Roost (move): Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
m Effect: "Other" changed to "Status"; "catergory" corrected to "category"; "max" changed to "maximum"; "selected Pokémon" changed to "user"
m Text replacement - "{{Template:" to "{{"
(308 intermediate revisions by more than 100 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
n=355 |
name=Roost |
jname=はねやすめ |
jtrans=Feather Rest |
|jtrans=Feather Rest
desc=The user lands and rests its body. It restores the user's HP by up to half of its max HP. |
type=Flying |
|gameimage=Roost IX.png
damagecategory=Status |
basepp=10 |
maxpp=16 |
power=— |
|basepp={{tt|5|10 prior to Generation IX}}
accuracy=— |
|maxpp={{tt|8|16 prior to Generation IX}}
bdesc=??? |
category=Cool |
appeal=0 |
jam=0 |
cdesc=Points = voltage of judge. |
appealsc=0 |
scdesc=Increased Voltage is added to the performance score. |
pokefordex=roost |
touches=no |
protect=no |
magiccoat=no |
snatch=yes |
brightpowder=no |
kingsrock=no |
flag7=yes |
flag8=no |
sound=no |
footnotes= }}
'''Roost''' is a {{t|Flying}}-type move introduced in [[Generation IV]] that restores half of the max HP, then causes the user to lose its Flying-type until its next move.
|cdesc=Points = voltage of judge.
|scdesc=Increased Voltage is added to the performance score.
|cdesc6=Makes the audience quickly grow bored when an appeal move has little effect.
|footnotes= }}
'''Roost''' (Japanese: '''はねやすめ''' ''Feather Rest'') is a non-damaging {{type|Flying}} [[move]] introduced in [[Generation IV]]. It was [[TM51]] in Generation IV and [[Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl]], [[TM19]] from [[Generation VI]] to {{g|Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon}}, and [[TM50]] in [[Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!]].

===Generation IV===
Roost restores up to 50% of the user's maximum HP, rounded down.

If a {{type|Flying}} Pokémon successfully uses Roost, until the end of the turn, its Flying type is ignored when it is hit by attacks. If the Pokémon has another type, only that type is considered; if the Pokémon is a pure Flying type, all attacks will be normally effective against it.

===Generation V to VII===
Roost now restores 50% of the user's maximum HP, rounded up.

Roost is a move in the Status category that restores half of the maximum HP of the user.
If a Flying-type Pokémon successfully uses Roost, it will now [[type change|lose]] its Flying type until the end of the turn:
* If a pure Flying-type Pokémon successfully uses Roost, it will become {{type|Normal}} until the end of the turn. If a Pokémon is a {{t|Fire}}/Flying type that lost its Fire type due to {{m|Burn Up}}, using Roost causes it to become typeless until the end of the turn.
* If a Pokémon with another type besides Flying uses Roost, it will lose its Flying type until the end of the turn (but will not have it replaced with the Normal type).
* If a pure Flying-type Pokémon that has been affected by {{m|Forest's Curse}} or {{m|Trick-or-Treat}} successfully uses Roost, its Flying type will be replaced by {{t|Normal}}, in addition to retaining its {{t|Grass}} or {{t|Ghost}} type addition.
If a Pokémon is [[grounded|ungrounded]] only due to its Flying type, successfully using Roost will make it grounded until the end of the turn (and therefore susceptible to effects such as [[terrain]] and {{m|Rototiller}}).

