village, and Shibecha Town. The location of Scaelet Bog in Crimson Mireland is comparable to that of Tsurui in the Kushiro wetland.
Cottonsedge Prairie 弟子屈町 Teshikaga Town The southern half of Teshikaga consists of the lower plains south of Lake Lake Kussharo and Lake Akan.
Droning Meadow 標茶町 Shibecha Town The pond where wild Turtwig is encountered may be based on Lake Shirarutoro or Lake Tо̄ro.
Sludge Mound and Ursa's Ring 阿寒町 Akan Town The former Yūbestu Coal Mine (雄別炭鉱) and the Kushiro City Zoo are located in Akan Town, now part of Kushiro City. Following the closure of the coal mine in 1970, forests were restored and sightings of Ussuri brown bear have become common in recent decades.
Solaceon Ruins, Bolderoll Slope, and Diamond Heath 阿寒岳 Akan Volcanic Complex The mountain in which the Solaceon Ruins are carved resembles Mount Akan-Fuji, and the ridges on its northwest resemble Mount Meakan. The peak to the east of the settlement could be based on Mount Oakan.
Diamond Settlement 阿寒湖アイヌコタン Lake Akan Ainu Kotan 釧路総合振興局 Kushiro It is the largest Ainu settlement in Hokkaido with 120 inhabitants. Most of the Kotan have been converted into tourist attractions and cultural facilities.
Cloudpool Ridge 釧北峠 Senpoku Pass This mountain pass through the watershed of the Kushiro River, the Tokachi River, and the Abashiri River is part of an Ainu road leading to seaside.
Shrouded Ruins 津別峠 Tsubetsu Pass Known for cloud view and dense mountain fog, this mountain pass is the site of an observation deck in a European-style castle that oversees Lake Kussharo.
Crossing Slope 中標津町 Nakashibetsu Town 根室振興局 Nemuro The player's encounter with the special Basculegion could be a reference to the predominant role of Shibetsu, Nemuro in salmon fishery.
Ginkgo Landing 標津町 Shibetsu Town
Bathers' Lagoon 風蓮湖 and 温根沼 Lake Fūren and Lake Onneto These two adjacent brackish lakes form a large lagoon in the Nemuro Bay. Lake Fūren is a Ramsar wetland.
Deadwood Haunt 根室半島 Nemuro Peninsula The wrecked ships in this area could be a reference to the maritime archeological sites of the Okhotsk culture.
Sand's Reach 納沙布岬 Cape Nosappu Cape Nosappu is more similar to a palm facing upwards than one spreading its five fingers.
Hideaway Bay 落石湾 Rakuseki Bay Rakuseki Bay refers to the water body between Cape Ochiishi and Hanamatsu, Nemuro.
Tombolo Walk ユルリ島 and モユルリ島 Yururi Island and Moyururi Island These two uninhabited islands off the coast of Nemuro Peninsula have been designated as nature reserve since the late 1970s.
Castaway Shore 羅臼町 Rausu Town Named after the main peak of the Shiretoko volcanoes, the town occupies the southeastern half of the peninsula.
Aipom Hill 根釧台地 Konsen Plateau The lattice windbreak on its windward side is a Hokkaidō Heritage site.
Tranquility Cove 野付湾 and 根室湾 Notsuke Bay and Nemuro Bay The dry forest along the Cobalt Coastlands could be inspired by Todowara, forests of withered Sakhalin firs on the Notsuke Peninsula.
Windbreak Stand 斜里岳道立自然公園 Sharidake Prefectural Natural Park This natural park is named after Mount Shari, whose montane forests form natural windbreaks.
Veilstone Cape 知床半島 Shiretoko Peninsula Shiretoko derives from Ainu sir-etok (land's end). The peninsula was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site under the natural category in 2005.
Lunker's Lair 知床岬 Cape Shiretoko オホーツク総合振興局 Okhotsk The northeastern-most portion of the Shiretoko Peninsula is under the administration of Shari.
Islespy Shore 斜里町 Shari Town The visitor center of the Shiretoko National Park belongs to Shari.
Wayward Wood 富良野岳 Mount Furano 上川総合振興局 Kamikawa Mt. Furano is a stratovolcano in the Tokachi Volcanic Group with rich floral diversity.
Ancient Quarry 十勝岳 Mount Tokachi Mt. Tokachi is known for its sulfur deposit and bogs, along with natural hot springs. Most sulfur quarries were destroyed by the 1962 eruption.
Temple of Sinnoh 旭岳 Mount Asahi The Greek architecture of the Temple of Sinnoh may be inspired by the Parthenon, which was critically damaged by an explosion in 1687.
Cloudcap Pass 層雲峡 Sōunkyō The ridges and valleys to the east and south of Mt. Asahi was named Sōunkyō (lit. "cloudcap gorges") in 1921.
Clamberclaw Cliffs 石狩岳 Mount Ishikari Mount Ishikari is the watershed of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan.
Whiteout Valley 音威子府村 Otoineppu 上川総合振興局 Kamikawa The village is a tourist attraction known for Mt. Otoi-Fuji (音威富士) and ski resorts.
Avalanche Slopes 中川町 Nakagawa Town The large amount of ammonites excavated in this village in the Meiji era earned it the nickname "Fossile Village".
Avalugg's Legacy 中頓別町 Nakatonbetsu Town 宗谷総合振興局 Sōya The large ice formation may be inspired by Mount Pinneshiri (ピンネシリ岳), whose contour line resembles a tortoise shell on maps. The underground caves in this area could be based on the Nakatonbetsu Limestone Cave (中頓別鍾乳洞), which is the northernmost Karst system of Japan and a nature park.
Pearl Settlement 浜頓別町 Hamatonbetsu Town The land was inhabited by an Ainu tribe named Nitat-nay (仁達内 Nitachinai), whose name means "wetland river". First seen in 1670, the name "Tonbetsu" derives from Ainu to-un-pet (river running out of a lake), referring to its location at the confluence of the Tonbetsu River and Lake Kutcharo.


A comparison of Unova to New York City and parts of eastern New Jersey

Unova has been said to be significantly distant from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. Instead of being based on an area of Japan, Unova is based on New York City as well as parts of northwestern New Jersey. Both states are part of the United States.

