Protect (move)

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まもる Protect
Protect IX.png
Type  Normal
Category  Status
PP  10 (max. 16)
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  +4
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by Mirror Move
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Self: Affects the user
Introduced  Generation II
Condition  Cute
Appeal  1
Jam  0  
Can avoid being startled by others.
Condition  Cute
Appeal  0  
Raises the score if the Voltage is low.
Condition  Cute
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Jamming  0  
Prevents the user from being startled one time this turn.

Protect (Japanese: まもる Protect) is a non-damaging Normal-type move introduced in Generation II.

It is:


Main article: Protection

Protect protects the user from all effects of moves that target it during the turn it is used, including damage. This does not include damage at the end of a turn such as from weather or a status condition.

Protect is an increased priority move that will go before most attacks in a turn. If the user goes last in the turn, the move will fail. The chance that Protect will succeed also drops each time the user successfully and consecutively uses Endure, any protection move that only affects the user, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard.

Gen II Gen III Gen IV Gen V Gen VI Gen VII Gen VIII Gen IX
Success rate Times ½ after each use
Times ½ after each use (lowest: 1/8) bug
Times 1/3 after each use
Priority +3

Some moves will do damage through Protect. Most damaging Z-Moves and Max Moves will only do 25% of their original damage, except G-Max One Blow and G-Max Rapid Flow which do full damage. Moves that break protection, like Feint, will do their full damage and remove the effects of Protect. The Ability Unseen Fist allows contact moves to bypass Protect.

Status moves that are unaffected by Protect are listed here. Generally, moves that target the user, moves that target the user and all allies, moves that target all Pokémon (except Shadow Shed and Shadow Half), and entry hazard moves cannot be blocked by Protect.

Generation II

In this generation only, Protect will fail if the user is behind a substitute.

Generation III

In this generation only, the success rate is meant to have a lower bound of 1/8, but a bug causes it to become erratic afterwards instead.

Protect can be used as the second move of a Pokémon Contest combination, with the user gaining 1 bonus appeal point if Harden was used in the previous turn.

Generation IV

In Diamond and Pearl only, due to a bug, if an attack is given perfect accuracy through the effect of a move (Lock-On/Mind Reader), the weather (Thunder in rain or Blizzard in hail), or an Ability (No Guard), it ignores protection with inverted accuracy. OHKO moves are unaffected and will not hit through protection. This bug was fixed in Platinum.

Generation V onwards

If powered up by a Normalium Z into Z-Protect, all of the user's lowered stats are reset.


