Defog (move)

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This article is about the move Defog. For the field move Demist, see Field Move.

きりばらい Fog Wipe
Defog IX.png
Type  Flying
Category  Status
PP  15 (max. 24)
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  0
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Normal: May affect anyone adjacent to the user
Introduced  Generation IV
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Jam  0  
Pokémon after self cannot raise any voltage in that turn
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Prevents the Voltage from going up in the same turn.
Condition  Cool
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Jamming  0  
Works great if the user goes first this turn.

Defog (Japanese: きりばらい Fog Wipe) is a non-damaging Flying-type move introduced in Generation IV. It was HM05 in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, and it was TM97 in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

Defog cannot be used outside of battle without the Fen Badge in Diamond and Pearl and the Relic Badge in Platinum.


In battle

Generation IV

Defog lowers the target's evasion one stage, even if the target is behind a substitute. It bypasses accuracy checks to always hit, unless the target is in the semi-invulnerable turn of a move such as Dig or Fly.

Defog clears away any fog on the field, as well as Light Screen, Reflect, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Stealth Rock on the target's side of the field.

Generation V

Defog can now be reflected with Magic Coat and no longer lowers the evasion of a Pokémon behind a substitute.

Generations VI and VII

Defog now clears away Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web on both the user's and target's side of the field. In addition to Light Screen, Reflect, Safeguard, and Mist, it also clears away Aurora Veil from the target's side of the field only.

If powered up by a Flyinium Z into Z-Defog, the user's accuracy is raised by one stage.

Generation VIII onwards

Defog now also clears terrains and the effects of G-Max Steelsurge.

Outside of battle

In certain games, Defog requires a specific badge to use outside of battle; the Fen BadgeDPBDSP or Relic BadgePt.

Sinnoh based games

Defog clears away fog from the area. The effect lasts until the player leaves the area.

HeartGold and SoulSilver to Sword and Shield, and Generation IX

Defog can no longer be used outside of battle.


Games Description
DPPtPBR Obstacles are moved, reducing the foe's evasion stat. It can also be used to clear deep fog, etc.
HGSS It reduces the foe's evasion stat. It also removes spikes, light screens, etc.
BWB2W2 A strong wind blows away the target's obstacles such as Reflect or Light Screen. It also lowers the target's evasiveness.
A strong wind blows away the target's barriers such as Reflect or Light Screen. This also lowers the target's evasiveness.
BDSP A strong wind blows away the target’s barriers, such as Reflect or Light Screen, and lowers their evasiveness. It’s also one of the Pokétch’s hidden moves.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0083 Farfetch'd
Galarian Form
FightingIC Big.png Flying Field 35
0110 Weezing
Galarian Form
PoisonIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Amorphous Amorphous 1 1
0163 Hoothoot NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 15
0164 Noctowl NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 15*
0487 Giratina
All forms
GhostIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1 1
0549 Lilligant
Hisuian Form
GrassIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Grass Grass 1
0580 Ducklett WaterIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Flying 6 6 6 6
0581 Swanna WaterIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Flying 1, 6 1, 6 1, 6 1
0627 Rufflet NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 32 32 32 60 60
0628 Braviary NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 32 32 32 64 64
0628 Braviary
Hisuian Form
PsychicIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 64
0629 Vullaby DarkIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 32 32 32 60 60
0630 Mandibuzz DarkIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 32 32 32 64 64
0788 Tapu Fini WaterIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 38 30
0798 Kartana GrassIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 50
0865 Sirfetch'd FightingIC Big.png Flying Field 35
0873 Frosmoth IceIC Big.png
BugIC Big.png
Bug Bug 16 16
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Egg Move
0016 Pidgey NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0041 Zubat PoisonIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0123 Scyther BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0163 Hoothoot NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0273 Seedot GrassIC Big.png Field Grass
0276 Taillow NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0333 Swablu NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Dragon
0425 Drifloon GhostIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Amorphous Amorphous
0441 Chatot NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0519 Pidove NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0532 Timburr FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like
0566 Archen RockIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Water 3
0587 Emolga ElectricIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Field Field
0661 Fletchling NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0701 Hawlucha FightingIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Human-Like
0714 Noibat FlyingIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Flying Dragon
0722 Rowlet GrassIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0741 Oricorio
All forms
FireIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0753 Fomantis GrassIC Big.png Grass Grass
0821 Rookidee FlyingIC Big.png Flying Flying
0845 Cramorant FlyingIC Big.png
WaterIC Big.png
Water 1 Flying
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By TM/HM/Move Tutor