If powered up by a [[Flyinium Z]] into Z-Roost, all of the user's lowered stats are reset.
==[[Generation IV]]==
<div style="{{Learnset section box style}}">
===Generation VIII===
====Pokémon Legends: Arceus====
|effect=Heals the user by a percentage of its total HP
===Generation IX===
Roost's PP was reduced from 10 to 5.
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev4|DPPtHGSS}}{{gameabbrevss|PBR}}<br>{{gameabbrev5|BWB2W2}}<br>{{gameabbrev6|XYORAS}}<br>{{gameabbrev7|SMUSUM}}|The user lands and rests its body. It restores the user's HP by up to half of its max HP.<br>The user lands and rests its body. It restores the user's HP by up to half of its top HP.{{tt|*|TM, DP only}}}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev7|PE}}<br>{{gameabbrev8|SwShBDSP}}|The user lands and rests its body. This move restores the user's HP by up to half of its max HP.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev8|LA}}|The user lands and rests its body. This move restores the user's HP.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev9|SV}}|The user lands and rests its body. This move restores the user's HP by up to half its max HP.}}
|}{{left clear}}
===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
<div style="{{Learnset list style|items=15}}">
* {{p|Pidgey}} at Lv.37
* {{p|Pidgeotto}} at Lv.42
* {{p|Pidgeot}} at Lv.44
* {{p|Spearow}} at Lv.33
* {{p|Fearow}} at Lv.41
* {{p|Articuno}} at Lv.57
{{Moveentry/9|0144|Articuno|type=Ice|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|57|57|1, 85|85|56|40|40||40}}
* {{p|Zapdos}} at Lv.57
{{Moveentry/9|0145|Zapdos|type=Electric|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|57|57|1, 85|85|56|40|40||40}}
* {{p|Moltres}} at Lv.57
{{Moveentry/9|0146|Moltres|type=Fire|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|57|57|1, 85|85|56|40|40||40}}
* {{p|Dragonite}} at Lv.--
{{Moveentry/9|0149|Dragonite|type=Dragon|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Dragon|1|1|1|1|88|1|1||1}}
* {{p|Hoothoot}} at Lv.45
* {{p|Noctowl}} at Lv.52
* {{p|Dunsparce}} at Lv.33
* {{p|Wingull}} at Lv.29
* {{p|Pelipper}} at Lv.31
* {{p|Chatot}} at Lv.33
{{Moveentry/9|0226|Mantine|type=Water|type2=Flying|1|Water 1|Water 1|−|−|−|1||1|1|29}}
<div style="{{Learnset section box style}}">
{{Moveentry/9|0278|Wingull|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying|29|29{{sup/5|BW}}<br>26{{sup/5|B2W2}}|26{{sup/6|XY}}<br>33{{sup/6|ORAS}}|33||40|40||40}}
===By [[TM51]]===
{{Moveentry/9|0279|Pelipper|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying|31|31{{sup/5|BW}}<br>28{{sup/5|B2W2}}|28{{sup/6|XY}}<br>22{{sup/6|ORAS}}|39||48|48||48}}
<div style="{{Learnset list style|items=65}}">
* {{p|Charizard}}
{{Moveentry/9|0393|Piplup|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field|−|−|−|−|||−|25|−}}
* {{p|Butterfree}}
{{Moveentry/9|0394|Prinplup|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field|−|−|−|−|||−|25|−}}
* {{p|Beedrill}}
{{Moveentry/9|0395|Empoleon|type=Water|type2=Steel|2|Water 1|Field|−|−|−|−|||−|25|}}
* {{p|Pidgey}}
* {{p|Pidgeotto}}
* {{p|Pidgeot}}
* {{p|Spearow}}
* {{p|Fearow}}
* {{p|Zubat}}
* {{p|Golbat}}
* {{p|Venomoth}}
{{Moveentry/9|0456|Finneon|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2|−|−|−|−|||−|34|−}}
* {{p|Farfetch'd}}
{{Moveentry/9|0457|Lumineon|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2|−|−|−|−|||−|34|−}}
* {{p|Doduo}}
{{Moveentry/9|0458|Mantyke|type=Water|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|−|−|−|−||−|−|29}}
* {{p|Dodrio}}
* {{p|Scyther}}
* {{p|Aerodactyl}}
{{Moveentry/9|0521|Unfezant|type=Normal|type2=Flying|1|Flying|Flying|form=All forms||18|18|18||50}}
* {{p|Articuno}}
{{Moveentry/9|0580|Ducklett|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying||30|30|30|||||30}}
* {{p|Zapdos}}
{{Moveentry/9|0581|Swanna|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying||30|30|30|||||30}}
* {{p|Moltres}}
* {{p|Dragonite}}
{{Moveentry/9|0628|formsig=H|Braviary|type=Psychic|type2=Flying|1|Flying|Flying|form=Hisuian Form||||||||25|−}}
* {{p|Mew}}
* {{p|Hoothoot}}
* {{p|Noctowl}}
* {{p|Ledyba}}
* {{p|Ledian}}
* {{p|Crobat}}
* {{p|Togetic}}
{{Moveentry/9|0717|Yveltal|type=Dark|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|||1|1||30}}
* {{p|Natu}}
* {{p|Xatu}}
* {{p|Yanma}}
{{Moveentry/9|0724|formsig=H|Decidueye|type=Grass|type2=Fighting|1|Flying|Flying|form=Hisuian Form||||||||11|−}}
* {{p|Murkrow}}
* {{p|Dunsparce}}
* {{p|Gligar}}
* {{p|Scizor}}
{{Moveentry/9|0741|Oricorio|type=Fire|type2=Flying|1|Flying|Flying|form=All forms||||30|||||30}}
* {{p|Skarmory}}
{{Moveentry/9|0931|Squawkabilly|type=Normal|type2=Flying|1|Flying|Flying|form=All forms|||||||||47}}
* {{p|Lugia}}
{{Moveentry/9|0940|Wattrel|type=Electric|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying|||||||||23}}
* {{p|Ho-Oh}}
{{Moveentry/9|0941|Kilowattrel|type=Electric|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying|||||||||24}}
