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Reason: Alpha Sapphire quotes

マツブサ Matsubusa
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Maxie.png
Art from Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Gender Male
Hometown Unknown
Region Hoenn
Trainer class Magma Leader
Generation III, VI
Games Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Member of Team Magma
Rank Boss
Anime debut Gaining Groudon
English voice actor Marc Thompson
Japanese voice actor Keiji Fujiwara

Maxie (Japanese: マツブサ Matsubusa) is the head of Team Magma. He is the only character in the games to have the Trainer class Magma Leader (Japanese: マグマだんリーダー Team Magma Leader).

In the games

Maxie is the head of Team Magma. In Pokémon Sapphire, Maxie helps the player against Team Aqua. He does not have an active role in the storyline and cannot be battled.

In Pokémon Ruby and their remakes, he first appears in the Oceanic Museum in Slateport City, trying to steal the Devon Goods from Captain Stern. Later, Team Magma members steal a Meteorite from Professor Cozmo in Meteor Falls, and use it to try to cause Mt. Chimney to erupt. Then, after CourtneyR/TabithaOR raids the Weather Institute, Maxie steals the BlueR/Red OrbOR from Mt. Pyre. Later, he and the Team Magma members turn up in Slateport again as Captain Stern announces a discovery he has made about a seafloor cavern. Team Magma promptly steals the Submarine Explorer 1 that Captain Stern has built and goes for the Seafloor Cavern to awaken Groudon.

In Pokémon Emerald, Maxie tries again to dry Mt. Chimney's lava pool via the meteorite from Meteor Falls, but this time he is looking for Groudon inside the volcano. After this first, unsuccessful attempt, Maxie sends Team Magma members to make a secret hideout inside the volcano, where he finally awakens Groudon using the Blue Orb stolen at Mt. Pyre. However he loses the control over the legendary Pokémon. Later Team Magma raids the Mossdeep Space Center, trying to use the rocket fuel to make Mt. Chimney erupt. The protagonist comes just in time to stop him, but as Tabitha is teaming up with Maxie, Steven is forced to team up with the player to stop Team Magma. When defeated a third time, Maxie sees the error of his ways, later disbanding Team Magma and attempting to stop Groudon and Kyogre's fight.

Maxie's role in the games differs slightly. In Ruby and Emerald, Maxie is regularly disdainful and resentful for the player's constant interference throughout, choosing to flee often rather than further justify or persuade the player of their team's sincerity. Even in the end, upon returning the Blue Orb, he simply states that nature is not for humanity's interference in any regard, before saying a final farewell to the player. In Emerald, he stops to come back towards the player, but is unable to get past first addressing them, either out of respect or guilt. In Omega, Maxie's character is vastly expanded upon. A calculating strategist, he still maintains a cold demeanor and sense of overconfidence, but carries with him a distinct respect for the player as well, recognizing them as part of humanity's future, and is increasingly impressed with both their willpower and strength. Upon the defeat of Primal Groudon, this respect evolves into a profound affection for the player, entrusting him with both the Red Orb, and eventually his Cameruptite, as well as free entrance to visit their hideout. He also resolves to stay and reform Team Magma's ideals for benevolent purposes, rather than disappearing forever out of shame.

In Omega, the player once again squares off against Maxie, who has defeated Team Aqua's leader Archie in battle. Upon defeating him, Maxie jovially congratulates the player for their perseverance before preparing to awaken Groudon. However, Tabitha, who has learned of Groudon's potential risk to the world's natural balance, suddenly dashes in begging Maxie to stop, to which the Magma Leader disdainfully dismisses as part of his rumored attempt to usurp him in leadership. Awakening Groudon, the beast suddenly bursts through the cave's surface, and the Drought ability begins to parch Hoenn drastically. At first, Maxie is delighted, anticipating his plans to be finally in fruition. However, he soon finds himself horrified to discover that not only are the levels of sun hotter than he anticipated, but that activating Groudon's Desolate Land ability could push the heat to unbearably lethal levels for all above the surface. Guilt-ridden, he heads to Sootopolis to meet the player there, and expresses a profound apology for his hubris. Entrusting the player with saving them, he has Tabitha equip them with the Magma Suit to endure the magma's heat in the center of the Cave of Origin and to communicate with the player upon meeting Groudon.