Pokémon world Specific location State (New York City borough/county) Notes
Nuvema Town Coney Island New York City (Brooklyn)
P2 Laboratory Governors Island New York City (Manhattan) While there were no laboratories when the games were created, in 2019 city officials proposed to build a climate change research facility here.
Accumula Town Marine Park New York City (Brooklyn)
Striaton City Canarsie New York City (Brooklyn) Striaton makes a multitude of references to the glaciers that formed Long Island, including its location compared to the central land.
Dreamyard Floyd Bennett Field New York City (Brooklyn) A historic place near Marine Park and part of Naval Air Station New York. Latios and Latias, who are available for capture in B2W2, could be a reference to airplanes.
Wellspring Cave McCarren Park New York City (Brooklyn) Know for McCarren Play Centre, which contains bathhouse and a pool.
Nacrene City Boerum Hill New York City (Brooklyn) Used to be mostly populated by working class ironworker families, until the late 1990s gentrification, which made it popular among upper-class individiuals. The decommissioned railway and a museum in Nacrene City could be a reference to New York Transit Museum found near Boerum Hill. Also, in Pokémon Adventures, the city is called "city of art" due to its avant-garde artists, a possible reference to Boerum Hill's own artists and their art galleries.
Pinwheel Forest Cadman Plaza park New York City (Brooklyn) A park near the Brooklyn Bridge.
Castelia City Lower Manhattan New York City (Manhattan) Lower Manhattan is the business centre of New York City, as well as the United States. The New York City Hall is located here, this building contains the Office of the Mayor of New York City (executive branch) and the chambers of the New York City Council (legislative branch). The New York County Courthouse (judicial branch) is also located here. The central park of Castelia are partially based in Battery Park, according to Satoshi Yamamoto, the Café Sonata was based in the CBGB music club.
Join Avenue Empire State Building or Times Square New York City (Manhattan)
Skyarrow Bridge Brooklyn Bridge New York City (Brooklyn and Manhattan) Also based on Rainbow Bridge in Tokyo, Japan
Unova Route 4 World Trade Center site? New York City (Manhattan) In all versions of the route, it is shown that the road is being built; in some versions, the route is shown in a desolate and reconstructed form.
Desert Resort Chelsea New York City (Manhattan)
Relic Passage Holland Tunnel New York City (Manhattan) and New Jersey (Hudson County)
Nimbasa City Midtown Manhattan New York City (Manhattan) Midtown Manhattan is the zone where the headquarters of the New York subway, the main skyscrapers of the city and several embassies. Nimbasa's entertainment atmosphere is based on Times Square, the main center of entertainment, food, sports, products etc, of New York.
Gear Station 59th Street–Columbus Circle station New York City (Manhattan) A subway station located at Columbus Circle. Could also be inspired by Grand Central Station and Penn Station as they bear architectural similarities to Gear Station.
Big Stadium and Small Court West Side Stadium and Madison Square Garden New York City (Manhattan) West Side Stadium was a proposed Olympic stadium that was cancelled in 2005. Considering American football, soccer, and baseball games are held at Big Stadium, it may also draw inspiration from Polo Grounds.
Musical Theater Broadway New York City (Manhattan) Like Broadway, Pokémon Musical is often visited in the city where dances and choreography are done with their own stories just like a real musical.
Lostlorn Forest Hallett Nature Sanctuary New York City (Manhattan)
Driftveil City Union City New Jersey (Hudson County) Union City is known for its many mining companies. The Pokémon World Tournament stadium may reference the MetLife Stadium.
Driftveil Drawbridge George Washington Bridge New York City (Manhattan) and New Jersey (Fort Lee) Aesthetically, it was based of George Washington Bridge. However, geographically it is placed where the Lincoln Tunnel should be, which is not a bridge.
Clay Tunnel Interstate 95 New York City (Manhattan) and New Jersey (Fort Lee)
Chargestone Cave Freshkills Park New York City (Staten Island) While geographically it doesn't match, this proposed park is being build atop of a former landfill, with one of the purposes being utilising the land for renewable energy, such as building solar panels.
Mistralton City Teterboro New Jersey (Bergen County) The Mistralton City Airport's real-life counterpart is the Teterboro Airport.
Mistralton Cave Laurel Hill Park New Jersey (Hudson County)
Celestial Tower Maple Grove Park Cemetery New Jersey (Bergen County)
Twist Mountain Hackensack Meadowlands Conservation and Wildlife Area New Jersey (Bergen County) For a long time, these wetlands where urbanized and environmentally abused, being a site of large landfills. Currently undergoing the restoration and conversation program.
Icirrus City Ridgefield or Ridgefield Park New Jersey (Bergen County) A town founded by Dutch settlers, recognizable by its small classical European style buildings (similar to the rural atmosphere of Icirrus).
Moor of Icirrus Overpeck County Park New Jersey (Bergen County) Known for Overpeck Creek. Could also possibly based on Teaneck Creek, which is located a bit further north.
Dragonspiral Tower Ridgefield Park New Jersey (Bergen County) Despite being nowhere close to New Jersey, it is possible it took inspirations from Washington Monument, as both location are related to the founding history and war. Another theory, it may have connections to Field Station: Dinosaurs, as both locations has reptilian theme going on (dragons & dinosaurs). However, the New Jersey's theme park was opened in 2012, 2 years after the release of the original BW.
Tubeline Bridge Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge Nyack (New York) and Tarrytown (New York) Based on the original incarnation of said bridge - Tappan Zee Bridge - before it got replaced with the current one in 2017. Also resembles the Forth Bridge, which is found in Scotland.
Shopping Mall Nine Palisades Center Mall West Nyack, New York (New York) Located on the opposite side of the bridge in real life. Could possibly based on Bridge Plaza in Tarrytown, which matches up with the position.
Challenger's Cave The Blockhouse New York City (Manhattan) A small fort built in the northern part of Central Park in 1814.
Opelucid City Harlem & Washington Heights New York City (Manhattan)
Pokémon League Hempstead House or New York Botanical Garden Nassau County (Long Island) or New York City (The Bronx) The cupolas of the Pokémon League are reminiscent of the domes of the enclosure's three main greenhouses. It's castle aesthetic is based of Hempstead House, while the desert environment is possibly a play on word of the real estate being located in Sands Point.
Village Bridge Robert F. Kennedy Bridge New York City (Manhattan, Queens and The Bronx) It also resembles Ponte Vecchio bridge in Italy.
Lacunosa Town Flushing New York City (Queens) Flushing is the fourth largest central business district in New York City, and has one of the most diverse range in demographics, which is reflected in its architecture. Could also be based on Astoria, a neighbourhood that has been home to the largest Greek-American community in the United States since 1960, due to Lacunosa's towering blue and white houses resembling Santorini in Greece.
Giant Chasm Kissena Park New York City (Queens) Located in Flushing. In Chippewa language, Kissena means "cold place", a possible inspiration for Kyurem being placed here.
Route 14 Broad Channel New York City (Queens)
Undella Town Howard Beach & The Hamptons Long Island (Queens) Geographically it fits in as Jamaica, Queens, however thematically it takes heavy inspiration from The Hamptons of Long Island, in that it is largely vacant for most of the year but fills up with vacationers and celebrities during the Summertime.
Undella Bay Jamaica Bay & Great South Bay New York City (Nassau County) Abyssal Ruins found here is based of Ancient Greek Pavlopetri Ruins, which sank into Mediterranean Sea due to the earthquake and tsunami 3000 years ago.
Abundant Shrine Highland Park New York City (Brooklyn)
Marvelous Bridge Queensboro Bridge New York City (Manhattan and Queens)
Black City Long Island City New York City (Queens) Long Island City, it houses multiple main headquarters of companies such as Eagle Electric, Wonton Foods, Amazon etc, in addition to having luxurious lofts, all this is reflected in the corporate and commercial atmosphere of Black City.
Black Tower Skyline Tower New York City (Queens) The tallest building in Queens and made entirely of blue glass.
White Forest Queensbridge Houses New York City (Queens) Geographically, it fits Queensbridge, a uniquely build public housing, that manages to harmonize urban buildings and natural trees together. However, it is possible that it takes elements from two of the largest parks in Queens: Alley Pond Park (White Treehollow resembles Queens Giant. The tallest and possibly oldest tulip poplar tree in New York and it has a hollow entrance) and Forest Park (a haven for native plants and wildlife in the midst of the city's sprawl).
Poké Transfer Lab Cornell Tech New York City (Manhattan)
Entralink Central Park New York City (Manhattan) The Entralink also draws inspiration from the Tokyo Imperial Palace.
Liberty Garden Liberty Island New York City (Manhattan exclave)
Unity Tower Headquarters of the United Nations New York City (international territory) Geographically placed somewhere, where Ellis Island should be.
Pokéstar Studios Lincoln Park New Jersey (Hudson County) Thematically, it is based of Hollywood in Los Angeles.
Anville Town Morristown New Jersey (Morris County) Morristown has attempted to implement transit-oriented development and is one of the first "transit villages" to be designated in New Jersey.
Aspertia City Elizabeth New Jersey (Union County)
Floccesy Town Newark New Jersey (Essex County)
Floccesy Ranch Branch Brook Park New Jersey (Essex County)
Cave of Being Weequahic Park New Jersey (Essex County) Known for its Weequahic Lake Trail.
Virbank City Jersey City New Jersey (Hudson County) Virbank Complex bears some resemblance to the oil refineries and tanker area located along the New Jersey Turnpike.
Lentimas Town Forest Hills New York City (Queens) Forest Hills is densely populated with red-brick buildings, similar to Lentimas Town's buildings. They also closely resemble those of Santa Fe, New Mexico's Pueblo Revival style buildings. There is a theory, that it based on three neighbourhoods with the largest communities of Mexicans in Brooklyn, but none of them match geographically.
Reversal Mountain Forest Park New York City (Queens) Besides it's status as a haven for wild life, Forest Park is also known for its Hiking Trails.
Strange House Maple Grove Cemetery New York City (Queens) Possibly took inspirations from Renwick Smallpox Hospital, but it's located on Roosevelt Island.
Humilau City Fire Island Long Island (Nassau County and Suffolk County) While map-wise it would fit in as part of Queens or eastern Nassau County, Humilau City strongly resembles the nautical backdrop of many Long Island villages. Specifically, its use of boardwalks is taken directly from many beach communities on Fire Island, such as Davis Park or Cherry Grove which consist almost entirely of boardwalks.
Seaside Cave Lawrence New York (Nassau County)
Marine Tube Ocean Parkway Long Island (Nassau County and Suffolk County) While the New York City area has no underwater tunnels akin to Marine Tube, the closest comparison both geographically and thematically is Ocean Parkway, a beachside highway which is known by locals for its beautiful views of wildlife and the ocean.


A comparison of Kalos to France

Kalos is based on the northern half of Metropolitan France and Alderney, one of the Channel Islands which are self-governing crown dependencies of the United Kingdom.

