User:TehPerson/List of battle area Trainers (Generation V)/5

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A 1

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
003 Venusaur Venusaur Grass Poison Bag Big Root Sprite.png Leech Seed Toxic Synthesis Ingrain 187 91 103 120 167 100
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Dragon Claw Flame Charge Belly Drum Substitute 174 114 98 116 126 141
009 Blastoise Blastoise Water Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Aqua Ring Rock Slide Aqua Tail Iron Defense 175 103 141 115 146 88
026 Raichu Raichu Electric Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Encore Thief Thunder Wave Discharge 135 121 75 127 100 152
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Poison Ground Bag Payapa Berry Sprite.png Chip Away Swagger Helping Hand Flatter 186 102 140 95 126 86
034 Nidoking Nidoking Poison Ground Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Bulldoze Megahorn Rock Slide Hone Claws 188 158 97 105 85 105
045 Vileplume Vileplume Grass Poison Bag Persim Berry Sprite.png Petal Dance Stun Spore Teeter Dance Moonlight 150 90 105 120 156 102
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Reversal Attract Dig Protect 110 132 63 70 90 189
062 Poliwrath Poliwrath Water Fighting Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Ice Beam Waterfall Psychic Work Up 186 138 115 111 99 90
065 Alakazam Alakazam Psychic Bag TwistedSpoon Sprite.png Energy Ball Psychic Telekinesis Guard Split 130 63 65 187 105 189
071 Victreebel Victreebel Grass Poison Bag Payapa Berry Sprite.png Leaf Tornado Stockpile Swallow Gastro Acid 155 125 85 167 112 81
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground Bag Hard Stone Sprite.png Stealth Rock Curse Gyro Ball Smack Down 176 151 188 67 85 65
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Yawn Psychic Calm Mind Water Pulse 202 85 178 120 100 50
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice Bag Icy Rock Sprite.png Icy Wind Toxic Rest Hail 197 90 118 99 115 90
101 Electrode Electrode Electric Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Swagger Light Screen Charge Beam Thunder Wave 167 63 90 100 145 160
105 Marowak Marowak Ground Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Substitute Detect Earthquake Swords Dance 167 100 130 63 145 65
110 Weezing Weezing Poison Bag Payapa Berry Sprite.png Pain Split Explosion Haze Will-O-Wisp 172 110 189 94 90 80
115 Kangaskhan Kangaskhan Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Dizzy Punch Fake Out Chip Away Roar 180 161 100 54 100 142
122 Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Psychic Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Trick Nasty Plot Barrier Baton Pass 136 65 106 120 144 121
124 Jynx Jynx Ice Psychic Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Captivate Mean Look Lovely Kiss Attract 172 63 87 135 126 115
128 Tauros Tauros Normal Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Rock Slide Endure Substitute 150 167 115 60 81 162
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Light Screen Aromatherapy Swagger SolarBeam 187 102 108 103 167 100
157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Fire Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Flame Burst Flamethrower SolarBeam Sunny Day 153 104 98 177 94 152
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Screech Aqua Jet Earthquake Block 192 125 120 89 148 98
171 Lanturn Lanturn Water Electric Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Thunder Wave Discharge Electro Ball Agility 200 121 110 96 86 87
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Rindo Berry Sprite.png Rest Sleep Talk Toxic Bulldoze 202 105 150 76 85 55
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Psyshock Water Pulse Trick Room Heal Pulse 170 85 100 152 178 50
205 Forretress Forretress Bug Steel Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Spikes Struggle Bug Stealth Rock Iron Defense 182 110 211 72 80 60
210 Granbull Granbull Normal Bag Jaboca Berry Sprite.png Metronome Attract Mimic Return 186 154 116 80 90 65
227 Skarmory Skarmory Steel Flying Bag Full Incense Sprite.png Spikes Stealth Rock Sky Drop Whirlwind 172 100 160 60 81 134
241 Miltank Miltank Normal Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Body Slam Helping Hand Milk Drink Heal Bell 202 100 125 54 90 167
254 Sceptile Sceptile Grass Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Quick Attack Endeavor Detect Leaf Storm 145 94 85 157 105 189
257 Blaziken Blaziken Fire Fighting Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Hi Jump Kick Counter Flamethrower Will-O-Wisp 176 154 111 130 81 121
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Jaboca Berry Sprite.png Mirror Coat Counter Earthquake Roar 175 130 142 105 156 72
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Leech Seed Toxic Giga Drain Rain Dance 176 90 122 131 108 90
275 Shiftry Shiftry Grass Dark Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Fling Razor Leaf Brick Break Swords Dance 186 155 80 110 101 90
286 Breloom Breloom Grass Fighting Bag Black Belt Sprite.png Fake Tears Helping Hand Mach Punch Stun Spore 167 200 100 80 80 81
295 Exploud Exploud Normal Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Fire Blast Roar Uproar Hyper Voice 179 143 74 157 83 88
297 Hariyama Hariyama Fighting Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Feint Fake Out Smack Down Vital Throw 219 177 101 60 101 63
308 Medicham Medicham Fighting Psychic Bag Black Belt Sprite.png Fake Out Hi Jump Kick Bulk Up Feint 167 80 104 72 95 132
310 Manectric Manectric Electric Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Crunch Odor Sleuth Quick Attack Wild Charge 145 139 80 112 80 157
334 Altaria Altaria Dragon Flying Bag Pecha Berry Sprite.png Sing Cotton Guard Echoed Voice Roost 182 81 110 90 172 100
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Tickle Amnesia Rest 185 130 93 86 135 80
346 Cradily Cradily Rock Grass Bag Charti Berry Sprite.png Stealth Rock Gastro Acid Stockpile Swallow 161 90 163 101 159 63
348 Armaldo Armaldo Rock Bug Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png X-Scissor Rock Blast Rest Curse 182 159 120 90 132 58
359 Absol Absol Dark Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Payback Mean Look Hone Claws Baton Pass 161 150 101 85 111 95
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground Bag Binding Band Sprite.png Sand Tomb Seed Bomb Curse Synthesis 202 177 125 85 105 76
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Fake Out Encore Fling Acrobatics 151 156 91 111 91 176
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Yawn Swords Dance Aqua Jet Metal Claw 191 106 154 131 108 80
398 Staraptor Staraptor Normal Flying Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png U-turn FeatherDance Quick Attack Endeavor 160 172 81 70 70 167
409 Rampardos Rampardos Rock Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Rock Slide Crunch Curse Protect 172 226 101 85 91 70
411 Bastiodon Bastiodon Rock Steel Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Iron Head Taunt Wide Guard Metal Burst 167 104 188 60 173 50
416 Vespiquen Vespiquen Bug Flying Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Defend Order Toxic Protect Heal Order 166 100 143 100 157 54
419 Floatzel Floatzel Water Bag Binding Band Sprite.png Aqua Tail Protect Pursuit Whirlpool 160 157 75 105 63 183
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Sludge Bomb Muddy Water Counter 186 103 79 144 147 59
424 Ambipom Ambipom Normal Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Fake Out Fling Thief U-turn 150 152 86 80 77 183
426 Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Calm Mind Stockpile Memento Baton Pass 225 90 105 110 106 100
428 Lopunny Lopunny Normal Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Fake Out Encore Fling Dizzy Punch 172 96 104 74 104 172
429 Mismagius Mismagius Ghost Bag Colbur Berry Sprite.png Taunt Protect Imprison Shadow Ball 167 80 80 125 112 172
435 Skuntank Skuntank Poison Dark Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Flamethrower Night Slash Incinerate Memento 178 159 87 91 72 136
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Sucker Punch Pain Split Toxic Grudge 157 100 128 112 176 55
454 Toxicroak Toxicroak Poison Fighting Bag Dark Gem Sprite.png Fake Out Brick Break Sucker Punch Taunt 158 173 76 106 85 137
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Frost Breath Icy Wind Leech Seed Ingrain 186 112 127 100 126 80
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost Bag Icy Rock Sprite.png Hail Ice Beam Ominous Wind Thunderbolt 145 90 90 132 90 178
497 Serperior Serperior Grass Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Attract Leaf Tornado Dragon Tail Gastro Acid 150 95 136 85 136 169
500 Emboar Emboar Fire Fighting Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Gyro Ball Curse Rest Sleep Talk 217 143 85 108 128 85
503 Samurott Samurott Water Bag Splash Plate Sprite.png Retaliate Razor Shell Assurance Encore 202 152 94 140 90 90
518 Musharna Musharna Psychic Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Hypnosis Dream Eater Calm Mind Helping Hand 191 75 113 162 136 49
521 Unfezant Unfezant Normal Flying Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Aerial Ace U-turn Razor Wind Tailwind 176 146 121 76 75 124
523 Zebstrika Zebstrika Electric Bag Electric Gem Sprite.png Swagger Volt Switch Wild Charge Pursuit 182 167 83 100 74 136
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Round Rest Water Pulse Sludge Wave 180 105 116 138 104 94
538 Throh Throh Fighting Bag Payapa Berry Sprite.png Protect Toxic Circle Throw Wide Guard 195 152 150 45 105 65
539 Sawk Sawk Fighting Bag Black Belt Sprite.png Low Sweep Quick Guard Retaliate Taunt 150 194 95 50 85 137
549 Lilligant Lilligant Grass Bag Persim Berry Sprite.png Charm Sleep Powder Petal Dance Healing Wish 145 72 95 162 95 156
555 Darmanitan Darmanitan Fire Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Fire Punch Encore Belly Drum Brick Break 180 192 67 50 75 161
560 Scrafty Scrafty Dark Fighting Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Fake Out Bulk Up Focus Punch Substitute 172 156 135 65 121 78
563 Cofagrigus Cofagrigus Ghost Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Night Shade Will-O-Wisp Mean Look Rest 165 70 165 115 172 45
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Aqua Tail Rock Slide Shell Smash Iron Defense 181 176 153 103 76 52
576 Gothitelle Gothitelle Psychic Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Fake Tears Psychic Rest Calm Mind 166 75 136 115 143 95
579 Reuniclus Reuniclus Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Psychic Energy Ball Recover Wonder Room 206 76 127 166 105 50
589 Escavalier Escavalier Bug Steel Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Megahorn Quick Guard Swords Dance Reversal 177 205 125 80 125 36
598 Ferrothorn Ferrothorn Grass Steel Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Iron Head Thunder Wave Sandstorm Ingrain 181 114 201 66 136 40
615 Cryogonal Cryogonal Ice Bag Charti Berry Sprite.png Icy Wind Ice Beam Confuse Ray Light Screen 145 63 82 115 155 172
617 Accelgor Accelgor Bug Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Encore Bug Buzz Giga Drain Me First 155 90 54 152 80 216
621 Druddigon Druddigon Dragon Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Crunch Scary Face Glare Dragon Tail 152 154 156 80 110 68
623 Golurk Golurk Ground Ghost Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Shadow Punch Iron Defense Bulldoze Heavy Slam 196 158 90 75 132 75
625 Bisharp Bisharp Dark Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Night Slash Metal Claw Taunt Metal Burst 172 145 167 80 81 90
632 Durant Durant Bug Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Crunch Dig Bug Bite Metal Sound 154 150 132 68 61 165

A 2

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
003 Venusaur Venusaur Grass Poison Bag Miracle Seed Sprite.png Roar Venoshock Power Whip Earthquake 176 135 124 120 120 90
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying Bag Charti Berry Sprite.png Dragon Claw Shadow Claw Rock Slide Dragon Dance 153 149 98 116 105 152
009 Blastoise Blastoise Water Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Hydro Pump Ice Beam Mist Focus Blast 186 103 120 150 125 88
026 Raichu Raichu Electric Bag Magnet Sprite.png Brick Break Electro Ball Fake Out Protect 135 142 75 99 100 167
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Poison Ground Bag Absorb Bulb Sprite.png Thunderbolt Hyper Beam Earth Power Counter 197 102 96 139 105 96
034 Nidoking Nidoking Poison Ground Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Amnesia Sludge Bomb Flamethrower Protect 188 112 97 150 95 94
045 Vileplume Vileplume Grass Poison Bag Power Herb Sprite.png SolarBeam Sludge Bomb Synthesis Double Team 182 90 105 167 110 70
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Protect Final Gambit Earthquake Rock Slide 142 110 63 70 90 172
062 Poliwrath Poliwrath Water Fighting Bag Shell Bell Sprite.png Brick Break Waterfall Hypnosis Belly Drum 197 137 115 90 99 99
065 Alakazam Alakazam Psychic Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Psych Up Encore Protect Psychic 130 63 65 187 105 189
071 Victreebel Victreebel Grass Poison Bag Grass Gem Sprite.png Leaf Storm Sleep Powder Stockpile Encore 155 125 85 167 72 122
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground Bag Absorb Bulb Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Bulldoze Autotomize 155 178 150 75 76 97
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Flamethrower Ice Beam Slack Off Water Pulse 170 85 162 167 100 50
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice Bag NeverMeltIce Sprite.png Ice Shard Signal Beam Ice Beam Encore 165 90 100 134 103 122
101 Electrode Electrode Electric Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Electro Ball Taunt Protect Explosion 135 70 81 100 100 176
105 Marowak Marowak Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Earthquake Fling Brick Break Detect 167 145 130 70 100 58
110 Weezing Weezing Poison Bag Poison Gem Sprite.png Sludge Bomb Fire Blast Stockpile Swallow 172 110 140 150 81 80
115 Kangaskhan Kangaskhan Normal Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Rock Slide Sucker Punch Endure Reversal 180 147 100 54 100 156
122 Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Psychic Bag Jaboca Berry Sprite.png Payback Wide Guard Quick Guard Power Split 136 94 76 120 161 110
124 Jynx Jynx Ice Psychic Bag Destiny Knot Sprite.png Frost Breath Fake Out Psychic Taunt 140 70 49 183 115 147
128 Tauros Tauros Normal Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Zen Headbutt Wild Charge Swagger Giga Impact 150 152 115 54 90 178
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png GrassWhistle Double Team Substitute Rest 187 91 167 103 120 100
157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Fire Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Inferno Focus Blast Extrasensory Will-O-Wisp 153 104 98 161 94 167
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Superpower Aqua Tail Ice Fang Dragon Dance 181 160 120 89 103 119
171 Lanturn Lanturn Water Electric Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Thunder Wave Charge Beam Stockpile Swallow 200 70 110 128 105 87
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Earthquake Stockpile Fling Swallow 191 105 138 76 106 55
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Zen Headbutt Earthquake Swagger Psych Up 170 127 90 120 178 50
205 Forretress Forretress Bug Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Spikes Earthquake Magnet Rise Gyro Ball 182 156 160 80 72 60
210 Granbull Granbull Normal Bag Silk Scarf Sprite.png Charm Double-Edge Payback Bulk Up 165 189 127 72 80 65
227 Skarmory Skarmory Steel Flying Bag Cell Battery Sprite.png Brave Bird Steel Wing Swords Dance Roar 172 110 160 60 81 122
241 Miltank Miltank Normal Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Body Slam Fling Brick Break Captivate 170 132 125 60 81 167
254 Sceptile Sceptile Grass Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png Leaf Blade Night Slash Earthquake Swords Dance 145 137 76 125 105 189
257 Blaziken Blaziken Fire Fighting Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Blaze Kick Flame Charge Endure Reversal 176 177 90 117 90 121
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Hammer Arm Rest Curse 207 130 110 94 156 80
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Tanga Berry Sprite.png Fake Out Grass Knot Surf Tickle 176 122 90 131 108 90
275 Shiftry Shiftry Grass Dark Bag Miracle Seed Sprite.png Fake Out Extrasensory SolarBeam Swagger 165 120 80 156 72 132
286 Breloom Breloom Grass Fighting Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Substitute Seed Bomb Wake-Up Slap Spore 135 182 100 72 80 134
295 Exploud Exploud Normal Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Crunch Fake Tears Ice Beam Giga Impact 179 157 74 143 83 88
297 Hariyama Hariyama Fighting Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Reversal Bullet Punch Protect Belly Drum 219 140 112 54 123 70
308 Medicham Medicham Fighting Psychic Bag TwistedSpoon Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Energy Ball Calm Mind 135 72 95 112 95 145
310 Manectric Manectric Electric Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Flamethrower Overheat Discharge Charge 145 85 80 172 80 157
334 Altaria Altaria Dragon Flying Bag Yache Berry Sprite.png Dragon Claw Pluck Mist Hone Claws 150 134 99 90 157 100
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Bag Soft Sand Sprite.png Aqua Tail Earthquake Zen Headbutt Dragon Dance 206 130 114 86 91 80
346 Cradily Cradily Rock Grass Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Confuse Ray Energy Ball Stone Edge Earthquake 182 134 117 122 127 56
348 Armaldo Armaldo Rock Bug Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake X-Scissor Rock Polish 182 145 108 90 100 106
359 Absol Absol Dark Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Sucker Punch Magic Coat Psycho Cut Taunt 172 200 80 85 80 95
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Wood Hammer Tickle 170 161 125 85 105 118
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Heat Wave Will-O-Wisp Grass Knot Calm Mind 172 124 81 159 91 149
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Drill Peck Aqua Jet Metal Claw FeatherDance 180 139 97 131 142 80
398 Staraptor Staraptor Normal Flying Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Pursuit Close Combat Roost Final Gambit 192 154 90 63 70 152
409 Rampardos Rampardos Rock Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Head Smash Stone Edge Hammer Arm Scary Face 172 238 80 85 63 110
411 Bastiodon Bastiodon Rock Steel Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Roar Rest Block Iron Defense 167 64 242 67 158 50
416 Vespiquen Vespiquen Bug Flying Bag Insect Plate Sprite.png Attack Order Power Gem Captivate Confuse Ray 177 100 122 145 122 54
419 Floatzel Floatzel Water Bag Flame Orb Sprite.png Aqua Jet Switcheroo Pursuit Crunch 160 157 67 105 70 183
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Rindo Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Amnesia Curse Yawn 186 124 109 100 135 59
424 Ambipom Ambipom Normal Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Grass Knot Thunderbolt Nasty Plot Counter 150 108 86 112 86 183
426 Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Bag Cell Battery Sprite.png Hex Thunderbolt Dream Eater Hypnosis 225 100 57 156 74 132
428 Lopunny Lopunny Normal Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Charm Focus Punch Substitute ThunderPunch 140 128 104 66 116 172
429 Mismagius Mismagius Ghost Bag Kasib Berry Sprite.png Shadow Ball Wonder Room Grudge Pain Split 167 72 80 125 157 137
435 Skuntank Skuntank Poison Dark Bag Poison Barb Sprite.png Pursuit Foul Play Poison Jab Taunt 178 159 87 81 81 136
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Shadow Sneak Sucker Punch Will-O-Wisp Taunt 157 158 128 112 128 49
454 Toxicroak Toxicroak Poison Fighting Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Focus Blast Sludge Bomb Substitute Protect 158 113 85 151 85 137
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice Bag Miracle Seed Sprite.png Wood Hammer Brick Break Double Team Blizzard 186 146 85 133 105 80
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost Bag Ice Gem Sprite.png Ice Shard Thunder Wave Hex Taunt 145 145 81 100 90 162
497 Serperior Serperior Grass Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Leaf Tornado Hidden Power Mirror Coat Captivate 171 95 115 116 149 119
500 Emboar Emboar Fire Fighting Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Yawn Wild Charge Bulldoze Heat Crash 185 180 106 120 106 76
503 Samurott Samurott Water Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Blizzard Giga Impact Detect Hydro Pump 170 152 105 176 90 81
518 Musharna Musharna Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Shadow Ball Energy Ball Psychic Trick Room 191 67 150 159 115 49
521 Unfezant Unfezant Normal Flying Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Giga Impact Quick Attack Hypnosis Sky Attack 155 157 100 76 75 159
523 Zebstrika Zebstrika Electric Bag Magnet Sprite.png Discharge Thunder Wave Thunder Rain Dance 150 108 83 132 83 184
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Fling Rock Slide Poison Jab Earthquake 180 150 95 105 127 84
538 Throh Throh Fighting Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Revenge Storm Throw Protect Seismic Toss 195 167 137 50 105 58
539 Sawk Sawk Fighting Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Earthquake Payback Endure Reversal 150 194 95 50 85 137
549 Lilligant Lilligant Grass Bag Big Root Sprite.png Ingrain Leech Seed Toxic Protect 166 72 127 130 116 110
555 Darmanitan Darmanitan Fire Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Focus Energy Hammer Arm Flare Blitz Swagger 201 199 75 50 67 136
560 Scrafty Scrafty Dark Fighting Bag Coba Berry Sprite.png Hi Jump Kick Rock Slide Taunt Dragon Dance 172 110 135 58 135 121
563 Cofagrigus Cofagrigus Ghost Bag Spell Tag Sprite.png Shadow Ball Energy Ball Will-O-Wisp Nasty Plot 165 70 165 161 125 45
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Rock Slide Swagger Blizzard Hydro Pump 181 128 153 148 76 52
576 Gothitelle Gothitelle Psychic Bag TwistedSpoon Sprite.png Psyshock Miracle Eye Mirror Coat Tickle 166 67 136 149 130 85
579 Reuniclus Reuniclus Psychic Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Rock Slide Explosion Gyro Ball Trick Room 185 116 116 145 126 45
589 Escavalier Escavalier Bug Steel Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Pursuit Counter X-Scissor Swords Dance 177 205 125 80 112 40
598 Ferrothorn Ferrothorn Grass Steel Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Rest Payback Gyro Ball Curse 181 114 151 66 184 40
615 Cryogonal Cryogonal Ice Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Ice Shard Slash Poison Jab Haze 145 102 45 115 155 172
617 Accelgor Accelgor Bug Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Energy Ball Sludge Bomb Bug Buzz Endure 155 81 60 167 80 197
621 Druddigon Druddigon Dragon Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png Dragon Claw Night Slash Slash Hone Claws 173 154 117 80 131 68
623 Golurk Golurk Ground Ghost Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Hammer Arm Rock Slide Curse Gyro Ball 164 193 100 75 132 67
625 Bisharp Bisharp Dark Steel Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Aerial Ace Low Sweep Iron Head Scary Face 172 194 120 72 90 90
632 Durant Durant Bug Steel Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Dig Iron Defense Agility Baton Pass 133 129 180 61 68 161