Upon Groudon's defeat or capture, the energy amassed in the Cave's jewels emit a green beam skyward, which casts an emerald spectrum of falling lights across the region. Maxie, profoundly affected by the experience, is at first hesitant to accept Archie's offer to start over, believing himself unworthy of redemption. However, Tabitha (in a somewhat brutally blunt moment), while agreeing with Maxie's self-assessment, nonetheless encourages him to at least try, and that atonement is a key part of responsibility, offering his continued loyalty from that point onward. Softly thanking his Admin, Maxie willingly relinquishes the Red Orb to the player, entrusting them with Groudon's Primal power, and departs with Archie to begin their mutual reformation. During the Delta Episode, Maxie is confronted in the Magma Hideout by one of his fromer grunts, Zinnia, who is thieving Key Stones in order to summon and empower Rayquaza with Mega Evolution. When his Key Stone is stolen, he entrusts the player with his Cameruptite to stop Zinnia's apparent rampage. When the world is spared from the meteor, Maxie summons Courtney to his quarters, where she tearfully apologizes for her recklessness. Shocked by the sight of his normally stoic Admin crying, Maxie agrees to forgive her on one condition...she forgive his actions and conduct, recognizing that coupled with the fallout of their plans for Groudon, drove her into despair. He explains his intent to start over the principles of Team Magma, having learned the importance of understanding and working with even those he disagrees with, to which she agrees. He welcomes the player to visit them in their hideout anytime, taking on the role of a friend to them. This friendship even extends to being available to partner with them in the Battle Maison's Multi Battle mode.


In the games he appears in, Maxie battles with the following Pokémon:

Pokémon Ruby

First battle

Second battle

Pokémon Emerald

First battle

Second battle

Third battle

Maxie battles alongside Tabitha during the attack on the Mossdeep Space Center.

Pokémon Omega Ruby

First battle

Second battle

Battle Maison Multi Battle

Maxie will always use these two Pokémon as the player's Multi Battle Partner.

Additionally, when fighting three Team Aqua Grunts at Mt. Chimney, Maxie is seen with a Poochyena. It is unknown if this Poochyena is related to Maxie's Mightyena.


Pokémon Ruby

Oceanic Museum

"I came to see what was taking so long to snatch some parts, and you simps are held up by a mere child? I am Team Magma's Maxie. Why on earth do you feel compelled to mess up Team Magma's plans? Pokémon, people, all life exists on land... That's why Team Magma is trying to expand the world's landmass. Don't you agree? What we are doing is a magnificent undertaking. Well, no matter... You're young. Your inability to understand our noble cause can't be helped... But, if you were to impede us ever again, you'll see no mercy from us! Keep that firmly in mind! Farewell!"

Mt. Chimney

"The power contained in the Meteorite... By amplifying its power with this machine, Mt. Chimney's volcanic activity will instantly intensify... Fufufu... The volcano will erupt, spewing lava that will cool and harden. It will expand the landmass..."
  • Before battle
"You again... Now listen. We humans have grown on dry land. The land is everything! Its importance is paramount! That is why we of Team Magma are committed to expanding the landmass. It will create space for new species of Pokémon to evolve. It will give us humans more space to advance. That is Team Magma's vision! I can't allow an ignorant child like you to get in our way. I, Maxie, will show you the consequences of meddling!"
  • When defeated
"What?! I, Maxie, was caught off guard?!"
  • After being defeated
"Ah, whatever. I will give up our plans for Mt. Chimney for the time being... But no one can ever stop us! Team Magma will prevail! Don't you ever forget that!"

Mt. Pyre

"Not you again... You've impeded our plans repeatedly, but this time you're too late. The Blue Orb that rested atop Mt. Pyre... I, Maxie, claim it as mine! Fufufu... Finally, I can realize my grand design... Come on, crew! It's Slateport next!"

Slateport Harbor

"Fwahahaha... I commiserate with you! All that effort you spent following me here all the way from Mt. Pyre. But now... No one can stop us! No one! Or, will you follow us back to our Hideout in Lilycove City? Fwahahahaha..."

Seafloor Cavern

"Hold it right there."
  • Before battle
"Fufufu... So it was you, after all. Behold! See how beautiful it is, the sleeping form of the ancient Pokémon Groudon! I have waited so long for this day to come... It surprises me, how you've managed to chase me here. But that's all over now. For the realization of my dream, you must disappear now!"
  • When defeated
"I... I lost again?"
  • After being defeated
"Fufufu... I commend you. I must recognize that you are truly gifted. But! I have this in my possession! With this Blue Orb, I can make Groudon..."
"What?! I didn't do anything. Why did the Blue Orb... Where did Groudon go?"
"Hm? It's a message from our members outside..."
"Yes, what is it? Hm... The sun is burning brightly? Good... That should have happened. That is why we awakened Groudon, to realize Team Magma's vision of expanding the world's landmass."
"What?! It's far hotter than we envisioned? It's so hot that it's dangerous? That can't be... That's just not possible... Hold your position and monitor the situation!"
"There's something wrong... The Blue Orb is supposed to awaken and control Groudon... But... Why? Why did Groudon disappear? Why?!"
"What are you saying? The Blue Orb should let me control Groudon... That can't be possible..."

Route 128

"What happened... What is this wretched scene... Did I...make a horrible mistake? I... I only wanted..."

Pokémon Sapphire

Meteor Falls

"Hold it right there, Team Aqua! We, Team Magma, won't allow you to get away with your misdeeds!"
"And you are? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Fine, so you are <player>. I am Maxie. As the head of Team Magma, I have dedicated myself to thwarting the dangerous plans of Team Aqua. Why? Because Team Aqua is a grave threat to us all. They have committed many destructive acts in their bid to enlarge the sea. We, Team Magma, love dry land above all! Team Aqua is our sworn enemy!"
"Yes, yes, we must! We've got to hurry. There's no telling what Team Aqua will do at Mt. Chimney!"
"<player>, you should keep an eye out for Team Aqua, too. Farewell!"