Pokémon world Specific location Administrative region Notes
Vaniville Town Moulins Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Moulins had various old terraced houses, in Vaniville, the houses of the town are all terraced.
Aquacorde Town Nevers Bourgogne-Franche-Comté The great bridge is probably based on a bridge on the river Loire in Nevers. The central square of Aquacorde is based in the Place de la République (Republic square), a square surrounded by various french-style row houses and with two separated gardens, like the square of Aquacorde.
Santalune City Fontainebleau Île-de-France The fountain on the central plaza might be based on the fontaine de Diane.
Santalune Forest Forest of Fontainebleau Île-de-France It is the most touristic forest in France.
Détourner Way Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours Île-de-France The Rhyhorn race track is based in this circuit, shared for the cities of Nevers and Magny Cours. The route itself is based in the observation zones of the circuit.
Parterre Way Seine-et-Marne and the gardens of the region Île-de-France The aspect of the route is modeled after the impressive Parterre gardens of the Palace of Fontainebleau, located in Fontainebleau in Seine-et-Marne. The region of Marne is famous for its palaces with parterres, also, the route can be based in the gardens of the palace of Vaux-le-Vicomte, where the parterre are in the sides of the garden, like the route 4.
Lumiose City Paris[3] Île-de-France The largest city in Kalos, the Lumiose Museum is based on the Louvre. The streets of Lumiose are based on the Place de l'Étoile (square of the star and current Place Charles de Gaulle), in which there is the Arc de Triomphe. The modern buildings that surround the city may be a reference to the buildings of La Défense, the most important business district in France.
Prism Tower Eiffel Tower Paris Both are lattice towers. The Eiffel Tower is the most emblematic monument in all of France and a symbol of modernity in Paris. The prism tower reflects this by being a modern building made of glass.
Versant Road Sèvres Île-de-France A commune on the outskirts of Paris that houses a Skate Park, in addition, the commune is in an elevated area of the Seine, similar to the mountainous aspect of the route.
Camphrier Town Blois Centre-Val de Loire During the Renaissance, Blois was the official residence of the King of France.
Shabboneau Castle Château of Blois Centre-Val de Loire Used to be the residence for the Counts of Blois and some French Kings.
Rivière Walk Loire Valley and its surroundings Centre-Val de Loire and Pays de la Loire Nicknamed the Garden of France, it is a region known for its vineyards and vegetable crops, as well as its châteaus and castles.
Palais Lane Avenue de Paris Île-de-France A route located in the city of Versailles, decorated with trees and parterres that are the main road to the Palace of Versailles.
Parfum Palace Palace of Versailles Île-de-France The king who ordered the construction of the palace and who is mentioned several times, is a reference to Louis XIV of France. The second floor and hallway of the Parfum Palace is based in the Galerie des Glaces.
Battle Chateau Château de Chenonceau Centre-Val de Loire Nicknamed the castle of the ladies, in reference to the noble women who financed its reconstruction and for the parties they held. This is referenced in the fact that Diantha is the top trainer in the chateau. The façade of the Battle Chateau reminiscent of the high-ceilinged, round towers of Chambord.
Connecting Cave Lac de Grand-Lieu Pays de la Loire
Muraille Coast La Pointe du Chay, Nouvelle-Aquitaine An elevated maritime and rocky areaa, cloistered in the mountains and composed of prehistoric deposits and rocks.
Spikes Passage Périgord Nouvelle-Aquitaine A mountainous and elevated area in south-central France. In real life, it is a fertile area.
Ambrette Town La Rochelle Nouvelle-Aquitaine An aquarium lies in La Rochelle. The city is famous in France for the geologic deposits from the Jurassic, that constitute great part of the coast of the city.
Glittering Cave Lascaux Cave Nouvelle-Aquitaine Lascaux is a network of caves famous for prehistoric parietal wall paintings. Junichi Masuda said in an interview that they relied on the Catacombs of Paris.[citation needed]
Cyllage City Saint-Nazaire Pays de la Loire Saint-Nazaire has a major harbour and a long tradition of fishing and shipbuilding. Could possibly be also based on Saint-Brevin-les-Pins.
Menhir Trail and Geosenge Town Carnac and the Carnac stones[3] Brittany Notable for its standing stones. In the games, the ultimate weapon turned various Pokémon into stones, possibly referencing a legend which stated that the Carnac stones were pagan soldiers who were turned into stone by Pope Cornelius, or Roman soldiers turned into stone by the magician Merlin.
Reflection Cave Armorican Massif Brittany The massif is composed of metamorphic and magmatic rocks that were metamorphosed and/or deformed during the Hercynian or Variscan orogeny and the earlier Cadomian orogeny. The competent old rocks of the Armorican Massif have been eroded to a plateaulike peneplain. The concept could also be based on the legends of the Britons called Miroirs aux fées (fairies mirrors). Fairy mirrors are usually caves with bright quartz veins or lakes where they are said to live fairies and like to see themselves in them like a mirror.
Shalour City Saint-Malo Brittany In the anime, the city has a walled aspect; Saint-Malo is known for its fortresses and for being walled.
Tower of Mastery Mont Saint-Michel Normandy A island-city in the coast, the summit of the island is crowned with a gothic abbey since the early Middle Ages. This match with the tower of mastery being a solemn site related with the megaevolution and the statue of Lucario, in reference to the statue of the angel Gabriel in the summit.
Azure Bay The English Channel
Sea Spirit's Den Channel Islands Bailiwick of Guernsey Specifically based on Alderney, one of the Channel Islands which are self-governing crown dependencies of the United Kingdom.
Fourrage Road Parc naturel régional des Marais du Cotentin et du Bessin and the Pays d'Auge region Normandy A natural reserve in the Cotentin peninsula in the north of France. The Pays d'Auge is a farmer region in Normandy, famous for its cheese, dairy, apples and cider production in France, this is reflexed in the Baa de Mer ranch of Kalos and the tall grass of the route.
Coumarine City Le Havre Normandy The city has a monorail and several trams, in addition, like the game, the coastal part is a large tourist area and the north is residential.
Lumiose Badlands Pays de Bray Normandy A fertile area near Paris, thanks to the clay soil.
Kalos Power Plant Saint-Laurent Nuclear Power Plant Centre-Val de Loire Saint-Laurent is located close to Paris and is surrounded by sunflowers (in reference to Kalos Power Plant's solar power). Could also be based on Crucey Solar Park, an actual Solar Power Plant, which is also close to Paris, although it lacks any buildings that the former has.
Laverre Nature Trail Hortillonnages d'Amiens Hauts-de-France From vulgar Latin Hortellus that means little garden, are a series of swamps in the east of Amiens, built in the Gallo-Roman era of France and used as agricultural fields and are now an ecological and landscape park.
Laverre City Calais and Amiens Hauts-de-France Geographically, it is closer to be based of Calais - a major port city with old part of town being surrounded by canals. Thematically, it is most likely based of Amiens, as it won awards for rich wooded heritage and being one of the greenest French cities.
Laverre Gym Hôtel de ville de Calais or Belfry of Amiens Calais, Hauts-de-France Both belfries are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, as part of a set of Belfries of Belgium and France. The gym's clock is based on the imposing bell towers in their respective cities.
Mélancolie Path Canal de l'Ourcq Île-de-France The Canal de l'Ourcq was built to provide drinking water to Paris and is currently used as a recreational area for fishing and boating. This is reflected in the fishing club on the route and the fact that the river ends artificially.
Lost Hotel Abbey of St. Jean des Vignes Hauts-de-France An old abbey in Soissons near Paris, which was destroyed during the French revolution and only the facade is left standing.
Frost Cavern Ardennes Grand Est Ardennes is a zone that had a rocky landscape and various hills with forests and rough terrain, is located in the frontier with Belgium and Luxembourg, this match with the Frost Cavern located in the north of Kalos, like the Ardennes are near Belgium in the north.
Dendemille Town Charleville-Mézières Grand Est Charleville's region is known for its windmills.
Terminus Cave Northern Vosges Regional Nature Park Grand Est
Anistar City Strasbourg Grand Est The sundial may be a reference to Strasbourg astronomical clock.
Couriway Town Molsheim Grand Est Molsheim is located close to several waterfalls, such as Nideck Waterfall, Casscade de la Serva and Cascade de l'Andlau. Couriway train station also somewhat resembles Molsheim station.
Grande Vallée Way Lac de Lispach The Vosgues in Grand Est A boggy lake and forestal region in the mountains near the Alps.
Snowbelle City Besançon Bourgogne-Franche-Comté The nearby Jura Mountains are known for cold temperatures and sometimes nicknamed "Little Siberia".
Pokémon Village Parc naturel régional du Haut-Jura Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Winding Woods and Dernière Way Plateau des Mille Étangs Bourgogne-Franche-Comté A extensiveforest and mountainous landscape in the west of France.
Victory Road Mont Beuvray Burgundy Mont Beuvray is generally identified as ancient Bibracte, a fortified settlement. Used to be capital of the Aedui and one of the most important hillforts in Gaul. Nowadays, it is an archaeological park at the centre of a protected forest.
Pokémon League building Château de Chambord Centre-Val de Loire Should be located somewhere in Burgundy, but the place itself resembles Château de Chambord more, the largest château in the Loire Valley. It was built to serve as a hunting lodge for Francis I and ended up being one the most influential architectures, inspiring the design of several European castles.
Kiloude City Lyon Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Lyon is located in the south, connected via train to Paris like Lumiose and has a open air zoo.
Battle Maison Hôtel de Ville de Lyon Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes


A comparison of Alola to Hawaii

Alola is based on Hawaii,[4] one of the states that is a part of the United States.

