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{{incomplete|needs=Notable trainers and their moves}}
[[File:Super Contest Show BDSP.png|thumb|300px|{{ga|Lucas}} and {{ga|Dawn}} participating in a Super Contest Show]]
[[File:Super Contest Show BDSP.png|thumb|300px|{{ga|Lucas}} and {{ga|Dawn}} participating in a Super Contest Show]]
'''Super Contest Shows''' (Japanese: '''スーパーコンテストショー!''' ''Super Contest Show!'') are a type of competition in {{g|Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl}} which serves as a revamp of the [[Super Contest]]s in {{3v2|Diamond|Pearl|Platinum}}. As with the original Super Contests, {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} are rated on their appearance and performance, rather than strength. However, the Visual and Dance rounds are altered, and elements of the Acting round are incorporated as a Move Evaluation during the Dance Evaluation.
'''Super Contest Shows''' (Japanese: '''スーパーコンテストショー!''' ''Super Contest Show!'') are a type of competition in {{g|Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl}} which serves as a revamp of the [[Super Contest]]s in {{3v2|Diamond|Pearl|Platinum}}. As with the original Super Contests, {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} are rated on their appearance and performance, rather than strength. However, the Visual and Dance rounds are altered, and elements of the Acting round are incorporated as a Move Evaluation during the Dance Evaluation.
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==Notable contestants==
==Notable contestants==
{{main|List of Contest opponents (Generation VIII)}}
:''See more: [[List of Contest opponents (Generation VIII)]]''
As with the original Super Contests, [[Fantina]], [[Johanna]] or [[Jasmine]] may participate in Master Rank or Brilliant/Shining Contests. More than one can appear in a Contest.
{{lop/contest/BDSP|426|Drifblim|Loony|Fantina|VSFantina_BDSP|Focus Energy|2|Phantom Force|2|Strength Sap|1|Explosion|3|Yes|Yes|Yes||Yes|Yes||}}
{{lop/contest/BDSP|115|Kangaskhan|Jumpy|Johanna|Johanna Contest BDSP|Fake Out|1|Endure|3|Reversal|0|Bulldoze|2|Yes|Yes||Yes||Yes||}}
{{lop/contest/BDSP|208|Steelix|Rusty|Jasmine|Jasmine Contest BDSP|Screech|1|Fire Fang|2|Stone Edge|3|Autotomize|2|Yes||Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes||}}

==In other languages==
==In other languages==

Revision as of 01:32, 3 October 2022

Lucas and Dawn participating in a Super Contest Show

Super Contest Shows (Japanese: スーパーコンテストショー! Super Contest Show!) are a type of competition in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl which serves as a revamp of the Super Contests in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. As with the original Super Contests, Pokémon are rated on their appearance and performance, rather than strength. However, the Visual and Dance rounds are altered, and elements of the Acting round are incorporated as a Move Evaluation during the Dance Evaluation.

Super Contest Shows come in same four rankings (Normal, Great, Ultra, Master) in the same five Contest categories: Coolness, Beauty, Cuteness, Cleverness, or Toughness. After entering the Hall of Fame, a sixth type of Super Contest Show is unlocked, called BrilliantBD/ShiningSP Contests.

Super Contest Shows are held at the Super Contest Hall in Hearthome City.


Before starting the Super Contest Show, the player chooses a Pokémon on their team and one move of that Pokémon which can be showcased in the Dance Evaluation round. The player also may choose a Ball Capsule to place on, and a style. Unlike in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, other styles apart from the Contest style may be worn.

Visual Evaluation

Visual Evaluation round

In Super Contest Shows, the Pokémon's visual is judged on two components: the Pokémon's Contest condition and the Stickers used on the chosen Ball Capsule.

The overall Contest condition is calculated as: Condition=PrimaryCondition+AdjacentCondition12+AdjacentCondition22+Sheen2

For Brilliant/Shining Contests, the overall conditions is only calculated using sheen: Condition=Sheen

Scarves increase the condition associated with it by 10%, even if the condition is already maxed out. They are not calculated for Brilliant/Shining contests

Stickers always improve the Visual Evaluation, and different Stickers will provide a greater boost in different Contest conditions. Each Sticker gives a 7.5 appeal, with beneficial Stickers giving a 12.5 appeal bonus instead. The Show Master Sticker (obtained by completing the Master Rank of all Super Contest Shows with a single Pokémon) provides a bonus of +15 in all contest categories. The Champion Sticker (obtained by defeating Cynthia's final rematch team, which she uses after Stark Mountain) provides a bonus of +18 in all categories. The overall appeal points from Stickers are rounded down.