Mt. Chimney

"Oh, <player>! Please, you must stop Team Aqua for me! They're trying to make this volcano inactive by using the stolen Meteorite's power!"
"<Player>! Please, you've got to stop Team Aqua for me! Dealing with these three thugs is a lot, even for me!"
"<player>! Thank you! With your help, we thwarted Team Aqua's destructive plan! But... This victory doesn't mean the end of their evil plans. We will remain vigilant and keep up our pursuit of Team Aqua. <Player>, we shall meet again!"

Seafloor Cavern

"What have you wrought? Archie... You've finally awoken Kyogre, haven't you? What will happen to the world if this downpour continues for all eternity? The world's landmass will drown in the deepening sea..."
"We don't have the time to argue about it here! Get outside and see for yourself! See if what you've wrought is the world that you desired!"
"<Player>, come on, you have to get out of here, too!"

Route 128

"Do you understand now, Archie? Do you finally see how disastrous your dream turned out to be? We have to hurry! We have to do something before the situation goes completely out of control!"
"<Player>... We, Team Magma, had been pursuing Team Aqua to prevent this from happening. You've been very helpful, but I fear the worst has happened... It's gone too far for a child like you to manage... Leave things to us, and get out of here while you still can!"
"This defies belief... A super-ancient Pokémon... Its power is unbelievable. It has upset the balance of nature..."

Pokémon Emerald

Mt. Chimney

  • Before battle
"The power contained in the Meteorite... By amplifying its power with this machine, Mt. Chimney's volcanic activity will instantly intensify... Its energy will grow deep inside the crater and... Fufufu..."
"Hm? Who are you? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I'd heard Archie bemoaning a child who's been meddling with Team Aqua's affairs. It must be you he meant. Humph! So you're thinking of interfering with us, Team Magma?"
"Now you listen. Long ago, living things used the land to live and grow. That is why land is all important! It is the cradle of all! That is why Team Magma is dedicated to the expansion of the land mass. It is for further advancement of humankind and Pokémon! And for that, we need the power of what sleeps within this mountain..."
"Oh! There was no need for you to learn that much. But, no matter! I'll teach you the consequences of meddling in our grand design!"
  • When defeated
"What?! I, Maxie, was caught off guard?"
  • After being defeated
"But, enough. I will back off this time. But don't think that this is the last you've seen of Team Magma. Fufufu... Even without the Meteorite, if we obtain the Orb... Fufufu...

Magma Hideout

  • Before battle
"Groudon... Nothing could awaken you from your sleep bathed in magma... This Blue Orb is what you sought. Wasn't it? I have brought you the Blue Orb. Let its shine awaken you! And show me... Show me the full extent of your power!"
"Groudon! What's wrong? Wasn't the Blue Orb the key? Groudon! Where have you gone..."
"Oh, so it was you? I've seen you poking around uninvited here and there... I get it now! You must have pulled a cheap stunt!"
  • When defeated
"What makes you so adept at handling Pokémon?"
  • After being defeated
"There has to be some reason why Groudon fled... That's what you're trying to say, aren't you? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Humph... You think I didn't know that? With Groudon gone, there is no longer any need for this blasted volcano. I am going after Groudon, so this is where we part!"

Mossdeep Space Center

"Clear out of the way! Don't you dare interfere!"
  • Before battle
"Fufufu... Since you're so curious, you deserve an explanation. We're going to jettison the entire load into Mt. Chimney! With Groudon gone, we have no need for that slag heap of a mountain! So we'll use the fuel's power to make the volcano erupt! It will be savage!"
  • When defeated
"All I want... I just want to expand the land mass..."
  • After being defeated
"We failed to make the volcano erupt... We failed to control Groudon after we had awoken it... Is our goal to expand the land misguided? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... If... If we, Team Magma, are wrong... ... ... ... ... ... Then might Team Aqua's goal to expand the sea also be equally misguided?"
"All right... We will give up on the fuel... There appear to be more important matters that I must examine..."

Seafloor Cavern

"What have you wrought? Archie... You've finally awoken Kyogre, haven't you? What will happen to the world if this downpour continues for all eternity? The world's landmass will drown in the deepening sea..."
"We don't have the time to argue about it here! Get outside and see for yourself! See if what you've wrought is the world that we desired!"
"<Player>, come on, you have to get out of here, too!"

Route 128

"Do you understand now, Archie? Do you finally see how disastrous your dream turned out to be? We have to hurry! We have to do something before the situation goes completely out of control!"
"<Player>, don't say anything. I know that I have no right to be critical of Archie... But the way things are now, I doubt that we humans will be capable of doing anything about it. But neither can we stand by and just watch helplessly. The responsibility of putting an end to this falls between Archie and me..."
"This defies belief... Those super-ancient Pokémon... Their power is unbelievable. They have upset the balance of nature..."