Pokémon world Specific location Island Notes
Melemele Island Oʻahu Houses the state capital and the former monarchy of Hawaii. Its designated island color is yellow (melemele in Hawaiian) and its designated island flower is the ʻilima.
Hau'oli City Honolulu Oʻahu The state capital of Hawaii.
Hau'oli City Beachfront Waikīkī Oʻahu Waikiki and its beaches are a notable tourist destination in Hawaii.
Hau'oli City Shopping District Ala Moana Center Oʻahu Ala Moana Center is the largest shopping mall in Hawaiʻi.
Hau'oli City Marina Ala Wai Harbor Oʻahu The largest small boat and yacht harbor in Hawaii.
Hau'oli City Outskirts Hawaiʻi Kai Oʻahu One of the largest residential areas in O'ahu.
Iki Town Wahiawā Oʻahu
Berry fields Dole Plantation Oʻahu The largest currently operating pineapple plantation in the state.
Hau'oli Cemetery Nanakuli Homestead Cemetery Oʻahu
Mahalo Trail ʻAiea Loop Trail Oʻahu
Verdant Cavern Kaneana Cave (Makua Cave) Oʻahu
Melemele Meadow Kaipapau Forest Reserve Oʻahu Could also be based on National Wildlife Refuge, which is dedicated to preserving and restoring populations of endangered honeycreepers, but it doesn't match geographically.
Ten Carat Hill Diamond Head (Lēʻahi) Oʻahu Necrozma's appearance here in Pokémon Sun and Moon references the historical belief by western sailors that the calcite crystals near the mountain were diamonds.
Seaward Cave Mermaid Cave Oʻahu
Kala'e Bay Hanauma Bay Oʻahu A popular tourist attraction on Oʻahu, the bay is a nature sanctuary is well known for its efforts for preserving native marine life.
Ruins of Conflict Puʻu o Mahuka Heiau Oʻahu The largest heiau on Oahu. It contains a luakini, a sacrificial altar meant to bring success during times of war.
Melemele Sea Kaiwi Channel Oʻahu An ocean channel that separates Oahu from Molokaʻi.
Big Wave Beach Turtle Bay Resort Oʻahu A resort area located near the surfing beach.
Sandy Cave Turtle Cove Oʻahu
Akala Island Maui Its designated island color is pink (ʻākala in Hawaiian).
Heahea City Kahului Maui
Brooklet Hill Kanaha Pond State Wildlife Sanctuary Maui
Pikachu Valley ʻIao Valley Maui
Heahea Beach Kahului Beach Maui
Paniola Town Makawao Maui A community on Maui known to be dominated by agriculture and ranch lands.
Paniola Ranch Haleakala Ranch Maui Largest ranch on Maui.
Royal Avenue The Shops at Wailea Maui Mall with more than 70 shops, restaurants & art galleries, with regular evening entertainment.
Diglett's Tunnel Olowalu Tunnel Maui A long road tunnel that connects Lahaina to Wailuku. Located on Honoapi'ilani Highway. It could also be based on Olowalu Shaft, which is located close to Olowalu Tunnel.
Konikoni City Lāhainā Maui Lahaina is one of numerous locations of Hawaii where Chinese immigrants immigrated to work on local sugar cane plantations. Lahaina houses the only two Chinese Society Halls that exist and are maintained in Hawaii.
Hano Grand Resort Grand Wailea Resort Maui The most prominent hotel in the Wailea area.
Hano Beach Makena Beach Maui
Wela Volcano Park Haleakalā National Park Maui The tallest volcano on Maui and is currently inactive. Terrain is closer to Kīlauea.
Dividing Peak Tunnel Hana Highway Maui Hana Lava Tube is located around this stretch.
Lush Jungle Hana Forest Reserve Maui It is the largest tropical forest on the island of Maui.
Memorial Hill Olowalu Petroglyphs Maui
Ruins of Life Piʻilanihale Heiau Maui The largest heiau in the State of Hawaii.
Ula'ula Island Hawaii Island The largest island in the archipelago. Its designated island color is red (ʻulaʻula in Hawaiian).
Malie City Hilo Hawaii Island Largest settlement on Hawaii Island. Noted locally for its particularly rainy climate.
Malie Garden Liliuokalani Park and Gardens Hawaii Island Designed like an Edo-style Japanese garden, having numerous structures such as pagodas, torii (traditional Japanese gate), and a Japanese teahouse.
Mount Hokulani Mauna Loa & Mauna Kea Hawaii Island Mauna Kea is the second highest peak in the world when measured from its base below sea level. Currently a dormant volcano. Mauna Loa is a the largest subaerial volcano in the world and it is still active.
Hokulani Observatory Mauna Loa Observatory & Mauna Kea Observatories Hawaii Island A number of observatories located on the summits of Mauna Loa & Mauna Kea due to its ideal conditions for atmospheric & astronomy research.
Blush Mountain Kīlauea Hawaii Island A currently active volcano. A power plant in the Puna district of Hawaii used the geothermal vents from Kilauea to generate electricity until the 2018 eruptions caused its temporary shutdown.
Geothermal Power Plant Puna Geothermal Venture Hawaii Island A geothermal energy power plant that was shut down shortly after the start of the May 2018 lower Puna eruption, and resumed power generation in November 2020.
Secluded ShoreSM/Ula'ula BeachUSUM Ahalanui Park - Isaac Hale Beach Park Hawaii Island Both are black sand beaches. Ahalanui Park was destroyed by lava due to 2018 Volcanic Eruption of Kīlauea.
Tapu Village - Aether House Kau Hawaii Island Kau district is known for South Point (Ka Lae) and Hawaiian Ocean View Estates (HOVE).
Tapu Village Heiau Ruins Hawaii Island The most closest locations would be Kalalea Heiau and Kohaikalani Heiau. Tapu Village could be based on Kalapana, a former inhabited town that was destroyed by a Kīlauea lava flow in 1986, believed to be caused by Pele, Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes. However, it is located in the far east Puna district, thus not matching up geographically.
Thrifty Megamart (Abandoned Site) Pahala Hawaii Island There used to be sugar cane mills in Pahala, but they were all closed by the late 90s.
Haina Desert Kaʻū Desert Hawaii Island Although not a true desert, the sulfur dioxide from Kīlauea's sulfuric lava plumes creates enough acid rain that plant growth is severely inhibited.
Lake of the Sunne/Lake of the Moone Lake Waiau Hawaii Island The largest lake in Hawaii, located on Mauna Kea
Ula'ula Meadow Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park Hawaii Island The most notable of many locations in Hawaii where people who broke Kapu could escape to. Such sites are difficult to enter and heavily protected, but once entered, a Kahuna on site could bless the individual, pardoning their crime. Many native plants, including red plumeria grow near the location.
Po Town Hawi Hawaii Island Hawi is a town in Kohala mountain, in the northwest part Hawaii Island. It once was a busy commercial centre during the operation of the Kohala Sugar plantation. However, just like with other sugar mills, it was closed down.
Mount Lanakila Mauna Loa & Mauna Kea Hawaii Island Mauna Loa is the largest shield volcano on earth; it is currently active. Mauna Loa is one of two locations to annually have snow in Hawaii, the other being Mauna Kea.
Route 14 Ocean View Hawaii Island
Routes 15 & 16 Captain Cook & Miloliʻi beaches. Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe & Johnston Atoll islands. Hawaii Island The small islets on Route 15 resemble the real life islands, only smaller, tighter and closer to Hawaii Island, the real life basis for Ula'ula Island.
Ruins of Abundance Puʻukoholā Heiau Hawaii Island The largest heiau on Hawaii Island, and the last heiau ever built.
Poni Island Kauaʻi Its designated island color is purple (poni in Hawaiian).
Seafolk Village Waimea Kauaʻi The site where the first western contact to the Hawaiian islands were made by James Cook
Poni Wilds Waimea Canyon State Park Kauaʻi A large canyon carved by the abundant rainfall from Mount Wai'ale'ale, it is nicknamed the Grand Canyon of the Pacific.
Poni Beach Polihale State Park Kauaʻi
Poni Breaker Coast Kawailoa Bay, Haula Bay & Nawiliwili Bay Kauaʻi Could also be based on Po'ipū, which is famous for the geological blowhole known locally as Spouting Horn.
Ancient Poni Path Kalaheo & Koloa Kauaʻi Koloa is known for Old Koloa Town, which preserves Koloa history and traditions.
Vast Poni Canyon Kawaikini & Alakaʻi Wilderness Preserve Kauaʻi Kawaikini is the tallest peak of the mountain. It is hard to reach due to high annual rains and steep wet cliffs. Also not helped by the fact that on west side of it Alakaʻi Wilderness Preserve is located. Its miles of dense, swampy forest limits the access to the summit.
Altar of the Sunne/Altar of the Moone Mount Waiʻaleʻale Kauaʻi Mount Wai'ale'ale is the main volcano of Kauaʻi and is currently extinct.
Poni Grove Wailua River State Park Kauaʻi An area of Kauaʻi containing several important heiau. Malae is the largest heiau on Kaua'i.
Poni Plains Kawaihau Kauaʻi
Poni Coast Paliku Beach, Papa'a Bay Beach & Moloa'a Beach Kauaʻi
Poni Meadow Fern Grotto Kauaʻi
Resolution Cave Maniniholo Dry Cave Kauaʻi It was believed to once house a malicious spirit deep in the cave.
Poni Gauntlet Kīlauea Town & Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge Kauaʻi
Battle Tree Princeville Resort Kauaʻi
Ruins of Hope Poli'ahu Heiau Kauaʻi Poliʻahu is the most important heiau in Kaua'i lore.
Exeggutor Island Niʻihau & Kahoʻolawe Geographically located as Niʻihau to Kauaʻi, though the lack of human inhabitants is similar to Kahoʻolawe. Both require boats and special permission to travel to.
Aether Paradise Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument consists of all the islands located northwest of Niʻihau in the Hawaiian archipelago. It is a U.S. National Monument and nature preserve dedicated to preserving and protecting numerous Hawaiʻi endemic endangered species.
Poké Pelago Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Small, uninhabited islands and atolls northwest of the main eight Hawaiian islands. Many native endemic Hawaiian organisms inhabit these islands.