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Compatibility
0006 Charizard FireIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Monster Dragon
0012 Butterfree BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0015 Beedrill BugIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0016 Pidgey NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0017 Pidgeotto NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0018 Pidgeot NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0021 Spearow NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0022 Fearow NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0041 Zubat PoisonIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0042 Golbat PoisonIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0049 Venomoth BugIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0083 Farfetch'd NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Field
0123 Scyther BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0142 Aerodactyl RockIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0144 Articuno IceIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0145 Zapdos ElectricIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0146 Moltres FireIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0149 Dragonite DragonIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Dragon
0151 Mew PsychicIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0163 Hoothoot NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0164 Noctowl NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0166 Ledian BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0169 Crobat PoisonIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0176 Togetic FairyIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Fairy
0178 Xatu PsychicIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0193 Yanma BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0198 Murkrow DarkIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0207 Gligar GroundIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0212 Scizor BugIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0225 Delibird IceIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Field
0226 Mantine WaterIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Water 1
0227 Skarmory SteelIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0249 Lugia PsychicIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0250 Ho-Oh FireIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0255 Torchic FireIC Big.png Field Field
0256 Combusken FireIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Field
0257 Blaziken FireIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Field
0267 Beautifly BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0269 Dustox BugIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0273 Seedot GrassIC Big.png Field Grass
0274 Nuzleaf GrassIC Big.png
DarkIC Big.png
Field Grass
0275 Shiftry GrassIC Big.png
DarkIC Big.png
Field Grass
0276 Taillow NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0277 Swellow NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0278 Wingull WaterIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Flying
0279 Pelipper WaterIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Flying
0284 Masquerain BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Bug
0291 Ninjask BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0313 Volbeat BugIC Big.png Bug Human-Like
0314 Illumise BugIC Big.png Bug Human-Like
0329 Vibrava GroundIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Bug Dragon
0330 Flygon GroundIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Bug Dragon
0333 Swablu NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Dragon
0334 Altaria DragonIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Dragon
0351 Castform NormalIC Big.png Fairy Amorphous
0357 Tropius GrassIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Monster Grass
0358 Chimecho PsychicIC Big.png Amorphous Amorphous
0373 Salamence DragonIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon
0380 Latias DragonIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0381 Latios DragonIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0384 Rayquaza DragonIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0393 Piplup WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Field
0394 Prinplup WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Field
0395 Empoleon WaterIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Water 1 Field
0396 Starly NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0397 Staravia NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0398 Staraptor NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0414 Mothim BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0416 Vespiquen BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0425 Drifloon GhostIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Amorphous Amorphous
0426 Drifblim GhostIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Amorphous Amorphous
0430 Honchkrow DarkIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0434 Stunky PoisonIC Big.png
DarkIC Big.png
Field Field
0435 Skuntank PoisonIC Big.png
DarkIC Big.png
Field Field
0441 Chatot NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0455 Carnivine GrassIC Big.png Grass Grass
0456 Finneon WaterIC Big.png Water 2 Water 2
0457 Lumineon WaterIC Big.png Water 2 Water 2
0468 Togekiss FairyIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Fairy
0469 Yanmega BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0472 Gliscor GroundIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0479 Rotom
All forms
ElectricIC Big.png
GhostIC Big.png
Amorphous Amorphous
0487 Giratina
All available forms
GhostIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0493 Arceus
All available forms
NormalIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0495 Snivy GrassIC Big.png Field Grass
0496 Servine GrassIC Big.png Field Grass
0497 Serperior GrassIC Big.png Field Grass
0519 Pidove NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0520 Tranquill NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0521 Unfezant
All forms
NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0527 Woobat PsychicIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Field Flying
0528 Swoobat PsychicIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Field Flying
0546 Cottonee GrassIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Grass Fairy
0547 Whimsicott GrassIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Grass Fairy
0561 Sigilyph PsychicIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0566 Archen RockIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Water 3
0567 Archeops RockIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Water 3
0580 Ducklett WaterIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Flying
0581 Swanna WaterIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Flying
0587 Emolga ElectricIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Field Field
0615 Cryogonal IceIC Big.png Mineral Mineral
0627 Rufflet NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0628 Braviary NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0629 Vullaby DarkIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0630 Mandibuzz DarkIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0635 Hydreigon DarkIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon
0637 Volcarona BugIC Big.png
FireIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0641 Tornadus
All forms
FlyingIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0642 Thundurus
All forms
ElectricIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0643 Reshiram DragonIC Big.png
FireIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0644 Zekrom DragonIC Big.png
ElectricIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0645 Landorus
All forms
GroundIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0661 Fletchling NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0662 Fletchinder FireIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0663 Talonflame FireIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0666 Vivillon
All forms
BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0671 Florges
All forms
FairyIC Big.png Fairy Fairy
0701 Hawlucha FightingIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Human-Like
0707 Klefki SteelIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Mineral Mineral
0714 Noibat FlyingIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Flying Dragon
0715 Noivern FlyingIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Flying Dragon
0716 Xerneas FairyIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0717 Yveltal DarkIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0721 Volcanion FireIC Big.png
WaterIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0722 Rowlet GrassIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0723 Dartrix GrassIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0724 Decidueye GrassIC Big.png
GhostIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0731 Pikipek NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0732 Trumbeak NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0733 Toucannon NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0741 Oricorio
All forms
FireIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0742 Cutiefly BugIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Bug Fairy
0743 Ribombee BugIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Bug Fairy
0753 Fomantis GrassIC Big.png Grass Grass
0754 Lurantis GrassIC Big.png Grass Grass
0764 Comfey FairyIC Big.png Grass Grass
0773 Silvally
All forms
NormalIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0780 Drampa NormalIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Monster Dragon
0785 Tapu Koko ElectricIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0788 Tapu Fini WaterIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0792 Lunala PsychicIC Big.png
GhostIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0798 Kartana GrassIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By event