* {{p|Beautifly}}
* {{p|Dustox}}
{{Moveentry/9|0982|Dudunsparce|type=Normal|1|Field|Field|form=All forms|||||||||36}}
* {{p|Taillow}}
{{Moveentry/9|1005|Roaring Moon|type=Dragon|type2=Dark|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|||||||||84}}
* {{p|Swellow}}
{{Moveentry/9|1016|Fezandipiti|type=Poison|type2=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|||||||||64}}
* {{p|Wingull}}
* {{p|Pelipper}}
* {{p|Masquerain}}
===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
* {{p|Ninjask}}
{{Movehead/Games|Flying|Egg Move|g1=none|g2=none|g3=none|g4=none|g7=1|g7g={{gameabbrev7|SMUSUM}}|g8=1|g8g={{gameabbrev8|SwSh}}}}
* {{p|Volbeat}}
* {{p|Illumise}}
* {{p|Vibrava}}
* {{p|Flygon}}
* {{p|Swablu}}
* {{p|Altaria}}
* {{p|Tropius}}
{{Moveentry/5|0278|Wingull|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying|✔|✔|✔|−|−}}
* {{p|Salamence}}
* {{p|Latias}}
* {{p|Latios}}
* {{p|Starly}}
{{Moveentry/5|0393|Piplup|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field|−|−|−||✔}}
* {{p|Staravia}}
* {{p|Staraptor}}
* {{p|Mothim}}
* {{p|Vespiquen}}
* {{p|Honchkrow}}
* {{p|Chatot}}
* {{p|Togekiss}}
* {{p|Yanmega}}
* {{p|Gliscor}}
{{Moveentry/5|0845|Cramorant|type=Flying|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Flying||||✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/5|0912|Quaxly|type=Water|2|Flying|Water 1|||||✔}}
===By [[TM]]/[[Move Tutor]]===
{{Moveentry/6|0144|Articuno|type=Ice|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/6|0145|Zapdos|type=Electric|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/6|0146|Moltres|type=Fire|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/6|0149|Dragonite|type=Dragon|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Dragon|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/6|0151|Mew|type=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/6|0226|Mantine|type=Water|type2=Flying|1|Water 1|Water 1|−|−|−|✔||✔}}
{{Moveentry/6|0249|Lugia|type=Psychic|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔||✔}}
{{Moveentry/6|0250|Ho-Oh|type=Fire|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔||✔}}
{{Moveentry/6|0278|Wingull|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying|✔|✔|✔|✔||✔}}
{{Moveentry/6|0279|Pelipper|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying|✔|✔|✔|✔||✔}}
{{Moveentry/6|0284|Masquerain|type=Bug|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Bug|✔|✔|✔|✔||✔}}
{{Moveentry/6|0380|Latias|type=Dragon|type2=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔||✔}}
{{Moveentry/6|0381|Latios|type=Dragon|type2=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔||✔}}
{{Moveentry/6|0521|Unfezant|type=Normal|type2=Flying|1|Flying|Flying|form=All forms||✔|✔|✔||}}
{{Moveentry/6|0566|Archen|type=Rock|type2=Flying|2|Flying|Water 3||✔|✔|✔||}}
{{Moveentry/6|0567|Archeops|type=Rock|type2=Flying|2|Flying|Water 3||✔|✔|✔||}}
{{Moveentry/6|0580|Ducklett|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying||✔|✔|✔||}}
{{Moveentry/6|0581|Swanna|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying||✔|✔|✔||}}
{{Moveentry/6|0643|Reshiram|type=Dragon|type2=Fire|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔|✔|✔||}}
{{Moveentry/6|0644|Zekrom|type=Dragon|type2=Electric|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔|✔|✔||}}
{{Moveentry/6|0646|Kyurem|type=Dragon|type2=Ice|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms||✔|✔|✔||}}
{{Moveentry/6|0666|Vivillon|type=Bug|type2=Flying|1|Bug|Bug|form=All forms|||✔|✔||}}
{{Moveentry/6|0717|Yveltal|type=Dark|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|||✔|✔||}}
{{Moveentry/6|0741|Oricorio|type=Fire|type2=Flying|1|Flying|Flying|form=All forms||||✔||}}
{{Moveentry/6|0785|Tapu Koko|type=Electric|type2=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||✔||}}
{{Moveentry/6|0792|Lunala|type=Psychic|type2=Ghost|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||✔||}}
{{Moveentry/6|0794|Buzzwole|type=Bug|type2=Fighting|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||✔||}}
{{Moveentry/6|0795|Pheromosa|type=Bug|type2=Fighting|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||✔||}}
===Special move===
====[[Generation IV]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0397|Staravia|type=Normal|type2=Flying|1|Flying|Flying|[[Hayley's trades#Staravia|My Pokémon Ranch]]}}
====[[Generation V]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0012|Butterfree|type=Bug|type2=Flying|1|Bug|Bug|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Windswept Sky}}}}
{{Moveentry/1|0083|Farfetch'd|type=Normal|type2=Flying|2|Flying|Field|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Pleasant Forest}}}}
{{Moveentry/1|0084|Doduo|type=Normal|type2=Flying|1|Flying|Flying|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Pleasant Forest}}}}
{{Moveentry/1|0198|Murkrow|type=Dark|type2=Flying|1|Flying|Flying|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Windswept Sky}}}}