A comparison of Galar to the United Kingdom

Galar is based on the United Kingdom,[5] with the region focusing heavily on the island of Great Britain, flipped upside-down as if being viewed from the north. The main region itself is based mostly on England and Wales, while the Crown Tundra is based on Scotland. The Isle of Armor is based on the Isle of Man, which is a self-governing crown dependency of the United Kingdom.[6][7]

Pokémon world Specific location County/Shire Country Notes
Postwick Keswick[7]
Cumbria England One of the most popular tourist sites in the Lake District, located close to Bowness-on-Windermere on the shores of Lake Windermere.
Route 1 New Road/Lake Road Cumbria England The main link road between Windermere and Bowness-on-Windermere.
Wedgehurst Bowness-on-Windermere[7] Cumbria England Located on the shores of Lake Windermere, it is one of the most popular tourist sites in the Lake District.
Route 2 Near and Far Sawrey Cumbria England Two villages that act as one tourist attraction because of Hill Top Farm, the home of The Tale of Peter Rabbit author Beatrix Potter.
Slumbering Weald Grizedale Forest Cumbria England A forest area located within the Lake District. It is famous for its magic- and poetry-themed statues. The altar dedicated to Zacian and Zamazenta is similar to the Forest Fugue sculpture.
Wild Area Lake District National Park[7]/Peak District National Park Cumbria/Derbyshire England Two of the most popular national parks in England. The Lake District, the inspiration for the southern section of the Wild Area, is known for its mountains and inland lakes, whilst the Peak District, the inspiration for the northern section of the Wild Area, is known for its peaks and rolling hills.
Motostoke Manchester[7] Greater Manchester England The third-largest city in the United Kingdom, known for its industrial and railway past. The many structures were inspired from the Castlefield area.
Motostoke Stadium Manchester Town Hall Greater Manchester England A Victorian Neo-Gothic building situated within the city.
Route 3 Astley Green Colliery Greater Manchester England A former coal mine that is now a museum.
Galar Mine North York Moors National Park
Standedge Tunnels
North Yorkshire
Greater Manchester/West Yorkshire
England Geographically, it seems to be closer to be based of North York Moors, but aesthetically it looks similar to Standedge Tunnels, a trans-Pennine route for both rail and canal.
Route 4 Yorkshire Wolds East Riding of Yorkshire/North Yorkshire England Low-lying hills that are situated east from the city of York.
Turffield York North Yorkshire England Aesthetically, it was heavily inspired by Amesbury[7], a town located nearby the prehistoric Stonehenge. The fact that Turffield is situated within the standing stones was also inspired by Avebury. Geographically, it is closer to be based on York with the village aesthetic being a reference to York Green Belt, an environmental and planning policy that regulates the rural space. The hill figure is a reference to the Kilburn White Horse, located in Kilburn, a village near York.
Route 5 Ribblehead Viaduct North Yorkshire England A scenic railway viaduct that carries the Settle-Carlisle Railway over the River Ribble.
Hulbury Liverpool Merseyside England A major seaport that is known for the Albert Dock and Liver Building. It is also the birthplace of The Beatles. The houses built on a slope may have been inspired by St Ives, Cornwall.
Galar Mine No. 2 Forest of Bowland North Yorkshire England From a geographical standpoint, it seems to be based on caves found in Forest of Bowland, such as Hell Hole, Whitewell Cave and Whitewell Pot. It is also located between Manchester and Liverpool, albeit much norther. It could've been inspired by Mersey Tunnels, major tunnels that cross under the River Mersey, but then it misses the mark of being located between real life Motostoke and Hulbury.
Motostoke Outskirts Runcorn Railway Bridge Cheshire England A railway bridge that crosses the River Mersey between Runcorn and Widnes. It is parallel to the Silver Jubilee Bridge.
Hammerlocke Birmingham West Midlands England The second-largest city in the United Kingdom. It is known for its vast canal network, which gives it the nickname the Venice of the North.
Hammerlocke Stadium Warwick Castle Warwickshire England A medieval castle with over a thousand years of history.
Energy Plant Chamberlain Clock tower (Body) and BT Tower (summit) West Midlands England Both are the tallest buildings in Birmingham and constitute heritage of the city.
Route 6 Cat and Fiddle Road Cheshire/Derbyshire England A scenic and dangerous road in the United Kingdom that passes over the Peak District between Macclesfield and Buxton. The route is named after a pub located at its summit. The desert theme may also be based on Dungeness, which is known to be the only desert in the United Kingdom.
Stow-on-Side Buxton Derbyshire England A spa town that is described as "The Gateway to the Peak District National Park". It is home to Poole's Cavern and is also known for its spring water. Its name, as well as its potteries, may have been a reference to Stoke-on-Trent.
Glimwood Tangle Sherwood Forest[7] Nottinghamshire England A well-known forest in the East Midlands that is said to be the home to the famous folklore character, Robin Hood.
Ballonlea Nottingham or Stratford-Upon-Avon Nottinghamshire or Warwickshire England Nottingham fits due to being surrounded by Sherwood Forest in the north, much like Ballonlea is surrounded by Glimwood Tangle. Stratford-Upon-Avon is a heavy aesthetical inspiration, due to Tudor architecture and being a birthplace of William Shakespeare, who wrote many plays including the one about fairies — A Midsummer Night's Dream. Another possible inspiration is a more geographically correct Lavenham, a village famous for its legends about witches and was used for filming Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1.
Route 7 Severn Tunnel Gloucestershire/Monmouthshire England/Wales A railway tunnel that goes under the Severn Estuary.
Route 8 Shropshire Shropshire England Known for The Ironbridge Gorge area, a UNESCO World Heritage Site which was formed by glacial overflow during last ice age. Glastonbury Abbey could have inspired the ruins found on this route, but it doesn't match geographically in its relation to Bath (real-life Circhester).
Circhester Bath[7] Somerset England A Roman spa city famous for its Georgian style buildings, geothermal hot springs, and the rows of houses such as the Circus and Royal Crescent.
Route 9 Cardigan Bay Dyfed/Gwynedd Wales A large inlet in the Irish Sea that makes up most of Wales' coastline.
Spikemuth Llandudno Clwyd Wales A seaside resort known for its parade rows of houses and the Great Orme headland.
Route 9 Tunnel Conwy Tunnel Clwyd Wales An underwater road tunnel that goes under the River Conwy.
Route 10 Snowdonia and Chiltern Hills Clwyd/Gwynedd/Hertfordshire Wales A mountain range in Wales and National Park, with its highest mountain being Mount Snowdon. Chiltren is a hill escarpment in the north of London.
Wyndon London[7] Greater London England The largest city and the capital of the United Kingdom. Home to Big Ben, Palace of Westminster, the London Eye, and Piccadilly Circus.
Rose of the Rondelands Palace of Westminster/Big Ben Greater London England While not a hotel, it is a popular tourist destination due to its neo-Gothic looking clock tower, which inspired the Rose of the Rondelands' own clock tower.
Wyndon Stadium Wembley Stadium Greater London England The largest and most important stadium in the British Isles.
Rose Tower/Battle Tower ArcelorMittal Orbit/The Shard Greater London England The ArcelorMittal Orbit was built for the 2012 Olympic Games and is now a slide attraction. The Shard is the tallest building in the United Kingdom.
Isle of Armor Isle of Man Isle of Man An island in the middle of the Irish Sea that is a crown dependency of the United Kingdom. It has its own culture, including myths and legends connected to fairies, and is world-famous for its Manx Grand Prix.
Challenge Road Peel Glenfaba Isle of Man A seaside town that is home to the replica of the Odin's Raven Longboat in the House of Manannan Museum; and Peel Castle, which is said to be haunted by a Black Dog called Moddey Dhoo. Its location atop a mountain may also be a reference to Snaefell, the highest mountain on the island.
Challenge Beach Douglas Middle Isle of Man The capital of the Isle of Man, which is home to many railways such as the Douglas Bay Horse Tram, the Isle of Man Railway, and the Snaefell Mountain Railway. It is the only ferry port on the island that connects to the mainland and Ireland.
Forest of Focus Fairy Bridge Middle Isle of Man A famous parish boundary bridge where fairies are said to dwell. People would say "Hello Fairies" when they cross and often leave wishes and notes beside the tree for good luck.
Honeycalm Island Calf of Man Bride Isle of Man A small islet located off the south coast.
Honeycalm Sea and Insular Sea Calf Sound Isle of Man A body of water with various islets, which separate the Calf of Man.
Loop Lagoon Ramsey Bay Rushen Isle of Man A bay that was designated as a nature reserve.
Crown Tundra Scottish Highlands Scotland A vast mountain range in the northern parts of Scotland, home to the famous Loch Ness and Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the island of Great Britain.
Freezington Ballater Aberdeenshire Scotland Ballater is a small town, famous for its connection with the royal family, as it has certified shops for the nobility, which supply the royal family when they are on vacation in the area. The town also has a train station. All this is related to the adoration of the inhabitants towards Calyrex.
Path to the Peak Ben Nevis Grampian Mountains Scotland The tallest mountain in Scotland and tallest of the British Isles.
Crown Shrine Edinburgh Castle/Balmoral Castle Edinburgh/Aberdeenshire Scotland An immense medieval castle that was home to kings in the past, which may be referred to by Calyrex being once worshiped in the Crown Shrine. The Balmoral castle is a private rest residence of the royal family in Scotland.
Roaring-Sea Caves Fingal's Cave Staffa, Inner Hebrides Scotland A coastal cave famous for its basalt columns and the resonant acoustics inside.
Old Cemetery and Giant's Bed Crosbie Castle and the Fullarton estate Troon, South Ayrshire Scotland The ruins of an old royal chapel, famous for the old graveyard.
Ballimere Lake and Dyna Tree Hill Loch Lomond Stirlingshire/Dunbartonshire Scotland The largest Loch in Scotland. The name literally means Lake of the Elms, which may be the inspiration for the Dynamax Tree resembling an elm.