The overall appeal from the Pokémon's Contest condition and Stickers are converted into hearts by dividing by 50. 5 small hearts equals 1 large heart during appeal.

Category Beneficial Stickers
Coolness Ribbon, Electricity, Burning, Sky, Spark, Coolness, Show Master, Champion
Beauty Party, Flora, Cool, Beauty, Show Master, Champion
Cuteness Heart, Star, Ethereal, Cuteness, Show Master, Champion
Cleverness Bubble, Song, Sinister, Cleverness, Show Master, Champion
Toughness Smoke, Fire, Stone, Leaf, Toughness, Show Master, Champion
Brilliant & Shining Show Master, Champion

Dance Evaluation

The Dance Evaluation is a rhythm game performed by pressing the A button in time with the music. Hitting the notes fills up the Heart Gauge (denoted by a Poké Ball cursor), with greater accuracy filling the gauge up faster. Once the Heart Gauge is filled up completely, a heart is sent to the Hype Points which is denoted by a bar at the top of the screen. All contestants add to the Hype Points. If the number of Hype Points is above the threshold by the end of the performance, the Contest is considered a success, and allows the Player to compete in the next rank. A successful Dance Evluation also adds points to improve the hall rank.

Hitting the notes successively in combos improves the Pokémon's groove. Groove is denoted by an arrow, with positive groove shown as an upward arrow, and negative groove shown as a downward arrow. Groove is relevant when evaluating a move used in the Dance Performance.

A successful Dance Evaluation in Master Rank also rewards the player with a Trainer Card star.

Move Evaluation

During Dance Evaluation, a Pokémon can perform one move which is pre-selected at Contest registration. Unlike previous Contests, moves no longer have a condition type and the move can only be used once. The Move Evaluation is scored separately, with higher scores given when used in succession with other contestants' moves to create a Move Chain. Moves are also judged more successfully if they have a matching type with other contestants' moves.

While using the move, the player will not be able to hit notes in the Dance Evaluation, though the song will continue.

Move Effects

Unlike previous generations of Contests, moves in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl have no contest typing, and so any move can be selected for any contest with no potential downside. There are 512 moves available for use.