Sootopolis City

"G... Groudon... Please! Stop what you're doing! I know the extent of your power now! If you keep going, all Hoenn, not just Sootopolis, will be utterly ruined!"
  • After Rayquaza stops the fight between Kyogre and Groudon
"So the super-ancient Pokémon weren't only Groudon and Kyogre... After all our frantic scheming and fruitless efforts, that one Pokémon's simple action puts everything right again as if nothing had happened... Fu... Fuhahaha..."

Mt. Pyre


Pokémon Omega Ruby

Oceanic Museum

"Now here I was wondering how you could be held up in the simple act of seizing a case. Do I take it you are being stymied by this child?"
"Hmm. Though you are but a child, your eyes tell me of your fierce determination. My heart is pounding in my chest... Yes, I think I can see why my lowly Grunts could not stand one minute against you. I am called Maxie. I stand as the head of Team Magma, a noble organization whose goal is to propel humanity to even greater heights of progress and evolution. Indeed. And you are one of the young persons who may shape our society's future. Considering that fact, I believe I shall educate you in the ways of the world. The land... It is the stage upon which humanity stands. The land exists so we humans might continue onward and upward, stepping into the future... For us to continue growing and evolving, humans require a grand stage upon which to stand. A land upon which we can stride forward... A land we can explore...develop...exploit... This is the basis for the growth of all human endeavor. That is why we, Team Magma, must increase the landmass of the world! Believe that this will lead to a future of eternal happiness for humanity... And consequently for all life!"
"Humph. I suppose the concept may still be too difficult for a child to comprehend. Is that the case? At least I have tried to open your mind. I will take my leave for now. I suggest you take care that you never again stand against Team Magma. I will not be so lenient next time. I implore you to remember that."
"We are done here."

Mt. Chimney

  • Before battle
"The power contained in the Meteorite... If we merge the explosive energy contained within the planet's core with the Meteorite's power..."
"I remember those eyes. And the indomitable will that seems to burn behind them. Ahhh. Now I recall. You are the one who defied us at Slateport's Oceanic Museum. And, your presence here tells me that you have defeated Tabitha. Yes, I see now that the stirring of interest I felt was not misplaced. Hmph. You show true promise. Fine. I will attempt to educate you."
"Thousands of years ago, there lived a most powerful being that was said to be capable of creating new lands on the planet. The power which we in Team Magma seek— This power, which can expand the available landmass, belongs to a legendary and super-ancient Pokémon. Though now it slumbers, having lost the source of its power and been trapped in a deep sleep. So what is it that we must do to awaken this slumbering giant? Our research has led us here, to Mt. Chimney. Yes, this very Meteorite. If we create the right conditions, we should find ourselves able to alter this Meteorite's qualities. Yes, even into a Mega Stone. Even into a Key Stone. And here, at Mt. Chimney— Hmph... I should not say too much. That is the end of today's lesson."
"Now then. I believe it is time we begin. The time for the purge has come. I do believe that I made myself quite clear when we were last in Slateport. I warned you that any fool standing in our way would be met without mercy!"
"I will bury you by my own hand. I hope you appreciate this honor!"
  • When defeated
"Ugh! You are...quite capable... I fell behind, but only by an inch..."
  • After being defeated
"Oh? So you repulsed the great Maxie in battle. Haha... You never fail to entertain me!"
"An excellent start! This time, permit me to unleash my full strength! Once you've tasted my Pokémon's Mega Evolved power, you will say good-bye to your last shred of hope!"
"Hm? Yes, it's me. ...Oh? Then it is Mt. Pyre. I understand. I will come at once."
"I am sorry to cut our battle short, but I'm afraid I must excuse myself. Such rudeness demands reparation. Take this Meteorite as my apologies. You may do with it what you like."
"And I will not again forget the face of the Trainer who managed to thwart me in battle!"

Mt. Pyre

"Humph. So it was you... I'm sorry that I had to postpone my defeat of you at Mt. Chimney. And now, I am sorry that I have to postpone it once more. I cannot afford to waste even a single second now. For the Red Orb which has been enshrined here at Mt. Pyre... Now belongs to me, the great Maxie!"
"Courtney. You must see to it that our dear visitor is not neglected due to my inability to battle now... Do be so kind as to battle him/her with the full measure of your strength...and crush this boy/girl so that he/she will never again for a single moment dream of defying out team!"
"Fufufu... With this Red Orb in my possession, I have no need for the power of the Meteorite to awaken the beast from the deep! All that I need now is a way to reach the place where it sleeps... The only task remaining is obtaining the submarine being constructed in Slateport! We move out at once, team! Our next destination...Slateport City!"