A comparison of Paldea to the Iberian Peninsula

Paldea is based on the Iberian Peninsula, particularly in Spain and its culture. This is demonstrated by the geographical similarity of Paldea with the shape of the Iberia, as well as the numerous Spanish influences in architecture, festivals, gastronomy and the toponymy of multiple cities and towns.

Pokémon world Specific location Administrative division Country Notes
Cabo Poco Algeciras Province of Cádiz Spain The player's house is based on the province of Cadiz, probably in Algeciras as is the southern tip of the country
Poco Path Province of Cádiz Andalusia Spain In the Spanish version, this path is known as Sendero de Cahíz, a reference to the city of Cádiz.
Inlet Grotto Caves of Nerja Province of Málaga, Andalusia Spain A system of grottoes and caves in the south of Spain.
Mesagoza Madrid/Toledo/Barcelona/Zaragoza Community of Madrid/Castile–La Mancha/Catalonia/Aragón Spain The city looks like a combination of different Spanish cities. The English name, Mesagoza, makes a reference to the Spanish city of Zaragoza. Geographically, is based on Toledo and Madrid, two major cities that lie in the geographical center of Spain. The central plaza is based on Plaza Mayor in Madrid. It also draw visual inspiration from Barcelona, as the Naranja AcademyS/Uva AcademyV is very similar to Sagrada Família, and the main entrance of the city is likely to be based on Park Güell. The cobbled streets and buildings around the city center seem to be inspired by the old towns of Toledo and Zaragoza.
Naranja AcademyS/Uva AcademyV Sagrada Família Barcelona, Catalonia Spain The largest unfinished Catholic church in the world. Construction began in 1882 and continues to this day.
Artazon Murcia
Region of Murcia Spain Both cities are located in the Region of Murcia, a region that plays an important role in Spain's horticulture. Artazon has a hedge maze that resembles the hedge maze found in Tentegorra Park, located in Cartagena. Its Spanish name, Pueblo Altamía, may reference the Cave of Altamira.
Levincia City of Valencia Valencian Community Spain A Mediterranean coastal city, famous for the City of Arts and Sciences, a complex of museums and institutions with a futuristic appearance. The skyscrapers in Levincia resemble the Cuatro Torres found in Madrid.
East Paldean Sea Balearic Sea Spain The islands to the east likely represent the Balearic Islands.
Zapapico Cuenca Castile–La Mancha Spain Zapapico being surrounded and built upon large plateaus is similar to Cuenca. Cuenca was also originally built as a defensive city during the medieval period, and the player obtains the armour necessary to evolve Charcadet in this town.
Glaseado Mountain Mount Aneto Aragon Spain The Aneto is the tallest mountain in the Pyrenees range. In the Spanish version, Glaseado is called Sierra Napada, which may reference the Sierra Nevada, a long mountainous chain in the south of Spain. Both the Aneto and the Sierra Nevada have snow-covered peaks.
Montenevera La Rioja Spain La Rioja is famed for its many mountain ranges and valleys, which dot Montenevera and its surrounding area.
North Province (Area Three) Asturias Spain
North Paldean Sea Llívia/Andorra la Vella Province of Girona/Andorra Spain/Andorra The position of the islands mirror those of Andorra and the Spanish exclave of Llívia.
Casseroya Lake Ribeira Sacra Galicia Spain A wooded and mountainous area of Galicia, famous for being where several rivers are born.
Medali León/Mérida Province of León, Castile and León/Province of Badajoz, Extremadura Spain The streets of Medali and its white and yellow buildings could be lifted from either León or Mérida. The roman theather in Medali is a clear reference to the famous one in Mérida.
Cascarrafa Altea/Alicante/Cadaqués Valencian community/Catalonia Spain The city seems inspired by the Mediterranean architecture of the Spanish coastal cities like Altea, Alicante, Cadaqués, among others. The name of the city also makes reference to the Spanish words Cáscada (Waterfall) and Gárrafa (Carafe), accentuating its marine or aquatic influence.
Porto Marinada Aveiro/Porto/A Coruña/Barcelona Aveiro District/Porto District/Galicia/Catalonia Portugal/Spain The location and the striped houses match the typical houses of Costa Nova in Aveiro. It may also be based on the Atlantic coast of Galicia, with the Torre de Hércules lighthouse on the cliff. The market might be inspired by Mercado do Bolhão, a popular traditional market in Porto, or the Mercado de la Boquería, in Barcelona, the most famous coastal market of Iberia.
West Paldean Sea Islas Cíes/Islas Ons/Islas Sálvora Galicia Spain Archipelagos of small Atlantic islands, mostly uninhabited, off the coast of Galicia.
Alfornada Córdoba/Teruel Andalusia/Aragon Spain The city's buildings have influences from the Mudéjar art of Spain, which combined Romanesque, Gothic, and Renaissance architectural styles with constructive, ornamental, and decorative motifs derived from those that had been brought to or developed in Al-Andalus during Middle Ages.
South Province (Area Two) Jaén/Cáceres Andalusia/Extremadura Spain All of these regions share a similar landscape with olive tree farming.
Cortondo Córdoba Province of Córdoba, Andalusia Spain A southern town that is famed for both its dry conditions and its olive oil production, which is reflected in its gym challenge.