Effect Base Hype
❤️🤍🤍 ❤️❤️🤍 ❤️❤️❤️
This move has no additional effects. Ally SwitchBaton PassGuard SplitPower SplitSplashStruggleSwitcherooTeleportWhirlwind CopycatEntrainmentFollow MeGastro AcidMagnet RiseRage PowderReflect TypeRoarRole PlaySimple BeamSoakWorry Seed Destiny BondEchoed VoiceFissureGuard SwapGuillotineHorn DrillPower SwapPower TrickRecycleSheer ColdSkill SwapSpit Up
For 5 seconds, missed notes will not be judged. BlockMean LookSand AttackSmokescreen Aromatic MistFocus EnergyHardenLaser FocusWithdraw Bulk UpCalm MindFlower ShieldGrowthNasty PlotPsych UpRock PolishShell SmashStockpileSwords DanceWork Up
For 10 seconds, missed notes will not be judged. Baby-Doll EyesConfideGrowlLeerParting ShotPlay NiceTail Whip AutotomizeChargeDefense CurlDouble Team AcupressureCoilCotton GuardHelping HandLock-OnMind ReaderQuiver Dance
For 15 seconds, missed notes will not be judged. CharmDefogEerie ImpulseFake TearsFeather DanceFlashMagnetic FluxMetal SoundScary FaceScreechStrength SapString ShotSweet ScentTearful LookTickleVenom Drench Acid ArmorAgilityAmnesiaCosmic PowerCotton SporeDragon DanceHone ClawsHowlIron DefenseMinimizeNoble Roar Belly DrumConversionConversion 2Defend OrderHeart SwapKinesisLunar DanceMagic CoatMementoTail GlowTransform
Groove will not drop for 5 seconds. EncoreSupersonicSweet Kiss Aqua RingCurseHeal BellIngrainLife DewPoison PowderSwallow After YouEndureHypnosisProtectQuashSingSleep PowderStun Spore
Groove will not drop for 10 seconds. AttractConfuse RayGrudgeImprisonSpite HazeHeal PulseMistMoonlightMorning SunPsycho ShiftRecoverSlack OffSynthesisToxicWill-O-WispWish GlarePerish SongYawn
Groove will not drop for 15 seconds. DisableFlatterLeech SeedSpikesStealth RockSticky WebSwaggerTauntTeeter DanceTormentToxic Spikes AromatherapyAurora VeilDetectHealing WishLight ScreenMilk DrinkPoison GasQuick GuardReflectRestRoostSafeguardSoft-BoiledSpiky ShieldSubstituteToxic ThreadWide Guard Dark VoidLovely KissSporeThunder Wave
For 10 seconds, it will be a bit easier to fill up the Heart Gauge. BindInfestationWrap BonemerangDouble HitDouble KickDual Chop AcrobaticsDigOutragePetal DanceThrash
For 10 seconds, it will be easier to fill up the Heart Gauge. Fire SpinSand TombWhirlpool Fury AttackFury Swipes Beat UpBone RushIcicle SpearPin MissileRock BlastRollout
For 10 seconds, it will be much easier to fill up the Heart Gauge. Electric TerrainGrassy TerrainGravityHailMagic RoomMisty TerrainRain DanceSandstormSunny DayTailwindTrick RoomWonder Room Arm ThrustBounceDiveFlyPhantom ForceTriple Kick Bullet SeedFuture SightMagma StormShadow ForceSkull BashSky AttackSolar Beam
Hype Points gained will increase by 1 if groove is positive. LeafagePeckPoundScratchTackle Razor LeafRock ThrowShadow PunchVine WhipVise GripWing Attack Aqua TailAttack OrderCrabhammerCross ChopDragon HammerFoul PlayHammer ArmHigh HorsepowerLeaf BladePetal BlizzardTake DownWild Charge
Hype Points gained will increase by 2 if groove is positive. AstonishFury CutterLickPay DayPoison Sting Aerial AceAssuranceAvalancheBiteBody PressBug BiteCircle ThrowCovetCutDragon TailDrill PeckDrill RunFell StingerFlame ChargeFlame WheelForce PalmHorn AttackMega PunchMetal ClawNight SlashPoison FangPoison TailPsycho CutRapid SpinRevengeSeed BombSlamSlashSmack DownSmart StrikeStorm ThrowSubmissionVital Throw Blaze KickBody SlamBrave BirdClose CombatDouble-EdgeDragon RushDynamic PunchEarthquakeFlare BlitzGunk ShotHigh Jump KickIcicle CrashIron TailLast ResortLiquidationMegahornMeteor MashPlay RoughPower WhipRock ClimbStone EdgeSuperpowerWood Hammer
Hype Points gained will increase by 3 if groove is positive. Aqua JetBullet PunchFake OutFalse SwipeFeintIce ShardMach PunchNuzzlePower-Up PunchQuick AttackRock SmashShadow Sneak Brick BreakBulldozeCross PoisonCrunchCrush ClawDragon ClawDrain PunchExtreme SpeedFacadeFire FangFire PunchHeadbuttIce FangIce PunchIron HeadKnock OffLeech LifeLow SweepLungePaybackPluckPoison JabRazor ShellRetaliateRock SlideRock TombShadow ClawSparkSteel WingStompStomping TantrumStrengthSucker PunchThiefThroat ChopThunder FangThunder PunchU-turnWaterfallX-ScissorZen Headbutt Crush GripDragon AscentExplosionFocus PunchGiga ImpactHead SmashLuster PurgeMega KickPrecipice BladesRock WreckerSacred FireSelf-DestructVolt Tackle
Hype Points gained will increase by 1 if groove is negative. Disarming VoiceFairy WindGustStored PowerWater GunWeather Ball Air CutterHexMagical LeafRoundSwiftVenoshock Hydro Pump
Hype Points gained will increase by 2 if groove is negative. AbsorbAcidAcid SprayClear SmogConfusionDraining KissEmberMega DrainMud-SlapPowder SnowSmogSnoreStruggle BugThunder ShockTwister Ancient PowerAurora BeamBrineBubble BeamDragon BreathFrost BreathHyper VoiceIcy WindIncinerateLeaf TornadoMud ShotOctazookaPower GemPsybeamPsyshockShock WaveSludge BelchBlizzardBoomburstBurn UpDraco MeteorDream EaterFire BlastFocus BlastHurricaneInfernoLeaf StormOverheatThunder
Hype Points gained will increase by 3 if groove is negative. Charge BeamVacuum Wave Air SlashAura SphereBug BuzzChatterDark PulseDazzling GleamDischargeDragon PulseEarth PowerEnergy BallExtrasensoryFlamethrowerFlash CannonFreeze-DryGiga DrainHeat WaveIce BeamLava PlumeMoonblastMuddy WaterMystical FirePsychicScaldShadow BallSludge BombSludge WaveSnarlSurfThunderboltTri AttackUproarVolt SwitchWater Pulse AeroblastBlast BurnDoom DesireEruptionFrenzy PlantHydro CannonHyper BeamJudgmentMist BallOrigin PulsePsycho BoostPsystrikeRoar of TimeSeed FlareSpacial RendWater SpoutZap Cannon
Hype determined entirely by groove
You will receive 1−5 Hype Points, depending on the Pokémon's groove. CounterElectro BallEndeavorFinal GambitFlailFlingGrass KnotGyro BallHeavy SlamHidden PowerLow KickMetal BurstMetronomeMimicMirror CoatNature PowerNight ShadePain SplitPresentReversalSeismic TossSketchSleep TalkSuper FangTrick

