History of the Pokémon world (anime)
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This is a chronological list of significant events in the anime and the episodes which they occurred in, or, for events which happened outside the series, where they happened in relation to the episodes.
The order of many of these events is approximated and debatable.
Time | Details |
The beginning of time | |
4,600,000,000 years prior | |
2,000,000 years prior | |
2,000 years prior | |
1,000 years prior |
400 years prior | |
300 years prior |
200 years prior | |
50 years prior |
40 years prior |
30 years prior |
20 years prior |
??? |
15 years prior |
15 years prior to BW | |
??? | |
11 years prior to DP | |
10 years prior | |
10 years prior to AG | |
10 years prior to DP | |
10 years prior to BW | |
10 years prior to XY | |
??? |
7 years prior to AG |
Less than 10 years prior to XY |
5 years prior |
??? |
1 year prior | |
Less than 1 year prior |
Original series
Season 1
Episode | Details |
Pokémon, I Choose You! |
Pokémon Emergency! |
Ash Catches a Pokémon! | |
Challenge of the Samurai |
Showdown in Pewter City |
Clefairy and the Moon Stone |
Water Flowers of Cerulean City |
The School of Hard Knocks |
Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village |
Charmander the Stray Pokémon |
Here Comes the Squirtle Squad |
Mystery at the Lighthouse |
Electric Shock Showdown |
Battle Aboard the St. Anne |
Pokémon Shipwreck |
Island of the Giant Pokémon |
Tentacool and Tentacruel |
The Ghost of Maiden's Peak |
Bye-Bye Butterfree |
Abra and the Psychic Pokémon |
The Tower of Terror |
Haunter Versus Kadabra |
Primeape Goes Bananas |
Pokémon Scent-sation |
Hypno's Naptime |
Pokémon Fashion Flash |
The Punchy Pokémon | |
Sparks Fly for Magnemite |
Dig Those Diglett |
The Ninja Poké-Showdown |
The Flame Pokémon-athon |
The Kangaskhan Kid |
EP035 |
The Bridge Bike Gang |
Pikachu's Good-Bye | |
Holiday Hi-Jynx |
The March of the Exeggutor Squad |
The Problem with Paras |
The Song of Jigglypuff |
Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon |
Princess Versus Princess |
Who Gets to Keep Togepi? | |
Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden | |
The Purr-fect Hero |
Pokémon Paparazzi | |
The Breeding Center Secret |
Riddle Me This |
Volcanic Panic |
Beach Blank-Out Blastoise |
The Misty Mermaid | |
The Battle of the Badge |
It's Mr. Mime Time | |
The Evolution Solution | |
To Master the Onixpected | |
Bad to the Bone |
All Fired Up |
Round One - Begin! | |
Fire and Ice |
The Fourth Round Rumble |
A Friend In Deed | |
Friend and Foe Alike |
Friends to the End |
Pallet Party Panic |
Orange Islands
Season 2
Episode | Details |
A Scare in the Air |
Poké Ball Peril |
The Lost Lapras |
Fit to be Tide |
Navel Maneuvers |
Snack Attack! | |
Tracey Gets Bugged |
The Mandarin Island Miss Match |
Misty Meets Her Match! |
Charizard Chills |
Pokémon Food Fight |
Pokémon Double Trouble |
The Stun Spore Detour | |
Hello Pummelo |
Enter The Dragonite |
Viva Las Lapras | |
A Tent Situation |
The Rivalry Revival |
Season 3
Season 4
Episode | Details |
A Goldenrod Opportunity |
A Dairy Tale Ending |
The Bug Stops Here |
Hassle In The Castle | |
Hook, Line, and Stinker |
Beauty and the Breeder | |
Power Play |
Trouble With Snubbull | |
A Ghost Of A Chance |
From Ghost to Ghost | |
Trouble's Brewing |
Moving Pictures | |
Freeze Frame |
The Ring Masters |
Control Freak | |
Current Events! |
Fight for the Light |
Machoke, Machoke Man |
Season 5
Episode | Details |
Around the Whirlpool |
A Corsola Caper | |
Octillery The Outcast! | |
Dueling Heroes | |
The Perfect Match | |
The Mystery is History! |
A Parent Trapped! |
A Promise is a Promise |
Throwing in the Noctowl! |
Nerves of Steelix |
Bulbasaur... the Ambassador! |
Espeon Not Included! |
For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll |
Extreme Pokémon! |
Hatching a Plan! | |
Dues and Don'ts |
Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution |
Rage Of Innocence |
As Cold as Pryce! |
Nice Pryce Baby |
Hocus Pokémon | |
As Clear As Crystal |
Outrageous Fortunes |
Beauty is Skin Deep |
Fangs for Nothin' |
Great Bowls of Fire | |
Better Eight Than Never |
Why? Wynaut! |
Lapras of Luxury |
Hatch Me If You Can! |
Entei at Your Own Risk |
Here's Lookin' at You, Elekid! |
Address Unown! |
Mother Of All Battles! |
Pop Goes The Sneasel! | |
A Claim to Flame! |