Side regions


Comparison of Orre to Phoenix, Arizona

Orre is based on Phoenix, Arizona, United States,[9] and part of Baja California, Mexico.

Pokémon world Specific location State Notes
Phenac City Phoenix Arizona Both cities were founded when a man brought water to the city.
Pyrite Town Sonoyta Arizona Likely inspired by former mining town, Sonoyta, commonly used to illegally cross the border, and local smuggling routes.
The Under
Agate Village Yuma Arizona Yuma, the "Sunniest City on Earth," is built along a river, allowing for lush greenery, contrasting the arid desert at its borders. Additionally, the elders of Agate may be inspired by the reservations in Yuma, where the Native Americans, who founded the city, currently live.
Gateon Port San Felipe Baja California Both port towns on the gulf coast, opposite respective capitols. San Felipe's Fondeport also includes a square dock, not unlike Gateon.
Mt. Battle Kofa National Wildlife Refuge Arizona A mountainous region located just east of Phoenix. May also be based on San Francisco volcanic field, given room for artistic liberty.
Outskirt Stand Black Canyon City, Arizona Arizona A small town north of Phoenix that was once a popular stop along the railway from Pheonix to Prescott. The home of two of the first inhabitants still stands, as a historical site, that bear a passing resemblance to the rubble behind the traincar.
Citadark Isle Isla Ángel de la Guarda, and Isla San Luis Baja California Isla San Luis seems to be the primary inspiration for the design of the island, including the large volcanic center. Isla Ángel de la Guarda is home to unique species' of snake and mouse, as well as a diverse range of other animal life, which may have inspired the amount of Shadow Pokémon encountered on the island.

Spin-off regions


Comparison of Fiore to Okayama and Hyōgo Prefectures, and Shōdo Island

Fiore appears to be based on Okayama and Hyōgo Prefectures, as well as Shōdo Island in Kagawa Prefecture, in Japan.

Pokémon world Specific location Notes
Ringtown Kurashiki Okayama Prefecture Both have a nearby river on the west, forests on the opposite side, and are close to the coast. Unlike Kurashiki, however, Ringtown doesn't have a port and the river doesn't traverse the settlement.
Summerland Fukuda Port, Shōdoshima, Shōdo Island Kagawa Prefecture In-game, a tourist references how the S.S. Fiore ferries to Summerland. Similarly, there is a ferry route connecting Fukuda to Himeji. A resort in Summerland is also referenced, and present in Fukuda.
Fall City Himeji Hyōgo Prefecture A port city lying east from Kurashiki. Similarly to Fall City, it has water streams running through.
Wintown Mimasaka Okayama Prefecture
Fiore Temple Himeji Castle Hyōgo Prefecture The best known of the Japanese castles
Olive Jungle Shōdo Island Kagawa Prefecture A popular tourist destination, this island saw the first successful olive cultivation in Japan, hence its nickname Olive Island.
Lyra Forest Forest areas neighboring Asakuchi Okayama Prefecture
Sekra Range Mount Hyōno/Hiruzen Okayama Prefecture
Kisara Plain Yoshiokakawakita Park, possibly also other parks. Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture
Kalakka Desert (Unused) Tottori Sand Dunes Tottori Prefecture Vast desert dunes in the north of Kurashiki and Okayama that make up the only desert badland in Japan.


Comparison of Almia to Oshima and northern Honshu

Almia appears to be based on Oshima and Hiyama Subprefectures within the Oshima Peninsula in Hokkaido and the very northern part of Honshu in Japan.

Pokémon world Specific location Prefecture (subprefecture) Notes
Chicole Village 松前町 Matsumae 北海道渡島総合振興局 Hokkaido (Oshima)
Vientown 江差町 Esashi 北海道檜山振興局 Hokkaido (Hiyama)
Vien Forest 函館山 Mount Hakodate 北海道渡島総合振興局 Hokkaido (Oshima) Mount Hakodate attracts tourists for its view of Hakodate.
Pueltown 函館市 Hakodate 北海道渡島総合振興局 Hokkaido (Oshima) Hakodate and Pueltown are both port cities.
Altru Park 五稜郭公園 Goryōkaku Park 北海道渡島総合振興局 Hokkaido (Oshima) The Goryōkaku Tower overlooks Goryōkaku Park.
Altru Building
Altru Tower
五稜郭タワー Goryōkaku Tower 北海道渡島総合振興局 Hokkaido (Oshima) The observation tower, which overlooks Goryōkaku Park, was rebuilt from 2004 to 2006.
Boyleland むつ市 Mutsu 青森県 Aomori
Boyleland Volcano 恐山 Mount Osore 青森県 Aomori
Shiver Camp ニセコ町 Niseko 北海道後志総合振興局 Hokkaido (Shiribeshi) Niseko is home to multiple ski resorts.
Haruba Village 青森市 Aomori 青森県 Aomori The Port of Aomori operates ferries to Hakodate.
Capture Arena 渡島大島 Ōshima 北海道渡島総合振興局 Hokkaido (Oshima) The uninhabited island is also a nature preserve.


Comparison of Oblivia to the Oki Islands

Oblivia may be based on the Oki Islands in Shimane Prefecture.

Pokémon world Specific location Prefecture Notes
Dolce Island Kamijima Island 神島 Shimane Prefecture 島根県
Renbow Island Chiburijima 知夫里島 Shimane Prefecture 島根県
Cocona Village Chibu Village 知夫村 Shimane Prefecture 島根県
Mitonga Island Nakanoshima 中ノ島 Shimane Prefecture 島根県
Faldera Island Matsushima Island 松島 Shimane Prefecture 島根県
Sophian Island Dōgojima 島後 Shimane Prefecture 島根県 It is the largest island of the Oki archipelago and the one that contains the capital of the islands.
Aqua Resort Okinoshima City 隠岐の島町 Shimane Prefecture 島根県 Both are the largest and most populated cities of their islands. Both are port cities.
Mt. Sorbet Mt. Daimanji 大満寺山 Shimane Prefecture 島根県 Both are the tallest mountains in the islands.
Tilikule Island Takeshima 竹島 Shimane Prefecture 島根県


Lental may be based on the Galápagos Islands in Ecuador.

Pokémon world Specific location Notes
Florio Island Floreana Island
Belusylva Island Isabela Island


Ferrum may be based on Iriomote Island, the largest of the Yaeyama Islands in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. Alternatively, it may also be derived from Sardinia.

Pokémon world Specific location Notes
Old Ferrum Town Nuxis
Techne City Cagliari
Tellur Town Dolianova
Ferrum Stadium Pineta di Musei
Selen Island San Pietro Island
Neos City Teulada
Haunted House Villaggio Minerario Asproni An old mining village outside the city of Iglesias, now an open-air museum.
Thalia Beach Cavoli Island


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While the above locations are meant to correspond to the different regions around the real-life world, great liberties were taken with the design of their landscapes. Some of the designers have admitted to drawing inspiration from real-world locations outside their stated real-world counterparts, especially with locations depicted in Pokémon movies.

In the anime

Pokémon world Inspiration Notes
Porta Vista Porta Vista Acapulco Guerrero, Mexico
Neon Town Neon Town Las Vegas Nevada, United States
Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood, Los Angeles California, United States
Pummelo Island Pummelo Island Oban Argyll and Bute, Scotland Both are resort towns in an island, the houses of Pummelo had the same English architecture of Oban. The Pummelo Stadium is modeled after the McCaig's Tower, a folly colosseum in a hill of the city.
Big Town Big Town Boston Massachusetts, United States
Whitestone Whitestone Ostuni Apulia, Italy The white façade of Whitestone's buildings is reminiscent of the medieval town of Ostuni. Domed buildings in the background draw inspiration from Byzantine architecture, and flat-roofed structures mirror those of the city's real-world counterpart.
Sootopolis City Sootopolis City Santorini Greece Like its name suggests, Sootopolis City was created in the wake of a volcanic eruption (per Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald). Similarly, Santorini, Greece, was formed as a result of the Minoan eruption, which left a large caldera that filled with water and became the current bay in the center of the island of Santorini (Thera). Both cities boast landscapes dotted with vivid blue domed roofs.
Solaceon Ruins Solaceon Ruins Ziggurat of Ur Dhi Qar Governorate, Iraq
Area 28 Area 28 Area 51 Nevada, United States
Odyssey Village Odyssey Village Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
Kalos Canyon Kalos Canyon Grand Canyon Arizona, United States
Fleurrh City Fleurrh City showcase theater Metz and the Pompidou Grand Est, France The modernist and undulating design of the theater could be based on that of the Centre Pompidou-Metz, which also operates as a theater and show room.
Gloire City Gloire City Menthon-Saint-Bernard Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France A coastal city located on Lake Annecy, famous for its medieval Château perched above on a 660-foot-tall rock.
Eclipse Castle Eclipse Castle Hikone Castle Shiga Prefecture, Japan
Mega Island Mega Island Grand Bé and Petit Bé Brittany, France The first island is located on the outskirts of Saint-Malo but not as far out to sea as in the anime, Petit Bé houses a fort from the year 1667, which may inspire the structures of the Mega Island.