Star of the Show

At the end of the Contest, a Pokémon is judged on their Visual, Dance, and Move performances. The Pokémon with the highest combined score is declared the Star of the Show. In the event of a tie for the highest score, all of these Pokémon are considered Stars of the Show. This can occur even if the Dance round was deemed a failure. The winner of the contest is awarded a Sticker associated with that type and rank. If it is the first time that the Pokémon won the Master Rank Contest, it is awarded a Ribbon. If a Pokémon wins all five Master Rank Contests, the Pokémon is awarded the Contest Star Ribbon and the player is awarded the Show Master Sticker.

Brilliant/Shining Contests

After entering the Hall of Fame, a sixth type of Super Contest Show is unlocked called BrilliantBD/ShiningSP Contests. These are similar to the standard five contests, but with more difficult NPCs and judging. For a Pokémon to be eligible for entry, they must first have won the Master Rank in all five Super Contest Shows previously. The winner of the contest is awarded a randomly selected Contest-related Sticker. If it is the first time that Pokémon won the Master Rank type, it is awarded the Twinkling Star Ribbon.

Hall Rank

The rank of the Contest hall can be increased by completing successful Contests. Increasing the hall rank changes the color and decorations inside the hall.

Rank Image

Notable contestants

Main article: List of Contest opponents (Generation VIII)

As with the original Super Contests, Fantina, Johanna or Jasmine may participate in Master Rank or Brilliant/Shining Contests. More than one can appear in a Contest.

# Pokémon Coordinator Moves Visual Evaluation score:
Br / Sh Cool Beauty Cute Smart Tough
4264 Loony Drifblim Fantina style="background:#Template:2 color light" | Focus Energy
style="background:#Template:Strength Sap color light" | 2
style="background:#Template:3 color light" | Explosion
style="background:#Template:Yes color light" | Yes
Yes❤️ Yes❤️ - - - -
1151 Jumpy Kangaskhan Johanna style="background:#Template:1 color light" | Fake Out
style="background:#Template:Reversal color light" | 3
style="background:#Template:2 color light" | Bulldoze
style="background:#Template:Color light" | Yes
- Yes❤️ - - - -
2082 Rusty Steelix Jasmine style="background:#Template:1 color light" | Screech
style="background:#Template:Stone Edge color light" | 2
style="background:#Template:2 color light" | Autotomize
style="background:#Template:Yes color light" |
Yes❤️ Yes❤️ - - - -

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 超級華麗大賽 Chīukāp Wàhlàih-daaihchoi
Mandarin 超級華麗大賽 / 超级华丽大赛 Chāojí Huálì-dàsài
French Super Show Concours
German Super-Wettbewerbs-Show
Italian Super Gara-show
Korean 슈퍼 콘테스트 쇼! Super Contest Show!
Russian Шоу Суперконкурс Shou Superkonkurs
Spanish Gala Superconcurso
Pokémon Contests
Necessary Spoils
Contest Categories
ContestSuper ContestContest Show
CoordinatorContest HallContest Pass
The Grand Festival
Top CoordinatorRibbon Cup
Combinations • Opponents (IIIIVVIVIII) • Double PerformanceJamming
Ribbons (list) • StickersBall CapsulesRanksJudgesAnnouncersWallace Cup

This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.