A 3

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
003 Venusaur Venusaur Grass Poison Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Energy Ball Sludge Bomb Grass Knot Protect 155 91 103 152 120 145
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Heat Wave Rock Slide Air Slash Crunch 153 125 88 165 105 141
009 Blastoise Blastoise Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Fake Out Earthquake Aqua Tail Avalanche 186 148 120 94 125 98
026 Raichu Raichu Electric Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png ThunderPunch Reversal Thunder Wave Fake Out 135 142 75 99 100 167
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Poison Ground Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Sludge Bomb Earth Power Flamethrower Ice Beam 197 91 107 139 105 96
034 Nidoking Nidoking Poison Ground Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Earth Power Sludge Bomb Protect Icy Wind 156 100 97 150 95 137
045 Vileplume Vileplume Grass Poison Bag Big Root Sprite.png Double Team Ingrain Toxic Giga Drain 182 90 105 167 110 70
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Earthquake Rock Slide Reversal Aerial Ace 110 132 70 63 90 189
062 Poliwrath Poliwrath Water Fighting Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Waterfall Focus Punch Encore Substitute 197 150 115 81 110 90
065 Alakazam Alakazam Psychic Bag Wise Glasses Sprite.png Psychic Focus Blast Signal Beam Grass Knot 130 63 65 187 105 189
071 Victreebel Victreebel Grass Poison Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Sunny Day SolarBeam Sludge Bomb Weather Ball 155 112 85 167 80 122
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Explosion Autotomize 155 162 150 67 85 106
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Psychic Surf Slack Off Amnesia 202 85 178 120 100 50
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Fake Out Surf Ice Beam Aqua Jet 165 90 90 134 147 90
101 Electrode Electrode Electric Bag Air Balloon Sprite.png Thunderbolt Mirror Coat Signal Beam Protect 135 63 90 132 100 211
105 Marowak Marowak Ground Bag Thick Club Sprite.png Earthquake Stone Edge Low Kick Fire Punch 135 132 130 63 100 106
110 Weezing Weezing Poison Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Sludge Bomb Thunder Fire Blast Shadow Ball 172 99 140 150 90 80
115 Kangaskhan Kangaskhan Normal Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Fake Out Double-Edge Circle Throw Sucker Punch 180 147 100 54 100 156
122 Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Fake Out Psychic Signal Beam Focus Blast 115 58 85 152 140 156
124 Jynx Jynx Ice Psychic Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Icy Wind Blizzard Psychic Focus Blast 140 63 55 183 115 147
128 Tauros Tauros Normal Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Double-Edge Earthquake Payback Giga Impact 150 152 115 54 90 178
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Bag Light Clay Sprite.png Seed Bomb Earthquake Reflect Light Screen 187 147 120 92 120 100
157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Fire Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Eruption Focus Blast Heat Wave Extrasensory 153 93 98 177 105 152
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Aqua Jet Waterfall Earthquake Ice Punch 176 155 120 103 119 98
171 Lanturn Lanturn Water Electric Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Surf Discharge Thunder Wave Ice Beam 200 70 99 128 117 87
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Rindo Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Aqua Tail Ice Punch Stone Edge 170 150 105 76 117 55
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic Bag Choice Specs Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Signal Beam Focus Blast 170 85 100 167 162 50
205 Forretress Forretress Bug Steel Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Gyro Ball Earthquake Bug Bite Explosion 182 156 160 80 80 54
210 Granbull Granbull Normal Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Double-Edge Roar Crunch Sludge Bomb 165 189 95 72 112 65
227 Skarmory Skarmory Steel Flying Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Brave Bird Steel Wing Night Slash Rock Slide 140 132 160 54 90 134
241 Miltank Miltank Normal Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png Dizzy Punch Fire Punch ThunderPunch Ice Punch 170 145 157 54 90 120
254 Sceptile Sceptile Grass Bag White Herb Sprite.png Leaf Storm Dragon Pulse Energy Ball Detect 145 94 85 157 105 189
257 Blaziken Blaziken Fire Fighting Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Flare Blitz Shadow Claw ThunderPunch Earthquake 155 172 90 130 90 132
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Avalanche Waterfall Stone Edge 207 178 110 94 110 80
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Rain Dance Leech Seed Protect Giga Drain 155 81 122 131 141 90
275 Shiftry Shiftry Grass Dark Bag Heat Rock Sprite.png Sunny Day SolarBeam Dark Pulse Explosion 165 120 112 142 80 100
286 Breloom Breloom Grass Fighting Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Spore Focus Punch Rock Slide Seed Bomb 135 182 100 72 80 134
295 Exploud Exploud Normal Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Earthquake Brick Break Ice Punch Crunch 179 157 115 99 83 88
297 Hariyama Hariyama Fighting Bag Flame Orb Sprite.png Fake Out Close Combat Detect Earthquake 219 189 112 60 80 63
308 Medicham Medicham Fighting Psychic Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Hi Jump Kick Zen Headbutt Ice Punch Bullet Punch 135 112 95 72 95 145
310 Manectric Manectric Electric Bag Air Balloon Sprite.png Thunderbolt Overheat Volt Switch Quick Attack 145 85 80 157 80 172
334 Altaria Altaria Dragon Flying Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Dragon Dance Dragon Rush Sky Attack Earthquake 150 122 110 81 125 145
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Earth Power Surf Blizzard Protect 185 88 93 140 123 80
346 Cradily Cradily Rock Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Sandstorm Toxic Protect Earthquake 193 101 163 101 127 56
348 Armaldo Armaldo Rock Bug Bag Life Orb Sprite.png X-Scissor Rock Slide Earthquake Iron Defense 182 159 120 81 132 65
359 Absol Absol Dark Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png Night Slash Zen Headbutt Sucker Punch Superpower 140 182 80 85 80 139
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Crunch Seed Bomb Iron Head 170 177 125 85 137 76
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Fake Out Close Combat Overheat Stone Edge 151 156 81 124 91 176
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Signal Beam Icy Wind 191 106 108 179 121 72
398 Staraptor Staraptor Normal Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Close Combat Brave Bird U-turn Giga Impact 160 172 81 77 70 152
409 Rampardos Rampardos Rock Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Head Smash Earthquake Brick Break ThunderPunch 172 217 80 76 70 121
411 Bastiodon Bastiodon Rock Steel Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Stone Edge Fissure Double Team Iron Defense 167 72 188 60 209 50
416 Vespiquen Vespiquen Bug Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Attack Order Defend Order Roost Confuse Ray 166 100 157 90 143 60
419 Floatzel Floatzel Water Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Focus Blast Rain Dance 160 125 67 137 70 183
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Sandstorm Earth Power Surf Recover 186 103 120 158 102 53
424 Ambipom Ambipom Normal Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Fake Out Double Hit Payback Brick Break 150 152 86 72 86 183
426 Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Bag Wise Glasses Sprite.png Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Icy Wind Destiny Bond 225 90 96 110 74 145
428 Lopunny Lopunny Normal Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Encore Fake Out Focus Punch Mirror Coat 172 96 104 66 116 172
429 Mismagius Mismagius Ghost Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Icy Wind Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Destiny Bond 135 72 80 157 125 172
435 Skuntank Skuntank Poison Dark Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Taunt Sucker Punch Foul Play Poison Jab 178 145 87 81 81 149
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Shadow Sneak Swagger Psych Up 157 112 128 100 176 55
454 Toxicroak Toxicroak Poison Fighting Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Sludge Bomb Focus Blast Shadow Ball Dark Pulse 158 113 85 151 85 137
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Blizzard Wood Hammer Focus Blast Ice Shard 197 112 95 158 105 72
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost Bag Icy Rock Sprite.png Hail Blizzard Ice Shard Shadow Ball 145 90 90 132 90 178
497 Serperior Serperior Grass Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Leaf Storm Substitute Hyper Beam Toxic 171 85 136 95 149 133
500 Emboar Emboar Fire Fighting Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Flare Blitz Brick Break Flame Charge Earthquake 185 180 106 108 106 85
503 Samurott Samurott Water Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Aerial Ace Waterfall X-Scissor Aqua Jet 170 155 126 115 111 90
518 Musharna Musharna Psychic Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Energy Ball Yawn 191 67 137 174 115 49
521 Unfezant Unfezant Normal Flying Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Sky Attack Return Detect U-turn 155 157 100 76 75 159
523 Zebstrika Zebstrika Electric Bag Air Balloon Sprite.png Flame Charge Toxic Wild Charge Volt Switch 150 152 83 90 83 184
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Muddy Water Earth Power Sludge Bomb 180 94 95 137 95 138
538 Throh Throh Fighting Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Earthquake Storm Throw Payback Rock Slide 195 155 126 45 126 65
539 Sawk Sawk Fighting Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Close Combat Payback Low Sweep Earthquake 150 177 95 45 95 150
549 Lilligant Lilligant Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Quiver Dance Energy Ball Leech Seed Protect 177 72 139 130 95 110
555 Darmanitan Darmanitan Fire Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Flame Charge Earthquake Flare Blitz Brick Break 180 192 75 45 75 161
560 Scrafty Scrafty Dark Fighting Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Substitute Payback Hi Jump Kick Focus Punch 172 156 135 58 135 78
563 Cofagrigus Cofagrigus Ghost Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Shadow Ball Destiny Bond Trick Room 165 70 165 161 125 45
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Waterfall Rock Slide Earthquake 149 176 153 92 85 84
576 Gothitelle Gothitelle Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Charm Safeguard Psychic Charge Beam 177 67 115 161 130 85
579 Reuniclus Reuniclus Psychic Bag Colbur Berry Sprite.png Calm Mind Psychic Focus Blast Shadow Ball 185 85 127 194 105 45
589 Escavalier Escavalier Bug Steel Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Megahorn Iron Defense Poison Jab Iron Head 177 205 125 80 125 36
598 Ferrothorn Ferrothorn Grass Steel Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Protect Payback Explosion Gyro Ball 181 160 151 74 136 36
615 Cryogonal Cryogonal Ice Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Icy Wind Flash Cannon Blizzard Sheer Cold 145 63 50 147 155 172
617 Accelgor Accelgor Bug Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png U-turn Bug Buzz Focus Blast Final Gambit 187 81 60 120 80 216
621 Druddigon Druddigon Dragon Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Crunch Dragon Claw Earthquake Rock Slide 184 189 110 72 110 68
623 Golurk Golurk Ground Ghost Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png DynamicPunch Shadow Punch Earthquake Rock Slide 196 193 100 67 100 75
625 Bisharp Bisharp Dark Steel Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Iron Head Night Slash Low Sweep Sucker Punch 140 177 120 72 90 134
632 Durant Durant Bug Steel Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png X-Scissor Iron Head Rock Slide Shadow Claw 133 161 132 61 68 177

A 4

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
003 Venusaur Venusaur Grass Poison Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Leech Seed Substitute Sludge Bomb Protect 187 91 113 120 152 100
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Belly Drum Substitute Fire Punch Earthquake 174 137 98 116 105 141
009 Blastoise Blastoise Water Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Yawn Waterfall Focus Punch Rock Slide 186 148 120 94 125 98
026 Raichu Raichu Electric Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Encore Magnet Rise Thunderbolt Grass Knot 135 99 75 142 100 167
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Poison Ground Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Poison Jab Dragon Tail Bulldoze Earthquake 197 147 107 85 105 96
034 Nidoking Nidoking Poison Ground Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Earthquake Poison Jab Megahorn Protect 156 158 97 94 95 137
045 Vileplume Vileplume Grass Poison Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Giga Drain SolarBeam Teeter Dance Sludge Bomb 150 90 105 167 110 102
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Toxic Dig Substitute Sandstorm 110 132 70 63 90 189
062 Poliwrath Poliwrath Water Fighting Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Earthquake Focus Punch Circle Throw 197 150 115 81 110 90
065 Alakazam Alakazam Psychic Bag Choice Specs Sprite.png Psychic Focus Blast Disable Trick 130 63 65 187 105 189
071 Victreebel Victreebel Grass Poison Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Weather Ball SolarBeam Sludge Bomb Gastro Acid 155 112 85 167 80 122
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Explosion Fling 155 178 150 75 117 58
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Psychic Surf Blizzard Trick Room 202 95 162 132 100 45
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Rain Dance Rest Surf Stockpile 186 81 133 90 136 90
101 Electrode Electrode Electric Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Thunder Taunt Light Screen 135 63 90 132 100 211
105 Marowak Marowak Ground Bag Thick Club Sprite.png Earthquake Outrage Detect Rock Slide 135 132 130 63 100 106
110 Weezing Weezing Poison Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Toxic Will-O-Wisp Stockpile Rest 172 110 140 94 134 80
115 Kangaskhan Kangaskhan Normal Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Fake Out Endeavor Return Substitute 180 147 100 54 100 156
122 Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Psychic Bag Light Clay Sprite.png Light Screen Reflect Psychic Signal Beam 147 58 128 120 140 110
124 Jynx Jynx Ice Psychic Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Lovely Kiss Blizzard Psychic Fake Out 140 63 55 167 115 161
128 Tauros Tauros Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Toxic Protect Double Team Earthquake 182 120 115 54 134 130
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Leech Seed Ingrain Toxic Protect 155 91 167 103 152 100
157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Fire Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Extrasensory Lava Plume Bulldoze SolarBeam 153 93 98 177 105 152
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Waterfall Crunch Substitute 160 172 120 89 103 130
171 Lanturn Lanturn Water Electric Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Stockpile Rest Charge Beam Ice Beam 200 70 121 96 128 87
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Curse Amnesia Earthquake Waterfall 202 105 105 76 128 55
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Psychic Surf Ice Beam Trick Room 202 95 100 132 162 45
205 Forretress Forretress Bug Steel Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Toxic Spikes Stealth Rock Spikes Explosion 182 110 160 72 123 60
210 Granbull Granbull Normal Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Charm Toxic Dig Protect 197 140 139 72 80 65
227 Skarmory Skarmory Steel Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Spikes Stealth Rock Whirlwind Toxic 172 100 160 54 134 90
241 Miltank Miltank Normal Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Substitute Earthquake Rock Slide Zen Headbutt 170 132 125 54 90 167
254 Sceptile Sceptile Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Leech Seed Endeavor Energy Ball Toxic 145 94 117 125 150 140
257 Blaziken Blaziken Fire Fighting Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Flame Charge Flare Blitz ThunderPunch Low Kick 155 172 90 130 90 132
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Curse Rest Earthquake Waterfall 207 130 110 94 156 80
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Fake Out Hydro Pump Leech Seed Grass Knot 155 81 90 156 120 122
275 Shiftry Shiftry Grass Dark Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Fake Out Sucker Punch Low Kick Protect 165 167 112 99 80 100
286 Breloom Breloom Grass Fighting Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Protect Leech Seed Substitute Focus Punch 156 150 121 72 111 90
295 Exploud Exploud Normal Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Icy Wind Hyper Voice Focus Blast Shadow Ball 179 99 83 143 83 132
297 Hariyama Hariyama Fighting Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Belly Drum Brick Break Ice Punch Bullet Punch 219 140 112 54 123 70
308 Medicham Medicham Fighting Psychic Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Hi Jump Kick Psycho Cut Fake Out Detect 135 123 95 72 95 132
310 Manectric Manectric Electric Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Switcheroo Thunder Volt Switch Overheat 145 85 80 157 80 172
334 Altaria Altaria Dragon Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Cotton Guard Roost Flamethrower Dragon Pulse 182 81 110 90 172 100
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Rest Sleep Talk Fissure Muddy Water 206 88 114 96 123 80
346 Cradily Cradily Rock Grass Bag Big Root Sprite.png Stockpile Protect Ingrain Giga Drain 193 101 149 101 139 56
348 Armaldo Armaldo Rock Bug Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Superpower Stone Edge Earthquake X-Scissor 182 194 120 81 100 65
359 Absol Absol Dark Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Substitute Swagger Punishment Will-O-Wisp 140 182 80 85 80 139
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Stockpile Leech Seed Earthquake Protect 202 129 125 95 137 76
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Fake Out Encore Flare Blitz Close Combat 151 156 91 111 91 176
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Surf Substitute Blizzard Whirlpool 191 95 108 163 133 80
398 Staraptor Staraptor Normal Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Brave Bird Double-Edge Roost FeatherDance 160 172 90 63 70 167
409 Rampardos Rampardos Rock Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Head Smash Earthquake Rock Slide Protect 172 217 88 85 102 70
411 Bastiodon Bastiodon Rock Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Metal Burst Rock Slide Wide Guard Curse 167 114 188 67 158 45
416 Vespiquen Vespiquen Bug Flying Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Attack Order U-turn Aerial Ace Destiny Bond 177 145 122 100 122 54
419 Floatzel Floatzel Water Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Waterfall Aqua Jet Low Kick Protect 160 157 67 105 70 183
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Amnesia Curse Earthquake Waterfall 186 92 132 112 134 59
424 Ambipom Ambipom Normal Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Fling Taunt Return Payback 150 152 86 72 86 183
426 Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Hypnosis Destiny Bond 225 90 70 110 106 132
428 Lopunny Lopunny Normal Bag Flame Orb Sprite.png Switcheroo Mirror Coat Protect Dig 172 96 104 66 116 172
429 Mismagius Mismagius Ghost Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Confuse Ray Protect Perish Song Mean Look 167 72 123 125 125 125
435 Skuntank Skuntank Poison Dark Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Night Slash Poison Jab Fire Blast Explosion 178 147 108 91 102 93
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Sucker Punch Substitute Pain Split 157 112 128 100 176 55
454 Toxicroak Toxicroak Poison Fighting Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Cross Chop Sucker Punch Gunk Shot Taunt 158 173 85 95 85 137
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Blizzard Focus Blast Protect Ice Shard 197 112 95 158 105 72
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Blizzard Icy Wind Shadow Ball Destiny Bond 145 90 90 132 90 178
497 Serperior Serperior Grass Bag Choice Specs Sprite.png Leaf Storm 150 85 115 139 115 165
500 Emboar Emboar Fire Fighting Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Substitute Flamethrower Focus Blast Scald 185 128 85 152 85 128
503 Samurott Samurott Water Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Hydro Pump Ice Beam Grass Knot Protect 170 108 126 163 111 90
518 Musharna Musharna Psychic Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Stored Power Calm Mind Shadow Ball Rest 191 75 150 127 147 44
521 Unfezant Unfezant Normal Flying Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Detect FeatherDance Toxic Fly 187 125 110 76 107 113
523 Zebstrika Zebstrika Electric Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Me First Wild Charge Thunder Wave Volt Switch 150 152 83 90 83 184
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Brick Break Poison Jab Dig Payback 180 137 95 94 95 138
538 Throh Throh Fighting Bag Flame Orb Sprite.png Protect Earthquake Storm Throw Payback 195 167 105 50 137 58
539 Sawk Sawk Fighting Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Close Combat Bulldoze Stone Edge Taunt 150 194 95 45 95 137
549 Lilligant Lilligant Grass Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png SolarBeam Teeter Dance Charm Leech Seed 161 72 122 146 95 126
555 Darmanitan Darmanitan Fire Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Belly Drum Earthquake Fire Punch Yawn 180 160 117 45 107 115
560 Scrafty Scrafty Dark Fighting Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Bulk Up Payback Protect Drain Punch 172 110 135 58 183 78
563 Cofagrigus Cofagrigus Ghost Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Toxic Hex Calm Mind 165 63 181 115 157 50
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock Bag Rindo Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Rock Slide Aqua Jet Earthquake 149 176 153 92 85 84
576 Gothitelle Gothitelle Psychic Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Substitute Flatter Psych Up Psychic 177 67 115 161 130 85
579 Reuniclus Reuniclus Psychic Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Trick Psychic Focus Blast Recover 185 85 139 145 137 45
589 Escavalier Escavalier Bug Steel Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Megahorn Iron Head Swagger Reversal 177 205 125 72 125 40
598 Ferrothorn Ferrothorn Grass Steel Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Curse Rock Smash Gyro Ball Ingrain 181 114 151 74 184 36
615 Cryogonal Cryogonal Ice Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Hail Icy Wind Blizzard Explosion 145 70 50 147 139 172
617 Accelgor Accelgor Bug Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Bug Buzz Encore Focus Blast Protect 155 81 60 152 80 216
621 Druddigon Druddigon Dragon Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Outrage Earthquake Superpower Dragon Tail 184 189 110 72 110 68
623 Golurk Golurk Ground Ghost Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Hammer Arm Earthquake Shadow Punch Fling 196 193 100 75 100 67
625 Bisharp Bisharp Dark Steel Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Taunt Sucker Punch Rock Smash Iron Head 172 194 120 72 90 90
632 Durant Durant Bug Steel Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Entrainment X-Scissor Iron Head Protect 165 129 132 61 68 177

B 1

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
038 Ninetales Ninetales Fire Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Hypnosis Extrasensory Heat Wave 148 86 95 146 120 152
059 Arcanine Arcanine Fire Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Flamethrower SolarBeam Incinerate Sunny Day 165 117 100 167 100 147
068 Machamp Machamp Fighting Bag Rawst Berry Sprite.png DynamicPunch Payback Foresight Wide Guard 197 200 100 85 105 67
073 Tentacruel Tentacruel Water Poison Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Ice Beam Sludge Wave Hex Toxic Spikes 155 90 76 132 140 167
078 Rapidash Rapidash Fire Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Bounce Flame Charge Low Kick Charm 140 167 90 100 90 157
089 Muk Muk Poison Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Poison Jab Stockpile Swallow Memento 180 172 127 85 120 63
094 Gengar Gengar Ghost Poison Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Shadow Ball Dream Eater Nightmare Hypnosis 135 76 80 182 95 178
103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Psyshock Grass Knot Light Screen Synthesis 170 115 94 182 106 96
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Psychic Cosmic Power Recover Reflect Type 167 85 105 120 105 183
127 Pinsir Pinsir Bug Bag Persim Berry Sprite.png Bug Bite Brick Break Thrash Swords Dance 140 194 120 75 81 137
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Ice Fang Aqua Tail Thunder Wave Dragon Dance 191 182 89 80 120 122
131 Lapras Lapras Water Ice Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Thunder Ice Shard Confuse Ray 205 105 132 150 115 72
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Wish Surf Helping Hand Shadow Ball 205 85 112 178 115 76
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag Magnet Sprite.png Quick Attack Thunderbolt Thunder Wave Swagger 140 85 72 162 115 200
136 Flareon Flareon Fire Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Dig Flail Work Up Fire Blast 140 200 80 147 117 85
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Rock Slide 155 157 85 72 95 200
143 Snorlax Snorlax Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Body Slam Wild Charge Counter Recycle 235 178 117 76 130 50
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Toxic Thunder Wave Roost Rock Slide 187 154 149 108 141 100
169 Crobat Crobat Poison Flying Bag Charti Berry Sprite.png Cross Poison X-Scissor Hypnosis U-turn 160 142 100 81 100 200
181 Ampharos Ampharos Electric Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Power Gem Thunder Wave Discharge Charge Beam 186 95 85 171 131 75
186 Politoed Politoed Water Bag Full Incense Sprite.png Waterfall Encore Swagger Bounce 165 85 95 156 120 122
196 Espeon Espeon Psychic Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Yawn Dream Eater Calm Mind Protect 140 85 80 182 103 178
197 Umbreon Umbreon Dark Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Confuse Ray Payback Curse Moonlight 202 85 178 72 150 85
208 Steelix Steelix Steel Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Rest Curse Stealth Rock 182 105 242 67 117 50
212 Scizor Scizor Bug Steel Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Metal Claw Night Slash Aerial Ace Swords Dance 177 165 152 75 100 76
213 Shuckle Shuckle Bug Rock Bag Binding Band Sprite.png Power Split Encore Gastro Acid Sand Tomb 127 30 250 27 310 25
214 Heracross Heracross Bug Fighting Bag Black Belt Sprite.png Aerial Ace Pursuit Swords Dance Brick Break 176 182 116 60 115 94
217 Ursaring Ursaring Normal Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Thrash Crunch Rest Counter 165 188 116 85 116 75
229 Houndoom Houndoom Dark Fire Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Incinerate Flame Charge Will-O-Wisp Sucker Punch 150 156 70 117 100 147
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Bag Persim Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Quash Protect Outrage 171 149 115 103 115 126
232 Donphan Donphan Ground Bag Metronome Sprite.png Earthquake Scary Face Rollout Defense Curl 165 189 172 80 80 63
233 Porygon2 Porygon2 Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Blizzard Magic Coat Lock-On Zap Cannon 192 90 110 172 115 80
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Attract Thunder Wave Heal Pulse Aromatherapy 330 27 62 95 205 75
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Rock Slide Stealth Rock Thunder Wave Fling 207 154 143 103 152 81
282 Gardevoir Gardevoir Psychic Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Hypnosis Calm Mind Imprison Taunt 164 85 106 145 121 133
289 Slaking Slaking Normal Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Brick Break Rock Slide Encore 225 212 120 115 76 167
306 Aggron Aggron Steel Rock Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Protect Roar Stealth Rock Metal Burst 177 130 220 72 112 70
321 Wailord Wailord Water Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Heavy Slam Curse Rest 245 144 86 110 86 72
330 Flygon Flygon Ground Dragon Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Dragon Claw Endure Fire Blast 155 152 100 100 90 167
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Absorb Bulb Sprite.png Psychic Ice Beam Protect Calm Mind 167 81 125 90 189 95
350 Milotic Milotic Water Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Surf Recover Mirror Coat Confuse Ray 202 72 144 120 145 101
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Frost Breath Snore Stockpile Rest 185 90 142 115 156 85
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Bag Yache Berry Sprite.png Roost Scary Face Dragon Tail Earthquake 170 193 121 130 108 120
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Meteor Mash Magnet Rise Zen Headbutt Agility 155 187 150 115 99 134
405 Luxray Luxray Electric Bag Magnet Sprite.png Wild Charge Crunch Captivate Swagger 155 189 89 115 131 90
407 Roserade Roserade Grass Poison Bag Big Root Sprite.png Toxic Leech Seed Protect Giga Drain 167 81 107 145 137 110
430 Honchkrow Honchkrow Dark Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Psychic Dark Pulse Protect Nasty Plot 175 145 93 160 93 81
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Hypnosis Rain Dance Gyro Ball Trick Room 163 109 172 89 157 53
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Earthquake Protect Sandstorm Sand Tomb 215 150 115 90 105 169
448 Lucario Lucario Fighting Steel Bag Black Belt Sprite.png Metal Sound Dark Pulse Aura Sphere Heal Pulse 145 117 90 183 90 142
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Bag Soft Sand Sprite.png Earthquake Crunch Yawn Whirlwind 183 164 187 79 92 67
452 Drapion Drapion Poison Dark Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png Night Slash Taunt Toxic Spikes X-Scissor 177 99 178 80 95 115
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Fake Out Taunt Night Slash Fling 145 172 76 65 105 194
462 Magnezone Magnezone Electric Steel Bag Magnet Sprite.png Metal Sound Flash Cannon Thunderbolt Magnet Rise 177 90 135 200 99 80
463 Lickilicky Lickilicky Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Thunderbolt Ice Beam Me First Psych Up 206 105 136 121 103 77
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Payback Rock Blast Stone Edge Protect 211 199 150 75 96 54
465 Tangrowth Tangrowth Grass Bag Big Root Sprite.png Leech Seed Ingrain Giga Drain Toxic 196 108 182 130 91 70
466 Electivire Electivire Electric Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Low Kick Dig Rock Slide Screech 171 180 87 115 94 136
467 Magmortar Magmortar Fire Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Flame Charge Earthquake Confuse Ray Barrier 182 161 87 130 115 103
468 Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Encore Thunder Wave Reflect Follow Me 192 63 115 140 148 132
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Bag Cheri Berry Sprite.png Air Slash Bug Buzz Detect U-turn 161 96 106 184 97 115
470 Leafeon Leafeon Grass Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png X-Scissor Leaf Blade Swords Dance GrassWhistle 172 130 165 72 85 147
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Ice Shard Blizzard Mirror Coat Helping Hand 172 80 130 200 103 85
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Acrobatics Fling U-turn Swords Dance 150 161 145 65 85 147
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Double Hit Earthquake Ice Shard Stealth Rock 185 188 100 81 101 121
474 Porygon-Z Porygon-Z Normal Bag Wise Glasses Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Thunder Wave 160 90 90 205 95 142
475 Gallade Gallade Psychic Fighting Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Shadow Sneak Brick Break Psycho Cut Swords Dance 143 177 76 85 135 145
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel Bag Cheri Berry Sprite.png Smack Down Volt Switch Thunder Wave Magnet Rise 167 67 165 95 222 60
477 Dusknoir Dusknoir Ghost Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Disable Will-O-Wisp Pain Split Mean Look 152 108 205 85 155 65
526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock Bag Rawst Berry Sprite.png Bulldoze Rock Blast Gravity Curse 181 193 171 80 90 45
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Bag Soft Sand Sprite.png Hone Claws Rock Slide Drill Run Iron Defense 185 205 112 70 76 108
534 Conkeldurr Conkeldurr Fighting Bag Black Belt Sprite.png Rock Slide Force Palm SmellingSalt Bulk Up 201 144 149 75 106 65
553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark Bag BlackGlasses Sprite.png Crunch Bulldoze Taunt Counter 170 173 111 85 99 112
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Quick Attack Acrobatics Crunch U-turn 150 192 85 118 85 178
571 Zoroark Zoroark Dark Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Night Slash Shadow Claw Taunt Counter 135 157 80 140 72 172
584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe Ice Bag NeverMeltIce Sprite.png Ice Beam Frost Breath Mirror Coat Icy Wind 167 103 105 151 149 99
601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Gear Grind Thunder Wave Screech Volt Switch 167 120 148 81 105 142
604 Eelektross Eelektross Electric Bag Magnet Sprite.png Discharge Gastro Acid Thunderbolt Thunder Wave 192 135 100 172 100 63
609 Chandelure Chandelure Ghost Fire Bag Spell Tag Sprite.png Flamethrower Confuse Ray Will-O-Wisp Hex 156 67 110 204 110 121
612 Haxorus Haxorus Dragon Bag Haban Berry Sprite.png Dual Chop Earthquake Roar Taunt 151 199 99 80 90 163
614 Beartic Beartic Ice Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Shadow Claw Stone Edge Avalanche Bulk Up 170 178 100 122 100 63
620 Mienshao Mienshao Fighting Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png U-turn Endure Calm Mind Baton Pass 172 145 80 115 72 172
626 Bouffalant Bouffalant Normal Bag Silk Scarf Sprite.png Head Charge Pursuit Scary Face Aerial Ace 202 178 115 54 115 75
628 Braviary Braviary Normal Flying Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Rock Slide Air Slash Tailwind Sky Drop 175 180 116 69 116 100
630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz Dark Flying Bag Wacan Berry Sprite.png Taunt Flatter Roost Toxic 185 76 125 75 161 132
635 Hydreigon Hydreigon Dark Dragon Bag Dragon Fang Sprite.png Dragon Pulse Earth Power Surf Dragon Tail 167 157 110 159 99 150
637 Volcarona Volcarona Bug Fire Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Fire Spin Heat Wave SolarBeam Whirlwind 192 72 85 170 125 152