{{Moveentry/1|0227|Skarmory|type=Steel|type2=Flying|1|Flying|Flying|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Windswept Sky}}}}
{{Moveentry/1|0333|Swablu|type=Normal|type2=Flying|2|Flying|Dragon|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Windswept Sky}}}}
====[[Generation VII]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0397|Staravia|type=Normal|type2=Flying|1|Flying|Flying|{{DL|QR Scanner|Island Scan}} - {{rt|10|Alola}}{{sup/7|SM}}}}
====[[Generation VIII]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0393|Piplup|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field|[[List of event Pokémon distributions in Pokémon Legends: Arceus#Pocha Marche Pokémon Center Piplup|Pocha Marche Pokémon Center Piplup]]}}
====[[Generation IX]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0823|Corviknight|type=Flying|type2=Steel|1|Flying|Flying|[[Terastal phenomenon|Wild Tera Pokémon]] - [[North Province (Area Two)]]{{sup/9|SV}}}}
==In other games==
==={{g|Mystery Dungeon series}}===
Roost restores a portion of the user's HP, with the percentage (of the user's maximum HP) varying each game.
* [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness|Explorers]] series: 50%
* [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (WiiWare)|Adventure Squad]] series: 10%
* [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity|Gates to Infinity]]: 50%
* {{pkmn|Super Mystery Dungeon}}: 40%
If the user is part-{{type|Flying}}, it loses that type for the rest of the turn. This move is affected by {{m|Snatch}}.
===[[Pokémon Masters EX]]===
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background:#{{flying color}}; border:3px solid #{{flying color dark}}; text-align:center; width:80%"
|- style="background: #{{flying color light}}"
! style="{{roundytl|5px}}" | Name
! {{color2|000|Damage category|Category}}
! Move gauge cost
! MP<br>(uses)
! Base {{color2|000|power}}
! Max {{color2|000|power}}
! {{color2|000|Accuracy}}
! Target
! Effect tag
! Description
! style="{{roundytr|5px}}" | Playable {{color2|000|Sync pair|sync pair(s)}}
|- style="background:#{{flying color light}}"
! colspan=12 |{{color2|000|Buddy move}}
|- style="background:#fff"
|style="{{roundybl|5px}}"|Thundering Wings Roost
|All allies
|'''Activation Condition:''' When there is at least one Pokémon with a lowered Type Rebuff on the opponent's field of play.
'''Deactivation Condition:''' When there are no longer any Pokémon with a lowered Type Rebuff on the opponent's field of play.
Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 30% of their maximum HP. In addition, restores the user's HP by approximately 30% of its maximum HP. Removes all status conditions from all allied sync pairs. Applies the Gradual Healing effect to all allied sync pairs.
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|TDS}}|Restores the user's HP. But if the move is used by a Flying-type Pokémon, it also loses its Flying-type designation until the next turn.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|BSL}}|{{tt|じぶんの HPをかいふくする ひこうタイプのポケモンが このわざを つかってから つぎに こうどうするまでのあいだ ひこうタイプが なくなってしまう|Restores the user's HP. But if the move is used by a Flying-type Pokémon, it also loses its Flying-type designation until the next turn}}}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|GTI}}|It restores your HP by half of your max HP. If it's used by a Flying-type Pokémon, it also loses its Flying-type designation until the next turn.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|SMD}}<br/>{{gameabbrevmd|RTDX}}|It restores your HP. If it's used by a Flying-type Pokémon, that Pokémon also loses its Flying-type designation until the next turn.}}
|}{{left clear}}
==In the manga==
===Pokémon Adventures===
{{movemanga|type=flying|gen=The user rests on the ground to recover its health.|image1=Wingull Roost Adventures.png|image1p=Wingull|image2=Darach Staraptor Roost Adventures.png|image2p=Staraptor}}
{{movep|type=flying|ms=278|pkmn=Wingull|method=Wingull lands on an object, folds its wings up and closes its eyes. Its body then becomes surrounded in an orb of energy, regaining some of its health.}}
{{movemid|type=flying|user=Wingull (Pokémon)|user1=A wild Wingull|startcode=PS383|startname=Winning Over Wingull|notes=Debut}}
{{movep|type=flying|ms=398|pkmn=Staraptor|method=Staraptor's body starts to glow brightly, regaining some of its health.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=flying|user=Darach|user1=Darach's Staraptor|startcode=PS420|startname=Getting the Drop on Gallade II}}
==In other generations==
===Core series games===
|genIV=Roost IV
|genV=Roost V
|genVI=Roost VI
|genVII=Roost VII
|genVIII=Roost VIII
|LA=Roost LA
===Side series games===
|PBR=Roost PBR
===Spin-off series games===
|Masters=Roost Masters
* Roost is the first [[Generation IV]] move in [[index number]] order.