Slateport Harbor

"Hrr-hrrmph. Captain Stern, I presume you can hear me. We of Team Magma will now assume control of your famed submarine. Take pride in the fact that your invention will serve as a linchpin of the next great step in humanity's development! Fufufu... Fuwahahahahaha!"
"Hmph... So you have bothered to chase me, Maxie, all the way here from Mt. Pyre... Hohoho. You have earned my respect for the persistence you have shown. However... None can stop us now. All that remains is to retrofit this submarine and force our way into the Seafloor Cavern, where the great Pokémon sleeps... Our plans to propel humanity to its ultimate heights have entered their final stage. If you wish to prolong your futile struggle, I will not deny your right to try. Our hideout lies in Lilycove City. Follow us to our very door if you feel that justice demands it. And now I must be going. Tabitha! Let us go."

Seafloor Cavern

  • Before battle
"Ahahaha! How pathetic you appear now. The fool, Archie."
"Fuhahaha! Just as I predicted."
"Even I, the great Maxie, have found myself wishing for something I cannot justify. And the illogical desire that I harbored was to have you present here at this moment. Hahaha... And now that fool's wish has come true. Fantastic! Nothing could please me more! I suppose I should make introductions... I present to you my incomparable partner, who will assist Team Magma in driving humanity forward to its next level!"
"The super-ancient Pokémon... Groudon! Behold! This great form slumbering in defiance of even the broiling lava surrounding it!"
"So long have I waited for this day... Immeasurably long! This foolish world has held back humanity's progress out of misguided idealism regarding the coexistence of humans and Pokémon. But this ancient creature can bring that to its rightful end, creating a new land upon which humanity may stride freely forward. Now that I have at last obtained the power of Primal Groudon!"
"And now, you are the final obstacle remaining between me and my goals. It behooves me to use every tool at my disposal to eliminate you. Indeed! Even Mega Evolution! Do not delude yourself that you and your Pokémon are the only ones capable of it. I must apologize for making you wait through our encounters at Mt. Chimney and Mt. Pyre without treating you to this sight. Brace yourself for my ultimate attack! Fuhahaha!"
  • When defeated
"You've really done it, child. You've shown a power that exceeds that of the great Maxie!"
  • After being defeated
"Hah... Hah... Hahhh... ... Ah. Aha... Fuhahaha... Kahahahaha! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
"Splendid. Just splendid, my young Trainer. No, it is more than that! I should be calling you my young hero! Believing until the very end that a world where humanity and Pokémon coexist must be the best... Rejecting my ideals without a second thought... Yes, watching you struggle desperately to halt the beginning of the world's end... You are undoubtedly a hero! So noble... And yet. I will not yield! I will not bend! My ideals will not be shaken! My dream for the world's next step forward will never change!"
"I will use the Red Orb to awaken Groudon, revert it to its primal form, and put and end to all else!"
"Buh?! Tabitha?!"
"Humph. Did you think I had not noticed? That I had somehow failed to realize you were after my spot? Such a sad development indeed. To be betrayed by my number two..."
"In the end, there is only one being upon which I can depend! Now, Groudon! Absorb all of the power resting in this Red Orb, and reclaim yourself! Revert to your primal form! This is the time to take back the great Evolution you lost in the ancient past! Reclaim the possibility you once held!"
"Gahahahaha! At last... AT LAST! I've finally done it!!! A new world for human evolution will be born!!! We shall stride forward!!!"
"... Hm? A message from our members outside? What is it? So the sun has turned mercilessly fierce in its heat. I should expect so. That is what I have long— No, what WE have long wished for. What?! The heat is greater than simulations predicted? It will be a risk to our own safety if it continues?! That cannot be... It has only just awoken... Where is it getting so much power from? And how much more will it gain when it does undergo Primal Reversion... C-continue your readings! Then report back!"
"All that matters is... That I have used the red orb to awaken Groudon. And now... I will transform this planet to a land ideal for humanity."
"What... Did you say?"

Route 128

"This... This is not..."
"... I... I wanted... I wanted to make... It was supposed to be a world where the human race would attain new heights... The next stage... Of our new development... It was all... For humanity's future..."

Sootopolis City

"...I know what must be done. I will entrust this to you now. It is the fruit of our collaboration with the Devon Corporation, and it represents the height of Hoenn's technological knowledge and skill."
"And yet... Even with that Magma Suit, is it probable that anyone could pass through that magma, now fiercer than ever due to the forces of nature?"
"Child, you... No. I have no right to call you "child." Fellow Trainer. I have caused great harm, and for that I apologize most sincerely. But now we find ourselves at an impasse, and you and your Pokémon are all that humanity has to count on in its stand against Groudon..."
"The fate of our world... The world upon which all humanity thrives... The fate of our world rests in your hands!"

Cave of Origin

"Do you read me? It is I, the great Maxie. A device built into that suit has donned allows me to talk to you. We have received the readings from your suit. They suggest that Groudon has appeared. Is my supposition correct? Does it stand before you now? You must listen... Do not waste even a single second. Leap upon Groudon's mighty back. Then le-- take you to -- dee---est... O--- th--- c..."