B 2

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
038 Ninetales Ninetales Fire Bag Fire Gem Sprite.png Heat Wave Roar Confuse Ray Nasty Plot 180 86 95 101 120 167
059 Arcanine Arcanine Fire Bag Fire Gem Sprite.png ExtremeSpeed Crunch Overheat Roar 165 178 100 120 90 147
068 Machamp Machamp Fighting Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Ice Punch Cross Chop Fire Punch Focus Energy 197 200 100 85 105 67
073 Tentacruel Tentacruel Water Poison Bag Mystic Water Sprite.png Rapid Spin Poison Jab Waterfall Swords Dance 155 122 76 100 140 167
078 Rapidash Rapidash Fire Bag Heat Rock Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Fire Blast SolarBeam Sunny Day 140 120 81 132 100 172
089 Muk Muk Poison Bag Toxic Plate Sprite.png Shadow Sneak Poison Jab Acid Armor Flamethrower 180 160 85 106 141 70
094 Gengar Gengar Ghost Poison Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Sucker Punch Fire Punch Ice Punch Will-O-Wisp 135 117 80 135 95 178
103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Wood Hammer Curse Egg Bomb Synthesis 170 149 105 145 106 86
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag Mystic Water Sprite.png Protect Psychic Hydro Pump Rapid Spin 135 85 105 167 105 167
127 Pinsir Pinsir Bug Bag Insect Plate Sprite.png Feint X-Scissor Stone Edge Bug Bite 140 194 108 75 90 137
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Rest Bulldoze Giga Impact 170 194 99 80 108 133
131 Lapras Lapras Water Ice Bag Mystic Water Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Rest Sleep Talk 205 94 121 138 136 80
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Ice Beam Hydro Pump Acid Armor Aqua Ring 205 76 112 178 115 85
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Thunder Protect Charm Rain Dance 140 76 80 162 115 200
136 Flareon Flareon Fire Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Charm Flame Charge Protect 172 150 123 103 130 85
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Crunch Rock Slide Roost Sky Drop 155 157 85 80 85 200
143 Snorlax Snorlax Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Body Slam Protect Earthquake Belly Drum 235 178 117 85 130 45
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Dragon Rush Ice Beam Thunderbolt Safeguard 166 154 103 167 120 132
169 Crobat Crobat Poison Flying Bag Sharp Beak Sprite.png Air Slash Shadow Ball Confuse Ray Nasty Plot 160 99 100 122 100 200
181 Ampharos Ampharos Electric Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Brick Break ThunderPunch Screech Odor Sleuth 186 127 116 135 110 67
186 Politoed Politoed Water Bag Water Gem Sprite.png Thief Echoed Voice Refresh Hydro Pump 165 139 95 142 120 81
196 Espeon Espeon Psychic Bag Kasib Berry Sprite.png Psyshock Grass Knot Telekinesis Charm 172 76 80 150 115 178
197 Umbreon Umbreon Dark Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Payback Moonlight Stored Power Work Up 202 117 130 72 165 85
208 Steelix Steelix Steel Ground Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Crunch Curse Gyro Ball Screech 182 137 242 67 85 50
212 Scizor Scizor Bug Steel Bag Insect Plate Sprite.png Bullet Punch X-Scissor Feint Agility 177 200 120 75 90 85
213 Shuckle Shuckle Bug Rock Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Power Trick Encore Rock Slide Bug Bite 127 27 310 30 250 25
214 Heracross Heracross Bug Fighting Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Megahorn Dig Endure Reversal 187 159 95 60 103 137
217 Ursaring Ursaring Normal Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Facade Hammer Arm Scary Face Yawn 165 182 95 85 95 117
229 Houndoom Houndoom Dark Fire Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Counter Flame Charge Roar Protect 150 142 63 130 100 161
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Bag Haban Berry Sprite.png Dragon Pulse Waterfall Ice Beam Dragon Dance 171 136 103 149 115 105
232 Donphan Donphan Ground Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Endeavor Flail Roar Giga Impact 165 189 140 72 112 70
233 Porygon2 Porygon2 Normal Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Tri Attack Psychic Recycle Recover 181 90 131 125 149 80
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Charge Beam Shadow Ball Grass Knot Thunder Wave 330 27 62 139 155 75
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Rock Slide Crunch Ice Beam Dragon Dance 175 186 117 115 120 124
282 Gardevoir Gardevoir Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Stored Power Thunderbolt Calm Mind Ally Switch 143 85 85 177 121 145
289 Slaking Slaking Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Retaliate Night Slash Slack Off Amnesia 225 212 120 103 85 167
306 Aggron Aggron Steel Rock Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Thunder Wave Iron Head Fling Stomp 177 178 200 80 80 63
321 Wailord Wailord Water Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Water Spout Rest Sleep Talk Ice Beam 245 99 65 142 65 123
330 Flygon Flygon Ground Dragon Bag Haban Berry Sprite.png Swagger Quick Attack Rock Slide U-turn 155 152 100 100 90 167
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Sandstorm Toxic Cosmic Power Explosion 167 90 172 81 140 95
350 Milotic Milotic Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Hydro Pump Toxic Attract Aqua Ring 202 80 131 132 145 90
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water Bag Metronome Sprite.png Ice Ball Earthquake Encore Curse 185 118 110 115 156 85
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Dragon Claw Zen Headbutt Rock Slide Dragon Dance 170 193 90 130 121 141
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Meteor Mash Magnet Rise 176 176 150 149 110 81
405 Luxray Luxray Electric Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Charge Beam Helping Hand Discharge Roar 187 140 99 103 144 90
407 Roserade Roserade Grass Poison Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Weather Ball Energy Ball Natural Gift Attract 135 81 75 194 125 142
430 Honchkrow Honchkrow Dark Flying Bag BlackGlasses Sprite.png Sucker Punch Taunt Pursuit Protect 175 194 72 125 104 81
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Light Screen Charge Beam Grass Knot 174 109 136 144 136 47
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Fire Blast Incinerate Surf Scary Face 183 150 103 132 105 169
448 Lucario Lucario Fighting Steel Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Close Combat Hone Claws Endure Reversal 145 162 90 121 90 156
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Crunch Rock Slide Protect Curse 215 180 124 88 92 67
452 Drapion Drapion Poison Dark Bag Dark Gem Sprite.png Cross Poison Crunch Scary Face Screech 145 142 130 80 85 161
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice Bag NeverMeltIce Sprite.png Ice Shard Ice Punch Torment Protect 145 172 85 58 105 194
462 Magnezone Magnezone Electric Steel Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Charge Beam Thunder Wave Flash Cannon Mirror Coat 177 90 135 200 110 72
463 Lickilicky Lickilicky Normal Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Gyro Ball Rest Curse Sleep Talk 201 133 131 90 131 70
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Hard Stone Sprite.png Rock Wrecker Rock Polish 190 211 135 75 75 92
465 Tangrowth Tangrowth Grass Bag Yache Berry Sprite.png Wring Out Tickle Power Whip Bulldoze 175 167 145 130 63 102
466 Electivire Electivire Electric Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Fire Punch Electro Ball Ice Punch Protect 171 180 87 103 105 136
467 Magmortar Magmortar Fire Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Fire Blast Flame Burst Focus Blast Taunt 150 103 87 194 115 135
468 Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png ExtremeSpeed Aerial Ace Psych Up Brick Break 160 112 115 140 121 132
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Psychic Bug Buzz Swagger Substitute 193 86 106 184 76 115
470 Leafeon Leafeon Grass Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Leaf Blade Giga Impact Substitute Yawn 140 162 150 80 76 161
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Frost Breath Shadow Ball Rest Barrier 172 72 178 150 115 85
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Agility Acrobatics Swords Dance Baton Pass 182 115 194 58 95 115
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Stone Edge Bulldoze Blizzard Ice Fang 185 188 121 90 101 90
474 Porygon-Z Porygon-Z Normal Bag Choice Specs Sprite.png Hyper Beam 160 90 90 205 95 142
475 Gallade Gallade Psychic Fighting Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png Psycho Cut Leaf Blade Slash Protect 143 177 85 76 135 145
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Block Iron Defense Flash Cannon Discharge 167 67 216 95 170 60
477 Dusknoir Dusknoir Ghost Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Shadow Sneak Fire Punch Fling Trick Room 152 167 155 85 155 58
526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock Bag Hard Stone Sprite.png Iron Defense Sandstorm Lock-On Rock Blast 192 170 182 80 90 45
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Dig Metal Sound Metal Claw Swords Dance 185 205 112 63 85 108
534 Conkeldurr Conkeldurr Fighting Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Mach Punch Hammer Arm Bulk Up Fling 180 211 115 75 117 58
553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark Bag Rock Gem Sprite.png Smack Down Earthquake Pursuit Embargo 170 185 122 85 81 112
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Earth Power Endeavor AncientPower 150 160 76 180 85 162
571 Zoroark Zoroark Dark Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Grass Knot Shadow Ball Flamethrower Nasty Plot 135 125 80 154 80 172
584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe Ice Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Avalanche Ice Shard Natural Gift Giga Impact 178 161 94 130 115 99
601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel Bag White Herb Sprite.png Charge Beam Metal Sound Flash Cannon Autotomize 135 120 121 134 105 142
604 Eelektross Eelektross Electric Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Crunch Wild Charge Brick Break Coil 192 183 100 125 90 70
609 Chandelure Chandelure Ghost Fire Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Energy Ball Rest Heat Wave Will-O-Wisp 167 67 110 165 110 145
612 Haxorus Haxorus Dragon Bag Persim Berry Sprite.png Outrage Rock Slide Counter Dragon Dance 172 183 131 80 81 138
614 Beartic Beartic Ice Bag NeverMeltIce Sprite.png Hail Icy Wind Grass Knot Blizzard 202 130 100 134 90 70
620 Mienshao Mienshao Fighting Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Fake Out Fling Acrobatics Hi Jump Kick 140 177 80 103 80 172
626 Bouffalant Bouffalant Normal Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Pursuit Revenge Retaliate Swagger 202 178 115 60 115 67
628 Braviary Braviary Normal Flying Bag Persim Berry Sprite.png Thrash Bulk Up Superpower Pluck 175 192 95 77 85 132
630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz Dark Flying Bag Flying Gem Sprite.png Dark Pulse Air Slash Shadow Ball Nasty Plot 185 85 112 117 115 132
635 Hydreigon Hydreigon Dark Dragon Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Focus Blast Fire Blast Dragon Rush Work Up 167 146 99 182 110 139
637 Volcarona Volcarona Bug Fire Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Bug Buzz Flamethrower Protect Calm Mind 160 72 85 187 125 167

B 3

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
038 Ninetales Ninetales Fire Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Fire Blast Extrasensory Hypnosis Disable 148 86 95 101 152 167
059 Arcanine Arcanine Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Overheat Sunny Day SolarBeam Dragon Pulse 165 117 100 152 100 161
068 Machamp Machamp Fighting Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png DynamicPunch Ice Punch Rock Slide Earthquake 165 182 100 76 105 117
073 Tentacruel Tentacruel Water Poison Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Hydro Pump Sludge Bomb Giga Drain Mirror Coat 187 81 85 145 140 120
078 Rapidash Rapidash Fire Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Flare Blitz Poison Jab Iron Tail Horn Drill 140 152 90 90 100 172
089 Muk Muk Poison Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Gunk Shot Payback Shadow Sneak Curse 244 137 95 85 120 63
094 Gengar Gengar Ghost Poison Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Shadow Ball Taunt Focus Blast Counter 135 76 80 182 95 178
103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Leaf Storm Psychic Sludge Bomb AncientPower 202 103 105 194 85 75
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Surf Psychic Power Gem Signal Beam 135 85 105 152 105 183
127 Pinsir Pinsir Bug Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png X-Scissor Superpower Stone Edge Giga Impact 140 194 152 67 90 105
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Wacan Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Waterfall Stone Edge Earthquake 170 177 99 72 120 146
131 Lapras Lapras Water Ice Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Thunderbolt Psychic 237 94 100 150 115 80
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Muddy Water Blizzard Aqua Ring Yawn 237 76 80 178 115 85
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Thunder Shadow Ball Rain Dance Yawn 140 76 80 162 115 200
136 Flareon Flareon Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Superpower Return Will-O-Wisp Overheat 172 200 80 115 130 76
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Bag Rock Gem Sprite.png Taunt Earthquake Rock Slide Crunch 155 157 85 72 95 200
143 Snorlax Snorlax Normal Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Double-Edge Earthquake Crunch Protect 235 178 117 76 130 50
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Outrage Earthquake Giga Impact Superpower 166 204 115 108 152 100
169 Crobat Crobat Poison Flying Bag Razor Claw Sprite.png Cross Poison Brave Bird Zen Headbutt X-Scissor 160 142 100 81 100 200
181 Ampharos Ampharos Electric Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Thunder Wave Charge Beam Hyper Beam Rest 197 85 95 183 110 75
186 Politoed Politoed Water Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Earthquake Belly Drum Rest 165 127 95 99 167 90
196 Espeon Espeon Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Hyper Beam Grass Knot 140 76 80 200 115 162
197 Umbreon Umbreon Dark Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Faint Attack Swagger Psych Up Screech 202 85 178 72 150 85
208 Steelix Steelix Steel Ground Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Gyro Ball Earthquake Stone Edge Explosion 150 150 220 75 117 45
212 Scizor Scizor Bug Steel Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Swords Dance Bullet Punch Reversal U-turn 177 200 120 75 100 76
213 Shuckle Shuckle Bug Rock Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Gyro Ball Double Team Substitute Power Trick 127 30 310 30 250 22
214 Heracross Heracross Bug Fighting Bag Coba Berry Sprite.png Megahorn Stone Edge Facade Shadow Claw 155 177 95 54 115 150
217 Ursaring Ursaring Normal Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Facade Superpower Crunch Protect 197 200 95 85 95 75
229 Houndoom Houndoom Dark Fire Bag Air Balloon Sprite.png Flamethrower Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb Will-O-Wisp 150 99 70 162 100 161
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Rain Dance Hydro Pump Dragon Pulse Ice Beam 171 103 115 149 115 126
232 Donphan Donphan Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Gyro Ball Fire Fang Thunder Fang 165 189 172 80 80 63
233 Porygon2 Porygon2 Normal Bag Choice Specs Sprite.png Tri Attack Thunderbolt Psychic Ice Beam 192 90 110 172 115 80
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Thunderbolt Ice Beam Counter Calm Mind 362 27 68 95 155 75
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Stone Edge Crunch Earthquake Dragon Dance 175 186 130 103 120 124
282 Gardevoir Gardevoir Psychic Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Psychic Charge Beam Energy Ball Focus Blast 143 76 85 194 167 100
289 Slaking Slaking Normal Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Giga Impact Shadow Claw Hammer Arm Earthquake 257 233 120 103 85 120
306 Aggron Aggron Steel Rock Bag Steel Gem Sprite.png Iron Tail Dragon Rush Avalanche Aerial Ace 145 178 232 72 80 70
321 Wailord Wailord Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Waterfall Avalanche Aqua Ring Curse 245 110 97 99 106 80
330 Flygon Flygon Ground Dragon Bag White Herb Sprite.png Draco Meteor Earth Power Flamethrower Giga Drain 155 108 100 132 100 167
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Ground Gem Sprite.png Earth Power Psychic Ally Switch Ice Beam 135 81 125 134 172 95
350 Milotic Milotic Water Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Hydro Pump Blizzard Mirror Coat Recover 170 72 99 152 194 101
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Surf Blizzard Hail Signal Beam 217 90 110 161 110 85
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Bag Yache Berry Sprite.png Draco Meteor Dragon Rush Earthquake Brick Break 170 187 100 117 100 167
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Meteor Mash Bullet Punch Explosion 176 193 150 103 131 90
405 Luxray Luxray Electric Bag White Herb Sprite.png Thunder Fang Ice Fang Superpower Thunder Wave 187 189 99 103 99 90
407 Roserade Roserade Grass Poison Bag White Herb Sprite.png Leaf Storm Sludge Bomb Hyper Beam GrassWhistle 135 81 75 177 125 156
430 Honchkrow Honchkrow Dark Flying Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Air Cutter Dark Pulse Snatch Shadow Ball 207 130 72 172 72 91
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Iron Head Zen Headbutt Earthquake Explosion 174 155 136 89 136 53
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Outrage Earthquake Fire Fang Crunch 183 200 115 90 105 154
448 Lucario Lucario Fighting Steel Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Close Combat Earthquake Blaze Kick Shadow Claw 145 162 90 121 90 156
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Crunch Slack Off Yawn 183 180 138 79 124 67
452 Drapion Drapion Poison Dark Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png Cross Poison Night Slash Fire Fang Earthquake 145 142 130 72 95 161
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Fake Out Ice Punch Night Slash Protect 145 172 85 58 105 194
462 Magnezone Magnezone Electric Steel Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Charge Beam Flash Cannon Magnet Rise Thunder Wave 145 81 167 200 110 80
463 Lickilicky Lickilicky Normal Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Return Gyro Ball Curse Rest 217 105 115 90 161 70
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Horn Drill Avalanche Payback Counter 222 160 200 67 75 60
465 Tangrowth Tangrowth Grass Bag Heat Rock Sprite.png Sunny Day SolarBeam Synthesis Wring Out 175 108 177 178 70 70
466 Electivire Electivire Electric Bag Air Balloon Sprite.png Thunderbolt Psychic Focus Blast Signal Beam 150 128 87 161 105 147
467 Magmortar Magmortar Fire Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Flare Blitz ThunderPunch Earthquake Brick Break 150 115 87 130 115 183
468 Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Thunder Wave Air Slash Heat Wave Water Pulse 160 63 115 189 135 132
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Silver Wind Air Slash Detect Giga Drain 161 86 106 184 76 147
470 Leafeon Leafeon Grass Bag Heat Rock Sprite.png Sunny Day Leaf Blade X-Scissor Synthesis 140 178 182 72 85 115
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Hail Blizzard Mirror Coat Hyper Beam 140 72 162 200 115 85
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Aerial Ace Earthquake X-Scissor Stone Edge 150 161 177 58 95 115
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Hail Earthquake Superpower Fissure 217 200 100 81 80 100
474 Porygon-Z Porygon-Z Normal Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Psychic Ice Beam Signal Beam Charge Beam 192 90 90 205 95 110
475 Gallade Gallade Psychic Fighting Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png Psycho Cut Stone Edge Night Slash X-Scissor 143 194 85 76 167 100
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png Stone Edge Iron Head Earthquake Explosion 135 117 197 85 170 60
477 Dusknoir Dusknoir Ghost Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Toxic Will-O-Wisp Protect Double Team 152 120 155 85 205 58
526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Stone Edge Earthquake Sandstorm Explosion 192 205 150 72 100 45
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Sandstorm Earthquake Rock Slide Poison Jab 185 193 101 63 106 108
534 Conkeldurr Conkeldurr Fighting Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Bulk Up Drain Punch Payback Stone Edge 180 211 115 67 117 65
553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark Bag Dark Gem Sprite.png Earthquake Crunch Stone Edge Dragon Tail 170 185 90 76 122 112
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Aerial Ace Earthquake Head Smash U-turn 150 192 85 118 85 178
571 Zoroark Zoroark Dark Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Swords Dance Night Slash U-turn Sucker Punch 135 157 80 126 80 172
584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe Ice Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Hail Blizzard Flash Cannon Sheer Cold 178 103 105 178 115 99
601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Shift Gear Gear Grind Volt Switch Giga Impact 135 167 135 81 105 142
604 Eelektross Eelektross Electric Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Brick Break U-turn Grass Knot Wild Charge 192 183 100 125 100 63
609 Chandelure Chandelure Ghost Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Overheat Shadow Ball Protect Will-O-Wisp 167 67 110 216 110 100
612 Haxorus Haxorus Dragon Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Outrage Earthquake Dragon Claw 151 199 110 72 90 163
614 Beartic Beartic Ice Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Swords Dance Avalanche Rock Slide Brick Break 170 178 132 81 100 70
620 Mienshao Mienshao Fighting Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Low Kick Fake Out Hi Jump Kick U-turn 140 177 80 103 80 172
626 Bouffalant Bouffalant Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Swords Dance Earthquake Head Charge Payback 202 178 115 54 115 75
628 Braviary Braviary Normal Flying Bag Flying Gem Sprite.png Brave Bird Return U-turn Rock Slide 175 192 95 69 95 132
630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz Dark Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Nasty Plot Dark Pulse Air Slash Incinerate 206 76 146 82 136 100
635 Hydreigon Hydreigon Dark Dragon Bag White Herb Sprite.png Draco Meteor Taunt Earth Power Flamethrower 167 112 110 177 110 165
637 Volcarona Volcarona Bug Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Overheat Quiver Dance Bug Buzz Protect 192 72 128 155 125 120

B 4

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
038 Ninetales Ninetales Fire Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Flamethrower Extrasensory Energy Ball Calm Mind 180 86 95 101 120 167
059 Arcanine Arcanine Fire Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Close Combat Flare Blitz Crunch ExtremeSpeed 165 162 100 108 100 161
068 Machamp Machamp Fighting Bag Flame Orb Sprite.png Protect Earthquake Close Combat Payback 165 200 100 76 137 75
073 Tentacruel Tentacruel Water Poison Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Surf Toxic Venoshock Protect 187 81 128 100 140 120
078 Rapidash Rapidash Fire Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Flare Blitz Megahorn Double-Edge Protect 140 152 90 90 100 172
089 Muk Muk Poison Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Gunk Shot Shadow Sneak Brick Break Explosion 212 172 95 76 120 70
094 Gengar Gengar Ghost Poison Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Sludge Bomb Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Destiny Bond 135 76 80 182 95 178
103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Wood Hammer Zen Headbutt Explosion Trick Room 202 161 105 145 85 67
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Surf Psychic Thunderbolt Ice Beam 135 85 105 152 105 183
127 Pinsir Pinsir Bug Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png X-Scissor Earthquake Close Combat Guillotine 140 177 120 67 90 150
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Aqua Tail Earthquake Rest 202 145 99 72 167 101
131 Lapras Lapras Water Ice Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Perish Song Rest Body Slam Block 205 105 145 94 147 80
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Shadow Ball Signal Beam 237 76 80 178 115 85
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Thunderbolt Hyper Beam Fake Tears Signal Beam 140 76 80 162 115 200
136 Flareon Flareon Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Bite Superpower Giga Impact Fire Fang 140 200 80 103 162 85
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Stone Edge Aerial Ace Earthquake Crunch 155 157 85 72 95 200
143 Snorlax Snorlax Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Belly Drum Double-Edge Earthquake Crunch 235 130 128 85 162 45
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Superpower Earthquake ThunderPunch Fire Punch 198 204 115 108 120 100
169 Crobat Crobat Poison Flying Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Hypnosis Aerial Ace Cross Poison Taunt 160 142 100 81 100 200
181 Ampharos Ampharos Electric Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Thunder Focus Blast Signal Beam Power Gem 197 95 95 183 110 67
186 Politoed Politoed Water Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Hydro Pump Blizzard Focus Blast Hypnosis 165 85 95 156 152 90
196 Espeon Espeon Psychic Bag Psychic Gem Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Signal Beam Morning Sun 140 76 80 182 115 178
197 Umbreon Umbreon Dark Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Curse Trump Card Payback Rest 202 85 162 72 165 85
208 Steelix Steelix Steel Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Gyro Ball Payback Swagger Curse 150 137 277 75 85 45
212 Scizor Scizor Bug Steel Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Bug Bite Aerial Ace Roost Bullet Punch 177 200 120 67 100 85
213 Shuckle Shuckle Bug Rock Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Toxic Protect Sandstorm Wrap 127 30 310 30 250 22
214 Heracross Heracross Bug Fighting Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Megahorn Earthquake Reversal Endure 155 177 95 54 115 150
217 Ursaring Ursaring Normal Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Return Cross Chop Earthquake Aerial Ace 197 200 95 85 95 75
229 Houndoom Houndoom Dark Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Overheat Dark Pulse SolarBeam Sunny Day 150 99 70 162 100 161
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Bag White Herb Sprite.png Draco Meteor Surf Blizzard Protect 171 103 115 149 115 126
232 Donphan Donphan Ground Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Earthquake Stone Edge Seed Bomb Fissure 165 189 140 72 112 70
233 Porygon2 Porygon2 Normal Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Tri Attack Thunder Wave Shadow Ball Ice Beam 192 90 110 172 115 80
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Toxic Minimize Mud Bomb Softboiled 330 27 68 95 187 75
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Superpower Dragon Tail 207 204 130 115 120 72
282 Gardevoir Gardevoir Psychic Bag Psychic Gem Sprite.png Psychic Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Destiny Bond 143 76 85 177 135 145
289 Slaking Slaking Normal Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Return Night Slash Gunk Shot Aerial Ace 225 212 120 103 85 167
306 Aggron Aggron Steel Rock Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Metal Burst Earthquake Stone Edge Shadow Claw 145 178 200 80 112 63
321 Wailord Wailord Water Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Hydro Pump Blizzard Fissure Hyper Beam 277 99 65 156 65 80
330 Flygon Flygon Ground Dragon Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Outrage Crunch Stone Edge 155 167 100 90 100 152
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Zen Headbutt Rock Slide Explosion 135 134 125 81 172 95
350 Milotic Milotic Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Ice Beam Rest Sleep Talk Surf 202 80 108 108 177 101
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Sheer Cold Fissure Rest Sleep Talk 185 90 156 115 142 85
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Outrage Crunch Earthquake Zen Headbutt 170 187 100 117 100 167
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Trick Meteor Mash Protect Earthquake 187 155 150 103 156 90
405 Luxray Luxray Electric Bag Air Balloon Sprite.png Thunder Fang Ice Fang Light Screen Thunder Wave 187 140 99 103 144 90
407 Roserade Roserade Grass Poison Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Toxic Protect Leech Seed Giga Drain 167 81 117 145 125 110
430 Honchkrow Honchkrow Dark Flying Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Night Slash Drill Peck Sucker Punch Thunder Wave 207 194 72 112 72 91
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Safeguard Rock Slide Zen Headbutt Trick Room 174 155 136 99 136 47
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Swords Dance Rock Slide Earthquake Dragon Claw 183 182 115 90 105 169
448 Lucario Lucario Fighting Steel Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Aura Sphere Psychic Shadow Ball Follow Me 145 117 90 183 90 142
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Curse Rest Earthquake Crunch 215 132 138 88 136 60
452 Drapion Drapion Poison Dark Bag Razor Claw Sprite.png Cross Poison Night Slash Earthquake Swords Dance 177 142 130 72 104 115
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Taunt Ice Punch Night Slash Fake Out 145 172 85 58 105 194
462 Magnezone Magnezone Electric Steel Bag Electric Gem Sprite.png Thunderbolt Flash Cannon Tri Attack Volt Switch 145 81 167 200 110 80
463 Lickilicky Lickilicky Normal Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Body Slam Power Whip Earthquake Explosion 217 150 115 90 115 70
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Rock Slide Hammer Arm Earthquake Protect 222 211 150 75 75 54
465 Tangrowth Tangrowth Grass Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Power Whip Earthquake Aerial Ace Brick Break 175 167 177 117 70 70
466 Electivire Electivire Electric Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png ThunderPunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Earthquake 150 175 87 103 105 161
467 Magmortar Magmortar Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Overheat Psychic Focus Blast Protect 150 103 87 177 115 148
468 Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Follow Me Thunder Wave Air Slash Encore 192 63 126 140 167 100
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Bug Buzz Air Slash Detect Shadow Ball 161 86 106 184 76 147
470 Leafeon Leafeon Grass Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Leaf Blade X-Scissor Aerial Ace Detect 140 178 182 72 85 115
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Blizzard Shadow Ball Signal Beam Detect 140 72 162 200 115 85
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Earthquake Acrobatics U-turn Counter 182 115 145 58 95 161
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Earthquake Ice Fang Double-Edge Stone Edge 217 200 100 81 80 100
474 Porygon-Z Porygon-Z Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Tri Attack Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Recover 160 90 90 187 95 156
475 Gallade Gallade Psychic Fighting Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Psycho Cut Close Combat Heal Pulse Ally Switch 143 177 85 76 135 145
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Flash Cannon Power Gem Earth Power Thunderbolt 135 67 165 139 202 60
477 Dusknoir Dusknoir Ghost Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Shadow Sneak Pain Split Destiny Bond Trick Room 152 120 170 85 187 58
526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Rock Slide Stealth Rock Curse Earthquake 192 155 150 88 132 40
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Earthquake Aerial Ace Poison Jab Rock Slide 185 193 101 63 106 108
534 Conkeldurr Conkeldurr Fighting Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Fling Rock Slide Superpower Mach Punch 180 211 115 75 117 58
553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Pursuit Low Sweep Rock Slide 170 169 90 76 90 158
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Aerial Ace Protect 150 192 85 118 85 178
571 Zoroark Zoroark Dark Bag Focus Band Sprite.png Protect Counter Dark Pulse Focus Blast 135 112 80 172 80 172
584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe Ice Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Taunt Ice Beam Acid Armor Mirror Coat 178 103 105 130 161 99
601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel Bag Steel Gem Sprite.png Flash Cannon Thunderbolt Protect Toxic 135 108 135 134 105 142
604 Eelektross Eelektross Electric Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Charge Beam Grass Knot Flamethrower Protect 192 121 110 125 132 70
609 Chandelure Chandelure Ghost Fire Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Calm Mind Will-O-Wisp Shadow Ball Heat Wave 167 67 121 165 142 100
612 Haxorus Haxorus Dragon Bag Yache Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Dragon Claw Dragon Tail Earthquake 151 199 110 72 90 163
614 Beartic Beartic Ice Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Icy Wind Icicle Crash Rock Slide Brick Break 170 162 100 81 100 112
620 Mienshao Mienshao Fighting Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Feint Fake Out Hi Jump Kick Wide Guard 172 177 88 103 80 125
626 Bouffalant Bouffalant Normal Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Earthquake Head Charge Payback Protect 202 178 115 54 115 75
628 Braviary Braviary Normal Flying Bag Wacan Berry Sprite.png Brave Bird Tailwind Superpower Giga Impact 175 192 95 69 95 132
630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz Dark Flying Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Substitute Swagger Punishment Roost 206 85 146 67 149 100
635 Hydreigon Hydreigon Dark Dragon Bag Dragon Gem Sprite.png Dragon Rush Earthquake Crunch Dragon Tail 167 157 110 130 110 165
637 Volcarona Volcarona Bug Fire Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Hurricane Quiver Dance Bug Buzz Heat Wave 192 72 128 155 125 120