=In other languages=
==In other languages==
*French: '''Aterrissage'''
{{Langtable|color={{flying color}}|bordercolor={{flying color light}}
*Spanish: '''Respiro'''
|zh_yue=羽棲 ''{{tt|Yúhchāi|Feather Rest}}'' {{tt|*|Games}}<br>歇息 ''{{tt|Hitsīk|Rest}}'' {{tt|*|Pre-Gen VII Media}}
|zh_cmn=羽棲 / 羽栖 ''{{tt|Yǔqī|Feather Rest}}'' {{tt|*|Games}}<br>歇息 ''{{tt|Xiēxí|Rest}}'' {{tt|*|Pre-Gen VII Media}}
|ko=날개쉬기 ''{{tt|Nalgae Swigi|Resting Wings}}''
|vi=Hạ Cánh

{{Project MoveDex notice}}
{{Generation IV TMs}}
{{Generation IV TMs}}
{{Generation VI TMs}}
{{Generation VII TMs}}
{{Generation VIII TMs}}
{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}
[[Category:Status moves that heal the user immediately]]
[[Category:Moves that change a Pokémon's type]]
[[Category:Moves in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Sword and Shield]]
[[Category:Moves in Pokémon Legends: Arceus]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet]]

Latest revision as of 16:02, 22 August 2024

はねやすめ Feather Rest
Type  Flying
Category  Status
PP  5 (max. 8)
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  0
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by Mirror Move
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Self: Affects the user
Introduced  Generation IV
Condition  Cool
Appeal  0  
Jam  0  
Points = voltage of judge.
Condition  Cool
Appeal  0  
Increased Voltage is added to the performance score.
Condition  Clever
Appeal  4 ♥♥♥♥
Jamming  0  
Makes the audience quickly grow bored when an appeal move has little effect.

Roost (Japanese: はねやすめ Feather Rest) is a non-damaging Flying-type move introduced in Generation IV. It was TM51 in Generation IV and Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, TM19 from Generation VI to Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, and TM50 in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!.


Generation IV

Roost restores up to 50% of the user's maximum HP, rounded down.

If a Flying-type Pokémon successfully uses Roost, until the end of the turn, its Flying type is ignored when it is hit by attacks. If the Pokémon has another type, only that type is considered; if the Pokémon is a pure Flying type, all attacks will be normally effective against it.

Generation V to VII

Roost now restores 50% of the user's maximum HP, rounded up.