Generation VII

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0249 Lugia PsychicIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered Fula City LugiaSM
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Defog lowers the evasiveness of all enemies in the room by one stage. In the Explorers and Adventure Squad series, it will also clear away any Mist, Safeguard, Reflect or Light Screen status conditions they might have, as well as foggy weather from the floor if present.

Game Base
Range Target Cuts
MDTDS - - 14 - 100% - Entire room Enemy Yes
BSL - - 14 - 100% - Entire room Enemy Yes
MDGtI - - 15 50 —% - Entire room Enemy Yes
SMD - - 15 30 —% - Entire room Enemy Yes
With some exceptions, Pokémon learnsets match those from the core series games:

Pokémon Masters EX

Category Move gauge cost MP
Base power Max power Accuracy Target Effect tag(s) Description Playable sync pair(s)
Status 2 2 —% An opponent Clears the entire terrain and zone effects. Clears all field effects from the opponents' field of play. Lowers the target's evasiveness by one stat rank. Lisia & Altaria
Darach & Staraptor
Falkner & Pidgeot


  • Description prior to Version 2.10.0 (from June 28, 2021): Clears the entire field of terrain effects. Clears all field effects from the opponents' field of play. Lowers the target's evasiveness.
  • Description prior to Version 2.16.1 (from December 27, 2021): Clears the entire field of terrain effects. Clears all field effects from the opponents' field of play. Lowers the target's evasiveness by one stat rank.
  • Description prior to Version 2.23.5 (from August 8, 2022): Clears the entire field of terrain and zone effects. Clears all field effects from the opponents' field of play. Lowers the target's evasiveness by one stat rank.


Games Description
MDTDS Reduces the evasiveness of all enemies in the room by 1 level. It blows away Mist and similar defensive moves, as well as a Fog condition.
BSL てきポケモンの かいひを 1だんかいさげる あいての しろいきりじょうたいなどの とくしゅなぼうぎょと てんきの『きり』を ふきとばして けしてしまう
It lowers the evasiveness of all enemies in the same room.
MDRTDX It lowers the evasiveness of enemies in the same room.

In the anime

Allegra Honchkrow Defog charge.png
Outlined wings
Allegra Honchkrow Defog.png
Allegra Honchkrow Defog discs.png
Going for target
Officer Jenny Swanna Defog.png
The user generates a strong wind that blows any deep fog away.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Honchkrow Honchkrow's wings become outlined in a light-blue glow. The outline disappears as it releases multiple light-blue crescents by flapping its wings. Its wings then become outlined again as the crescents blow the fog away.
Allegra's Honchkrow The Rise of Darkrai Debut
Swanna Swanna flaps its wings and releases a wind with multiple clear, white energy crescents inside it to blow any deep fog away.
Officer Jenny's Swanna The Lost World of Gothitelle! None

In the manga

050Diglett.png This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Add Rufflet using Defog in UNITE manga chapter 4

Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!

In other generations

In battle

Core series games

Side series games

Spin-off series games

Outside of battle


In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 清除濃霧 Chīngchèuih Nùhngmouh *
霧氣打散 Mouhhei Dásaan *
Mandarin 清除濃霧 / 清除浓雾 Qīngchú Nóngwù
The Netherlands Flag.png Dutch Opklaring
France Flag.png French Anti-Brume
Germany Flag.png German Auflockern
Greece Flag.png Greek Απονέφωση
Indonesia Flag.png Indonesian Singkirkan Kabut
Italy Flag.png Italian Scacciabruma
South Korea Flag.png Korean 안개제거 An-gaejegeo
Poland Flag.png Polish Odparowanie
Portuguese Brazil Flag.png Brazil Desneblinar (anime, M10)
Descondensar (TCG)
Portugal Flag.png Portugal Desanuviar
Spanish CELAC Flag.png Latin America Quita Nieblas (M10)
Desempañar (BW021)
Spain Flag.png Spain Despejar
Vietnam Flag.png Vietnamese Dẹp Sương

Generation IV TMs
Generation IV HMs
01020304 • 05 (DPPtHGSS) • 060708

Generation VIII TMs
Generation VIII TRs (SwSh)

Project Moves and Abilities logo.png This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.