A: subset 4

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
009 Blastoise Blastoise Water Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Yawn Waterfall Focus Punch Rock Slide 186 148 120 94 125 98
065 Alakazam Alakazam Psychic Bag Choice Specs Sprite.png Psychic Focus Blast Disable Trick 130 63 65 187 105 189
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Psychic Surf Blizzard Trick Room 202 95 162 132 100 45
110 Weezing Weezing Poison Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Toxic Will-O-Wisp Stockpile Rest 172 110 140 94 134 80
115 Kangaskhan Kangaskhan Normal Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Fake Out Endeavor Return Substitute 180 147 100 54 100 156
128 Tauros Tauros Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Toxic Protect Double Team Earthquake 182 120 115 54 134 130
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Leech Seed Ingrain Toxic Protect 155 91 167 103 152 100
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Waterfall Crunch Substitute 160 172 120 89 103 130
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Curse Amnesia Earthquake Waterfall 202 105 105 76 128 55
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Psychic Surf Ice Beam Trick Room 202 95 100 132 162 45
227 Skarmory Skarmory Steel Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Spikes Stealth Rock Whirlwind Toxic 172 100 160 54 134 90
254 Sceptile Sceptile Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Leech Seed Endeavor Energy Ball Toxic 145 94 117 125 150 140
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Curse Rest Earthquake Waterfall 207 130 110 94 156 80
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Fake Out Hydro Pump Leech Seed Grass Knot 155 81 90 156 120 122
308 Medicham Medicham Fighting Psychic Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Hi Jump Kick Psycho Cut Fake Out Detect 135 123 95 72 95 132
310 Manectric Manectric Electric Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Switcheroo Thunder Volt Switch Overheat 145 85 80 157 80 172
346 Cradily Cradily Rock Grass Bag Big Root Sprite.png Stockpile Protect Ingrain Giga Drain 193 101 149 101 139 56
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Fake Out Encore Flare Blitz Close Combat 151 156 91 111 91 176
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Surf Substitute Blizzard Whirlpool 191 95 108 163 133 80
398 Staraptor Staraptor Normal Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Brave Bird Double-Edge Roost FeatherDance 160 172 90 63 70 167
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Amnesia Curse Earthquake Waterfall 186 92 132 112 134 59
424 Ambipom Ambipom Normal Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Fling Taunt Return Payback 150 152 86 72 86 183
426 Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Hypnosis Destiny Bond 225 90 70 110 106 132
428 Lopunny Lopunny Normal Bag Flame Orb Sprite.png Switcheroo Mirror Coat Protect Dig 172 96 104 66 116 172
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Sucker Punch Substitute Pain Split 157 112 128 100 176 55
454 Toxicroak Toxicroak Poison Fighting Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Cross Chop Sucker Punch Gunk Shot Taunt 158 173 85 95 85 137
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Blizzard Focus Blast Protect Ice Shard 197 112 95 158 105 72
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Blizzard Icy Wind Shadow Ball Destiny Bond 145 90 90 132 90 178
497 Serperior Serperior Grass Bag Choice Specs Sprite.png Leaf Storm 150 85 115 139 115 165
518 Musharna Musharna Psychic Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Stored Power Calm Mind Shadow Ball Rest 191 75 150 127 147 44
539 Sawk Sawk Fighting Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Close Combat Bulldoze Stone Edge Taunt 150 194 95 45 95 137
549 Lilligant Lilligant Grass Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png SolarBeam Teeter Dance Charm Leech Seed 161 72 122 146 95 126
555 Darmanitan Darmanitan Fire Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Belly Drum Earthquake Fire Punch Yawn 180 160 117 45 107 115
560 Scrafty Scrafty Dark Fighting Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Bulk Up Payback Protect Drain Punch 172 110 135 58 183 78
563 Cofagrigus Cofagrigus Ghost Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Toxic Hex Calm Mind 165 63 181 115 157 50
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock Bag Rindo Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Rock Slide Aqua Jet Earthquake 149 176 153 92 85 84
576 Gothitelle Gothitelle Psychic Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Substitute Flatter Psych Up Psychic 177 67 115 161 130 85
579 Reuniclus Reuniclus Psychic Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Trick Psychic Focus Blast Recover 185 85 139 145 137 45
589 Escavalier Escavalier Bug Steel Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Megahorn Iron Head Swagger Reversal 177 205 125 72 125 40
598 Ferrothorn Ferrothorn Grass Steel Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Curse Rock Smash Gyro Ball Ingrain 181 114 151 74 184 36
615 Cryogonal Cryogonal Ice Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Hail Icy Wind Blizzard Explosion 145 70 50 147 139 172
621 Druddigon Druddigon Dragon Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Outrage Earthquake Superpower Dragon Tail 184 189 110 72 110 68
623 Golurk Golurk Ground Ghost Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Hammer Arm Earthquake Shadow Punch Fling 196 193 100 75 100 67
625 Bisharp Bisharp Dark Steel Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Taunt Sucker Punch Rock Smash Iron Head 172 194 120 72 90 90
632 Durant Durant Bug Steel Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Entrainment X-Scissor Iron Head Protect 165 129 132 61 68 177

B: subset 4

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
059 Arcanine Arcanine Fire Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Close Combat Flare Blitz Crunch ExtremeSpeed 165 162 100 108 100 161
068 Machamp Machamp Fighting Bag Flame Orb Sprite.png Protect Earthquake Close Combat Payback 165 200 100 76 137 75
073 Tentacruel Tentacruel Water Poison Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Surf Toxic Venoshock Protect 187 81 128 100 140 120
089 Muk Muk Poison Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Gunk Shot Shadow Sneak Brick Break Explosion 212 172 95 76 120 70
094 Gengar Gengar Ghost Poison Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Sludge Bomb Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Destiny Bond 135 76 80 182 95 178
103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Wood Hammer Zen Headbutt Explosion Trick Room 202 161 105 145 85 67
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Surf Psychic Thunderbolt Ice Beam 135 85 105 152 105 183
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Aqua Tail Earthquake Rest 202 145 99 72 167 101
131 Lapras Lapras Water Ice Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Perish Song Rest Body Slam Block 205 105 145 94 147 80
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Shadow Ball Signal Beam 237 76 80 178 115 85
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Thunderbolt Hyper Beam Fake Tears Signal Beam 140 76 80 162 115 200
136 Flareon Flareon Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Bite Superpower Giga Impact Fire Fang 140 200 80 103 162 85
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Stone Edge Aerial Ace Earthquake Crunch 155 157 85 72 95 200
143 Snorlax Snorlax Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Belly Drum Double-Edge Earthquake Crunch 235 130 128 85 162 45
169 Crobat Crobat Poison Flying Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Hypnosis Aerial Ace Cross Poison Taunt 160 142 100 81 100 200
186 Politoed Politoed Water Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Hydro Pump Blizzard Focus Blast Hypnosis 165 85 95 156 152 90
196 Espeon Espeon Psychic Bag Psychic Gem Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Signal Beam Morning Sun 140 76 80 182 115 178
197 Umbreon Umbreon Dark Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Curse Trump Card Payback Rest 202 85 162 72 165 85
208 Steelix Steelix Steel Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Gyro Ball Payback Swagger Curse 150 137 277 75 85 45
212 Scizor Scizor Bug Steel Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Bug Bite Aerial Ace Roost Bullet Punch 177 200 120 67 100 85
213 Shuckle Shuckle Bug Rock Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Toxic Protect Sandstorm Wrap 127 30 310 30 250 22
214 Heracross Heracross Bug Fighting Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Megahorn Earthquake Reversal Endure 155 177 95 54 115 150
217 Ursaring Ursaring Normal Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Return Cross Chop Earthquake Aerial Ace 197 200 95 85 95 75
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Bag White Herb Sprite.png Draco Meteor Surf Blizzard Protect 171 103 115 149 115 126
233 Porygon2 Porygon2 Normal Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Tri Attack Thunder Wave Shadow Ball Ice Beam 192 90 110 172 115 80
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Toxic Minimize Mud Bomb Softboiled 330 27 68 95 187 75
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Superpower Dragon Tail 207 204 130 115 120 72
282 Gardevoir Gardevoir Psychic Bag Psychic Gem Sprite.png Psychic Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Destiny Bond 143 76 85 177 135 145
306 Aggron Aggron Steel Rock Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Metal Burst Earthquake Stone Edge Shadow Claw 145 178 200 80 112 63
330 Flygon Flygon Ground Dragon Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Outrage Crunch Stone Edge 155 167 100 90 100 152
350 Milotic Milotic Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Ice Beam Rest Sleep Talk Surf 202 80 108 108 177 101
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Sheer Cold Fissure Rest Sleep Talk 185 90 156 115 142 85
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Outrage Crunch Earthquake Zen Headbutt 170 187 100 117 100 167
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Trick Meteor Mash Protect Earthquake 187 155 150 103 156 90
430 Honchkrow Honchkrow Dark Flying Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Night Slash Drill Peck Sucker Punch Thunder Wave 207 194 72 112 72 91
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Safeguard Rock Slide Zen Headbutt Trick Room 174 155 136 99 136 47
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Swords Dance Rock Slide Earthquake Dragon Claw 183 182 115 90 105 169
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Curse Rest Earthquake Crunch 215 132 138 88 136 60
452 Drapion Drapion Poison Dark Bag Razor Claw Sprite.png Cross Poison Night Slash Earthquake Swords Dance 177 142 130 72 104 115
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Taunt Ice Punch Night Slash Fake Out 145 172 85 58 105 194
462 Magnezone Magnezone Electric Steel Bag Electric Gem Sprite.png Thunderbolt Flash Cannon Tri Attack Volt Switch 145 81 167 200 110 80
463 Lickilicky Lickilicky Normal Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Body Slam Power Whip Earthquake Explosion 217 150 115 90 115 70
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Rock Slide Hammer Arm Earthquake Protect 222 211 150 75 75 54
465 Tangrowth Tangrowth Grass Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Power Whip Earthquake Aerial Ace Brick Break 175 167 177 117 70 70
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Bug Buzz Air Slash Detect Shadow Ball 161 86 106 184 76 147
470 Leafeon Leafeon Grass Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Leaf Blade X-Scissor Aerial Ace Detect 140 178 182 72 85 115
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Blizzard Shadow Ball Signal Beam Detect 140 72 162 200 115 85
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Earthquake Acrobatics U-turn Counter 182 115 145 58 95 161
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Earthquake Ice Fang Double-Edge Stone Edge 217 200 100 81 80 100
474 Porygon-Z Porygon-Z Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Tri Attack Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Recover 160 90 90 187 95 156
475 Gallade Gallade Psychic Fighting Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Psycho Cut Close Combat Heal Pulse Ally Switch 143 177 85 76 135 145
477 Dusknoir Dusknoir Ghost Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Shadow Sneak Pain Split Destiny Bond Trick Room 152 120 170 85 187 58
526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Rock Slide Stealth Rock Curse Earthquake 192 155 150 88 132 40
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Earthquake Aerial Ace Poison Jab Rock Slide 185 193 101 63 106 108
534 Conkeldurr Conkeldurr Fighting Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Fling Rock Slide Superpower Mach Punch 180 211 115 75 117 58
553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Pursuit Low Sweep Rock Slide 170 169 90 76 90 158
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Aerial Ace Protect 150 192 85 118 85 178
571 Zoroark Zoroark Dark Bag Focus Band Sprite.png Protect Counter Dark Pulse Focus Blast 135 112 80 172 80 172
584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe Ice Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Taunt Ice Beam Acid Armor Mirror Coat 178 103 105 130 161 99
601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel Bag Steel Gem Sprite.png Flash Cannon Thunderbolt Protect Toxic 135 108 135 134 105 142
604 Eelektross Eelektross Electric Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Charge Beam Grass Knot Flamethrower Protect 192 121 110 125 132 70
609 Chandelure Chandelure Ghost Fire Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Calm Mind Will-O-Wisp Shadow Ball Heat Wave 167 67 121 165 142 100
612 Haxorus Haxorus Dragon Bag Yache Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Dragon Claw Dragon Tail Earthquake 151 199 110 72 90 163
614 Beartic Beartic Ice Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Icy Wind Icicle Crash Rock Slide Brick Break 170 162 100 81 100 112
620 Mienshao Mienshao Fighting Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Feint Fake Out Hi Jump Kick Wide Guard 172 177 88 103 80 125
626 Bouffalant Bouffalant Normal Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Earthquake Head Charge Payback Protect 202 178 115 54 115 75
628 Braviary Braviary Normal Flying Bag Wacan Berry Sprite.png Brave Bird Tailwind Superpower Giga Impact 175 192 95 69 95 132
630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz Dark Flying Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Substitute Swagger Punishment Roost 206 85 146 67 149 100
635 Hydreigon Hydreigon Dark Dragon Bag Dragon Gem Sprite.png Dragon Rush Earthquake Crunch Dragon Tail 167 157 110 130 110 165
637 Volcarona Volcarona Bug Fire Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Hurricane Quiver Dance Bug Buzz Heat Wave 192 72 128 155 125 120

Fighting/Steel/Fire 4

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Belly Drum Substitute Fire Punch Earthquake 174 137 98 116 105 141
038 Ninetales Ninetales Fire Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Flamethrower Extrasensory Energy Ball Calm Mind 180 86 95 101 120 167
059 Arcanine Arcanine Fire Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Close Combat Flare Blitz Crunch ExtremeSpeed 165 162 100 108 100 161
062 Poliwrath Poliwrath Water Fighting Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Earthquake Focus Punch Circle Throw 197 150 115 81 110 90
068 Machamp Machamp Fighting Bag Flame Orb Sprite.png Protect Earthquake Close Combat Payback 165 200 100 76 137 75
078 Rapidash Rapidash Fire Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Flare Blitz Megahorn Double-Edge Protect 140 152 90 90 100 172
136 Flareon Flareon Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Bite Superpower Giga Impact Fire Fang 140 200 80 103 162 85
157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Fire Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Extrasensory Lava Plume Bulldoze SolarBeam 153 93 98 177 105 152
205 Forretress Forretress Bug Steel Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Toxic Spikes Stealth Rock Spikes Explosion 182 110 160 72 123 60
208 Steelix Steelix Steel Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Gyro Ball Payback Swagger Curse 150 137 277 75 85 45
212 Scizor Scizor Bug Steel Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Bug Bite Aerial Ace Roost Bullet Punch 177 200 120 67 100 85
214 Heracross Heracross Bug Fighting Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Megahorn Earthquake Reversal Endure 155 177 95 54 115 150
227 Skarmory Skarmory Steel Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Spikes Stealth Rock Whirlwind Toxic 172 100 160 54 134 90
229 Houndoom Houndoom Dark Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Overheat Dark Pulse SolarBeam Sunny Day 150 99 70 162 100 161
257 Blaziken Blaziken Fire Fighting Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Flame Charge Flare Blitz ThunderPunch Low Kick 155 172 90 130 90 132
286 Breloom Breloom Grass Fighting Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Protect Leech Seed Substitute Focus Punch 156 150 121 72 111 90
297 Hariyama Hariyama Fighting Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Belly Drum Brick Break Ice Punch Bullet Punch 219 140 112 54 123 70
306 Aggron Aggron Steel Rock Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Metal Burst Earthquake Stone Edge Shadow Claw 145 178 200 80 112 63
308 Medicham Medicham Fighting Psychic Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Hi Jump Kick Psycho Cut Fake Out Detect 135 123 95 72 95 132
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Trick Meteor Mash Protect Earthquake 187 155 150 103 156 90
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Fake Out Encore Flare Blitz Close Combat 151 156 91 111 91 176
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Surf Substitute Blizzard Whirlpool 191 95 108 163 133 80
411 Bastiodon Bastiodon Rock Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Metal Burst Rock Slide Wide Guard Curse 167 114 188 67 158 45
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Safeguard Rock Slide Zen Headbutt Trick Room 174 155 136 99 136 47
448 Lucario Lucario Fighting Steel Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Aura Sphere Psychic Shadow Ball Follow Me 145 117 90 183 90 142
454 Toxicroak Toxicroak Poison Fighting Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Cross Chop Sucker Punch Gunk Shot Taunt 158 173 85 95 85 137
462 Magnezone Magnezone Electric Steel Bag Electric Gem Sprite.png Thunderbolt Flash Cannon Tri Attack Volt Switch 145 81 167 200 110 80
467 Magmortar Magmortar Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Overheat Psychic Focus Blast Protect 150 103 87 177 115 148
475 Gallade Gallade Psychic Fighting Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Psycho Cut Close Combat Heal Pulse Ally Switch 143 177 85 76 135 145
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Flash Cannon Power Gem Earth Power Thunderbolt 135 67 165 139 202 60
500 Emboar Emboar Fire Fighting Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Substitute Flamethrower Focus Blast Scald 185 128 85 152 85 128
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Earthquake Aerial Ace Poison Jab Rock Slide 185 193 101 63 106 108
534 Conkeldurr Conkeldurr Fighting Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Fling Rock Slide Superpower Mach Punch 180 211 115 75 117 58
538 Throh Throh Fighting Bag Flame Orb Sprite.png Protect Earthquake Storm Throw Payback 195 167 105 50 137 58
539 Sawk Sawk Fighting Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Close Combat Bulldoze Stone Edge Taunt 150 194 95 45 95 137
555 Darmanitan Darmanitan Fire Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Belly Drum Earthquake Fire Punch Yawn 180 160 117 45 107 115
560 Scrafty Scrafty Dark Fighting Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Bulk Up Payback Protect Drain Punch 172 110 135 58 183 78
589 Escavalier Escavalier Bug Steel Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Megahorn Iron Head Swagger Reversal 177 205 125 72 125 40
598 Ferrothorn Ferrothorn Grass Steel Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Curse Rock Smash Gyro Ball Ingrain 181 114 151 74 184 36
601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel Bag Steel Gem Sprite.png Flash Cannon Thunderbolt Protect Toxic 135 108 135 134 105 142
609 Chandelure Chandelure Ghost Fire Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Calm Mind Will-O-Wisp Shadow Ball Heat Wave 167 67 121 165 142 100
620 Mienshao Mienshao Fighting Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Feint Fake Out Hi Jump Kick Wide Guard 172 177 88 103 80 125
625 Bisharp Bisharp Dark Steel Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Taunt Sucker Punch Rock Smash Iron Head 172 194 120 72 90 90
632 Durant Durant Bug Steel Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Entrainment X-Scissor Iron Head Protect 165 129 132 61 68 177
637 Volcarona Volcarona Bug Fire Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Hurricane Quiver Dance Bug Buzz Heat Wave 192 72 128 155 125 120

Ghost/Psychic 4

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
065 Alakazam Alakazam Psychic Bag Choice Specs Sprite.png Psychic Focus Blast Disable Trick 130 63 65 187 105 189
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Psychic Surf Blizzard Trick Room 202 95 162 132 100 45
094 Gengar Gengar Ghost Poison Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Sludge Bomb Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Destiny Bond 135 76 80 182 95 178
103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Wood Hammer Zen Headbutt Explosion Trick Room 202 161 105 145 85 67
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Surf Psychic Thunderbolt Ice Beam 135 85 105 152 105 183
122 Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Psychic Bag Light Clay Sprite.png Light Screen Reflect Psychic Signal Beam 147 58 128 120 140 110
124 Jynx Jynx Ice Psychic Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Lovely Kiss Blizzard Psychic Fake Out 140 63 55 167 115 161
196 Espeon Espeon Psychic Bag Psychic Gem Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Signal Beam Morning Sun 140 76 80 182 115 178
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Psychic Surf Ice Beam Trick Room 202 95 100 132 162 45
282 Gardevoir Gardevoir Psychic Bag Psychic Gem Sprite.png Psychic Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Destiny Bond 143 76 85 177 135 145
308 Medicham Medicham Fighting Psychic Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Hi Jump Kick Psycho Cut Fake Out Detect 135 123 95 72 95 132
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Zen Headbutt Rock Slide Explosion 135 134 125 81 172 95
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Trick Meteor Mash Protect Earthquake 187 155 150 103 156 90
426 Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Hypnosis Destiny Bond 225 90 70 110 106 132
429 Mismagius Mismagius Ghost Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Confuse Ray Protect Perish Song Mean Look 167 72 123 125 125 125
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Safeguard Rock Slide Zen Headbutt Trick Room 174 155 136 99 136 47
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Sucker Punch Substitute Pain Split 157 112 128 100 176 55
475 Gallade Gallade Psychic Fighting Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Psycho Cut Close Combat Heal Pulse Ally Switch 143 177 85 76 135 145
477 Dusknoir Dusknoir Ghost Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Shadow Sneak Pain Split Destiny Bond Trick Room 152 120 170 85 187 58
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Blizzard Icy Wind Shadow Ball Destiny Bond 145 90 90 132 90 178
518 Musharna Musharna Psychic Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Stored Power Calm Mind Shadow Ball Rest 191 75 150 127 147 44
563 Cofagrigus Cofagrigus Ghost Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Toxic Hex Calm Mind 165 63 181 115 157 50
576 Gothitelle Gothitelle Psychic Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Substitute Flatter Psych Up Psychic 177 67 115 161 130 85
579 Reuniclus Reuniclus Psychic Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Trick Psychic Focus Blast Recover 185 85 139 145 137 45
609 Chandelure Chandelure Ghost Fire Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Calm Mind Will-O-Wisp Shadow Ball Heat Wave 167 67 121 165 142 100
623 Golurk Golurk Ground Ghost Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Hammer Arm Earthquake Shadow Punch Fling 196 193 100 75 100 67