Games Description
Stad2 Completely foils an opponent's attack. If used consecutively, its success rate decreases.
GSC Foils attack that turn. It may fail.
RSEColoXD Evades attack, but may fail if used in succession.*
Negates all damage, but may fail if used in succession.*
FRLG Enables the user to evade all attacks. It may fail if used in succession.
It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
Enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
PE Enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0007 Squirtle WaterIC Big.png Monster Water 1 28 28 22 22 22 22 32 18 18 18
0008 Wartortle WaterIC Big.png Monster Water 1 31 31 24 24 24 25 40 20 20 20
0009 Blastoise WaterIC Big.png Monster Water 1 31 31 24 24 24 25 44 20 20 20
0027 Sandshrew GroundIC Big.png Field Field 24
0028 Sandslash GroundIC Big.png Field Field 28
0090 Shellder WaterIC Big.png Water 3 Water 3 25 25RSE
16 16 16 16 31 28 28 28
0091 Cloyster WaterIC Big.png
IceIC Big.png
Water 3 Water 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0098 Krabby WaterIC Big.png Water 3 Water 3 34 41RSE
29 29 29 29 27 16 16
0099 Kingler WaterIC Big.png Water 3 Water 3 38 49RSE
32 32 32 32 27 16 16
0122 Mr. Mime PsychicIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Human-Like Human-Like 20 20
0122 Mr. Mime
Mr. Mime
Galarian Form
IceIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
Human-Like Human-Like 1
0138 Omanyte RockIC Big.png
WaterIC Big.png
Water 1 Water 3 37 37 34 34 34 34 33 41 41
0139 Omastar RockIC Big.png
WaterIC Big.png
Water 1 Water 3 37 37 34 34 34 34 33 43 43
0140 Kabuto RockIC Big.png
WaterIC Big.png
Water 1 Water 3 41 41
0141 Kabutops RockIC Big.png
WaterIC Big.png
Water 1 Water 3 43 43
0204 Pineco BugIC Big.png Bug Bug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0205 Forretress BugIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Bug Bug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0258 Mudkip WaterIC Big.png Monster Water 1 37 37 37 37XY
28 12 12 12
0259 Marshtomp WaterIC Big.png
GroundIC Big.png
Monster Water 1 42 42 42 42XY
32 12 12 12
0260 Swampert WaterIC Big.png
GroundIC Big.png
Monster Water 1 46 46 46 46XY
32 12 12 12
0267 Beautifly BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug 37
0269 Dustox BugIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Bug Bug 17 17 17 17XY
37 37
0279 Pelipper WaterIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Flying 25 25 25 25 1, Evo. 1 1 1
0304 Aron SteelIC Big.png
RockIC Big.png
Monster Monster 34 32 32BW
16 20 20
0305 Lairon SteelIC Big.png
RockIC Big.png
Monster Monster 37 34 34BW
16 20 20
0306 Aggron SteelIC Big.png
RockIC Big.png
Monster Monster 37 34 34BW
16 20 20
0313 Volbeat BugIC Big.png Bug Human-Like 29 29 29 29 29 29 26
0324 Torkoal FireIC Big.png Field Field 27 36 36 1, 36XY
30 24 24 24
0341 Corphish WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Water 3 23RSE
23 23 23XY
17 24 24 24
0342 Crawdaunt WaterIC Big.png
DarkIC Big.png
Water 1 Water 3 23RSE
23 23 23XY
17 24 24 24
0347 Anorith RockIC Big.png
BugIC Big.png
Water 3 Water 3 31 25 25 25XY
49 41 41
0348 Armaldo RockIC Big.png
BugIC Big.png
Water 3 Water 3 31 25 25 25XY
53 43 43
0361 Snorunt IceIC Big.png Fairy Mineral 25 22 22 22XY
32 20 20 20
0362 Glalie IceIC Big.png Fairy Mineral 25 22 22 22XY
32 20 20 20
0372 Shelgon DragonIC Big.png Dragon Dragon 30 30 30 30 1, Evo. 1, Evo. 1, Evo. Evo.
0373 Salamence DragonIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon 30 30 30 30 1 1 1 1
0381 Latios DragonIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 25 25 25 25XY
0410 Shieldon RockIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Monster Monster 1 1 1 1 1 1
0411 Bastiodon RockIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Monster Monster 1 1 1 1 1 1
0412 Burmy
All forms
BugIC Big.png Bug Bug 1 1 1 1 1
0413 Wormadam
All forms
BugIC Big.png
GrassIC Big.png
Bug Bug 10 10 10 1, 10 1, 10
0414 Mothim BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug 10 10 10 1, 10 1, 10
0439 Mime Jr. PsychicIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 20 20
0475 Gallade PsychicIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Human-Like Amorphous 50 53 53XY
49 28 28 28
0478 Froslass IceIC Big.png
GhostIC Big.png
Fairy Mineral 1 1 1
0481 Mesprit PsychicIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 16 16 16 16 14 14 14
0486 Regigigas NormalIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 24 24 24
0541 Swadloon BugIC Big.png
GrassIC Big.png
Bug Bug 20 20 1, Evo. Evo.
0543 Venipede BugIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Bug Bug 15 15 15 8
0544 Whirlipede BugIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Bug Bug 15 15 15 1
0545 Scolipede BugIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Bug Bug 15 15 15 1
0559 Scraggy DarkIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Dragon 20
0560 Scrafty DarkIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Dragon 20
0562 Yamask GhostIC Big.png Mineral Amorphous 1 1 1 1
0562 Yamask
Galarian Form
GroundIC Big.png
GhostIC Big.png
Mineral Amorphous 1
0563 Cofagrigus GhostIC Big.png Mineral Amorphous 1 1 1 1
0564 Tirtouga WaterIC Big.png
RockIC Big.png
Water 1 Water 3 11 11 11 3
0565 Carracosta WaterIC Big.png
RockIC Big.png
Water 1 Water 3 11 11 11 1
0577 Solosis PsychicIC Big.png Amorphous Amorphous 1 1
0578 Duosion PsychicIC Big.png Amorphous Amorphous 1 1
0579 Reuniclus PsychicIC Big.png Amorphous Amorphous 1 1
0594 Alomomola WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Water 2 21 21 21 21
0616 Shelmet BugIC Big.png Bug Bug 28 28 28 1
0665 Spewpa BugIC Big.png Bug Bug 9 1, Evo. Evo.
0704 Goomy DragonIC Big.png Dragon Dragon 9 9 15 15
0705 Sliggoo DragonIC Big.png Dragon Dragon 9 9 15 15
0705 Sliggoo
Hisuian Form
SteelIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon 15
0706 Goodra DragonIC Big.png Dragon Dragon 9 1, 9 15 15
0706 Goodra
Hisuian Form
SteelIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon 15
0712 Bergmite IceIC Big.png Monster Mineral 15 15
0713 Avalugg IceIC Big.png Monster Mineral 15 15
0713 Avalugg
Hisuian Form
IceIC Big.png
RockIC Big.png
Monster Mineral 15
0739 Crabrawler FightingIC Big.png Water 3 Water 3 17
0740 Crabominable FightingIC Big.png
IceIC Big.png
Water 3 Water 3 1
0776 Turtonator FireIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Monster Dragon 9 8
0780 Drampa NormalIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Monster Dragon 9 10
0782 Jangmo-o DragonIC Big.png Dragon Dragon 13 4 4
0783 Hakamo-o DragonIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon 1, 13 1 1
0784 Kommo-o DragonIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon 1, 13 1 1
0805 Stakataka RockIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1USUM 10
0809 Melmetal SteelIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 63 56
0833 Chewtle WaterIC Big.png Monster Water 1 14 14
0834 Drednaw WaterIC Big.png
RockIC Big.png
Monster Water 1 1 1
0841 Flapple GrassIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Grass Dragon 16 16
0842 Appletun GrassIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Grass Dragon 16 16
0854 Sinistea
All forms
GhostIC Big.png Mineral Amorphous 18
0855 Polteageist
All forms
GhostIC Big.png Mineral Amorphous 18 18
0866 Mr. Rime IceIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
Human-Like Human-Like 1
0867 Runerigus GroundIC Big.png
GhostIC Big.png
Mineral Amorphous 1
0870 Falinks FightingIC Big.png Fairy Mineral 1 1
0882 Dracovish WaterIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 7
0883 Arctovish WaterIC Big.png
IceIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 7
0950 Klawf RockIC Big.png Water 3 Water 3 21
1011 Dipplin GrassIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Grass Dragon 16
1019 Hydrapple GrassIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Grass Dragon 16
1024 Terapagos NormalIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 30
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.


# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Compatibility
Every Pokémon can learn this move by TM except the ones listed below and only if marked with ✘.
0010 Caterpie BugIC Big.png Bug Bug
0011 Metapod BugIC Big.png Bug Bug
0013 Weedle BugIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0014 Kakuna BugIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0129 Magikarp WaterIC Big.png Water 2 Dragon
0132 Ditto NormalIC Big.png Ditto Ditto
0201 Unown PsychicIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0202 Wobbuffet PsychicIC Big.png Amorphous Amorphous
0235 Smeargle NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0265 Wurmple BugIC Big.png Bug Bug
0266 Silcoon BugIC Big.png Bug Bug
0268 Cascoon BugIC Big.png Bug Bug
0360 Wynaut PsychicIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0374 Beldum SteelIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
Mineral Mineral
0401 Kricketot BugIC Big.png Bug Bug
0412 Burmy
All forms
BugIC Big.png Bug Bug
0415 Combee BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0486 Regigigas NormalIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0602 Tynamo ElectricIC Big.png Amorphous Amorphous
0664 Scatterbug BugIC Big.png Bug Bug
0789 Cosmog PsychicIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0790 Cosmoem PsychicIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0824 Blipbug BugIC Big.png Bug Bug
0840 Applin GrassIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Grass Dragon
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

The user gains the Protect status condition, causing it to be protected from most attacks. The user can still be damaged by items or explosions. The status lasts for 3-6 turns prior to Gates to Infinity, and only 1 turn from Gates to Infinity onwards.

The chance of the move failing rises if the user's most recently used move was Protect or a move that evades enemies' attacks (such as Detect or Endure).

Game Base
Range Target Cuts
MDRB - - 10 - 75% - User User -
MDTDS - - 10 - 75% - User User -
BSL - - 10 - 75% - User User -
MDGtI - - 10 50 —% - User User -
SMD - - 10 30 —% - User User -
With some exceptions, Pokémon learnsets match those from the core series games:

Pokémon Masters EX

Name Category Move gauge cost MP
Base power Max power Accuracy Target Effect tag Description Playable sync pair(s)
Protect Status 2 1 —% Self Applies the Damage Guard Next effect to the user. Hilda (Summer 2022) & Grapploct Shiny
Sygna Suit Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Anabel & Snorlax
Marnie (Champion) & Galarian Moltres
Lorelei & Cloyster
Adaman & Vaporeon
Liza (Summer 2023) & Celesteela
Red (Champion) & Articuno
Olivia & Carbink
Elaine & Eevee
Kabu & Centiskorch
Iono & Wattrel
Professor Oak & Nidorino
Morgan & Virizion
Chuck & Poliwrath
Buddy move
Sea Deity Protect Status 1 —% All allies Heals Activation Condition: When weather, terrain, or zone effects are activated.