If a Flying-type Pokémon successfully uses Roost, it will now lose its Flying type until the end of the turn:

  • If a pure Flying-type Pokémon successfully uses Roost, it will become Normal-type until the end of the turn. If a Pokémon is a Fire/Flying type that lost its Fire type due to Burn Up, using Roost causes it to become typeless until the end of the turn.
  • If a Pokémon with another type besides Flying uses Roost, it will lose its Flying type until the end of the turn (but will not have it replaced with the Normal type).
  • If a pure Flying-type Pokémon that has been affected by Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat successfully uses Roost, its Flying type will be replaced by Normal, in addition to retaining its Grass or Ghost type addition.

If a Pokémon is ungrounded only due to its Flying type, successfully using Roost will make it grounded until the end of the turn (and therefore susceptible to effects such as terrain and Rototiller).

If powered up by a Flyinium Z into Z-Roost, all of the user's lowered stats are reset.

Generation VIII

Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Category  Status
PP  10
Agile Strong
Power  —  —  —
Accuracy  —%  —%  —%
Action speed modifier
Self  0  -3  +5
Target  ?  ?  ?
Additional effect
Heal  50%  30%  70%
   ?  ?
   ?  ?
Heals the user by a percentage of its total HP

Generation IX

Roost's PP was reduced from 10 to 5.


Games Description
The user lands and rests its body. It restores the user's HP by up to half of its max HP.
The user lands and rests its body. It restores the user's HP by up to half of its top HP.*
The user lands and rests its body. This move restores the user's HP by up to half of its max HP.
LA The user lands and rests its body. This move restores the user's HP.
SV The user lands and rests its body. This move restores the user's HP by up to half its max HP.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0016 Pidgey
Flying Flying 37 37 37 37 17 37
0017 Pidgeotto
Flying Flying 42 42 42 42 17 42
0018 Pidgeot
Flying Flying 44 44 44 44 17 44
0021 Spearow
Flying Flying 33 33 33 32 24 32
0022 Fearow
Flying Flying 41 41 41 36 29 36
0144 Articuno
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 57 57 1, 85 85 56 40 40 40
0145 Zapdos
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 57 57 1, 85 85 56 40 40 40
0146 Moltres
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 57 57 1, 85 85 56 40 40 40
0149 Dragonite
Water 1 Dragon 1 1 1 1 88 1 1 1
0163 Hoothoot
Flying Flying 45 53 53 37 30 30 30
0164 Noctowl
Flying Flying 52 62 62 43 38 38 38
0165 Ledyba
Bug Bug 19
0166 Ledian
Bug Bug 20
0198 Murkrow
Flying Flying 11
0206 Dunsparce Field Field 33 33BW
25 23SM
40 40 36
0226 Mantine
Water 1 Water 1 1 1 1 29
0278 Wingull
Water 1 Flying 29 29BW
33 40 40 40
0279 Pelipper
Water 1 Flying 31 31BW
39 48 48 48
0373 Salamence
Dragon Dragon 1
0393 Piplup Water 1 Field 25
0394 Prinplup Water 1 Field 25
0395 Empoleon
Water 1 Field 25
0396 Starly
Flying Flying 21
0397 Staravia
Flying Flying 21
0398 Staraptor
Flying Flying 21
0414 Mothim
Bug Bug 35
0416 Vespiquen
Bug Bug 24
0430 Honchkrow
Flying Flying 11
0441 Chatot
Flying Flying 33 41 41 41 41 18
0456 Finneon Water 2 Water 2 34
0457 Lumineon Water 2 Water 2 34
0458 Mantyke
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 29
0519 Pidove
Flying Flying 18 18 18 36
0520 Tranquill
Flying Flying 18 18 18 44
0521 Unfezant
All forms

Flying Flying 18 18 18 50
0580 Ducklett
Water 1 Flying 30 30 30 30
0581 Swanna
Water 1 Flying 30 30 30 30
0627 Rufflet
Flying Flying 25
0628 Braviary
Hisuian Form

Flying Flying 25
0661 Fletchling
Flying Flying 21 21 45 45
0662 Fletchinder
Flying Flying 25 25 57 57
0663 Talonflame
Flying Flying 25 25 65 65
0701 Hawlucha
Flying Human-Like 12 12 36 36
0714 Noibat
Flying Dragon 27 27 44 44
0715 Noivern
Flying Dragon 27 27 44 44
0717 Yveltal
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1 30
0722 Rowlet
Flying Flying 11
0723 Dartrix
Flying Flying 11
0724 Decidueye
Hisuian Form

Flying Flying 11
0731 Pikipek
Flying Flying 19 19
0732 Trumbeak
Flying Flying 21 21
0733 Toucannon
Flying Flying 21 21
0741 Oricorio
All forms