Sootopolis City (after confronting Groudon)

"Is the energy that had been amassed deep within the Cave of Origin now flowing out to pour over the greater world?"
"... I may be right... However... Personally, in my case... Some wrongs cannot be atoned for, no matter how you try to right them. And I have committed wrongs so great as to bring the whole world to its knees. It may be that I... It may be too much to assume that I should deserve the chance to start anything over."
"T-Tabitha... ... Thank you."
"You were able to use that Blue Orb to great effect, so I imagine you will be able to handle this. Have Groudon hold it, and you should be able to control its Primal Reversion for at least a short period, such as during a battle."
Delta Episode

Team Magma Hideout

"Grr... The great Maxie has fallen to this woman?!"
"Woman... Who are you?"
"You... Why are you here?"
"... Now I see... Yes, it was not chance that brought you here now. This was inevitable."
"Tabitha. Give it to him/her."
"Yes... Now that the Key Stone has been stolen, a Mega Stone will serve me no purpose."
"I do not have the power now to use Mega Evolution. So I entrust it to you.
"I entrust it believing that this is the best action I can now take! That woman... She had such utter mastery over her Dragon-type Pokémon. There is more to her than meets the eye. I do not know what must be going through her mind. But... I think you may be the only one who can now stand against her. So I ask you this favor: Rage! Take up this fight for me, and bring this crisis to its resolution!"
"That woman... She said that the former Champion would know what she was about. I assume you of all people should know where to find him, but...?"

After completing the Episode

"What are you--?!"
"... Fine. I understand. Courtney. I, the great Maxie, will forgive you. But only on one condition!"
"You must... Also forgive me... Courtney. I never imagined... I never could have imagined... How very loyal you were to me. Nor did I imagine even one iota of the shock you must have experienced, due to my recent speech and conduct, or how I could have pained you. The one who drove you to such an extreme act was me. I am truly sorry for that. You see, Courtney, I would like to start on a new path. There are truths that I have learned because of the mistakes I have made. They pit me against others who are not like me and against ideas that differ from mine. They tell me the importance of understanding these others, even though we may continue to cause pain to another. And that holds true whether the opponent I face is human, Pokémon, or even the might of nature itself. I will take this step forward, free from hesitation, and meet my foe. And together we will find a way to create, not destroy, or so I hope. That is the vision that I, Maxie, have for Team Magma's future. Will you come with me on this journey as well? Courtney."'
"My... You certainly cry a lot."

Pokémon Alpha Sapphire

Battle Resort

  • Enter the Battle Resort for the first time
"Hmmm... Indeed. The hero who crushed Team Aqua's hopes and saved the world. I had not expected to meet you here."
"Are you a friend to that young man who just left? His whole body seemed to hum with his eagerness for battle... He must be quite the Trainer."
"It seems that I may get to battle both you and that young man here... Fuhaha! It appears that coming to this island may prove worth the trouble yet!"
"There has been something on my mind ever since the incident in Sootopolis... In another time, or perhaps another world, one only a fraction of an inch removed from our own, it seems very likely that it would have been us in Team Magma standing against you in that battle... Perhaps we would have been the ones trying to revive Groudon and obtain its terrible power for ourselves..."
"But of course it is pure fantasy. Talking about other worlds, or alternative realities... It is just a dream for those of us living in the present world. Fuhahaha..."
"Ah yes. But now that I've had the good fortune to meet you again, I should give you that thing..."
"I look forward to a day when my Pokemon team might face yours in battle. Until that day..."


Ruby Sapphire Maxie.png Maxie ORAS concept art.png
Official artwork from
Ruby and Sapphire, and Emerald
Conceptual artwork from
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire


050Diglett.png This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: 3D model and PSS player icon
Spr RS Maxie.png Maxie OD.png
Sprite from
Ruby and Emerald
Overworld sprite from
Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald

In the anime

Maxie and the Blue Orb.

Maxie appeared in Gaining Groudon and The Scuffle of Legends. Maxie's goal was to expand the land of Hoenn believing that if so, the land would be peaceful.

But at the end of the latter episode, Maxie realized the errors of his ways and finally changed his beliefs, now believing that the land of Hoenn is supposed to be kept as is.




Kyogre was first seen in the containment chamber of Team Magma's ship. Aqua Admin Shelly sets it free by increasing the humidity levels in the chamber so it could revive itself. She successfully does so causing Kyogre to break free from the ship. It is seen with Team Aqua afterwards. In its next appearance, Kyogre is seen fighting with Groudon and later lost to it, thus causing the orbs in Archie and Pikachu to separate. Kyogre was able to rescue Ash and Pikachu after the battle was done. In the end, it returns to its hidden location at the bottom of the sea.