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Psychic Cosmic Power Recover Reflect Type 167 85 105 120 105 183
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag Mystic Water Sprite.png Protect Psychic Hydro Pump Rapid Spin 135 85 105 167 105 167
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Surf Psychic Power Gem Signal Beam 135 85 105 152 105 183
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Surf Psychic Thunderbolt Ice Beam 135 85 105 152 105 183
205 Forretress Forretress Bug Steel Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Spikes Struggle Bug Stealth Rock Iron Defense 182 110 211 72 80 60
205 Forretress Forretress Bug Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Spikes Earthquake Magnet Rise Gyro Ball 182 156 160 80 72 60
205 Forretress Forretress Bug Steel Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Gyro Ball Earthquake Bug Bite Explosion 182 156 160 80 80 54
205 Forretress Forretress Bug Steel Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Toxic Spikes Stealth Rock Spikes Explosion 182 110 160 72 123 60
233 Porygon2 Porygon2 Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Blizzard Magic Coat Lock-On Zap Cannon 192 90 110 172 115 80
233 Porygon2 Porygon2 Normal Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Tri Attack Psychic Recycle Recover 181 90 131 125 149 80
233 Porygon2 Porygon2 Normal Bag Choice Specs Sprite.png Tri Attack Thunderbolt Psychic Ice Beam 192 90 110 172 115 80
233 Porygon2 Porygon2 Normal Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Tri Attack Thunder Wave Shadow Ball Ice Beam 192 90 110 172 115 80
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Absorb Bulb Sprite.png Psychic Ice Beam Protect Calm Mind 167 81 125 90 189 95
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Sandstorm Toxic Cosmic Power Explosion 167 90 172 81 140 95
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Ground Gem Sprite.png Earth Power Psychic Ally Switch Ice Beam 135 81 125 134 172 95
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Zen Headbutt Rock Slide Explosion 135 134 125 81 172 95
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Meteor Mash Magnet Rise Zen Headbutt Agility 155 187 150 115 99 134
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Meteor Mash Magnet Rise 176 176 150 149 110 81
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Meteor Mash Bullet Punch Explosion 176 193 150 103 131 90
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Trick Meteor Mash Protect Earthquake 187 155 150 103 156 90
426 Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Calm Mind Stockpile Memento Baton Pass 225 90 105 110 106 100
426 Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Bag Cell Battery Sprite.png Hex Thunderbolt Dream Eater Hypnosis 225 100 57 156 74 132
426 Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Bag Wise Glasses Sprite.png Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Icy Wind Destiny Bond 225 90 96 110 74 145
426 Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Hypnosis Destiny Bond 225 90 70 110 106 132
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Hypnosis Rain Dance Gyro Ball Trick Room 163 109 172 89 157 53
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Light Screen Charge Beam Grass Knot 174 109 136 144 136 47
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Iron Head Zen Headbutt Earthquake Explosion 174 155 136 89 136 53
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Safeguard Rock Slide Zen Headbutt Trick Room 174 155 136 99 136 47
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Sucker Punch Pain Split Toxic Grudge 157 100 128 112 176 55
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Shadow Sneak Sucker Punch Will-O-Wisp Taunt 157 158 128 112 128 49
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Shadow Sneak Swagger Psych Up 157 112 128 100 176 55
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Sucker Punch Substitute Pain Split 157 112 128 100 176 55
462 Magnezone Magnezone Electric Steel Bag Magnet Sprite.png Metal Sound Flash Cannon Thunderbolt Magnet Rise 177 90 135 200 99 80
462 Magnezone Magnezone Electric Steel Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Charge Beam Thunder Wave Flash Cannon Mirror Coat 177 90 135 200 110 72
462 Magnezone Magnezone Electric Steel Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Charge Beam Flash Cannon Magnet Rise Thunder Wave 145 81 167 200 110 80
462 Magnezone Magnezone Electric Steel Bag Electric Gem Sprite.png Thunderbolt Flash Cannon Tri Attack Volt Switch 145 81 167 200 110 80
474 Porygon-Z Porygon-Z Normal Bag Wise Glasses Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Thunder Wave 160 90 90 205 95 142
474 Porygon-Z Porygon-Z Normal Bag Choice Specs Sprite.png Hyper Beam 160 90 90 205 95 142
474 Porygon-Z Porygon-Z Normal Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Psychic Ice Beam Signal Beam Charge Beam 192 90 90 205 95 110
474 Porygon-Z Porygon-Z Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Tri Attack Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Recover 160 90 90 187 95 156
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel Bag Cheri Berry Sprite.png Smack Down Volt Switch Thunder Wave Magnet Rise 167 67 165 95 222 60
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Block Iron Defense Flash Cannon Discharge 167 67 216 95 170 60
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png Stone Edge Iron Head Earthquake Explosion 135 117 197 85 170 60
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Flash Cannon Power Gem Earth Power Thunderbolt 135 67 165 139 202 60
601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Gear Grind Thunder Wave Screech Volt Switch 167 120 148 81 105 142
601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel Bag White Herb Sprite.png Charge Beam Metal Sound Flash Cannon Autotomize 135 120 121 134 105 142
601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Shift Gear Gear Grind Volt Switch Giga Impact 135 167 135 81 105 142
601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel Bag Steel Gem Sprite.png Flash Cannon Thunderbolt Protect Toxic 135 108 135 134 105 142


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Psychic Cosmic Power Recover Reflect Type 167 85 105 120 105 183
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag Mystic Water Sprite.png Protect Psychic Hydro Pump Rapid Spin 135 85 105 167 105 167
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Surf Psychic Power Gem Signal Beam 135 85 105 152 105 183
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Surf Psychic Thunderbolt Ice Beam 135 85 105 152 105 183
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Ice Fang Aqua Tail Thunder Wave Dragon Dance 191 182 89 80 120 122
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Rest Bulldoze Giga Impact 170 194 99 80 108 133
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Wacan Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Waterfall Stone Edge Earthquake 170 177 99 72 120 146
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Aqua Tail Earthquake Rest 202 145 99 72 167 101
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Toxic Thunder Wave Roost Rock Slide 187 154 149 108 141 100
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Dragon Rush Ice Beam Thunderbolt Safeguard 166 154 103 167 120 132
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Outrage Earthquake Giga Impact Superpower 166 204 115 108 152 100
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Superpower Earthquake ThunderPunch Fire Punch 198 204 115 108 120 100
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Attract Thunder Wave Heal Pulse Aromatherapy 330 27 62 95 205 75
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Charge Beam Shadow Ball Grass Knot Thunder Wave 330 27 62 139 155 75
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Thunderbolt Ice Beam Counter Calm Mind 362 27 68 95 155 75
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Toxic Minimize Mud Bomb Softboiled 330 27 68 95 187 75
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Rock Slide Stealth Rock Thunder Wave Fling 207 154 143 103 152 81
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Rock Slide Crunch Ice Beam Dragon Dance 175 186 117 115 120 124
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Stone Edge Crunch Earthquake Dragon Dance 175 186 130 103 120 124
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Superpower Dragon Tail 207 204 130 115 120 72
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Bag Yache Berry Sprite.png Roost Scary Face Dragon Tail Earthquake 170 193 121 130 108 120
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Dragon Claw Zen Headbutt Rock Slide Dragon Dance 170 193 90 130 121 141
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Bag Yache Berry Sprite.png Draco Meteor Dragon Rush Earthquake Brick Break 170 187 100 117 100 167
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Outrage Crunch Earthquake Zen Headbutt 170 187 100 117 100 167
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Meteor Mash Magnet Rise Zen Headbutt Agility 155 187 150 115 99 134
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Meteor Mash Magnet Rise 176 176 150 149 110 81
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Meteor Mash Bullet Punch Explosion 176 193 150 103 131 90
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Trick Meteor Mash Protect Earthquake 187 155 150 103 156 90
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Fake Out Encore Fling Acrobatics 151 156 91 111 91 176
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Heat Wave Will-O-Wisp Grass Knot Calm Mind 172 124 81 159 91 149
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Fake Out Close Combat Overheat Stone Edge 151 156 81 124 91 176
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Fake Out Encore Flare Blitz Close Combat 151 156 91 111 91 176
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Hypnosis Rain Dance Gyro Ball Trick Room 163 109 172 89 157 53
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Light Screen Charge Beam Grass Knot 174 109 136 144 136 47
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Iron Head Zen Headbutt Earthquake Explosion 174 155 136 89 136 53
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Safeguard Rock Slide Zen Headbutt Trick Room 174 155 136 99 136 47
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Sucker Punch Pain Split Toxic Grudge 157 100 128 112 176 55
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Shadow Sneak Sucker Punch Will-O-Wisp Taunt 157 158 128 112 128 49
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Shadow Sneak Swagger Psych Up 157 112 128 100 176 55
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Sucker Punch Substitute Pain Split 157 112 128 100 176 55
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Earthquake Protect Sandstorm Sand Tomb 215 150 115 90 105 169
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Fire Blast Incinerate Surf Scary Face 183 150 103 132 105 169
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Outrage Earthquake Fire Fang Crunch 183 200 115 90 105 154
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Swords Dance Rock Slide Earthquake Dragon Claw 183 182 115 90 105 169
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Fake Out Taunt Night Slash Fling 145 172 76 65 105 194
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice Bag NeverMeltIce Sprite.png Ice Shard Ice Punch Torment Protect 145 172 85 58 105 194
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Fake Out Ice Punch Night Slash Protect 145 172 85 58 105 194
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Taunt Ice Punch Night Slash Fake Out 145 172 85 58 105 194
468 Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Encore Thunder Wave Reflect Follow Me 192 63 115 140 148 132
468 Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png ExtremeSpeed Aerial Ace Psych Up Brick Break 160 112 115 140 121 132
468 Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Thunder Wave Air Slash Heat Wave Water Pulse 160 63 115 189 135 132
468 Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Follow Me Thunder Wave Air Slash Encore 192 63 126 140 167 100
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Bag Cheri Berry Sprite.png Air Slash Bug Buzz Detect U-turn 161 96 106 184 97 115
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Psychic Bug Buzz Swagger Substitute 193 86 106 184 76 115
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Silver Wind Air Slash Detect Giga Drain 161 86 106 184 76 147
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Bug Buzz Air Slash Detect Shadow Ball 161 86 106 184 76 147
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Quick Attack Acrobatics Crunch U-turn 150 192 85 118 85 178
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Earth Power Endeavor AncientPower 150 160 76 180 85 162
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Aerial Ace Earthquake Head Smash U-turn 150 192 85 118 85 178
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Aerial Ace Protect 150 192 85 118 85 178
589 Escavalier Escavalier Bug Steel Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Megahorn Quick Guard Swords Dance Reversal 177 205 125 80 125 36
589 Escavalier Escavalier Bug Steel Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Pursuit Counter X-Scissor Swords Dance 177 205 125 80 112 40
589 Escavalier Escavalier Bug Steel Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Megahorn Iron Defense Poison Jab Iron Head 177 205 125 80 125 36
589 Escavalier Escavalier Bug Steel Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Megahorn Iron Head Swagger Reversal 177 205 125 72 125 40
612 Haxorus Haxorus Dragon Bag Haban Berry Sprite.png Dual Chop Earthquake Roar Taunt 151 199 99 80 90 163
612 Haxorus Haxorus Dragon Bag Persim Berry Sprite.png Outrage Rock Slide Counter Dragon Dance 172 183 131 80 81 138
612 Haxorus Haxorus Dragon Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Outrage Earthquake Dragon Claw 151 199 110 72 90 163
612 Haxorus Haxorus Dragon Bag Yache Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Dragon Claw Dragon Tail Earthquake 151 199 110 72 90 163
635 Hydreigon Hydreigon Dark Dragon Bag Dragon Fang Sprite.png Dragon Pulse Earth Power Surf Dragon Tail 167 157 110 159 99 150
635 Hydreigon Hydreigon Dark Dragon Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Focus Blast Fire Blast Dragon Rush Work Up 167 146 99 182 110 139
635 Hydreigon Hydreigon Dark Dragon Bag White Herb Sprite.png Draco Meteor Taunt Earth Power Flamethrower 167 112 110 177 110 165
635 Hydreigon Hydreigon Dark Dragon Bag Dragon Gem Sprite.png Dragon Rush Earthquake Crunch Dragon Tail 167 157 110 130 110 165


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
059 Arcanine Arcanine Fire Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Close Combat Flare Blitz Crunch ExtremeSpeed 165 162 100 108 100 161
110 Weezing Weezing Poison Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Toxic Will-O-Wisp Stockpile Rest 172 110 140 94 134 80
128 Tauros Tauros Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Toxic Protect Double Team Earthquake 182 120 115 54 134 130
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Aqua Tail Earthquake Rest 202 145 99 72 167 101
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Curse Amnesia Earthquake Waterfall 202 105 105 76 128 55
210 Granbull Granbull Normal Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Double-Edge Roar Crunch Sludge Bomb 165 189 95 72 112 65
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Thunderbolt Ice Beam Counter Calm Mind 362 27 68 95 155 75
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Absorb Bulb Sprite.png Psychic Ice Beam Protect Calm Mind 167 81 125 90 189 95
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Dragon Claw Zen Headbutt Rock Slide Dragon Dance 170 193 90 130 121 141
378 Regice Regice Ice Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Thunder Blizzard Focus Blast Thunder Wave 187 70 132 108 252 70
398 Staraptor Staraptor Normal Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Brave Bird Double-Edge Roost FeatherDance 160 172 90 63 70 167
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Rindo Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Amnesia Curse Yawn 186 124 109 100 135 59
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Shadow Sneak Swagger Psych Up 157 112 128 100 176 55
463 Lickilicky Lickilicky Normal Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Return Gyro Ball Curse Rest 217 105 115 90 161 70
553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark Bag Dark Gem Sprite.png Earthquake Crunch Stone Edge Dragon Tail 170 185 90 76 122 112
560 Scrafty Scrafty Dark Fighting Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Bulk Up Payback Protect Drain Punch 172 110 135 58 183 78
598 Ferrothorn Ferrothorn Grass Steel Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Rest Payback Gyro Ball Curse 181 114 151 66 184 40
630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz Dark Flying Bag Wacan Berry Sprite.png Taunt Flatter Roost Toxic 185 76 125 75 161 132

Double Battle

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Heat Wave Rock Slide Air Slash Crunch 153 125 88 165 105 141
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Poison Ground Bag Payapa Berry Sprite.png Chip Away Swagger Helping Hand Flatter 186 102 140 95 126 86
073 Tentacruel Tentacruel Water Poison Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Surf Toxic Venoshock Protect 187 81 128 100 140 120
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Fake Out Surf Ice Beam Aqua Jet 165 90 90 134 147 90
101 Electrode Electrode Electric Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Swagger Light Screen Charge Beam Thunder Wave 167 63 90 100 145 160
101 Electrode Electrode Electric Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Thunder Taunt Light Screen 135 63 90 132 100 211
103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Psyshock Grass Knot Light Screen Synthesis 170 115 94 182 106 96
122 Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Psychic Bag Light Clay Sprite.png Light Screen Reflect Psychic Signal Beam 147 58 128 120 140 110
124 Jynx Jynx Ice Psychic Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Lovely Kiss Blizzard Psychic Fake Out 140 63 55 167 115 161
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Wish Surf Helping Hand Shadow Ball 205 85 112 178 115 76
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag Magnet Sprite.png Quick Attack Thunderbolt Thunder Wave Swagger 140 85 72 162 115 200
144 Articuno Articuno Ice Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Blizzard Reflect Protect U-turn 165 94 120 147 145 150
144 Articuno Articuno Ice Flying Bag Ice Gem Sprite.png Tailwind Blizzard Sky Drop Protect 165 94 120 161 145 137
145 Zapdos Zapdos Electric Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Thunderbolt Volt Switch Heat Wave Detect 165 99 105 177 110 167
146 Moltres Moltres Fire Flying Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Heat Wave Incinerate Air Slash Protect 165 108 110 177 105 156
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Dragon Rush Ice Beam Thunderbolt Safeguard 166 154 103 167 120 132
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Light Screen Aromatherapy Swagger SolarBeam 187 102 108 103 167 100
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Bag Light Clay Sprite.png Seed Bomb Earthquake Reflect Light Screen 187 147 120 92 120 100
157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Fire Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Eruption Focus Blast Heat Wave Extrasensory 153 93 98 177 105 152
171 Lanturn Lanturn Water Electric Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Surf Discharge Thunder Wave Ice Beam 200 70 99 128 117 87
186 Politoed Politoed Water Bag Full Incense Sprite.png Waterfall Encore Swagger Bounce 165 85 95 156 120 122
197 Umbreon Umbreon Dark Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Faint Attack Swagger Psych Up Screech 202 85 178 72 150 85
213 Shuckle Shuckle Bug Rock Bag Binding Band Sprite.png Power Split Encore Gastro Acid Sand Tomb 127 30 250 27 310 25
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Bag White Herb Sprite.png Draco Meteor Surf Blizzard Protect 171 103 115 149 115 126
241 Miltank Miltank Normal Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Body Slam Helping Hand Milk Drink Heal Bell 202 100 125 54 90 167
244 Entei Entei Fire Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Eruption Heat Wave Extrasensory SolarBeam 190 121 105 142 95 167
245 Suicune Suicune Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Surf Blizzard Calm Mind Protect 207 85 183 110 135 105
245 Suicune Suicune Water Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Icy Wind Surf Blizzard Protect 175 85 135 142 135 150
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Tanga Berry Sprite.png Fake Out Grass Knot Surf Tickle 176 122 90 131 108 90
275 Shiftry Shiftry Grass Dark Bag Miracle Seed Sprite.png Fake Out Extrasensory SolarBeam Swagger 165 120 80 156 72 132
282 Gardevoir Gardevoir Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Stored Power Thunderbolt Calm Mind Ally Switch 143 85 85 177 121 145
286 Breloom Breloom Grass Fighting Bag Black Belt Sprite.png Fake Tears Helping Hand Mach Punch Stun Spore 167 200 100 80 80 81
297 Hariyama Hariyama Fighting Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Feint Fake Out Smack Down Vital Throw 219 177 101 60 101 63
330 Flygon Flygon Ground Dragon Bag Haban Berry Sprite.png Swagger Quick Attack Rock Slide U-turn 155 152 100 100 90 167
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Earth Power Surf Blizzard Protect 185 88 93 140 123 80
359 Absol Absol Dark Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Substitute Swagger Punishment Will-O-Wisp 140 182 80 85 80 139
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Signal Beam Icy Wind 191 106 108 179 121 72
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Surf Substitute Blizzard Whirlpool 191 95 108 163 133 80
405 Luxray Luxray Electric Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Charge Beam Helping Hand Discharge Roar 187 140 99 103 144 90
429 Mismagius Mismagius Ghost Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Icy Wind Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Destiny Bond 135 72 80 157 125 172
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Light Screen Charge Beam Grass Knot 174 109 136 144 136 47
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Safeguard Rock Slide Zen Headbutt Trick Room 174 155 136 99 136 47
448 Lucario Lucario Fighting Steel Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Aura Sphere Psychic Shadow Ball Follow Me 145 117 90 183 90 142
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Frost Breath Icy Wind Leech Seed Ingrain 186 112 127 100 126 80
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Blizzard Wood Hammer Focus Blast Ice Shard 197 112 95 158 105 72
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Blizzard Focus Blast Protect Ice Shard 197 112 95 158 105 72
468 Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Encore Thunder Wave Reflect Follow Me 192 63 115 140 148 132
468 Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Follow Me Thunder Wave Air Slash Encore 192 63 126 140 167 100
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Psychic Bug Buzz Swagger Substitute 193 86 106 184 76 115
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Ice Shard Blizzard Mirror Coat Helping Hand 172 80 130 200 103 85
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Blizzard Shadow Ball Signal Beam Detect 140 72 162 200 115 85
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost Bag Icy Rock Sprite.png Hail Blizzard Ice Shard Shadow Ball 145 90 90 132 90 178
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Blizzard Icy Wind Shadow Ball Destiny Bond 145 90 90 132 90 178
488 Cresselia Cresselia Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Icy Wind Safeguard Helping Hand Swagger 227 81 154 95 182 105
518 Musharna Musharna Psychic Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Hypnosis Dream Eater Calm Mind Helping Hand 191 75 113 162 136 49
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Rock Slide Swagger Blizzard Hydro Pump 181 128 153 148 76 52
576 Gothitelle Gothitelle Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Charm Safeguard Psychic Charge Beam 177 67 115 161 130 85
614 Beartic Beartic Ice Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Icy Wind Icicle Crash Rock Slide Brick Break 170 162 100 81 100 112
642 Thundurus Thundurus Electric Flying Bag Magnet Sprite.png Discharge Focus Blast Volt Switch Taunt 154 121 90 177 100 179


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Wish Surf Helping Hand Shadow Ball 205 85 112 178 115 76
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Ice Beam Hydro Pump Acid Armor Aqua Ring 205 76 112 178 115 85
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Muddy Water Blizzard Aqua Ring Yawn 237 76 80 178 115 85
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Shadow Ball Signal Beam 237 76 80 178 115 85
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag Magnet Sprite.png Quick Attack Thunderbolt Thunder Wave Swagger 140 85 72 162 115 200
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Thunder Protect Charm Rain Dance 140 76 80 162 115 200
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Thunder Shadow Ball Rain Dance Yawn 140 76 80 162 115 200
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Thunderbolt Hyper Beam Fake Tears Signal Beam 140 76 80 162 115 200
136 Flareon Flareon Fire Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Dig Flail Work Up Fire Blast 140 200 80 147 117 85
136 Flareon Flareon Fire Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Charm Flame Charge Protect 172 150 123 103 130 85
136 Flareon Flareon Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Superpower Return Will-O-Wisp Overheat 172 200 80 115 130 76
136 Flareon Flareon Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Bite Superpower Giga Impact Fire Fang 140 200 80 103 162 85
196 Espeon Espeon Psychic Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Yawn Dream Eater Calm Mind Protect 140 85 80 182 103 178
196 Espeon Espeon Psychic Bag Kasib Berry Sprite.png Psyshock Grass Knot Telekinesis Charm 172 76 80 150 115 178
196 Espeon Espeon Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Hyper Beam Grass Knot 140 76 80 200 115 162
196 Espeon Espeon Psychic Bag Psychic Gem Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Signal Beam Morning Sun 140 76 80 182 115 178
197 Umbreon Umbreon Dark Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Confuse Ray Payback Curse Moonlight 202 85 178 72 150 85
197 Umbreon Umbreon Dark Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Payback Moonlight Stored Power Work Up 202 117 130 72 165 85
197 Umbreon Umbreon Dark Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Faint Attack Swagger Psych Up Screech 202 85 178 72 150 85
197 Umbreon Umbreon Dark Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Curse Trump Card Payback Rest 202 85 162 72 165 85
470 Leafeon Leafeon Grass Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png X-Scissor Leaf Blade Swords Dance GrassWhistle 172 130 165 72 85 147
470 Leafeon Leafeon Grass Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Leaf Blade Giga Impact Substitute Yawn 140 162 150 80 76 161
470 Leafeon Leafeon Grass Bag Heat Rock Sprite.png Sunny Day Leaf Blade X-Scissor Synthesis 140 178 182 72 85 115
470 Leafeon Leafeon Grass Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Leaf Blade X-Scissor Aerial Ace Detect 140 178 182 72 85 115
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Ice Shard Blizzard Mirror Coat Helping Hand 172 80 130 200 103 85
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Frost Breath Shadow Ball Rest Barrier 172 72 178 150 115 85
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Hail Blizzard Mirror Coat Hyper Beam 140 72 162 200 115 85
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Blizzard Shadow Ball Signal Beam Detect 140 72 162 200 115 85


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
026 Raichu Raichu Electric Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Encore Thief Thunder Wave Discharge 135 121 75 127 100 152
026 Raichu Raichu Electric Bag Magnet Sprite.png Brick Break Electro Ball Fake Out Protect 135 142 75 99 100 167
026 Raichu Raichu Electric Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Encore Magnet Rise Thunderbolt Grass Knot 135 99 75 142 100 167
101 Electrode Electrode Electric Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Swagger Light Screen Charge Beam Thunder Wave 167 63 90 100 145 160
101 Electrode Electrode Electric Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Electro Ball Taunt Protect Explosion 135 70 81 100 100 176
101 Electrode Electrode Electric Bag Air Balloon Sprite.png Thunderbolt Mirror Coat Signal Beam Protect 135 63 90 132 100 211
101 Electrode Electrode Electric Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Thunder Taunt Light Screen 135 63 90 132 100 211
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag Magnet Sprite.png Quick Attack Thunderbolt Thunder Wave Swagger 140 85 72 162 115 200
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Thunder Protect Charm Rain Dance 140 76 80 162 115 200
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Thunder Shadow Ball Rain Dance Yawn 140 76 80 162 115 200
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Thunderbolt Hyper Beam Fake Tears Signal Beam 140 76 80 162 115 200
171 Lanturn Lanturn Water Electric Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Surf Discharge Thunder Wave Ice Beam 200 70 99 128 117 87
310 Manectric Manectric Electric Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Crunch Odor Sleuth Quick Attack Wild Charge 145 139 80 112 80 157
310 Manectric Manectric Electric Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Flamethrower Overheat Discharge Charge 145 85 80 172 80 157
310 Manectric Manectric Electric Bag Air Balloon Sprite.png Thunderbolt Overheat Volt Switch Quick Attack 145 85 80 157 80 172
310 Manectric Manectric Electric Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Switcheroo Thunder Volt Switch Overheat 145 85 80 157 80 172
448 Lucario Lucario Fighting Steel Bag Black Belt Sprite.png Metal Sound Dark Pulse Aura Sphere Heal Pulse 145 117 90 183 90 142
448 Lucario Lucario Fighting Steel Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Close Combat Hone Claws Endure Reversal 145 162 90 121 90 156
448 Lucario Lucario Fighting Steel Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Close Combat Earthquake Blaze Kick Shadow Claw 145 162 90 121 90 156
448 Lucario Lucario Fighting Steel Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Aura Sphere Psychic Shadow Ball Follow Me 145 117 90 183 90 142
466 Electivire Electivire Electric Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Low Kick Dig Rock Slide Screech 171 180 87 115 94 136
466 Electivire Electivire Electric Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Fire Punch Electro Ball Ice Punch Protect 171 180 87 103 105 136
466 Electivire Electivire Electric Bag Air Balloon Sprite.png Thunderbolt Psychic Focus Blast Signal Beam 150 128 87 161 105 147
466 Electivire Electivire Electric Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png ThunderPunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Earthquake 150 175 87 103 105 161
523 Zebstrika Zebstrika Electric Bag Electric Gem Sprite.png Swagger Volt Switch Wild Charge Pursuit 182 167 83 100 74 136
523 Zebstrika Zebstrika Electric Bag Magnet Sprite.png Discharge Thunder Wave Thunder Rain Dance 150 108 83 132 83 184
523 Zebstrika Zebstrika Electric Bag Air Balloon Sprite.png Flame Charge Toxic Wild Charge Volt Switch 150 152 83 90 83 184
523 Zebstrika Zebstrika Electric Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Me First Wild Charge Thunder Wave Volt Switch 150 152 83 90 83 184
601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Gear Grind Thunder Wave Screech Volt Switch 167 120 148 81 105 142
601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel Bag White Herb Sprite.png Charge Beam Metal Sound Flash Cannon Autotomize 135 120 121 134 105 142
601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Shift Gear Gear Grind Volt Switch Giga Impact 135 167 135 81 105 142
601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel Bag Steel Gem Sprite.png Flash Cannon Thunderbolt Protect Toxic 135 108 135 134 105 142
632 Durant Durant Bug Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Crunch Dig Bug Bite Metal Sound 154 150 132 68 61 165
632 Durant Durant Bug Steel Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Dig Iron Defense Agility Baton Pass 133 129 180 61 68 161
632 Durant Durant Bug Steel Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png X-Scissor Iron Head Rock Slide Shadow Claw 133 161 132 61 68 177
632 Durant Durant Bug Steel Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Entrainment X-Scissor Iron Head Protect 165 129 132 61 68 177