Flying Flying 30 30
0931 Squawkabilly
All forms

Flying Flying 47
0940 Wattrel
Water 1 Flying 23
0941 Kilowattrel
Water 1 Flying 24
0973 Flamigo
Flying Flying 31
0982 Dudunsparce
All forms
Field Field 36
1005 Roaring Moon
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 84
1016 Fezandipiti
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 64
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Egg Move
0083 Farfetch'd
Flying Field
0142 Aerodactyl
Flying Flying
0177 Natu
Flying Flying
0198 Murkrow
Flying Flying
0227 Skarmory
Flying Flying
0276 Taillow
Flying Flying
0278 Wingull
Water 1 Flying
0313 Volbeat Bug Human-Like
0314 Illumise Bug Human-Like
0333 Swablu
Flying Dragon
0393 Piplup Water 1 Field
0396 Starly
Flying Flying
0527 Woobat
Field Flying
0561 Sigilyph
Flying Flying
0587 Emolga
Field Field
0627 Rufflet
Flying Flying
0629 Vullaby
Flying Flying
0722 Rowlet
Flying Flying
0821 Rookidee Flying Flying
0845 Cramorant
Water 1 Flying
0912 Quaxly Flying Water 1
0955 Flittle Flying Flying
0962 Bombirdier
Flying Flying
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By TM/Move Tutor

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Compatibility
0006 Charizard
Monster Dragon
0012 Butterfree
Bug Bug
0015 Beedrill
Bug Bug
0016 Pidgey
Flying Flying
0017 Pidgeotto
Flying Flying
0018 Pidgeot
Flying Flying
0021 Spearow
Flying Flying
0022 Fearow
Flying Flying
0041 Zubat
Flying Flying
0042 Golbat
Flying Flying
0049 Venomoth
Bug Bug
0083 Farfetch'd
Flying Field
0084 Doduo
Flying Flying
0085 Dodrio
Flying Flying
0123 Scyther
Bug Bug
0142 Aerodactyl
Flying Flying
0144 Articuno
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0145 Zapdos
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0146 Moltres
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0149 Dragonite
Water 1 Dragon
0151 Mew No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0163 Hoothoot
Flying Flying
0164 Noctowl
Flying Flying
0165 Ledyba
Bug Bug
0166 Ledian
Bug Bug
0169 Crobat
Flying Flying
0176 Togetic
Flying Fairy
0177 Natu
Flying Flying
0178 Xatu
Flying Flying
0193 Yanma
Bug Bug
0198 Murkrow
Flying Flying
0206 Dunsparce Field Field
0207 Gligar
Bug Bug
0212 Scizor
Bug Bug
0226 Mantine
Water 1 Water 1
0227 Skarmory
Flying Flying
0249 Lugia
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0250 Ho-Oh
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0267 Beautifly
Bug Bug
0269 Dustox
Bug Bug
0276 Taillow
Flying Flying
0277 Swellow
Flying Flying
0278 Wingull
Water 1 Flying
0279 Pelipper
Water 1 Flying
0284 Masquerain
Water 1 Bug
0291 Ninjask
Bug Bug
0313 Volbeat Bug Human-Like
0314 Illumise Bug Human-Like
0329 Vibrava
Bug Dragon
0330 Flygon
Bug Dragon
0333 Swablu
Flying Dragon
0334 Altaria
Flying Dragon
0357 Tropius
Monster Grass
0373 Salamence
Dragon Dragon
0380 Latias
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0381 Latios
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0396 Starly
Flying Flying
0397 Staravia
Flying Flying
0398 Staraptor
Flying Flying
0414 Mothim
Bug Bug
0416 Vespiquen
Bug Bug
0430 Honchkrow
Flying Flying
0441 Chatot
Flying Flying
0468 Togekiss
Flying Fairy
0469 Yanmega
Bug Bug
0472 Gliscor
Bug Bug
0519 Pidove
Flying Flying
0520 Tranquill
Flying Flying
0521 Unfezant
All forms

Flying Flying
0527 Woobat
Field Flying
0528 Swoobat
Field Flying
0561 Sigilyph
Flying Flying
0566 Archen
Flying Water 3
0567 Archeops
Flying Water 3
0580 Ducklett
Water 1 Flying
0581 Swanna
Water 1 Flying
0587 Emolga
Field Field
0627 Rufflet
Flying Flying
0628 Braviary
Flying Flying
0629 Vullaby
Flying Flying
0630 Mandibuzz
Flying Flying
0635 Hydreigon
Dragon Dragon
0637 Volcarona
Bug Bug
0643 Reshiram
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0644 Zekrom
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0646 Kyurem
All forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0661 Fletchling
Flying Flying
0662 Fletchinder
Flying Flying
0663 Talonflame
Flying Flying
0666 Vivillon
All forms