Kyogre's known moves are Hyper Beam and Hydro Pump, and its Ability is Drizzle.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 藤原啓治 Keiji Fujiwara
English Marc Thompson
Brazilian Portuguese Márcio Marconato
Spanish Latin America Jorge Ornelas
Spain José Antonio Ceinos

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

Maxie in Pokémon Adventures

Maxie does not have any fixed headquarters and moves his locations from cave to cave across Hoenn, ruling Team Magma like a barbarian gang, also making them more elusive. Because of this, Team Magma was able to steal the Scanner from the Abandoned Ship and both the Red and Blue Orbs before Team Aqua knew about them. However, the latter was stolen by Amber's Volbeat for Archie, who proceeded to trap him and Tabitha together in the submarine, nearly killing them.

Maxie and Archie remained deep inside the Seafloor Cavern and fought Ruby and Sapphire both. When the two young Trainers were getting the upper hand, the two evil leaders were possessed by the powers of the respective orbs and dragged them to Sootopolis City, where Groudon and Kyogre promptly arrived to settle the score.

After Rayquaza halted the fight between Groudon and Kyogre, Maxie and Archie went insane and attempted to destroy everyone who had interfered in their plan: the Elite Four, the Gym Leaders, the Regis, even their own members. It was Maxie's Houndoom that burned Norman with its flames.

Archie later indicated in the Emerald arc that Maxie died during their fight for Sird's armor and sword.


The following are Maxie's Pokémon in the Pokémon Adventures manga.

Houndoom (×5)
Maxie's Houndoom

Maxie is seen with five Houndoom. They were trying to buy time for the bad guys to escape but their plans were thwarted. One of then tried to burn Norman.

Houndoom's only known move is Flamethrower.

Maxie's Camerupt

Camerupt is Maxie's main Pokémon. It along with Archie's Walrein was used to fight Ruby's Mumu and Sapphire's Chic. However, Camerupt and Walrein were defeated due to the starter Pokémon's strategies.

Camerupt's known moves are Flamethrower, Eruption, and Overheat and its Ability is Magma Armor.

Maxie's Swellow

Swellow briefly appeared in the chapter where Maxie used it to retreat the area where he was fighting Archie when both leaders called for a truce.

None of Swellow's moves are known.

Maxie's Groudon

Maxie used the Red Orb to control Groudon. However, he lost control of it when the Red Orb was lost.

Groudon's known moves are Dig, Rock Slide, Thunder and Hyper Beam, and its Ability is Drought.

Maxie's Kyogre

Maxie used the Blue Orb to control Kyogre. However, he lost control of it along with the Blue Orb.

Kyogre's known moves are Hydro Pump, Calm Mind and Hyper Beam, and its Ability is Drizzle.

In the Pokémon Ruby-Sapphire manga

Maxie in Pokémon Ruby-Sapphire

Maxie appears as the lead of Team Magma in the Pokémon Ruby-Sapphire manga. He, along with the rest of Team Magma, make their first appearance in We've Found Team Magma's Secret!!.

In the TCG

This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Maxie or his Pokémon in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Maxie T [Su] EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua Uncommon 73/95 Magma VS Aqua: Two Ambitions Rare 74/80



Language Name Origin
Japanese マツブサ Matsubusa From 松房 matsubusa (Schisandra nigra) and magma
English Maxie From magma
French, Italian Max From magma
German Marc From magma
Spanish Magno From magma
Korean 마적 Majeok From 마그마 magma and 적 (赤) jeok, red
Chinese (Mandarin) 赤焰松 Chìyànsōng From 赤 chì (red), 焰 yàn (flame), 松 sōng (pine), and 松房 matsubasa

Magma Leader

Language Title
France Flag.png French Leader Team Magma*
Leader Magma*
Germany Flag.png German Team-Magma-Boss*
Magma Boss*
Italy Flag.png Italian Capo Magma
South Korea Flag.png Korean 마그마단간부 Magma-dan Ganbu
Spain Flag.png Spanish Líder Magma

See also

Magma-logo.png Team Magma Magma-logo.png
Team Magma HideoutJagged Pass Hideout
Leader Administrators



Maxie (Masters) Tabitha Courtney (Masters)
Other members
Team Magma GruntsButler (Jirachi: Wish Maker)
Brodie (Pokémon the Series)Blaise (Adventures)
Former members
Zinnia (Masters)
Villainous team leaders
Core series GiovanniMaxieArchieCyrusNGhetsisColressLysandreGuzmaPiersCassiopeia
Side series GonzapEviceGreevil
Ranger series GordorBlake HallKincaidSocietea
Masters EX GiovanniGuzmaCyrusNLysandrePiersGhetsisMaxieArchieColressPauloPenny
BiruritchiBaron PhobosMunnaDark RustDon RogerGiovanni
Animated series GiovanniMadame BossMaxieArchieCyrusGhetsisLysandreGuzmaPiersGibeon
Adventures GiovanniMasked ManMaxieArchieCyrusNGhetsisColressLysandreGuzmaPiers
Other manga FraudMeja