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Dragon Claw Flame Charge Belly Drum Substitute 174 114 98 116 126 141
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying Bag Charti Berry Sprite.png Dragon Claw Shadow Claw Rock Slide Dragon Dance 153 149 98 116 105 152
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Heat Wave Rock Slide Air Slash Crunch 153 125 88 165 105 141
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Belly Drum Substitute Fire Punch Earthquake 174 137 98 116 105 141
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Ice Fang Aqua Tail Thunder Wave Dragon Dance 191 182 89 80 120 122
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Rest Bulldoze Giga Impact 170 194 99 80 108 133
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Wacan Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Waterfall Stone Edge Earthquake 170 177 99 72 120 146
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Aqua Tail Earthquake Rest 202 145 99 72 167 101
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Rock Slide 155 157 85 72 95 200
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Crunch Rock Slide Roost Sky Drop 155 157 85 80 85 200
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Bag Rock Gem Sprite.png Taunt Earthquake Rock Slide Crunch 155 157 85 72 95 200
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Stone Edge Aerial Ace Earthquake Crunch 155 157 85 72 95 200
144 Articuno Articuno Ice Flying Bag Icy Rock Sprite.png Hail Blizzard Fly Roost 197 94 120 161 145 105
144 Articuno Articuno Ice Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Sheer Cold Mind Reader Ice Shard Ice Beam 197 94 132 115 177 105
144 Articuno Articuno Ice Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Blizzard Reflect Protect U-turn 165 94 120 147 145 150
144 Articuno Articuno Ice Flying Bag Ice Gem Sprite.png Tailwind Blizzard Sky Drop Protect 165 94 120 161 145 137
145 Zapdos Zapdos Electric Flying Bag Magnet Sprite.png Thunderbolt Signal Beam Air Cutter AncientPower 165 99 105 177 110 167
145 Zapdos Zapdos Electric Flying Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Charge Beam Heat Wave Double Team Roost 197 99 115 145 142 120
145 Zapdos Zapdos Electric Flying Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Thunder Light Screen Rain Dance Drill Peck 165 110 105 177 99 167
145 Zapdos Zapdos Electric Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Thunderbolt Volt Switch Heat Wave Detect 165 99 105 177 110 167
146 Moltres Moltres Fire Flying Bag White Herb Sprite.png Overheat Air Slash Tailwind Will-O-Wisp 165 108 110 194 105 142
146 Moltres Moltres Fire Flying Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Flame Charge Sky Attack Aerial Ace Fire Blast 165 167 110 145 94 142
146 Moltres Moltres Fire Flying Bag Heat Rock Sprite.png Sunny Day SolarBeam Flamethrower Air Slash 165 108 110 177 105 156
146 Moltres Moltres Fire Flying Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Heat Wave Incinerate Air Slash Protect 165 108 110 177 105 156
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Toxic Thunder Wave Roost Rock Slide 187 154 149 108 141 100
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Dragon Rush Ice Beam Thunderbolt Safeguard 166 154 103 167 120 132
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Outrage Earthquake Giga Impact Superpower 166 204 115 108 152 100
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Superpower Earthquake ThunderPunch Fire Punch 198 204 115 108 120 100
169 Crobat Crobat Poison Flying Bag Charti Berry Sprite.png Cross Poison X-Scissor Hypnosis U-turn 160 142 100 81 100 200
169 Crobat Crobat Poison Flying Bag Sharp Beak Sprite.png Air Slash Shadow Ball Confuse Ray Nasty Plot 160 99 100 122 100 200
169 Crobat Crobat Poison Flying Bag Razor Claw Sprite.png Cross Poison Brave Bird Zen Headbutt X-Scissor 160 142 100 81 100 200
169 Crobat Crobat Poison Flying Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Hypnosis Aerial Ace Cross Poison Taunt 160 142 100 81 100 200
227 Skarmory Skarmory Steel Flying Bag Full Incense Sprite.png Spikes Stealth Rock Sky Drop Whirlwind 172 100 160 60 81 134
227 Skarmory Skarmory Steel Flying Bag Cell Battery Sprite.png Brave Bird Steel Wing Swords Dance Roar 172 110 160 60 81 122
227 Skarmory Skarmory Steel Flying Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Brave Bird Steel Wing Night Slash Rock Slide 140 132 160 54 90 134
227 Skarmory Skarmory Steel Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Spikes Stealth Rock Whirlwind Toxic 172 100 160 54 134 90
334 Altaria Altaria Dragon Flying Bag Pecha Berry Sprite.png Sing Cotton Guard Echoed Voice Roost 182 81 110 90 172 100
334 Altaria Altaria Dragon Flying Bag Yache Berry Sprite.png Dragon Claw Pluck Mist Hone Claws 150 134 99 90 157 100
334 Altaria Altaria Dragon Flying Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Dragon Dance Dragon Rush Sky Attack Earthquake 150 122 110 81 125 145
334 Altaria Altaria Dragon Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Cotton Guard Roost Flamethrower Dragon Pulse 182 81 110 90 172 100
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Bag Yache Berry Sprite.png Roost Scary Face Dragon Tail Earthquake 170 193 121 130 108 120
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Dragon Claw Zen Headbutt Rock Slide Dragon Dance 170 193 90 130 121 141
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Bag Yache Berry Sprite.png Draco Meteor Dragon Rush Earthquake Brick Break 170 187 100 117 100 167
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Outrage Crunch Earthquake Zen Headbutt 170 187 100 117 100 167
398 Staraptor Staraptor Normal Flying Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png U-turn FeatherDance Quick Attack Endeavor 160 172 81 70 70 167
398 Staraptor Staraptor Normal Flying Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Pursuit Close Combat Roost Final Gambit 192 154 90 63 70 152
398 Staraptor Staraptor Normal Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Close Combat Brave Bird U-turn Giga Impact 160 172 81 77 70 152
398 Staraptor Staraptor Normal Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Brave Bird Double-Edge Roost FeatherDance 160 172 90 63 70 167
416 Vespiquen Vespiquen Bug Flying Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Defend Order Toxic Protect Heal Order 166 100 143 100 157 54
416 Vespiquen Vespiquen Bug Flying Bag Insect Plate Sprite.png Attack Order Power Gem Captivate Confuse Ray 177 100 122 145 122 54
416 Vespiquen Vespiquen Bug Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Attack Order Defend Order Roost Confuse Ray 166 100 157 90 143 60
416 Vespiquen Vespiquen Bug Flying Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Attack Order U-turn Aerial Ace Destiny Bond 177 145 122 100 122 54
426 Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Calm Mind Stockpile Memento Baton Pass 225 90 105 110 106 100
426 Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Bag Cell Battery Sprite.png Hex Thunderbolt Dream Eater Hypnosis 225 100 57 156 74 132
426 Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Bag Wise Glasses Sprite.png Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Icy Wind Destiny Bond 225 90 96 110 74 145
426 Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Hypnosis Destiny Bond 225 90 70 110 106 132
430 Honchkrow Honchkrow Dark Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Psychic Dark Pulse Protect Nasty Plot 175 145 93 160 93 81
430 Honchkrow Honchkrow Dark Flying Bag BlackGlasses Sprite.png Sucker Punch Taunt Pursuit Protect 175 194 72 125 104 81
430 Honchkrow Honchkrow Dark Flying Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Air Cutter Dark Pulse Snatch Shadow Ball 207 130 72 172 72 91
430 Honchkrow Honchkrow Dark Flying Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Night Slash Drill Peck Sucker Punch Thunder Wave 207 194 72 112 72 91
468 Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Encore Thunder Wave Reflect Follow Me 192 63 115 140 148 132
468 Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png ExtremeSpeed Aerial Ace Psych Up Brick Break 160 112 115 140 121 132
468 Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Thunder Wave Air Slash Heat Wave Water Pulse 160 63 115 189 135 132
468 Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Follow Me Thunder Wave Air Slash Encore 192 63 126 140 167 100
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Bag Cheri Berry Sprite.png Air Slash Bug Buzz Detect U-turn 161 96 106 184 97 115
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Psychic Bug Buzz Swagger Substitute 193 86 106 184 76 115
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Silver Wind Air Slash Detect Giga Drain 161 86 106 184 76 147
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Bug Buzz Air Slash Detect Shadow Ball 161 86 106 184 76 147
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Acrobatics Fling U-turn Swords Dance 150 161 145 65 85 147
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Agility Acrobatics Swords Dance Baton Pass 182 115 194 58 95 115
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Aerial Ace Earthquake X-Scissor Stone Edge 150 161 177 58 95 115
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Earthquake Acrobatics U-turn Counter 182 115 145 58 95 161
521 Unfezant Unfezant Normal Flying Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Aerial Ace U-turn Razor Wind Tailwind 176 146 121 76 75 124
521 Unfezant Unfezant Normal Flying Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Giga Impact Quick Attack Hypnosis Sky Attack 155 157 100 76 75 159
521 Unfezant Unfezant Normal Flying Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Sky Attack Return Detect U-turn 155 157 100 76 75 159
521 Unfezant Unfezant Normal Flying Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Detect FeatherDance Toxic Fly 187 125 110 76 107 113
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Quick Attack Acrobatics Crunch U-turn 150 192 85 118 85 178
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Earth Power Endeavor AncientPower 150 160 76 180 85 162
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Aerial Ace Earthquake Head Smash U-turn 150 192 85 118 85 178
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Aerial Ace Protect 150 192 85 118 85 178
628 Braviary Braviary Normal Flying Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Rock Slide Air Slash Tailwind Sky Drop 175 180 116 69 116 100
628 Braviary Braviary Normal Flying Bag Persim Berry Sprite.png Thrash Bulk Up Superpower Pluck 175 192 95 77 85 132
628 Braviary Braviary Normal Flying Bag Flying Gem Sprite.png Brave Bird Return U-turn Rock Slide 175 192 95 69 95 132
628 Braviary Braviary Normal Flying Bag Wacan Berry Sprite.png Brave Bird Tailwind Superpower Giga Impact 175 192 95 69 95 132
630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz Dark Flying Bag Wacan Berry Sprite.png Taunt Flatter Roost Toxic 185 76 125 75 161 132
630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz Dark Flying Bag Flying Gem Sprite.png Dark Pulse Air Slash Shadow Ball Nasty Plot 185 85 112 117 115 132
630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz Dark Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Nasty Plot Dark Pulse Air Slash Incinerate 206 76 146 82 136 100
630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz Dark Flying Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Substitute Swagger Punishment Roost 206 85 146 67 149 100
641 Tornadus Tornadus Flying Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Hurricane Grass Knot Focus Blast Dark Pulse 154 121 90 177 100 179
641 Tornadus Tornadus Flying Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Substitute Double Team Focus Blast Hurricane 186 121 90 194 100 131
641 Tornadus Tornadus Flying Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Rest Air Slash Dark Pulse Focus Blast 186 121 99 145 132 131
641 Tornadus Tornadus Flying Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Hurricane Focus Blast Taunt Rain Dance 154 121 90 177 100 179
642 Thundurus Thundurus Electric Flying Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Thunderbolt Protect Toxic Rest 186 121 99 145 132 131
642 Thundurus Thundurus Electric Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Thunderbolt Dark Pulse Focus Blast Grass Knot 154 121 90 177 100 179
642 Thundurus Thundurus Electric Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Wild Charge U-turn Crunch Sky Drop 154 167 90 130 100 179
642 Thundurus Thundurus Electric Flying Bag Magnet Sprite.png Discharge Focus Blast Volt Switch Taunt 154 121 90 177 100 179


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Poison Ground Bag Payapa Berry Sprite.png Chip Away Swagger Helping Hand Flatter 186 102 140 95 126 86
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Poison Ground Bag Absorb Bulb Sprite.png Thunderbolt Hyper Beam Earth Power Counter 197 102 96 139 105 96
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Poison Ground Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Sludge Bomb Earth Power Flamethrower Ice Beam 197 91 107 139 105 96
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Poison Ground Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Poison Jab Dragon Tail Bulldoze Earthquake 197 147 107 85 105 96
034 Nidoking Nidoking Poison Ground Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Bulldoze Megahorn Rock Slide Hone Claws 188 158 97 105 85 105
034 Nidoking Nidoking Poison Ground Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Amnesia Sludge Bomb Flamethrower Protect 188 112 97 150 95 94
034 Nidoking Nidoking Poison Ground Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Earth Power Sludge Bomb Protect Icy Wind 156 100 97 150 95 137
034 Nidoking Nidoking Poison Ground Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Earthquake Poison Jab Megahorn Protect 156 158 97 94 95 137
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Reversal Attract Dig Protect 110 132 63 70 90 189
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Protect Final Gambit Earthquake Rock Slide 142 110 63 70 90 172
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Earthquake Rock Slide Reversal Aerial Ace 110 132 70 63 90 189
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Toxic Dig Substitute Sandstorm 110 132 70 63 90 189
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground Bag Hard Stone Sprite.png Stealth Rock Curse Gyro Ball Smack Down 176 151 188 67 85 65
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground Bag Absorb Bulb Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Bulldoze Autotomize 155 178 150 75 76 97
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Explosion Autotomize 155 162 150 67 85 106
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Explosion Fling 155 178 150 75 117 58
105 Marowak Marowak Ground Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Substitute Detect Earthquake Swords Dance 167 100 130 63 145 65
105 Marowak Marowak Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Earthquake Fling Brick Break Detect 167 145 130 70 100 58
105 Marowak Marowak Ground Bag Thick Club Sprite.png Earthquake Stone Edge Low Kick Fire Punch 135 132 130 63 100 106
105 Marowak Marowak Ground Bag Thick Club Sprite.png Earthquake Outrage Detect Rock Slide 135 132 130 63 100 106
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Rindo Berry Sprite.png Rest Sleep Talk Toxic Bulldoze 202 105 150 76 85 55
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Earthquake Stockpile Fling Swallow 191 105 138 76 106 55
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Rindo Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Aqua Tail Ice Punch Stone Edge 170 150 105 76 117 55
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Curse Amnesia Earthquake Waterfall 202 105 105 76 128 55
208 Steelix Steelix Steel Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Rest Curse Stealth Rock 182 105 242 67 117 50
208 Steelix Steelix Steel Ground Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Crunch Curse Gyro Ball Screech 182 137 242 67 85 50
208 Steelix Steelix Steel Ground Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Gyro Ball Earthquake Stone Edge Explosion 150 150 220 75 117 45
208 Steelix Steelix Steel Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Gyro Ball Payback Swagger Curse 150 137 277 75 85 45
232 Donphan Donphan Ground Bag Metronome Sprite.png Earthquake Scary Face Rollout Defense Curl 165 189 172 80 80 63
232 Donphan Donphan Ground Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Endeavor Flail Roar Giga Impact 165 189 140 72 112 70
232 Donphan Donphan Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Gyro Ball Fire Fang Thunder Fang 165 189 172 80 80 63
232 Donphan Donphan Ground Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Earthquake Stone Edge Seed Bomb Fissure 165 189 140 72 112 70
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Jaboca Berry Sprite.png Mirror Coat Counter Earthquake Roar 175 130 142 105 156 72
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Hammer Arm Rest Curse 207 130 110 94 156 80
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Avalanche Waterfall Stone Edge 207 178 110 94 110 80
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Curse Rest Earthquake Waterfall 207 130 110 94 156 80
330 Flygon Flygon Ground Dragon Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Dragon Claw Endure Fire Blast 155 152 100 100 90 167
330 Flygon Flygon Ground Dragon Bag Haban Berry Sprite.png Swagger Quick Attack Rock Slide U-turn 155 152 100 100 90 167
330 Flygon Flygon Ground Dragon Bag White Herb Sprite.png Draco Meteor Earth Power Flamethrower Giga Drain 155 108 100 132 100 167
330 Flygon Flygon Ground Dragon Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Outrage Crunch Stone Edge 155 167 100 90 100 152
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Tickle Amnesia Rest 185 130 93 86 135 80
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Bag Soft Sand Sprite.png Aqua Tail Earthquake Zen Headbutt Dragon Dance 206 130 114 86 91 80
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Earth Power Surf Blizzard Protect 185 88 93 140 123 80
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Rest Sleep Talk Fissure Muddy Water 206 88 114 96 123 80
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Absorb Bulb Sprite.png Psychic Ice Beam Protect Calm Mind 167 81 125 90 189 95
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Sandstorm Toxic Cosmic Power Explosion 167 90 172 81 140 95
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Ground Gem Sprite.png Earth Power Psychic Ally Switch Ice Beam 135 81 125 134 172 95
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Zen Headbutt Rock Slide Explosion 135 134 125 81 172 95
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground Bag Binding Band Sprite.png Sand Tomb Seed Bomb Curse Synthesis 202 177 125 85 105 76
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Wood Hammer Tickle 170 161 125 85 105 118
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Crunch Seed Bomb Iron Head 170 177 125 85 137 76
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Stockpile Leech Seed Earthquake Protect 202 129 125 95 137 76
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Sludge Bomb Muddy Water Counter 186 103 79 144 147 59
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Rindo Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Amnesia Curse Yawn 186 124 109 100 135 59
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Sandstorm Earth Power Surf Recover 186 103 120 158 102 53
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Amnesia Curse Earthquake Waterfall 186 92 132 112 134 59
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Earthquake Protect Sandstorm Sand Tomb 215 150 115 90 105 169
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Fire Blast Incinerate Surf Scary Face 183 150 103 132 105 169
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Outrage Earthquake Fire Fang Crunch 183 200 115 90 105 154
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Swords Dance Rock Slide Earthquake Dragon Claw 183 182 115 90 105 169
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Bag Soft Sand Sprite.png Earthquake Crunch Yawn Whirlwind 183 164 187 79 92 67
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Crunch Rock Slide Protect Curse 215 180 124 88 92 67
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Crunch Slack Off Yawn 183 180 138 79 124 67
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Curse Rest Earthquake Crunch 215 132 138 88 136 60
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Payback Rock Blast Stone Edge Protect 211 199 150 75 96 54
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Hard Stone Sprite.png Rock Wrecker Rock Polish 190 211 135 75 75 92
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Horn Drill Avalanche Payback Counter 222 160 200 67 75 60
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Rock Slide Hammer Arm Earthquake Protect 222 211 150 75 75 54
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Acrobatics Fling U-turn Swords Dance 150 161 145 65 85 147
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Agility Acrobatics Swords Dance Baton Pass 182 115 194 58 95 115
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Aerial Ace Earthquake X-Scissor Stone Edge 150 161 177 58 95 115
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Earthquake Acrobatics U-turn Counter 182 115 145 58 95 161
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Double Hit Earthquake Ice Shard Stealth Rock 185 188 100 81 101 121
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Stone Edge Bulldoze Blizzard Ice Fang 185 188 121 90 101 90
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Hail Earthquake Superpower Fissure 217 200 100 81 80 100
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Earthquake Ice Fang Double-Edge Stone Edge 217 200 100 81 80 100
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Bag Soft Sand Sprite.png Hone Claws Rock Slide Drill Run Iron Defense 185 205 112 70 76 108
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Dig Metal Sound Metal Claw Swords Dance 185 205 112 63 85 108
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Sandstorm Earthquake Rock Slide Poison Jab 185 193 101 63 106 108
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Earthquake Aerial Ace Poison Jab Rock Slide 185 193 101 63 106 108
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Round Rest Water Pulse Sludge Wave 180 105 116 138 104 94
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Fling Rock Slide Poison Jab Earthquake 180 150 95 105 127 84
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Muddy Water Earth Power Sludge Bomb 180 94 95 137 95 138
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Brick Break Poison Jab Dig Payback 180 137 95 94 95 138
553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark Bag BlackGlasses Sprite.png Crunch Bulldoze Taunt Counter 170 173 111 85 99 112
553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark Bag Rock Gem Sprite.png Smack Down Earthquake Pursuit Embargo 170 185 122 85 81 112
553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark Bag Dark Gem Sprite.png Earthquake Crunch Stone Edge Dragon Tail 170 185 90 76 122 112
553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Pursuit Low Sweep Rock Slide 170 169 90 76 90 158
623 Golurk Golurk Ground Ghost Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Shadow Punch Iron Defense Bulldoze Heavy Slam 196 158 90 75 132 75
623 Golurk Golurk Ground Ghost Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Hammer Arm Rock Slide Curse Gyro Ball 164 193 100 75 132 67
623 Golurk Golurk Ground Ghost Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png DynamicPunch Shadow Punch Earthquake Rock Slide 196 193 100 67 100 75
623 Golurk Golurk Ground Ghost Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Hammer Arm Earthquake Shadow Punch Fling 196 193 100 75 100 67


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice Bag Icy Rock Sprite.png Icy Wind Toxic Rest Hail 197 90 118 99 115 90
124 Jynx Jynx Ice Psychic Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Icy Wind Blizzard Psychic Focus Blast 140 63 55 183 115 147
124 Jynx Jynx Ice Psychic Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Lovely Kiss Blizzard Psychic Fake Out 140 63 55 167 115 161
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Frost Breath Snore Stockpile Rest 185 90 142 115 156 85
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water Bag Metronome Sprite.png Ice Ball Earthquake Encore Curse 185 118 110 115 156 85
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Surf Blizzard Hail Signal Beam 217 90 110 161 110 85
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Sheer Cold Fissure Rest Sleep Talk 185 90 156 115 142 85
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice Bag Miracle Seed Sprite.png Wood Hammer Brick Break Double Team Blizzard 186 146 85 133 105 80
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Blizzard Wood Hammer Focus Blast Ice Shard 197 112 95 158 105 72
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Blizzard Focus Blast Protect Ice Shard 197 112 95 158 105 72
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Ice Shard Blizzard Mirror Coat Helping Hand 172 80 130 200 103 85
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Frost Breath Shadow Ball Rest Barrier 172 72 178 150 115 85
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Hail Blizzard Mirror Coat Hyper Beam 140 72 162 200 115 85
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Blizzard Shadow Ball Signal Beam Detect 140 72 162 200 115 85
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Double Hit Earthquake Ice Shard Stealth Rock 185 188 100 81 101 121
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Stone Edge Bulldoze Blizzard Ice Fang 185 188 121 90 101 90
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Hail Earthquake Superpower Fissure 217 200 100 81 80 100
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Earthquake Ice Fang Double-Edge Stone Edge 217 200 100 81 80 100
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost Bag Icy Rock Sprite.png Hail Ice Beam Ominous Wind Thunderbolt 145 90 90 132 90 178
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost Bag Ice Gem Sprite.png Ice Shard Thunder Wave Hex Taunt 145 145 81 100 90 162
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost Bag Icy Rock Sprite.png Hail Blizzard Ice Shard Shadow Ball 145 90 90 132 90 178
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Blizzard Icy Wind Shadow Ball Destiny Bond 145 90 90 132 90 178
584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe Ice Bag NeverMeltIce Sprite.png Ice Beam Frost Breath Mirror Coat Icy Wind 167 103 105 151 149 99
584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe Ice Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Avalanche Ice Shard Natural Gift Giga Impact 178 161 94 130 115 99
584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe Ice Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Hail Blizzard Flash Cannon Sheer Cold 178 103 105 178 115 99
584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe Ice Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Taunt Ice Beam Acid Armor Mirror Coat 178 103 105 130 161 99
614 Beartic Beartic Ice Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Shadow Claw Stone Edge Avalanche Bulk Up 170 178 100 122 100 63
614 Beartic Beartic Ice Bag NeverMeltIce Sprite.png Hail Icy Wind Grass Knot Blizzard 202 130 100 134 90 70
614 Beartic Beartic Ice Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Swords Dance Avalanche Rock Slide Brick Break 170 178 132 81 100 70
614 Beartic Beartic Ice Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Icy Wind Icicle Crash Rock Slide Brick Break 170 162 100 81 100 112
615 Cryogonal Cryogonal Ice Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Icy Wind Flash Cannon Blizzard Sheer Cold 145 63 50 147 155 172
615 Cryogonal Cryogonal Ice Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Hail Icy Wind Blizzard Explosion 145 70 50 147 139 172