In the movies

Movie Pokémon world Inspiration Notes
Movie 5 Alto Mare Alto Mare Venice Italy Venice's canals were likely an inspiration for the canals of Alto Mare.
Movie 6 Forina Forina Wulingyuan Hunan, China Wulingyuan is famed for its karst formation of quartzite sandstone pillars. Along with its ravines and gorges, the site also features a lush forest, several caves, natural bridges, and waterfalls.
Movie 7 LaRousse City LaRousse City Vancouver British Columbia, Canada Vancouver is the city with the best quality of life in Canada and like the movie, it is a very ecological city with many scientific facilities.
Movie 8 Cameran Palace Cameran Palace Neuschwanstein Castle Bavaria, Germany
Movie 9 Samiya Samiya Atlantis
Movie 10 Alamos Town Alamos Town Barcelona Catalonia, Spain The Space-Time Towers are based on the uncompleted church of Sagrada Familia.
Movie 11 Ten'i Village Ten'i Village Geiranger Sunnmøre, Norway A village that was nearly destroyed by a glacier. It is based on a town in Norway, which is threatened by the possibility of the mountain Åkerneset eroding into the fjord, causing a landslide-induced tsunami.
Movie 12 Michina Town Michina Town Meteora Thessaly, Greece Its landscape, which is filled with towering rock formations, resembles Meteora. Also, the architecture of the temples resembles that of ancient Greek temples.
Movie 13 Crown City Crown City Amsterdam The Netherlands Its modern buildings are based on the many new buildings in parts of Amsterdam, and the Pokémon Baccer stadium is based on the Arena, the city's local football stadium.
Movie 14 Eindoak Town Eindoak Town Gourdon, Tourrettes-sur-Loup and Mont Saint-Michel France
Movie 15 Roshan City Roshan City Shinjuku, Shinagawa, and Tennouzu Isle Tokyo, Japan The Roshan tower is inspired by the Tokyo Skytree.
Movie 16 New Tork City New Tork City New York City New York, United States A giant sprawling city with many skyscrapers, a large park in the middle of the city resembling Central Park, and a similar name. New Tork City as seen from above also resembles New York City's shape.
Movie 17 Avignon Town Avignon Town Avignon and Quebec City France and Canada A city in the south of France. The castle of Avignon Town, however, is based on the Château Frontenac, a large hotel that overlooks Quebec City much like Avignon Town's castle overlooks the town.
Movie 17 Orsay City Orsay City Toronto Ontario, Canada A city in southern Ontario famous for its port and city skylines. Like Toronto, Orsay City has a large port as well. The large mall in the city is based on the Toronto Eaton Centre, a large mall in the center of city.
Movie 17 Diamond Domain Diamond Domain Naica crystal cave Chihuahua, Mexico Colossal cave of several white crystals of Selenite in Chihuahua, and many of them are the largest in the whole world.
Movie 17 Allearth Forest Allearth Forest Niagara Falls Canada and United States Like several elements of the movie based in Canada, the design of the waterfalls is quite similar to the Niagara Falls which are recognizable as vertical falls and two large walls of water.
Movie 18 Dahara City Dahara City Dubai and Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Dubai is located within the Arabian Desert and houses some of the world's tallest skyscrapers. The highest skyscraper is based on the Burj Khalifa.
Movie 19 Azoth Kingdom Azoth Kingdom Carcassonne Occitanie, France Occitanie is an ancient city famous for being the meeting point between the Mediterranean and the towns of the Massif Central (the inspiration for the Nebel Plateau). It is also recognizable by its enormous walls of the citadel.
Movie 19 Nebel Plateau Nebel Plateau Massif Central and Chaîne des Puys France This area is similar to the Auvergne volcanoes in the Massif Central, which is a highland region containing large mountain ranges and vast plateaus full of greenery and rich biodiversity.
Movie 21 Fula City Fula City San Francisco and Los Angeles California, United States The eternal flame complex is reminiscent of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, while Fula City's carnival pier is similar to the Santa Monica Pier, both located in the state of California.

Real-world locations mentioned

Mewtwo overlooking a "faraway city" at the end of Mewtwo Returns
Chinese noodles
  • In the Swedish dub of the movie, Ash says that they come from Norway, a reference to the Norse Vikings who lived from the 8th to the 11th century.
  • In the Danish dub of the movie, Ash tells Brock that the Vikings are mostly on trips in Sweden, again referring to the Norse Vikings, but may also refer to Vikingarna, a Swedish dansband.
  • In the Finnish dub of the movie, Ash quips that Vikings still live in the Sipoo archipelago, referring to the fact that Sipoo was at the time mostly inhabited by Swedish-speaking Finns (another reference to Norse Vikings).
  • At the end of Mewtwo Returns, Mewtwo is shown overlooking a "faraway city" that greatly resembles New York City. Buildings similar to the Chrysler Building and the MetLife Building are visible in the distance.
  • In Pokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias, Misty makes a direct reference to the Earth, saying, "The Earth is so pretty." However, she may be referring to the landscape rather than the literal planet.
  • In Can't Beat the Heat, Ash's Charizard uses Seismic Toss. Normally, a cloudy globe can be seen, but this time the Pacific Ocean and Australia are prominent. This also happens in Volcanic Panic and the introduction to Mewtwo Strikes Back.
  • In the English dub of The Scheme Team, Jessie talks about Antarctica, the place where their next assignment is located.
  • In Pasta La Vista!, an ad in May's food guidebook mentions "Chinese noodles".
  • A map of the Pokémon world seen in The Bloom Is On Axew! centered on Unova features several landmasses resembling Europe and Scandinavia, with some of them either being rotated or flipped.
  • In the Hindi dub of Oshawott's Lost Scalchop!, while Ash's Oshawott was perfecting Aqua Jet, Cilan states "जाना था जापान पर पहुंच गए चाइना" (lit. Jānā thā Japan, par pahunch gaye China), which refers to the real-world countries of Japan and China. The phrase itself can be interpreted roughly as "The aim and the result were different".
  • In Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokémon Knight"!, the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe were seen on a movie poster.
  • In the Hindi dub of Mega Revelations! , Meowth says "हम सब जानते हैं कश्मीर से कन्याकुमारी तक" (lit. Ham sab jānte hain, Kashmīr se Kanyākumāri tak). This is a common Indian saying, roughly translating to "Our knowledge is supreme", which refers to the Indian subcontinent's northernmost region, Kashmir, and its southernmost city, Kanyakumari.
  • Starting with the sixteenth movie, each Pokémon movie features a recurring globe texture in the intro used to represent the Pokémon world (as opposed to simply featuring randomly-shaped, nondescript landmasses below the clouds): the globe texture features altered landmasses such as one resembling Africa but featuring only the Sahara Desert and the southern half being missing, a large island to the northwest of the Sahara-like landmass, the Arabian Peninsula missing several large chunks, a landmass resembling Australia but rotated 90 degrees clockwise in the middle of a body of water resembling the Indian Ocean, and the northeastern portion of Russia being missing. However, other parts of the globe remain virtually unchanged, like those resembling most of Europe, the Indian subcontinent, Central and Southeast Asia, and Papua New Guinea.
  • In Mega Evolution Special IV, a holographic globe can be seen inside Lysandre Labs. The globe features continents similar to the real Earth, implying that the planet's continents may probably look very similar to that of the real Earth, and that all of the known regions in the Pokémon world may actually in fact be smaller parts of a much larger landmass.
  • In the TCG Secret Mission (Gym Heroes 118) card, the map in the background shows German occupied Poland during World War II: Warsaw is located right above Raichu's right ear, Białystok and Brest-Litowsk behind Lt. Surge, and the Silesian Border between Andreashütte and Festenberg right below Raichu's binoculars. The rivers Weichsel, Narew and Bug are also depicted.
  • In the TCG Lucky Stadium (Neo Destiny 100) card, there is a promotional New York City print with a Pichu and a Pikachu flying on a Charizard in New York City, with the Empire State Building visible in the background.
  • In the planetarium special Celestial Debris, a map of the Pokémon world can be seen on a computer monitor. The map texture looks very similar to the one used to represent the planet in later Pokémon films, with three landmasses resembling North America, Europe, and eastern Russia all appearing upside down.

Real-world people and cultures mentioned

Other references to the real world