Pokémon the Series characters
Protagonists Ash Ketchum (Pikachu) • Misty (Togetic) • BrockTracey SketchitMayMaxDawn (Piplup) • Iris (Haxorus) • CilanSerenaClemontBonnie (Dedenne) • LanaKiaweLillieSophoclesMallowRotom PokédexGoh (Grookey)
Rivals GaryRitchieHarrisonDrewHarleyMorrisonTysonSolidadPaulNandoZoeyKennyConwayBarryUrsulaTripBiancaBurgundyStephanGeorgiaCameronAriaAlainMietteTiernoShaunaTrevorNiniSawyerGladionHoracioHauLeonRaihanHoraceBeaLeague Conference participantsCoordinatorsPerformersWorld Coronation Series participants
Antagonists Jessie (Wobbuffet) • JamesMeowthGiovanniButchCassidyDr. NambaMatoriPierceDr. ZagerGozuTabithaMaxieShellyArchieHunter JSaturnCyrusMarsJupiterCharonColressAldithGhetsisBarretMalamarLysandreMableCelosiaAlianaXerosicBryonyTuppZippRappPlumeriaGuzmaVirenRoseOleana
Professors Professor OakProfessor IvyProfessor ElmProfessor BirchProfessor RowanProfessor CarolinaProfessor JuniperDr. FennelCedric JuniperProfessor SycamoreProfessor KukuiProfessor BurnetProfessor CeriseProfessor MagnoliaSoniaProfessor Amaranth
Relatives Delia KetchumDaisyVioletLilyJames's parentsFlintLolaForrestBrock's siblingsNormanCarolineJohannaChiliCressGraceMeyerLana's fatherLana's motherHarper and SarahRangoSimaMimoKiawe's grandfatherMohnLusamineGladionSophocles's parentsMolayneAbeMallow's motherUluWalkerCamilleHalta
Supporting Officer JennyNurse JoyMagikarp salesmanTodd SnapCharles GoodshowCaseyLizaSakuraLanceClairRaoul ContestaMr. SukizoSteven StoneVivian MeridianRobertScottLilian MeridianSolanaBrandonMarianYuzoRhondaCynthiaReggieAngieLookerIzzy and CaraLyraKhouryTobiasDon GeorgeElderAlderLukeFreddy O'MartianIngoEmmetJervisVirgilNAnthea and ConcordiaPorterAlexaSophieCosetteClembotSanpeiMairinAstridDianthaKorrinaGurkinnMonsieur PierrePalermoKeananMalvaSamson OakAnelaHobbesNinaAnnaLakiDanaYansuWickeFabaIlimaAcerolaDiaChloeChrysaRenParkerTaliaLeiDanikaQuillonHopGym LeadersElite FourFrontier BrainsIsland kahunasMany temporary characters
Supporting Pokémon FearowHo-OhSquirtle SquadPink ButterfreeHaunterJigglypuffMewtwoMimeyLapras herdGranbullPichu BrothersLugiaSilverDelibirdWynautLarvitarKyogre and GroudonArticunoDeoxysLake guardiansForces of natureMeloettaReshiramSuper-ancient PokémonWooperFlorgesSquishyZ2Guardian deitiesBewearToucannon's flockStoutlandOranguruNebbyStuffulUltra BeastsGrandpa ForestNecrozmaLunalaShayminMewRotom PhonesPelipperThievul trioEternatusDrone RotomLegendary heroesLatiasRecurring wild Pokémon
See also: Pokémon Horizons characters
Trainer classes in the Pokémon core series
Hoenn Ace Trainer*Aqua AdminSEASAqua LeaderSEASAroma LadyBattle GirlBeautyBird KeeperBlack Belt
Bug CatcherBug ManiacCamperChampionCollectorDragon TamerElite FourExpertFisherman
GentlemanGuitaristHex ManiacHikerInterviewers*KindlerLadyLassLeaderMagma AdminREOR
Magma LeaderREORNinja BoyOld CoupleParasol LadyPicnickerPoké Fan*Poké Maniac*Pokémon Breeder*
Pokémon Ranger*Pokémon Trainer*PsychicRich BoyRuin ManiacSailorSchoolkid*Sis & Bro*Swimmer
Team Aqua GruntSEASTeam Magma GruntREORTeammates*TriathleteTuberTwinsWinstrateYoung CoupleYoungster
Ace DuoORASBrains & BrawnORASBackpackerORASDelinquentORASFairy Tale GirlORASFare PrinceORAS
Free DiverORASLeadersORASLorekeeperORASMysterious SistersORASProprietorORASRotation GirlORAS
Scuba DiverORASSecret Base ExpertORASSecret Base TrainerORASSootopolitanORASStreet ThugORAS
Battle Frontier only:E
Arena TycoonDome AceFactory HeadPalace MavenPike QueenPyramid KingSalon Maiden
Battle Institute and Battle Maison only:ORAS
ArtistBattle ChatelaineButlerChefFurisode GirlGarçonGardenerMadameMaidMonsieurOwnerPreschooler
Punk GirlPunk GuyRising StarRoller SkaterSchoolboySchoolgirlScientistTouristVeteranWaitressWorker

Project CharacterDex logo.png This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.