Love, Pokémon Style! |
Tie One On! | |
The Ties That Bind |
Can't Beat the Heat! |
Playing with Fire!! | |
Johto Photo Finish |
Gotta Catch Ya Later! |
Hoenn Alone...! |
Advanced Generation series
Season 6
Episode | Details |
Get the Show on the Road |
A Ruin with a View |
A Family That Battles Together Stays Together! |
There's no Place Like Hoenn |
Cerulean Blues |
You Never Can Taillow |
A Poached Ego! | |
Tree's a Crowd | |
A Tail with a Twist | |
The Lotad Lowdown | |
All Things Bright and Beautifly! |
All in a Day's Wurmple | |
Gonna Rule The School! |
Winner by a Nosepass |
Stairway to Devon |
Brave the Wave |
A Hole Lotta Trouble |
Gone Corphishin' | |
A Corphish Out of Water | |
A Mudkip Mission | |
Seeing is Believing | |
Just One of the Geysers |
Now that's Flower Power! |
Win, Lose or Drew! |
The Spheal of Approval |
Watt's with Wattson |
Season 7
Season 8
Kanto (Battle Frontier)
Season 9
Episode | Details |
Sweet Baby James! | |
A Chip Off the Old Brock | |
Wheel...of Frontier! |
May's Egg-cellent Adventure! |
Weekend Warrior |
Tactic Theatrics!! |
Reversing the Charges | |
From Cradle to Save | |
Time Warp Heals All Wounds | |
Queen of the Serpentine! |
Harley Rides Again |
Odd Pokémon Out! | |
Spontaneous Combusken!! |
Cutting the Ties that Bind |
Ka Boom with a View! |
What I Did for Love! |
Talking a Good Game |
Second Time's the Charm! |
New Plot - Odd Lot |
Going for Choke! |
Grating Spaces! |
Battling the Enemy Within |
May, we Harley Drew'd Ya! | |
Thinning the Hoard! | |
Channeling the Battle Zone! | |
Overjoyed! |
The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing! | |
Gathering The Gang of Four! |
Pace - The Final Frontier! |
Once More with Reeling! | |
Home is Where the Start Is! |
Diamond & Pearl series
Season 10
Season 11
Episode | Details |
Once There Were Greenfields! | |
Throwing the Track Switch |
Journey to the Unknown! |
Team Shocker! |
Riding the Winds of Change! | |
Sleight of Sand! |
Lost Leader Strategy! |
Crossing the Battle Line! |
A Triple Fighting Chance! |
Enter Galactic! |
Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 1 |
Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 2 | |
Crossing Paths |
Pika and Goliath! |
Our Cup Runneth Over! |
A Full Course Tag Battle! |
Staging A Heroes' Welcome! | |
Pruning a Passel of Pals! | |
Strategy With a Smile! |
The Thief That Keeps on Thieving! |
A Crasher Course in Power! |
Hungry For the Good Life! | |
Fighting Fear With Fear! | |
Arriving in Style! |
Playing the Leveling Field! | |
Battling the Generation Gap! |
Losing Its Lustrous! |
Double Team Turnover! |
A Trainer and Child Reunion! |
Aiding the Enemy! | |
Barry's Busting Out All Over! | |
A Shield with a Twist! | |
Jumping Rocket Ship! |
Sleepless in Pre-Battle! |
Season 12
Season 13
.Episode | Details |
Short and To the Punch! | |
Yes, in Dee Dee It's Dawn! |
Playing the Performance Encore! | |
Fighting Ire with Fire! | |
Piplup, Up and Away! |
Flint Sparks the Fire! |
The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore! |
Teaching the Student Teacher |
Keeping in Top Forme! |
An Elite Coverup! |
Dawn of a Royal Day! |
Dealing with a Fierce Double Ditto Drama! |
Last Call, First Round! |
Opposites Interact! | |
Coming Full Festival Circle! |
A Grand Fight for Winning! |
The Eighth Wonder of the Sinnoh World! |
Four Roads Diverged in a Pokémon Port! | |
Bucking the Treasure Trend! |
An Old Family Blend! |
League Unleashed! |
Casting a Paul on Barry! |
Working on a Right Move! |
Familiarity Breeds Strategy! |
A Real Rival Rouser! |
Battling a Thaw in Relations! |
The Semi-Final Frontier! |
The Brockster Is In! |
Memories are Made of Bliss! |
Best Wishes series
Season 14
Episode | Details |
In The Shadow of Zekrom! |
Enter Iris and Axew! |
A Sandile Gusher of Change! |
The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice! |
Triple Leaders, Team Threats! |
Dreams by the Yard Full! |
Snivy Plays Hard to Catch! | |
Saving Darmanitan From the Bell! |
The Bloom Is on Axew! |
A Rival Battle for Club Champ! |
A Home for Dwebble! |
Here Comes the Trubbish Squad! |
Minccino-Neat and Tidy! |
A Night in the Nacrene City Museum! |
The Battle According to Lenora! | |
Rematch at the Nacrene Gym! |
Scraggy-Hatched to be Wild! | |
Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest! |
A Connoisseur's Revenge! |
Dancing With the Ducklett Trio! |
The Lost World of Gothitelle! |