Bug Bug
0701 Hawlucha
Flying Human-Like
0714 Noibat
Flying Dragon
0715 Noivern
Flying Dragon
0717 Yveltal
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0722 Rowlet
Flying Flying
0723 Dartrix
Flying Flying
0724 Decidueye
Flying Flying
0731 Pikipek
Flying Flying
0732 Trumbeak
Flying Flying
0733 Toucannon
Flying Flying
0738 Vikavolt
Bug Bug
0741 Oricorio
All forms

Flying Flying
0742 Cutiefly
Bug Fairy
0743 Ribombee
Bug Fairy
0780 Drampa
Monster Dragon
0785 Tapu Koko
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0792 Lunala
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0794 Buzzwole
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0795 Pheromosa
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Special move

Generation IV

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0397 Staravia
Flying Flying My Pokémon Ranch
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Generation V

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0012 Butterfree
Bug Bug Dream World - Windswept Sky
0083 Farfetch'd
Flying Field Dream World - Pleasant Forest
0084 Doduo
Flying Flying Dream World - Pleasant Forest
0198 Murkrow
Flying Flying Dream World - Windswept Sky
0227 Skarmory
Flying Flying Dream World - Windswept Sky
0333 Swablu
Flying Dragon Dream World - Windswept Sky
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Generation VII

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0397 Staravia
Flying Flying Island Scan - Route 10SM
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Generation VIII

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0393 Piplup Water 1 Field Pocha Marche Pokémon Center Piplup
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Generation IX

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0823 Corviknight
Flying Flying Wild Tera Pokémon - North Province (Area Two)SV
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Roost restores a portion of the user's HP, with the percentage (of the user's maximum HP) varying each game.

If the user is part-Flying-type, it loses that type for the rest of the turn. This move is affected by Snatch.

Game Base
Range Target Cuts
MDTDS - - 14 - —% - User User -
BSL - - 14 - —% - User User -
MDGtI - - 13 50 —% - User User -
SMD - - 13 30 —% - User User -
With some exceptions, Pokémon learnsets match those from the core series games:

Pokémon Masters EX

Name Category Move gauge cost MP
Base power Max power Accuracy Target Effect tag Description Playable sync pair(s)
Buddy move
Thundering Wings Roost Status 2 2 —% All allies Heals Activation Condition: When there is at least one Pokémon with a lowered Type Rebuff on the opponent's field of play.

Deactivation Condition: When there are no longer any Pokémon with a lowered Type Rebuff on the opponent's field of play.

Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 30% of their maximum HP. In addition, restores the user's HP by approximately 30% of its maximum HP. Removes all status conditions from all allied sync pairs. Applies the Gradual Healing effect to all allied sync pairs.

Blue (Champion) & Zapdos


Games Description
MDTDS Restores the user's HP. But if the move is used by a Flying-type Pokémon, it also loses its Flying-type designation until the next turn.
BSL じぶんの HPをかいふくする ひこうタイプのポケモンが このわざを つかってから つぎに こうどうするまでのあいだ ひこうタイプが なくなってしまう
MDGtI It restores your HP by half of your max HP. If it's used by a Flying-type Pokémon, it also loses its Flying-type designation until the next turn.
It restores your HP. If it's used by a Flying-type Pokémon, that Pokémon also loses its Flying-type designation until the next turn.

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

In other generations

Core series games

Side series games

Spin-off series games


In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 羽棲 Yúhchāi *
歇息 Hitsīk *
Mandarin 羽棲 / 羽栖 Yǔqī *
歇息 Xiēxí *
French Atterrissage
German Ruheort
Greek Κούρνιασμα
Italian Trespolo
Korean 날개쉬기 Nalgae Swigi
Brazilian Portuguese Poleiro
Serbian Mitarenje
Spanish Respiro
Vietnamese Hạ Cánh

Variations of the move Recover
RecoverSoft-BoiledMilk DrinkSlack OffHeal OrderRoost

Generation IV TMs
Generation IV HMs
01020304 • 05 (DPPtHGSS) • 060708
Generation VI TMs
798081828384858687888990919293 • 94 (XYORAS) • 9596979899100
Generation VI HMs
Generation VII TMs
Generation VIII TMs
Generation VIII TRs (SwSh)

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.