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
144 Articuno Articuno Ice Flying Bag Icy Rock Sprite.png Hail Blizzard Fly Roost 197 94 120 161 145 105
144 Articuno Articuno Ice Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Sheer Cold Mind Reader Ice Shard Ice Beam 197 94 132 115 177 105
144 Articuno Articuno Ice Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Blizzard Reflect Protect U-turn 165 94 120 147 145 150
144 Articuno Articuno Ice Flying Bag Ice Gem Sprite.png Tailwind Blizzard Sky Drop Protect 165 94 120 161 145 137
145 Zapdos Zapdos Electric Flying Bag Magnet Sprite.png Thunderbolt Signal Beam Air Cutter AncientPower 165 99 105 177 110 167
145 Zapdos Zapdos Electric Flying Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Charge Beam Heat Wave Double Team Roost 197 99 115 145 142 120
145 Zapdos Zapdos Electric Flying Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Thunder Light Screen Rain Dance Drill Peck 165 110 105 177 99 167
145 Zapdos Zapdos Electric Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Thunderbolt Volt Switch Heat Wave Detect 165 99 105 177 110 167
146 Moltres Moltres Fire Flying Bag White Herb Sprite.png Overheat Air Slash Tailwind Will-O-Wisp 165 108 110 194 105 142
146 Moltres Moltres Fire Flying Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Flame Charge Sky Attack Aerial Ace Fire Blast 165 167 110 145 94 142
146 Moltres Moltres Fire Flying Bag Heat Rock Sprite.png Sunny Day SolarBeam Flamethrower Air Slash 165 108 110 177 105 156
146 Moltres Moltres Fire Flying Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Heat Wave Incinerate Air Slash Protect 165 108 110 177 105 156
243 Raikou Raikou Electric Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Thunderbolt Volt Switch Shadow Ball Extrasensory 165 94 95 167 120 183
243 Raikou Raikou Electric Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Charge Beam Magnet Rise Calm Mind Shadow Ball 165 94 127 135 120 183
243 Raikou Raikou Electric Bag Air Balloon Sprite.png Thunderbolt Volt Switch Shadow Ball Protect 165 94 95 167 120 183
243 Raikou Raikou Electric Bag Air Balloon Sprite.png Thunder Discharge Reflect Extrasensory 165 94 95 167 120 183
244 Entei Entei Fire Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Overheat Flame Charge Fire Fang Stone Edge 190 183 94 110 95 152
244 Entei Entei Fire Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Calm Mind Will-O-Wisp Flamethrower Rest 211 121 138 110 116 120
244 Entei Entei Fire Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Eruption Heat Wave Extrasensory SolarBeam 190 121 105 142 95 167
244 Entei Entei Fire Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Overheat Double-Edge Stone Edge Protect 222 183 105 99 95 120
245 Suicune Suicune Water Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Calm Mind Surf Ice Beam Rest 207 85 183 110 135 105
245 Suicune Suicune Water Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Hydro Pump Ice Beam Shadow Ball Mirror Coat 207 85 135 156 135 105
245 Suicune Suicune Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Surf Blizzard Calm Mind Protect 207 85 183 110 135 105
245 Suicune Suicune Water Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Icy Wind Surf Blizzard Protect 175 85 135 142 135 150
377 Regirock Regirock Rock Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Sandstorm Curse Rock Slide Drain Punch 187 120 220 63 167 70
377 Regirock Regirock Rock Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Stone Edge Drain Punch Earthquake Explosion 187 167 220 63 120 70
377 Regirock Regirock Rock Bag Rock Gem Sprite.png Ice Punch Rock Slide Drain Punch Earthquake 187 167 220 63 120 70
377 Regirock Regirock Rock Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Rock Polish Rock Slide Superpower Explosion 155 152 220 63 120 112
378 Regice Regice Ice Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Thunderbolt Ice Beam Focus Blast Toxic 187 63 120 167 220 70
378 Regice Regice Ice Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Thunderbolt Icy Wind Ice Beam Rest 176 63 141 120 220 100
378 Regice Regice Ice Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Charge Beam Ice Beam Amnesia Protect 187 63 167 120 220 70
378 Regice Regice Ice Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Thunder Blizzard Focus Blast Thunder Wave 187 70 132 108 252 70
379 Registeel Registeel Steel Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Curse Amnesia Iron Head Rest 187 95 170 85 222 70
379 Registeel Registeel Steel Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Rock Polish Earthquake Iron Head ThunderPunch 155 127 170 85 170 112
379 Registeel Registeel Steel Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Amnesia Iron Defense Charge Beam Flash Cannon 187 85 187 95 202 70
379 Registeel Registeel Steel Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Toxic Double Team Earthquake Protect 187 139 170 85 170 70
380 Latias Latias Dragon Psychic Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Calm Mind Reflect Type Dragon Pulse Rest 187 90 156 130 150 130
380 Latias Latias Dragon Psychic Bag White Herb Sprite.png Draco Meteor Thunder Psychic Protect 155 90 110 162 150 178
380 Latias Latias Dragon Psychic Bag Choice Specs Sprite.png Draco Meteor Thunderbolt Psychic Trick 155 90 110 162 150 178
380 Latias Latias Dragon Psychic Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Draco Meteor Earthquake Hone Claws Dragon Claw 155 145 110 117 150 162
381 Latios Latios Dragon Psychic Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Calm Mind Luster Purge Dragon Pulse Rest 187 99 145 150 130 130
381 Latios Latios Dragon Psychic Bag White Herb Sprite.png Draco Meteor Thunderbolt Psychic Protect 155 99 100 182 130 178
381 Latios Latios Dragon Psychic Bag Choice Specs Sprite.png Draco Meteor Thunder Psychic Energy Ball 155 99 100 182 130 178
381 Latios Latios Dragon Psychic Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Draco Meteor Earthquake Dragon Dance Outrage 155 156 100 135 130 162
485 Heatran Heatran Fire Steel Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Lava Plume Earth Power Flash Cannon Dark Pulse 198 99 126 200 126 97
485 Heatran Heatran Fire Steel Bag White Herb Sprite.png Overheat Will-O-Wisp Flash Cannon Protect 198 99 126 200 126 97
485 Heatran Heatran Fire Steel Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Sunny Day Fire Blast SolarBeam Earth Power 198 99 126 200 126 97
485 Heatran Heatran Fire Steel Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Magma Storm Earth Power Dragon Pulse Flash Cannon 166 99 126 182 126 141
486 Regigigas Regigigas Normal Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Confuse Ray Double Team Drain Punch Payback 217 233 130 90 130 120
486 Regigigas Regigigas Normal Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Thunder Toxic Focus Blast Confuse Ray 185 180 130 145 130 136
486 Regigigas Regigigas Normal Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Confuse Ray Drain Punch Thunder Wave Rock Slide 217 233 130 90 130 120
486 Regigigas Regigigas Normal Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Wide Guard Double Team Confuse Ray Toxic 217 180 162 90 143 120
488 Cresselia Cresselia Psychic Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Calm Mind Psychic Shadow Ball Rest 227 81 189 95 150 105
488 Cresselia Cresselia Psychic Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Double Team Moonlight Toxic Protect 227 81 154 95 182 105
488 Cresselia Cresselia Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Icy Wind Safeguard Helping Hand Swagger 227 81 154 95 182 105
488 Cresselia Cresselia Psychic Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Psychic Substitute Toxic Trick Room 227 81 154 95 182 105
638 Cobalion Cobalion Steel Fighting Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Focus Blast Flash Cannon Calm Mind Rest 198 99 163 110 124 128
638 Cobalion Cobalion Steel Fighting Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Metal Burst Sacred Sword Quick Attack Iron Head 198 156 149 110 92 115
638 Cobalion Cobalion Steel Fighting Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Swagger Substitute Psych Up Iron Head 166 142 149 99 92 176
638 Cobalion Cobalion Steel Fighting Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Iron Head Close Combat Quick Guard Protect 166 142 149 99 92 176
639 Terrakion Terrakion Rock Fighting Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Close Combat Earthquake Stone Edge Aerial Ace 166 181 110 82 110 176
639 Terrakion Terrakion Rock Fighting Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Sacred Sword Earthquake Stone Edge Aerial Ace 166 199 110 82 110 160
639 Terrakion Terrakion Rock Fighting Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Swords Dance Sacred Sword Earthquake Rock Slide 166 181 110 82 110 176
639 Terrakion Terrakion Rock Fighting Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Bulldoze Rock Slide Earthquake Sacred Sword 166 181 110 82 110 176
640 Virizion Virizion Grass Fighting Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Sacred Sword Leaf Blade Taunt Stone Edge 166 142 92 99 149 176
640 Virizion Virizion Grass Fighting Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Energy Ball Focus Blast Calm Mind Toxic 166 99 124 110 149 176
640 Virizion Virizion Grass Fighting Bag Coba Berry Sprite.png Leaf Blade Stone Edge Sacred Sword Protect 166 142 92 99 149 176
640 Virizion Virizion Grass Fighting Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Leaf Blade Swords Dance Sacred Sword Rest 198 110 136 99 149 128
641 Tornadus Tornadus Flying Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Hurricane Grass Knot Focus Blast Dark Pulse 154 121 90 177 100 179
641 Tornadus Tornadus Flying Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Substitute Double Team Focus Blast Hurricane 186 121 90 194 100 131
641 Tornadus Tornadus Flying Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Rest Air Slash Dark Pulse Focus Blast 186 121 99 145 132 131
641 Tornadus Tornadus Flying Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Hurricane Focus Blast Taunt Rain Dance 154 121 90 177 100 179
642 Thundurus Thundurus Electric Flying Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Thunderbolt Protect Toxic Rest 186 121 99 145 132 131
642 Thundurus Thundurus Electric Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Thunderbolt Dark Pulse Focus Blast Grass Knot 154 121 90 177 100 179
642 Thundurus Thundurus Electric Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Wild Charge U-turn Crunch Sky Drop 154 167 90 130 100 179
642 Thundurus Thundurus Electric Flying Bag Magnet Sprite.png Discharge Focus Blast Volt Switch Taunt 154 121 90 177 100 179
645 Landorus Landorus Ground Flying Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Earthquake Rock Slide Smack Down Bulldoze 164 194 110 121 100 153
645 Landorus Landorus Ground Flying Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Earthquake Rock Slide Outrage Brick Break 164 194 110 121 100 153
645 Landorus Landorus Ground Flying Bag Ground Gem Sprite.png Sandstorm Earthquake Rock Slide Protect 164 177 110 121 100 168
645 Landorus Landorus Ground Flying Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Earth Power Psychic Sludge Bomb Grass Knot 164 130 110 167 100 168


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
078 Rapidash Rapidash Fire Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Flare Blitz Poison Jab Iron Tail Horn Drill 140 152 90 90 100 172
127 Pinsir Pinsir Bug Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png X-Scissor Earthquake Close Combat Guillotine 140 177 120 67 90 150
232 Donphan Donphan Ground Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Earthquake Stone Edge Seed Bomb Fissure 165 189 140 72 112 70
321 Wailord Wailord Water Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Hydro Pump Blizzard Fissure Hyper Beam 277 99 65 156 65 80
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Rest Sleep Talk Fissure Muddy Water 206 88 114 96 123 80
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Sheer Cold Fissure Rest Sleep Talk 185 90 156 115 142 85
411 Bastiodon Bastiodon Rock Steel Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Stone Edge Fissure Double Team Iron Defense 167 72 188 60 209 50
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Horn Drill Avalanche Payback Counter 222 160 200 67 75 60
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Earthquake Acrobatics U-turn Counter 182 115 145 58 95 161
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Hail Earthquake Superpower Fissure 217 200 100 81 80 100
584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe Ice Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Hail Blizzard Flash Cannon Sheer Cold 178 103 105 178 115 99
615 Cryogonal Cryogonal Ice Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Icy Wind Flash Cannon Blizzard Sheer Cold 145 63 50 147 155 172


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
073 Tentacruel Tentacruel Water Poison Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Hydro Pump Sludge Bomb Giga Drain Mirror Coat 187 81 85 145 140 120
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Psychic Surf Slack Off Amnesia 202 85 178 120 100 50
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Psychic Surf Blizzard Trick Room 202 95 162 132 100 45
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Fake Out Surf Ice Beam Aqua Jet 165 90 90 134 147 90
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Rain Dance Rest Surf Stockpile 186 81 133 90 136 90
101 Electrode Electrode Electric Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Thunder Taunt Light Screen 135 63 90 132 100 211
110 Weezing Weezing Poison Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Sludge Bomb Thunder Fire Blast Shadow Ball 172 99 140 150 90 80
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Surf Psychic Power Gem Signal Beam 135 85 105 152 105 183
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Surf Psychic Thunderbolt Ice Beam 135 85 105 152 105 183
131 Lapras Lapras Water Ice Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Thunder Ice Shard Confuse Ray 205 105 132 150 115 72
131 Lapras Lapras Water Ice Bag Mystic Water Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Rest Sleep Talk 205 94 121 138 136 80
131 Lapras Lapras Water Ice Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Thunderbolt Psychic 237 94 100 150 115 80
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Wish Surf Helping Hand Shadow Ball 205 85 112 178 115 76
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Shadow Ball Signal Beam 237 76 80 178 115 85
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Thunder Protect Charm Rain Dance 140 76 80 162 115 200
135 Jolteon Jolteon Electric Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Thunder Shadow Ball Rain Dance Yawn 140 76 80 162 115 200
171 Lanturn Lanturn Water Electric Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Surf Discharge Thunder Wave Ice Beam 200 70 99 128 117 87
181 Ampharos Ampharos Electric Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Thunder Focus Blast Signal Beam Power Gem 197 95 95 183 110 67
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Psychic Surf Ice Beam Trick Room 202 95 100 132 162 45
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Bag Persim Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Quash Protect Outrage 171 149 115 103 115 126
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Bag Haban Berry Sprite.png Dragon Pulse Waterfall Ice Beam Dragon Dance 171 136 103 149 115 105
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Rain Dance Hydro Pump Dragon Pulse Ice Beam 171 103 115 149 115 126
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Bag White Herb Sprite.png Draco Meteor Surf Blizzard Protect 171 103 115 149 115 126
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Leech Seed Toxic Giga Drain Rain Dance 176 90 122 131 108 90
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Tanga Berry Sprite.png Fake Out Grass Knot Surf Tickle 176 122 90 131 108 90
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Rain Dance Leech Seed Protect Giga Drain 155 81 122 131 141 90
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Fake Out Hydro Pump Leech Seed Grass Knot 155 81 90 156 120 122
310 Manectric Manectric Electric Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Switcheroo Thunder Volt Switch Overheat 145 85 80 157 80 172
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Earth Power Surf Blizzard Protect 185 88 93 140 123 80
350 Milotic Milotic Water Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Surf Recover Mirror Coat Confuse Ray 202 72 144 120 145 101
350 Milotic Milotic Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Ice Beam Rest Sleep Talk Surf 202 80 108 108 177 101
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Surf Blizzard Hail Signal Beam 217 90 110 161 110 85
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Signal Beam Icy Wind 191 106 108 179 121 72
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Surf Substitute Blizzard Whirlpool 191 95 108 163 133 80
419 Floatzel Floatzel Water Bag Binding Band Sprite.png Aqua Tail Protect Pursuit Whirlpool 160 157 75 105 63 183
419 Floatzel Floatzel Water Bag Flame Orb Sprite.png Aqua Jet Switcheroo Pursuit Crunch 160 157 67 105 70 183
419 Floatzel Floatzel Water Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Focus Blast Rain Dance 160 125 67 137 70 183
419 Floatzel Floatzel Water Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Waterfall Aqua Jet Low Kick Protect 160 157 67 105 70 183
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Sludge Bomb Muddy Water Counter 186 103 79 144 147 59
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Sandstorm Earth Power Surf Recover 186 103 120 158 102 53
523 Zebstrika Zebstrika Electric Bag Magnet Sprite.png Discharge Thunder Wave Thunder Rain Dance 150 108 83 132 83 184
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Round Rest Water Pulse Sludge Wave 180 105 116 138 104 94
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Fling Rock Slide Poison Jab Earthquake 180 150 95 105 127 84
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Muddy Water Earth Power Sludge Bomb 180 94 95 137 95 138
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Brick Break Poison Jab Dig Payback 180 137 95 94 95 138
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Waterfall Rock Slide Earthquake 149 176 153 92 85 84


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground Bag Hard Stone Sprite.png Stealth Rock Curse Gyro Ball Smack Down 176 151 188 67 85 65
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground Bag Absorb Bulb Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Bulldoze Autotomize 155 178 150 75 76 97
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Explosion Autotomize 155 162 150 67 85 106
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Explosion Fling 155 178 150 75 117 58
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Rock Slide 155 157 85 72 95 200
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Crunch Rock Slide Roost Sky Drop 155 157 85 80 85 200
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Bag Rock Gem Sprite.png Taunt Earthquake Rock Slide Crunch 155 157 85 72 95 200
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Stone Edge Aerial Ace Earthquake Crunch 155 157 85 72 95 200
213 Shuckle Shuckle Bug Rock Bag Binding Band Sprite.png Power Split Encore Gastro Acid Sand Tomb 127 30 250 27 310 25
213 Shuckle Shuckle Bug Rock Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Power Trick Encore Rock Slide Bug Bite 127 27 310 30 250 25
213 Shuckle Shuckle Bug Rock Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Gyro Ball Double Team Substitute Power Trick 127 30 310 30 250 22
213 Shuckle Shuckle Bug Rock Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Toxic Protect Sandstorm Wrap 127 30 310 30 250 22
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Rock Slide Stealth Rock Thunder Wave Fling 207 154 143 103 152 81
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Rock Slide Crunch Ice Beam Dragon Dance 175 186 117 115 120 124
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Stone Edge Crunch Earthquake Dragon Dance 175 186 130 103 120 124
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Superpower Dragon Tail 207 204 130 115 120 72
306 Aggron Aggron Steel Rock Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Protect Roar Stealth Rock Metal Burst 177 130 220 72 112 70
306 Aggron Aggron Steel Rock Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Thunder Wave Iron Head Fling Stomp 177 178 200 80 80 63
306 Aggron Aggron Steel Rock Bag Steel Gem Sprite.png Iron Tail Dragon Rush Avalanche Aerial Ace 145 178 232 72 80 70
306 Aggron Aggron Steel Rock Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Metal Burst Earthquake Stone Edge Shadow Claw 145 178 200 80 112 63
346 Cradily Cradily Rock Grass Bag Charti Berry Sprite.png Stealth Rock Gastro Acid Stockpile Swallow 161 90 163 101 159 63
346 Cradily Cradily Rock Grass Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Confuse Ray Energy Ball Stone Edge Earthquake 182 134 117 122 127 56
346 Cradily Cradily Rock Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Sandstorm Toxic Protect Earthquake 193 101 163 101 127 56
346 Cradily Cradily Rock Grass Bag Big Root Sprite.png Stockpile Protect Ingrain Giga Drain 193 101 149 101 139 56
348 Armaldo Armaldo Rock Bug Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png X-Scissor Rock Blast Rest Curse 182 159 120 90 132 58
348 Armaldo Armaldo Rock Bug Bag Razor Fang Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake X-Scissor Rock Polish 182 145 108 90 100 106
348 Armaldo Armaldo Rock Bug Bag Life Orb Sprite.png X-Scissor Rock Slide Earthquake Iron Defense 182 159 120 81 132 65
348 Armaldo Armaldo Rock Bug Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Superpower Stone Edge Earthquake X-Scissor 182 194 120 81 100 65
409 Rampardos Rampardos Rock Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Rock Slide Crunch Curse Protect 172 226 101 85 91 70
409 Rampardos Rampardos Rock Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Head Smash Stone Edge Hammer Arm Scary Face 172 238 80 85 63 110
409 Rampardos Rampardos Rock Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Head Smash Earthquake Brick Break ThunderPunch 172 217 80 76 70 121
409 Rampardos Rampardos Rock Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Head Smash Earthquake Rock Slide Protect 172 217 88 85 102 70
411 Bastiodon Bastiodon Rock Steel Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Iron Head Taunt Wide Guard Metal Burst 167 104 188 60 173 50
411 Bastiodon Bastiodon Rock Steel Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Roar Rest Block Iron Defense 167 64 242 67 158 50
411 Bastiodon Bastiodon Rock Steel Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Stone Edge Fissure Double Team Iron Defense 167 72 188 60 209 50
411 Bastiodon Bastiodon Rock Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Metal Burst Rock Slide Wide Guard Curse 167 114 188 67 158 45
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Payback Rock Blast Stone Edge Protect 211 199 150 75 96 54
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Hard Stone Sprite.png Rock Wrecker Rock Polish 190 211 135 75 75 92
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Horn Drill Avalanche Payback Counter 222 160 200 67 75 60
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Rock Slide Hammer Arm Earthquake Protect 222 211 150 75 75 54
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel Bag Cheri Berry Sprite.png Smack Down Volt Switch Thunder Wave Magnet Rise 167 67 165 95 222 60
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Block Iron Defense Flash Cannon Discharge 167 67 216 95 170 60
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png Stone Edge Iron Head Earthquake Explosion 135 117 197 85 170 60
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Flash Cannon Power Gem Earth Power Thunderbolt 135 67 165 139 202 60
526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock Bag Rawst Berry Sprite.png Bulldoze Rock Blast Gravity Curse 181 193 171 80 90 45
526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock Bag Hard Stone Sprite.png Iron Defense Sandstorm Lock-On Rock Blast 192 170 182 80 90 45
526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Stone Edge Earthquake Sandstorm Explosion 192 205 150 72 100 45
526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Rock Slide Stealth Rock Curse Earthquake 192 155 150 88 132 40
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Aqua Tail Rock Slide Shell Smash Iron Defense 181 176 153 103 76 52
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Rock Slide Swagger Blizzard Hydro Pump 181 128 153 148 76 52
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Waterfall Rock Slide Earthquake 149 176 153 92 85 84
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock Bag Rindo Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Rock Slide Aqua Jet Earthquake 149 176 153 92 85 84
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Quick Attack Acrobatics Crunch U-turn 150 192 85 118 85 178
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Earth Power Endeavor AncientPower 150 160 76 180 85 162
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Aerial Ace Earthquake Head Smash U-turn 150 192 85 118 85 178
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Aerial Ace Protect 150 192 85 118 85 178


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Toxic Dig Substitute Sandstorm 110 132 70 63 90 189
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Bag Rock Gem Sprite.png Taunt Earthquake Rock Slide Crunch 155 157 85 72 95 200
213 Shuckle Shuckle Bug Rock Bag Binding Band Sprite.png Power Split Encore Gastro Acid Sand Tomb 127 30 250 27 310 25
213 Shuckle Shuckle Bug Rock Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Toxic Protect Sandstorm Wrap 127 30 310 30 250 22
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Rock Slide Stealth Rock Thunder Wave Fling 207 154 143 103 152 81
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Rock Slide Crunch Ice Beam Dragon Dance 175 186 117 115 120 124
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Stone Edge Crunch Earthquake Dragon Dance 175 186 130 103 120 124
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Superpower Dragon Tail 207 204 130 115 120 72
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Sandstorm Toxic Cosmic Power Explosion 167 90 172 81 140 95
346 Cradily Cradily Rock Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Sandstorm Toxic Protect Earthquake 193 101 163 101 127 56
377 Regirock Regirock Rock Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Sandstorm Curse Rock Slide Drain Punch 187 120 220 63 167 70
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground Bag Binding Band Sprite.png Sand Tomb Seed Bomb Curse Synthesis 202 177 125 85 105 76
411 Bastiodon Bastiodon Rock Steel Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Stone Edge Fissure Double Team Iron Defense 167 72 188 60 209 50
411 Bastiodon Bastiodon Rock Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Metal Burst Rock Slide Wide Guard Curse 167 114 188 67 158 45
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Sandstorm Earth Power Surf Recover 186 103 120 158 102 53
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Earthquake Protect Sandstorm Sand Tomb 215 150 115 90 105 169
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Bag Soft Sand Sprite.png Earthquake Crunch Yawn Whirlwind 183 164 187 79 92 67
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Crunch Rock Slide Protect Curse 215 180 124 88 92 67
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Crunch Slack Off Yawn 183 180 138 79 124 67
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Curse Rest Earthquake Crunch 215 132 138 88 136 60
526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock Bag Hard Stone Sprite.png Iron Defense Sandstorm Lock-On Rock Blast 192 170 182 80 90 45
526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Stone Edge Earthquake Sandstorm Explosion 192 205 150 72 100 45
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Bag Soft Sand Sprite.png Hone Claws Rock Slide Drill Run Iron Defense 185 205 112 70 76 108
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Dig Metal Sound Metal Claw Swords Dance 185 205 112 63 85 108
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Sandstorm Earthquake Rock Slide Poison Jab 185 193 101 63 106 108
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Earthquake Aerial Ace Poison Jab Rock Slide 185 193 101 63 106 108
598 Ferrothorn Ferrothorn Grass Steel Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Iron Head Thunder Wave Sandstorm Ingrain 181 114 201 66 136 40
639 Terrakion Terrakion Rock Fighting Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Bulldoze Rock Slide Earthquake Sacred Sword 166 181 110 82 110 176
645 Landorus Landorus Ground Flying Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Earthquake Rock Slide Smack Down Bulldoze 164 194 110 121 100 153


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
003 Venusaur Venusaur Grass Poison Bag Big Root Sprite.png Leech Seed Toxic Synthesis Ingrain 187 91 103 120 167 100
003 Venusaur Venusaur Grass Poison Bag Miracle Seed Sprite.png Roar Venoshock Power Whip Earthquake 176 135 124 120 120 90
003 Venusaur Venusaur Grass Poison Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Energy Ball Sludge Bomb Grass Knot Protect 155 91 103 152 120 145
003 Venusaur Venusaur Grass Poison Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Leech Seed Substitute Sludge Bomb Protect 187 91 113 120 152 100
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Dragon Claw Flame Charge Belly Drum Substitute 174 114 98 116 126 141
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying Bag Charti Berry Sprite.png Dragon Claw Shadow Claw Rock Slide Dragon Dance 153 149 98 116 105 152
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Heat Wave Rock Slide Air Slash Crunch 153 125 88 165 105 141
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Belly Drum Substitute Fire Punch Earthquake 174 137 98 116 105 141
009 Blastoise Blastoise Water Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Aqua Ring Rock Slide Aqua Tail Iron Defense 175 103 141 115 146 88
009 Blastoise Blastoise Water Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Hydro Pump Ice Beam Mist Focus Blast 186 103 120 150 125 88
009 Blastoise Blastoise Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Fake Out Earthquake Aqua Tail Avalanche 186 148 120 94 125 98
009 Blastoise Blastoise Water Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Yawn Waterfall Focus Punch Rock Slide 186 148 120 94 125 98
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Light Screen Aromatherapy Swagger SolarBeam 187 102 108 103 167 100
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png GrassWhistle Double Team Substitute Rest 187 91 167 103 120 100
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Bag Light Clay Sprite.png Seed Bomb Earthquake Reflect Light Screen 187 147 120 92 120 100
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Leech Seed Ingrain Toxic Protect 155 91 167 103 152 100
157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Fire Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Flame Burst Flamethrower SolarBeam Sunny Day 153 104 98 177 94 152
157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Fire Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Inferno Focus Blast Extrasensory Will-O-Wisp 153 104 98 161 94 167
157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Fire Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Eruption Focus Blast Heat Wave Extrasensory 153 93 98 177 105 152
157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Fire Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Extrasensory Lava Plume Bulldoze SolarBeam 153 93 98 177 105 152
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Screech Aqua Jet Earthquake Block 192 125 120 89 148 98
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Superpower Aqua Tail Ice Fang Dragon Dance 181 160 120 89 103 119
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Aqua Jet Waterfall Earthquake Ice Punch 176 155 120 103 119 98
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Waterfall Crunch Substitute 160 172 120 89 103 130
254 Sceptile Sceptile Grass Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Quick Attack Endeavor Detect Leaf Storm 145 94 85 157 105 189
254 Sceptile Sceptile Grass Bag Scope Lens Sprite.png Leaf Blade Night Slash Earthquake Swords Dance 145 137 76 125 105 189
254 Sceptile Sceptile Grass Bag White Herb Sprite.png Leaf Storm Dragon Pulse Energy Ball Detect 145 94 85 157 105 189
254 Sceptile Sceptile Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Leech Seed Endeavor Energy Ball Toxic 145 94 117 125 150 140
257 Blaziken Blaziken Fire Fighting Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Hi Jump Kick Counter Flamethrower Will-O-Wisp 176 154 111 130 81 121
257 Blaziken Blaziken Fire Fighting Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Blaze Kick Flame Charge Endure Reversal 176 177 90 117 90 121
257 Blaziken Blaziken Fire Fighting Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Flare Blitz Shadow Claw ThunderPunch Earthquake 155 172 90 130 90 132
257 Blaziken Blaziken Fire Fighting Bag Shuca Berry Sprite.png Flame Charge Flare Blitz ThunderPunch Low Kick 155 172 90 130 90 132
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Jaboca Berry Sprite.png Mirror Coat Counter Earthquake Roar 175 130 142 105 156 72
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Hammer Arm Rest Curse 207 130 110 94 156 80
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Avalanche Waterfall Stone Edge 207 178 110 94 110 80
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Curse Rest Earthquake Waterfall 207 130 110 94 156 80
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground Bag Binding Band Sprite.png Sand Tomb Seed Bomb Curse Synthesis 202 177 125 85 105 76
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Wood Hammer Tickle 170 161 125 85 105 118
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Crunch Seed Bomb Iron Head 170 177 125 85 137 76
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Stockpile Leech Seed Earthquake Protect 202 129 125 95 137 76
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Fake Out Encore Fling Acrobatics 151 156 91 111 91 176
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Heat Wave Will-O-Wisp Grass Knot Calm Mind 172 124 81 159 91 149
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Fake Out Close Combat Overheat Stone Edge 151 156 81 124 91 176
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Fake Out Encore Flare Blitz Close Combat 151 156 91 111 91 176
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Yawn Swords Dance Aqua Jet Metal Claw 191 106 154 131 108 80
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Drill Peck Aqua Jet Metal Claw FeatherDance 180 139 97 131 142 80
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Signal Beam Icy Wind 191 106 108 179 121 72
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Surf Substitute Blizzard Whirlpool 191 95 108 163 133 80
497 Serperior Serperior Grass Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Attract Leaf Tornado Dragon Tail Gastro Acid 150 95 136 85 136 169
497 Serperior Serperior Grass Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Leaf Tornado Hidden Power Mirror Coat Captivate 171 95 115 116 149 119
497 Serperior Serperior Grass Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Leaf Storm Substitute Hyper Beam Toxic 171 85 136 95 149 133
497 Serperior Serperior Grass Bag Choice Specs Sprite.png Leaf Storm 150 85 115 139 115 165
500 Emboar Emboar Fire Fighting Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Gyro Ball Curse Rest Sleep Talk 217 143 85 108 128 85
500 Emboar Emboar Fire Fighting Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Yawn Wild Charge Bulldoze Heat Crash 185 180 106 120 106 76
500 Emboar Emboar Fire Fighting Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Flare Blitz Brick Break Flame Charge Earthquake 185 180 106 108 106 85
500 Emboar Emboar Fire Fighting Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Substitute Flamethrower Focus Blast Scald 185 128 85 152 85 128
503 Samurott Samurott Water Bag Splash Plate Sprite.png Retaliate Razor Shell Assurance Encore 202 152 94 140 90 90
503 Samurott Samurott Water Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Blizzard Giga Impact Detect Hydro Pump 170 152 105 176 90 81
503 Samurott Samurott Water Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Aerial Ace Waterfall X-Scissor Aqua Jet 170 155 126 115 111 90
503 Samurott Samurott Water Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Hydro Pump Ice Beam Grass Knot Protect 170 108 126 163 111 90


# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
045 Vileplume Vileplume Grass Poison Bag Persim Berry Sprite.png Petal Dance Stun Spore Teeter Dance Moonlight 150 90 105 120 156 102
045 Vileplume Vileplume Grass Poison Bag Power Herb Sprite.png SolarBeam Sludge Bomb Synthesis Double Team 182 90 105 167 110 70
045 Vileplume Vileplume Grass Poison Bag Big Root Sprite.png Double Team Ingrain Toxic Giga Drain 182 90 105 167 110 70
045 Vileplume Vileplume Grass Poison Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Giga Drain SolarBeam Teeter Dance Sludge Bomb 150 90 105 167 110 102
059 Arcanine Arcanine Fire Bag Charcoal Sprite.png Flamethrower SolarBeam Incinerate Sunny Day 165 117 100 167 100 147
059 Arcanine Arcanine Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Overheat Sunny Day SolarBeam Dragon Pulse 165 117 100 152 100 161
071 Victreebel Victreebel Grass Poison Bag Payapa Berry Sprite.png Leaf Tornado Stockpile Swallow Gastro Acid 155 125 85 167 112 81
071 Victreebel Victreebel Grass Poison Bag Grass Gem Sprite.png Leaf Storm Sleep Powder Stockpile Encore 155 125 85 167 72 122
071 Victreebel Victreebel Grass Poison Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Sunny Day SolarBeam Sludge Bomb Weather Ball 155 112 85 167 80 122
071 Victreebel Victreebel Grass Poison Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Weather Ball SolarBeam Sludge Bomb Gastro Acid 155 112 85 167 80 122
078 Rapidash Rapidash Fire Bag Heat Rock Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Fire Blast SolarBeam Sunny Day 140 120 81 132 100 172
103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Psyshock Grass Knot Light Screen Synthesis 170 115 94 182 106 96
103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Wood Hammer Curse Egg Bomb Synthesis 170 149 105 145 106 86
103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Leaf Storm Psychic Sludge Bomb AncientPower 202 103 105 194 85 75
103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Wood Hammer Zen Headbutt Explosion Trick Room 202 161 105 145 85 67
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Light Screen Aromatherapy Swagger SolarBeam 187 102 108 103 167 100
157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Fire Bag Passho Berry Sprite.png Flame Burst Flamethrower SolarBeam Sunny Day 153 104 98 177 94 152
157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Fire Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Extrasensory Lava Plume Bulldoze SolarBeam 153 93 98 177 105 152
229 Houndoom Houndoom Dark Fire Bag White Herb Sprite.png Overheat Dark Pulse SolarBeam Sunny Day 150 99 70 162 100 161
275 Shiftry Shiftry Grass Dark Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Fling Razor Leaf Brick Break Swords Dance 186 155 80 110 101 90
275 Shiftry Shiftry Grass Dark Bag Miracle Seed Sprite.png Fake Out Extrasensory SolarBeam Swagger 165 120 80 156 72 132
275 Shiftry Shiftry Grass Dark Bag Heat Rock Sprite.png Sunny Day SolarBeam Dark Pulse Explosion 165 120 112 142 80 100
275 Shiftry Shiftry Grass Dark Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Fake Out Sucker Punch Low Kick Protect 165 167 112 99 80 100
465 Tangrowth Tangrowth Grass Bag Big Root Sprite.png Leech Seed Ingrain Giga Drain Toxic 196 108 182 130 91 70
465 Tangrowth Tangrowth Grass Bag Yache Berry Sprite.png Wring Out Tickle Power Whip Bulldoze 175 167 145 130 63 102
465 Tangrowth Tangrowth Grass Bag Heat Rock Sprite.png Sunny Day SolarBeam Synthesis Wring Out 175 108 177 178 70 70
465 Tangrowth Tangrowth Grass Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Power Whip Earthquake Aerial Ace Brick Break 175 167 177 117 70 70
470 Leafeon Leafeon Grass Bag Heat Rock Sprite.png Sunny Day Leaf Blade X-Scissor Synthesis 140 178 182 72 85 115
549 Lilligant Lilligant Grass Bag Persim Berry Sprite.png Charm Sleep Powder Petal Dance Healing Wish 145 72 95 162 95 156
549 Lilligant Lilligant Grass Bag Big Root Sprite.png Ingrain Leech Seed Toxic Protect 166 72 127 130 116 110
549 Lilligant Lilligant Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Quiver Dance Energy Ball Leech Seed Protect 177 72 139 130 95 110
549 Lilligant Lilligant Grass Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png SolarBeam Teeter Dance Charm Leech Seed 161 72 122 146 95 126
637 Volcarona Volcarona Bug Fire Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Fire Spin Heat Wave SolarBeam Whirlwind 192 72 85 170 125 152

Toxic/Leech Seed/Big Root/Leftovers

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
003 Venusaur Venusaur Grass Poison Bag Big Root Sprite.png Leech Seed Toxic Synthesis Ingrain 187 91 103 120 167 100
003 Venusaur Venusaur Grass Poison Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Leech Seed Substitute Sludge Bomb Protect 187 91 113 120 152 100
045 Vileplume Vileplume Grass Poison Bag Big Root Sprite.png Double Team Ingrain Toxic Giga Drain 182 90 105 167 110 70
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Toxic Dig Substitute Sandstorm 110 132 70 63 90 189
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Psychic Surf Slack Off Amnesia 202 85 178 120 100 50
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice Bag Icy Rock Sprite.png Icy Wind Toxic Rest Hail 197 90 118 99 115 90
110 Weezing Weezing Poison Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Toxic Will-O-Wisp Stockpile Rest 172 110 140 94 134 80
128 Tauros Tauros Normal Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Toxic Protect Double Team Earthquake 182 120 115 54 134 130
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Muddy Water Blizzard Aqua Ring Yawn 237 76 80 178 115 85
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Toxic Thunder Wave Roost Rock Slide 187 154 149 108 141 100
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Leech Seed Ingrain Toxic Protect 155 91 167 103 152 100
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Curse Amnesia Earthquake Waterfall 202 105 105 76 128 55
197 Umbreon Umbreon Dark Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Confuse Ray Payback Curse Moonlight 202 85 178 72 150 85
210 Granbull Granbull Normal Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Charm Toxic Dig Protect 197 140 139 72 80 65
213 Shuckle Shuckle Bug Rock Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Toxic Protect Sandstorm Wrap 127 30 310 30 250 22
227 Skarmory Skarmory Steel Flying Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Spikes Stealth Rock Whirlwind Toxic 172 100 160 54 134 90
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Attract Thunder Wave Heal Pulse Aromatherapy 330 27 62 95 205 75
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Thunderbolt Ice Beam Counter Calm Mind 362 27 68 95 155 75
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Toxic Minimize Mud Bomb Softboiled 330 27 68 95 187 75
254 Sceptile Sceptile Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Leech Seed Endeavor Energy Ball Toxic 145 94 117 125 150 140
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Leech Seed Toxic Giga Drain Rain Dance 176 90 122 131 108 90
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Rain Dance Leech Seed Protect Giga Drain 155 81 122 131 141 90
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Fake Out Hydro Pump Leech Seed Grass Knot 155 81 90 156 120 122
286 Breloom Breloom Grass Fighting Bag Toxic Orb Sprite.png Protect Leech Seed Substitute Focus Punch 156 150 121 72 111 90
321 Wailord Wailord Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Waterfall Avalanche Aqua Ring Curse 245 110 97 99 106 80
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Sandstorm Toxic Cosmic Power Explosion 167 90 172 81 140 95
346 Cradily Cradily Rock Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Sandstorm Toxic Protect Earthquake 193 101 163 101 127 56
346 Cradily Cradily Rock Grass Bag Big Root Sprite.png Stockpile Protect Ingrain Giga Drain 193 101 149 101 139 56
350 Milotic Milotic Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Hydro Pump Toxic Attract Aqua Ring 202 80 131 132 145 90
350 Milotic Milotic Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Ice Beam Rest Sleep Talk Surf 202 80 108 108 177 101
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Stockpile Leech Seed Earthquake Protect 202 129 125 95 137 76
407 Roserade Roserade Grass Poison Bag Big Root Sprite.png Toxic Leech Seed Protect Giga Drain 167 81 107 145 137 110
411 Bastiodon Bastiodon Rock Steel Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Stone Edge Fissure Double Team Iron Defense 167 72 188 60 209 50
416 Vespiquen Vespiquen Bug Flying Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Defend Order Toxic Protect Heal Order 166 100 143 100 157 54
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Sandstorm Earth Power Surf Recover 186 103 120 158 102 53
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Amnesia Curse Earthquake Waterfall 186 92 132 112 134 59
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Sucker Punch Pain Split Toxic Grudge 157 100 128 112 176 55
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Shadow Sneak Swagger Psych Up 157 112 128 100 176 55
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Frost Breath Icy Wind Leech Seed Ingrain 186 112 127 100 126 80
465 Tangrowth Tangrowth Grass Bag Big Root Sprite.png Leech Seed Ingrain Giga Drain Toxic 196 108 182 130 91 70
477 Dusknoir Dusknoir Ghost Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Disable Will-O-Wisp Pain Split Mean Look 152 108 205 85 155 65
477 Dusknoir Dusknoir Ghost Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Toxic Will-O-Wisp Protect Double Team 152 120 155 85 205 58
521 Unfezant Unfezant Normal Flying Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Detect FeatherDance Toxic Fly 187 125 110 76 107 113
526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Rock Slide Stealth Rock Curse Earthquake 192 155 150 88 132 40
538 Throh Throh Fighting Bag Payapa Berry Sprite.png Protect Toxic Circle Throw Wide Guard 195 152 150 45 105 65
549 Lilligant Lilligant Grass Bag Big Root Sprite.png Ingrain Leech Seed Toxic Protect 166 72 127 130 116 110
549 Lilligant Lilligant Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Quiver Dance Energy Ball Leech Seed Protect 177 72 139 130 95 110
549 Lilligant Lilligant Grass Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png SolarBeam Teeter Dance Charm Leech Seed 161 72 122 146 95 126
560 Scrafty Scrafty Dark Fighting Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Bulk Up Payback Protect Drain Punch 172 110 135 58 183 78
563 Cofagrigus Cofagrigus Ghost Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Toxic Hex Calm Mind 165 63 181 115 157 50
598 Ferrothorn Ferrothorn Grass Steel Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Iron Head Thunder Wave Sandstorm Ingrain 181 114 201 66 136 40
598 Ferrothorn Ferrothorn Grass Steel Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Curse Rock Smash Gyro Ball Ingrain 181 114 151 74 184 36
609 Chandelure Chandelure Ghost Fire Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Calm Mind Will-O-Wisp Shadow Ball Heat Wave 167 67 121 165 142 100
630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz Dark Flying Bag Wacan Berry Sprite.png Taunt Flatter Roost Toxic 185 76 125 75 161 132
630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz Dark Flying Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Substitute Swagger Punishment Roost 206 85 146 67 149 100

Trick Room

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Rock Slide Earthquake Explosion Fling 155 178 150 75 117 58
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Psychic Surf Blizzard Trick Room 202 95 162 132 100 45
103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Wood Hammer Zen Headbutt Explosion Trick Room 202 161 105 145 85 67
105 Marowak Marowak Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Earthquake Fling Brick Break Detect 167 145 130 70 100 58
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Earthquake Stockpile Fling Swallow 191 105 138 76 106 55
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Psyshock Water Pulse Trick Room Heal Pulse 170 85 100 152 178 50
205 Forretress Forretress Bug Steel Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Gyro Ball Earthquake Bug Bite Explosion 182 156 160 80 80 54
208 Steelix Steelix Steel Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Gyro Ball Payback Swagger Curse 150 137 277 75 85 45
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Rock Slide Stealth Rock Thunder Wave Fling 207 154 143 103 152 81
275 Shiftry Shiftry Grass Dark Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Fling Razor Leaf Brick Break Swords Dance 186 155 80 110 101 90
297 Hariyama Hariyama Fighting Bag Flame Orb Sprite.png Fake Out Close Combat Detect Earthquake 219 189 112 60 80 63
409 Rampardos Rampardos Rock Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Head Smash Earthquake Rock Slide Protect 172 217 88 85 102 70
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Hypnosis Rain Dance Gyro Ball Trick Room 163 109 172 89 157 53
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Safeguard Rock Slide Zen Headbutt Trick Room 174 155 136 99 136 47
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Curse Rest Earthquake Crunch 215 132 138 88 136 60
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Rock Slide Hammer Arm Earthquake Protect 222 211 150 75 75 54
477 Dusknoir Dusknoir Ghost Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Shadow Sneak Fire Punch Fling Trick Room 152 167 155 85 155 58
477 Dusknoir Dusknoir Ghost Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Shadow Sneak Pain Split Destiny Bond Trick Room 152 120 170 85 187 58
518 Musharna Musharna Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Shadow Ball Energy Ball Psychic Trick Room 191 67 150 159 115 49
526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Rock Slide Stealth Rock Curse Earthquake 192 155 150 88 132 40
534 Conkeldurr Conkeldurr Fighting Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Mach Punch Hammer Arm Bulk Up Fling 180 211 115 75 117 58
534 Conkeldurr Conkeldurr Fighting Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Fling Rock Slide Superpower Mach Punch 180 211 115 75 117 58
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Fling Rock Slide Poison Jab Earthquake 180 150 95 105 127 84
563 Cofagrigus Cofagrigus Ghost Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Will-O-Wisp Shadow Ball Destiny Bond Trick Room 165 70 165 161 125 45
579 Reuniclus Reuniclus Psychic Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Rock Slide Explosion Gyro Ball Trick Room 185 116 116 145 126 45
623 Golurk Golurk Ground Ghost Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Hammer Arm Earthquake Shadow Punch Fling 196 193 100 75 100 67

Water 1/2

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
009 Blastoise Blastoise Water Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Aqua Ring Rock Slide Aqua Tail Iron Defense 175 103 141 115 146 88
009 Blastoise Blastoise Water Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Hydro Pump Ice Beam Mist Focus Blast 186 103 120 150 125 88
062 Poliwrath Poliwrath Water Fighting Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Ice Beam Waterfall Psychic Work Up 186 138 115 111 99 90
062 Poliwrath Poliwrath Water Fighting Bag Shell Bell Sprite.png Brick Break Waterfall Hypnosis Belly Drum 197 137 115 90 99 99
073 Tentacruel Tentacruel Water Poison Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Ice Beam Sludge Wave Hex Toxic Spikes 155 90 76 132 140 167
073 Tentacruel Tentacruel Water Poison Bag Mystic Water Sprite.png Rapid Spin Poison Jab Waterfall Swords Dance 155 122 76 100 140 167
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Yawn Psychic Calm Mind Water Pulse 202 85 178 120 100 50
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Flamethrower Ice Beam Slack Off Water Pulse 170 85 162 167 100 50
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice Bag Icy Rock Sprite.png Icy Wind Toxic Rest Hail 197 90 118 99 115 90
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice Bag NeverMeltIce Sprite.png Ice Shard Signal Beam Ice Beam Encore 165 90 100 134 103 122
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Psychic Cosmic Power Recover Reflect Type 167 85 105 120 105 183
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag Mystic Water Sprite.png Protect Psychic Hydro Pump Rapid Spin 135 85 105 167 105 167
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Ice Fang Aqua Tail Thunder Wave Dragon Dance 191 182 89 80 120 122
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Rest Bulldoze Giga Impact 170 194 99 80 108 133
131 Lapras Lapras Water Ice Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Thunder Ice Shard Confuse Ray 205 105 132 150 115 72
131 Lapras Lapras Water Ice Bag Mystic Water Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Rest Sleep Talk 205 94 121 138 136 80
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Wish Surf Helping Hand Shadow Ball 205 85 112 178 115 76
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Ice Beam Hydro Pump Acid Armor Aqua Ring 205 76 112 178 115 85
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Bag Lax Incense Sprite.png Screech Aqua Jet Earthquake Block 192 125 120 89 148 98
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Superpower Aqua Tail Ice Fang Dragon Dance 181 160 120 89 103 119
171 Lanturn Lanturn Water Electric Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Thunder Wave Discharge Electro Ball Agility 200 121 110 96 86 87
171 Lanturn Lanturn Water Electric Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Thunder Wave Charge Beam Stockpile Swallow 200 70 110 128 105 87
186 Politoed Politoed Water Bag Full Incense Sprite.png Waterfall Encore Swagger Bounce 165 85 95 156 120 122
186 Politoed Politoed Water Bag Water Gem Sprite.png Thief Echoed Voice Refresh Hydro Pump 165 139 95 142 120 81
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Rindo Berry Sprite.png Rest Sleep Talk Toxic Bulldoze 202 105 150 76 85 55
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Earthquake Stockpile Fling Swallow 191 105 138 76 106 55
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Psyshock Water Pulse Trick Room Heal Pulse 170 85 100 152 178 50
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Zen Headbutt Earthquake Swagger Psych Up 170 127 90 120 178 50
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Bag Persim Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Quash Protect Outrage 171 149 115 103 115 126
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Bag Haban Berry Sprite.png Dragon Pulse Waterfall Ice Beam Dragon Dance 171 136 103 149 115 105
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Jaboca Berry Sprite.png Mirror Coat Counter Earthquake Roar 175 130 142 105 156 72
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Hammer Arm Rest Curse 207 130 110 94 156 80
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Leech Seed Toxic Giga Drain Rain Dance 176 90 122 131 108 90
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Tanga Berry Sprite.png Fake Out Grass Knot Surf Tickle 176 122 90 131 108 90
321 Wailord Wailord Water Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Heavy Slam Curse Rest 245 144 86 110 86 72
321 Wailord Wailord Water Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Water Spout Rest Sleep Talk Ice Beam 245 99 65 142 65 123
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Tickle Amnesia Rest 185 130 93 86 135 80
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Bag Soft Sand Sprite.png Aqua Tail Earthquake Zen Headbutt Dragon Dance 206 130 114 86 91 80
350 Milotic Milotic Water Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Surf Recover Mirror Coat Confuse Ray 202 72 144 120 145 101
350 Milotic Milotic Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Hydro Pump Toxic Attract Aqua Ring 202 80 131 132 145 90
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Frost Breath Snore Stockpile Rest 185 90 142 115 156 85
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water Bag Metronome Sprite.png Ice Ball Earthquake Encore Curse 185 118 110 115 156 85
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Yawn Swords Dance Aqua Jet Metal Claw 191 106 154 131 108 80
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Bag Muscle Band Sprite.png Drill Peck Aqua Jet Metal Claw FeatherDance 180 139 97 131 142 80
419 Floatzel Floatzel Water Bag Binding Band Sprite.png Aqua Tail Protect Pursuit Whirlpool 160 157 75 105 63 183
419 Floatzel Floatzel Water Bag Flame Orb Sprite.png Aqua Jet Switcheroo Pursuit Crunch 160 157 67 105 70 183
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Damp Rock Sprite.png Rain Dance Sludge Bomb Muddy Water Counter 186 103 79 144 147 59
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Bag Rindo Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Amnesia Curse Yawn 186 124 109 100 135 59
503 Samurott Samurott Water Bag Splash Plate Sprite.png Retaliate Razor Shell Assurance Encore 202 152 94 140 90 90
503 Samurott Samurott Water Bag Zoom Lens Sprite.png Blizzard Giga Impact Detect Hydro Pump 170 152 105 176 90 81
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Round Rest Water Pulse Sludge Wave 180 105 116 138 104 94
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Fling Rock Slide Poison Jab Earthquake 180 150 95 105 127 84
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Aqua Tail Rock Slide Shell Smash Iron Defense 181 176 153 103 76 52
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Rock Slide Swagger Blizzard Hydro Pump 181 128 153 148 76 52
584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe Ice Bag NeverMeltIce Sprite.png Ice Beam Frost Breath Mirror Coat Icy Wind 167 103 105 151 149 99
584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe Ice Bag Occa Berry Sprite.png Avalanche Ice Shard Natural Gift Giga Impact 178 161 94 130 115 99

Water 3/4

# Pokémon Types Item Moves Stats
1 2 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
009 Blastoise Blastoise Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Fake Out Earthquake Aqua Tail Avalanche 186 148 120 94 125 98
009 Blastoise Blastoise Water Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Yawn Waterfall Focus Punch Rock Slide 186 148 120 94 125 98
062 Poliwrath Poliwrath Water Fighting Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Waterfall Focus Punch Encore Substitute 197 150 115 81 110 90
062 Poliwrath Poliwrath Water Fighting Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Earthquake Focus Punch Circle Throw 197 150 115 81 110 90
073 Tentacruel Tentacruel Water Poison Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Hydro Pump Sludge Bomb Giga Drain Mirror Coat 187 81 85 145 140 120
073 Tentacruel Tentacruel Water Poison Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Surf Toxic Venoshock Protect 187 81 128 100 140 120
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Psychic Surf Slack Off Amnesia 202 85 178 120 100 50
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Psychic Surf Blizzard Trick Room 202 95 162 132 100 45
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Fake Out Surf Ice Beam Aqua Jet 165 90 90 134 147 90
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice Bag Salac Berry Sprite.png Rain Dance Rest Surf Stockpile 186 81 133 90 136 90
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Surf Psychic Power Gem Signal Beam 135 85 105 152 105 183
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic Bag King's Rock Sprite.png Surf Psychic Thunderbolt Ice Beam 135 85 105 152 105 183
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Wacan Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Waterfall Stone Edge Earthquake 170 177 99 72 120 146
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Aqua Tail Earthquake Rest 202 145 99 72 167 101
131 Lapras Lapras Water Ice Bag BrightPowder Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Thunderbolt Psychic 237 94 100 150 115 80
131 Lapras Lapras Water Ice Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Perish Song Rest Body Slam Block 205 105 145 94 147 80
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Muddy Water Blizzard Aqua Ring Yawn 237 76 80 178 115 85
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Bag Expert Belt Sprite.png Surf Ice Beam Shadow Ball Signal Beam 237 76 80 178 115 85
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Aqua Jet Waterfall Earthquake Ice Punch 176 155 120 103 119 98
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Bag Liechi Berry Sprite.png Dragon Dance Waterfall Crunch Substitute 160 172 120 89 103 130
171 Lanturn Lanturn Water Electric Bag Petaya Berry Sprite.png Surf Discharge Thunder Wave Ice Beam 200 70 99 128 117 87
171 Lanturn Lanturn Water Electric Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Stockpile Rest Charge Beam Ice Beam 200 70 121 96 128 87
186 Politoed Politoed Water Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Waterfall Earthquake Belly Drum Rest 165 127 95 99 167 90
186 Politoed Politoed Water Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Hydro Pump Blizzard Focus Blast Hypnosis 165 85 95 156 152 90
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Rindo Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Aqua Tail Ice Punch Stone Edge 170 150 105 76 117 55
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Curse Amnesia Earthquake Waterfall 202 105 105 76 128 55
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic Bag Choice Specs Sprite.png Psychic Shadow Ball Signal Beam Focus Blast 170 85 100 167 162 50
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png Psychic Surf Ice Beam Trick Room 202 95 100 132 162 45
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Rain Dance Hydro Pump Dragon Pulse Ice Beam 171 103 115 149 115 126
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Bag White Herb Sprite.png Draco Meteor Surf Blizzard Protect 171 103 115 149 115 126
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Earthquake Avalanche Waterfall Stone Edge 207 178 110 94 110 80
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground Bag Chesto Berry Sprite.png Curse Rest Earthquake Waterfall 207 130 110 94 156 80
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass Bag Leftovers Sprite.png Rain Dance Leech Seed Protect Giga Drain 155 81 122 131 141 90

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