Deactivation Condition: When all weather, terrain, and zone effects are cleared.

Applies the Damage Guard Next effect to all allied sync pairs. Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 20% of their maximum HP. HP is restored by 30% instead when the zone is a Fairy Zone. Returns lowered stats of all allied sync pairs to normal when the weather is rainy.

Sygna Suit Mina & Tapu Fini



Games Description
MDRB The user gains the Protect status, preventing damage from enemy attacks and moves.
MDTD Gives the user a Protect status. A Pokémon with the Protect status doesn't take damage from enemy attacks and moves, and is also protected from the effects of moves.
MDS Gives the user a Protect status. A Pokémon with the Protect status doesn't take damage from enemy attacks and moves and is also protected from the effects of moves.
BSL じぶんを まもりじょうたいにかえる まもりじょうたいになると てきのこうげきや わざのこうかを うけない
MDGtI You'll get the Protect status, which enables you to evade enemies' attacks and move effects. Its chance of failing rises if you use it multiple times in a row.
SMD You'll protect yourself and evade enemies' attacks and move effects. But its chance of failure rises if you use it after you use a move that evades enemies' attacks.

In the anime

Main series

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 Animated Trailer

Pokémon Generations

Pokémon Evolutions

In the manga

Ash & Pikachu

Pokémon Adventures

Be the Best! Pokémon B+W

Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl

Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys

Pokémon: Yeah! I Got Pokémon!

Pocket Monsters Platinum: Aim to Be Battle King!!

Pokémon Pocket Monsters

In other generations

Core series games

Side series games

Spin-off series games


  • In Generation II, after the "[Pokémon]'s PROTECTING itself!" message appears, there is another message saying that the opponent's move missed. This is caused by Protect's effect internally leading moves with an accuracy check to miss, and was changed in Generation III to omit the second message.
  • Protect is the most common move among the movesets of Video Game World Championships team's winners.
  • Despite having distinct effects in the games, Reflect, Light Screen, Barrier, Protect, and Safeguard are often depicted in the anime seemingly sharing the same effect that Protect has in the games (protecting the user from most the effect of moves).
  • Although Protect is not present as an move in Pokémon GO, it appears to have inspired the Protect Shield used in Trainer Battles. The Protect Shield even has a hexagon tiling pattern, similar to Protect's animation in Generation VII, during which Trainer Battles were introduced.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 守住 Sáujyuh
Mandarin 守住 Shǒuzhù
The Czech Republic Flag.png Czech Ochranný útok
Denmark Flag.png Danish Beskyt
The Netherlands Flag.png Dutch Bescherm
Finland Flag.png Finnish Suojaus
French Canada Flag.png Canada Protéger*
France Flag.png Europe Abri
Germany Flag.png German Schutzschild
Greece Flag.png Greek Προστασία Prostasía
Israel Flag.png Hebrew הגנה Hagana
India Flag.png Hindi बचाओ Bachao
रक्षा कवच Raksha Kavach
Indonesia Flag.png Indonesian Lindungi
Italy Flag.png Italian Protezione
South Korea Flag.png Korean 방어 Bang-eo
Poland Flag.png Polish Ochrona
Portuguese Brazil Flag.png Brazil Proteção
Portugal Flag.png Portugal Proteção
Romania Flag.png Romanian Protecția
Russia Flag.png Russian Щит Schit
Serbia Flag.png Serbian Zaštita
Spain Flag.png Spanish Protección
Sweden Flag.png Swedish Försvara
Vietnam Flag.png Vietnamese Bảo Vệ


External links

Variations of the move Protect
StatusIC HOME.png ProtectDetectKing's ShieldSpiky ShieldBaneful BunkerObstructSilk TrapBurning Bulwark

Generation II TMs
Generation II HMs
Generation III TMs
Generation III HMs
Generation IV TMs
Generation IV HMs
01020304 • 05 (DPPtHGSS) • 060708
Generation V TMs
Generation V HMs
Generation VI TMs
798081828384858687888990919293 • 94 (XYORAS) • 9596979899100
Generation VI HMs
Generation VII TMs
Generation VIII TMs
Generation VIII TRs (SwSh)
Generation IX TMs
Added in SV 2.0.1
Added in SV 3.0.0

Project Moves and Abilities logo.png This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.