A Venipede Stampede! |
Battling For The Love of Bug-Types! |
Emolga the Irresistible! | |
Emolga and the New Volt Switch! | |
Scare at the Litwick Mansion! |
The Dragon Master's Path! |
Ash and Trip's Third Battle! | |
Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open! | |
Iris and Excadrill Against the Dragon Buster! |
Gotta Catch A Roggenrola! |
A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition! | |
Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokémon Knight"! |
Reunion Battles In Nimbasa! |
Cilan Versus Trip, Ash Versus Georgia! |
The Club Battle Hearts of Fury: Emolga Versus Sawk! |
The Club Battle Finale: A Heroes Outcome! |
Meowth's Scrafty Tactics! |
Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief! |
Crisis from the Underground Up! |
Battle for the Underground! |
Season 15
Episode | Details |
Enter Elesa, Electrifying Gym Leader! |
Dazzling the Nimbasa Gym! |
Lost at the Stamp Rally! |
Ash Versus the Champion! |
The Lonely Deino! |
The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue! |
A Call for Brotherly Love! |
Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 1 | |
Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 2 |
Battling the King of Mines! |
Crisis at Chargestone Cave! |
Evolution Exchange Excitement! |
Explorers of the Hero's Ruins |
Battling the Bully! |
Cilan Takes Flight! |
An Amazing Aerial Battle! |
Climbing the Tower of Success! |
The Clubsplosion Begins! |
Search for the Clubultimate! |
A Clubsplosion of Excitement! |
Commanding the Clubsplosion Crown! |
Battling the Leaf Thieves! | |
A Restoration Confrontation! Part 1 |
A Restoration Confrontation! Part 2 |
Evolution by Fire! |
Guarding the Guardian of the Mountain! |
Caution: Icy Battle Conditions! |
Clash of the Connoisseurs! |
Crisis at Ferroseed Research! |
An Epic Defense Force! |
Rocking the Virbank Gym! Part 1 |
Rocking the Virbank Gym! Part 2 |
All for the Love of Meloetta! |
Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times! |
Expedition to Onix Island! |
Iris and the Rogue Dragonite! | |
Jostling for the Junior Cup! |
Battling Authority Once Again! |
Ash, Iris and Trip: Then There Were Three! |
Goodbye, Junior Cup - Hello Adventure! |
The Road to Humilau! |
Meloetta and the Undersea Temple! |
Unova's Survival Crisis! |
Season 16
Episode | Details |
Beauties Battling for Pride and Prestige! |
A Village Homecoming! |
Drayden Versus Iris: Past, Present, and Future! |
Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad! |
Curtain Up, Unova League! |
Mission: Defeat Your Rival! |
Lost at the League! | |
Strong Strategy Steals the Show! |
Cameron's Secret Weapon! |
A Unova League Evolution! |
New Places... Familiar Faces! |
The Name's N! |
There's a New Gym Leader in Town! |
Team Plasma's Pokémon Power Plot! | |
The Light of Floccesy Ranch! |
Saving Braviary! |
The Pokémon Harbor Patrol! |
The Fires of a Red-Hot Reunion! |
Team Plasma's Pokémon Manipulation! |
Secrets From Out of the Fog! |
Ash and N: A Clash of Ideals! |
Team Plasma and the Awakening Ceremony! |
What Lies Beyond Truth and Ideals! |
Farewell, Unova! Setting Sail for New Adventures! |
Cilan and the Case of the Purrloin Witness! |
To Catch a Rotom! |
The Path That Leads to Goodbye! | |
The Journalist from Another Region! | |
A Pokémon of a Different Color! | |
Celebrating the Hero's Comet! | |
Survival of the Striaton Gym! |
Best Wishes Until We Meet Again! | |
The Dream Continues! |
XY series
Season 17
Episode | Details |
Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin! |
Lumiose City Pursuit! |
A Battle of Aerial Mobility! |
A Shockingly Cheeky Friendship! | |
A Blustery Santalune Gym Battle! |
Battling on Thin Ice! |
Giving Chase at the Rhyhorn Race! |
Clemont's Got a Secret! |
Mega-Mega Meowth Madness! |
The Bamboozling Forest! |
To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler! | |
Kindergarten Chaos! |
An Appetite for Battle! |
A Rush of Ninja Wisdom! |
Breaking Titles at the Chateau! |
A PokéVision of Things to Come! |
Going for the Gold! | |
Coming Back into the Cold! |
Climbing the Walls! |
A Battle by Any Other Name! |
To Find a Fairy Flower! | |
The Bonds of Evolution |
Heroes - Friends and Faux Alike! |
XY030 |
XY031 |
XY032 |
XY033 |
XY034 |
XY035 |
See also
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This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation. |